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LIBINF-00512; No. of pages: 6; 4C:

Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

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Library & Information Science Research

How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for
information literacy skills development
Heidi Julien a,⁎, Susan Barker b
School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, 3-20 Rutherford South, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2J4
Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta, 341 Education South, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6G 2G5

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online xxxx This study examined the relationship between curricula in secondary-level science classrooms, which
support development of information literacy skills, and actual student skills. A vast body of research reflects
deep concern with the level of information literacy skill development among secondary and post-secondary
students. But even when educational curricula mandate skill development, many students are unable to
demonstrate sophisticated information searching and critical evaluation skills. The findings of this study,
which we based on analyzing information seeking tasks and conducting interviews with students in three
biology classes in a large urban high school, demonstrated a similar lack of skills. Pressure on teachers to
“teach to examinations”—that is, to focus on substantive content rather than on information literacy skills
and information literacy skills deficits among teachers themselves—is a possible explanation for these results.
The study is of particular interest to teachers of the curriculum applicable in the study context, but the
broader implications of repeated indications of gaps in students' information literacy skills are a significant
indicator that schools must assume a larger responsibility for information literacy instruction. Leaving skill
development to the post-secondary environment will not ensure that citizens are sufficiently skilled to
participate fully in 21st century life, in workplaces or in their personal life contexts.
© 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction discouraged from developing their own explorations and explana-

tions of observed phenomena (Schwab, 1962), thus inquiry
In an information society, where access to information and critical approaches to teaching science are advocated around the world.
evaluation of that information is central to economic and personal Learning outcomes associated with inquiry dimensions of science
well-being, information literacy skills are as essential as basic reading include generating a hypothesis, developing a plan for gathering data,
and writing. The term “information literacy” is used in this paper to and constructing evidence based on data (e.g., Schwab, 1962). The
refer to the set of skills required to identify information sources, main goal is to acquaint students with investigative procedures used
access information, evaluate it, and use it effectively, efficiently, and by scientists and to develop decision-making skills. If information
ethically. This study was motivated by a recognized gap between the literacy can be viewed as the ability to effectively locate, select, and
importance placed upon information literacy skills, generally within evaluate needed information then there is much in common with the
the literature on information literacy and particularly with respect to principles of scientific literacy and the skills needed to be a
students' expected skill levels, and the actual skills that students are scientifically literate person. For example, DeHart Hurd (1998, p.
able to demonstrate. Thus, despite clear evidence that sophisticated 414) states that a scientifically literate person “recognizes that
information literacy skills are beneficial to academic success, students scientific literacy is a process of acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing,
are generally unsophisticated information seekers in academic coding, evaluating and utilizing achievements in science and
contexts. From a disciplinary perspective, our interest focused on technology in human and social contexts.” Moreover, information
high school science students, because as an inquiry-based field of literacy is embedded in the principles and processes of science and
study, it would seem logical that information seeking skills, including thus by highlighting and including such tasks in science inquiry in the
critical evaluation of information, would be carefully inculcated. classroom, a much more “authentic” experience of science can be
When science is presented as a stable body of knowledge, learners are provided. All the recent research literature indicates that whilst the
importance of scientific inquiry and its relationship with scientific
literacy is clear, the means to achieve it is not (Schwartz, Lederman, &
⁎ Corresponding author.
Crawford, 2004). Crawford (2000) similarly emphasized that teachers'
E-mail addresses: (H. Julien), ideas and practice about inquiry are varied and complex. It is perhaps
(S. Barker). not surprising that school science students often begin investigations

