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Kinyun Australia

KP4.2.3-2: Procedure for Control of Engineering Drawings


1 General
Kinyun has established, documented, implemented and maintains this Quality Procedure for the
control of engineering drawings. This procedure defines how Kinyun controls all engineering
drawings that are required by our Quality Management System.

2 Purpose
To ensure that the right persons have the current version of the engineering drawings they need,
while unauthorized persons are prevented from use.

3 Scope
Engineering drawings include, but are not limited to,
• Electronics designs: Schematic, printed circuit board (PCB) and bill of materials (BOM). A BOM
is not a drawing, but is considered to be a drawing because of its nature.
• Mechanical designs: CAD files or image.
• Graphic design: Drawings for packages, labels and plates, test setup, system diagrams and
concept map.
• All schedule drawings listed in all Ex certificates.
All engineering drawings are controlled but the level of control is appropriate to the importance and
impact of the document.

4 Responsibility
All employees.

5 Terms and Definitions

Schedule drawing: Drawing listed in the Ex certificate and/or test report.
Related drawing: Drawing or document not listed in the Ex certificate but linked to the schedule drawing
and used, for example, for detailed manufacture of component parts.

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Kinyun Australia
KP4.2.3-2: Procedure for Control of Engineering Drawings

6 System
• The current revision of an engineering drawing shall have both softcopy, which is a file in a
computer, and hardcopy.
• The master copies are original editable files and published softcopies created from the editable
file. The published softcopies shall not be in any editable format. Kinyun uses PDF format
whenever possible.
• The master copies shall be saved in the computer accessible to top management only,
including the R&D Manager, to protect documents from unintended and unauthorised use
and/or change.
• The master copies shall be backed up in another computer accessible to top management
• The archive storage for published softcopy can be a server, an Intranet, an Internet place, a
shared drive or other equipment, which is safe, easy to access and controlled. Protect
documents from unintended and unauthorised use and/or change.
• There are two stamps for hardcopy control managed by the Quality Manager – “Obsolete” and
• Information contained within engineering drawings is compatible with documentation that
enables the conformity of the product with the requirements of the standard(s) to be assessed.
Kinyun shall not initially approve or subsequently amend related drawings unless they are in
compliance with the schedule drawings.
• Where any engineering drawing is passed to a third party, it shall be provided in a way that is
not misleading.
• No factor (type, characteristic, position etc.) defined within the Ex certificate and technical
documentation (e.g. schedule drawings) is modified.
• A document called “Engineering Drawing List” records details of all engineering drawings and
their distributions.

All employees shall follow the instructions below to ensure our documents and engineering
drawings are controlled.

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Kinyun Australia
KP4.2.3-2: Procedure for Control of Engineering Drawings

7 Control Procedures

D r a w in g

R e v ie w &
- A p p r o v a l re c o r d
A p p ro v e

- G et a copy R e v is e

A rc h iv e

Illustration of Control of Engineering Drawing Process

Make a new drawing…

• You may or may not need to get a template depending on what kind of drawing.
• Give it a title.
• Make your drawing.
• Complete the Title Block except “Reviewed by”. The Title Block shall at lease include the
following information:
- Description
- Revision
- Designer by
- Reviewed by
- Issued date
- Drawing number
- Sheet number and total sheets, e.g., “4 of 9”.
• An electronic drawing must comply with Australian standards or international standards.

Make changes…
• Get the editable copy from the R&D Manager with his or her consent
• Make changes.
• Update the Title Block.
• Record changes on the “Engineering Change Request” form.
• For any schedule drawing, check all associated Ex certificates and report to the R&D Manager.

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Kinyun Australia
KP4.2.3-2: Procedure for Control of Engineering Drawings

• The R&D Manager shall take corresponding actions for all associated Ex certificates.
Hand written changes are not allowed

Sign off…
• Get the approval from the R&D Manager. The R&D Manager completes the “Reviewed by” to
approve the new drawing. For drawing changes, the R&D Manager also needs to sign the
“Engineering Change Request” form to approve the changes. The R&D Manager may
authorize another person for review and approval.
• The R&D Manager makes the last revision obsolete and archives the new revision.

• For the first revision, record it in the “Engineering Drawing List”.
• Print out a hardcopy.
• Save editable version in the master copy computer and the back-up computer.
• Stamp the “Current” stamp on the new revision of the hardcopy, then put it in the hardcopy
archive storage. Make sure the drawing accessible to intended users. If you want to keep a
hardcopy of the last revision, cross-out the “Current” then stamp the “Obsolete” on the last
• All obsolete engineering drawings shall be archived for at least 2 years in a softcopy for any
possible reference. Only the R&D Manager can destroy an obsolete engineering drawing after
2 years.

The above requirements on identification and distribution also apply to engineering drawings that
originate outside of Kinyun. If you modify any such engineering drawing (thus making them your
own), all of the above requirements apply.

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Kinyun Australia
KP4.2.3-2: Procedure for Control of Engineering Drawings

Revision History

Revision List of Changes Author Approval

Date (Name & Date) (Name & Date)
1/4/2012 First version Henry Gong Hanson Chen
1/4/2012 1/4/2012

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