Data Compression and Data Retrieval 2161603: Department of CE / IT - 07 / 16

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Faculty of Degree Engineering - 083

Department of CE / IT – 07 / 16
Multiple Choice Questions Bank

Data Compression and Data Retrieval 2161603

1 Makes the file smaller by deleting parts of the file permanently (forever)
A Lossy Compression
B Lossless Compression
Ans. A

2 Which of these is an advantage for Lossy compression?

A The file size becomes significantly (much) smaller
B The file size does not become much smaller than 50%
Ans. A

3 Which of the following would not be suitable for Lossy Compression?

A Images
B Sounds
C Videos
D Text
Ans. D

4 Lossy or lossless? This type of compression does not get rid of any data
A Lossy
B Lossless
C Both
Ans. B

5 Lossy or lossless? Used for web images as it gives the smallest file size - this
makes images easier to upload/download/share.
A Lossy
B Lossless
C Both
Ans. A

6 What type of compression allows you to reconstruct the original data?

A Lossless compression
B Lossy compression
Ans. A

1 Prepared By: Prof. Hemant H. Patel

Computer/IT Engineering
7 What are the key reasons for compressing data?
A Less space needed for storage
B Less time to transmit
C Reduced amount of processing power
D Limited RAM
Ans. A&B

8 Lossless compression...
A Is used when not all the information is needed
B Would be a sensible choice for a music download site
C Can fully regenerate the original file
Ans. A&C
9 Lossy compression...
A Permanently removes data from a file
B Aims to remove redundant data
C Would be a sensible choice for a music download site.
D Can return the original file to its original quality
Ans. A,B,C

10 Dictionary based compression...

A Is a lossless compression format
B Sends the dictionary with the data
C Doesn't need to send the dictionary with the data
D Is a lossless compression format
Ans. A,C,D

11 Run-length encoding..
A Is Lossless
B Can only be used for text
C Records the number of repeats of an individual element
D Can be used for a wide variety of file types
Ans. A,C,D

12 Hashing gives each item

A A sequential address
B A logarithmic address
C No address
D A unique address
Ans. D

13 When is Run Length Encoding used?

A When we want to compress patterns of data
B When we want to decompress patterns of data
C When we want to encode running videos
D Option.
Ans. A
14 What is the correct Run-length encoding for the data: cccmmmmmsssssdcccccc
A 3c5m5s1d6c
B C3m5s5d1c6
C Cmsdc35516
D Cccmmmmmsssssdcccccc
Ans. A

15 Which of the following are not in a compressed format?

B Bitmap
Ans. B

16 Identify types of lossless compression

A Run length encoding
B Dictionary encoding
C Transform Coding
D Perceptual Coding
Ans. A,B
17 Digitizing the image intensity amplitude is called
A Sampling
B Quantization
C Framing
D Both A And B
Ans. B
18 Compressed image can be recovered back by
A Image Enhancement
B Image Decompression
C Image Contrast
D Image Equalization
Ans. B

19 Digital video is sequence of

A Pixels
B Matrix
C Frames
D Coordinates
Ans. C

20 Coding redundancy works on

A Pixels
B Matrix
C Intensity
D Coordinates
Ans. C

21 An Alphabet Consist Of The Letters A, B, C And D. The probability of occurrence

is p(a) = 0.4, p(b) = 0.1, p(c) = 0.2 and p(d) = 0.3. The huffman code is
A A = 0 , B = 11 , C = 10 , D = 111
B A = 0 , B = 111 , C = 110 , D = 10
C A = 01 , B = 111 , C = 110 , D = 10
D A = 0 , B = 111 , C = 11 , D = 101
Ans. B

22 The basic idea behind huffman coding is to

A Compress data by using more bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
B Compress data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
C Expand data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
D Compress data by using fewer bits to encode fewer frequently occurring characters
Ans. B
23 Huffman coding is an encoding algorithm used for
A Lossy Data Compression
B Broadband Systems
C Lossless Data Compression
D Files Greater Than 1 Mbit
Ans. C

24 A huffman encoder takes a set of characters with fixed length and produces a set of
characters of
A Constant Length
B Random Length
C Fixed Length
D Variable Length
Ans. D

25 A Huffman Code: A = 1, B = 000, C = 001, D = 01, P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.1,

P(C) = 0.2, P(D) = 0.3 The Average Number Of Bits Per Letter Is
A 8.0 Bit
B 2.0 Bit
C 2.1 Bit
D 1.9 Bit
Ans. D

26 The idea with wavelets is to represent a complicated function by

A Sinus Functions
B Simple Basic Functions
C Lines
D Square Functions
Ans. B

27 Down sampling is to make a digital image file smaller by

A Removing noise
B Adding noise
C Removing pixels
D Adding pixels
Ans. C
28 In a typical picture, most pixels will be
A Very similar to their neighbors
B Very different to their neighbors
C Bright
D Equal
Ans. A

