MATH Classroom Observation COT LP

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Department of Education
Division of Compostela Valley
Compostela District
School ID 128278
…where dreams become real…



Date and Time: January 10, 2019 / 1:05-1:55PM
Subjects: Mathematics 3
Grade & Section: Grade III – Diamond
Quarter: Third
Learning Area: Mathematics

Demonstrate understanding on how to
A.CONTENT STANDARD convert units of measure from larger unit to
smaller unit or vice versa.
Able to apply knowledge in converting
B.Performance Standards kilogram to gram or vice versa.
Knowledge: convert units of measure from KRA 3.
C.Learning Competencies/ larger unit to smaller unit or vice versa. Obj. 7
Objectives Skill: Can read and use the weighing scale to MOV:
measure the mass in grams and in Knowledge, skills
kilograms. and attitude is
Attitude: Show helpfulness upon doing the applied to lesson
assigned task. planning objectives
Integration: Esp : Helpfulness in order to meet
based on CG, Parts
of the DLP and the
Converting Units of Measure from Larger
II. Content Unit to Smaller Unit or Vice versa in
Kilogram and Grams.

III. Learning Resources

1.Teacher’s Guide pp.294-297
A.References Quarter 4,Week 2
2.Learner’s Material p. 251 - 252
Additional materials Laptop, audio visual presentation ,activity
sheets, pentel pen, pack of sand, rice, pieces of
stones and weighing scale
IV. Procedure

A.Reviewing 1. DRILL: Multiplication using short cut KRA 1

previous lesson method. Objective 1:
or presenting Ex. 3 000x 1000
the new lesson. Division:
3 000 ÷ 1 000 The teacher uses
2. REVIEW: How do we convert meter to the prior
centimeter? Centimeter to meter? knowledge from
Ex. ---- m= 400 cm
---- cm = 5 m
3. Ask? What do you think are the other HEALTH) subject.
units of measure to be used?
KRA 2:
Present a picture of a fruit stand. Objective 9:
The teacher uses
the appropriate
teaching and
including ICT to
address learning
goal through
Ask. What will you do before you can buy presentation.
the fruits? Are they sold by piece? How?
Why do we need to buy or to have these?
Integration: HEALTH : Nutrition.

B .Establishing the Do you know what is used to measure KRA 3

purpose of the these? OBJ.9
lesson. Present a video on how to measure the MOV:
mass in grams and kilograms. Selects, develops
organizes and uses
teaching and
learning resources
including ICT to
address learning
MOV.The video
presentation will
provide additional
relevant to the

D. Presenting Examples/ 1. Present concrete examples on how to KRA 1O

Instances of new lesson measure the mass in kilogram and gram. OBJ 3.
Use a real weighing scale. MOV:
Ask. Which is heavier? Which is lighter? Applied a range of
How do you know? teaching strategies
2. Call the pupils attention to the lines to develop creative
shown in the weighing scale. Let them thinking as well as
identify the shorter lines that represent HOTS.
grams and the longer lines that represent MOV. Instructional
kilograms. materials
Ask: How many grams are there in 1 highlighting
kilogram? different teaching
Show solutions on how to convert kilograms strategies that
to grams or vice versa. develop critical and
Present a word problem. creative thinking.
My sister bought 3 kilograms of rice. How
many grams of rice did she buy? KRA #2.
2. Group activity: MOV:
Setting the standards of group activity. Use differentiated,
Group#1. appropriate
What to do? learning
1. Measure the mass of the following items. experiences to
Convert its mass from grams to kilograms. address learners
Show your solution. gender needs,
Use the table below. strengths, interests
and experiences.
items kg g MOV. Lesson plans
rice ? 4000 developed
stones ? 7000 highlighting
Answer the questions. differentiation in
1. How many grams is the weight of the content product,
rice? process, learning
2. How many grams is the weight of the environment and
stones? others according to
3. How do you get the answer? learners gender
needs, strengths,
interests and
Group #2. experiences.

