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Flexible Work Time


A next approach toward increasing workers freedom and their motivation is flex
time. Flexible work-time is a system whereby employees contract to work a
specific number of hours a week but are free to change the hours of work within
certain limits. Each day consists of a common core with a flexibility band
surrounding the core. This approach is becoming highly demanded and highly

Examples of Flexible-time work schedule

 7am to 9 am Starting time

 9am to 11.30am Core time
 11.30am to 1pm Flexible lunch time
 1pm to 4pm Core time
 4pm to 6 pm Flexible time for quitting

Concept of Flex Time

Under flex time employees assume responsibility for completing a specific job,
and that increase their feelings of self worth. Its benefits are decreased fatigue,
reduced absenteeism, less job defects, increased organizational loyalty and
improved recruitment.

According to Business Dictionary. Com “Flex time is a non-traditional work

scheduling work practice which allows full-time employees to choose their
individual starting and quitting times within certain limits(such as not earlier than
5 a.m. and not later than 5 p.m.). Flex-time periods usually precede or follow a
core time during which all employees must be present.”

Under flex-time, the employees may come in at 6 A.M and work until 2 P.M. Flex-
time gives employees the flexibility to control their own work schedules. Some of
the organization in the advanced countries introduced flexible working hours
which are known as flexi-time. Flex-time is a program that allows flexible entering
and leaving time for employees. Its permits employees the options of choosing
daily starting, quitting times, and breaks. But the conditions is that they must
work number of hours specified in the job descriptions. However, the employees
should be present in the office during core period.

Different Forms of Flex Time (or Flexible-Work)

Flex-time is being offered by companies because of the positive impact flexibility

has in retaining key employees. Moreover, digital technology helps employees no
longer have to fight traffic problems and other jobs. Flex-time can come in
different forms. They are:

1. Two people share one job, one working the moving shift, the other working
the afternoon (4hrs + 4hrs each).
2. Employees work for extra hours Monday through Thursday to enjoy a three
day weekend.
3. Employees work from the office, from home, or waiting for the school bus
to arrive.

It means that work is no longer a place, it is an activity that any employees can
undertake from a remote location.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flex-Time

Any program has its own types of positive and negative sides. Similar is the case
with flex-time also.


Most employees like flex-time, especially when it is needed flexible. It can put
individuals in control of their work lives and personal lives. Some of its most
important advantages can be listed as:

 Flexible hours addresses the reality of work places and employees.

 It helps to attract more qualified employees.
 It can help to boost company productivity.
 Helps to schedule hours to fit the peak demand times to business.

Research indicates that flex –time is not for every employees, every job, and
every employer. It may not equally work well for all. Some of its most common
disadvantages are:

 Setting flex schedules is complex and time consuming process.

 It can complicate daily operations.
 Smooth function and continuity of job may suffer.
 Employees may lose the sense of team work and family feeling.

Real Example of Flex-Work

In Kathmandu valley, employees in one management college have to work from

8:30 am to 2:30 pm (i.e six hours a day). The institute after introducing various
special courses extended its working hours up to 6:30 pm. Then it introduced
flexible working hours to the staff based on class hours. Time table used by the
institute is as follows:

 8:30 am to 10:30 am constitutes a flexible band during which the

employees may choose the time to handle the class.
 10:30 am to 12:30 pm is core time when all employees must be present.
 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm is flex time with one hour lunch break.
 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm is core working hours.
 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm is flexible schedule for leaving. Employees depending
upon their class schedule are free to leave at any time during this period.

In above example, all employees have to work for a minimum period of 6 hours a
day. Group of employees working together have to generally choose the same
Conclusion and Way Forward

Flex-time concepts are not only becoming popular and demanding in developed
countries rather they are used by the companies in developing countries, too.
This is designed to meet the changing needs of diverse workforce. It appeals to an
individuals growth needs (ERG theory) or desire for autonomy (motivation
hygiene theory).

