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Oracle® Value Chain Execution Cloud

Security Reference for Inventory Management, Shipping, and

This guide also applies to on-premise implementations

Release 9
Title and Copyright Information
Oracle Value Chain Execution Cloud
Security Reference for Inventory Management, Shipping, and Receiving

Release 9
Part Number E23064-10

Copyright © 2011-2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: Mahesh Sabapathy, Nigel Smith

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What's New.....................................................................................................................................13
New Job and Abstract Roles.......................................................................................13
New Duties..................................................................................................................................13
New Privileges............................................................................................................................13
Abstract Role: Contingent Worker.................................................19
Role Hierarchy and required role membership...........................................................................22
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................31
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected...................................................................................48
Job Role: Cost Accountant.............................................................49
Role Hierarchy............................................................................................................................50
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................56
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected...................................................................................68
Segregation of Duties Conflicts..................................................................................................69
Abstract Role: Employee...............................................................71
Role Hierarchy and required role membership...........................................................................74
Data Security Policies.................................................................................................................83
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................101
Abstract Role: Global Order Promising Administrator...............102
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................102
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................105
Job Role: Inventory Manager.......................................................109
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................110
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................117
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................124
Abstract Role: Line Manager.......................................................127
Role Hierarchy and required role membership.........................................................................131
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................140
Job Role: Order Administrator.....................................................166
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................167
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................173
Job Role: Order Manager.............................................................182
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................183
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................190
Abstract Role: Order Orchestration Error Recovery Manager....197
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................197
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................198
Job Role: Product Data Steward..................................................200
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................203
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................209
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................222
Job Role: Product Manager..........................................................223
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................224
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................228
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................231
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................232
Job Role: Receiving Agent..........................................................234
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................234
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................237
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................241
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................243
Job Role: Shipping Agent............................................................244
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................244
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................245
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................248
Job Role: Shipping Manager........................................................250
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................251
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................255
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................261
Job Role: Supply Chain Application Administrator....................262
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................267
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................287
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................310
Job Role: Supply Chain Integration Specialist............................311
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................311
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................313
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................314
Job Role: Warehouse Manager....................................................315
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................318
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................329
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................341
Segregation of Duties Conflicts................................................................................................343
Job Role: Warehouse Operator....................................................348
Role Hierarchy..........................................................................................................................348
Data Security Policies...............................................................................................................350
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected................................................................................354
Data Role Templates....................................................................355
Unassigned Duties.........................................................................................................................387
This Preface introduces the guides, online help, and other information sources available
to help you more effectively use Oracle Fusion Applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications Help

You can access Oracle Fusion Applications Help for the current page, section, activity, or
task by clicking the help icon.

With a local installation of help, you can add custom help files to replace or supplement
the provided content. Help content patches are regularly made available to ensure you
have access to the latest information. Patching does not affect your custom content.

Oracle Fusion Applications Guides

Oracle Fusion Applications guides are a structured collection of the help topics,
examples, and FAQs from the help system packaged for easy download and offline
reference, and sequenced to facilitate learning.

Guides are designed for specific audiences:

• User Guides address the tasks in one or more business processes. They are
intended for users who perform these tasks, and managers looking for an
overview of the business processes. They are organized by the business process
activities and tasks.
• Implementation Guides address the tasks required to set up an offering, or
selected features of an offering. They are intended for implementors. They are
organized to follow the task list sequence of the offerings, as displayed within the
Setup and Maintenance work area provided by Oracle Fusion Functional Setup
• Concept Guides explain the key concepts and decisions for a specific area of
functionality. They are intended for decision makers, such as chief financial
officers, financial analysts, and implementation consultants. They are organized
by the logical flow of features and functions.
• Security Reference Manuals describe the predefined data that is included in the
security reference implementation for one offering. They are intended for
implementors, security administrators, and auditors. They are organized by role.

