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I. Comprehension Questions:

Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:

1. What are the different types of communication mode and how do they differ from each other?
Answer: The types of communication mode are face to face interaction, video communication,
audio communication and text-based communication. The video is used to link two or more
persons who are unable to communicate face to face. After face-to-face conversation, it is the
second most convenient means of communication. While audio communication, which is limited
to hearing only the speaker's voice, most forms of text-based communication are limited to
what is printed.
2. What are the other forms of modes of communication that have not been discussed and which
have recently become part of virtual communication technology?
Answer: The other modes of communication that have not been discussed and are
recently become part of virtual communication technology are: handwritten messages,
typewritten messages, short telegrams, computer-encoded texts, landline telephone
conversations and audio or video recorded messages
3. Explain Diana Wheatley’s quote and give one illustration:

“Meaning is made in conversation, Reality is created in communication, and knowledge is generated

through social interaction… Language is the vehicle through which we create our understanding of the
world.” Answer: From this quote, we can say that during a conversation a certain meaning rises which
depends on the communicators. On the other hand, through communication we are able to do things
which will exist in reality. And in general knowledge is produced by a certain conversation. Let us say for
example in our local terms chismosa and chismoso, sharing information which is either false or true and
it will create a knowledge, meaning and reality which is to spread it to others and this will create our
understanding of what is happening in the world through their words that can deceive us.

4. As a speaker of English as a second language, what can you say about the difficulty of other
speakers in understanding the Philippine English variety that you use?
Answer: It would be difficult for them to understand our English variety because it will differ in
each of our accents which is natural when we are born different from their own mother tongue
of birth accents. Pronunciation is a factor also in speaking of certain vowels which is a factor in
understanding the language we use.
5. With the advent of computer-mediated communication or CMC, how can you be more
responsible with what you post in your own account as a way of conveying messages to the
Answer: Nowadays, we spend more time on social media, and many people all over the world
do as well. As a result, we must consider before we share online, and we must not post
something harmful because it may reach anyone. Do not post personal matters on social media,
such as when you have a disagreement with someone. In general we must observe etiquette.
II. Video as a Mode of Communication
View a video conference from YouTube titled “A video conference call in real life” by Tripp and
Tyler ( Then, answer the following
1. What was the topic of the video conference?
Answer: The video conference's theme is their company's financial reports as well as
updates on their project.
2. Who were the participants? Where were they from?
Answer: Paul, Tyler, Beth, John, David, and Tripp are among the participants. They've come
from their homes, and some are staying in a hotel, while others are caught in traffic.
3. How was the flow of the video conference?
Answer: The flow of video conference was awful. There are so many distractions and
problems about signals and connections.
4. Were there some technical glitches encountered? Were they resolved immediately?
Answer: Yes there are glitches encountered and it was not resolved immediately and as a
result there was very small information shared in the conference.
5. After viewing the sample video conference, what do you think are some of the constraints of
this communication mode?
Answer: After viewing it the constraints are glitches, external noises, poor connection and
unavailability of resources to use. That is why the result is very unprofessional.
III. Text-based Communication
Identify the type of text-based communication mode that best suits the following questions.
Explain why. Write your answer on the blank after each time.
1. Disseminating information about the change in examination schedule. Facebook posting and
group chats in messenger would be most effective in this kind of situation because in our
generation, social media is being utilized.
2. Providing information about the latest school policy on conducting interviews of university
officials. Spreading memo and posting in bulletin board and online posting would be appropriate
for this one because it is within school premises and for the sake of those at home, online
posting should be done.
3. Explaining why the student failed in the test. This should through private messaging or
through emails because of the confidentiality must be involved in this one.
4. Expressing apology for a grave shortcoming. In this situation a handwritten letter would be
much appreciated by the person you are sending it to because it would convey sincerity. When
it means apologizing sincerity must be involved.
5. Inviting someone to attend your lecture forum. Group chat in messenger or emails would be
appropriate for this one. It is usually used nowadays for lecture sessions by instructors.
6. Explaining why you failed to attend the class activity. Messenger should be utilized in sending
a personal message to the instructor or sending an email for formality. Formality is expressed
when emailing someone especially an instructor so it must be utilized.
7. Inviting classmates to join the community service program for the Aetas in Tarlac. Group chats
in messenger is the most efficient way in this one because its much faster than sending it
8. Informing schoolmates about the cancellation of classes due to a typhoon. Best and efficient
way for this is a facebook post. Again it will save time and most of the students have facebook
9. Announcing the award granted by an international organization to a teacher. An email would
be most appropriate with this one because it is and award and it should be formal.

10. Reprimanding a male student for keeping a pornographic magazine. It would be best to
message the student privately in messenger in order to keep it confidential and not embarrass
the student.

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