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Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 – MELC 3
Position Paper Writing


Activity Sheet No. 03
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in
any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the
government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for
exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Development Team of English for Academic & Professional Purposes

Activity Sheet

Writer: Ma Sherlyn diza T. Sumugat

Melody Fair A. Rasonable
Editor: Alpha Mae Guane
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team:
Marivir R. Flores
Margie Piamonte
Kent Charles G. Arnibal
Division of Sipalay City Management Team:
Renato T. Ballesteros
Regie B. Sama
Ronie T. Tababa
Annamor M. Eleccion
Noeme F. Luces
Key M. Espada
Regional Management Team:
Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul Pingil

This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Introductory Message
Welcome to English for Academic & Professional Purposes 11/12!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Sipalay City and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The English for Academic & Professional Purposes

Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning activities
specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This
will be made available to the learners with the references/links to
ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning even if you
are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform
the activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to
your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Quarter 2, Week 3

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)

Name of Learner: _____________________________Grade and Section: ______



Position Paper Writing

I. Learning Competency with Code

Write various kinds of position papers

II. Background Information for Learners

Social issues of national concerns have always been the usual cause of
the citizen divide. Individual’s reaction and participation, their perspectives
and positions toward any issues manifest their awareness of the events
and problems of the country and the world.

When one’s perception and stand of the issue are expressed in writing, he
is writing his position paper.

⮚ Position Paper is a composition that highlights an opinion of an

author; presents one side of an arguable opinion and persuades the
readers or audience that the author has well-founded knowledge
about the issue (Dapat, 2016).

Typically, a Position Paper is written after reading about and discussing a

particular issue. An author who writes a position paper is making an
argument that has to be built upon evidence (Colorado State University,

Elements of the Position Paper:

I. Introduction
⮚ Identifies the issue that will be discussed and states the author’s
position on the issue.
⮚ Includes a brief background of the topic to be discussed and
provides a general statement of the author’s position via his Thesis
Statement while grabbing the attention of the readers.
⮚ May be written in one paragraph

Example: (Topic: Democracy)

Filipinos have lived a democratic life for centuries, though recent

events have revealed flaws and abused practices of democratic rights.
II. Body
⮚ Contains the central argument that can be broken up into three
unique sections:
▪ Background information
▪ Evidence supporting the author’s position
▪ Discussion of both sides of the issue which addresses and
refutes arguments that contradict the author’s position
⮚ Provide sufficient evidence for each argument such as statistical
data, interviews with experts, and testimonies.

⮚ The longest part of the paper which may contain as many

paragraphs as necessary to support controlling ideas of the thesis

Example: (On the provision of evidence for the argument)

The government has tried various strategies and policies to improve the
quality, fairness and justice in the practice of democratic rights particularly
in the ratification of Human Rights Law to show support for political and
social freedom of its citizen.

III. Conclusion
⮚ Restatement or summary of the key and final points or the author’s
main arguments
⮚ Stress why your paper is superior and acceptable
⮚ Suggest a course of action
⮚ End with a powerful closing statement such as a quotation, a
challenge or a question.

Example: (On suggesting a course of action)

We recommend that government would create a coalition of Human Rights

advocates and lawyers representing all sectors of the government from the
poorest of the poor to elite communities to ensure that every right is heard
and treated in fairness and justice.

Common Kinds of Position Paper

1. Position Paper on Environment
This presents arguable opinion related to environmental issues and
Example Topic: “Dolomite Project in Manila Bay”

2. Position Paper on Academic

This substantiates an opinion or position regarding emerging topics on
the academe
Example Topic: “Academic Freeze”

3. Position Paper on Health

This details discussion concerning health access, security and status
Example Topic: “Philippine Health Care System”

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

To help deepen your understanding of the lesson, you may check out the
following links:

Dapat, J.O. (2016). Applied English for Academic and Professional Services.
Manila. JFS Publishing Services

Condina, L.(n.d.) Position Paper Writing. Accessed on October 20, 2020 from

Position Papers-Myers. (1993-2020) Colorado State University. Retrieved


IV. Activity Proper

Day 1

1. Exercises / Activities

Directions: Open the following links and read about “Dolomite Project in
Manila Bay”. Write your Position Paper regarding the topic afterwards. To those
who do not have access to the internet, you may read the article provided
entitled FAST FACTS: What is dolomite sand, and how will it affect Manila

Manila Bay dolomite not washed out, only covered by ‘black sand’.