0740-8188/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008
2 H. Julien, S. Barker / Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

with sparse and disorganized background knowledge and should first Information seeking that prioritizes ease and convenience and that
conduct background library or Internet research (Windschitl, 2008). demonstrates unsophisticated searching skills was also found by
Windschitl views such tasks as “supporting activities” that help Urhquhart and Rowley (2007). Maughan (2001) identified a signifi-
prepare students to participate more meaningfully in the core cant gap between expressed confidence in information literacy skills
activities of inquiry by acquainting them with necessary concepts, and actual skill level assessed through a longitudinal survey of skills;
ideas, and skills. these findings were confirmed by O'Hanlon (2002), who also used a
proficiency test to assess skill levels among undergraduates. Taken as
2. Problem statement a whole, then, the research literature on information literacy skills
among students demonstrates that students' skills are generally
Information literacy skills are critical for full participation in lacking.
contemporary Western societies; accessing and evaluating informa-
tion are basic skills required for success in work and personal contexts. 4. Local educational context
Science classrooms where students follow an inquiry model of
learning are an ideal environment in which to develop information The study was conducted in Canada, in the province of Alberta. The
literacy. The question explored in this study is this: Developing Alberta Education curriculum (
information literacy skills has been mandated by school curricula, but lum/bySubject/) is mandated in all public schools in the province; it
do those mandates lead to demonstrable skill development? Such skill clearly supports development of research, or information literacy, skills.
development cannot be left solely to post-secondary educational The provincial curriculum is supported by a document, “Focus on
institutions because not all citizens attend these institutions, nor do all Inquiry” (Alberta, 2004), which indicates that “inquiry-based learning
students in these institutions receive effective instruction. It is is…a way to achieve the goals of the Alberta programs of study, since
therefore important to ensure that students leaving secondary inquiry-based learning is a component of all Alberta curricula” (p. ix).
schooling are equipped with basic information literacy skills. “Focus on Inquiry” notes that in inquiry-based learning classrooms,
“data and information are actively used, interpreted, refined, digested
3. Literature review and discussed” (p. 4). An “inquiry model” includes “retrieving,” which
incorporates the statement, “develop an information retrieval plan;
Widespread concern about a lack of searching skills and critical locate and collect resources; select relevant information; evaluate
information evaluation skills, particularly among students, is evident information; and review and revise the plan for inquiry” (p. 10). The
in the literature (Branch, 2003; Brown, 2001; Coiro, 2003; Kinzer & specific skills that students require to successfully “retrieve” are fully
Leander, 2003; Leu, 2002; Schmar-Dobler, 2003; Todd, 2004; Topping, explicated and are essentially sound information searching and
Valtin, Roller, Brozo, & Dionisio, 2003). Studies of high-school students evaluation skills. An appendix to this document, specifically aimed at
working in science courses have found that they have difficulty grade 11 and grade 12 students (thus, particularly relevant to the
evaluating the veracity and objectivity of information (Adams, 1999). participants in this study), articulates numerous methods for evaluating
In addition, this client group demonstrates significant preference for relevance and reliability of information sources. In addition, the required
the Internet and electronic resources over print resources (Barranoik, grade 11 and 12 biology curriculum (Alberta Learning, 1998), to which
