English Summer

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Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1.What are communication models? Why do you think they were introduced?

Answer: Communication models are systematic representations of the process that aid in grasping how
communication can be executed. There are various communication models namely: aristotle’s
communication model, laswell’s communication model, Shannon-weaver’s communication model and
berlo’s communication model. In my opinion, these are organized to assist us in our every speech and
interactions and deliver our message to the receivers clearly.

2.How does one model differ from the other/s?

Answer: Communication models had been introduced starting from the past until now in the present.
Communication models differ in the number of variables they have for example Aristotle’s model only
had four while Laswell added medium in it and it had 5 variables.

3.If you were to choose a conceptual model for communication, what would you prefer and why? How
can you be guided by any of these models when you communicate?

Answer: If I were to choose I would pick Shannon-Weaver’s communication model for the fact that it is
detailed and easy to understand which I can use a hundred percent when interacting or making a
speech. This model can guide me in constructing properly my message and knowing when to give
feedback and when to communicate to someone. But of course as a good communicator we must also
follow the principles and ethics of communication and apply it together with the model.

4.How do the principles of effective oral communication differ from those of effective written
communication? Do they have similarities at all?

Answer: Both these principles have the same purpose of giving tips and guides us in order to give an
effective output. But they also differ in where you apply them because oral is effective verbally while
written is effective in communication done in writing.

5.How can one observe ethics in communication?

Answer: An individual can observe ethics in communication if he/she hears as to what they are
communicating and not limiting of what you want to hear from others. In terms of communicating,
honesty both the message you deliver and the feedback you give.

6.Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics?

Answer: Code of ethics is significant in communication because it serves as the law in communicating
providing set of rules we must adhere in order to deliver proper and clear message and feedback. It also
guides us to carefully choose what we say according to the kind of listeners we have.
II. View on YouTube the speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at Philippine China Trade and
Investment Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.
1. Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which ones
were followed? Which ones were not? Why or why not?

Answer: According to what I’ve heard mostly are followed. He was very natural in delivering his
message which is one of the principles and also he has the purpose but no need to criticize
Americans in their way of speaking just to get good terms with Chinese and for that his
conciseness is a bit off. And lastly some of the sentences given are nor complete together with
unclear purpose in the start of the speech.

2. What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective? Write your thoughts on the
space below

Answer: The advice I could give is to deliver the message in a formal way and also in a good way
wherein no racism or criticizing of other races involved cause that would make it informal. And
also complete the sentence if necessary and be sure that you use a language familiar to the
audience not mixing it with a language which you only know cause that would make confusion.

III. The Code of Ethics in the workplace should be carefully thought out since it will guide the
employees in assessing what is right and wrong for the business. If you were to put up your own
business, what values would you incorporate in your company's code of ethics?

Answer: If I were to put up a business I would incorporate my company’s code of ethics with
transparency, equality, integrity and respect because I know for a fact that a company will not live
long enough if you don’t know how to interact or you are not open with your employees. Being
transparent with them means building trust within the company and most of all equality together
with integrity and respect must be present for healthy interaction inside the company.

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