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Degree and group: IMA05A

Well, in this practice we can learn about CNC as well as manipulate them, from my point
of view and appreciation these machines are undoubtedly the best in the industry, making
the practice even more important because one day we will use You are within the company
and it is of utmost importance that we know how they work and in the same way as they are
operated, prior knowledge of lathes and milling machines is needed to have an idea of how
it moves, in the same way it is needed A knowledge of programming CNC machines which
is given in G and M code, these codes are very important, since the machine operates with
them, therefore we must work and learn them to have a greater flow of productivity in the
use of CNC machines.
Well, in this practice we can learn about the CNC machine, this machine is awesome,
because in that machine we can do anything talk about the manufacturing design. In this
occasion we learn how to use the machine, really it`s easy, and hard in the same time,
because for you can use to this machine you can understand and know the codes in G and
M, cause this machine works with this codes, so we need that tools for will can use this
First we turn on the machine, after that the teacher teaches us to change the tools, this
process is very easy, because we need put into the machine the code in M, in this occasion
for change the piece the code is M06, but after this code we need to put the piece that want
to change, so after the code we put T and the position of the piece that we want to change.
It’s a beautiful practice, because I never have used to a CNC machine, so when I see the
machine, I was awesome, After this I learned how to remove a piece, this was really very
easy because you only pressed the button that activated the pneumatics of the machine,
thereby loosening the piece and being able to remove it. In the same way we also learned
and moved the work table, this table is one of the most important parts of manufacturing,
since in this piece we can place the piece that we are going to manufacture, I really liked
going to this practice and I I would like them to repeat themselves many more times.
I conclude, in this practice I learned a lot about CNC machines, mainly how they work, as
well as the structure of it. The first thing I learned in this practice was how to change the
part, it is really a very easy process in which we can be able to change 4 tools, in order to
make this change from tool to tool we simply had to put the code M06 and then put the
position of the part that we want for example T2, then all the code was M06T2 after this we
put on the screen execute, we waited for a moment to load and last but not least we pressed
the green button that was on the console, This way the CNC machine proceeded to change
tools in an approximate time of 5 seconds, it is impressive to see how fast it can change
tools, last but not least in this practice I also learned how to remove the tool from the
machine, This is simply by pressing a button which activates the pneumatics of the machine
and thus in this way to be able to change or remove the part that we want, since in this way
it is simply stretching the piece, and it comes out with great ease.

• Maquina CNC. Elementos que la componen y su funcionamiento». Programacion CNC de
máquinas herramientas. 24 de mayo de 2021. Consultado el 25 de mayo de 2021.
• Lasheras, José María (1996). Tecnología mecánica y metrotecnia. Octavio y félez, S. A. Pp. 879
• «China High Precision CNC Machining Services» (en inglés). Consultado el 16 de marzo de

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