Beyond flextime, many companies are also moving towards flexible work ( a
broader concept than flextime). In other words, flexible work also covers flex time
and goes beyond it. It offers more choices to both employees and organizations.
Important ones are:

1. Part-time: Working less than gives standard time.

2. Job-sharing: Here two employees divide the work of one full time job.
3. Flexible scheduling: It allows employees to choose when they want to work.
(e.g morning shift, day shift or night shift)
4. Results-only : Here nothing is fixed. The only concern is employees has to
bring results within a given time package;
5. Telecommuting: It is the work from remote place (mostly from home
through net)
6. Compressed work: Weeks ( total hours of works are completed in 3,4 or 5

Healthy Workplace


A happy and healthy employee is a productive employee. People who enjoy their
job are more likely to engage thoroughly with their work. A healthy workplace
environment is necessary to maintain positive outcomes in a successful
environment. A healthy workplace environment improves productivity and
reduces costs related to absenteeism, turnover, workers compensation, and
medical claims. Healthy workplace does not only constitute as needing medical
facilities and attention. It also includes the outlook of the workplace and even the


Lets move toward the concept of health, healthy and healthy workplaces. The
term health is a positive and dynamic concept. It implies more than an absence of
illness. The ‘WHO’ has defined health as: “Health is a state of complete physical,
mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Furthermore, industrial and organizational health refers to a system of public

health and preventive medicine which is applicable in industrial concern. Healthy
means free from disease of pain enjoying health vigour of body , mind, or spirit.

According to WHO “A healthy workplace is one where workers and managers

collaborate to continually improve the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers
and by doing this, sustain the productivity of the business.”

We know that people spend one third of their lives at work. So, the working
environment can have a significant impact on employee health and wellbeing.
Healthy wokplace is desirable from both employees and organizational point of
view. In short, healthy workplace concept covers mainly four aspects:

1. Proper workplace culture.

2. Physical environment and occupational health and safety.
3. Health and lifestyle practice.
4. Supportive workplace environment.

Ways to Create and Maintain Healthy Workplace (Components of Healthy


Creating and maintaining healthy workplace is not easy task. It demands long
effort, spending sufficient resources, support from all stakeholders, and proper
support from top leadership positions.
The three components of healthy workplaces are as follows:

1. Healthy people(individual factors): To creat healthy workplaces, the

organization needs to have healthy people at first. This components
focuses on individuals health needs of staff. They are improving access to
health services and information.
2. Healthy Places (environmental factors): This is the second component of
healthy places. In it managers need to provide a physical and psychological
environment that support healthy choices.
3. Healthy Vision: This factor demands active commitment of management
and business practices. Top management needs to develop polocies that
support and encourage healthy behavior.
 Get standard with leadership support
 Identify needs
 Monitor and review

Benefits of Healthy Workplaces

There is growing concern for creating healthy workplace by majority of

organizations throughout the world. It is because of two major issues i.e
compliance of the law, and increased productivity. Its benefits can be divided in
two groups that is benefits to employees, and benefits to the

1. Benefits to the Employees: Following are the most common benefits to the
employees which are offered by the health workplaces. They are:
 Increase in physical health and mental wellbeing.
 Increase in health awareness and knowledge.
 Improved morale, motivation and job satisfaction.
 Improved opportunities for a healthier lifestyle.
 Greater opportunity to enjoy life –both in and outside the workplace.
2. Benefits to the organizations: Not only employees get benefit form it,
employers also get the benefits. Some of most common are:
 Improved job performance and productivity.
 Reduced sick leave, absenteeism and turnover.
 Decreased medical and related expenses.
 Benefits from improved staff morale, motivation and job satisfaction.
 Improved corporate image and attraction.
 Helps in retaining employees

Creating and maintaining a healthy workplace is not a choice but is a compulsion.

Developing a healthy workplace is an activity or range of activities that aim to
support and promote the health of employes.

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