2001; Jones, 1999; Shenton, 2007). Students also demonstrate poor study participants are subject, include skill development in evaluating
search skills, which include selecting search terms, evaluating web processes or outcomes. The specific skills articulated include the ability
sites, and appropriately citing sources (Barranoik, 2001; Fidel, Davies, to “establish criteria to judge data or information; consider conse-
& Douglass, 1999; Scott & O'Sullivan, 2005). Lorenzen (2001) found quences and biases, assumptions and perspectives; …and, evaluate and
that high-school students lacked evaluation skills, and Brem, Russell, assess ideas, information and alternatives” (p. 5). Again, these skills are
and Weems (2001) also found that high-school students were unable consistent with standard information literacy skills. Further, the biology
to distinguish credibility in web sites. This last study revealed no curriculum (Alberta, 1998) includes the following expectations for high-
higher-level thinking (metacognition) on the part of students when school students' experiences and learning:
they assessed credibility or accuracy. Furthermore, high-school
• understand that scientific language is precise and specific terms may
biology students' reading of scientific documents is done superficially,
be used in each field of study;
according to Brill, Falk, and Yarden (2004). Heinström's (2006)
• research, integrate, and synthesize information from various print
research demonstrates that many students are simply seeking a
and electronic sources regarding a scientific question;
“right” answer; these students tend to judge relevance on the basis of
• apply given criteria for evaluating evidence and assess the authority,
convenient access and superficial criteria. She focuses on motivation
reliability, scientific accuracy, and validity of sources of information;
as the most significant variable in students' searching behavior. Jones
• research, integrate and synthesize information from various print
(1999) also identified minimal effort as a key driver of high-school
and electronic sources regarding a practical question;
biology students' information seeking. He found that high-school
• research, integrate, and synthesize information from various print
biology students preferred the Internet because they appreciated the
and electronic sources regarding a given question, problem, or issue;
speed of information access and the variety of information found.
Lorenzen (2001) uses Perry's (1970) developmental scheme to explain
• select information and gather evidence from appropriate sources
students' approaches to research by referring to the stage of high-
and evaluate search strategies.
school students' thinking in which all viewpoints are viewed as
equally valid and in which seeking answers from authorities is Finally, the Alberta curriculum supports the development of
particularly valued. Furthermore, other research demonstrates that information and communication (ICT) skills (Alberta, 2008), which
most students learn to use the Internet informally, such as from are absolutely consistent with information literacy skills as under-
friends, who themselves are not likely to be sophisticated users stood more broadly (Appendix A), and which are embedded into
(Vansickle, 2002). subject areas.
These research findings are not dissimilar from those reported for Thus, the context in which this study was conducted is an
sixth-grade students, whose skills have been described as naïve interesting example of high-school curricula emphasizing the need
(Wallace & Kupperman, 1997), and those reported for undergraduate to develop information literacy skills. As discussed above, our question
students. For example, limited information search skills among was: To what extent does the curricular mandate for information
undergraduates were identified by O'Brien and Symons (2007). literacy translate into actual skills in high-school biology students?

Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008
H. Julien, S. Barker / Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 3

5. Research questions in both sources of data. Finally, the use of multiple coders and quotes
from student interviews to illustrate findings help to ensure the
Further operationalization of our research question resulted in the confirmability of the results (Lincoln & Guba, 1985). Limitations of the
following specific questions: study include the geographic limits of data collection, although those
are necessary to compare local curricular mandates with student
• How do high-school students in grades 11 and 12 biology classes
locate and critically analyze scientific information relevant to their
learning for these classes?
6. Results and discussion
• What criteria do students currently use to evaluate scientific
information found in their textbooks and in popular media,
Data are reported for all three classes, unless noted differently.
including the Internet?
Findings from the in-class task were generally consistent with
• What aspects of scientific information are deemed trustworthy by
research results reviewed above. Overall, 59% (66 of 112) of the
information sources identified were Internet-based. Thus, the Internet
• What characterizes scientific information that students evaluate to
was the most frequently used source for the students' research.
be relevant and worthy of serious attention?
Students reported that they used the Internet in general and to access
• How do students understand the ways in which they have come to
a specific site, such as Wikipedia. Google was the most-used search
develop the evaluative criteria they apply? For example, have the
engine. The largest proportion of students' responses to why they
criteria they apply come from classroom instruction, from personal
turned to the Internet most often (35%) focused on perceived
experience, or from other sources?
relevance of information found (e.g., answers the task questions).
Accuracy of information was identified by comparing multiple
5.1. Procedures resources for consistency in information provided (42%) and perceived
credibility (such as noting that references were provided), noted by
The study design was qualitative, triangulating data from two 48% of respondents in one of the three classes. Relevance was assessed
methods: Analysis of an in-class task assignment with questions according to whether the information found answered the task
relating to students' process of information seeking, and semi- question to be addressed (41% of responses); i.e., by topical relevancy.
structured interviews with students. The study participants included Students reported skimming information for relevant key terms in
students from three grade 11 and 12 high-school biology classes in one order to assess relevancy. The largest proportions of participants
multicultural urban public high school. The school provides compre- stated that they learned how to select information for science classes
hensive programming to approximately 1300 students from across the by experience with school projects (38%), and through non-academic
large city in which it is situated. The school population includes many personal experience (29%).
different ethnic groups, and students range from academic to autistic. Interviews revealed that students see Google as being “the”
Most students in the study were 15 to 17 years of age. Participants Internet, and they use these two terms interchangeably, seeing them
were asked to conduct a real-time information searching task to be one and the same thing. Google is the main information finding
assignment (Appendix B) designed by the classroom teacher to be tool for all sources of information for school and home (i.e., for
consistent with regular learning outcomes. The task was completed academic and for personal information seeking). This finding is
mainly during class time and was supervised by the classroom consistent with the overall popularity of Google among the general
teacher, as would be the case for any other classroom activity; 82 task population (Burns, 2008). Students in this study prefer the Internet
assignments were completed. In addition, semi-structured interviews because it is perceived as convenient and familiar, and searching by
were done with 24 students in these classes. The interviews used a key word is easy. As Natasha (all names are pseudonyms and all quotes
critical-incident technique (see Urquhart, Light, Thomas, Barker, are reported verbatim) states, “Well, I'm — it's more reliable than
Yeoman et al., 2003), focusing on the information seeking and going to the library and trying to find a book...'cause it takes less time.”
information evaluation that occurred during the classroom task. Robert noted, “Well it's much more convenient than, you know, you
Interviews were conducted by the authors and a research assistant want to do something else with your time. If you get the information
and were held in the teaching classroom on a non-instructional day. right here, you can finish the task quicker.” It was thus surprising that
The interviews lasted between 10 and 15 minutes. Interview questions few students mentioned “cutting and pasting” text from websites to
are provided in Appendix C. Interviews were transcribed for analysis. save time. Kendra stated that the Internet is “a lot more easy to access
Ethics approval was provided by the University of Alberta Faculties of whereas the library and the textbooks we have to go to the library.”
Education, Extension and Augustana Research Ethics Board. Care- However, these students' searching skills are unsophisticated: In
givers/parents and students provided separate consent for participa- general, students search by pasting the assignment question or task
tion in the task and in the interview. Analysis of the task data directly into the search box, scanning the first three or four web sites
(students' answers to questions) and of the interview data was that appear for matching key words, and comparing the content of
conducted qualitatively without software; themes were identified these top sites for consistency. Interestingly, Wikipedia is used and
inductively primarily by a single coder (a research assistant), with liked by many of the students, although there was an uneasy tension
discussion and input from the study authors. Thus, final coding was as students commented that though Wikipedia is often the first
done by multiple coders. webpage listed from a Google search it is widely recognized by them
In addition to the triangulation of data sources, trustworthiness of as not being a valid source of information. Jimmy said, “Wikipedia was
the study design and results was addressed by applying standards of just another place to compare because Wikipedia is an open source.
quality for qualitative research. Credibility was confirmed by the And then so, being an open source it is not exactly always reliable.”
classroom teacher in discussion following the study (i.e., the study Some students mentioned that university sites are reputable and
results “rang true”), and by contextualization of the study within the reliable, and they try to use information from these sites for school
local educational curriculum. Transferability is addressed by the purposes. Class textbooks specific to the program being studied are
study's focus on a classroom task that was consistent with regular also viewed as valuable because the students express faith in the
class work, and the detail provided about the local context. General- teacher and in the school. Andy said, “Well I used it [a textbook]
izability beyond the local context cannot be certain, except that results because I knew it would be reliable. If the school would give it to us
were consistent with those reported broadly in the literature. and it not be reliable...then that would kind of be defeating a bunch of
Evidence for dependability is evident in the consistency of findings purposes.” However, students report that their textbooks are not easy

Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008
4 H. Julien, S. Barker / Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

to use. In addition to Internet sources, other sources of information, Table 1

such as encyclopedias, are used rarely. Links between information-literate information seeking, and scientific inquiry

Consistent with the task data, in interviews students pointed to Information seeking task Science inquiry (partly adapted from
school projects and personal experience as the sources of their skill Windschitl, 2008)
development. Overall, when asked directly, students expressed Goal: Finding credible information to Goal: Developing defensible explanations
meet an identified need of the way the natural world works
confidence in their information finding and evaluation skills. Carrie
Elicit prior knowledge Elicit prior knowledge and organize what
noted, “I usually just click the first one and read it, and then I'll click a
we know and what we'd like to know
couple more and if they all say kind of the same thing then — I'll keep Plan search strategy (identify key words, Generate hypothesis
that, because you're getting it from multiple sources, so chances are appropriate synonyms and combinations,
it's real.” Eva stated, “I guess just basically from years of experience I identify possible credible sources)
can tell whether or not something is reliable or not reliable.” Robert Execute search strategy (iteratively, Seek evidence to support or refute the
according to results) hypothesis
said, “If Wikipedia's not first, then I just go with the first site Google Evaluate information found according to Construct an argument
gives me.” Chandra stated, “I just Googled it and then I compared standard criteria
between different pages to see how accurate it was and then I went Communicate or present results as Communicate findings
with the one that showed up the most.” Allison said, “I use the required
University of Berkeley site ‘cause they're a generally trusted university
name and you can assume that you can trust the research they've
done.” Overall, the students revealed unsophisticated evaluation science. A student in our sample who used his “grandmother's
skills. Understanding of critical evaluation criteria such as authority, encyclopedia” to find information for all school tasks and personal
accuracy, objectivity, currency, and coverage was not evident from the interests irrespective of the topic had not considered why he might
students' comments. need to use more contemporary resources. The 11th edition of
Students reported that their primary search strategy is keyword Encylopedia Britannica published in 1911 presents quite a different
searching. While this approach is useful for new vocabulary (e.g., view of the world than we see today; the word “biome” (the topic of
“podcasting”), when there is no thesaurus, when searching results in few the students' science task) would not even be included, and this
hits, or when a known item is sought (e.g., specific author), there are source would contain many descriptions of biological phenomena that
significant limits to the value of keyword searches. The students in this would today be considered incorrect; e.g., the structure of the cell
study are unfamiliar with the benefits of searching by controlled membrane. In order to counter these concerns, teachers could present
vocabulary to improve comprehensiveness and precision. In addition, relevant information from historical and contemporary resources to
these students are apparently unaware of how search engines identify demonstrate how knowledge and understanding has changed and
potentially relevant sources. Thus, the limitations of searching by Google, why recent resources have the potential to be more accurate. An
and of searching with only one search engine, are not understood. excellent example of such a task is presented by Warren (2001), who
The school is very multicultural and has a Mandarin language uses scientific knowledge about scurvy from a number of periods in
program. One student for whom English was not his first language and history in a role-play activity.
