BSR Imperial - RA

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Introductory Notes

1 Excavation
2 Anti Termite Treatment
3 Earth work
4 Earth work Support
5 Concrete
6 Timber form work
7 Steel Reinforcement
8 Brick Work
9 Hollow Block Masonary
10 Random Rubble Masonary
11 Pressed Tilling
12 Wall Tiling & Terrazzo Tiles
13 Roofing
14 Roof Plumbing
15 Ceiling
16 Doors & Windows
17 Iron Mongery
18 Plastering
19 Painting & Decorating
20 Plumbing (PVC)
21 External Drainage (EW pipes)
22 Plumbing (CI Pipes)
23 Man holes & Gulleys
24 Sanitary fittings
25 Gutter & Down Pipes


Mark up of 35% on Basic Rates as Overheads & Profit allowance

The rates in this BSR analysis are the Basic Rates. This rate is compounded taking into account
(1). The market price of the materials that make up the item of work,
(2). The cost of transport of such materials to the site.
(3). The wages of the labour required in carrying out the work and,
(4). The cost of any plant required.

In carrying out a work, besides the Basic Cost, there are other costs that have to be incurred by the conntractor,
Which costs cannot be considered as direct protective work. These costs cannot be calculated in terms of materials
and labour cost and are termed as Overheads on a job and can be grouped under two main sub heads. Thus,

(1). Job Overheads

That vary with and are caused directly to the individual job

(2). General Overheads

Which include costs of maintaoning an office, work shop and yard in which to do business whether
or not there is a job under way and such expences are continous and may be shared by the job turnover.

The common items that make up these overheads are listed in page (2) & (3) of th analysis. The Overhead item
involved in a job is assessed as a percentage of the basic cost of the job. These percentages have been arrived
at from records of expenditure incurred in such avtivities over a period of time.

From the details in page (2) & (3) it will be seen that the job overheads is about 25% of the basic cost of the work.

10% of the baisc cost is allowed as profits and that the total mark up of the basic cost is 35%
(25% for job Overhead + 10% for profits)

Thus it will be seen tht on the basic of a work, a contractor is allowed a mark up of 35% of which 25% is the cost
of servicing the contract and 10% as contractors profit.

It will be seen that the 25% of overheads is made up of 19% as job overheads and 6% as General Overheads.

The job overheads are overheads incurred at the site and are applicable to all classes of contractors.

The general O/H howevevr, will depend on the size of the contractors organization and the facilities maintained by
the oraganization.

Thus any reduction in the O/H allowance to a contractor could be only within this 6% as General O/H and that
any reduction will be marginal.

This committee is of the opinion that all contractors (irrespective of size of their organization) should be allowed a
mark up of 35% on the basic cost as O/H and profit allowance.

Originally this Ministry had said the mark up as 30% (in 1978) and on representation made, it was increased to
35% (In the years 1978-1980) and later it was reduced to 25% and again to 22% etc. we believe that this was one
of the ……… of the deterioration of the standard of building work

In order to measure quality and strict compliance with specifications, the committee recommends 35% mark up
on the basic rates.


Analysis for Basic Rates

The Material and Labour Component required fo rthe various item of work including the minimal plant required for same
is detailed in the analysis of the Basic rates which have been included in the following pages.

Basic Rate

The basic rate is analysed under the following reading:

(a) Material
The quantities of material required for the item are computed from known data and experience. Their total value
is calculated on the basis of current costs of purchase at sources of supply. Unless otherwise stated wastage is allowed
in the norms.

(b). Transport
This component provides for the cost of transport of material from sources of supply to the sites of work. This
component is usually added to the material cost.

( c ). Labour
The labour wages are as approved by the Government from time to time and the basis of an 8 hour working day.

( d). Plant
This component provides for the minimum plant required for the items of work. the cost of tools and implement is
provided for in the O/H allowances.

(e). Basic Cost

The Basic cost is the sum of the costs of items (a), (b), ©, & (d) above.

Overheads & Profit factor

O/H costs include such costs that cannot be considered as direct productive work on the job. These may be generally
grouped as follows:

(a). Job Overheads

That vary with and are caused directly by the individual jobs and,

(b). General Overheads

Which include costs of maintaining an office, workshop and yard in which to do business whether or not there
is a job under way. Such expenses are continuous and may be shared by the job turnover.

The common items that make up the overhead cpsts are listed below. The cost of the overhead items involved on a job is
assessed as a percentage of the Basic cost of the job. In the case of the construction agencies executing building construc
works the overheads component may be listed as below:

Job Overheads (Site O/H) % of Basic Cost

1. Supervision of work (wages of work Supervisors)

2. Supervision of labour (wages of Gangers)
3. Temporary works:
(a). Access Road & Maintenance
(b). Site building for accomodation of part labour
©. Central stores building
(d). Fencing and protection
(e). Provision of water, lights etc.
(f). Clearing & tidying up
(g). Collection of building materials including cement and steel
4. Watchers for field stores and security of sites
5. Tools andimplements for miscellaneous work
6. (a). Setting out and measurements
(b). Providing samples for testing
7. Transportaion of supervisory staff
8. Job office, furniture stationary, supplies, water, lights etc.
9. Wedges of job office staff
10. Transportation of job office staff
11. (a). Bonds for bid performance and fidelity Guarantee
(b). Insurance of work & workmen's compensation
12. (a). Interest in Capital Investment
(b). Business Turnover Tax

General O/H
13. Head office and rent, lights, telephone, Stationary supplies, furniture etc for same
Salaries of
15. Transportation and subsistance of head office staff
16. Insurance, Interest and Taxes on business
, Legal expences and consultancy fees
18. Workshop & Yard rents, sheds, garages & supplies
,19. Salaries of workshop & yard storekeepers, Drivers, Foremen, Mechanics & workmen
10% of the basic costs is allowed as profit to the Contractor.
minor staff
O/H and Profit Factor
Combining the factors for O/H and the Profits factor we get 35% of the Basic rate as the O/H and profit factor which
also called the "Mark- Up" on the Basic Rate.

This Basic Rate Analysis does not include for the use of heavy plant and equipment. This analysis provides for a labour in
method of work with a minimal use of machinary. The machinery allowed in this analysis is the concrete mixer, the vibrator
hoist in the case of a multi - storeyed building for the lift of materials to the various floors.

This analysis is applicable for a building having a maximum of four storeys. i.e. ground & three floors.
If a building has more than four floors or when the contract period is compressed to a few months, then it will be necessary
for the use of heavy machinerysuch as tower cranes, mobile cranes, dumpers, loaders, batching plant for the mixing of con
bins for the storage of concrete material etc. and also for the employment of contract managers and additional staff.

The cost of such item of work will not be accommodated within the 35% "Mark - up" and will have to be provided for in sep
such as preliminaries to the Contract.


To Rate
Convert Multiply by
Rate per

Cube m3 0.353

Square m2 0.1075

ft2 m2 10.7584

Lft m 3.28

CWT kg 0.02

Allowances to be made in the rates for lift in respect of work on upper floors

In the analysis of the various items of work in the following pages the rates to work on the ground floor.

To these rtes the percentages ( of the ground floor rates) indicated in the table below should be added to obtain the rates
applicable to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. This BSR is limited to work on the ground & 3 upper floors only.

Ground to
1st Fl
Concrete ( Cube) 3%
9" Thk. Brick work (sqr) 5%
9" thk. Brick work (Cube) 5%
4 1/2" thk. Brick work ( sqr) 5%
Steel Reinforcement (CWT) 2.5%
Plastering (Sqr) 5%
Painting (Sqr) 3%
Floor Tilling (Sqr) 2%
Wall Tilling (Sqr) 2%
Roof Calicut tiles (Sqr) 3%
Roof Asbestos ( Sqr) 3%
Ceiling Work 3%


1. Soils met with in excavation have been classified as follows:

1). Soft / Loose soil
2). Ordinary Soil
3). Hard / Dense Soil
4). Mud / Wet Clay
5). Soft disintergrated rock (ie. Rock not requiring blast)
6). Hard rock- (a). Where blasting is approved.
(b). Where blasting is prohibited.

2. The analysis has been prepared for each of the above categories as shown in item Nos 3-9

3. However, in the preparation of estimates for purposes of calling for Tenderers, on;y two BOQ item would be included in
BOQ as against the BSR item No 3,4,5,6,7,8,& 9. The description of these two BOQ items would be as follows;
(a). Excavation in any material met with except roc requiring blasting
(b). Excavation in rock requiring blasting

4. This classification has been adopted (where tenders are called) to avoid any dispute that may arise as to the exact natu
soil tht will be met with when the actual excavation is carried out. The tenderer is expected to examine the site and to form
opinion of the nature of the soil that is met with and rate his tender accordingly.

5. The classification of the soil in Note 1 above and the analysis provided for the different type of soil will help the estimato
at the actual cost of excavation, for which he will have to allow in his estimate.
6. Under Note 1 (6) b Hard rock, an analysis is provided for removing Hard rock met with in foundation excavations where
prohibited or cannot be done, like in built up areas where blasting can cause damage to adjoining buildings.

7. In the excavation items Nos 3 to 9 the labour norms allowed in the items is for an excavation up to a maximum depth of
additional unskilled labourer should be added for every additional depth of 5' 0" or part thereof for each cube of excavation
the original 5' 0" depth.
by the conntractor,
d in terms of materials
ub heads. Thus,

business whether

he Overhead item
have been arrived

sic cost of the work.

ch 25% is the cost

neral Overheads.

ilities maintained by
ral O/H and that

hould be allowed a

was increased to
ve that this was one

nds 35% mark up

al plant required for same

xperience. Their total value

stated wastage is allowed

to the sites of work. This

s of an 8 hour working day.

st of tools and implement is

These may be generally

ness whether or not there

d items involved on a job is

s executing building construction

% of Basic Cost





O/H and profit factor which is

ysis provides for a labour intensive

concrete mixer, the vibrator and a
ths, then it will be necessary to allow
ng plant for the mixing of concrete,
s and additional staff.

ave to be provided for in separate items


e added to obtain the rates

Ground to
2nd FL
Ground to
3rd FL
5% 7%
7% 9%
7% 10%
7% 10%
5% 7.5%
10% 15%
6% 9%
4% 6%
4% 6%
6% 9%
5% 7%
5% 7%

Q item would be included in the

uld be as follows;

ay arise as to the exact nature of the

examine the site and to form his own

of soil will help the estimatorin arriving

undation excavations where blasting is
ning buildings.

n up to a maximum depth of 5' 0" an

for each cube of excavation beyond
Unite Price
Date Material Unit Remarks
(Without VAT)

Ready Mix

30-Sep-2006 01 Grade 15 (1:3:6) m3 6,400.00 Transport

30-Sep-2006 02 Grade 20 (1:2:4) m3 6,850.00 + 300/= per m3
30-Sep-2006 03 Grade 25 (1:11/2:3) m3 7,150.00
30-Sep-2006 04 Grade 30 (1:1:2) m3 7,350.00
05 Grade 35 ( m3

Machine/ Hand Mixing

11-Sep-2006 01 Cement - Supiri Bag 613.15

11-Sep-2006 02 Cement - Seegra Bag 515.65
11-Sep-2006 03 Cement - Pedareru Bag 479.13
04 Metal - 3/4" m3 1,540.00
05 Metal - 1" m3 1,264.35
06 Metal - Chip Cu
07 Sand Cu

1-Apr-2006 01 Plywood - 9 mm thk. - MR Nr 1,608.70
1-Apr-2006 02 Plywood - 12 mm thk. - MR Nr 1,782.61
1-Apr-2006 03 Plywood - 15 mm thk. - MR Nr 1,869.57
1-Apr-2006 04 Plywood - 18 mm thk. - MR Nr 2,043.48
1-Apr-2006 05 Plywood - 21 mm thk. - MR Nr 2,391.30
1-Apr-2006 06 Plywood - 25 mm thk. - MR Nr 3,043.48
1-Apr-2006 07 Plywood - 29 mm thk. - MR Nr 4,304.35

1-Apr-2006 08 Plywood - 9 mm thk. - WBP Nr 1,695.65

1-Apr-2006 09 Plywood - 12 mm thk. - WBP Nr 1,956.52
1-Apr-2006 10 Plywood - 15 mm thk. - WBP Nr 2,000.00
1-Apr-2006 11 Plywood - 18 mm thk. - WBP Nr 2,304.35
1-Apr-2006 12 Plywood - 21 mm thk. - WBP Nr 3,043.48
1-Apr-2006 13 Plywood - 25 mm thk. - WBP Nr 4,347.83
1-Apr-2006 14 Plywood - 29 mm thk. - WBP Nr 5,000.00

01 Mild Steel - 6 mm MT
02 Mild Steel - 8 mm MT
03 Tor Steel - 10 mm MT
04 Tor Steel - 12 mm MT
05 Tor Steel - 16 mm MT
06 Tor Steel - 20 mm MT
07 Tor Steel - 25 mm MT
08 Tor Steel - 30 mm MT
09 Binding Wire kg

Masonary/ Plastering/Rendering

01 Bricks Nr
02 Wire cut Bricks Nr
03 Rubble 6" x 9" cu
04 Cement Blocks
11-Oct-2006 Solid - 4" Nr
11-Oct-2006 Solid - 6" Nr 61.48
11-Oct-2006 Solid - 8' Nr 83.91
Hollow - 4" Nr 27.17
Hollow - 6" Nr 40.00
Hollow - 8" Nr 54.35


11-Oct-2006 01 Terracota 200 x 200 mm Nr 23.00

11-Oct-2006 02 Pressed Tile 200 x 200 mm Nr 15.00
03 Ceramic Nr
04 Non Ceramic Nr
05 Vinyil Tile Nr


01 Weathersheild Ltr
02 Enemel Ltr
03 Aluminium Sealer Ltr
04 Filler Ltr
05 Pre - Coat Ltr
06 Joint Compound Ltr
07 Primer Ltr


01 2"x 1" Lft

02 2" x 2" Lft
03 2" x 3" Lft
04 2" x 4" Lft
05 2" x 6" Lft
06 2" x 9" Lft
07 4" x 3" Lft
08 4" x 6" Lft
09 4" x 8" Lft

Plywood Door

01 Ordinary / MR(Moisture resistant)

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr

02 Ordinary / BR (Boil resistant)

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr

03 Teak One side Luxury Type -MR

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr

04 Teak One side Luxury Type -BR

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr

05 Teak Both Side Luxury Type -MR

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr

06 Teak Both Side Luxury Type -BR

2' - 3' Nr
2' - 6' Nr
2' - 9' Nr
3' - 0' Nr
3' - 6' Nr


Skilled Labour day 750.00

U/Sk Labour day 550.00
Mason day 750.00
Carpenter day 750.00
Barbender day 750.00
Blacksmith day 750.00
Tinker day 750.00
Plumber day 750.00
Glazier day 750.00
Painter day 750.00
1). Removing top soil to a depth not exceeding 6" & depositing as directed within site

Per 10 Sqr

Consider an area of 10.00 Sqrs. (ie. 5.00 Cubes of excavation)

U/Sk Labour Days 10.00 800.00 8,000.00

Rate per 10.00 sqrs 8,000.00

Rate per sqrs 800.00
m2 86.11

2). Excavation over site to reduce level, in any material except rock requiring blasting including depositing & levelling as
directed upto a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 1 5/8 800.00 1,300.00

3). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in soft/ loose soil from 0'- 0" to 5'- 0" deep & depositing excavated
material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0" (Earth work support to be paid seperately where necessary

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 1.00 800.00 800.00

m3 282.69

4). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Ordinary soil from 0'- 0" to 5'- 0" deep & depositing excavated material
not exceeding 30' 0"

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/4 800.00 1,800.00

m3 636.04

5). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Hard/Dense soil upto depth of 5'- 0" deep & depositing excavated
material up to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 3 1/2 800.00 2,800.00

6). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Mud/Wet soil upto depth of 5'- 0" & depositing excavated material to
distance not exceeding 30' 0"
(Earthwork & dewatering paid for seperately)

Per Cube
U/Sk Labour Day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00

7). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Soft distintegrated rock (not requiring) up to a depth of 5'- 0" &
depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00

8). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Hard rock requiring blasting up to a depth of 5'- 0" & depositing
excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

Per Cube

Blasting powder Lbs 0.75 0.00
fuse Lft 10.00 0.00
Jumper Steel Lbs 1.00 0.00
Fuel & Forge (20% of Material cost) 20% 0.00 0.00

Sk. Labour Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00

9). Benching rock in foundation in 3"- 6" steps. (Blasting prohobited)

Per 10 ft2
Drilling,Chipping & Welding -
Sk labour Day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
Steel,Fuel & Forge - 25% of labour cos 25% 1,800.00 450.00
Collecting & Dipositing
U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00

Rate per Ft2 345.00

Ex-1 Excavation Column footing N.E. 1.5 m deep from exsisting Ground level Incl.

Per Cube
Excavator (120) hrs 1.25 0.00
(Incl. excavation, part
return fill loading tractor
tp dispose away from

Transporting excavated erathed earth away from site

Tractor hrs 1.50 0.00
Rate/m3 0.00

Ex-2 Excavation trench for wall column foundation n.e 1.0 m deep incl. back filling & well ramming, removing surplus
excavated materials & planking & strutting working space excavation.

Per Cube
Excavator hr 0.50 0.00
Back hoe hr 0.25 0.00
Removing excess earth in tractor 583.00 0.00
Allow fo rpump 250.00 0.00
Planking & Strutting
Class II timber ft3 14.00 0.00
Add For Wedges 5% 0.00
Add Transport & Wastages 10% 0.00
Labour ft2 70.00 0.00
Rate / m3 0.00

Ex-3 Site preparation incl. clearing site vegetation excavating top soil (Avg. depth 150 mm)

Per m3
Excavator hr 0.18 0.00
Back hoe hr 0.09 0.00
Removing excess earth in tractor (8 l 583.00 0.00 1 load = 0.75 Cu
Allow fo rpump 250.00 0.00
Labour Day 0.35 0.00

Ex-4 Excavating pits n.e.1.0 m deep pit of ( 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.0 m deep)

Per m3
Excavation incl. removing of excess earth

Planking & Strutting

12 mm thk. Plywood (Ass m2 4.00 0.00
Labour m3 4.00 0.00
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 0.00
Allow for dewatering 200.00

Ex-5 Bulk excavation exceeding 2.0m but n.e 3.0 m from existing ground level. Rate shall incl. for compacting & levelling
bottom of excavation & Sand filling…………………………

Per Cube
JCB hr 2.00 0.00
Back hoe hr 0.25 0.00
Tipper Cu 3.00 0.00
Sand filling Cu 0.66 0.00
Labour day 1.50 0.00
10). Anti termite treatment on excavated foundation and compacted soil under floors.

