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Q. Explain the types of research design.

The types of research design are explained as follows:

1. Descriptive Research Design: A research design that is developed with the purpose of study
subjects of research in detail and explains the facts relating to research problem is called
descriptive research design. Research related to prediction, explanations of facts about
individual ,group or situation is descriptive research. Following works should be conducted
while developing descriptive research.
 Determination of research objective
 collection of sample
 preparing procedure for collection of data
 processing and analyzing of data
 preparing report .
2. Case Study: The system of studying overall aspects of any single event is called case study.
Under this method, cases are studied through observation to know overall situation. Qualitative
method is used to collect data under case study. Generally, case study is used in business
organization to overcome from a particular problem. Following steps should be followed while
using case study.
 Determination of objective
 Preparing questions related to single event
 Preparing the methods for collecting data
 Arranging the evidence for explanation of findings
 Preparation of report
3. Developmental Research Design: A research design that is used to predict the future trend
considering to the changes in events and human, social and cultural activities is known as
developmental research design. This research design helps the management as it predicts
about future by considering the changes in past and present. Some major groups of
developmental research design are as follows:
a) Longitudinal growth study: In some cases, researcher wants to study people or events at
different time situation in order to answer the research questions. Such study is known as
longitudinal growth study.
b) Trend Study: The degree of changes that takes place in the events or activities is known as
trend. Under this study data are collected after certain interval of time and this method is
usually used for predicting the firm's future position.
3. Cross-sectional Study: A study that is done to solve research problem within very short
period of time is called cross sectional study.
4. Cohort Study: A study of group is known as cohort study.
b. Casual Comparative Reserch Design: A research design that is used to show the causes of
problem is known as casual comparative research design. It observes position of causes that
have impact on works and explains the relation be

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