who was a recent immigrant to Canada could not easily articulate The trustworthiness of information that the students accessed for
what he had done to find information, and he had searched the this study was predominantly viewed in terms of the site or resource
Internet using English key words rather than in his native Mandarin rather than by evaluation of the content. For example, university sites
language. were mentioned as being valid, but sites which have a domain name
such as “” were considered by one student to suggest
7. Conclusion unreliability. Evaluating information on websites by examining
domain name only is a risky practice, and students need to be better
It is clear that despite unambiguous curricular mandates to equipped at evaluating content. In addition, teachers need to describe
develop information literacy skills among the students who partici- to students how search engines work and the way in which websites
pated in this study, actual skill levels are underdeveloped. The “Focus are ordered. A simple task would be to present a search to the class
on Inquiry” document (Alberta, 2004), which explicates sound using two or more different search engines to demonstrate just how
information searching skills, is clearly insufficient to ensure that serendipitous the process is.
students are learning these skills. Actual classroom practices and We see that overall, students gave less emphasis to the process of
teachers' understanding and attitudes were not explored in this study, finding information than to the end product of the search. Indeed,
so their relationship to the results reported here remains uncertain. Barranoik (2001) indicated that her work with biology high-school
Perhaps the teachers believe that students simply learn these skills on students showed that they were more concerned with the content and
their own, or perhaps they lack this skill set themselves and are that teachers should give more emphasis to the process of information
therefore unable to teach it to their students. We are using the data to searching. In our study, many students found it hard to recall precisely
develop recommendations and strategies to help teachers promote what they had done or why, despite specific questions addressing the
good practice in finding and evaluating information. A key challenge is process in their assignment. Rarely are such questions asked of
being able to demonstrate that by developing such skills students will students despite increasing evidence of the benefits of metacognition
gain a better understanding of the content they are searching for and (Brem et al., 2001). In a science context, drawing parallels between
thus will perform better in exams. Since information seeking skills are information seeking and science inquiry could benefit teachers and
not directly assessed in the provincial exams, even when such students, with each potentially reinforcing the other. The process of
objectives are listed in the curriculum, they are unlikely to be taken information seeking is remarkably similar to the stages of science
seriously by teachers. This observation was made by a science teacher inquiry, despite being considered by Windschitl (2008) to be a subset
at a science council workshop where this study was discussed. Such or complementary activity to science inquiry.
assessment-led teaching is not confined to Alberta and is a common Those students for whom English is not a first language should be
practice worldwide. encouraged to search in their native language, to use the opportunity to
Science lends itself very well to discussions about the construction highlight any differences that may arise from searching in different
of knowledge and validity of information students may find on the languages, and to consider the significance this has for science. For new
Internet. For example, the tentative nature of scientific knowledge is a immigrants, searching in their own language may help their under-
critical issue to address when developing information seeking skills in standing in specific content areas and could give them a break from the

Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008
H. Julien, S. Barker / Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx 5

constant demands of having to translate everything. In addition, C.2 Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information
searching in a first language may help parents and guardians under- technologies.
stand the demands of the task and thus participate in homework. Specific outcomes:
Presenting the task as a question to answer is a good way to start.
4.1 Consult a wide variety of sources that reflect varied viewpoints
Teachers might also consider using a constructivist approach, eliciting
students' prior understanding about the topic and information on particular topics.
seeking process. One of the possible ways in which information 4.2 Evaluate the validity of gathered viewpoints against other
seeking may be related to science inquiry is presented in Table 1. Such sources.
a side-by-side comparison may be a useful teaching tool.
Our next steps include interviewing teachers to explore their own C.3 Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of
information seeking and information literacy skills. Williams and a variety of technologies.
Coles (2007) interviewed teachers in the United Kingdom and found Specific outcomes:
that teachers lack information literacy skills, especially searching and
4.1 Assess the authority, reliability and validity of electronically
evaluation skills. Asselin (2005) found that a lack of time to teach
accessed information.
information literacy is a significant barrier for teachers. Perhaps it is
inappropriate to expect teachers to deliver curriculum in areas where 4.2 Demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically
their own skills require significant development without providing accessed information that is relevant to a particular topic.
significant professional development. We are using the outcomes
from this study to identify ways of developing more sophisticated F.4 Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and
research and information evaluation skills for students and teachers. electronic information.
Undoubtedly, information literacy needs to be explicitly addressed in Specific outcomes:
the classroom. In scientific disciplines, scientific literacy and informa- 4.1 Discriminate between style and content in a presentation.
tion literacy are inextricably linked. Perhaps if students (and teachers)
4.2 Evaluate the influence and results of digital manipulation on
had a better understanding of science inquiry they would acquire a
our perceptions.
more solid conceptual understanding of information literacy (not
necessarily of specific techniques and skills). Scientific inquiry as a 4.3 Identify and analyze a variety of factors that affect the
pedagogical approach is recognized as being problematic to teachers authenticity of information derived from mass media and electro-
and students and attributed to lack of consistent and contemporary nic communication.
philosophy within curricula and to limitations of teacher knowledge
and experience (Schwartz et al., 2004). However, teaching students
Appendix B. Biology 20 biome assignment
skills in searching for and evaluating information has the potential to
help them better understand the nature of science and scientific
A biome is a broad, regional type of ecosystem characterized by
knowledge, in addition to helping them learn more widely applicable
distinctive climate and soil conditions and a distinctive biological
information literacy skills for use in daily life. The value of these skills
community adapted to those conditions.
is unchallenged, but significant challenges to inculcating them remain.
Major world biome
Acknowledgments • Taiga
• Tundra
This research was funded by the Centre for Research in Youth, • Temperate deciduous forest
Science Teaching and Learning (CRYSTAL-Alberta), funded by the • Desert
Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada. Thanks to our • Marine
research assistants, Sarah Polkinghorne and Heather Kenney. We also • Grassland
appreciate the cooperation of the classroom teacher, and the • Rain forest
participation of the students.
In a group of two find the following information about the major
world biomes. Create a table for the listed biomes of the world. In the
Appendix A. Selected ICT outcomes mandated by the province of table you must have the following information:
Alberta curriculum
• Synonyms
• Areas found in world/Canada
ICT outcomes, Division 4
• Precipitation amount
• Average temperature
C.1 Students will access, use and communicate information from a
• Soil conditions
variety of technologies.
• Unique features
Specific outcomes:
• Typical producers
4.1 Plan and perform complex searches, using more than one • Typical Consumers
electronic source. • Major Limiting Factors
4.2 Select information from appropriate sources, including primary • Adaptations of organisms to limiting factors
and secondary sources. This should be done in point form and should not be more than
4.3 Evaluate and explain the advantages and disadvantages of three typed pages. You will have time to use the library for your
various search strategies. research. Keep in mind the following questions that you will need to
4.4 Communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through answer about your research:
appropriate forms, such as speeches, letters, reports, and multi- 1. Where did you look information on biomes?
media presentations, applying information technologies for con- 2. What information sources did you use for the biome assignment?
text, audience and purpose that extend and communicate Please write these in the order you used them.
understanding of complex issues. 3. How did you decide what information to use?

Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008
6 H. Julien, S. Barker / Library & Information Science Research xxx (2009) xxx–xxx

4. How did you know that the information you used was accurate? Crawford, B. A. (2000). Embracing the essence of inquiry: New roles for science
teachers. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 916−937.
5. Thinking about the information you used, what made you decide to DeHart Hurd, P. (1998). Scientific literacy: New minds for a changing world. Science
pay attention to it and decide that it was relevant to the assignment? Education, 82, 407−416.
6. Thinking about why you decided to use the information you Fidel, R., Davies, R. K., & Douglass, M. H. (1999). A visit to the information mall: Web
searching behavior of high school students. Journal of the American Society for
selected, how did you know how to make your decisions? Information Science, 50, 24−37.
7. How and where did you learn to select information for science Heinström, J. (2006). Fast surfing for availability or deep diving into quality: Motivation
assignments? For example, did you learn in school to use certain and information seeking among middle and high school students. Information
Research, 11. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from
criteria for those decisions, or did you learn from your own paper265.html
personal experiences, from a friend, family or from someplace else? Jones, B. D. (1999). Conducting Internet inquiry projects: Comparing the motivation and
achievement of two groups of high-school biology Students. Dissertation Abstracts
International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 60(12-A), 4317.
Appendix C. Interview questions
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Please cite this article as: Julien, H., & Barker, S., How high-school students find and evaluate scientific information: A basis for information
literacy skills development, Library & Information Science Research (2009), doi:10.1016/j.lisr.2008.10.008

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