Per Sqr

D.D.T. Powder lbs 16.00 0.00 0.00
(8% in 20 gals of water)
Water gals 20.00 5.00 100.00

U/Sk Labour Days 1/2 800.00 400.00
Note: Alternative Mixes

a). CopperNaphthelene (5% in 4 to 8 gal of fuel oil)

b). Sodium Arsenate (10% in 12 to 20 gal ) of Water
c). Dieldrine (0.3% in 19 gals of Water)

10). DPC

Per Sqr


Cement bags 2.50 682.00 1,705.00

Sand Cu 0.12 7,000.00 840.00

DPC Tar Ltr 6.83 212.50 1,451.38

Add Wastage 2% 3,996.38 79.93


U/Sk Labour Days 1 800.00 800.00

Sk Labour Days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Add Tools 3% 2,000.00 60.00

Sqr 6,136.30

m2 660.53

10). DPM

Per m2


1000 guage Polythene m2 1.00 72.63 72.63

Add Lap 15% 15% 72.63 10.89

Labour hr 0.30 100.00 30.00

m2 113.52
11). Earth work - Backfilling & Compacting

Back filling to trenches with selected earth available at site.

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 1.00 800.00 800.00

m3 336.13

12). Backfilling to trenches with Imported material.

Per Cube

1.00 Cube earth delivered at site Cube 1.00 0.00

Allow 15% Compaction 15% 0.00 0.00

Filling & Compacting

U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/4 800.00 1,000.00


13). Filling under floors including levelling,Watering & Compacting in 3" layers with available and Selected earth at

Per Cube

U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00

14). Filling under floors including levelling,Watering & Compacting in 3" layers with available and Imported Selected
earth at site

Per Cube

1.00 Cube earth delivered at site. Cube 1.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Allow for 15% Compaction 15% 1,500.00 225.00

U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00


m3 1,174.91

15). Cutting turf sods, loading to hand carts and transporting upto 30 yards, laying and watering for 30 days.
(Royalty for turf, pegging & tranport beyond 30 yards paid seperately)
Per Sqr

Cutting turf sods, Loading and transporting to site and unloading

U/Sk labour Days 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00

Laying turf rods at site

U/Sk labour Days 1/2 800.00 400.00

Watering for 30 days

U/Sk labour Days 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00

Water Gals 60.00 5.00 300.00



Rate does not Include for:

a). Royalty for turf

b). Transport of Turf

c). Pegs on sloping site

d). Water

16). Earthwork support (open Planking) in trenches up to a depth of 5' 0"

Consider trench 15' 0" long, 3' 0" wide & 5' 0" depth open planking to both faces.
Total area - 2/15' 0" x 5' 0" = 150 ft2

Per 150 ft2


Class II timber (3 Uses) Ft3 17 1/2 680.00 3,966.67

Add 5% on above for wedges 5% 3,966.67 49.58


Carpenter Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk Labour Day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00

Rate per 150ft2 7,616.25

Rate per ft2 50.78

Rate per Sqr 5,077.50

m2 546.56

17). Earthwork support (Close planking) in trenches up to 5' 0" depth

Consider trench of length of 15' 0" 3'0" wide & 5' 0" height of planking to both faces
Then area suppotorted is 2/15' x 5'
ie 150 ft2

Per 150 ft2


Class II timber (3 Uses) ft3 30.00 680.00 6,800.00

Add 5% on above for wedges. 5% 6,800.00 340.00


Carpenter Days 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00

U/Sk Labour Days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00


Rate per ft2 95.60

m2 1,028.66

18). Earthwork support (Close planking) in deep excavation in trenches up to 15' 0" depth

Consider trench of length of 15' 0" width 5' 6" at top 3' 6" bottom
Then area suppotorted is 2/15' x 15'
ie 450 ft2

Per 450 ft2


Class II timber (4 Uses) ft3 100.00 0.00 0.00

Add 5% on above for wedges. 5% 0.00 0.00


Carpenter Days 8.00 0.00 0.00

U/Sk Labour Days 20.00 0.00 0.00


Rate per ft2 0.00

BF-1 Filling to make up level with selected excavated earth under floors

Per m3

Imported earth m3 1.00 0.00

Allow for 15% for bulking 0.00

Back hoe hr 0.18

Compactor hr 0.53

Labour Days 0.53 0.00 0.00

Add Tools 3% 0.00 0.00


Rate per m3 0.00

BF-2 Selected Imported quarry dust filling well compacted in layers below pile cap thk. n.e. 300 mm

Per Cube

Quarry Dust Cube 1.00 0.00

Allow for 15% for bulking 0.00 0.00

Back hoe hr 0.50 0.00

Tamper hr 1.00 0.00

Labour hr 1.50 0.00 0.00


Rate per m3 0.00

A1 - Exacavation

1). Removing top soil to a depth not exceeding 6" & depositing as directed within site Sqr

2). Excavation over site to reduce level, in any material except rock requiring blasting including Cube
depositing & levelling as directed upto a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

3). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in soft/ loose soil from 0'- 0" to 5'- 0" deep & Cube
depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0" (Earth work support to be paid
seperately where necessary

4). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Ordinary soil from 0'- 0" to 5'- 0" deep & Cube
depositing excavated material not exceeding 30' 0"

5). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Hard/Dense soil upto depth of 5'- 0" deep & Cube
depositing excavated material up to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

6). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Mud/Wet soil upto depth of 5'- 0" & depositing Cube
excavated material to distance not exceeding 30' 0"

(Earthwork & dewatering paid for seperately)

7). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Soft distintegrated rock (not requiring) up to a Cube
depth of 5'- 0" & depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

8). Excavation in trenches for walls/ column pits in Hard rock requiring blasting up to a depth of 5'- Cube
0" & depositing excavated material to a distance not exceeding 30' 0"

9). Benching rock in foundation in 3"- 6" steps. (Blasting prohobited) ft2

A2 - Anti Termite Treatment

10). Anti termite treatment on excavated foundation and compacted soil under floors. Sqr

A3 - Earth work & Back Filling

11). Back filling to trenches with selected earth available at site. Cube

12). Backfilling to trenches with Imported material. Cube

13). Filling under floors including levelling,Watering & Compacting in 3" layers with available and Cube
Selected earth at site

14). Filling under floors including levelling,Watering & Compacting in 3" layers with available and Cube
Imported Selected earth at site

15). Cutting turf sods, loading to hand carts and transporting upto 30 yards, laying and watering for 30 Sqr
days. (Royalty for turf, pegging & tranport beyond 30 yards paid seperately)
A4 - Planking & Strutting

16). Earthwork support (open Planking) in trenches up to a depth of 5' 0" Sqr
Consider trench 15' 0" long, 3' 0" wide & 5' 0" depth open planking to both faces.

17). Earthwork support (Close planking) in trenches up to 5' 0" depth Sqr

18). Earthwork support (Close planking) in deep excavation in trenches up to 15' 0" depth Sqr

B1 - Concreting

19). Mixing concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2") Cube

20). Mixing concrete 1:2 1/2:5 (1") Cube

21). Mixing concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") Cube

22). Mixing concrete 1:11/2:3 (3/4") Cube

23). Mixing concrete 1:1:2 (3/4") Cube

24). 2" thk cement concrete screed in foundation at depths n.e.5' 0" Sqr

25). 3" thk cement concrete screed in foundation at depths n.e.5' 0" Sqr

26). 6" thk cement concrete floor (mass Concrete) Sqr

27). Cement concrete in 4 1/2" x 6" columns in ground floor Cube

28). Cement concrete in 6" x 6" columns in ground floor Cube

29). Cement concrete in 9" x 9" columns in ground floor Cube

30). Cement concrete in 12" x 12" columns in ground floor Cube

31). Cement concrete in 13 1/2" x 13 1/2" columns in ground floor Cube

32). Cement concrete in 6" x 6" beam upto 1st floor level Cube

33). Cement concrete in 9" x 6" beam upto 1st floor level Cube

34). Cement concrete in 9" x 9" beam upto 1st floor level Cube

35). 5" thk RCC floor slab in 1st floor ft3

36). 6" thk RCC floor slab in 1st floor ft3

37). Cement concrete in 4 1/4" x 6" lintels in G/L ft3

38). Cement concrete in 9" x 9" lintels in G/L ft3

39). Cement concrete in 9" x12" lintels in G/L ft3

40). Cement concrete in 12" x15" lintels in G/L ft3

B2 - FormWork

41). Sawn Timber F/W to 9"x 9" Cement concrete column in G/FL ft2

42). Sawn Timber F/W concrete beams in G/FL ft2

43). Sawn Timber F/W for underside of 1st/FL slab ft2

B3 - Reinforcement

44). Tor steel R/F to lintels slab beams for columns bent to shape laid in position & tied with GI wire CWT
as directed

44a). Mild steel R/F to lintels slab beams for columns bent to shape laid in position & tied with GI wire CWT
as directed

C1 - Brick Work

45). Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in foundation upto D.P.C Cu

46). Brick work in cement sand 1:8 in foundation upto D.P.C Cu

47). Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in 4 1/2" thk walls in G/FL Sqr

48). Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in 9" thk walls in G/FL Sqr

49). Brick work 13 1/2" thk in cement sand 1:5 super structure in G/FL Sqr

50). Brick work 13 1/2" thk in cement sand 1:5 super structure in G/FL Sqr

51). 4 1/2" thk Brick wall (wire cut) in cement & sand 1:5 in G/FL Sqr

52). 9" thk in cement & sand 1:5 with wire cut bricks Sqr

53). 13 1/2" thk in cement & sand 1:5 with wire cut bricks Sqr

54). Extra over for facing including raised pointing 1/8" thk in cement & sand 1:1 mixture in G/FL Sqr

55). 3"thk floor paved in lime mortar 2:5 in G/FL Sqr

56). Steps 1' - 1 1/2" x 0'6" in brick in cement and sand 1:5 with 1/2" thk cement and sand 1:2 Lft
rendering including necessary excavation

57). Brick drains in cement & sand 1:5, 9" wide & 6"-9" avg. depth incl. cement rendering 1/2" thk. 1:2 Lft
to exposed faces with 1' 6" ramp incl. necessary excavation.

58). Brick drains in cement & sand 1:5, 9" wide & 6"-9" avg. depth incl. cement rendering 1/2" thk. 1:2 Lft
to exposed faces without ramp incl. necessary excavation.

C2 - Block Work

59). 8" thk Hollow block work in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in G/FL (cavities unfilled) Sqr

60). 4" thk Hollow block masonary in cement and sand mortar 1:5 cavities unfilled Sqr

61). Random rubble masonary in cement mortar 1:5 in Foundation Cu

C3 - Rubble Work
62). Random rubble masonary in cement mortar 1:5 in Superstructure Cu

D1 - Tilling

63). Pressed floor tiles bedded in 1/2" cement mortar 1:2 and pointing in neat cement in around floor Sqr

64). Glazed tiles fixed to walls incl. bedding in cement mortar 1:2 and raking in ground floor. (specials Sqr
measured seperately)

65). Terrazzo floor tiles on 1/2" thk cement and sand 1:2 in G/FL Sqr

E1 - Roofing

66). Timber frame work for calicut pattern tile hip roof in single storey building consisting of wall plate, Sqr
beam, ridge plate, rafters etc. (preservative treatment to be measyred seperately)

67). Roof covering with calicut pattern clay tiles in single storyed building Sqr

68). Timber framework for corrugated asbestos sheet roof in single storyed building Sqr

69). Roof covering with corrugated asbestos sheets (timber framework and ridge covering measured Sqr

70). One layer half round clay tiles over corrugated asbestos roof covering Sqr

71). Asbestos close fittings ridging fixed complete with roofing screws or bolts (hook) Lft
72). Ridging covering with calicut pattern ridge tiles bedded in cement lime mortar 1:1:4 Lft

73). 3/4"x 9" high valance board fixed with brass screws to ends of rafters (for tile roofing) Lft

74). 3/4"x 9" high barge board fixed with brass screws at 2' 0" centres to sides of refters. Lft

F1 - Roof Plumbing

75). 18 BWG (1.2 mm) galvanised iron sheet valley gutter 3' 0" girth overall once bent with end laps Lft
not less than 9" width including 3/4" tongued and grooved planks laid to slope and profile on
timber members.

76). 18 BWG (1.2 mm) galvanised iron sheet valley gutter 1' 6" girth overall 3 times bent with end laps Lft
not less than 6", lead soldered, turned and tucked up to not less than 6" into chase cut in wall and
pointed in cement mortar 1:2 lower end dressed over roof covering not less than 1' 0" wide.

G1 - Ceiling Work

77). Timber framework for 4' 0"x 4' 0" flat asbestos ceiling (sheet measured seperately) comprising of Sqr
4"x 2" joists and 2"x 2" bearers in class I timber

78). Horizontal ceiling lining using 4' 0"x 4' 0" flat asbetos cement sheets fixed with and including Sqr
beading and cove mouldings on timber framework. (Timber framework & painting measured

79). 3/4" thk tongued and grooved Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed horizontal on 4"x 2" class I timber Sqr
joists at 2' 0" centres with 1 1/2" brass nails

80). 3/4"x 6" wide tongued and grooved Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed to underside of roof rafters, Sqr
(existing) with 11 1/2" brass nails including levelling with timber strips where necessary.

H1 - Doors & Windows

81). Door single hung 3' 3"x 7' 0" high overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4" ft2
timber frame. (Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)

82). Door glazed and panelled double hung 4' 0"x 7' 0" high overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash ft2
and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4" timber frame. (Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)

83). Plywood Door single hung 3' 1 1/2"x 6' 1 1/2 overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash and 3 3/4"x ft2
2 3/4" timber frame. (Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)

84). Door ledged,braced and battened single hung 2' 6" x 6' 6" overall, with frame having 7/8" thk ft2
tongued & grooved planks and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4" frame.(Iron mongery and painting measured
85). Window, glazed 7' 0"x4' 0" high overall with frame comprising 3 no openable sashes and 3 3/4"x ft2
2' 3/4" frame and mullions

86). 1/8" clear sheet glass panes exceeding 1' 0" but n.e. 4 ft2 cut and fixed with timber beadings to ft2
doors & windows

H2 - Iron Mongery
87). Butt Hinges 5"x 2 1/2" Pair

88). Tee Hinges 6"x 12" Pair

89). Rim Lock Nr

90). Mortice Lock Nr

91). Casement Stays Nr

92). Door closer (Hydraulic) Nr

93). Tower/ Skelton brass bolts Nr

94). Barrel Bolt Nr

95). Casement fastners Nr

96). Sping loaded fanlight catches Nr

97). Draw rings Nr

I1 - Plastering/ Rendering

98). 3/4" thk DPC, in cement sand 1:2 finished with 2 coats hot tar and blinded with sand Sqr

99). 5/8" thk plastering to wall in lime and sand 2:5 including floating with lime putty Sqr

100). 5/8" thk plastering to wall in cement sand 1:3 including cement floating Sqr

101). 3/8" thk plastering to Soffit slab in cement sand 1:3 including floating with lime putty Sqr

102). 3/8" thk plastering to sides & Soffit of beams in cement sand 1:3 including floating with lime putty Sqr

103). 5/8" thk to wall in lime cement and sand 1:1:5 semi - rough with wooden float. Sqr

104). 5/8" thk to wall in lime cement and sand 1:1:5 finished smooth with lime putty floating Sqr
105). 1/2" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:3 finished smooth Sqr

106). 1/2" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in floors, finished smooth Sqr

107). 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:3 finished smooth Sqr

108). 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in floors, finished smooth Sqr

109). 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in coloured cement floors, finished smooth Sqr

110). 1/2"x 6" skirting in cement and sand 1:3 projected or flush to walls finished with floating including Lft
forming groove

J1 - Painting
111). Prepare and apply one coat of preservative (oil type) to structural timber including touching up cut Sqr
ends etc. after fixing

112). Prepare surface of steel truss and apply two coat of anti - corrosive primer. Sqr

113). Apply one coat of anti - corrosive primer and two coats of enamel paint on already shop primed Sqr
and erected steel roof truss.