These guides cover specific business processes and offerings. Common areas are
addressed in the guides listed in the following table:

Guide Intended Audience Purpose

Common User Guide All users Explains tasks performed by
most users.
Common Implementation Implementors Explains tasks within the
Guide Define Common Applications
Configuration task list, which
is included in all offerings.
Functional Setup Manager Implementors Explains how to use Oracle
User's Guide Fusion Functional Setup
Guide Intended Audience Purpose
Manager to plan, manage, and
track your implementation
projects, migrate setup data,
and validate implementations.
Technical Guides System administrators, Explain how to install, patch,
application developers, and administer, and customize
technical members of Oracle Fusion Applications.
implementation teams
Note: Limited content
applicable to Oracle Cloud

For other guides, go to Oracle Technology Network at


Other Information Sources

My Oracle Support
Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit http://www.oracle.com/support/contact.html or visit
http://www.oracle.com/accessibility/support.html if you are hearing impaired.
Use the My Oracle Support Knowledge Browser to find documents for a product area.
You can search for release-specific information, such as patches, alerts, white papers, and
troubleshooting tips. Other services include health checks, guided lifecycle advice, and
direct contact with industry experts through the My Oracle Support Community.

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications

Oracle Enterprise Repository for Oracle Fusion Applications provides details on service-
oriented architecture assets to help you manage the lifecycle of your software from
planning through implementation, testing, production, and changes.

In Oracle Fusion Applications, you can use Oracle Enterprise Repository at

http://fusionappsoer.oracle.com for:
• Technical information about integrating with other applications, including
services, operations, composites, events, and integration tables. The classification
scheme shows the scenarios in which you use the assets, and includes diagrams,
schematics, and links to other technical documentation.
• Other technical information such as reusable components, policies, architecture
diagrams, and topology diagrams.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/accessibility/index.html.

Comments and Suggestions

Your comments are important to us. We encourage you to send us feedback about Oracle
Fusion Applications Help and guides. Please send your suggestions to
oracle_fusion_applications_help_ww_grp@oracle.com. You can use Send Feedback to
Oracle from the Settings and Actions menu in Oracle Fusion Applications Help.
Security Reference Manuals describe the Oracle Fusion Applications security reference
implementation. This manual includes descriptions of all the predefined data that is
included in the security reference implementation for an offering. The reference
implementation can be customized to fit divergent enterprise requirements.

Security Reference Implementation

The Oracle Fusion Applications security approach supports a reference implementation
that addresses common business security needs and consists of roles, policies, and
templates for generating data roles.

Oracle Fusion Applications Security Reference Manuals present the following

information about the predefined security reference implementation.
• The abstract and job roles for an offering
• Duty roles and the role hierarchy for each job role and abstract role
• Privileges required to perform each duty defined by a duty role
• Data security policies for each job role, abstract role, or data role
• Policies that protect personally identifiable information
• Data security policies on fact and dimension to ensure enforcement across tools
and access methods
• Segregation of duties policies respected in the design of duties for the job role
• Segregation of duties conflicts in some job role definitions
• Templates for generating data roles and data security policies defined for those
data roles

For a mapping of duties and privileges to roles across all offerings, see Document ID
1459828.1 on My Oracle Support.

For information about how duty roles and privileges map to top-level menus, see
Document ID 1460486.1 on My Oracle Support.

For an overview and detailed information about the Oracle Fusion Applications security
approach, including an explanation of role types, enforcement, and how to implement and
administer security for your deployment, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Security

How to Use this Security Reference Manual

Enterprises address needs specific to their organization by changing or extending the role
definitions, role hierarchies, and data security and segregation of duties policies of the
reference implementation.

For each job or abstract role, review the duties, role hierarchy, and policies that it carries
so you understand which users should be provisioned with the role, or which adjustments
your enterprise requires before the role can be provisioned.
All information presented in this manual can be accessed in the various user
interface pages of Oracle Fusion Applications provided for security setup,
implementation customizations, and administration. The advantage of reviewing
the security reference implementation as it is presented in this manual is that you
can more easily compare and plan your customizations.

Review which duty roles a job role inherits. Before making changes, consider the
segregation of duties policies defined for the role. Violations may be introduced by or
may dictate a change in included duties.

From the entitlement of a role as expressed by privileges, you can deduce the
function security enforced by a role. If your enterprise needs certain functions
removed from access by certain roles, change the data security policies or duties
carried by the role.

Review the data security policies conferred on job roles by their inherited duty roles.
Review data role templates to determine what data roles are generated when you setup
the dimensions of your enterprise such as business units or inventory organization.

