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MARCH 2021




A. Background of the Study

Any educational institution’s most valuable commodity is its students. The

country’s social and economic growth is inextricably related to student academic

achievement. Academic success of students is critical in producing high-quality

graduates who will serve as great leaders and manpower for the nation, and thus be

responsible for its economic and social growth.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost all sectors of the global

economy. Since conducting face-to-face classes and laboratory activities involves

physical interactions, education institutions are one of the industries in which most

activities are affected. Education institutions were forced to cancel face-to-face

classes until now after it was discovered that the virus can be transmitted by direct

contact and surfaces in the immediate environment with an infected person or with

objects used by the infected person (WHO, 2020). As a result, the majority of

educational institutions are rushing to implement remote teaching and online classes.

However, this poses unparalleled difficulties in terms of acclimating to new

technology and gaining access to critical resources such as laboratories.

Before the pandemic, teacher will easily be aware when the students have already

acquired the knowledge they taught. But, because of the pandemic, teachers are not

able to teach and further explain the lessons to the students. Most importantly, teacher

are not aware on how the students answer their learning assessments and modules nor

if their students are really the ones who answer them since they do it at home and can

seek help from their family members and on the internet. Students who learn online

or modular struggle in terms of internet allowance or the internet connection itself

because some use load data and some have their own Wi-Fi’s at home. Sometimes,

the internet signal could get quite weak and sometimes they don’t have enough

allowance to buy load. But either way, students who learn either online or modular

struggle in understanding and learning their lessons because they are not used to the

new normal and that there are no one who will further explain the lesson to them

other than themselves.

Many students and teachers struggled to adjust to the new normal because most

educational institutions lacked clear policies and guidelines on online learning and

remote learning. Additional challenges of remote teaching and learning include

infrastructure issues, teachers' and students' online teaching experiences, the change

in working hours due to COVID-19 for some part-time students, and the

inconvenience of working from home. The existing and inherent remote teaching and

learning problems, combined with the current and unprecedented problems, i.e., a

lack of policies, guidelines, adequate infrastructure, and teachers' and students'

experiences, make the challenge more difficult.

B. Theoretical Framework


> Sex > Online Survey > Challenges on
> Social Economic Status > Gathering data of Students Learning
> T-test and anova test of the respondents Assessment: Its
profile, challenges and Impact on their
student performance > Report writing Academic
> Analysis Performance


The study followed the input-process-output system in challenges on students learning

assessment: its impact on their academic performance in Delfin Albano by using the online

survey to gather the data that will be needed for the study. The input process component consist

of the profile variable that includes the sex and social economic status of the respondent. The

process component consists of online survey, gathering data of the respondents, report writing

and analysis.
C. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the challenges on students learning assessment and

its impact on their academic performance.

Specifically, this study is conducted to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.a Sex;

1.b Social Economic Status

2. What are the challenges that students encounter on their learning assessment?

3. What is the performance of the students in the new normal?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the challenges and the student performance?

5. Is there a significant difference between the profile and the challenges?

D. Significance of the Study

This study focuses on the challenges on students learning assessment: its

impact on their academic performance. Hence, it will provide more information

about the challenges that students encounter on their learning assessments and the

impacts that affect their academic performance. This study benefits the following:

Teachers – Through this study, the teachers will know and will be informed

about challenges that students encounter through their learning assessment and
the impacts that may affect their academic performances. With this, teachers

can come up with possible solutions that can make the students overcome the

challenges in their learning assessments and lessen that impacts of these

challenges on their academic performance.

Students – This study can help the students in terms of coping up with the

challenges they encounter with their learning assessment and how to improve

their academic performance.

Future researchers – This study may serve as a reference for other researchers

who are contemplating to conduct a similar study in other schools.

E. Scope and Limitation

The researcher will conduct this study through online survey in Delfin Albano,

Isabela having 40 Grade 12 respondents on April 2021 in order to comprehend the

challenges that students encounter with their learning assessments and the impacts

that affect their academic performance.

F. Definition of Terms

Institutions – a society or organization founded for a religious, educational,

social, or similar purpose.

Policy – a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government,

party, business, or individual.

Guidelines – is a statement by which to determine a course of action. Guidelines

may be issued and used by any organization (government or private) to make the
actions of its employees or divisions more predictable, and presumably of higher

quality. A guideline is similar to a rule.

