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NOTE: I have not seen any presence of the moon in the past weeks so instead I observe the
moon’s different phases during the eclipse last MAY 26, 2021.

 At 6: 14 pm the moonrise and it appeared half with color one color.
 At 6: 20 pm the moon appeared in partial eclipse and it has a circular shape with two
color presents.
 At 7: 11 full eclipse started and the moon appeared circular and in full color it last until 7:
25 pm where full eclipse ends.
 At 8:16 pm the moon back to its partial appearance.
 At 8: 52 pm partial eclipse ends.
 And at 9:49 pm penumbral eclipse ends.

Question to Answer:

1. What resources can you give for the apparent changes in the moons shape?
Our Moon's shape doesn't really change it only appears that way! The “amount” of Moon that
we see as we look from Earth changes in a cycle that repeats about once a month. The relative
positions of our Sun, Earth, and Moon, cause these changes. As our Moon orbits around Earth,
the side facing the Sun is always illuminated, just like Earth's daylight side is illuminated by the
Sun. For the visibility of the moon, you can either view it using your naked eye but you can see it
clearly using a telescope.

2. How would you explain the effects of this changes on earth?


The  Moon doesn't emit (give off) light itself, the 'moonlight' we see is actually the Sun's light
reflected off the lunar surface. So, as the Moon orbits the Earth, the Sun lights up different parts
of it, making it seem as if the Moon  is changing shape. In actual fact, it's just our view of it
that's altering

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