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Dévelopment of Roads, Inesiicture and Stretscape STM iE tala Cy South El Secor 14,15 nd 16 (convot 231-4) @DMEC VOLUME 3, PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION 207 ‘ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS a. * General. “ ‘Additional geotechnical investigations covering all project areas of Zone 2 (20 sectors) area shall be conducted during the fist phase of construction period and will be paid by the Bill of Quantities of Area-1. Contractor shall obtain ‘an approval from the Engineer and all NOC related government entities for the locations of ‘geotechnical investigation. b. Addition to Clause 200.07 Boreholes, “Additional geotechnical investigation need to be carried out before construction to verify the ‘subsoil conditions, the quantities ‘shall be referred from Bill of Quantities. Some of the tests are described below: © Driling of continuous (windowless) boreholes, within the soil cover and til reaching the rock head. These boreholes’ wil be'used for the purpose of laboratory testing, especially for the classification and the chernical composition testing. intrude’ 4.0 m into the rock using the normal rock ‘coring. Perform ‘Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) within all boreholes in the overburden soil at ‘an interval of 0.50m for the top 6.0m and every 1.0m after. Ifa soll with SPT blow ‘cotints less than 10 is encountered, the SPT should proceed every 0.5m intervals until the blow counts of 10 or more is achieved. © Performing ‘Cone Penetration Testing adjacent to the windowless boreholes in ‘order to identify the strength and the deformational parameters for the layers sampled by the corresponding windowless boreholes. ‘©. Trial pits (test pits) along the road corridor up 3.0m depth, soll samples should be collected every 0.50m. © Carry out laboratory testing of soll samples taken from both the test pits and the windowless borehole sampling, as follows: Soil classification tests including sieve ‘analyses, Atterberg limits and Hydrometer. + The chemical analysis sets (Sulphate, Chioride & pH value) taken from both the test pits and the windowless borehole sampling. "Sets of routine groundwater chemical analysis (Sulphate, Chloride & pH value) for samples collected from the piezometer boreholes. ‘Determination of Total Dissolved Sait (TDS) content for soil every 0.50m. * Determination of Moisture-Density relationship by Modified Proctor Tests ‘and California Bearing Ratio, ©. __ Ifthe dissoived salts’ content values (TDS in soil) were above 5%,a ‘geo-grid shail be arranged at, or within, the foun control settlement. In case the dissolved salts’ above 5%, the Contractor shall proposed any other#/ reinforcement/strengthening suitable measure unless unilztera/ to replace the soils whit TDS values more than 8%. - d, The Contractor shall verify and improve all the weak solls to the exte ‘eliminates all unacceptable settlement, liquefaction and failure risks. e. Carry out Ground Treatment/improvement in order to improve the materials (within the superficial deposits and éolid geology), disturbed” in-situ materials, if any, and placed fil, which are deemed unsuitable to mest the stipulated design requirements. = ‘Treatmen/improvement measures within the area may limited to High Energy Impact Rolling, Rapid Impact Comy eenpaction/Replacement, Vibracompaction, stone columns ‘SECTION I EARTHWORK SW reent og O80 reer Abu Ohad une OSM Delelopmen of Roads, eset nd Seat ay eivake cy Sountoa see 14,18 and 16 ona! 2314) €SDMEC VOLUME 3. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION ‘means to eliminates all settlement; liquefaction and failure risks: The: precise extent of the works shall be dependent on the findings of additional ground investigations and settlement analyses to be undertaken by the Contractor. Unsuitable Sub-grade Material a... “Unsuitable materials are desoribed below: © materials from swamps, marshes or bogs . © Organic soils including topsolls, organic matters content shall not exceed 1%. © peat, stumps or perishable materials © materials having hazardous and/or unacceptable chemical andlor physical properties 5 © other prescribed material described in the Contract or as defined by the Engineer © sabkha solls “ (© material having a fotal water-soluble chloride content > 2% ‘© material having a total dissolved salts’ content above 5% b. ‘The Contractor shail remove and dispose of unsuitable subgrade soll to the depths directed by the Engineer. The final base (after removal of unsuitable soll) of excavation shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of the relative density for a depth of not less than 0.50 meters. LLSite Inspection anid Testing «The Work is subject to field supervision by the Consultant. ‘Supervision by the Consultant shall not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to comply with