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Name of the Person Group Type Perception of the I agree/ disagree

(Primary/Secondary) person about you… because…

1. Merlita Palma Primary Loving, caring and a I agree because I grow

courageous daughter up having so much
love, and care from my
parents and siblings. So
maybe that is why I am
that loving and caring
person today.
2. Chariz Elimanao Primary You are my best friend I agree because I don’t
since we started our usually treat somebody
elementary days up to like my sister I if I have
now. I thank God that I not known him/her for
know you because you a long time.
treat me not just a
friend but a sister.
3. John Eric Agrabio Secondary Attitude. I disagree. I may look
‘maldita’ but if you
really get along and
know me well, I have a
vey kind heart. hehehe
4. Rhea Igloria Primary Kind and very generous I agree. Yes, I am really
kind and generous to
those people who
shown me good things.

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