Smartphones + Science +technology + Vocab +part 3 - Prob-Sol

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Key Vocabulary
 every day/daily/quite frequently/routinely
 indispensable/can’t live without it
 email/instant messaging/video chat/social media networking/internet
searching/Google maps (satellite navigation)/entertainment (watching videos-
films/listening to music)
 ubiquitous/are everywhere
 most up-to-date/latest model
Future: faster/greater variety and more versatile apps/longer battery life/apps will use
more phone resources
Advantages + Disadvantages
+ instant messaging/communication/instantaneous communication
+ portable
+ powerful, almost like a portable computer
+ light weight
+ provide information right at your fingertips
+ multifunctional/many useful apps
+ inexpensive form of communication
+ has redefined communication
+ upload/download attachments
+ go online/browse websites
+ GPS navigation
+ handy/versatile
- addictive
- cause insomnia
- anti-social/stop communication
- rely on battery power and internet connection
- targets for thieves
- can be hacked
- vulnerable to water damage and breakage
Vocabulary Builder
A. Match the words to a synonym, antonym, or idiom.

1. quite frequently stop communication

2. indispensable are everywhere
3. social media network browse websites
4. ubiquitous can’t live without it
5. most up-to-date versatile
6. messaging communication
7. upload routinely
8. go online Facebook
9. handy latest model
10. anti-social download

B. Circle the odd word/s out.

1. every day once in a while routinely

2. indispensable can’t live without it not essential
3. Google maps instant messaging video chat
4. uncommon ubiquitous are everywhere
5. most up-to-date latest model out of date
6. portable light weight cause insomnia
7. reload upload download
8. Google search GPS navigation browse websites
9. can be hacked anti-social stop communication
10. targets for thieves multifunctional vulnerable to water damage
C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the key vocabulary above, or with the
correct form of the word in brackets, circle the correct word in bold, and then
answer the questions, using the structure provided but with information that is true
for you.

1. How often do you use a smartphone?

Routinely as it’s such a multi ____________ device, providing a/the whole range
of ____________ like instant ____________ apps like WhatsApp and
Facebook Messenger, which allow immediate communication anywhere around the
world, and Google search, which can put information right at your
(short answer + explanation + example + explanation)

2. What do you usually use your smartphone for?

By and large, for ____________ my friends and family since instant messaging
____________ like WhatsApp are free and ____________ (communicate) is
almost ____________ (instant). As well as this, it’s a great way to check and
send emails anywhere, not ____________(have) to rely on a computer as you
had to in a/the past.
(short answer + reason + example + 2nd answer)

3. What app do you mainly use on your smartphone?

Definitely instant ____________ apps like WhatsApp and Facebook messenger
given they not only provide instantaneous ____________ anywhere in a/the
world on both voice and video calls, but you can up____________ images and
videos, and they are ____________ (total) free.
(short answer + example + two reasons)

4. How do you think smartphones will develop in the future?

I guess the key change will be the battery ____________ since this technology
is continually ____________ (improve) and is something people really need,
and also the fast/speed of a/the phones will probably increase as both a/the
internet speed should do so and the apps being run may use more phone
(main difference + two reasons)
Speaking – Part 2

State setting, describe topic, and tell 1-2 stories related to it.

One Minute Preparation

Write down:
1. main verb tense
2. uncommon words and ideas to describe the topic and tell 1-2 stories related to it.

Describe a piece of technology.

Setting (where/when/who/what) Description
- When I was in the sixth grade, - appearance
- I remember when I was 12 years old, - characteristics
- I remember the time when… - special qualities • earliest memory
- Around six years ago,
- As far back as I can remember, • story:
- important events - start to end
- problems, difficulties, challenges
- solutions
- outcome
• highlights
Story 2 Story 1 • disappointments
- main events - important events • why particularly liked it
- problems/difficulties - problems/difficulties/challenges • what didn’t appeal
solutions - solutions • your feelings
- outcome - outcome