114). Prepare and apply two coats primer and finishing coat of enamel paint to mild steel (angle/flat) Sqr

115). Painting steel on new work with two coats of anti - corrosive paint. Sqr

116). Painting steel on new timber work with two coats of wood preservative Sqr

117). Preparing & painting wood work with primer and two coats enamel paint Sqr

118). White or colour washing two coats in single storey Sqr

119). White or colour washing two coats in two storey Sqr

120). Prepare and apply one coat of Alkail resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to walls Sqr

121). Prepare and apply one coat of Alkail resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to walls Sqr

122). Painting walls with emulsion paint (2 Coats) Sqr

123). Prepare & apply one coat alkali resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to soffit of slabs Sqr

124). Varnishing two coats with copal varnish after sandpapering Sqr
125). Wax polishing to timber in panels & floors Sqr

K1 - Plumbing PVC
126). 1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

127). 3/4" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

128). 1" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

129). 1 1/4" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

130). 1 1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

131 2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

132 3" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately) Lft

133 Excavaion for laying 1/2" to 3" diameter PVC pipes in ground not less than 1' - 6" deep, back Lft
filling & compacting

134 Chasing brickwork for laying 1/2" to 1 1/2" dia. PVC pipes and making good average depth 2" Lft
(pipes and Specials paid seperately)

135 Chasing brickwork for laying 1 1/2" to 3" dia. PVC pipes in ground floor and making good average Lft
depth 3" (pipes and Specials paid seperately)

136 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

137 3/4" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

138 1" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

139 1 1/4" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

140 1 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

141 2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

142 2 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

143 3" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets. Special

144 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

145 3/4" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

146 1" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

147 1 1/4" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

148 1 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

149 2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

150 2 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

151 3" dia. PVC specials viz Tees Nr

152 4" dia. Glazed earthware pipes laid on 6" thick bedding in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2) including Lft
excavation average 2' 0" depth, backfilling with selected excavated materials and concrete
haunching to joints

153 4" dia. C.I soil/ vent pipe fixed vertically to walls jointed with cement caulking. (Sepecials Lft
measured seperately)

154 4" dia. C.I soil/ vent pipe fixed to walls jointed with cement caulking. (Sepecials measured Lft

K2 - Sanitary Ware

157 22"x 16" glazed fire clay wash basin with 1/2" dia. Chromium plated pillar tap, waste plug , Nr
Chromium plated waste chain and stay, including fixing wash basin on brackets (Water supply &
waste water connection measured seperately)

158 Sink 24"x 15"x 7" overall vitreous China with rubber plug and Chromium plated chain waste Nr
carried on iron brackets painted and fixed to walls. (Water supply and waste water connection
measured seperately)

159 Closet pedestal type with L/L flushing Cistern, flush pipe double plastic seat cover, 1/2" dia. Stop Nr
cock, trap supplied & fixed complete to working order

160 Closet squatting type with trap including high level Cistern fixed complete with flush pipe & 1/2" Nr
dia. Stop cock all complete to working order

161 Vitreous china bidet suit fixed complete to working order Nr

162 4 Nos Bowl type Urinal with trap & 2 gals capacity automatic flushing cistern and spreaders Nr
complete to working orders

163 6" dia. Half round PVC eaves gutter fixed to timber valamce board including gutter joiner & Lft
brackets fixed at 18" centres. (Other specials paid seperately)

164 6" dia. PVC gutter head Nr

165 6" dia. PVC Mitres Nr

166 6" dia. PVC End caps Nr

167 3 1/2" dia. PVC rain water down pipes fixed to brick wall with wooden plug buried in wall.(specials Lft
measured seperately)

168 3 1/2" dia. PVC Elbow Nr

169 3 1/2" dia. PVC Shoe Nr















5,077.50 ft2 50.78

9,560.00 ft2 95.60

0 ft2 0.00






















152.69 Sqr 15,268.99 m2 1,643.59

162.12 Sqr 16,212.24 m2 1,745.13

95.14 Sqr 9,513.57 m2 1,024.07

8,966.79 Ton kg

7,928.09 Ton kg

21,163.00 Sqr m2

20,901.33 Sqr m2

15,800.00 Cu 21,066.67
1Sqr - 0.75 Cu
16,759.00 Cu 22,345.33

25,060.00 Cu 33,413.33

15,988.50 Cu 21,318.00

5,098.40 Cu 6,797.87

9,336.00 Cu 12,448.00

14,497.00 Cu 19,329.33

9,261.00 Cu 12,348.00

6,705.17 Cu 8,940.23
248.60 m 815.41

433.56 m 1,422.08

369.24 m 1,211.11

11,901.50 m2 1,281.11

7,502.34 m2 807.57

19,510.00 m3 6,893.99

21,240.00 m3 7,505.30

9,810.29 m2 1,056.01

31,962.50 m2 3,440.53

9,225.96 m2 993.11






37.48 m 122.94
81.77 m 268.21

185.07 m 607.03

185.07 m 607.03

1,241.78 m 4,073.03

558.94 m 1,833.32

17,245.59 m2 1,856.36

2,981.79 m2 320.97

25,996.18 m2 2,798.30

4,806.67 m2 517.40

350.55 Sqr 35,055.14 m2 3,773.43

353.04 Sqr 35,303.79 m2 3,800.19

210.10 Sqr 21,009.52 m2 2,261.52

446.47 Sqr 44,647.28 m2 4,805.95

364.29 Sqr 36,428.57 m2 3,921.27

111.11 Sqr 11,111.11 m2 1,196.03







































































2,161.69 4 Nos 8,646.75






Description Unit Rate

Skilled Labour day 1,200.00

U/Sk Labour day 800.00

Mason day 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1,200.00

Barbender day 1,200.00

Blacksmith day 1,200.00

Tinker day 1,200.00

Plumber day 1,200.00

Glazier day 1,200.00

Painter day 1,200.00

41 Sawn Timber F/W to 9"x 9" Cement concrete column in G/FL

Per ft2
Concrete column length of 5' 0"
Contact area - 15.0 ft2
1). Material
1/2"thk. Plywood sheet ft2 18.15 67.94 1,233.07
2"x 2" class II timber in yorks (Rubber) Lft 17.10 15.00 256.50
2"x 1" class II timber battens (rubber) Lft 16.12 7.00 112.84
Wire Nails Lb 1.50 63.49 95.24
2). Fabricating
Carpenter day 0.50 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labourer day 0.50 800.00 400.00
Total Cost 2,697.64
Allowing 3 uses cost of mould per 899.21
1). Material
16 mm 18" long bolts (15 uses) Nos 12.00 25.00 20.00
Mould oil Ltr 0.50 450.60 225.30
4"x 2" Props(6 uses) Lft 35.00 25.00 145.83
Carpenter day 0.25 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour day 0.25 800.00 200.00
Cost of Assembling per use 891.13
Carpenter day 0.25 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour day 0.25 800.00 200.00
Cost of Dismantling per use 500.00
Total Cost per Use(a+b+c) - 15 ft2 2,290.35
Rate per ft2 152.69
m2 1,642.94

42 Sawn Timber F/W concrete beams in G/FL

Per ft2
Concrete 9"x 12" beams of 20' 0" long.
Contact area - 55.0 ft2
1). Material
1/2"thk. Plywood sheet ft2 60.00 67.94 4,076.25
2"x 2" ledgers Lft 45.00 15.00 675.00
2"x 1" battens Lft 24.00 7.00 168.00
4"x 2"bearers at bottom of mould Lft 30.00 25.00 750.00
Wire Nails Lb 2.00 63.49 126.98
2). Labour
Carpenter day 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00
U/Sk Labourer day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Total Cost 9,196.23
Allowing 3 uses cost of mould per 3,065.41
Add 10% for repairs 306.54
Cost per use 3,371.95
1). Material
Wedges Nos 22.00 8.00 176.00
4"x 2" Props(6 uses) Lft 110.00 25.00 275.00
2"x 2" bracing to mould & props Lft 80.00 15.00 120.00
2"x 2" bracing to a set of props Lft 50.00 15.00 75.00
1" timber base Plate to props ft2 6.00 30.00 18.00
Cost of Assembling per use 664.00
3 uses Cost of materials per use 221.33
Add 10% of cost of materials for repairs 66.40
Total cost of material per use 287.73
Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Mould Oil gal 0.50 450.60 225.30
Nails lbs 0.50 63.49 31.75
Cost per use 3,057.05
Carpenter day 0.50 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Cost of Dismantling per use 2,200.00
Total Cost per Use(a+b+c) - 55 ft2 8,916.73
Rate per ft2 162.12
m2 1,744.44

43 Sawn Timber F/W for underside of 1st/FL slab

Per Sqr
Concrete a slab of dismensions 20"x 10"
Contact area - 2.0 Sqrs
1). Material
1/2"thk. Plywood sheet ft2 220.00 67.94 14,946.25
4"x 2"runners at 2' 0" Ctrs Lft 121.00 25.00 3,025.00
Wire Nails Lbs 4.00 63.49 253.97
2). Labour
Carpenter day 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Total Cost for making p[anels 24,225.22
Allowing 3 uses cost of mould per use 8,075.07
Add 20% for repairs 1,615.01
Cost per use 9,690.09
1). Material
Wedges Nos 122.00 8.00 976.00
4"x 2" Props(6 uses) (Rubber) Lft 690.00 25.00 2,875.00
2"x 2" bracing to props (Rubber) Lft 66.00 15.00 99.00
1" timber base Plate to props ft2 33.00 30.00 99.00
Cost of Assembling per use 4,049.00
3 uses Cost of materials per use 1,349.67
Add 20% of cost of materials for repairs 809.80
Total cost of material per use 2,159.47
Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Mould Oil gal 1.00 450.60 450.60
Nails lbs 2.00 63.49 126.98
Cost per use 4,977.58
Carpenter day 0.50 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Cost of Dismantling per use 2,200.00
Total Cost per Use(A+B+C+D) - 2.00 Sqr 19,027.14
Cost Per Sqr 9,513.57
m2 1,024.07





1 Mixing concrete using a concrete mixer 14/10 ft3 capacity and manual loading are the basis on which the norms are

2 A gang of one skilled and six U/Sk labourers produce 3.00 Cubes of concrete per day using a 14/10 ft3 capacity
concrete mixer. This is as per accepted practice

3 The production of concrete is at the mixer site transporting mixed concrete and placing same in position is paid for seperately.

4 In concrete item 26 to 39 both inclusive, placing of concrete in columns, beams and floor slab on the ground floor the labour component allowed is for
of concrete between the ground floor and the top of the 1st floor slab which area is called the ground floor area. Similarly the area between the top of
slab and the top of 2nd floor slab is called the 1st floor area etc.

19 Mixing concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2")

Per Cube


Cwt 13.00 895.00 11,635.00

Sand Cubes 0.53 6,715.00 3,558.95
Metal 1 1/2" Cubes 0.92 5,455.00 5,018.60
Hire of mixer day 1/3 0.00
Water (110 gals) gal 110.00 0.00

Skilled labourer days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk labourer days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00

Rate per Cu 26,212.55

m3 9,262.39

Note: m2 463.12 -50

a). Water available at site

b). If, water is not available allowances should be made fo transport of water

c). Sand - includes 15% for bulking

20 Mixing concrete 1:2 1/2:5 (1")

Per Cube


Cement (50kg) Cwt 14.00 6.19 86.60

Sand Cubes 0.60 7,000.00 4,200.00
Metal 1" Cubes 0.90 4,500.00 4,050.00
Hire of mixer day 1/3 1,700.00 566.67
Water (100 gals) gal 100.00 5.00 500.00

Skilled labourer days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk labourer days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00

Rate per Cu 15,403.27


a). Water available at site

b). If, water is not available allowances should be made fo transport of water

c). Sand - includes 15% for bulking

21 Mixing concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") 20

Per Cube


Cement (50kg) Cwt 18.00 682.00 12,276.00

Sand Cubes 0.50 7,000.00 3,500.00
Metal 3/4" Cubes 0.88 4,500.00 3,960.00
Hire of mixer day 1/3 1,700.00 566.67
Water (120 gals) gal 120.00 5.00 600.00

Skilled labourer days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk labourer days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00

Rate per Cu 26,902.67

m3 9,506.24


a). Water available at site

b). If, water is not available allowances should be made fo transport of water

c). Sand - includes 15% for bulking

22 Mixing concrete 1:11/2:3 (3/4")

Per Cube


Cement (50kg) Cwt 23.00 895.00 20,585.00

Sand Cubes 0.42 6,715.00 2,820.30
Metal 3/4" Cubes 0.82 5,455.00 4,473.10
Hire of mixer day 1/3 0.00
Water (150 gals) gal 150.00 0.00

Skilled labourer days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk labourer days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00

Rate per Cu 33,878.40


a). Water available at site 5081.76

b). If, water is not available allowances should be made fo transport of water

c). Sand - includes 15% for bulking

23 Mixing concrete 1:1:2 (3/4")

Per Cube
Cement (50kg) Cwt 31.00 682.00 21,142.00
Sand Cubes 0.44 7,000.00 3,080.00
Metal 3/4" Cubes 0.96 4,500.00 4,320.00
Hire of mixer day 1/3 1,700.00 566.67
Water (200 gals) gal 200.00 5.00 1,000.00

Skilled labourer days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk labourer days 6.00 800.00 4,800.00

Rate per Cu 36,108.67


a). Water available at site

b). If, water is not available allowances should be made fo transport of water

c). Sand - includes 15% for bulking

24 2" thk cement concrete screed in foundation at depths n.e.5' 0"

Per Sqr

Concrete Cube 0.17 33,878.40 5,646.40
Add wastage 5% 5,646.40 282.32

Sk Labourer day 1/8 1,200.00 150.00

U/Sk Labourer day 1/2 800.00 400.00

Rate per Sqr 6,478.72

For laying concrete at depths more than 5' 0" add 1/6 day U/Sk labourer for each
additional 5'0" or part thereof per square.

25 3" thk cement concrete screed in foundation at depths n.e.5' 0"

Per Sqr


Concrete Cube 1/4 26,212.55 6,553.14

Add wastage 10% 6,553.14 655.31

Sk Labourer day 1/8 650.00 81.25

U/Sk Labourer day 3/4 550.00 412.50

Rate per Sqr 7,702.20

m2 829.09

For laying concrete at depths more than 5' 0" add 1/4 day U/Sk labourer for each
additional 5'0" or part thereof per square.

26 6" thk cement concrete floor (mass Concrete)

Per Sqr


Concrete Cube 0.50 26,212.55 13,106.28

Add wastage 5% 13,106.28 655.31
Water (200gals) gal 200.00 5.00 1,000.00

Sk Labourer day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00

U/Sk Labourer day 1 1/4 800.00 1,000.00
Rate per Sqr 16,361.59

m2 587.07


a). Water available at site

b). If water is not available allowance must be made for transport of water
27 Cement concrete in 4 1/2" x 6" columns in ground floor (Grade 25)

Consider 24 No. Columns each 4 1/2" x 6" x 10' 0"

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 26,902.67 12,106.20

Add wastage 10% 12,106.20 1,210.62
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 10.00 0.00

Water (170gals) gal 170.00 5.00 850.00
U/Sk labourer day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 22,766.82

Per Cu 50,592.93

1). For column in 1st floor add 3% to ground floor rate
2). For column in 2nd floor add 5% to ground floor rate
3). For column in 3rd floor add 7% to ground floor rate
4). Water available at site.
5). If water is not available allowance must ne made for transport of water

28 Cement concrete in 6" x 6" columns in ground floor

Consider 18 No. Columns each 6" x 6" x 10' 0" high

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 26,902.67 12,106.20

Add wastage 10% 12,106.20 1,210.62
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 80.00 0.00

Water (140gals) gal 140.00 5.00 700.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 23,016.82

Per Cu 51,148.49

1). For column in 1st floor add 3% to ground floor rate
2). For column in 2nd floor add 5% to ground floor rate
3). For column in 3rd floor add 7% to ground floor rate
4). Water available at site.
5). If water is not available allowance must ne made for transport of water

29 Cement concrete in 9" x 9" columns in ground floor

Consider 8 No. Columns each 9" x 9" x 10' 0"

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 26,902.67 12,106.20

Add wastage 10% 12,106.20 1,210.62
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.1

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00 0.4
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.1

Jute Hessian ft2 60.00 0.00

Water (100gals) gal 100.00 5.00 500.00
U/Sk labourer day 0.50 800.00 400.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 22,016.82
Per Cu 48,926.27

1). For column in 1st floor add 3% to ground floor rate
2). For column in 2nd floor add 5% to ground floor rate
3). For column in 3rd floor add 7% to ground floor rate
4). Water available at site.
5). If water is not available allowance must ne made for transport of water

30 Cement concrete in 12" x 12" columns in ground floor

Consider 5 No. Columns each 12" x 12" x 10' 0"

ie. 0.50 Cubes

Per 0.50 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.50 0.00

Add wastage 5% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 40.00 0.00

Water (100gals) gal 100.00 5.00 500.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 0.00 0.00
Total for 0.50 Cu 8,300.00

Per Cu 16,600.00

1). For column in 1st floor add 3% to ground floor rate
2). For column in 2nd floor add 5% to ground floor rate
3). For column in 3rd floor add 7% to ground floor rate
4). Water available at site.
5). If water is not available allowance must ne made for transport of water
31 Cement concrete in 13 1/2" x 13 1/2" columns in ground floor

Consider 4 No. Columns each 13 1/2" x 13 1/2" x 10' 0"

ie. 0.51 Cubes

Per 0.51Cube


Concrete Cu 0.51 0.00

Add wastage 5% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 45.00 0.00

Water (100gals) gal 100.00 5.00 500.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 0.51 Cu 8,300.00

Per Cu 16,274.51

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

32 Cement concrete in 6" x 6" beam upto 1st floor level

Consider 180 Lft,

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 90.00 0.00

Water (180gals) gal 180.00 5.00 900.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 9,500.00

Per Cu 21,111.11

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

33 Cement concrete in 9" x 6" beam upto 1st floor level

Consider 120 Lft,

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 75.00 0.00

Water (150gals) gal 150.00 5.00 750.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 9,350.00

Per Cu 20,777.78

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water
34 Cement concrete in 9" x 9" beam upto 1st floor level
Consider 80 Lft,

ie. 0.45 Cubes

Per 0.45 Cube


Concrete Cu 0.45 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 60.00 0.00

Water (120gals) gal 120.00 5.00 600.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 0.45 Cu 10,400.00

Per Cu 23,111.11

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

35 5" thk RCC floor slab in 1st floor

Consider 5"thk slab 10' x 12'

Volume of concrete 50.00 cu.fts

Per 50 Cu ft


Concrete Cu 50.00 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 30.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 50 Cu.ft 10,250.00

Per Cu.ft 205.00

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

36 6" thk RCC floor slab in 1st floor

Consider 6"thk slab 10' x 10' panel

Volume of concrete 50.00 cu.fts

Per 50 Cu ft


Concrete Cu 50.00 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 25.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 50 Cu.ft 10,250.00

Per Cu.ft 205.00

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

37 Cement concrete in 4 1/2" x 6" lintels in G/L

Consider 240 Lft

Volume of concrete 45.00 cu.fts

Per 45 Cu ft


Concrete Cu 45.00 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 10.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 45 Cu.ft 10,250.00