applicable requirements. ‘+ Afulltime qualified Geotechnical Inspector shall be provided by the Contractor to direct anid co-ordinate the field operations. ‘All testing shall be performed in accordance with the procedures approved by the Consultant. |I.Boting and Driting + Standard penetration test borings, undisturbed sampling (if any cohesive soil is encountered), rock coring, or other approved methods for obtaining samples and. information on soll and fock strength and consistency are required ++ Locations of proposed for the boreholes, piezometers are sive 0) A and C._All exploratory locations are indicative only and finalization by the Consultant on site. ‘+ Borings shall be ‘advanced by rotary driling methods. ‘= Astable boring shall be maintained at al times to prevent the hole from cavinetes agua" ‘If cavities are encountered, the depth of the top and bottom of each cavity shall be recorded. +The minimum diameter of borings or internal diameter of casing shall be 126mm. However, the Contractor shall bore or provide casings of suficient diameter to ensure completion ‘of the hole to the required depth: ‘I 2 boring prove abortive because of the Contractors failure to begin of = ‘SECTION Il EARTHWORK nae BaSheH De velopment of Roads, infrastructure and Streetscar 4 \T 7 ath Gy Sou as Sets 18 15 ad 6 (Cone 231-4) €DMEC VOLUME 3. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION a Sufciently large diameter’ boring, then the Contractor shall be iiable for any necessary re-exploration at his own expense. '* The price is to include for setting up at each borehole location and elevation with respect to Dubai Municipality Datum (OMD). ML Inspection Pits ‘The. Contractor shall excavate inspection pits by hand to permit in situ ‘examination, sampling and.testing @s required. The Contractor shall provide all necessary compressors:and breakers and other plant as necessary for breaking ‘out hard material at the commencing surface. 5 + All pits shall be backdilled with the original material compacted in layers using ‘approved plant to the satisfaction of the Consultant. The existing surface shall be reinstated to the original condition to the approval of the Consultant. IV.Standard Penetration Testing ‘= Penetration tests and split-barre! sampling shall be taken in full accordance with BS 1377 Part 9 1990 (Amd 8264- 95) Determination of Penetration Resistance vusing Split Barrel Sampler (SPT) or ASTV-D 1586. ‘+ Retainer baskets, springs, or flap valve shall be used to ensure sample recovery. ‘+ Apenetration resistance of less than 150mm for 100 blows shall be considered {88 a ‘refusal’ for soll sampling methods. ‘+ Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) should be performed in the overburden soil at an interval of 1.0m. if @ soll with SPT blow counts less than 10 is encountered the SPT should proosed continuously until the blow counts of 10 or more is, achieved. ‘« Samples obtained shall be placed in half ltre glass jars or approved equal and sealed with vapour-seal lids, Each jar shall be clearly identified with the use of a waterproof marker, and shall show the Job name or designation, boring number, ‘sample niimber, depth, length of recovery, and standard penetration resistance. \V.Undisturbed Sampling '* Undisturbed U100 or Shelby tube samples shalll be taken in cohesive soils. ‘+ The sampling tubes shall have a minimum internal diameter of 400rnf length of 450mm. The cutting shoes shall be clean, sharp at ip ie ges. N VLRock Coring ‘+ The Contractor shall take rock core sampl ‘accordance with the procedures described in for Rock Core Driling and Sampling of Rock £6 + The term ‘rock’ shall be applied to any matent the chopping bit. Soft or decomposed rock shall ‘ber sampler whenever possible. . When -driling through.” chopping or roll bit shall be used to penetrate all disintegra shall be firmly seated on the rock by driving and washing ie 80 SECTION Ii EARTHWORK . of Roads, Infrastructure ‘lta Gy Seu Eat Secon 1, 1 end 8 (etal 314) &SDMEC VOLUME 3. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION core ‘barrel in ‘the hole. |The rock. shall be ‘driled until the required depth Is reached. When to core is broken off it shall be withdrawn, labelled, and stored before the driling is continued. * Driling into rock to produce @ core shall be done with a double or triple split- tube core barrel and side discharge diamond bit. Minimum core sample diameter shall be 76mm. ‘+ Due care shall be exercised to obiain satisfactory cores with at least 90 percent total core recovery in bedrock and boulders. In cases where It is not possible to obtain the required percentage of recovery the maximum percentage shall be ‘maintained by regulating the speed and rate of feed of the drill and the amount of drill water. The required core barrel shall be at least 1.5m long. «If, after use of special care’ methods and equipment, it proves to be impossible