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Dead Sea water helps relieve skin disease

At one of the lowest points on earth, men and women stand naked for hours under a sweltering Dead
Sea sun. "To be exposed to the sun here eight hours a day works like a miracle. I go home cured," said Ruth
Franz, 45, from Mannheim, West Germany, who has had the skin disease psoriasis for over a decade. Her
friend Heike von Lentzke of Munich who has psoriasis and an accompanying arthritis said, "In three days here I
am better than after weeks in the Canary Islands."
Four hundred meters (1,300 feet) below sea level, on the lowest exposed land on earth, the women
bathe in the dense mineral-rich. Dead Sea water that helps rid their bodies of spots which powerful creams and
drugs never cured. Muscular and joint pains, chronic arthritis and vitiligo, a skin disease which causes loss of
pigmentation, are also helped by the Dead Sea. But psoriasis sufferers are the biggest clients. They come from
all over the world seeking relief from the red blotches and scales which can cover their entire bodies. The
disease is not contagious or dangerous but victims often regard themselves as social lepers. Many are afraid
to be seen in public and have difficulty finding partners. They look forward to winter when they can cover their
Research has shown that after four weeks, more than 70 percent of the psoriasis sufferers at the Dead
Sea are cleared or almost completely cleared of the disease for periods of three months to several years. The
rest show at least some improvement.
Some 1,000 naked women and men with skin trouble crowd the segregated beach on Israel's Dead
Sea shore — soaking up sun where they most need it. Many have been coming here for years. Israel and
Jordan have spas on opposite sides of the sea. On the Israeli side new hotels are sprouting to cater for the
boom in tourism from Europe.
"Doctors in the United States just gave me cortisone creams. I got fevers and then the psoriasis came
back worse," said Maria Helena Mansur, 38, of Guayaquil, Ecuador, who first contracted the disease after a car
crash. "I come here every year for a month in the spring and I am free (of psoriasis) until November," she said,
adding that it was her eighth visit to the Dead Sea.
Zvi Even-Paz, a dermatologist who has been studying the Dead Sea for more than 30 years, said, “The
Dead Sea avoids most of the dangers of modern, high-powered treatments."
Since biblical times the sea has been known for its healing qualities. Its sunshine, water and air are
unique. Together they form a magic mix that helps thousands each year. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was
among the first to mention this stretch of water. It was so salty no fish lived in it nor could a bound man sink, he
reported in about 350 B.C.
The Dead Sea is the world's most saline lake. Its 30 percent salt content makes it 10 times saltier than
the oceans and it is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium and sulphur. Dead Sea sunshine is also safer,
doctors there say. The most harmful ultra-violet rays are weakened below sea level and evaporating water
provides an extra shield. This enables people to sunbathe much longer at less risk, they say.
Water enters from the Jordan river, from a few springs and streams along its shores and from winter
floods down mountain ravines. The lake has no outlet but is depleted by evaporation. []
(Versi 2) Dead Sea water helps relieve skin disease

1. Carilah dari bacaan ini satu kata bahasa Inggris yang artinya “jerawat/bisul”.
Blotches artinya jerawat/bisul

2. Pantai satunya dikuasai Israel, pantai satunya lagi dikuasai Jordania. Laut Mati airnya berasal dari mana?
Air Laut Mati berasal dari Sungai Yordan

3. Pilih satu saja yang benar

A). Rencananya berminggu-minggu di Canary Island tapi Heike von Lentzke hanya bisa tiga hari.
B). Turis dari Eropa yang mengunjungi Israel ada yang membawa bom.
C). Laut Mati selain ampuh untuk pengobatan juga banyak ikannya.
D). Khusus untuk nyeri tulang sendi, Laut Mati tak bisa membantu menyembuhkan.
E). Di terik matahari mereka telanjang selama berjam-jam.

4. Zvi Even-Paz melakukan studi selama 10 tahun. Jurang ada di mana?

Jurang terdapat di pegunungan

5. Sinar ultra violet menjadi lemah di Laut Mati. Penyebabnya ada dua. Sebutkan.
A). Sinar ultra violet dilemahkan di bawah permukaan laut

B). Air yang menguap memberikan perisai ekstra.

6. Laut Mati tidak mempunyai saluran pembuangan air. Mengapa airnya tidak meluap?
Karena Laut Mati tidak memiliki outlet

7. Umpamakan Laut Mati kandungan garamnya 500. Laut lain kandungan garamnya berapa?
Laut lain memiliki kandungan garam sekitar 30%

8. Aristoteles adalah filsuf Yunani. Apa yang terjadi selama sepuluh tahun (satu dasawarsa)?
Laut yang asin, tidak ada ikan yang hidup di dalamnya, serta manusia yang terikat tidak dapat tenggelam

9. Dua orang perempuan itu datang dari Jerman. Apa yang dilakukan di musim semi?
Ia mengunjungi Laut Mati untuk menyembuhkan penyakitnya

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