Per Cu.ft 227.78

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

38 Cement concrete in 9" x 9" lintels in G/L

Consider 80 Lft

Volume of concrete 45.00 cu.fts

Per 45 Cu ft

Concrete Cu 45.00 0.00
Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 60.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 45 Cu.ft 10,250.00

Per Cu.ft 227.78

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

39 Cement concrete in 9" x12" lintels in G/L

Consider 60 Lft

Volume of concrete 45.00 cu.fts

Per 45 Cu ft


Concrete Cu 45.00 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 55.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total for 45 Cu.ft 10,250.00
Per Cu.ft 227.78

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

40 Cement concrete in 12" x15" lintels in G/L

Consider 36 Lft

Volume of concrete 45.00 cu.fts

Per 45 Cu ft


Concrete Cu 45.00 0.00

Add wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Hire vibrator day 1.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labourer day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Sk labourer (Vibrator) day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

Jute Hessian ft2 40.00 0.00

Water (90gals) gal 90.00 5.00 450.00
U/Sk labourer day 1 3/4 800.00 1,400.00
Total for 45 Cu.ft 10,450.00

Per Cu.ft 232.22

a). Water available at site
b). If water is not available allowances must be made for transport of water

40a Levelling Screed

Levelling screeed in 1:2 cement sand mortar laid to falls cross falls to required levels
Per Sqr

Cement bag 2.00 0.00

Sand Cu 0.10 0.00

Add 2% for wastage 2% 0.00 0.00

Sk.Labour Day 1.00 0.00

U/Sk Labour Day 1.00 0.00

Add 3% for Tools 3% 0.00 0.00


Rate / m2 0.00

labour component allowed is for the placing

arly the area between the top of the 1st floor

694.68 75

8,400.00 1,400.00



8,400.00 2,100.00


552.72 2"thk
1,700.00 170.00
1,200.00 480.00
1,500.00 150.00
44 Tor steel R/F to lintels slab beams for columns bent to shape laid in position & tied with GI wire as directed

Tor Steel rod Cwt 1 5,901.25 5,901.25 7375
(incl.transport to site) 1106.25
Allow for wastage 15% 15% 5,901.25 885.19 97 1/2
18 BWG binding wire Lbs 1 1/2 61.22 91.84 110.625
Add steel cost for spacers or chairs 1.5% 5,901.25 88.52 8689.375

Blacksmith day 1 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labour day 1 800.00 800.00
Rate per CWT 8,966.79

44a Mild stee R/F to lintels, slab, beams for columns bent to shape laid in position & tied with GI wire as directed

MS Steel rod Cwt 1 5,000.00 5,000.00
(incl.transport to site)
Allow for wastage 15% 15% 5,000.00 750.00
18 BWG binding wire Lbs 1 1/2 61.22 91.84 65
Add steel cost for spacers or chairs 1.5% 5,000.00 86.25

Blacksmith day 1 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labour day 1 800.00 800.00
Rate per CWT 7,928.09

44b Diameter < 10.00 mm

Per M.Ton
Tor Steel rod M.ton 1 0.00 0.00
Transport to site 1,000.00
Add 10% for wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
18 BWG binding wire kg 14 0.00 0.00
Spacer 1.5% 0.00 0.00
Blacksmith day 1 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labour day 1 0.00 0.00
Add 3% for Tools 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate per M.ton 1,000.00
Rate per kg 1.00
44c Diameter 10-16/ > 16.00 mm

Per M.Ton
Tor Steel rod M.ton 1 140,000.00 140,000.00
Transport to site 1,000.00
Add 10% for wastage 10% 140,000.00 14,000.00
18 BWG binding wire kg 14 130.00 1,820.00
Spacer 1.5% 140,000.00 2,100.00
Blacksmith day 1 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labour day 1 800.00 800.00
Add 3% for Tools 3% 2,000.00 60.00
Rate per M.ton 160,980.00
Rate per kg 160.98 185.127


179.34 kg 179,335.86 ton

45 Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in foundation upto D.P.C

Per Cu


Bricks Nos 1,450.00 6.00 8,700.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 8,700.00 435.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 4.00 682.00 2,728.00

Sand Cu 0.25 7,000.00 1,750.00

Water (150 gals) gal 150.00 5.00 750.00


Mason days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00

U/Sk Labour days 4.00 800.00 3,200.00

Rate per Cu 21,163.00

46 Brick work in cement sand 1:8 in foundation upto D.P.C

Per Cu


Bricks Nos 1,450.00 6.00 8,700.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 8,700.00 435.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 2 1/3 682.00 1,591.33

Sand Cu 3/8 7,000.00 2,625.00

Water (150 gals) gal 150.00 5.00 750.00


Mason days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00

U/Sk Labour days 4.00 800.00 3,200.00

Rate per Cu 20,901.33

47 Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in 4 1/2" thk walls in G/FL

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 550.00 18.00 9,900.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 9,900.00 495.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 1.30 895.00 1,163.50

Sand Cu 0.10 6,715.00 671.50

Water (50 gals) gal 50.00 0.00


Mason days 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00

U/Sk Labour days 2.00 800.00 1,600.00

Add Scaffolding - 5% 5% 3,400.00 170.00

Rate per Sqr 15,800.00

m2 1,700.75

48 Brick work in cement sand 1:5 in 9" thk walls in G/FL

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 1,090.00 6.00 6,540.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 6,540.00 327.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 3.00 682.00 2,046.00

Sand Cu 0.20 7,000.00 1,400.00

Water (115 gals) gal 115.00 5.00 575.00


Mason days 2.25 1,200.00 2,700.00

U/Sk Labour days 3.75 800.00 3,000.00

Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 5,700.00 171.00

Rate per Sqr 16,759.00

m2 1,803.98

49 Brick work 13 1/2" thk in cement sand 1:5 super structure in G/FL

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 1,630.00 6.00 9,780.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 9,780.00 489.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 4.50 682.00 3,069.00

Sand Cu 0.30 7,000.00 2,100.00

Water (170 gals) gal 170.00 5.00 850.00


Mason days 3.50 1,200.00 4,200.00

U/Sk Labour days 5.50 800.00 4,400.00

Add Scaffolding - 2% 2% 8,600.00 172.00

Rate per Sqr 25,060.00

50 Brick work 13 1/2" thk in cement sand 1:5 super structure in G/FL

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 1,090.00 6.00 6,540.00

Add 5% wastage 5% 6,540.00 327.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 1.75 682.00 1,193.50

Sand Cu 0.30 7,000.00 2,100.00

Water (115 gals) gal 115.00 5.00 575.00


Mason days 2.25 1,200.00 2,700.00

U/Sk Labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00

Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 5,100.00 153.00

Rate per Sqr 15,988.50

51 4 1/2" thk Brick wall (wire cut) in cement & sand 1:5 in G/FL

(Facing to brickwork mesured seperately)

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 550.00 0.00 0.00

Add 2% wastage 2% 0.00 0.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 1.20 682.00 818.40

Sand Cu 0.08 7,000.00 560.00

Water (30 gals) gal 30.00 5.00 150.00


Mason days 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00

U/Sk Labour days 2.00 800.00 1,600.00

Add Scaffolding - 5% 5% 3,400.00 170.00

Rate per Sqr 5,098.40

52 9" thk in cement & sand 1:5 with wire cut bricks

(Facing to brickwork mesured seperately)

Per Sqr


Wire cut Bricks Nos 1,080.00 0.00 0.00

Add 4% wastage 4% 0.00 0.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 2.50 682.00 1,705.00

Sand Cu 0.18 7,000.00 1,260.00

Water (100 gals) gal 100.00 5.00 500.00


Mason days 2.25 1,200.00 2,700.00

U/Sk Labour days 3.75 800.00 3,000.00

Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 5,700.00 171.00

Rate per Sqr 9,336.00

53 13 1/2" thk in cement & sand 1:5 with wire cut bricks

(Facing to brickwork mesured seperately)

Per Sqr


Wire cut Bricks Nos 1,630.00 0.00 0.00

Add 2% wastage 2% 0.00 0.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 4.50 682.00 3,069.00

Sand Cu 0.30 7,000.00 2,100.00

Water (100 gals) gal 50.00 5.00 250.00


Mason days 3.75 1,200.00 4,500.00

U/Sk Labour days 5.50 800.00 4,400.00

Add Scaffolding - 2% 2% 8,900.00 178.00

Rate per Sqr 14,497.00

54 Extra over for facing including raised pointing 1/8" thk in cement & sand 1:1 mixture in G/FL

Per Sqr


Acid gal 1/10 0.00

Cement (50kg) cwt 0.50 682.00 341.00

Sand ft3 1.00 70.00 70.00

Water (10 gals) gal 10.00 5.00 50.00


Mason days 5.00 1,200.00 6,000.00

U/Sk Labour days 3.50 800.00 2,800.00

Rate per Sqr 9,261.00

55 3"thk floor paved in lime mortar 2:5 in G/FL

Per Sqr


Bricks Nos 350.00 6.00 2,100.00

Slaked lime cwt 1.20 4.31 5.17

Sand Cu 0.11 7,000.00 770.00

Water (45 gals) gal 45.00 5.00 225.00


Mason days 1.25 1,200.00 1,500.00

U/Sk Labour days 2.50 800.00 2,000.00


Rate per Sqr 6,705.17

56 Steps 1' - 1 1/2" x 0'6" in brick in cement and sand 1:5 with 1/2" thk cement and sand 1:2 rendering
including necessary excavation

Per 10 Lft


Bricks Nos 120.00 6.00 720.00

Cement cwt 0.50 682.00 341.00

Sand Cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00

Water (15 gals) gal 15.00 5.00 75.00


Mason days 0.50 1,200.00 600.00

U/Sk Labour days 0.50 800.00 400.00

Rate per 10 Lft 2,486.00

Rate pet Lft 248.60

57 Brick drains in cement & sand 1:5, 9" wide & 6"-9" avg. depth incl. cement rendering 1/2" thk. 1:2 to
exposed faces with 1' 6" ramp incl. necessary excavation.
Per 10 Lft


Bricks Nos 140.00 6.00 840.00

Cement cwt 0.80 682.00 545.60

Sand Cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00

Water (20 gals) gal 20.00 5.00 100.00


Mason days 1.25 1,200.00 1,500.00

U/Sk Labour days 1.25 800.00 1,000.00

Rate per 10 Lft 4,335.60

Rate pet Lft 433.56

58 Brick drains in cement & sand 1:5, 9" wide & 6"-9" avg. depth incl. cement rendering 1/2" thk. 1:2 to
exposed faces without ramp incl. necessary excavation.

Per 10 Lft


Bricks Nos 110.00 6.00 660.00

Cement cwt 0.70 682.00 477.40

Sand Cu 0.04 7,000.00 280.00

Water (15 gals) gal 15.00 5.00 75.00


Mason days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk Labour days 1.25 800.00 1,000.00

Rate per 10 Lft 3,692.40

Rate pet Lft 369.24

58a 75 mm thk. Brick on edge to sides of plinth beam in built 1:5 Cement Sand mortar

Per 10 Lft


Bricks Nos 34.00 1,750.00 59,500.00

Cement cwt 0.08 100,000.00 8,000.00

Sand Cu 0.01 6.00 0.04

Add Wastage 2% 67,500.04 1,350.00

Water (15 gals) gal 15.00 0.00 0.00


Mason days 1.00 0.00 0.00

U/Sk Labour days 1.25 0.00 0.00

Add Tools 3% 0.00 0.00

Rate per 10 Lft 68,850.04

Rate pet Lft 6,885.00

59 8" thk Hollow block work in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in G/FL (cavities

Per Sqr

10' 0" x 10' 0" area (size of each block 16"x 8"x 8")


Hollow cement blocks Nos 112.00 60.00 6,720.00

Allow 5% for wastage 5% 6,720.00 336.00

Cement cwt 0.75 682.00 511.50

Sand Cu 0.06 7,000.00 420.00


Mason day 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00

U/Sk Labour day 2.50 800.00 2,000.00

Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 3,800.00 114.00

Rate per Sqr 11,901.50

60 4" thk Hollow block masonary in cement and sand mortar 1:5 cavities unfilled

Per Sqr

10' 0" x 10' 0" area (size of each block 16"x 8"x 4")


Hollow cement blocks Nos 112.00 34.69 3,885.28 25

Allow 5% for wastage 5% 3,885.28 194.26

Cement cwt 0.40 682.00 272.80 675

Sand Cu 0.03 7,000.00 210.00 7500


Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00

U/Sk Labour day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00

Add Scaffolding - 5% 5% 2,800.00 140.00

Rate per Sqr 7,502.34





61 Random rubble masonary in cement mortar 1:5 in Foundation

Per Cu
6"x 9" Rubble Cu 1.30 3,000.00 3,900.00 3,000.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 5.00 682.00 3,410.00 675.00
Sand cu 0.30 7,000.00 2,100.00 7,500.00
Water gals 100.00 5.00 500.00
Mason day 4.00 1,200.00 4,800.00
U/Sk Labour day 6.00 800.00 4,800.00
Rate per Cu 19,510.00
m3 6,893.99

62 Random rubble masonary in cement mortar 1:5 in Superstructure

Per Cu (14" thk) 31.02

6"x 9" Rubble Cu 1.30 3,000.00 3,900.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 5.00 682.00 3,410.00
Sand cu 0.30 7,000.00 2,100.00
Water gals 100.00 5.00 500.00
Mason day 4.50 1,200.00 5,400.00
U/Sk Labour day 7.00 800.00 5,600.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 11,000.00 330.00
Rate per Cu 21,240.00
63 Pressed floor tiles bedded in 1/2" cement mortar 1:2 and pointing in neat cement in around floor

Per Sqr
8"x 8" Pressed tiles Nos 225.00 0.00 0.00
Add 5% for wastage 5% 0.00 0.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.25 682.00 852.50
Sand Cu 0.07 7,000.00 490.00
Wax Polish Lbs 0.25 172.56 43.14
Coloured pigment Lbs 0.25 98.59 24.65
cotton waste Lbs 2.00 0.00 0.00
Mason days 4.00 1,200.00 4,800.00
U/Sk Labour days 4.50 800.00 3,600.00
Rate per Sqr 9,810.29

64 Glazed tiles fixed to walls incl. bedding in cement mortar 1:2 and raking in ground floor. (specials measured
Per Sqr
8"x 8" Glazed tiles Nos 225.00 85.00 19,125.00
Add 10% for wastage on cuting 10% 19,125.00 1,912.50
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.50 682.00 1,705.00
Sand Cu 0.11 7,000.00 770.00
white cement lb 1.00 50.00 50.00
Mason days 4.00 1,200.00 4,800.00
U/Sk Labour days 4.50 800.00 3,600.00
Rate per Sqr 31,962.50
m2 3,440.53

65 Terrazzo floor tiles on 1/2" thk cement and sand 1:2 in G/FL

Per Sqr


12"x 12" terrazzo tiles Nos 100.00 0.00 0.00

Add 5% for wastage on cuting 5% 0.00 0.00

Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.25 682.00 852.50

Sand Cu 0.07 7,000.00 490.00

Coloured pigment lbs 2.00 98.59 197.18

wax polish lb 0.50 172.56 86.28

cotton waste lb 2.00 0.00 0.00


Mason days 4.00 1,200.00 4,800.00

U/Sk Labour days 3.50 800.00 2,800.00

Rate per Sqr 9,225.96

63a 300x 300 Vinyl Tile of approved colour laid over 1:3 Cement Sand Smoothed bed
Per Sqr
300x 300 Vinyl tiles Nos 105.00 269.00 28,245.00
Add 2% for Breakage 2% 28,245.00 564.90
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.00 120.00 240.00
Sand Cu 0.10 7,000.00 700.00
Add 3% for wastage 3% 940.00 28.20
Mason days 0.50 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour days 0.50 800.00 400.00
Add 3% for Tools 3% 1,000.00 30.00
Rate per Sqr 30,808.10
Rate per m2 3,316.26

64a 150 x 150 mm Ceramic floor tiles of approved colour over including 1:3 Cement Sand Smoothed
Per Sqr
200x 200 mm Glazed non slip Ceramic Floor tiles Nos 105.00 125.00 13,125.00
Add 2 % for wastage on cuting 2% 13,125.00 262.50
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.00 682.00 1,364.00
Sand Cu 0.10 7,000.00 700.00
Add 2% for wastage on cuting 2% 2,064.00 41.28
Mason days 2.50 1,200.00 3,000.00
U/Sk Labour days 2.50 800.00 2,000.00
Add 3 % for Tools 3% 5,000.00 150.00
Rate per Sqr 20,642.78
m2 2,222.04

65a 300x 300 mm homogeneous semi gloss Ceramic floor tiles incl. 20 mm thk. 1:3 backing
Per Sqr
300x 300 mm Homogeneous Floor tiles Nos 100.00 60.00 6,000.00
Add 2 % for wastage on cuting 2% 6,000.00 120.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.50 682.00 1,705.00
Sand Cu 0.10 7,000.00 700.00
Grout lbs 1.50 54.42 81.63
Add 2% for wastage 2% 2,486.63 49.73
Tiller days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Add 3 % for Tools 3% 6,000.00 180.00
Rate per Sqr 14,836.37
m2 1,597.03

63b 100 mm high Vinyl tile skirting of approved colour & quality laid on incl. smoothed cement sand backing
Per 10.00 Lft
Vinyl skirting Nos 3.34 60.00 200.40
Add 2% for Breakage 2% 200.40 4.01
Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.03 682.00 20.46
Sand Cu 0.004 7,000.00 28.00
Add 3% for wastage 2% 48.46 0.97
Mason hr 0.75 150.00 112.50
U/Sk Labour hr 0.75 100.00 75.00
Add 3% for Tools 3% 187.50 5.63
Rate per lft 44.70
m 146.60

63c 100 mm high Ceramic tile skirting of approved colour & quality laid on incl. smoothed cement sand backing

Per 10.00 Lft

300x 300 mm Ceramic skirting Nos 5.00 0.00 0.00
Add 2% for Breakage 2% 0.00 0.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.03 2,350.00 70.50
Sand Cu 0.003 1,826.00 5.48
Add 2% for wastage 2% 75.98 1.52
Mason hr 0.25 0.00 0.00
U/Sk Labour hr 0.25 0.00 0.00
Add 3% for Tools 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate per Sqr 77.50

