Conversation Using The Passive Voice: Arranged by

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Conversation Using the Passive Voice

Arranged By :
Brainly Friendly Group
David Christian Golden Mahaviro (01)
Kadek Yudi Darmawan (16)
Ketut Suda Gandhi Wibawa (17)
Made Daniel Ranandha (18)


Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021
Conversation at Kamyam

One day, Gandhi, Daniel, Yudi and David meet at Kamyam.

Gandhi : "Long time no see, how are you?"
David : "Not bad."
Daniel : "I'm good."
Yudi : "Not so good."
Gandhi : "Did something happen."
Yudi : "Yeah, you know my dog?"
Gandhi : "Which one?"
Yudi : "The golden one."
Gandhi : "Oh that one, I was bitten by the dog. That was unforgotable moment."
David : "Yes was bitten by Yudi's dog."
Gandhi : "Yeah, I was at Yudi's home and when I went up to the 2nd floor Yudi's dog
attack me and I was bitten.”
Yudi : "To be sure you will be bitten by my dog because you was running from Yudi's
Daniel : "Yeah, maybe the dog was being scared."
Gandhi : "Yeah, that was my fault, btw what were you trying to tell me?"
Yudi : "I have three shoes at home, a week ago one off them has been bitten and
Then yesterday my another shoes was bitten again. Now there is only one
Shoe left.”
Daniel : "Lol."
David : "What a good dog!"
Gandhi : "I guess the third will be bitten too."
Yudi : "I have save it."
Daniel : "Wait, I'll order some foods, anythings?"
David : "One ice tea for me."
Yudi : "Same as David, but can you paid my drink."
Daniel : "Sure, but you should be paid it next time."
Yudi : "Okay thank you Daniel."
Daniel : "What about you Gandhi?."
Gandhi : "I'll order by myself."
Daniel : "Okay then."
After had a conversation, They returned to their homes.

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