Online learning – is an education that takes place over the internet. It is often

referred to as “e-learning” among other terms.

Remote learning – occurs when the learner and instructor, or source of

information, are separated by time and distance and therefore cannot meet in a

traditional classroom setting.

New normal – is a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles following a

crisis, when this differs from the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the


Inconvenience – trouble or difficulty caused to one’s personal requirements or


Learning assessments – is defined as a process of gathering data to better

understand the strengths and weaknesses of students in term of learning.

Challenges – is something new and difficult which requires great effort and


Impacts – provide a strong effect on someone or something.

Academic performance – is the measurement of student achievement across

various academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure

achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates and result from

standardized tests.


This chapter is about the analysis, study, research and opinion of other researchers about

the challenges on students learning assessment: its impact on their academic performance. It is

necessary to gather every detail and information for the learning of the researcher and the reader

regarding the topic. This is to help the people who will benefit to this study.

Related Literature

A. Student Performance

GPA was used by Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005) to measure student performance

because it focuses on the student's performance for the specific semester. Because they

are studying performance for a specific subject or year, some other researchers used test

results or previous year results (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998).

B. Communication

In their research, many researchers have discussed the various factors that affect

student academic performance. Academic performance of students is influenced by two

types of factors. These are internal and external classroom factors that have a significant

impact on student performance. Internal classroom factors include students' English

proficiency, class schedules, class size, English textbooks, class test results, learning

facilities, homework, classroom environment, course material complexity, teachers' roles

in the classroom, technology used in the classroom, and exam systems. External

classroom factors include extracurricular activities, family problems, work and financial,
social and other problems. Research studies shows that students’ performance depends on

many factors such as learning facilities, gender and age differences, etc. that can affect

student performance (Hansen, Joe B., 2000). (Hansen, Joe B., 2000). The most important

factor that has a positive effect on students' performance, according to Harb and El-

Shaarawi (2006), is the students' English proficiency. Students' performance improves

when they have strong communication skills and a strong command of the English

language. Communication skills have an impact on a student's performance;

communication can be viewed as a variable that is positively related to a student's

performance in open learning. This research differs from previous research in that it

focuses on open learning (Abdullah AL-Mutairi, 2011).

H1: There is a positive relationship between communication and student


C. Learning Facilities

Karemera (2003) found that students' success is significantly associated with

satisfaction with learning atmosphere and the facilities of library, computer lab and etc. in

the institution. In terms of background variables, he discovered a positive relationship

between high school performance and school achievement, but no statistical evidence of

a substantial relationship between family income level and student academic

According to Robert and Sampson (2011), members of the educational board will be

educated, and their impact on the school will be positive; professional development is

necessary for student learning.

The CGP is found to have a positive correlation with students who are actively

engaged in the learning process. A student's study effort and proper use of the institution's

facilities, as well as a good match between the students' learning styles, all have a

positive impact on the student's performance (Norhidayah Ali, et. al., 2009).

Young (1999) believed that student achievement is related to the use of the library

and the level of parental education. The use of the library had a positive impact on

student achievement.

For students, the learning climate is the most critical variable, and it has a positive

relationship with their fathers' education and grade level (Kirmani & Siddiquah, 2008).

H2: There is a positive relationship between learning facilities and student


D. Proper Guidance

Via academic achievement in high school, Noble (2006) found that students'

academic achievements and practices, impressions of their coping mechanisms and

positive attributions, and context characteristics (i.e., family income, parents' level of
education, parental encouragement, and the number of negative situations in the home)

were all indirectly linked to their composite scores.

Students have a difficult time cultivating optimistic research behaviors and habits.

Guidance is a factor that can help a student change his study attitudes and behaviors, and

it is directly linked to academic performance. Students who are well-guided by their

parents have done well on their tests. The teacher's guidance has an effect on the student's

success. Parents' and teachers' advice has an indirect effect on students' academic success

(Hussain, 2006).

H3: There is a positive relationship between proper guidance and student


E. Family Stress

Attendance in class, family income, mother's and father's education, teacher-student

ratio, presence of qualified teacher in school, sex of student, and distance of school are all

socioeconomic factors that influence student success. (Raychauduri and colleagues,


According to Kernan, Bogart, and Wheat (2011), graduate student academic

achievement would be increased if health-related obstacles are minimized. College credit

has a negative relationship with stress, but GPA (Grade Point Average) has a weak

relationship with stress. 2005 (Zajacova, Lynch, and Espenshade)

Numerous studies have been conducted to identify the factors that influence students'

academic performance, according to Amitava Raychaudhuri, et al., (July 2010). Students'

academic performance is influenced by a variety of socioeconomic factors such as class

attendance, family income, mother and father's education, teacher-student ratio,

involvement of a qualified teacher in the classroom, student sex, and school distance.