A. Glazed tiles fixed to walls 10 m2

including bedding in
cement mortar Glazed1:2Tles& Nr 473.00 125.00 59,125.00
Cementin ground floor 50kg 2.69 682.00 1,834.58
(specials measured
separately) (10m²). m3 0.34 7,000.00 2,380.00
White Cement kg 0.49 50.00 24.50
Sp.Sk day 4.30 1,200.00 5,160.00
U/Sk day 4.57 800.00 3,656.00
Tools etc. 3% 8,816.00 264.48
For 10 m2 7,244.46
Per m2 724.45

65x 300x 300 mm matt finished cement pressed floor tiles incl. 20 mm thk. 1:3 backing
Per Sqr
300x 300 mm Homogeneous Floor tiles Nos 100.00 160.00 20,000.00
Add 2 % for wastage on cuting 2% 20,000.00 400.00
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.50 682.00 1,705.00
Sand Cu 0.10 7,000.00 700.00
Grout lbs 1.50 54.42 81.63
Add 2% for wastage 2% 2,486.63 49.73
Tiller days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Add 3 % for Tools 3% 6,000.00 180.00
Rate per Sqr 29,116.37
m2 3,134.16
150 140.00 21,000.00
14.00 2,100.00
675.00 1,687.50
7,500.00 825.00
50.00 50.00
275 27,500.00
675 1,687.50 2.5
7500 750.00 0.1
62 93.00 1.5


140 700.00
675 20.25
7500 22.50
66 Timber frame work for calicut pattern tile hip roof in single storey building consisting of wall
plate, beam, ridge plate, rafters etc. (preservative treatment to be measyred seperately)

Per 6.00 Sqrs

Timber 4"x 2" ft3 34.00 680.00 23,120.00
Add 10% wastage 10% 23,120.00 2,312.00
2"x 1" Reepers Lft 660.00 19.66 12,976.17
Add 5% wastage 5% 12,976.17 648.81
6" long Wire nails lbs 8.00 0.00 0.00
2" long Wire nails lbs 2.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter days 7.00 1,200.00 8,400.00
U/Sk labour days 8.00 800.00 6,400.00
Total per 6.00 Sqrs 53,856.98
Total per Sqr 8,976.16

67 Roof covering with calicut pattern clay tiles in single storyed building

(Timber frame work & ridge covering measured seperately)

Per 6.00 Sqrs


Tiles Nos 750.00 0.00 0.00


Carpenter days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00

U/Sk labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00

Total per 6.00 Sqrs 6,000.00

Total per Sqr 1,000.00

68 Timber framework for corrugated asbestos sheet roof in single storyed building

Per 3.60 Sqrs

Timber Purlings ft3 13.25 680.00 9,010.00
Add 10% for wastage 10% 9,010.00 901.00
Carpenter days 2.50 1,200.00 3,000.00
U/Sk labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Total per 3.60 Sqrs 15,311.00
Total per Sqr 4,253.06

69 Roof covering with corrugated asbestos sheets (timber framework and ridge covering measured

Per 3.60 Sqrs

Asbestos corrugated sheets ft2 420.00 38.98 16,370.52
Roofing Screws & washers Nos 72.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter days 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labour days 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Total per 3.60 Sqrs 19,170.52
Total per Sqr 5,325.14

70 One layer half round clay tiles over corrugated asbestos roof covering

Per Sqr
Half round clay tiles Nos 650.00 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labour days 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Total per Sqr 1,600.00

71 Asbestos close fittings ridging fixed complete with roofing screws or bolts (hook)

Per 13' 14" length

3' 8" long ridges pairs 4.00 0.00 0.00
Roofing Screws or bolts Nos 16.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter days 0.25 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk labour days 0.25 800.00 200.00
Per 13' 4" ridging 500.00
Per Lft 37.48

72 Ridging covering with calicut pattern ridge tiles bedded in cement lime mortar 1:1:4

Per 12 Lft
Ridge tiles Nos 9.00 0.00 0.00
Cement cwt 1/3 682.00 227.33
Sand Cu 0.02 7,000.00 140.00
Slaked lime lbs 15.00 4.31 64.63
Coloured Powder lbs 0.50 98.59 49.29
Mason days 0.25 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk labour days 0.25 800.00 200.00
Per 12 lft Ridging 981.25
Per Lft 81.77

73 3/4"x 9" high valance board fixed with brass screws to ends of rafters (for tile roofing)

Per 100 Lft

1" planks ft2 75.00 155.01 11,625.65
Add 5% for wastage 5% 11,625.65 581.28
1 1/2" Brass Screws Nos 70.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Add Scaffolding - 5% 5% 6,000.00 300.00
Per 100 Lft 18,506.93
Per Lft 185.07

74 3/4"x 9" high barge board fixed with brass screws at 2' 0" centres to sides of refters.

Per 100 Lft

1" planks ft2 75.00 155.01 11,625.65
Add 5% for wastage 5% 11,625.65 581.28
1 1/2" Brass Screws Nos 50.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter days 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk labour days 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Add Scaffolding - 5% 5% 6,000.00 300.00
Per 100 Lft 18,506.93
Per Lft 185.07

74a Supply & fix 25x 225 mm Timber valance & barge board
Per Lm
25x 225 mm Kempass Valance board m 1.00 0.00 0.00
Add 5% for wastage 5% 0.00 0.00
40 mm long Brass Screws Nos 3.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 0.75 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labour hrs 0.75 0.00 0.00
Add Tools & Scaffolding - 5% 5% 0.00 0.00
Per 100 Lft 0.00
Per Lft 0.00

74b Calicut Pattern tile roof with kempass timber frame work
Per Sqr
4"x3" Wall plate Lft 20.00 0.00
6"x 3" Ridge Plate Lft 10.00 0.00
4"x2" Rafters (at 2' crs) Lft 120.00 0.00
2"x 1" Reepers (at 13" crs) Lft 200.00 0.00
Calicut tile Nos 260.00 0.00
Wood Preservative gal 1.25 0.00
wire Nails kg 1.00 0.00 0.00
Add 10% for Transport & wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Carpenter Day 2.50 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labour Day 2.50 0.00 0.00
Add Tools & Scaffolding - 5% 6% 0.00 0.00
Per Sqr 0.00
Per m2 0.00
75 18 BWG (1.2 mm) galvanised iron sheet valley gutter 3' 0" girth overall once bent with end laps not less than 9" width
including 3/4" tongued and grooved planks laid to slope and profile on timber members.

Consider 15' 0"

GI sheet (8' x 4') Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00
Wood preservative gals 0.25 629.26 157.31
cement (50 kg) cwt 0.10 682.00 68.20
Slaked lime cwt 0.05 475.00 23.75
Sand ft3 1.00 7,000.00 7,000.00
Planks ft2 50.00 155.01 7,750.43
1 1/2" Wire Nails lbs 2.00 63.49 126.98
a). Fixing boarding and applying wood preservative
Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
b). Making & Fixing GI sheets
Tinker day 0.50 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 0.50 800.00 400.00
c). Building Sides
Mason day 0.25 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour day 0.25 800.00 200.00
Total per 15.00 Lft 18,626.68
Total per Lft 1,241.78

76 18 BWG (1.2 mm) galvanised iron sheet valley gutter 1' 6" girth overall 3 times bent with end laps not less than 6", lead
soldered, turned and tucked up to not less than 6" into chase cut in wall and pointed in cement mortar 1:2 lower end
dressed over roof covering not less than 1' 0" wide.

Consider 15' 0"

GI sheet (8' x 4') Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
cement (50 kg) cwt 0.05 682.00 34.10
Sand ft3 1.00 7,000.00 7,000.00
soldering lead lb 1.00 0.00 0.00
cutting bending, soldering & fixing
Tinker day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Mason day 1/8 1,200.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour day 3/4 800.00 600.00
Total per 15.00 Lft 8,384.10
Total per Lft 558.94
Material Prices (WithVAT - 2008- January

Unit Price
S/N Material Type Unit Unit

1 Cement - Superi Holcim 50kg/CWT 682.00 lbs

2 Cement - Pedareru Holcim 50kg/CWT 554.78 lbs

White cement kg 50.00

3 Metal - 3/4" (20 mm) Cube 4,500.00 ft3

4 Metal - 1" (25 mm) Cube 4,500.00 ft3

5 Metal - 1 1/2" (40 mm) Cube 2,300.00 ft3

6 Metal - 2" (50 mm) Cube 2,100.00 ft3

7 Sand Cube 7,000.00 ft3

8 6"x 9" Rubble Cube 3,000.00 ft3

9 Slaked Lime Kg 9.50 lbs

10 Tor Steel GTB Ton 118,025.00 CWT

11 Mild Steel Ton 100,000.00 CWT

12 Binding Wire - 18 Guage kg 135.00 lbs

13 Binding Wire - 20 Guage kg 85.00 lbs

14 DDT Powder kg

15 Water gal 5.00

16 Imported Earth Cube 1,500.00 m3

17 Mould oil gal 450.60 Ltr

18 Bricks Nr 6.00

19 Wire cut Bricks Nr

20 Hollow cement blocks - 4" SMS Nr 34.69

21 Hollow cement blocks - 6 SMS Nr 46.52

22 Hollow cement blocks - 8" SMS Nr 60.00

23 Solid cement blocks - 4" SMS Nr 46.89

24 Solid cement blocks - 6 SMS Nr 65.35

25 Solid cement blocks - 48" SMS Nr 95.78

26 Glass panes ft2

27 6' 9"x 2' 9" Plywood sash No 2,869.57

28 Plywood Sheet - 12 mm Interwood No 2,174.00 ft2

29 Plywood Sheet - 15 mm Interwood No 1,750.00

30 Plywood Sheet - 18 mm Interwood No 1,900.00

31 Powdered pigment kg 217.39 lbs

32 Polythene - 1000 Guage (40ft2 = 1 Kg) kg 270.00 lbs

33 Polythene - 500 Guage (75ft2 = 1 Kg) kg

34 Quarry Dust Cube 3,400.00 m3

34a Cotton waste lbs kg


35 8"x 8" Pressed tiles Nos

36 6"x 6" Glazed Wall tiles Nos 17.30

37 12"x 12" terrazzo tiles Nos

38 Heavy Duty Vinyl Tile (300x 300x2 mm) Nos 60.00

Homogeneous Vitreous Porcelain Fl Tile

39 Nos 145.00
-300x300mm (147-114)

40 Semi Gloss Floor Tile - 12"x 12" Nos 82.61

41 Tile Grout kg 120.00 lbs

42 Matt finished cement pressed tile Nos 160.00


42 Asbestos corrugated sheets(3.5x 1.09)m2 ft2 38.98 sheet

43 Roofing Screws & washers Nos 12.00

44 Half round clay tiles Nos

45 3' 8" long ridges pairs

46 Roofing Screws or bolts Nos

47 Ridge tiles Nos

48 Flat asbestos sheets ft2

49 Roofing Tar Ltr 170.00 gal

49a Calicut Pattern clay tile Nos


50 Grade 10 m3

51 Grade 15 m3 7,000.00

52 Grade 20 m3 7,600.00

53 Grade 25 m3 7,800.00

54 Grade 30 m3 8,200.00

55 Grade 35 m3 8,600.00


56 Butt hinges - 5"x 2 1/2" Each

57 Butt hinges - 4"x 3" Each 110.00

58 Butt hinges - 4"x 2"" Each 82.50


60 Brass Window rings Nos 25.00

61 Draw rings Nos

62 Brass fanlight catches Nos

63 Brass Casement fastners Nos 71.50

64 Brass Barrel Bolt - 4" Nos 95.00

65 Brass Tower/ Skelton brass bolt - 4" Nos 75.00

66 Door closer (Medium Duty) Nos 2,300.00

67 Brass Casement Stays - 10" Nos 71.50

68 Mortice lock with screws Nos

69 Rim lock with screws Nos

70 Tee hinges - 6"x 12" Nos

71 Brass Screws - 5/8 x 5 100 nrs 219.00

72 Brass Screws - 5/8 x 6 100 nrs 269.00

73 Brass Screws - 3/4 x 5 100 nrs 248.00

74 Brass Screws - 3/4 x 7 100 nrs 351.00

75 Brass Screws - 3/4 x 8 100 nrs 407.00

76 VIRO Door lock Nos 2,350.00

77 Key less Knob set Set 356.50

78 ALPHA main Door Lock Nos 1,500.00

79 UNION Door Lock (Double lock) Nos 5,800.00


80 Special Class Timber ft3 2,422.00 m3

81 Timber - class I ft3 1,826.00 m3

82 Timber - Class II (4"x2") ft3 680.00 m3

83 1" thk. Class II Timber Kempass ft2 155.01 m2

84 Timber - 2" x 1" Red Balau Lft 19.66 m

85 Timber - 2" x 2" Red Balau Lft 37.81 m

86 Timber - 4" x 2" Red Balau Lft 94.52 m

87 Timber - 4" x 3" Red balau Lft 147.45 ft3

88 Timber - 4" x 6" Kempas Lft 287.33 m

89 Timber - 4" x 8" Red balau Lft 423.44 m


91 Ceiling Planks ft2

92 Timber - 1 1/4" x 9" Kempas ft2 150.29 m2

93 Timber - 1 1/4" x 10" Kempas ft2 167.10 m2

94 2"x 1/4" timber strips Lft

95 6"x 3/4" Lunumidell ceiling planks ft2

96 2"x 2" Halmilla cove moulding Lft 12.50 m

97 1 1/2"x 1/2" Halmilla beadings Lft 12.50 m

98 1 1/2" Planks ft2

99 1" Planks Kempass ft2 155.01 m2

100 3"x 1 1/2" timber ft2

101 1/2"x 1/2" Beading Lft


110 16 mm 18" long bolts Nos

111 Wire Nails kg 140.00 lbs

112 6" long Wire nails Kg lbs

113 2" long Wire nails kg lbs

114 1 1/2" Brass Screws Nos Doz

115 3/4" Nails kg

116 1/4" Clout nails lb

117 1 1/2" Brass Nails kg

118 2" Nails lbs

119 Fibre/ plastic plugs Nos

120 Brass panel pins doz

121 Spur stones No

122 Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No

123 5/8" mild steel dowels 4" long No

124 1 1/4 long brass screws doz

125 1/2" Brass screws Doz

126 3/4" Brass screws Nos

127 3" Iron screws Nos

128 Timber plug 6"x6"x2" Nos

129 Wooden plug Nos

130 Rawl plug Nos 2.50

131 Wooden Plugs (for Cistern) Nos

132 3/4" Brass Screws Nos

133 1 1/2" Brass screws Nos

134 Brass Screws 1" long Nos


135 GI sheet (8' x 4') Nos

136 soldering lead lb

137 BRC Mesh 12'x 7' - Guage 10 Nos 2,600.00

138 BRC Mesh 12'x 7' - Guage 12 Nos 2,500.00

139 GI welded Mesh 2' x 2' - 12 Guage Nos 2,370.00

140 Safety Net (5.8x 1.8 m) Nos 1,217.39


141 Tarnap gals

142 Wax Polish Browns kg 380.50 lbs

143 Bitumen -DPC Tar Browns Ltr 212.50 gal

144 Wood preservative - clear Browns Ltr 242.50 gal

145 Wood preservative - Stain Browns Ltr 166.25 gal

146 Anti - corrosive paint Browns Ltr 429.50 gal

147 Mineral turpentine CIC Ltr 175.50 gal

148 Thinner CIC Ltr 173.75 gal

149 Enamel Paint Browns Ltr 371.25 gal

150 Emulsion Paint CIC Ltr 409.00 gal

151 Weathersheild CIC Ltr 616.95 gal

152 Alkali resistant plaster Primer CIC Ltr 599.50 gal

153 Wood & Metal Primer Browns Ltr 516.25 gal

154 Wall Filler Browns Ltr 243.50 gal

155 Boiled lime cwt kg

156 Salt lbs kg

157 Yellow Ocher lbs kg

158 oze blue

159 P/U Floor Paint CIC Ltr 705.00 gal

160 Epoxy Floor Paint CIC Ltr 880.00 gal

161 Polyurethene Varnish CIC Ltr 590.50 gal

162 Skim Coat kg 28.00 lbs

163 Sheet Rock (Wall Puty) kg 54.35


164 1/2" Brush Nos 80.00

3/4" Brush Nos 87.00

165 1" Brush Nos 125.00

166 1 1/2" Brush Nos 170.00

167 2" Brush (50mm) Nos 265.00

168 2 1/2" Brush (50mm) Nos 328.00

169 3" Brush (75mm) Nos 392.00

170 4" Brush Nos 294.00

171 5" Brush Nos 368.00

172 6" Brush Nos 626.00

173 Wire Brush Nos

174 1' - 6"Coir brush Nos

175 floor brush Nos

Other material (Painting) :

176 Sand Paper Nos 40.00

177 Flannel cloth yards


178 1/2 " Pipes -20 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 42.00 Lft

179 3/4 " Pipes - 25 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 86.25 Lft

180 1 " Pipes - 32 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 129.00 Lft

181 - T600 S - Lon m 73.25 Lft

182 1 1/4 " Pipes - 40 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 190.50 Lft

183 - T600 S - Lon m 133.50 Lft

184 1 1/2 " Pipes - 50 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 274.75 Lft

185 - T600 S - Lon m 180.75 Lft

186 - T400 S - Lon m 157.00 Lft

187 2 " Pipes - 63 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 463.75 Lft

188 - T600 S - Lon m 295.00 Lft

189 - T400 S - Lon m 229.50 Lft

190 2 1/2 " Pipes - 75 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 958.75 Lft

191 - T600 S - Lon m 589.00 Lft

192 - T400 S - Lon m 372.50 Lft

193 3 " Pipes - 90 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 1,159.17 Lft