Impact of the Use of Dolomite in Beach Nourishment in Manila Bay.

DENR defends the dolomite project in Manila Bay anewPTV News.

FAST FACTS: What is dolomite sand, and how will it affect Manila Bay?

FAST FACTS: What is dolomite sand, and how will it affect Manila Bay?
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is under
fire following the dumping of artificial white sand along the Manila Baywalk. The
government defends its decision, saying the beautification of the bay will
“signify cleanliness.”
The white sand is made from dolomite rock mined and exported from
Cebu. Later reports revealed that Cebu province did not greenlight the
extraction, but it was the DENR’s Mines and Geosciences Bureau that did.
But what exactly is dolomite, the material at the center of the controversy? We
know it's the material from which the sand is made, but other questions about
its possible adverse effects on Manila Bay persist. Here's basic information you
should know.

Used in construction
Dolomite, also known as calcium magnesium carbonate, is a non-metallic
material used in manufacturing bricks, mortar, cement, concrete, plastics,
paving materials, and other construction materials.
The rock originates in warm, shallow, marine environments and is believed to
form when limestone is modified by magnesium-rich groundwater, according to
geologist Hobart King. It has low solubility, which makes it resistant to acid
content of rain and soil.

Hazards to people
There are a number of hazards dolomite can pose to handlers, according
to a 2012 safety data report by Texas distributor and builder Lehigh Hanson
Inc. Dolomite contains varying levels of crystalline silica, which can cause
damage to lungs or even cancer when it is breathed in. The material can also
cause irritation to the skin and eyes.
The Department of Health also attested to dolomite’s health risks, especially
the adverse reactions in humans when inhaled. Health Undersecretary Maria
Rosario Vergeire said that when ingested, dolomite can cause pain in the
stomach and result in diarrhea.

Hazards to Manila Bay

Manila Bay has already been beset by long-standing environmental
problems, such as pollution and resource exploitation.
The DENR claimed that the crushed dolomite will not disrupt the bay’s
DENR Undersecretary Benny Antiporda said in a report,
“Kami sa DENR pinag-aralan natin 'yan. In the first place 'yung mga ginamit
d'yan, especially 'yung sand, 'yung dolomite boulders na 'yan it contains
calcium carbonate and if you will look sa corals, calcium carbonate din. So it
will not disrupt the coastal ecosystem.”
(We at the DENR studied that. In the first place, the sand we used, the
dolomite boulders contain calcium carbonate and if you will look at the corals,
they’re calcium carbonate as well. So it will not disrupt the coastal ecosystem.)
However, environmental group Oceana Philippines warned that since the
sand does not naturally occur at the bay, the government could be destroying

both the natural ecosystem of Manila Bay as well as the source of the synthetic
Marine scientist Diovanie de Jesus said the dolomite could cause hazards
to creatures in and around the water. Sediments in the water could make it
turbid, or opaque. The polluted water can also make it "stressful" for the bodies
of sardines, mackerel, anchovies, and other fish.
Lehigh Hanson had the same finding – allowing the sand into water can
increase total suspended particulate (TSP) levels, which can be harmful to
aquatic life.
The sand from the baywalk area could also transfer to other areas of the
bay where there are mangrove trees, beaches, and mudflats. De Jesus said if
the dolomite polluted these – where shellfish, crabs, and fish nurseries thrive –
they would become less habitable. Worms live here, too, which serve as food
for birds.

Oceans researcher and Greenpeace campaigner Sonny Batungbacal
highlighted the importance of conducting and disclosing to the public the
environmental impact assessment of the project, which is required under
environmental laws.
"It's very concerning there are these types of activities knowing fully well
we have environmental assessment processes," Batungbacal said in a mix of
English and Filipino during a phone interview.
"There needs to be a baseline and impacts if this pushes through... This
way we can have science-based decision making," he added.
Groups have slammed the DENR project, saying it focused on aesthetic
improvement over existing environmental concerns that Manila Bay
already faces. Others raised concerns over the government’s priority projects
amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Public policy think tank Infrawatch PH said the situation presents a writ of
kalikasan case in the Supreme Court – a legal remedy protecting the
constitutional right to a healthful ecology.