Hijaz and Naqvi (2006) found a negative relationship between family income and

student success.

H4: There is a connection between family stress and student performance that is



This section discusses the sample selection procedure, variables selection, the model used

for the research and the statistical techniques.


This study will use descriptive survey and the ways on how the researcher gather

the necessary information needed in this research. Descriptive survey is used to

gather data of a population to be studied.


Students of Delfin Albano (Magsaysay) Stand Alone Senior High School will

serve as the respondents in the said study for the school year 2020-2021 using

purposive sampling, where the researcher will identify the challenges that the students

encounter on their learning assessments and its impact that affect their academic



The following are the ethical issues in the research;

1. Personal information and the data of the respondents will be confidential.

2. Before taking the online survey, the respondents will be given information to

fully understand the study that is being conducted.

3. Personal identifiable information from survey answers would correctly

segregated or stores the information that is not accessible in prying eyes.


The research instrument used in this study was divided into three (3).

a) Measures

The extent of existence for all variables in the research area was measured on

a five-point likert scale ranging from, strongly disagree to Strongly Agree.

Ranging from 1 to 5 Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Neutral (3), Agree

(4), Strongly Agree (5).

b) Data Set

The source of data for this study is primary data acquired through

questionnaire. 20 questionnaires were distributed.

c) Statistical Tools

Mean, Standard deviation, correlation and regression analysis are used

through appropriate statistical package.


The researcher will write the adviser and the Department of Education to request

permission to conduct this study. After securing the approval of the adviser and the

Department of Education, the researcher will proceed to give the questionnaires to the

selected students on Delfin Albano through online. Online survey is placed in a

Google sheet form.

After gathering all the data from the respondents, the researcher will manually

tabulate and process the data to arrive at a specific way of analyzing and interpreting

the data.


The following statistical tools will be used to analyze the data:

1. Mean was used to describe the challenges of students’ learning assessments

and its impact on their academic performance

2. Standard deviation was used to provide an indication of how far the chosen

individuals respond to the questions vary or "deviate" from the mean.

3. Correlation was used to identify the significant relationship between the

challenges and impacts of learning assessments to students and their academic


4. Regression analysis was used to test the nature of relationships between

students and the challenges and impacts of their learning assessments to their

academic performance.

5. The Arbitrary Scale below was used to give rate the Challenges on Students

Learning Assessment and Its Impact on their Academic Performance.

Rating Mean Description

1 1.00-1.75 Strongly Disagree
2 1.76-2.50 Disagree
3 2.51-3.25 Agree
4 3.26-4.00 Strongly Agree



This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered and

presented in tables.

Questionnaires were given online to random Grade 12 students under STEM, ABM,

HUMSS, and TVL. A total of forty (40) respondents completed the three sections of

questionnaires. The data from the questionnaires were statistically analysed by a statistician. The

three sections of questions were:

 Section A. Profile of the respondents.

 Section B. Challenges that students encounter on their learning assessment.

 Section C. Performance of the students in the new normal.

 Section D. Significant relationship between the challenges and the student


 Section E. Significant difference between the profile and the challenges.

Section A. Profile of the respondents

Table 1.a depicts the sex of the respondents, frequency and percentage.

Sex of the Respondents Frequency Percentage

Male 17 42.5%
Female 23 57.5%
TOTAL 40 100%

Table 1.a present the sex distribution of the respondents. This indicates that majority are

within females with 23 (57.5%) respondents, while the male respondents have the least with a

total of 17 or 42.5%. Thus, it can be said that most of the respondents are females.
Table 2.b depicts the social economic status of the respondents, frequency and percentage.

Social Economic Status Frequency Percentage

Poor 6 15%
Low Income (but not poor) 15 37.5%
Lower Middle Income 9 22.5%
Middle Class 10 25%
Upper Middle Income 0 0
Upper Income (but not rich) 0 0
Rich 0 0
TOTAL 40 100%

Table 2.b shows the social economic status of the respondents and its percentage. Out of

40 respondents, majority are the low income (but not poor) and the middle class with 25 (62.5%)

respondents while the poor, upper middle income, upper income (but not rich) and rich social

economic status has the least respondents with a total percentage of 15%. It can be said that most

of the respondent come from the low income (but not poor) and the middle class.