194 - T600 S - Lon m 744.00 Lft

195 - T400 S - Lon m 505.50 Lft

196 4" dia. Pipe - 110 mm - T1000 S - Lon m 1,732.50 Lft

197 - T600 S - Lon m 1,089.67 Lft

198 - T400 S - Lon m 518.17 Lft

199 elbow -1/2" S - Lon Nos 13.00

200 - 3/4" S - Lon Nos 21.00

201 - 1" S - Lon Nos 34.00

202 - 1 1/4" S - Lon Nos 53.00

203 - 1 1/2" S - Lon Nos 95.00

204 - 2" S - Lon Nos 150.00

205 - 2 1/2" S - Lon Nos 326.00

206 - 3" S - Lon Nos 552.00

207 - 4" S - Lon Nos 610.00

208 Bend -1/2" S - Lon Nos 22.00

209 - 3/4" S - Lon Nos 29.00

210 - 1" S - Lon Nos 44.00

211 - 1 1/4" S - Lon Nos 89.00

212 - 1 1/2" S - Lon Nos 143.00

213 - 2" S - Lon Nos 232.00

214 - 2 1/2" S - Lon Nos 664.00

215 - 3" S - Lon Nos 1,112.50

216 - 4" S - Lon Nos 1,409.50

217 Socket -1/2" S - Lon Nos 14.00

218 - 3/4" S - Lon Nos 19.00

219 - 1" S - Lon Nos 29.00

220 - 1 1/4" S - Lon Nos 41.00

221 - 1 1/2" S - Lon Nos 62.00

222 - 2" S - Lon Nos 101.00

223 - 2 1/2" S - Lon Nos 248.50

224 - 3" S - Lon Nos 365.50

225 - 4" S - Lon Nos 586.50

226 Valve Socket -1/2" S - Lon Nos 17.00

227 - 3/4" S - Lon Nos 22.00

228 - 1" S - Lon Nos 30.00

229 - 1 1/4" S - Lon Nos 48.00

230 - 1 1/2" S - Lon Nos 67.00

231 - 2" S - Lon Nos 111.00

232 - 2 1/2" S - Lon Nos 300.50

233 - 3" S - Lon Nos 466.00

234 - 4" S - Lon Nos 731.00

235 Equal Tees - 1/2" S - Lon Nos 17.00

236 - 3/4" S - Lon Nos 29.00

237 - 1" S - Lon Nos 47.00

238 - 1 1/4" S - Lon Nos 72.00

239 - 1 1/2" S - Lon Nos 125.00

240 - 2" S - Lon Nos 192.00

241 - 2 1/2" S - Lon Nos 318.50

242 - 3" S - Lon Nos 729.00

243 - 4" S - Lon Nos 1,125.00

244 4" dia. EW pipes Nos

245 Clips & Nails Nos

246 Solvent Cement S - Lon 90grms 136.00 gms

247 4" dia. C.I. pipe Lft

248 Yarn lbs

249 Down pipe (3.65 m) S - Lon m 187.67

250 Down pipe Elbow S - Lon Nos 123.00

251 Down pipe Joiner S - Lon Nos 84.50

252 Down pipe Clip S - Lon Nos 17.75


255 Wash basin Complete with brackets Nos

Water Closet Nos

256 L/L Suite Complete Nos

257 30" x 18" Single bowl Single drain Sink Nos 2,200.00

258 Squatting pan with trap Nos

1/2" dia.CI Cistern with 1 1/4" flush pipe, chain

259 Nos
& overflow pipe Stop cock

260 Urinal Bowls Nos

261 2 gal Cistern Nos

262 1/2" dia. Stop cock Nos 3,850.00

263 1/2" tap Nos 3,850.00

264 Clip Nos

265 Spreader Nos 3,590.00

266 Bidet Nos

267 6" dia. Eaves gutter lengths

268 Joiner Nos

269 Mitre Bend/Metre Joiner (Square) Nos 265.00

270 2" thk. Tapered wooden blocks Nos

271 L Iron brackets Nos

272 Waste plug & chain Nos

273 Square Gutter Nos 752.00

274 Half round Gutter Nos 1,016.00

275 Running Head (Square) Nos 187.50

276 PVC Gutter head Nos

277 Gutter Joiners (Square) Nos 81.75

278 Gutter Brackets (Square) Nos 35.75

279 End cap (Square) Nos 68.00

280 PVC Straps Nos

281 3 1/2" Joiner Nos

282 600/800 Elbow Nos

283 600/800 Shoe Nos

284 Ball Valve - 1/2" Nos 106.00

285 - 3/4" Nos 191.75

286 - 1" Nos 206.00

287 - 1 1/4" Nos 322.75

288 - 1 1/2" Nos 429.75

289 - 2" Nos 685.50

PVC Door/ PlyWood Doors

290 PVC Door - 2'-6" x 6' - 9" (with frame) Nos 1,540.00

291 PVC Door - 2'-6" x 6' - 9" (Sash only) Nos 2,830.00

292 Ordinary/MR - 2' 3" - 27" (Thk 1 1/4") Mackply Nos 3,100.00

293 Ordinary/MR - 2' 6" - 30" (Thk 1 1/4") Mackply Nos 3,150.00

294 Ordinary/MR - 2' 9" - 33" (Thk 1 1/4") Mackply Nos 3,300.00

295 Ordinary/MR - 3' 0" - 36" (Thk 1 1/4") Mackply Nos 3,850.00

296 Ordinary/MR - 3' 6" - 42" (Thk 1 1/4") Mackply Nos 4,100.00

297 Pump car Hrs 350.00

298 Vibrator with poker Day 1,800.00

299 Excavator Hrs

300 Tractor Hrs 250.00

301 Water Bowser Day

302 Concrete Mixer Day 1,700.00

303 Dozer Day

304 Backhoe Hrs 1,750.00

305 Welding Set (Electrical) Day 500.00

306 Water Pump Hrs

307 Submersible Pump - 2" Hrs 780.00

308 Compactor / Tamper Day 750.00

309 Tipper (5 Ton - 50 km) Day 3,000.00

310 Roller - 10Ton (Min 4 hrs) Hrs 3,250.00

311 Hand Pump Day 250.00

Mack foil sheet (1m x 1m) 690.00

WithVAT - 2008- January

Unit Price Unit Price

Unit Remarks



45.00 m3 1,590.11

45.00 m3 1,590.11

23.00 m3 812.72

21.00 m3 742.05

70.00 m3 2,473.50

30.00 m3 1,060.07

4.31 CWT 475.00

5,901.25 kg 118.03 118.025

5,000.00 kg 100.00





Deliivery within colombo

Deliivery within colombo

Deliivery within colombo

Deliivery within colombo

Deliivery within colombo

Deliivery within colombo

67.94 m2 731.01 Local




122.45 m2 72.63




1,600.00 m2 419.40


































Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

Harris 271

12.80 PE

26.30 PE

39.33 PE

22.33 PE

58.08 PE
40.70 PE

83.77 PE

55.11 PE

47.87 PE

141.39 PE

89.94 PE

69.97 PE

292.30 PE

179.57 PE

113.57 PE

353.40 PE

226.83 PE

154.12 PE

528.20 PE

332.22 PE

157.98 PE
Flush door

Flush door

Flush door

Flush door

Flush door
77 Timber framework for 4' 0"x 4' 0" flat asbestos ceiling (sheet measured seperately)
comprising of 4"x 2" joists and 2"x 2" bearers in class I timber

Per 1.95 Sqrs

Timber class I ft3 8.00 1,826.00 14,608.00
2" Nails lbs 1.00 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs Nos 26.00 0.00 0.00
Cement lbs 25.00 6.19 154.65
Sand ft3 2.00 7,000.00 14,000.00
2" Brush Nos 1/4 265.00 66.25
Tarnap gals 1/3 0.00 0.00
Carpenter day 2 1/2 1,200.00 3,000.00
Mason day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Total per 1.95 Sqrs 33,628.90
Total per Sqr 17,245.59

78 Horizontal ceiling lining using 4' 0"x 4' 0" flat asbetos cement sheets fixed with and
including beading and cove mouldings on timber framework. (Timber framework & painting
measured seperately)

Per 1.95 Sqrs

Flat asbestos sheets ft2 210.00 0.00 0.00
2"x 2" Halmilla cove moulding Lft 60.00 12.50 750.00
1 1/2"x 1/2" Halmilla beadings Lft 125.00 12.50 1,562.50
1/4" Clout nails lb 0.25 0.00 0.00
1 1/2" Brass Screws Doz 8.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter day 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00
U/Sk Labour day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 3,400.00 102.00
Total per 1.95 Sqrs 5,814.50
Total Per Sqr 2,981.79

79 3/4" thk tongued and grooved Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed horizontal on 4"x 2" class I
timber joists at 2' 0" centres with 1 1/2" brass nails

Consider room 15' 0"x 13' 0"

Per 1.95 Sqrs
4"x 2" Timber joists Lft 115.00 94.52 10,870.00
6"x 3/4" Lunumidell ceiling planks ft2 215.00 0.00 0.00
Cement Lbs 3.00 6.19 18.56
Sand ft3 4.00 7,000.00 28,000.00
1 1/2" Brass Nails kg 4.00 0.00 0.00
Making holes,fixing joists & making good
Mason day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Carpenter day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk labour day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Fixing Celing boards
Carpenter day 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour day 4.00 800.00 3,200.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 6,800.00 204.00
Total per 1.95 Sqrs 50,692.56
Total Per Sqr 25,996.18

80 3/4"x 6" wide tongued and grooved Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed to underside of roof
rafters, (existing) with 11 1/2" brass nails including levelling with timber strips where

Consider room 15' 0"x 12' 0"=1.80 Sqr

Ceiling Planks ft2 220.00 0.00 0.00
2"x 1/4" timber strips Lft 40.00 0.00 0.00
3/4" Nails kg 2.00 0.00 0.00
1 1/2" Brass Nails kg 4.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter day 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour day 6.00 800.00 4,800.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 8,400.00 252.00
Total per 1.80 Sqrs 8,652.00
Total Per Sqr 4,806.67
81 Door single hung 3' 3"x 7' 0" high overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4" timber frame.
(Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)

Per 22.75 ft2 (3' 3"x 7' 0")

a) Frame
4"x 3" timber ft3 1.50 0.00 0.00
Spur stones No 2.00 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No 6.00 0.00 0.00
5/8" mild steel dowels 4" long No 2.00 0.00 0.00
b) Sash
1 1/2" Planks ft2 14.00 0.00 0.00
1" Planks ft2 5.00 155.01 775.04
Carpenter Day 5.00 1,200.00 6,000.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1.50 800.00 1,200.00

Total per 22.75 ft2 7,975.04

Total per ft2 350.55

82 Door glazed and panelled double hung 4' 0"x 7' 0" high overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash and 3 3/4"x
2 3/4" timber frame. (Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)

Per 28.00 ft2 (4' 0"x 7' 0")

a) Frame
4"x 3" timber ft3 1 2/3 0.00 0.00
Spur stones No 2.00 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No 6.00 0.00 0.00
5/8" mild steel dowels 4" long No 2.00 0.00 0.00
b) Sash
1 1/2" Planks ft2 16.00 0.00 0.00
1" Planks ft2 7.00 155.01 1,085.06
Carpenter Day 6.00 1,200.00 7,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Total per 28.00 ft2 9,885.06
Total per ft2 353.04

83 Plywood Door single hung 3' 1 1/2"x 6' 1 1/2 overall with frame having 1 1/4" thk sash and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4"
timber frame. (Glazing, ironmongery & painting measured seperately)
Per 21.75 ft2 (3' 1 1/2"x 6' 1 1/2")

a) Frame

4"x 3" timber ft3 1.80 0.00 0.00

Spur stones No 2.00 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No 6.00 0.00 0.00
b) Sash

6' 9"x 2' 9" Plywood sash No 1.00 2,869.57 2,869.57


Carpenter Day 3/4 1,200.00 900.00

U/Sk Labour Day 3/8 800.00 300.00
Mason (fixing frame) Day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour (fixing frame) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00

Total per 21.75 ft2 4,569.57

Total per ft2 210.10

84 Door ledged,braced and battened single hung 2' 6" x 6' 6" overall, with frame having 7/8" thk tongued &
grooved planks and 3 3/4"x 2 3/4" frame.(Iron mongery and painting measured seperately)

Per 16.25 ft2 (2' 6"x 6' 6")

a) Frame

4"x 3" timber ft3 1.70 0.00 0.00

Spur stones No 2.00 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No 6.00 0.00 0.00
5/8" mild steel dowels 4" long No 2.00 0.00 0.00
b) Sash

1" thk planks ft2 21.00 155.01 3,255.18

1 1/4 long brass screws doz 3.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter Day 2 1/4 1,200.00 2,700.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Mason (fixing frame) Day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour (fixing frame) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Total per 16.25 ft2 7,255.18
Total per ft2 446.47

85 Window, glazed 7' 0"x4' 0" high overall with frame comprising 3 no openable sashes and 3 3/4"x 2' 3/4"
frame and mullions

(glazing, iron mongery and paintingmeasured seperately)

Per window 7' 0"x4' 0" (sashes)

i.e. per 28.00 ft2

a) Frame
4"x 3" timber ft3 3.20 0.00 0.00
Fibre/ plastic plugs with 4" long Brass screws No 4.00 0.00 0.00
b) Sash
3"x 1 1/2" timber ft2 9.25 0.00 0.00
Carpenter Day 6.00 1,200.00 7,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00
Mason (fixing frame) Day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour (fixing frame) Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Total per 28.00 ft2 10,200.00
Total per ft2 364.29

86 1/8" clear sheet glass panes exceeding 1' 0" but n.e. 4 ft2 cut and fixed with timber beadings to doors &

Consider sash 3' 0"x 4' 0" high with 3"x 1 1/4" style and 4 Nos glass panes

Per 9.00 ft2

Glass panes ft2 9.00 0.00 0.00
1/2"x 1/2" Beading Lft 30.00 0.00 0.00
Brass panel pins doz 4.00 0.00 0.00
Glazier Day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Total per 9.00 ft2 1,000.00
Total per ft2 111.11

Panelled Door
(4' x 8'-9") 3.26 m2

4x3 timber lft 27.50 178.05 4,896.33

3x1 Louvers lft 24.00 25.00 600.00
1 1/4" sash ft2 23.63 172.83 4,083.97
union Lock nr 1.00 2,350.00 2,350.00
4"x 3" hinges nr 3.00 125.00 375.00
Rawl plug nr 6.00 15.00 90.00
Fabricating & fixing door frame Lft 27.50 50.00 1,375.00
Fixing frame to wall 750.00
Fabricating sash ft2 23.63 300.00 7,089.00
Fixing sash with fittings 1.00 750.00 750.00
Fixing lock nr 1.00 250.00 250.00
D2 - Plywood Door ( 3x 7)
2-6 x 6-9 plywood sash no 1.00 3,650.00 3,650.00
4x3 timber lft 18.00 178.05 3,204.87
lock 1.00 2,350.00 2,350.00
hinges 3.00 110.00 330.00
rawl plug 6.00 15.00 90.00
Fixing sash with fittings 750.00
Fixing frame to wall 750.00
Fixing lock 250.00

D4 = 21,233.10

2-6 x 6-9 Marine plywood sash no 1.00 2,800.00 2,800.00
4x3 timber lft 18.00 178.05 3,204.87
lock 1.00 2,350.00 2,350.00
hinges 3.00 110.00 330.00
rawl plug 6.00 15.00 90.00
Fixing lock 750.00
Fixing sash with fittings 750.00

8x 8-9
3x1 timber louver lft 48.00 25.00 1,200.00
4x3 timber lft 35.50 178.05 6,320.72
1 1/4" sash ft2 50.10 172.83 8,658.78
union Lock nr 1.00 2,350.00 2,350.00
4"x 3" hinges nr 12.00 110.00 1,320.00
Tower bolt nr 4.00 120.00 480.00
Rawl plug nr 6.00 15.00 90.00
Pull rings nr 2.00 20.00 40.00
Casement stays nr 2.00 75.00 150.00
casement fastners nr 2.00 75.00 150.00
Allow panel pins 75.00
6 mm Plain glass ft2 35.98 60.00 2,158.80
Fabricating & fixing door frame Lft 35.50 50.00 1,775.00
Fixing frame to wall 800.00
Fabricating sash ft2 50.10 250.00 12,525.00
Fixing sash with fittings 1.00 750.00 750.00
fixing glass ft2 35.98 55.00 1,978.90
4x3 timber lft 41.00 178.05 7,299.99
3x1 timber louver lft 134.32 25.00 3,358.00
2"x 1" beading lft 14.84 23.00 341.32
1 1/4" sash ft2 8.06 172.83 1,393.53
6 mm Plain glass ft2 27.10 60.00 1,626.00
Casement stays nr 2.00 75.00 150.00
casement fastners nr 2.00 75.00 150.00
Pull rings nr 2.00 20.00 40.00
Barrel bolt nr 2.00 100.00 200.00
4"x 3" hinges nr 6.00 110.00 660.00
Fabricating & fixing door frame Lft 41.00 50.00 2,050.00
Fixing frame to wall 750.00
Fabricating sash ft2 8.06 250.00 2,015.75
Fixing sash with fittings 1.00 750.00 750.00
fixing glass ft2 27.10 55.00 1,490.50
Allow Panel Pins 100.00

4x3 timber lft 39.68 178.05 7,064.96
3x1 timber louver lft 36.00 25.00 900.00
2"x 1" beading lft 13.53 23.00 311.19
1 1/4" sash ft2 7.53 172.83 1,301.41
6 mm Plain glass ft2 14.07 60.00 844.20
Casement stays nr 3.00 75.00 225.00
casement fastners nr 3.00 75.00 225.00
Pull rings nr 3.00 20.00 60.00
Barrel bolt nr 3.00 100.00 300.00
4"x 3" hinges nr 6.00 110.00 660.00
Fabricating & fixing window frame Lft 39.68 50.00 1,984.00
Fixing frame to wall 750.00
Fabricating sash ft2 7.53 250.00 1,882.50
Fixing sash with fittings 1.00 750.00 750.00
fixing glass ft2 14.07 55.00 773.85
Allow Panel Pins 75.00

