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NIM = 41219040



Cement is the main material in construction. The most used cement base material is concrete.
This concrete consists of cement, fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (gravel) and air. After
the concrete is set, it needs to improve its structure to work effectively after 28 days and is called
28 days strength.

Concrete mix designs, announced cement, fine aggregates and coarse aggregates that will be
used for certain structures. For example, a 1: 2: 4 mixture (one-two-four) consists of one part
cement, two parts fine aggregate and four parts coarse aggregate. The design mix is determined
by the water-cement-ratio-amount of air added relative to the amount of cement used. Excess
water reduces the strength of concrete. Dry concrete is more difficult to work with, additives
(chemical additives) called plasticizers are often used. This helps concrete. Other additives can
also be used - for example, retarders can be added to replacements, which provide workers with
demand for concrete spots.


RC reinforced concrete structures contain steel bars. steel reinforcement is needed because the
concrete is weak in planning that is, bad in holding the streching force. to make different
structural parts, formwork - sometimes also called suttering. it consists of molds of the required
size and shape, made of steel or wood, which are used for concrete purposes to completion.

When concrete is placed in its final position, it is called in-situ concrete. precast concrete
reinforced concrete is installed in the factory and then sent to a construction site that is ready to
be assembled. Sometimes, precast concrete is also installed prestressed. With prestressing,
voltage is applied to the reinforcing rod, with the engine. The Bar Bar is then held up with
tension, while wet concrete is poured around it. After the concrete is fully installed, the bar
becomes 'trapped' in the meeting. This improves the concrete's ability to maintain flexural

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