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YLE Mover Lesson 6 (Please do not do before Lesson 5)

1. Write the past of the following verbs.

1. am ___________

2. listen ___________

3. clap ___________

4. are ___________

5. has ___________

6. play ___________

7. start ___________

8. work ___________

2. Complete the sentences with the past form of the words in the box.

have play work have is/ are start

I _______________ a good day yesterday. At school I __________________ hard. At break time, I

______________ tennis with Hassan. It ________ fun! At lunchtime, I ___________ sandwiches

outside. After break, we _____________ a new project in geography, all about the Arctic.
YLE Mover Lesson 6 (Please do not do before Lesson 5)

You’re going to write about what you did last weekend.

Think about five fun things you did last Saturday and Sunday and draw.

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