Bài 1 - Quantifiers, Phát Âm Ed, Trọng Âm Từ 2 Âm Tiết, Word Formation - Produce, Impress, Occupy, Know, Qualify, Achive, Possible

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LESSON 1 Lê Huy Hoàng - 0948481838

I. Choose the correct answers
1. There is ……… water in the bottle.
A. little B. a few                       C. any                         D. many
2. I have ……… money, enough to buy a ticket.
A. a lot of          B. little                         C. many                     D. a little
3. There ……… traffic on the street at rush hours.
A. are too many                B.is too much             C. are too a lot             D. are too little
4. He bought ……… furniture for her new apartment which she has bought recently.
A. many                           B. few                         C. much                      D. a few
5. ……… the people I work with are very friendly.
A. some                            B. some of                  C. a little of                 D. a few
6. We didn’t spend ……… money
A. many                            B. some                       C. much                     D. a few
7. I like him ………
A. so many                       B. any much              C. so much                 D. so some
8. We must be quick. There is ……… time left.
A. much                            B. many                     C. a lot of                     D. little
9. Did you take ……… photographs when you were on holiday?
A. some                            B. either                       C. much                       D. many
10. We ‘ll hurry We haven’t got ……… time left.
A. some                            B. many                      C. much                      D. any
11. We didn’t buy ……… flowers yesterday.
A. some                            B. many                      C. much                      D. any
12. She went out without ……… money.
A. any                               B. many                      C. much                     D. some
13. Can I have ……… sugar please?
A. any                               B. some                       C. much                     D. little
14. I don’t have ……… relatives in these strange places.
A. any                               B. some                      C. a little                      D. much
15. We have used ……… energy recently.
A. too many                     B. many too               C. too much                D. much too
16. ……… was given a book.
A. some students              B. every students       C. each students         D. each student
17. I would like to visit ……… country in the world.
A. some of                        B. every                      C. many                      D. a lot of
18. ……… players are there in a football team?
A. How much                   B. Many                      C. Do many                D. How many
19. He got ……… male friends, but he doesn’t know ……… women.
A. a lots of/ many            B. much/ many           C. many / many          D. many/ much
20. You should say ……… and do ………
A. many / few                  B. much / little            C. few / many             D. little / much
II. Complete the following sentences with “some, any, much, many, few, a few, little, a little”
1. He isn’t very popular. He has ……………… friends.
2. Ann is very busy these days. She has ……………… free time.
3. Did you take ……………… photographs when you were on holiday?
4. The museum was very crowded. There were too……………… people.
5. Most of the town is modern. There are ……………… old buildings.
6. We must be quick. We have……………… time.
7. Listen carefully, I’m going to give you ……………… advice.
8. Do you mind if I ask you ……………… questions?
9. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ……………… tourists come here.
10. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She’s got ……………… patience.
11. “Would you like milk in your coffee?” – “Yes, please. I’d like ……………… milk”
12. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ……………… to do.
13. Andy hasn’t got ……………… hair.
14. I drank too ……………… cola yesterday.
15. There aren't ……………… car parks in the center of Oxford.
16. Eating out is expensive here. There aren't ……………… cheap restaurants.
17. My dog brings me ……………… different slippers.
18. This cow produces ……………… milk.
Hoàng PV
LESSON 1 Lê Huy Hoàng - 0948481838
19. Do you have ……………… shampoo?
20. Paul always gets ……………… homework.

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
1. A. arrived B. believed C. received D. hoped
2. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred
3. A. rubbed B. tugged C. stopped D. filled
4. A. dimmed B. travelled C. passed D. stirred
5. A. tipped B. begged C. quarrelled D. carried
6. B. obeyed A. tried C. cleaned D. asked
7. A. packed B. added C. worked D. pronounced
8. A. watched B. phoned C. referred D. followed
9. A. walked B. ended C. started D. wanted
10. A. laughed B. washed C. helped D. weighed
II. Pick out the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words
1. a. recently /ˈriːsntli/ b. conduct /kɒnˈdʌkt/  c. attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/  d. marriage /ˈmærɪʤ/
2. a. banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ b. schedule /ˈʃɛdjuːl/  c. blessing /ˈblɛsɪŋ/ d. diameter /daɪˈæmɪtə/
3. a. birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ b. cowboy /ˈkaʊbɔɪ/ c. enjoy /ɪnˈʤɔɪ/ d. pleasure /ˈplɛʒə/
4. a. disease /dɪˈziːz/  b. humour /ˈhjuːmə/ c. cancer /ˈkænsə/ d. treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/
5. a. persuade /pəˈsweɪd/b. reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/  c. offer /ˈɒfə/  d. apply /əˈplaɪ/
6. a. farmer /ˈfɑːmə/ b. farewell /,feəˈwɛl/  c. factory /ˈfæktəri/ d. fairy /ˈfeəri/
7. a. cattle /kætl/ b. country /ˈkʌntri/ c. canal /kəˈnæl/ d. cover /ˈkʌvə/
8. a. money /ˈmʌni/  b. machine /məˈʃiːn/ c. many /ˈmɛni/ d. mother /ˈmʌðə/
9. a. borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/  b. agree /əˈgriː/  c. await /əˈweɪt/ d. prepare /prɪˈpeə/
10. a. paper /ˈpeɪpə/  b. tonight /təˈnaɪt/  c. lecture /ˈlɛkʧə/ d. story /ˈstɔːri/
1. Detroit is renowned for the __________ of cars. PRODUCE
Produce (v) sản xuất product (n) sản phẩm
production (n) sự sản xuất
productive (adj) năng suất
productively (adv)
2. If you make a good ___________ at the interview, you will get the job. IMPRESS
impress (v) gây ấn tượng impression (n) sự ấn tượng/ ấn tượng
impressive (adj) ấn tượng
impressively (adv)
3. Teaching and medicine are more than __________, they're professions. OCCUPY
occupy (v) chiếm đóng occupation (n) nghề nghiệp  occupational (adj) thuộc nghề nghiệp
giữ vị trí occupied (adj) bận rộn
occupant (n) người chiếm giữ
occupancy (n) sự chiếm giữ
4. My history teacher has a vast ___________ of past events. KNOW
know (v) biết knowledge (n) kiến thức
knowledgeable (adj) có kiến thức
knowledgeably (adv)
5. You are never too old to go to college and gain some ___________ QUALIFY
quality (n) chất lượng qualify (v) đánh giá chất lượng
qualified (adj) có chất lượng
qualification (n) 1 sự đánh giá 2 chất lượng 3 bằng cấp
6. My greatest __________ was graduating from the university. ACHIEVE
achieve (v) đạt được achiever (n) người đạt được thành tựu
achievement (n) thành tựu
7. The weatherman said there is a strong ___________ of rain today. POSSIBLE
possible (adj) có thể  impossible (adj) không thể
possibly (adv)  impossibly (adv)
possibility (n) tính chất có thể  impossibility (n) tính chất không thể

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