• every day/daily/quite frequently/routinely • has redefined communication
• indispensable/can’t live without it • upload/download attachments
• email/instant messaging/video chat/social • go online/browse websites
media networking/internet searching/Google • GPS navigation
maps (satellite navigation)/entertainment Negatives
(videos-films/music) - addictive
• ubiquitous/are everywhere - cause insomnia
• most up-to-date/latest model - anti-social/stop communication
Positives - rely on battery power and internet connection
• instant messaging/communication/ - a target for thieves
instantaneous communication - can be hacked
• light weight & portable - vulnerable to water damage and breakage
• powerful, almost like a portable computer Future of Smartphones
• provide information right at your fingertips • faster
• multifunctional/many useful apps • greater variety and more versatile apps
• inexpensive form of communication • longer battery life
• apps will use more phone resources
Key Vocabulary
 scientist/engineer/inventor/innovator
 conduct/carry out research
 observe/monitor
 analyse/study
 concept/idea
 hypothesis/theory
 scientific invention/discovery/breakthrough
 invent/invention
 useful/practical
 versatile/multi-functional
 important figure (Thomas Edison/Tim Berners-Lee/Bill Gates/Steve Jobs)
technophobe/computer literate
 digital/computer age
 instant messaging/voice calls/video conferencing
 laboratory/lab work/experiment
 instruments/equipment
 gadget/device
 advance/develop
 enhanced/improved
 genetic engineering/genetically modified/cloning
 phenomenon/significant
+ innovation/breakthrough/technological advancement
+ revolutionised the way/game changer/ground breaking invention/major
step forward
+ cutting-edge/state of the art technology
+ sustainable/renewable energy
- obsolete/outdated
- increase in fossil fuel emissions/global warming
- overly dependent on fossil fuels
- depletion of natural resources
- harmful side effects
Vocabulary Builder
A. Match the words to a synonym, antonym, or idiom.

1. inventor outdated
2. useful breakthrough
3. analyse improved
4. concept state of the art technology
5. hypothesis renewable
6. discovery practical
7. enhanced study
8. cutting-edge idea
9. sustainable theory
10. obsolete innovator

B. Circle the odd word/s out.

1. inventor engineer innovator

2. thought concept idea
3. hypothesis theory invention
4. imitation discovery breakthrough
5. gadget table smartphone
6. downgraded enhanced improved
7. phenomenon significant insignificant
8. revolutionised improved game changer
9. current cutting-edge state of the art technology
10. fossil fuels oil wind power
C. Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the key vocabulary above, or with the
correct form of the word in brackets, and circle the correct word in bold.

1. The personal computer would have to be a/the most ____________

breaking invention since it ____________ (ultimate) led to the creation of
the internet, which has____________ (revolution) the way we communicate

2. Probably my smartphone is the most practical gadget I have since it is so

multi-____________ with apps like Google Maps, which can help me to go
anywhere, and instant ____________ apps such as WhatsApp, which
enables me to communicate immediately anywhere in the world by text, voice,
or video ____________.

3. The electric light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison, is one of the most useful
scientific ____________ since it was a/the major step ____________
over the use of kerosene, which was unsafe and not particularly
____________ (environment) friendly.

Speaking – Part 2

State setting, describe topic, and tell 1-2 stories related to it.

One Minute Preparation

Write down:
1. main verb tense
2. uncommon words and ideas to describe the topic and tell 1-2 stories related to it.

Describe a piece of technology that you find useful.

Setting (where/when/who/what) Description
- When I was in the sixth grade, - appearance
- I remember when I was 12 years old, - characteristics
- I remember the time when… - special qualities • earliest memory
- Around six years ago,
- As far back as I can remember, • story:
- important events - start to end
- problems, difficulties, challenges
- solutions
- outcome
• highlights
Story 2 Story 1 • disappointments
- main events - important events • why particularly liked it
- problems/difficulties - problems/difficulties/challenges • what didn’t appeal
- solutions - solutions • your feelings
- outcome - outcome

• scientist/engineer/inventor/innovator • genetic engineering/genetically modified/
• conduct/carry out research cloning
• observe/monitor • phenomenon/significant
• analyse/study • Positives
• concept/idea • innovation/breakthrough/technological
• hypothesis/theory advancement
• scientific discovery/breakthrough • revolutionised the way/game changer/ground
• invent/invention breaking research/discovery
• important figure (Thomas Edison/ • cutting-edge/state of the art technology
Tim Berners-Lee/Bill Gates/Steve Jobs) • sustainable/renewable energy
technophobe/computer literate • Negatives
• digital/computer age • obsolete/outdated
• laboratory/lab work/experiment • increase in fossil fuel emissions/global warming
• instruments/equipment • overly dependent on fossil fuels
• gadget/device • depletion of natural resources
• advance/develop • harmful side effects

• enhanced/improved
Speaking – Part 3
Answer the questions, using the structures indicated below.

