Published IRR of RA 10815

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Republic of the Philippines Presidential Communications Operations Office National Printing Office EDSA cor. National Printing Office Road Diliman, Quezon City CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT INPL "RIZAL, OCCIDENTAL Ff TING RULES AND NDORC TESDA TRAT was published in the Official Gazette, to wit VOLUME, NUMBER, PAGE DATE OF ISSUE 113 9 1741-44 Februsry 22, 2017 and the last issue has been officially released by this Office on Partial] publication: .. Balance P... 1740 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Vou. 113, No. 9 FEBRUARY 27, 2017 OFFICIAL GAZETTE aa | | Technical Education Skills and Development Authority REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF TRA 1845 "RIZAL, OCCIDENTAL MINDORO {ESDA. TRAINING AND ACCREDITATION Genrer acr™ Pursuant to Section 8 of Republic Act (RA) No. 10815 “An Act Providing forthe Establishment of @ Technical Education and Skils Development Center in the Municigalty of Rizal, Province of Cccidental Mindoro to Be Known as the Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESOA Training ‘and Accreditation Center, and Appropriating Funds Therefor” the following Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) are heredy promulgated uve, Tile and Establishment Section 1. Short Tie —These rules shall be known as the Implementing Rules land Regulations of RA 10815 or the "Riza (Cccidental Mindoro TESA Training and Accreditation Canter Act” Sec. 2. Estabishment—A Technical Ecucation and Skils Development Center is hereby established in the Municipality of Rizal, Province of Occidental Mindoro Under the supervision of the Technical Education and Skils Development Authority (TESDA), to be known as the Rizal Cecidental Mindoro TESDA Training and Accreditation Center Sec. 3. Defntion of Terms —As used in this IRR, the folowing terms shal mean as: 2) Board shall refer to the Center Board, b) Genter J School shall refer to the Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA ‘raining anc Accreditation Center, ©) SHED, = Commission on Hier ducation; 4) Depéd ~ Department of Education; (¢) DOLE ~ Deparment of Labor and Employment DT ~ Department of Trade and Industy 49) IRR shall mean implementing Rules ‘and Regulations hy K to 12 means Kindergarten to 12 ‘rogram that consists of Kindergarten, ‘Six (6) years elementary, four (4) years Junior high school and two (2) Years Senior high school 1) LGU - focal government unit |) Out-of-schoo! youth (SY) shall refer to persons aged 15 to 24 years \who are not attending school, have nat finished any college or post-secondary course, and are not working kj TESDA ~ Technical Education and ‘Skis Oevelopment Authority 1) TVET—Technical Vocational Education ‘and Training, Rule. General Mandate Sec. 4. Goneral Mandate —The Rizal ‘Occidental Mindoro TESDA Training and Acctedtation Center shall primaniy provide technicslvocational vaining and” skils development programs to students trom Towsncome famiies ana autot-sehool youth in the Municipality of Rizal and adjacent ‘municipalities in the Province of Occidental Mindoro. it shall also play a pivotal roe in helping the students become productive, selfrelant and to develop them into becoming lobally-competive middle-level skilled labor force so as to hasten the social land economic development of Occidental Mindoro, 2s well as mee! the needs of both local and international labor markets ‘The Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA Training and Accreditation Center shall also seve as the assessment center for acquired competencies in. technical- a4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE vocational’ skis in the: whole Province of Occidental Mindoro. Further, as deemed necessary and practicable, In coordination with the Department of Education (Depa), it shall render relevant teachers’ training assistance and curriculum design support to the secondary schools in the Province of Occidental Mindoro which are offering technical-vocational education and training (TVET) track under the K to 12 Program of the DepEd, Rule Ml. Curicular Offerings and School Ste Sec. 5. Curicular Offerings — The Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA Training and ‘Accreditation Center shall offer short-term ‘courses. in preferred market-driven and relevant technical-vocatonal courses within its areas of speciaization in consultatonwith the Department of Labor and Employment (OOLE) and such other relevant agencies, ‘oth ical and intematonal ‘The DOLE shall provide the necessary labor marke information on Key Employment Generators (KEGs) and hard to fil and in- ‘demand occupations to serve as basis inthe dentitcation of priority programs. ‘The DT! shall provide information on current and emerging trends in the business sector that contribute to incusive growth and employment generation ‘The TVET curricular offerings shall be ‘esigned such that equivalent units will be credited as preparatory for baccalaureate Programs subject to the joint poicies of CHED ang TESDA. ‘The Training and Accreditation Center ‘may likewise establish research, service and training centers throughout the province to strengthen linkages between the industry and the technology programs. Sec. 8. Schoo! Site—The Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESA Training and Accreditation Center shail be estabished on 2 site in the Municipality of Rizal, Province ‘of Occidental Mindoro to be donated by the ‘concerned LGU, which is highiy accessible Vou. 