Day 2

1. Exercises / Activities

Directions: Open the following links and read about the proposed “Academic
Freeze” for the school year 2020-2021. Write your Position Paper about the
topic afterward. To those who do not have access to the internet, you may read
the article provided entitled Why “Academic Freeze” is Our Best Option

“Academic freeze’ calls and distance learning woes: How students and teachers
are responding to the challenge. Retrieved from


Academic freeze opposed. Retrieved from

CHED opposes academic freeze, pushes for “flexible learning’. Retrieved from

Why “Academic Freeze” is Our Best Option Now. Retrieved from

Why “Academic Freeze” is Our Best Option Now

COVID-19 prompted widespread closures of schools and universities

across the Philippines. While the adults deal with the worst of this crisis, the
children stay at home. That’s how it’s supposed to be. However, online classes
don’t give everyone the option to just stay at home.
A 20-year-old student from Capiz died in a road accident on her way
home from looking for an internet connection. Another 20-year old student in
Masbate had to climb a mountain to get internet access for her online
examinations. Compliance with school requirements, evidently, can be costly
for some students.
The Department of Education, since the first month of nationwide
quarantine, responds to the Pandemic by promoting online platforms for both
the students and teachers. Briones, DEPED secretary, expressed her optimism
about the online classes. She said that “education must continue even in times
of crisis”.
Resilience in the face of crisis is admirable, but one must not romanticize
the concept. Resiliency is the response to struggles. Instead of admiring the
struggle’s product, DEPED and CHED must address the struggles. What are
these struggles?

Online Classes are Anti-Poor

The online classes setup includes buying gadgets and paying for the
internet, both expenses that many Filipino families cannot afford during a time
of Pandemic. According to the Philippines Statistics Authority, the
unemployment rate in April 2020 escalated to 17.7%, which is equivalent to 7.3
jobless Filipinos.
The idea of getting academically left behind, however, is a mental and
emotional pressure that many students would do everything to avoid. One
student exposed his encounter with a girl in Omegle, an anonymous chatting
platform. The girl was selling “nude” photos in exchange for money, as she
claims, for online classes. She’s not the only one resorting to these methods to
make money.
Students also started hashtags on Twitter such as #PisoParaSaLaptop,
#PiroParasaTuition, #PisoParaSaOnlineClass. They put their GCASH accounts

and ask online netizens for “ayuda” to financially support their online classes
These students want to continue their education so badly that they are
willing to resort to methods that might put them in danger. Have the DepEd
grown so desensitized to the cries of the students? Have they turned a blind
eye to the struggles of the Filipino students?

The Digital Divide

The digital divide exists in the Philippine education system for the longest
time, but the Pandemic exposed just how bad it is. The digital divide is the
barrier between those who have access to computers and the internet and
those who don’t.
Educational attainment is heavily affected by the digital divide, and this
remains true to many countries in the world. Many provinces in the Philippines
have a slim to none access to the internet connection. Students and teachers
would have to climb high places to get internet access. Also, as reported by
STAR last year, 13 million Filipino households don’t have electricity.
Therefore, the transition to online classes will put certain Filipino student
population at a stark disadvantage. If there’s no internet connection, how can
the students do research work? How can they interact with their instructors?
How can they learn?
Education must not be exclusive for people who are privileged enough to
have a laptop and a stable internet connection.
Education is for everyone.

Mental Health Crisis

Students are among the most vulnerable population to mental health
issues. Young people are still developing, and social interaction is an essential
component of their well-being. Due to the sudden isolation, a new survey says
that sixty percent of college students are experiencing depression.
Clearly, this is not the best time for academic burdens. There are also
many students who don’t find their homes particularly conducive to learning.
Not everyone has the privilege to have a separate, personal room from the rest
of the family.
Academic requirements can take its toll on the mental health of young
people. Especially those who are also struggling financially. Therefore, mental
health must also be one of the aspects that the Department of Education is
looking into.