Review the privacy in effect for a job or abstract role based on its data security policies.
Privacy is additionally protected by security components, as described in the Oracle
Fusion Applications Security Guide.

As you make changes to the security reference implementation for an Oracle
Fusion Applications deployment, the predefined implementation as delivered
remains available. Upgrade and maintenance patches to the security reference
implementation preserve your changes to the implementation.
Offering: Materials Management and Logistics
Configure materials and logistics including inventory, shipping, and receiving.

This manual describes the security reference implementation for the Materials
Management and Logistics offering.

There is a set of common roles that are required to set up and administer an offering. For
information about these common roles, see the Oracle Fusion Applications Common
Security Reference Manual.

Privileges granted to Business Intelligence duties are not described in this manual.
For information about these privileges, see the My Oracle Support document
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Duty Role Security Assignments for
Oracle Fusion Applications (Doc ID 1333454.1).
What's New
This release of the offering includes new Job and Abstract roles, Duties and Privileges.

New Job and Abstract Roles

Job or Abstract Role Description

New Duties
Duty Role Description
Configurator Reviewing Duty Contains read-only privileges for the Configurator
Modeling Environment.
Consigned Inventory Management Manages consigned inventory related activities including
ownership transfer, consigned inventory aging, and
consumption advice creation.
Download data from Order Orchestration and Allows to download file exported from order orchestration
Planning Data Collection Export and planning.
FUSE Hiring Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Hiring page.
New Person Work Area Navigation As Line Grants navigation access for line managers to the new
Manager Duty person work area.
Orchestration Infrastructure Administration Allows access to administrative pages and functions for
Duty the orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used
by other applications.
Portrait Career Planning Duty Grants access to the career planning card in the portrait.
Portrait Current and Completed Tasks Duty Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in
the portrait, which includes HCM worklist tasks and user
provisioning requests.
Portrait Development and Growth Duty Grants access to the development and growth card in the
Portrait Experience and Qualifications Duty Grants access to the experience and qualifications card in
the portrait.
Product Configurator Manager Duty Contains all privileges related to Configurator modeling
(structure, rules and user interfaces) and administration of
Configurator and the Configurator Modeling.
Supply Chain Application Administrator Individual responsible for supply chain application
Duty administration. Collaborates with supply chain application
users to maintain consistent application setup, rules, and
Time and Labor Reporting Data Duty Secures time and labor reporting data.
Time and Labor Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Time and Labor transactional information.
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who
Duty perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control,
such as accounts payable manager.
Upload data for Order Orchestration and Allows to upload data file to import collected data for
Planning Data Collection Import order orchestration and planning.
Vacancy Transaction Analysis Duty Analyses Vacancy Transactional Information.