113, No. 9 pursuant to the purposes of this IRR. and to ‘the mutual agreement between the TESDA ‘and the concemed local govemment unit (su). RULE IV. Administrative Provisions, nd Financial Sec. 7. Administration—The Rizal, Occidental ‘Mindoro TESDA Training and ‘Accreditation Center shall be headed by a Vocational Schoo! Adminstrator Il under the supervision of the TESDA. The Vocational ‘School Administrator Il shall be appointed by the TESDA Director General in accordance with TESDA guidelines, the cv. service rules and reguiations and the quaification requirements ofthe TESDA, ‘The Vocational School Administrator it shall render fukime services and shall be responsible forthe administration and operation (of the Rizal, Occidental Mindoro TESDA ‘raining and Accrectation Center, Sec. 8. Confer Board —The Center Board ‘shall be composed ofthe following ‘Chairperson : TESDA Provincial Director Mombors = Duly elected member of the House of Representatives of the Lone District ‘of Occidental Mindoro or hisiher authorized representative = Provincial Governor or representatve hismner = Municipal Mayor of Rizal, Occidental Minder or his represectative Representative from industy Representative from DOLE ~ Representative trom OT! ~ Representative trom DepEd = Vocational Schoo! Adminstrator Fepruary 27, 2017 The Board may also appoint prominent citizens from the private sectors such as ‘alumni ofthe school, civil society organization ‘who have distinguished themselves in their profession or trade craft, as member Representatives from other sectors or groups can be added as deemed necessary. ‘Secretariat suppor to the Board shall be rendered by the designated personnel ofthe schoo! See. 9. Powers and Functions of the Board —The Board which shall serve ‘as policy making body shall perform the following functions: 1) Promulgate after due consultations with stakeholders school policies, plans, programs and guidelines; 2) Organize and constitute standing committees, technical working groups ‘and other ‘bodies for the efficent implementation and monitoring of ‘school programs and activites; Enterinto, make and execute contracts In behalf of the Center subject to ‘existing laws anc regulations; Allocate resources in accordance with the approved instuional development plan See. 10. Staffing Pattern —TESDA shall prepare the structure and staffing pattem of the insttuion. The school personnel shall be appointed in accordance with the existing TESDA guidelines, civil service rules and regulations and qualifications standards for the positions. Sec. 11. Institutional Development Plan — “The Board shall formulate a S.yearInstiutional Development Plan that will define the ‘activites towards the full operatonaization {and continuous development ofthe Center. Sec. 12. Approprtions—The TESDA Director-General shall inctude in the Authoriy’s. program the implementation of the law, the funding of which shall be OFFICIAL GAZETTE a743 includedin the annual General Appropriations ‘Actas aline item budget under TESA. ‘The Provincial Government of Occidental Mindoro and. the Municipal Government (of Rizal, Occidental Mindoro shal allocate ‘annual funds o support the operations ofthe ‘Center as determined by the Boar. See. 13, Other Sources of Funds —The Center is allowed to collect taining fees following the standard rates prescribed by NEDA and approved by the TESDA Boar, ‘engage in income generating projects, enter into public-ptvate partnership (PPP), {and technical consulting activities, Allincome Served fom these actives shal be deposteg Inthe Trust Fund of the Center which shall bbe maintained in an authorized government epository bank The Center can spend the Income for administrative purposes, physical and system improvernent, capabilty bulding Drograms and other purposes as deemed Necessary for the efficient and effective delivery of ‘ts core functons, al subject to the standard government accounting and auditing rules, regulations and procedures. ‘The Center shall also be authorized to receive legacies, gifts, and donations of Feal and personal properties of all kinds {and to administer and dispose the same ‘when necessary for education and training Purposes and for the benefit of the Center subject to the limitations, directions and instuctons of the donor, if any, a8 well as to the standard government accounting and 2uiling rules, regulations and procedures. Rule V. Final Provisions Sec. 14. Separabilty Ciause-—t, for ‘any reason, any section of this IRR shall be ‘deemed unconstitutional or invalid the other sections or provisions hereof shall not be affected and shall thereby remain in force and effect. ‘Sec. 18. Repealing Clause —Al provisions of existing laws, executive orders, decrees, Instructions, rules and regulations which are Contrary to or inconsistent with any provision ofthis IRR are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. a744 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Vou. 113, No. 9 Sec. 16. Efectiviy—This Implementing Rules and Regulations shall take effect ‘teen (15) days afer its publication in the Offcia! Gazette or in a newspaper of general ‘culation inthe Philippines. ThisIRR shall be registered with the Office ofthe National Administrative Register at the University of the Phifpines Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezcn City Done this 20th day of October 2016 (S94) GuIuNG A. MaMoNDIoNS Director Generai/Sacrotary Technical Education and Skils Development ‘Authonty Feaauany 27, 2017 OFFICIAL GAZETTE

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