1. In what ways has science changed your society?
I’d say it’s had the most significant impact on medicine since many illnesses that
could have been fatal in the past like smallpox are now curable.
(short answer + reason + explanation)

2. In what ways has technology changed your society?

(short answer + reason + explanation)

3. What are the advantages of modern technology?

The main one would have to be speed since things like jet aircrafts and computers
enable us to travel and communicate so much faster than in the days where we
only had boats and landline telephones.
(main advantage + reason + example)

4. What are the disadvantages of modern technology?

(main disadvantage + reason + example)

5. What are the limitations of technology when it comes to business relationships?

While things like video conferencing may allow us to communicate almost face to
face easily and quickly across vast distances, it still isn’t quite the same as being
in the presence of the person since when you are, you can get a much better feel
for the person.
(while + two different answers + reasons)

6. What are the limitations of technology when it comes to personal relationships?

(while + two different answers + reasons)

Technology and the workplace

1. What technology or equipment is used in most workplaces nowadays?
(short answer + reason + explanation)

2. Does technology help workers, or does it make their lives more difficult?
(while + two different answers + reasons)

3. How have developments in technology affected employment in your country?

(main difference + reason + example)

Part 3
Six Types of Part 3 Questions
1. Opinion: Your opinion on some issue
2. Compare: Talk about the differences between two things
3. Advantage/Disadvantage
4. Why
5. Problem/solution
6. Future: What you think will happen in the future.

5. Problem/Solution Questions
These ask you to discuss the problems and solutions of some situation.
• What are the negative effects of having one international language?
• What are the problems caused by international tourism?
• Does the use of smartphones cause any problems to others?
• Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these days?

Three Ways of Answering

A. Main problem + reason + example/explanation
B. Best solution + reason + example/explanation
C. If - situation & result + reason

A. Main problem + reason + example/explanation

main problem + reason + example
main one is _________ because such as
key issue is _________ since like
most significant worry is _________ as For example,
most important concern is _________ given For instance,
most critical _________ owing to as was the case with
most pressing _________ due to the fact a good case in point

Question 1: What are the problems caused by international tourism?

Answer: Probably, the most significant one is over-crowding since it can destroy the
peace and tranquility and charm of a place. For instance, some beaches in Thailand are
so overrun with tourists, it’s hard to relax, not to mention the litter that is often strewn

1. What problems do people who live in the countryside face?
(A key one is the lack of quality education given nearly all top schools and universities are usually in the main cities. So, for instance, if
you live in rural India, you would have to migrate to one of the big cities if you wanted to attend a good university.)
2. Do you think there are any problems with the world’s climate now?
No question. The main one would have to be global warming since… For example,…)
3. What are some of the problems people face when travelling in foreign countries?
4. What kinds of problems can be caused when the proportion of elderly people in a

country keeps rising?

B. Best solution + reason + example/explanation
best solution + reason + example
best answer is _________ because such as
most effective way to resolve it is _________ since like
most cost efficient way to deal with it is _________ as For example,
easiest fix is _________ given For instance,
quickest thing to do is _________ owing to as was the case with
most practical measure _________ due to the fact a good case in point

Question 1: What is a solution to the problems caused by international tourism?

Answer: Probably, the best one would be to limit the number of tourists who can
visit certain areas or sites, so that they are not destroying the lifestyle of locals, which is
something that local authorities in Amsterdam have put in place to deal with this issue.

1. What do you think governments should do to address global warming?
(I’d say the best measure is to turn to renewable sources of energy like solar and wind power as this would reduce carbon
emissions and hopefully global warming.)
2. What is the best solution to the problems of having an aging population?
(The most effective one is… since… For instance,…)
3. What should someone do if something borrowed is not returned?
4. What should governments do to reduce air pollution in major cities?

C. If - situation & result + reason

Starting Phrase + If+situation+result + Reason + Example
I think if + situation + result because such as
I guess if + situation + result since like
Well, if + situation + result as For example,
I suppose if + situation + result for For instance,
I’d say if + situation + result given as was the case with
Actually, if + situation + result owing to A good case in point
Probably, if + situation + result due to the fact
Possibly, if + situation + result
(nothing) if + situation + result

Question 1: What are the negative effects of having one international language?
Answer: I guess if one language becomes predominant, it could lessen the
development of one’s culture because language is such a big part of it in terms of
music and writing and the way people express themselves in their own unique way
through their own language.
1. What problems can arise when people borrow things?
(Well, if they don’t return things in good time, it can create bad blood, and the lender may never ever let that person borrow
something again.)
2. Does the use of smartphones cause any problems to others?
(Yes, since if people… it can… given… For example,…)
3. Tell me about some of the environmental problems that are affecting countries these
4. What problems can children have when they are learning a new skill?

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