29 Without losing quality, JPEG-2000 can achieve compression ratios of

A 2000:1
B 20:1
C 200:1
D 2:1
Ans. C

30 The best visual compression quality is achieved using

A Dolby
B Wavelets
C Fourier transform
Ans. B

31 Sequence of code assigned is called

A Code Word
B Word
C Byte
D Nibble
Ans. A

32 Every run length pair introduce new

A Pixels
B Matrix
C Frames
D Intensity
Ans. D
33 In the coding redundancy technique we use
A Fixed Length Code
B Variable Length Code
C Byte
D Both A And B
Ans. D

34 Compression is done for saving

A Storage
B Bandwidth
C Money
D Both A And B
Ans. D
35 System of symbols to represent event is called
A Storage
B Word
C Code
D Nibble
Ans. C

36 Information lost when expressed mathematically is called

A Markov
B Finite Memory Source
C Fidelity Criteria
D Noiseless Theorem
Ans. C

37 What does xml stand for?

A Extra Modern Link
B Extensible Markup Language
C Example Markup Language
D X-Markup Language
Ans. B

38 What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the xml version?
A <Xml Version="A.0" />
B <?Xml Version="A.0"?>
C <?Xml Version="A.0" />
D None Of The Above
Ans. B
39 Which of the following programs support xml or xml applications?
A Internet Explorer 5.5
B Netscape D.7
C Realplayer.
D Both A And B
Ans. D

40 Well formed xml document means

A It Contains A Root Element
B It Contain An Element
C It Contains One Or More Elements
D Must Contain One Or More Elements And Root Element Must Contain All Other Elements
Ans. D

41 Comment in xml document is given by

A <?-- -->
B <!-- --!>
C <!-- -->
D </-- -- >
Ans. C

42 Xml document can be viewed in

A IE C.0
B IE B.0
C IE 6.0
D IE X.0
Ans. C

43 How can we make attributes have multiple values

A <Myelement myattribute="value1 value2"/>
B <Myelement myattribute="value1" myattribute="value2"/>
C <Myelement myattribute="value1, value2"/>
D Attributes cannot have multiple values
Ans. D
44 Attribute standalone="no" should be included in xml declaration if a document
A Is linked to an external xsl stylesheet
B Has external general references
C Has processing instructions
D Has an external dtd
Ans. D

45 The xml dom object is

A Entity
B Entity Reference
C Comment Reference
D Comment Data
Ans. B

46 Whats so great about xml?

A Easy data exchange
B High speed on network
C Only correct
D Both A. & B.
Ans. D

47 The Attribute Used To Define A New Namespace Is

B Xmlnamespace
C Xmlns
D Xmlns
Ans. C

48 With XML:
A Views are not limited to one multi-valued path only.
B Documents can automatically be generated from database data only.
C Database data can automatically be extracted from xml documents only.
D With xml, all of the above are true.
Ans. D
49 An xml component that defines the structure of a document is known as a(n):
D HTML Stylesheet.
Ans. B

50 What is not true about xml?

A Web Page Display Is The Most Important Application Of XML.
B With XML, There Is A Clear Separation Between Document Structure, Content And Materialization.
C XML Is More Powerful Than HTML.
D XML Documents Have Two Sections.
Ans. A

51 Data compression consists of taking a stream of symbols and transforming them

into .
A Bits
B Codes
C Error
D Image
Ans. B

52 In Huffman coding, the actual output of the encoder is determined by a set of

A Probabilities
B Function
C Codes
D Model
Ans. A

53 A compression technique consists of two basic components such as

A Coding, Decoding
B Encoding , Coding
C Encoding , Decoding
D None of Above.
Ans. C
54 Advantages of data compression
A The user can experience rich quality signals for data representation
B Reliability of the records gets reduced by Data compression.
C Disorder of data properties of a compressed data will result in compressed data different from
the original data.
Ans. A

55 Disadvantages of data compression

A The rate of input – output operations in a computing device can be greatly increased due to
shorter presentation of data.
B Compressed, sensitive data transmitted through a noisy communication channel is risky
because the burst errors introduced by the noisy channel can destroy the transmitted data.
Ans. B

56 Lossy compression algorithm is applied to..

A Images And Sound
B Sound And Text
C Image And Text
Ans. A

57 Lossless compression algorithm is applied to..

A Image
B Sound
C Scientific Data
Ans. C

58 Example of entropy based compression is

A RLE , Arithmetic , Huffman
B Lempel-Ziv , Arithmetic
Ans. A
59 Example of dictionary based compression is
A RLE , Arithmetic , Huffman
B Lempel-Ziv
Ans. B
60 Entropy coding can be used for
A Sequence of digital data values
B Random of digital data values
C Regular of digital data values
Ans. A