4x3 timber lft 16.50 178.05 2,937.80
3x1 timber louver lft 12.00 25.00 300.00
1 1/4" sash ft2 1.25 172.83 216.04
6 mm Plain glass ft2 1.37 60.00 82.20
Casement stays nr 1.00 75.00 75.00
casement fastners nr 0.00
Pull rings nr 1.00 20.00 20.00
Barrel bolt nr 1.00 100.00 100.00
4"x 3" hinges nr 2.00 110.00 220.00
Fabricating & fixing door frame Lft 16.50 50.00 825.00
Fixing frame to wall 500.00
Fabricating sash ft2 1.25 250.00 312.50
Fixing sash with fittings 1.00 450.00 450.00
fixing glass 200.00
Allow Panel Pins 35.00

w6 3,903.17

Man Hole ( Internal size (2'x2'x2')

Brick work m2 2.05 1,700.75 3,480.68
Conc. Base m3 0.05 9,506.24 509.60
Cover slab Conc. m3 0.05 9,506.24 509.60
FW m2 0.26 1,642.94 420.02
RF kg 7.50 179.34 1,345.91

CP ( Outer size 2'x2'x2') - 3 Nrs

Pro rata 2,945.91

Septic Tank ( 7' x 5'x 5')

Brick work m2 11.16 1,700.75 18,985.51
Cover slab Conc. m3 0.25 9,506.24 2,358.48
FW m2 0.56 1,642.94 916.41
RF kg 34.73 179.34 6,228.99
Allow 110 dia. Pipes 700.00

Soakage Pit
Brick work m2 6.46 1,700.75 10,994.48
Cover slab Conc. m3 0.11 9,506.24 1,071.17
FW m2 0.21 1,642.94 343.65
RF kg 15.78 179.34 2,829.08
87 Butt Hinges 5"x 2 1/2"

5"x 2 1/2" Butt hinges Pairs 1 1/2 0.00 0.00
Carpenter Day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Per 1 1/2 pairs 500.00
Per pair 333.33

88 Tee Hinges 6"x 12"

6"x 12" Tee hinges Pairs 1.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 2.00 50.00 100.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 2.00 33.33 66.67
Per pairs 166.67

89 Rim Lock

Rim lock with screws Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 2.00 50.00 100.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 2.00 33.33 66.67
Per No 166.67

90 Mortice Lock

Mortice lock with screws Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter Day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Per No 1,000.00

91 Casement Stays

Casement Stays Nos 4.00 71.50 286.00
1/2" Brass screws Nos 16.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 2.00 50.00 100.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 2.00 33.33 66.67
Per 04 Nos 452.67
Per No 113.17

92 Door closer (Hydraulic)

Door closer Nos 1.00 2,300.00 2,300.00
3/4" Brass screws Nos 8.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 2.00 50.00 100.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 2.00 33.33 66.67
Per Nos 2,466.67

93 Tower/ Skelton brass bolts

Tower/ Skelton brass bolt Nos 1.00 75.00 75.00
1/2" Brass screws Nos 10.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 1/2 50.00 25.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1/2 33.33 16.67
Per Nos 116.67

94 Barrel Bolt

Barrel Bolt Nos 1.00 95.00 95.00
1/2" Brass screws Nos 8.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hrs 1/2 50.00 25.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1/2 33.33 16.67
Per Nos 136.67

95 Casement fastners

Casement fastners Nos 6.00 71.50 429.00
1/2" Brass screws Nos 24.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Per Nos 1,429.00

96 Sping loaded fanlight catches

Brass fanlight catches Nos 6.00 0.00 0.00
1/2" Brass screws Doz 2.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Per 06 Nos 1,000.00
Per No 166.67

97 Draw rings

Draw rings Nos 6.00 0.00 0.00
1/2" Brass screws Doz 1.00 0.00 0.00
Carpenter hr 1.00 50.00 50.00
U/Sk Labour hr 1.00 33.33 33.33
Per 06 Nos 83.33
Per No 13.89
98 3/4" thk DPC, in cement sand 1:2 finished with 2 coats hot tar and blinded with sand

Per Sqr

Cement cwt 2.25 682.00 1,534.50
Sand cu 0.11 7,000.00 770.00
Bitumen gals 1 1/2 804.31 1,206.47
Firewood lbs 10.00 0.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1 1/4 1,200.00 1,500.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00
Rate per Sqr 7,060.97

99 5/8" thk plastering to wall in lime and sand 2:5 including floating with lime putty

Per Sqr
Slaked lime cwt 1.30 475.00 617.50
Sand cu 0.07 7,000.00 490.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1 3/4 800.00 1,400.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 2,600.00 78.00
Rate per Sqr 3,835.50

100 5/8" thk plastering to wall in cement sand 1:3 including cement floating

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.40 1,080.00 1,512.00
Sand cu 0.06 18,000.00 1,080.00
Water gals 10.00 8.00 80.00
Mason Day 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/2 1,500.00 2,250.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 4,750.00 142.50
Rate per Sqr 7,564.50 75.645
101 3/8" thk plastering to Soffit slab in cement sand 1:3 including floating with lime putty

Per Sqr

Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.80 682.00 545.60
Slaked lime cwt 0.16 475.00 76.00
Sand cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00
Water gals 5.00 5.00 25.00
Mason Day 2 1/2 1,200.00 3,000.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 5,000.00 150.00
Rate per Sqr 6,146.60

102 3/8" thk plastering to sides & Soffit of beams in cement sand 1:3 including floating with
lime putty

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.80 682.00 545.60
Slaked lime cwt 0.16 475.00 76.00
Sand cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00
Water gals 5.00 5.00 25.00
Mason Day 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 4,000.00 120.00
Rate per Sqr 5,116.60

103 5/8" thk to wall in lime cement and sand 1:1:5 semi - rough with wooden float.

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.80 682.00 545.60 675
Slaked lime cwt 0.40 475.00 190.00 475
Sand cu 0.07 7,000.00 490.00 7500
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/4 800.00 1,000.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 2,200.00 66.00
Rate per Sqr 3,541.60
m2 381.23
104 5/8" thk to wall in lime cement and sand 1:1:5 finished smooth with lime putty floating

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.80 1,080.00 864.00 675
Slaked lime cwt 0.60 800.00 480.00 475.00
Sand cu 0.07 18,000.00 1,260.00 7500
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1 1/2 2,500.00 3,750.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/2 1,500.00 2,250.00
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 6,000.00 180.00
Rate per Sqr 8,834.00
m2 950.91

105 1/2" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:3 finished smooth

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.07 682.00 729.74
Sand cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour (Curing) Day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Rate per Sqr 3,529.74

106 1/2" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in floors, finished smooth

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.50 682.00 1,023.00
Sand cu 0.05 7,000.00 350.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour (Curing) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Rate per Sqr 4,023.00

107 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:3 finished smooth
Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.75 682.00 1,193.50
Sand cu 0.08 7,000.00 560.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1 1/4 1,200.00 1,500.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
U/Sk Labour (Curing) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Rate per Sqr 5,103.50

108 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in floors, finished smooth

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.25 682.00 1,534.50
Sand cu 0.08 7,000.00 560.00
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1 1/4 1,200.00 1,500.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
U/Sk Labour (Curing) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Rate per Sqr 5,444.50

109 3/4" thk rendering in cement and sand 1:2 in coloured cement floors, finished smooth

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.25 682.00 1,534.50
Sand cu 0.08 7,000.00 560.00
Powdered pigment lbs 5.00 98.59 492.95
Water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Mason Day 1 1/4 1,200.00 1,500.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
U/Sk Labour (Curing) Day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Rate per Sqr 5,937.45

110 1/2"x 6" skirting in cement and sand 1:3 projected or flush to walls finished with floating
including forming groove

Per 10.00 Lft

Cement (50 kg) cwt 0.10 895.00 89.50
Sand cu 0.003 7,000.00 21.00 Not Required:
Powdered pigment
Mason Day 3/8 1,200.00 450.00
U/Sk Labour Day 5/16 800.00 250.00
Rate per 10.00 Lft 810.50
Per Lft 81.05 89.155

110a 20 mm thk. Cement Sand Plinth Plaster to smooth finish with Cement Slurry
Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 2.00 1,080.00 2,160.00 675
Sand cu 0.10 18,000.00 1,800.00 7500
Add For Wastage 2% 3,960.00 79.20
Mason Day 1.25 2,500.00 3,125.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1.25 1,500.00 1,875.00
Add ForTools 3% 5,000.00 150.00
Rate per Sqr 9,189.20
Per m2 989.15

101a 5/8" thk plastering to Soffit slab in cement sand 1:3 including floating with lime putty

Per Sqr
Cement (50 kg) cwt 1.00 682.00 682.00
Slaked lime kg 40.00 9.50 380.00
Sand cu 0.10 242.50 24.25
Add Wastage 2% 1,086.25 21.73
Water gals 5.00 5.00 25.00
Mason Day 1.50 1,200.00 1,800.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1.75 800.00 1,400.00
Add Tols & Scaffolding - 3% 3% 3,200.00 96.00
Rate per Sqr 4,428.98
m2 476.75

Not Required:
Powdered pigment lbs 0.25 0.00

111 Prepare and apply one coat of preservative (oil type) to structural timber
including touching up cut ends etc. after fixing

Per Sqr
Wood preservative (oil Type) Ltr 2.75 629.26 1,730.45
3" Brush (1/10 use) nos 1/10 392.00 39.20
Painter Day 3/4 1,200.00 900.00
U/Sk labour Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Rate Per Sqr 3,069.65

112 Prepare surface of steel truss and apply two coat of anti - corrosive primer.
Per Sqr
Anti - corrosive primer Ltr 2 1/4 429.50 966.38
Mineral turpentine or thinner Ltr 0.15 175.50 26.33
Wire Brush Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
2" Brush (1/8 use) use 1/8 265.00 33.13
Painter Day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
U/Sk labour Day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
Rate Per Sqr 4,025.83

113 Apply one coat of anti - corrosive primer and two coats of enamel paint on already shop primed
and erected steel roof truss.

Per Sqr
Anti - corrosive primer Ltr 0.20 429.50 85.90
Enamel Paint Ltr 1 1/3 371.25 495.00
Mineral turpentine or thinner Ltr 0.20 175.50 35.10
2" Brush (1/5 use) use 1/5 265.00 53.00
Painter Day 2 1/2 1,200.00 3,000.00
U/Sk labour Day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Add scaffolding - 3% 3% 3,800.00 114.00
Rate Per Sqr 4,583.00
114 Prepare and apply two coats primer and finishing coat of enamel paint to mild steel
(angle/flat) gate.
Per 50.00Sqr
Anti - corrosive primer Ltr 1 1/5 429.50 515.40
Enamel Paint Ltr 2/3 371.25 247.50
Mineral turpentine or thinner Ltr 0.20 175.50 35.10
Wire Brush Nos 1/2 0.00 0.00
2" Brush use 1/5 265.00 53.00
Painter Day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk labour Day 3/4 800.00 600.00
Add scaffolding - 3% 3% 1,200.00 36.00
Rate Per 50 Sqr 2,087.00

Rate Per Sqr 41.74

115 Painting steel on new work with two coats of anti - corrosive paint.

Per Sqr
Anti - corrosive primer Ltr 2/3 429.50 286.33
2" Brush use 1/5 265.00 53.00
Painter Day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
Rate Per Sqr 2,139.33

116 Painting steel on new timber work with two coats of wood preservative
Per Sqr
Wood preservative gal 1/2 629.26 314.63
2" Brush use 1/5 265.00 53.00
Painter Day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
Rate Per Sqr 2,167.63
117 Preparing & painting wood work with primer and two coats enamel paint

Per Sqr
Primer Ltr 3/4 599.50 449.63
Enamel Paint Ltr 2 1/2 371.25 928.13
2" Brush use 1/5 265.00 53.00
Sand Paper Nos 2.00 40.00 80.00
Painter Day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Rate Per Sqr 3,710.75

118 White or colour washing two coats in single storey

Per 10 Sqr
Boiled lime cwt 0.50 0.00 0.00
Salt lbs 2.00 0.00 0.00
Yellow Ocher lbs 0.50 0.00 0.00
oze blue 2.00 0.00 0.00
6" Brush use 1/3 626.00 208.67
water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Painter Day 2 1/2 1,200.00 3,000.00
U/Sk Labour Day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 5,000.00 150.00
Rate Per 10.00 Sqr 5,408.67

Rate Per Sqr 540.87

119 White or colour washing two coats in two storey

Per 10 Sqr
Boiled lime cwt 1/2 0.00 0.00
Salt lbs 2.00 0.00 0.00
Yellow Ocher lbs 1/2 0.00 0.00
oze blue 2.00 0.00 0.00
6" Brush use 1/3 626.00 208.67
water gals 10.00 5.00 50.00
Painter Day 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour Day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 6,000.00 180.00
Rate Per 10.00 Sqr 6,438.67

Rate Per Sqr 643.87

120 Prepare and apply one coat of Alkail resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to
Per Sqr
Primer Ltr 0.90 599.50 539.55 700
Emulsion Paint Ltr 1.50 409.00 613.50 565
Water gals 0.10 5.00 0.50 800
6" Brush use 1/10 626.00 62.60
Sand Papers Nos 2.00 40.00 80.00
Painter Day 1 1/4 1,200.00 1,500.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 1,500.00 45.00
Rate Per Sqr 2,841.15
m2 305.83

121 Prepare and apply one coat of Alkail resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to
Per 10 Sqr
Cement cwt 5/8 682.00 426.25
6" brush use 0.13 0.00 0.00
Water gals 5.00 5.00 25.00
Painter Day 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00
U/Sk labour Day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 1,600.00 48.00
Rate Per 10.00Sqr 4,499.25

Rate Per Sqr 449.93

122 Painting walls with emulsion paint (2 Coats)

Per Sqr
1st Coat - Emulsion p gals 1/6 409.00 68.17
2nd Coat - Emulsion p gals 1/7 409.00 58.43
6" brush use 1/10 626.00 62.60
Water gals 0.10 5.00 0.50
Painter Day 3/4 1,200.00 900.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 900.00 27.00
Rate Per Sqr 1,116.70

123 Prepare & apply one coat alkali resistant primer and two coats of emulsion paint to soffit of
Per Sqr
Primer Ltr 0.90 599.50 539.55
Emulsion paint Ltr 1.50 409.00 613.50
6" Brush use 0.10 626.00 62.60
Painter Day 1 3/4 1,200.00 2,100.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 2,100.00 63.00
Rate Per Sqr 3,378.65

124 Varnishing two coats with copal varnish after sandpapering

Per Sqr
Varnish gal 0.40 590.50 236.20
3" Brush use 1/3 392.00 130.67
Painter Day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour Day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Rate Per Sqr 1,366.87

125 Wax polishing to timber in panels & floors

Per Sqr
wax polish lb 3/4 172.56 129.42
Sand paper sheets 1/2 40.00 20.00
floor brush use 1/10 0.00 0.00
Flannel cloth yards 1/2 0.00 0.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Rate Per Sqr 2,549.42

126 Prepare & apply two coats of emulsion paint of approved colour & quality over two coats of
Acrylic to internal wall & columns.

Per Sqr
Acrylic filler Ltr 1.43 73.25 104.75 700
Emulsion paint Ltr 1.50 86.25 129.38 565
6" Brush use 1/10 95.00 9.50 800
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 243.62 12.18
Painter Day 0.75 0.00 0.00
U/sk Labour Day 1.00 0.00 0.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate Per Sqr 255.80

127 Prepare & apply one coat of 7 two coats of weathersheild paint of approved colour & quality
over External Walls & columns

Per Sqr
Primer Ltr 1.50 744.00 1,116.00 700
Weathersheild paint Ltr 1.50 372.50 558.75 730
6" Brush use 1/8 800.00 100.00 1409.5
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 1,774.75 88.74
Painter Day 0.50 0.00 0.00
U/sk Labour Day 0.50 0.00 0.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate Per Sqr 1,863.49

128 Prepare surface & apply two coats of emulsion paint of approved colour & quality over one
coats of Acrylic filler to slabs soffit

Per Sqr
Acrylic filler Ltr 1.00 610.00 610.00
Emulsion paint Ltr 1.50 326.00 489.00
6" Brush use 1/10 48.00 4.80
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 1,103.80 55.19
Painter Day 0.75 0.00 0.00
U/sk Labour Day 1.00 0.00 0.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate Per Sqr 1,158.99

129 Apply one coats of wood preservative one coat of primer & two coats of wood sheen

Per Sqr
Wood preservative gal 0.50 62.00 31.00
Primer Ltr 0.75 29.00 21.75
Wood sheen Ltr 2.50 41.00 102.50
1/2" Brush use 1/5 1,125.00 225.00
Painter Day 0.00
U/sk Labour Day 0.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate Per Sqr 380.25

130 Prepare & apply two coats of approved emulsion paint on a primer under coat & acrylic filler to
form uniform surface to receive paint including preparation of surface of internal walls.