The hashtag #NoStudentLeftBehind is a call for inclusivity in the
educational system of the Philippines. It started as an online movement to
demand Mass Promotion for the students in face of the Pandemic.
Private institutions like Ateneo De Manila mass promoted their students.
However, the Department of Education strongly advised against it. They still
pushed for the online classes.
Now, #NoStudentLeftBehind is used next to #AcademicFreeze. Once
again, the students are trying to be part of the conversation.
It’s about time we listen to them.

Academic Freeze
The Philippines is facing unprecedented health, economic, and social
challenges. The “normal” days are behind us. Therefore, we should stop trying
to keep up the “normal” things in the times of “new normal”.
Until all the struggles mentioned above are properly addressed, and mass
testing is well underway, freezing the academic school year might be our best
option for now.
This article is published by Pluma Manila, a Creative Platform for
Everything Filipino. If you’re Filipino or Pinoy at heart, Be part of our team and
share your craft with us. Maraming Salamat!

Day 3

1. Exercises / Activities

Directions: Open the following links and read about the Philippine Health Care
System. Write your Position Paper relative to the reliability of the Philippine
Health Care System afterward. To those who do not have access to the
internet, you may read the article provided entitled Can You Trust the
Philippine Healthcare System?

Improving Healthcare in the Philippines. Retrieved from

10 Shocking Facts about Healthcare in the Philippines. Retrieved from country has
a high, %2C Malaria and HIV%2FAIDS

Philippines: Difficulties of accessing care in the Philippines, Public health care

issues, The healthcare. Retrieved from

Crisis in Health care. Retrieved from

Can You Trust the Philippine Healthcare System? Retrieved from
philippines-healthcare-system.asp#:~:text=KeyTakeaway%3A, from the budget
for 2019

What Is the Level of Healthcare in the Philippines?

If you are planning to live or retire abroad, chances are you have
questions about the healthcare system in your overseas destination: How good
is it? How affordable? What about insurance?

A popular location for expats is the Philippines, an archipelagic nation of

some 7,000+ islands known for its powdery white sandy beaches and endless

natural beauty. Expats choose the Philippines for the beaches and tropical
climate, the friendly, English-speaking population, a lower cost of living, and
access to what is considered quality, affordable healthcare. But just how
reliable is it? Can you trust it? Here’s a closer look at healthcare in the

Understanding Healthcare in Southeast Asia

The country’s government has allocated $3.2 billion to the health sector.
That is an increase of 12% from the budget for 2019. According to Healthcare
Asia, approximately $1.3 billion (PHP67.4 billion) went to the Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation, $1.1 billion (PHP59.6 billion) went to hospital services,
and the remaining $670 million (PHP34.2 billion) went to public health services.

The budget also allocated $150 million (PHP7.5 billion) for the National
Immunization Program, $810 million (PHP41.1 billion) for the Health Facilities
Operations Program, and $370 million (PHP19.1 billion) for the purchase of
drugs, medicines, and vaccines for distribution to various government health

The funds will allow the country’s Department of Health (DOH) to build
and upgrade medical infrastructure nationwide. The department will also
address the scarcity of employed health personnel across public health
facilities, particularly in hard to reach areas.

The Philippines healthcare and pharmaceutical market is expected to

experience robust growth. Additionally, healthcare expenditure in the
Philippines is expected to continue to grow steadily through to 2029, rising from
$17.2 billion (PHP897.4 billion) to $60.7 billion (PHP3.1 trillion).

The demand for healthcare in Southeast Asia as a whole is rapidly

increasing thanks to population growth rates.

The situation in the Philippines may have changed due to the COVID-19

Medical Personnel Shortages

Another challenge facing many countries in Southeast Asia is the chronic
shortage of medical personnel.

According to the Asian Review, every year, the Philippines loses

approximately 13,000 healthcare workers who go abroad to work. This has
aggravated the domestic shortage of 290,000, according to the Philippine
Overseas and Employment Administration. In 2020, the Philippines prohibited
doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals from leaving to work overseas
because the nation was grappling with the coronavirus.

Where Does This Leave Expats?