to obtain the necessary recovery percentage through no fault of the Contractor, the Consultant may relax the percentage to sult field conditions. '* Wheré core recovery falls below 50%, a Standard Penetration Test shall be carried out prior to commencing the next dril run, unless a core stub that has. been left in the hole from the previous dril run is identified, « Where the RQD falls below 20%, a Standard Penetration Test shall be carried ‘out prior fo commencing the next drill run, unless a core stub that has been left in the hole from the previous drill run is identified. VIl.Core Samples. ‘* The rock cores shall be carefully placed in purpose made wooden boxes that are partitioned so that each rock core run is kept separate. ‘= All cores shall be digitally photographed, examined and logged by a field Consultant. + Each core shall be sultably labelled and arranged neatly in the boxes in the ‘sequence in which the materials were removed from the hole. + The depths of the top and bottom of the run and the amount of recovery are to be clearly marked, ‘* Rock cores from two borings shall not be placed in the same box, = Core boxes shall be completely equipped with covers, hinges, screws for holding down the cover, identification plates and tags. ‘+ All necessary precautions shall be taken to minimise disturbance of the rock ‘core samples during transport. : «The Consultant may select certain specimen(s) of rock coré=for. packing and preservation. These shall be wrapped with aluminiot fol placed inside a heavy duty cardboard cylinder and sealed at both ends flexible microcrystalline wax. v < & VII Supplementary Boring ‘= Drilled holes that are abandoned before reaching the specified depth x F mechanical failures of driling equipment or other causes shall bé""” ipplemented by another hole adjacent to the first. }Rock coring to the depth where the hole was abandoned may be done by any thod that will permit completion of the new hole below the elevation where the tisfactory sample was obtained in the abandoned hole. Below the-stova ‘where the hole was abandoned, penetration shall be made and at ‘SECTION Il EARTHWORK Development of Road, Inrastucture and Streetscape @ ‘at Khalifa Ciy South East Sectors 14, 15 and 18 (Contact 231-4) &DMEC VOLUME 3. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATION 2.08 . The granular aggregate layer reinforcing mechanism shall be derived from the mechanical the supplementary hole in accordance with the manner specified for the ofiginal hole. IX.Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) ‘+ Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) should be performed in accordance with British ‘Standard BS5930:1999 "Code of Practice for Site Investigations", or “ASTM D 3441-98". Using two, 20 Tons hydraulic powered, truck mourited, and track ‘mounted penetrometers. The results of the CPT should be presented in the form of plots of Cone Tip Resistance, ‘Sleeve Friction, Friction Ratio, Pore Water pressure versus elevation and Soil Behavior Type Classification (Based on Cone Tip Resistance and Friction Ratio normalized, Robertson, 1990). X Thal Pits * The Contractor shall excavate trial pits by hand or machine to permit in situ ‘examination, sampling and testing as required. The Contractor shail provide all necessary compressors and breakers and other plant as necessary for breaking ‘out hard material at the commencing surface. The plan area at the base of any trial pt shall not be less than 2.25 square meters. + All pits shall be backfiled with the original maietial compacted in layers using approved plant to the Satisfaction of the Consultant. The existing surface shall be reinstated to the original condition to the approval of the Consultant. ©. Measurement and Payment for SPT and Trial pits; Measurement for SPT and tial pits shall be per unit. d. Measurement and Payment for Boreholes; Measurement for Borehole shall be by the linear meter as included in the Bill of Quantities Item as described in clause 200.08c of the standard specification Goo Grid General ‘This work shall consist of mechanical stabilization using geogrid to reinforce the backfill layer. ‘The Mechanically Stabilized Layer (MSL) consists of a composite section of geogrid and ‘aggregate base material, but is not limited to, the confinement of the aggregate material by Use of @ geogrid reinforcement system whereby the design requirements of the project are achieved. Materials The Contractor shall submit detalls of the Geogrds end Geotoxtles he prop ‘Work to the Employer's Representative for approval. ‘The geo shal ba pohprepyene googté manufactirodin accordance witli ‘management systom which complies with the requirement of BS EN ISO 9001:200 required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide evidence ofthe manufecturer’s & Certification ofits Quality Assurance System. 82

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