Per Sqr
Acrylic filler Ltr 1.43 731.00 1,045.33
Primer Ltr 0.90 0.00
Emulsion paint Ltr 1.50 300.50 450.75
6" Brush use 1/10 0.00 0.00
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 1,496.08 74.80
Painter Day 0.00
U/sk Labour Day 0.00
Scaffolding - 3% 3% 0.00 0.00
Rate Per Sqr 1,570.88

131 Skim coat with acrylic filler two coat of emulsion

Per Sqr
Acrylic filler Ltr 1.00 570.00 570.00
Skim coat kg 12.50 55.00 687.50
Emulsion paint Ltr 1.50 136.00 204.00
6" Brush use 1/10 970.00 97.00
Add Transport & Wastage 5% 1,558.50 77.93
Painter Day 1.00 2,500.00 2,500.00
U/sk Labour Day 1.25 1,700.00 2,125.00
Tools & Scaffolding - 3% 6% 4,625.00 277.50
Rate Per Sqr 6,538.93

126 1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 10 Lft

1/2 " Pipes Lft 13.00 12.80 166.46
Clips & Nails Nos 3.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 2.00 1.51 3.02

Plumber hrs 1.00 150.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1.00 100.00 100.00
Rate per 10.00L ft 419.49
Rate per L ft 41.95

127 3/4" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 10 Lft

3/4 " Pipes Lft 13.00 26.30 341.84
Clips & Nails Nos 3.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 3.00 1.51 4.53

Plumber hrs 1.00 150.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1.00 100.00 100.00
Rate per 10.00L ft 596.38
Rate per L ft 59.64

128 1" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

1 " Pipes Lft 100.00 39.33 3,932.93
Add 5% for wastage 5% 3,932.93 196.65
1" Dia. sockets Nos 8.00 29.00 232.00
Solvent Cement grms 32.00 1.51 48.36
Clips & Nails Nos 35.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber hrs 1/2 150.00 75.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1/2 100.00 50.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 4,534.93
Rate per L ft 45.35

129 1 1/4" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

1 1/4 " Pipes Lft 100.00 58.08 5,807.93
Add 5% for wastage 5% 5,807.93 290.40
1 1/4" Dia. sockets Nos 8.00 41.00 328.00
Solvent Cement grms 48.00 1.51 72.53
Clips & Nails Nos 35.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber hrs 3/4 150.00 112.50
U/Sk Labour hrs 3/4 100.00 75.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 6,686.36
Rate per L ft 66.86

130 1 1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

1 1/2 " Pipes Lft 100.00 83.77 8,376.52
Add 5% for wastage 5% 8,376.52 418.83
1 1/2" Dia. sockets Nos 8.00 62.00 496.00
Solvent Cement grms 64.00 1.51 96.71
Clips & Nails Nos 35.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber hrs 3/4 150.00 112.50
U/Sk Labour hrs 3/4 100.00 75.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 9,575.56
Rate per L ft 95.76
131 2" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

2 " Pipes Lft 100.00 141.39 14,138.72
Add 5% for wastage 5% 14,138.72 706.94
2" Dia. sockets Nos 8.00 101.00 808.00
Solvent Cement grms 112.00 1.51 169.24
Clips & Nails Nos 35.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber hrs 3/4 150.00 112.50
U/Sk Labour hrs 3/4 100.00 75.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 16,010.40
Rate per L ft 160.10

132 3" diameter PVC pipes fixed to walls ( Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

3 " Pipes Lft 100.00 353.40 35,340.45
Add 5% for wastage 5% 35,340.45 1,767.02
3" Dia. sockets Nos 8.00 365.50 2,924.00
Solvent Cement grms 200.00 1.51 302.22
Clips & Nails Nos 35.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber hrs 1.00 150.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour hrs 1.00 100.00 100.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 40,583.69
Rate per L ft 405.84

133 Excavaion for laying 1/2" to 3" diameter PVC pipes in ground not less than 1' - 6" deep, back filling &

Per 100 Lft

U/Sk Labour hrs 2 1/4 100.00 225.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 225.00
Rate per L ft 2.25

134 Chasing brickwork for laying 1/2" to 1 1/2" dia. PVC pipes and making good average depth 2" (pipes and
Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

Cement cwt 0.10 682.00 68.20
Sand Cube 0.01 7,000.00 70.00

Mason day 3.00 1,200.00 3,600.00
U/Sk Labour day 3.00 800.00 2,400.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 6,138.20
Rate per L ft 61.38

135 Chasing brickwork for laying 1 1/2" to 3" dia. PVC pipes in ground floor and making good average depth 3"
(pipes and Specials paid seperately)

Per 100 Lft

Cement cwt 0.20 682.00 136.40
Sand Cube 0.03 7,000.00 210.00

Mason day 3 1/2 1,200.00 4,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 3 1/2 800.00 2,800.00
Rate per 100.00L ft 7,346.40
Rate per L ft 73.46

136 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

1/2" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 20.00 1.51 30.22
Plumber hrs 2.00 150.00 300.00
Rate per 10 Specials 330.22
Rate per Special 33.02

137 3/4" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

3/4" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 30.00 1.51 45.33

Plumber hrs 2.00 150.00 300.00
Rate per 10 Specials 345.33
Rate per Special 34.53

138 1" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

1" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 40.00 1.51 60.44

Plumber hrs 2.00 150.00 300.00
Rate per 10 Specials 360.44
Rate per Special 36.04

139 1 1/4" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

1 1/4" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 60.00 1.51 90.67

Plumber hrs 2.00 150.00 300.00
Rate per 10 Specials 390.67
Rate per Special 39.07

140 1 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

1 1/2" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 80.00 1.51 120.89

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Specials 720.89
Rate per Special 72.09

141 2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

2" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 140.00 1.51 211.56

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Specials 811.56
Rate per Special 81.16

142 2 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

2 1/2" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 200.00 1.51 302.22

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Specials 902.22
Rate per Special 90.22
143 3" dia. PVC specials viz-elbow/bends/sockets.

Per 10 Specials

3" elbow/bends/socket Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 240.00 1.51 362.67

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Specials 962.67
Rate per Special 96.27

144 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

1/2" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 30.00 1.51 45.33

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Nr 645.33
Rate per Nr 64.53

145 3/4" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

3/4" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 45.00 1.51 68.00

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Nr 668.00
Rate per Nr 66.80

146 1" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

1" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 60.00 1.51 90.67

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Nr 690.67
Rate per Nr 69.07

147 1 1/4" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

1 1/4" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 90.00 1.51 136.00

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Rate per 10 Nr 736.00
Rate per Nr 73.60

148 1 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

1 1/2" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 120.00 1.51 181.33

Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Rate per 10 Nr 1,381.33
Rate per Nr 138.13

149 2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr
2" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 210.00 1.51 317.33

Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
Rate per 10 Nr 1,517.33
Rate per Nr 151.73

150 2 1/2" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

2 1/2" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 300.00 1.51 453.33

Plumber day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
Rate per 10 Nr 2,253.33
Rate per Nr 225.33

151 3" dia. PVC specials viz Tees

Per 10 Nr

3" Tees Nos 10.00 0.00
Solvent Cement grms 360.00 1.51 544.00

Plumber day 1 1/2 1,200.00 1,800.00
Rate per 10 Nr 2,344.00
Rate per Nr 234.40

152 4" dia. Glazed earthware pipes laid on 6" thick bedding in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2) including excavation
average 2' 0" depth, backfilling with selected excavated materials and concrete haunching to joints

Per 100 Lft

4" dia. EW pipes Nos 50.00 0.00 0.00
Cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 1/2") cu 0.75 26,212.55 19,659.41
Yarn lbs 2.00 0.00 0.00
Cement (jointing) cwt 0.50 682.00 341.00
Excavation cu 4.00 0.00

Laying concrete bedding
U/Sk labourer day 1 1/2 800.00 1,200.00
laying and testing pipes
Plumber day 2.00 1,200.00 2,400.00
U/Sk labourer day 2.00 800.00 1,600.00
U/Sk labourer day 2 1/2 800.00 2,000.00
Rate 100 L ft 27,200.41
Rate per L ft 272.00

153 4" dia. C.I soil/ vent pipe fixed vertically to walls jointed with cement caulking. (Sepecials measured

Per 6' 0"

4" dia. C.I. pipe Lft 6.00 0.00 0.00
Add 10% for wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
Yarn lbs 5/16 0.00 0.00
Timber plug 6"x6"x2" Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
3" Iron screws Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00
cement lbs 2.00 682.00 1,364.00

Plumber day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk labourer day 1/4 800.00 200.00
Add Scaffolding 5% 500.00 25.00
Rate 6 L ft 1,889.00
Rate per L ft 314.83

154 4" dia. C.I soil/ vent pipe fixed to walls jointed with cement caulking. (Sepecials measured seperately)

Per 6' 0"

4" dia. C.I. pipe Lft 6.00 0.00 0.00
Add 10% for wastage 10% 0.00 0.00
lead lbs 6.00 0.00
yarn lbs 5/16 0.00 0.00
Timber plug 6"x6"x2" Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
3" Iron screws Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00
Fire wood cwt 1/16 0.00

Plumber day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
U/Sk labourer day 1/4 800.00 200.00
ADD Sundries in cement & sand 10% 500.00 50.00
Add Scaffolding 5% 500.00 25.00
Rate 6 L ft 575.00
Rate per L ft 95.83

155 4" dia. Stoneware gully with 6"x 6"x 6" gulley box including excavation, 4" cement concrete 1:2:4 (3/4")
base, surrounded by 4 1/2" thick cement & sand 1:5 extended 6" above top of gulley box including making
connection, 1/2" cement and sand 1:2 rendering internally and exposed faces finished smooth with neat
cement floating and providing G.I.grating on top of gulley

Per No

4" dia. Stoneware gulley Nr 1.00 265.00 265.00
Excavation ft3 4.00 0.00 0.00
4 1/2" Brick work ft2 5.50 0.00
Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") ft3 0.80 0.00 0.00
1/2" Cemenr rendering 1:2 ft2 1.00 429.50 429.50
4" G.I. Grating Nos 1.00 166.25 166.25

Mason day 1/2 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labourer day 1/2 0.00 0.00
Rate per Nr 860.75

156 Manhole 2'0"x 2'0" internally with invert depth n.e. 2'0" including excavation, backfilling 6" cement concrete
1:2:4 (3/4") base with 3/8" dia. Mild steel rods at 4" centres bothways , forming channels and benching in
similarconcrete, 4 1/2" walls in brick in cement 1:5, 1/2" thick cement and sand 1:2 rendering internally and
exposed surfaces including channels , benching and 2" thick RCC removable cover slab 2'3"x 2'3" inlet &
outlet connection all complete to working order.

Per No
Excavation ft3 35.00 0.00 0.00
4 1/2" Brick work in Cement 1:5 ft2 33.00 0.00
Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (3/4") in base & channels ft3 7.00 429.75 3,008.25
1/2" Cemenr rendering 1:2 ft2 28.00 0.00 0.00
RCC cover slab Nos 1.00 54.35 54.35

Mason day 1 1/2 0.00 0.00
U/Sk labourer day 2 1/2 0.00 0.00
Rate per Nr 3,062.60
157 22"x 16" glazed fire clay wash basin with 1/2" dia. Chromium plated pillar tap, waste plug
, Chromium plated waste chain and stay, including fixing wash basin on brackets (Water supply &
waste water connection measured seperately)

Per No

Wash basin Complete with brackets Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
1/2" tap Nos 1.00 3,850.00 3,850.00
Waste plug & chain Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Wooden plug Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
1 1/2" Brass screws Nos 6.00 0.00 0.00
Cement lbs 2.00 682.00 1,364.00

Mason day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Rate per No 6,614.00

158 Sink 24"x 15"x 7" overall vitreous China with rubber plug and Chromium plated chain waste
carried on iron brackets painted and fixed to walls. (Water supply and waste water connection
measured seperately)

Per No

24"x 15"x 7" Sink Nos 1.00 2,200.00 2,200.00
L Iron brackets Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00
Cement lbs 2.00 682.00 1,364.00
2" thk. Tapered wooden blocks Nos 2.00 0.00
1 1/2" brass screws Nos 8.00 0.00 0.00

Mason day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Rate per No 4,564.00

159 Closet pedestal type with L/L flushing Cistern, flush pipe double plastic seat cover, 1/2" dia.
Stop cock, trap supplied & fixed complete to working order

Per No

L/L Suite Complete Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
1/2" dia. Stop cock Nos 1.00 3,850.00 3,850.00
Cement lbs 2.00 682.00 1,364.00
Sand ft3 1/4 70.00 17.50
1 1/2" brass screws Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00

Mason day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Rate per No 7,531.50

160 Closet squatting type with trap including high level Cistern fixed complete with flush pipe &
1/2" dia. Stop cock all complete to working order

Per No

Squatting pan with trap Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
2 gals CI Cistern with 1 1/4" flush pipe, chain & Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
overflow pipe Stop cock

Clip Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00

Wooden plug Nos 5.00 0.00 0.00
1/2" Stop cock Nos 1.00 3,850.00 3,850.00
Cement cwt 1/4 682.00 170.50
Metal ft3 1/2 45.00 22.50
Sand ft3 1/4 70.00 17.50
1 1/2" brass screws doz 1.00 0.00 0.00

Mason day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Rate per No 6,660.50

161 Vitreous china bidet suit fixed complete to working order

Per No

Bidet Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00

Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Rate per No 2,000.00

162 4 Nos Bowl type Urinal with trap & 2 gals capacity automatic flushing cistern and spreaders
complete to working orders

Per 04 No

Urinal Bowls Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
2 gal Cistern Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Rawl plug Nos 8.00 2.50 20.00
Spreader Nos 1.00 3,590.00 3,590.00
Wooden Plugs (for Cistern) Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
1 1/2" brass screws Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
Cement lbs 4.00 682.00 2,728.00
Sand ft3 1/8 70.00 8.75

Mason day 1/4 1,200.00 300.00
Plumber day 1.00 1,200.00 1,200.00
U/Sk Labour day 1.00 800.00 800.00
Rate per 04 No 8,646.75
Rate per No 2,161.69

163 6" dia. Half round PVC eaves gutter fixed to timber valamce board including gutter
joiner & brackets fixed at 18" centres. (Other specials paid seperately)

Per 24.00 Lft

12'- 6" dia. Eaves gutter lengths 2.00 0.00 0.00
Joiner Nos 1.00 81.75 81.75
Gutter Brackets Nos 17.00 35.75 607.75
3/4" Brass Screws Nos 34.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 20.00 1.51 30.22

Plumber day 1/2 1,200.00 600.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/2 800.00 400.00
Rate per 24.00 Lft 1,719.72
Rate per Lft 71.66

164 6" dia. PVC gutter head

Per 01 Nr

PVC Gutter head Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Gutter Joiners Nos 2.00 81.75 163.50
Gutter Brackets Nos 2.00 35.75 71.50
3/4" Brass Screws Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 12.00 1.51 18.13

Plumber day 1/8 1,200.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/8 800.00 100.00
Scaffolding 5% 250.00 12.50
Rate per Nr 515.63

165 6" dia. PVC Mitres

Per 01 Nr

Mitre bend Nos 1.00 265.00 265.00
Gutter Joiners Nos 2.00 81.75 163.50
Gutter Brackets Nos 2.00 35.75 71.50
3/4" Brass Screws Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 12.00 1.51 18.13

Plumber day 1/8 1,200.00 150.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/8 800.00 100.00
Scaffolding 5% 250.00 12.50
Rate per Nr 780.63

166 6" dia. PVC End caps

Per 01 Nr

End cap Nos 1.00 68.00 68.00
Solvent Cement gms 12.00 1.51 18.13

Plumber day 1/16 1,200.00 75.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/16 800.00 50.00
Scaffolding 5% 125.00 6.25
Rate per Nr 217.38

167 3 1/2" dia. PVC rain water down pipes fixed to brick wall with wooden plug buried in wall.
(specials measured seperately)

Per 24.00 Lft

3 1/2" dia. Pipe Length 2.00 0.00
3 1/2" Joiner Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
PVC Straps Nos 4.00 0.00 0.00
Brass Screws 1" long Nos 8.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 30.00 1.51 45.33

Plumber day 1/3 1,200.00 400.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/3 800.00 266.67
Scaffolding 5% 666.67 33.33
Rate per 24.00 Lft 745.33
Rate per Lft 31.06

168 3 1/2" dia. PVC Elbow

Per Nr

600/800 Elbow Nos 2.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 32.00 1.51 48.36
Plumber day 1/16 1,200.00 75.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/16 800.00 50.00
Scaffolding 5% 125.00 6.25
Rate per Nr 179.61

169 3 1/2" dia. PVC Shoe

Per Nr

600/800 Shoe Nos 1.00 0.00 0.00
Solvent Cement gms 15.00 1.51 22.67

Plumber day 1/16 1,200.00 75.00
U/Sk Labour day 1/16 800.00 50.00
Scaffolding 5% 125.00 6.25
Rate per Nr 153.92
Description Unit Rate

Pump car Hrs 350.00

Vibrator with poker Day 1,800.00

Excavator Hrs

Tractor Hrs 250.00

Water Bowser Day

Concrete Mixer Day 1,700.00

Dozer Day

Backhoe Hrs 1,750.00

Welding Set (Electrical) Day 500.00

Water Pump Hrs

Submersible Pump - 2" Hrs 780.00

Compactor / Tamper Day 750.00

Tipper (5 Ton - 50 km) Day 3,000.00

Roller - 10Ton (Min 4 hrs) Hrs 3,250.00

Hand Pump Day 250.00


3.28 Ft
1.00 m =
1.094 yard

1.00 Ft = 0.305 m

1.00 km = 0.6214 mile Cement 1440

Area Sand 1600

9.29 m2 Aggre-coarse 1500

1.00 Sqr =
100 Ft2 6 mm 0.222

0.1075 Sqr 10 mm 0.616

10.760 Ft2 12 mm 0.888

1.00 m2 =
1.196 yd2 16 mm 1.579

0.000247 Acre 20 mm 2.466

0.093 m2 25 mm 3.854
1.00 Ft2 =
0.01 Sqr


2.83 m3
1.00 Cu =
100 Ft3

0.353 Cu

35.288 Ft3

1000 Ltr
1.00 m3 =
61027 in3

1.308 yd3

264.186 gal

0.283 m3
1.00 Ft3 =
0.010 Cu

0.264 gal 3.787878788

1.00 Ltr =
0.001 m3

3.785 Ltr
1.00 gal =
0.003785 m3


0.02 CWT

1.00 Kg = 35.273 oz

2.205 pound

1.00 CWT = 50 Kg

1.00 ton = 1000.000 kg

59 8" thk Solid block work in cement and sand mortar 1:5 in G/FL
Per Sqr unfilled)
10' 0" x 10' 0" area (size of each block 16"x 8"x 8")
Hollow cement blocks Nos 112.00 15.00 139.00
Allow 5% for wastage 5% 139.00 6.95
Cement cwt 0.75 6.10 4.58
Sand Cu 0.06 181.00 10.86
Mason day 1.50 21.80 32.70
U/Sk Labour day 2.50 15.50 38.75
Add Scaffolding - 3% 3% 71.45 2.14
Rate per Sqr 234.98

Rate per m2 34.1465

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