Despite these challenges, expats are generally able to access quality,
affordable healthcare—as long as they live in (or are willing to travel to) Manila,
where the standard of care is much higher than in the rest of the Philippines.

Most medical practitioners in the Philippines have graduated from the country’s
top universities and studied in U.S. medical schools, and many practiced in the
U.S. before returning to the Philippines.

The Philippines has both private and public healthcare facilities. In

general, the private hospitals tend to be rated higher in terms of facilities and
technologies offered; they are also more expensive because government
hospitals don’t charge any fees. That being said, it’s important to note that
some of the country’s best doctors serve in the public sector.

According to International, two of the best private hospitals

in The Philippines are The Medical City, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City, Metro
Manila and St Lukes Hospital, Philippines Medical Center, 32nd St.
Bonifacio Global City Taguig City.

As far as healthcare costs are concerned, most locals and expats

consider both services and medications to be very affordable. Another plus:
expats should have no trouble communicating with medical personnel since
nearly all speak and understand English.

The Philippines has a universal health coverage system called
PhilHealth (the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation), a government
organization attached to the Department of Health. The agency’s mandate is
“to provide health insurance coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable,
available, and accessible healthcare services for all citizens of the Philippines.”
The system is designed to be a way for the healthy to help pay for the care of
the sick, and for those who can afford medical care to subsidize those who
can’t. Premiums vary based on age and income.

Under certain circumstances, foreign nationals can enroll in PhilHealth.

If you are married to a Philippine national, for example, you can get coverage
as a dependent. The vast majority of expats, however, must purchase private
health insurance policies. Depending on your situation, health, and comfort
level with the local healthcare, you might want to consider adding a policy that
includes evacuation to your country of choice, such as Malaysia, Singapore, or
Thailand— countries with booming medical tourism industries.

The Bottom Line

If you live or retire in the Philippines, you can reasonably expect
quality, affordable healthcare if you are in the capital city of Manila. Outside
Manila, it might be a different story. The U.S. Embassy in Manila notes that
“Hospitals in and around Manila often offer high-quality medical care.... Many
hospitals outside major urban areas may offer only basic medical care in
rudimentary conditions. It is wise to evaluate the standards of medical care at
a hospital before contemplating a medical procedure.” If you live in a rural
area in the Philippines, it’s a good idea to research your local options and
decide how you’ll get to better care—before any healthcare services are

Note: U.S. citizens traveling to or residing in the Philippines are
encouraged to research current U.S. Department of State travel alerts and
warnings, and enroll in the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment
Program (STEP). STEP provides security updates and makes it easier for the
nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to contact you and your family in case of
an emergency.

2. Guide Questions

1. What is a Position Paper?

2. What are the Elements of a position paper?

3. At which element of the Position Paper, the author should state his/
her Thesis Statement?

4. Which element of the Position Paper should the author incorporate the
evidences supporting his claim?

5. What should be written in the Concluding paragraph of the Position


V. Rubrics for Scoring Position Paper:

criteria points
❖ Introductory Paragraph 25 points
(Clear Thesis Statement)
❖ Content & Organization 30 points
(support arguments;
❖ Concluding paragraph 20 points
❖ Source Citation 15 points
❖ Language & Grammar 10 points

Total 100points

VI. Reflection

1.What have you learned about the lesson?

2.Which part or concept of the lesson you find hard to understand?
3.What activity can you suggest that would help your teacher help you on your

VII. Answer Key

Guide Questions
1. Position Paper is a composition that highlights an opinion of an
author; presents one side of an arguable opinion and persuades the
readers or audience that the author has well-founded knowledge about
the issue.
2. The Elements of Position Paper are: Introduction, Body, and
3. The Thesis Statement of the author should be written within the
paragraph for the Introduction of the topic to be discussed.
4. The author should incorporate all the evidences he has supporting
his claim within the body of his paper.
5.The concluding paragraph of the position paper should contain the
restatement of the author’s thesis statement, the key and final points of
his paper and the suggestion for a course of action to be taken when
Day 3
Exercises/ Activities:
Position Paper essay may vary
Day 2
Position Paper essay may vary
Day 1
Position Paper essay may vary

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