Soal Ulangan Tengah Semester 1

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas X [umum] th. 2020/2021

I.Choose the right answer!

1. Yusuf : Excuse me, may I sit down here?
Aisha : Sure
Yusuf : Hi,my name is Yusuf. What’s yours?
Aisha : ...
What is the most suitable response to say next?
A. I live in Grand Pasific Regency. D. Nice to meet you.`
B. I am fifteen years old. E. My name is Aisha.
C. My hobby is boxing.

Reading text for number 2 – 4

Hello, my name is Yusuf Anderson. I am 16 years old. I study at Harristown State School.
I live in 127 Mt Street Toowoomba. I have three older brothers, one older sister and two
younger sisters. My hobby is playing Hockey. I have joined a hockey club Darling Downs
since two years ago. I have participated in junior hockey competition twice. I become the
best player in my second competition. My dream is becoming a hockey player.

2.What does the text tell about?

A. Yusuf Anderson D. a hockey athlete
B. The hockey club E. Harristown State School
C. The writer’s dream

3.How old is the writer?

A. Twelve years old D. fifteen years old
B. Thirteen years old E. sixteen years old
C. Fourteen years old

4.What is the writer’s ambition?

A. To be the best hockey player D. to win the competition
B. To be a football player E. to participate in compotition
C. To be a hockey player

Number 5 refers to the following text!

Good morning my dear friends. Allow me to introduce myself for a couple of minutes. My
complete name is Hendra Hermawan and my nickname is Hendra. So you can call me Hendra not
Hermawan. I was born in Bandung, June 21st 1999. It was a long time and about eighteen years
ago right? I’m a very new person here because I have just moved from Bandung to this capital city
two days ago. When the first time I live in Jakarta, I feel very hot but it has been a normal
condition for me right now. In Bandung, I had a unique hobby that was speed cubing. It was a
brain to play the Rubik’s cube faster and faster. I also spend my time to play football and listen to
the music when I get bored at home. But, when I live in Jakarta, I even have no idea to play
football with my friends. Because, here I am a stranger and haven’t got friend yet. I live on Jl
Kepulauan Raya, West Jakarta. It’s approximately five kilometers from this school and I go to
school by bus.

5.What does the text tell about?

A. A personal introduction of Hendra Hermawan.
B. Short description about Hendra Hermawan.
C. Hendra’s activity during spare time
D. Hendra Hermawan daily activity

6.Hendra’s favorite hobbies Find out the incorrect response of the compliment below.
Elena: Amy, you look so beautiful in your new dress!
Amy: _____________________, Elena.
A. Thank you so much 
B. Do you really think so? 
C. It is nice of you to say so 
D. Yes, you are right! 
E. You’ve my day 

7.Shelby: Kala, I think you are the smartest person in this class. 
Kala: Really? _____________________.
A. That nice of you to say. 
B. I don't think so, but that nice of you to say. 
C. I don't thinking so, but thank you. 
D. That's so nice of you to say. 
E. You are wrong. 

8.Congratulations _______ your new position in the company! 

A. to B. with C. on D. at E. in

9.Theo : Wow! That's such great news! I'm so excited for you. 
Christian: Thank you, I'm really proud. 
Theo: It seems like _______________.
A. your hard work is paid off. 
B. your hard work paid off. 
C. your hard work paying off. 
D. your hard work to pay off. 
E. your hard work pay off. 

10.Thasia: Rifai, your sister is so gorgeous and confident. I want to be like her. 
Rifai : That's nice of you to say. I'll ________________.
A. tell her you saying that. 
B. say her that. 
C. telling her that. 
D. tell her you said that. 
E. saying that to her. 

Text for questions 11 to 15

Alex :Hi, Tom! what do you plan for the weekend?

Tommy : Well…., I Have no plans actually. Any idea?
Alex : Diko and I are going to explore the beaches and caves in GunungKidul, Jogjakarta.
Would you like to join us?
Tommy : I’d love to but it’s too far from our place. You know, we only have a two-day holiday. I
guess it
will be tiring. Why don’t we do it in our long holiday after the semester test?
Alex : We plan to go to Karimunjawa for the long holiday. Join us to Karimunjawa?
Tommy : I prefer to join you to Karimunjawa.
Alex : Great!

11. What is the text about?

A. Holiday plans.
B. Going to a beach.
C. Going to Karimunjawa.
D. Activities on a week-end.
E. Having a semester holiday.

12.. In the dialogue, which expression states an intention?

A. I’d love too but it’s too far from our place
B. Diko and I are going to explore the beaches and caves.
C. What do you plan for the week-end?
D. Would you like to join us?
E. I guess it will be tiring.

13.. It is TRUE that ….

A. Alex will stay at home this weekend.
B. Tommy is going to the beach this week-end.
C. Alex and Tommy plan to have a vacation this week-end.
D. Alexprefers going to the caves to exploring Karimunjawa.
E. Tommy prefers going to Karimunjawa to exploring the beaches and caves.

14.. Tommy :I guess it will be tiring

The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. boring
B. amazing
C. worrying
D. fascinating
E. exhausting

15. Bob : Are busy Saturday night? I’ve got front-row seats for the basketball game.
Ryan : Oh, sorry. It sounds a lot of fun, but … at my cousin’s wedding.
A. I’m going to be
B. I’d like to be
C. I will be
D. I can be
E. I hope I will be
=== GOOD LUCK ===

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