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I. Characteristics
A. heterotrophic – acquire nutrients by secretion of
extracellular enzymes followed by absorption
B. cell walls primarily of chitin
C. most fungal cells in the haploid state
D. reproduce sexually and asexually
E. multicellular molds, unicellular yeasts
F. five phyla

II. Structure - molds

A. hyphae - threadlike unit structure
1. septate or aseptate (coenocytic)
2. mycelium
3. haustoria - parasitic hyphal tips

III. Lifestyles
A. saprobes - decomposers
B. parasites -
C. mutualistic symbionts
D. tolerant to temp. extremes, high osmotic pressure

IV. Growth and reproduction

A. asexual - by mitosis NN
1. fragmentation of hyphae
2. budding in yeast
3. asexual spores
B. sexual - by meiosis 2N  N
1. N + N (opp. mating strains) dikaryon;
formation of fruiting structures by mitosis
2. nuclei fuse, zygote undergoes meiosis
3. basis of 4 phyla

V. Phylum Chytridiomycota
A. earliest diverging from protists
B. single flagellum on zoospore
C. aquatic; saprobes or parasites

VI. Phylum Zygomycota

A. coenocytic hyphae
B. zygospores produced
C. life cycle:
D. bread mold - Rhizopus

VII. Phylum Glomeromycota

A. form mycorrhizae
B. coenocytic hyphae

VIII. Phylum Ascomycota - sac fungi

A. sexual spores enclosed in asci (sac)
B. very diverse - includes yeasts, molds, and
mushroom-like organisms.
1. yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Candida – most common human
fungal pathogen
2. molds – Neurospora, Penicillium

3. mushroom-like - morels and truffles

C. life cycle – fig. 30.13
IX. Phylum Basidiomycota – club fungi
A. mushrooms, rusts, and smuts
B. basidiospores on basidiocarp (mushroom cap)
C. mycelium underground
D. life cycle - fig. 30.13

X. Deuteromycetes – imperfect fungi

A. not a formal taxonomic group
B. includes fungi w/ no known sexual stage
C. when sexual stage discovered, moved to a
particular phylum

XI. Symbiotic relationships

A. mycorrhizae
1. fungi ↑ surface area for plant root absorp.
2. plant root provides carbs. for fungus
3. ectomycorrhizae
4. endomycorrhizae
B. lichens
1. fungus+algae or fungus+cyanobacterium
a. fungus provides:
b. algae provides:
2. mutualism or controlled parasitism?
3. reproduction
a. asexually by soredia - small clusters
of hyphae w/ embedded algae
b. sexually separately
4. can survive extreme cold, dryness, and
are 1st to colonize bare surfaces
5. very sens. to air pollution

1. Know the general characteristics of fungi

2. Know the characteristics of the different fungal phyla, and on what basis fungi are
placed in these phyla
3. Define hyphae, mycelium, haustoria, dikaryon
4. Differentiate between a mold and a yeast
5. Know what organisms make up a lichen, and understand the ecological importance of
6. Define mycorrhizae, and understand the ecological importance of mycorrhizae
7. Define coenocytic, and know which division has coenocytic hyphae
8. Answer correctly Self Quiz questions 1-10


1. The group of fungi that reproduce asexually only is the division

a. Ascomycota
b. Acrasiomycota
c. Deuteromycota
d. Zygomycota
e. Basidiomycota

2. Fungi
a. are heterotrophic
b. have cell walls
c. obtain their nutrients by secretion of enzymes, then absorption
d. are multicellular or unicellular
e. all of the above

3. Mushrooms are in the phylum

a. Ascomycota
b. Acrasiomycota
c. Deuteromycota
d. Basidiomycota
e. Zygomycota

4. The mutualistic associations between plant roots and fungi are called
a. haustoria
b. mycorrhizae
c. hyphae
d. mycelia e. lichens

5. Most cell walls of fungi are composed of

a. chitin
b. cellulose d. calcium carbonate
c. silica e. none of the above
6. Fungi are classified into phyla on the basis of
a. their motility
b. the sexual spore they produce
c. the type of hyphae that they have
d. the asexual spore they produce
e. all of the above

7. Molds are ________________ while yeasts are _______________

a. multicellular; unicellular
b. made of hyphae; made of mycelium
c. heterotrophic; autotrophic
d. sexual reproductive; asexually reproductive
e. fungi; protists

8. Lichens are symbiotic relationships between ________ and _________

a. fungi; cyanobacteria
b. fungi; algae
c. slime molds, yeast
d. algae; protozoans
e. a and b only

9. Which of the following fungal groups have aseptate hyphae?

a. Ascomycota
b. Basidiomycota
c. Zygomycota
d. Deuteromycota
e. Myxomycota

10. Fungi spend most of their life cycle in the

a. haploid state
b. diploid state
c. dikaryotic state
d. polyploid state
e. none of the above

11. Which of the following is FALSE concerning fungi?

a. they have a major role in decomposition and nutrient recycling
b. the molds are heterotrophic, while the yeasts are autotrophic
c. some are important pathogens of plants, while others are very beneficial to
d. some produce antibiotics
e. they never produce flagellated cells

12. Lichens are very sensitive to air pollution, dryness, and cold temperatures
a. true
b. false

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