61 Entropy coding can be used for compression of any type of data in a

A Media system
B File system.
C Bit system
Ans. B

62 RLE Is Designed Especially For Data With

A Image of repeated symbols
B Sound of repeated symbols
C Strings of repeated symbols
Ans. C

63 Huffman coding is to find a way to compress the storage of data using

A Data Length Codes.
B Variable Length Codes.
Ans. B

64 Huffman coding is constructed in such a way that no constructed code are

prefixes to each other.
A Three
B One
C Two
Ans. C

65 Limitations of huffman coding is

A Each symbol is encoded with integer number of bits
B Each symbol is encoded with integer number of value
C Each symbol is encoded with integer number of level
Ans. A
66 Arithmetic coding completely bypass the idea of replacing every input symbol with
A Bits
B String
C Codeword
Ans. C

67 The main aim of arithmetic coding is to assign the to each symbol.

A Interval
B Image
C Symbol
Ans. A

68 Limitations of arithmetic coding

A The precision required to represent the intervals grows with length of the message.
B The precision required to represent the intervals grows with bit of the message.
C The precision required to represent the random grows with length of the message.
Ans. A

69 Arithmetic algorithms as well as huffman algorithms are based on

A Statistical model
B String model
C Probability model
Ans. A

70 The lempel ziv algorithm is an algorithm for

A Lossless data compression
B Lossy data compression
Ans. A

71 Variations on lz77 scheme, like

Ans. C
72 Lz77 exploits the fact that words and phrases within a would be repeated.
A Video File
B Text File
C Image File
Ans. B

73 In LZ77 encoding process one reference (a triple) is transmitted for several input
symbols and hence it is
A Less Quick.
B Quick.
C Very Quick.
Ans. C

74 LZH is performed in phases

A Two
B Four
C One
Ans. A

75 Regardless of the length of the phrase, every LZSS pointer is of

A Different Size
B Same Size
Ans. B

76 LZB achieves a better compression than

Ans. C
77 The decompression in LZ78 Is compared to the process of compression.
A Slower
B Faster
Ans. B

78 LZW would only send the to the dictionary

A Image
B Index
C File
Ans. B

79 In arithmetic coding a identifier or tag is generated for the sequence to be

A Unique
B Different
Ans. A

80 The use of the cumulative distribution function to generate a binary code for
has a rather interesting history.
A A Sequence
B A Bit
C A Image
Ans. A

81 Once we have started decoding, all we have to do is the encoder algorithm.

A Mimic
B Long
C Static
Ans. A

82 Advantage of arithmetic coding is that

A It is easy to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes
B It is hard to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes
C It is easy to implement a system with single arithmetic codes
Ans. A

83 In file compression—unix once the dictionary has filled up, the size of the
dictionary is to 1024 entries.
A Single
B Doubled
Ans. B

84 GIF is another implementation of the algorithm

Ans. A

85 GIF has become quite popular for encoding all kinds of images, both computer-
generated and “ ” images.
A Distorted
B Natural
Ans. B

86 The PNG standard is one of the first standards to be collaboratively developed over
A Image
B Internet
C File
Ans. B

87 PNG is based on
C LZ77
Ans. C

88 The ITU-T recommendation V.42 bis is a compression standard devised for use
over a
A Telephone Network
B Image Network
C Text File Network
Ans. A

89 Bwt algorithm requires that the entire sequence to be coded be available to the
before the coding takes place
A Decoder.
B Encoder
Ans. B

90 Shannon Defined A Quantity Called

A Self-Information
B Information
Ans. A
91 Models for certain telemetry data can also be obtained through of the
underlying process.
A Knowledge
B Text
C Data
Ans. A

92 Probability Models Know As..

A Knowledge model
B Statistical model
C Ignorance model
Ans. C

93 Markov process called

A Discrete time markov chain
B Random time markov chain
Ans. A
94 Markov models are more widely known
A Finite context models
B Text context models
Ans. A

95 The ppm algorithms first attempt to find if the symbol to be encoded has a
probability with respect to the maximum context length.
A Zero
B Nonzero
Ans. B

96 Composite source model, which can be viewed as a

A Single Model To Describe The Source
B Combination Or Composition Of Several Sources
Ans. B
97 The set of binary sequences is called a
A Code
B Unit
C Digit
Ans. A

98 The set of binary sequences is called a code, and the individual members of the set
are called
A Sequence Model
B Unit Model
C Codewords.
Ans. C

99 The ASCII code uses the same number of bits to represent each symbol. Such a
code is called
A Random Length Code.
B Fixed-Length Code.
Ans. B

100 Unique decodability from the code; that is, any given sequence of codewords can
be decoded in
A One, And Two, Way.
B One, And Only One, Way.
Ans. C

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