Section B. Challenges that students encounter on their learning assessment.

Particular Mean Description

1. Do the challenges I experience from my learning 2.8 Agree
assessments greatly affect your academic performance?

2. Does unstable internet connection or lack of load data one of 2.64 Agree
the challenges I experience in taking exams and answering
learning assessments?
3. Do I seek help from internet websites like google? 2.65 Agree

4. Do I seek the help of my brother, sister and other family 2.72 Agree
members in answering my exams and modules
5. Do I lack sleep from doing my modules? 2.97 Agree

6. Do I rush in answering my learning assessments just to pass 2.7 Agree

them on time?

7. Do I consider lack of sleep and doing household chores as 2.52 Agree

challenges I encounter in answering my learning

8. Am I a slow learner and doesn't get the lesson easily? 2.67 Agree

9. Because face-to-face class is far better than modular and 3.07 Agree
online classes, do I consider modular and online classes as
one of the challenges I encounter in my learning assessments
that affects my academic performance?

10. Am I having a hard time in doing activities that are given 3.12 Agree
and to be submitted at the same day and same time?

GRAND MEAN 2.78 Agree

The table shows the challenges that students encounter on their learning assessment. It

shows that most of the respondents agreed that they are having a hard time in doing activities

that are given and to be submitted at the same day and same time as it have a mean of 3.12.

While considering lack of sleep and doing household chores as challenges that they

encounter in answering their learning assessments has the lowest with a mean of 2.52. It can be

concluded that the Grade 12 students could do their learning assessments without considering

lack of sleep and doing household chores as one of the challenges they could encounter in their

learning assessments.

Section C. Performance of the students in the new normal.

Particular Mean Description

1. I can recite easily on online classes. 3.00 Agree
2. I can easily follow the lessons on online classes. 3.32 Strongly
3. I can fully understand the lessons in my modules. 3.25 Agree
4. I can answer my own modules honestly without anyone's 2.77 Agree
5. I can pass my activities and answer sheets on time. 2.92 Agree
6. I can do my activities and learning assessments without the 3.1 Agree
feeling of having a breakdown.
7. I can do my learning assessments without feeling stressed.  3.12 Agree
8. I can finish my learning assessments without rushing.  2.72 Agree
9. I can do all things for my grades and to pass my activities 3.25 Agree
and answer sheets with honest answers and records. 
10. I have higher grades in the past grading (85 above)  3.1 Agree
GRAND MEAN 3.06 Agree

The table shows the performance of the students in the new normal. It also shows that the
respondents strongly agree and agree that their performance in the new normal could be reflected
on the table shown above.
The highest mean is 3.32 which is strongly agreeing that they could easily follow the
lessons on their online classes while the least that has a mean of 3.00 are agreeing that they can
recite easily on online classes. Thus, it can be affirmed that the students’ performances are doing
great even in the new normal.

Section D. Significant relationship between the challenges and the student performance

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression .278 1 .278 1.409 .243a

Residual 7.500 38 .197

Total 7.778 39

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.467 .502 4.911 .000

GWA .132 .111 .189 1.187 .243



This chapter presents the summary of the research is presented, and the findings of the

study are discussed and interpreted. The conclusions and recommendation made as an outgrowth

of this study.


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted almost all sectors of the global economy.

Education institutions were forced to cancel face-to-face classes until now to avoid being

infected by the deadly virus. As a result, the majority of educational institutions are rushing to

implement remote teaching and online classes. Since we are used to the traditional face-to-face

classes, we are now struggling to adjust in the new normal, creating challenges that impacts their

academic performance.

The main objective of this are the challenges on students’ learning assessements and its

impact on their academic performance. As we have 40 respondents from each of the following

strands: STEM, ABM, HUMSS and TVL…..


The salient findings of this study are as follows;

a. Majority of the respondents are females with 57.5%

b. Most of the respondents are in the low income (but not poor) social economic class with

37.5% in a total of 15 respondents.

c. Based on the findings, most of the respondents agree that they encounter the said

challenges on their learning assessment.

d. Based on the findings, most of the respondents strongly agree and agree that their

performance are doing great even in the new normal.




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