What to do? KRA 1

Measure the mass of the ff. items. Objective 2
Convert its mass from kilograms to grams. MOV
Show your solution. The teacher uses
Use the table below. a range of
items kg g
rice 4 ? strategies that
stones 7 ? enhance
Answer the questions. learner’s
1. How many grams is the weight of the achievement in
rice? literacy and
2. How many grams is the weight of the numeracy skills.
3. How did you get the answer?
Group #3
What to do:
Weigh the packs of:
a. Sand
b. .soil
Write its weight in the table below.
Convert it from grams to kilogram or vice
items Weight in kg Weight in g
Packs of ? ?
Packs of soil ? ?

What is the weight of the sand in kg? g?
What is the weight of the soil in kg? g?

Group #4.
What to do:
Borrow 2 bags with different colors from
your classmate.
Put things inside the bag that are found in
the classroom until reaching the weight of 3
kg and the other bag weighing 2000 g.
Fill the blanks in the table below.
bags Weight in kg Weight in g
Bag A 3 ?
Bag B ? 2 000

Answer the questions.

What is the weight of the bag A in g?
What is the weight of the bag B in kg?
Which is heavier? Bag A or bag B, Why?
Integration: English : Comparing adjectives
KRA# 1.
D.Discussin What will you do to get the answer directly? Obj.
g the new MOV:
concepts 1. Multiply if the smaller unit is missing. Lesson Instructional
Count the number of zeros in the multiplier materials
and multiplicand then multiply the non- highlighting
new skills
zero. learners- centered
Example: strategies that
1000 x 2 ==2000 promote literacy
2. In dividing numbers divisible by 1000. and or numeracy
Use the cancel method .Cancel all zeros in skills.
the dividend and in the divisor then divide
the non-zero.

3000÷ 1 000= 3
A. Convert the following to grams. KRA 2:
E.Developing Mastery Objective 4:
Leads to Assessment 8 kilogram = ---- grams MOV:
16 kilograms = ---- grams The teacher
manages classroom
B. Convert the following to kilograms. structure to engage
learners in group
2000 g = --- kilograms hands-on activities
8000 grams = ---- kilograms with a range of
physical learning
Read and analyze the problem.
F. Finding KRA# 1.
Practical Mara wants to buy sugar. When she look Obj.2.
Application at the price, 1 kilogram of sugar costs Php MOV:
of Concepts
60. While the 500 grams of sugar costs Php Lesson plan used in
and Skills.
35. If you were Mara, which pack of sugar teaching
will you choose to save money? highlighting
Why? strategies that
Integration: Health: Skills of a wise develop critical and
consumer creative thinking.

G.Making Generalization and 1. What will you do to convert kilogram to KRA 1O

Abstraction about the lesson grams? OBJ 3.
2. What will you do to convert grams to MOV:
kilogram? Applied a range of
teaching strategies
To convert kilogram to grams, multiply it by to develop creative
1000./ conversion unit. thinking as well as
To convert grams to kilogram, Divide it by
1000 / conversion unit.
How to convert grams to kilograms?

A. Draw a weighing scale where the KRA#4,

H.Evaluating Learning needle points 3 kilogram. Obj.10.
B. Draw a weighing scale where the MOV:
needle points 500 grams. Designed selected
C. Fill the blanks with the correct organized and used
answer. diagnostic,
12 kg = --- g 20 000 g = --- kg. formative
consistent with
Monitors and
evaluate learners
‘progress and
achievement using
attainment data.
I. Additional
Activities for On Thursday or market day, go with your KRA#1
Application or Mother /father or sister to the market. obj.4.
Remediation List down items or goods that are sold in MOV.
the market which are measured by a Performance tasks
weighing scale. highlighting
Take note what are the items that can be integration of
measured in gram and items that can be content knowledge
measured in kilogram. within and across
Pass your answer on Monday. subject areas.
Integration: Health: Budgeting
Esp: Helpfulness
A.No.of learners who
80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Observed by:

School Principal I

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