New Privileges
Duty Role Privilege Description
Configurator Reviewing Duty View Configurator Extension Allows viewing of definitions of
Archives Configurator extension archives.
View Configurator Model Allows viewing of item-based and
Structure supplemental model structure.
Duty Role Privilege Description
View Configurator Models Allows viewing of models and
their attributes. Allows generation
of model reports.
View Configurator Rules Allows viewing of model rules.
View Configurator Allows viewing of definitions of
Supplemental Attributes supplemental attributes.
View Configurator UI Template Allows viewing of UI template
Maps maps and their basic attributes,
such as name and description.
View Configurator User Allows viewing of definitions of
Interfaces model user interfaces.
View Configurator Workspaces Allows viewing of workspaces and
their basic attributes, such as name
and description. Allows viewing of
workspace participants.
View Snapshots Allows viewing of basic attributes
of snapshots of item data.
Consigned Inventory Create Inventory Consumption Allows creation of the inventory
Management Advice consumption advice.
Create Transfer to Consigned Allows the transfer of owned
Transaction inventory to consigned.
Create Transfer to Owned Allows the transfer of cosigned
Transaction inventory to owned.
Manage Consigned Inventory Privilege to manage consigned
Aging inventory that is subject to aging.
Manage Consigned Inventory Allows management of consigned
Watchlist by Web Service inventory watchlist using web
Print Inventory Consumption Privilege to print inventory
Advice Report consumption advice report.
Review Inventory Consumption Allows review of inventory
Advice consumption advice and associated
FUSE Hiring Access Duty Access FUSE Hiring Page Allows access to the FUSE Hiring
New Person Work Area New Person Work Area As Line Allows line managers to access the
Navigation As Line Manager Manager New Person work area.
Orchestration Infrastructure Administer Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Administration Duty Infrastructure Jeopardy orchestration infrastructure
Threshold Definition jeopardy threshold definitions that
determine the degree of action to
take when orchestration highlights
potential or actual fulfillment
issues due to delays.
Administer Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Web Service external orchestration
Sourcing Rule infrastructure interface connectors,
which are conduits between order
orchestration and external
fulfillment systems.
Deploy Orchestration Allows deployment of
Infrastructure Process orchestration infrastructure
Generate Orchestration Allows submission of the process
Infrastructure Change Constraint that generates a dynamic package
Duty Role Privilege Description
Definition Package that activates newly defined
validation rule sets for processing
constraints within oirchestration
Manage Orchestration Generic Allows access to orchestration
Web Service generic web services.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of the
Infrastructure Change Constraint orchestration infrastructure rules
Definition that control attempted changes to
order orchestration.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Change Constraint orchestration infrastructure entities
Definition Objects that processing constraints can be
applied to.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and deployment of
Infrastructure External Interface orchestration infrastructure
Connector connectors that transform messages
and communicate with external
fulfillment systems.
Manage Orchestration TBD
Infrastructure External Interface
Data Value Map
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and update of
Infrastructure External Interface orchestration infrastructure rules to
Routing Rule route fulfillment requests to
appropriate connectors.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and update of
Infrastructure External Interface transformation style sheets to
Transformation Style Sheet convert orchestration infrastructure
messages into external fulfillment
system messages.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of hold
Infrastructure Hold Code codes for orchestration
Definition infrastructure.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of score
Infrastructure Jeopardy Priorities codes that indicate the severity of
the delay of orchestration
infrastructure tasks.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of the
Infrastructure Order Attributes orchestration infrastructure
That Identify Change attributes necessary to identify
changes in orders used to initiate
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Process Definition definitions that specify how to
carry out orchestration processing
for orchestration infrastructure.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Source Systems orchestration infrastructure source
system definitions and collection
parameters for data collection
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Status Conditions orchestration infrastructure process
status conditions, which indicate
when a status is utilized. These
Duty Role Privilege Description
conditions are defined within a
specific orchestration process.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Status Definition orchestration infrastructure status
Values codes for tasks.
Manage Orchestration Allows creation and edit of
Infrastructure Task Types orchestration infrastructure task
types that group tasks and services
for status management, jeopardy,
orchestration process definition,
and run-time behavior.
Mark Orchestration Allows setting of orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as infrastructure messages to inactive
Inactive status.
View Orchestration Allows viewing of orchestration
Infrastructure Messages infrastructure messages.
Product Configurator Manager Create Item Based Configurator Allows creation of item-based
Duty Model models in Configurator.
Create Supplemental Allows creation and duplication of
Configurator Model supplemental models in
Delete Configurator Model Allows deletion of draft models.
Edit Configurator Model Allows editing of basic attributes
Information of models, such as name and
Edit Configurator UI Template Allows editing of basic attributes
Information of UI templates, such as name and
Edit Configurator UI Template Allows editing of basic attributes
Map Information of UI template maps, such as name
and description.
Force Unlock Configurator Draft Allows unlocking of a draft locked
by any user.
Manage Configurator Extension Allows management and
Archives deployment of Configurator
extension archives.
Manage Configurator Model Allows management of
Structure supplemental structure in a model
Manage Configurator Rules Allows management of rules in a
model draft.
Manage Configurator Allows management of
Supplemental Attributes supplemental attributes.
Manage Configurator UI Allows management of UI
Template Maps template maps.
Manage Configurator UI Allows management of UI
Templates templates.
Manage Configurator User Allows management and testing of
Interfaces model user interfaces.
Manage Configurator Allows management of workspaces
Workspace and of the objects in a workspace.
Manage Snapshots Allows importing and refreshing of
snapshots of item data.
Release Configurator Workspace Allows releasing all draft objects in
a workspace, making them
Duty Role Privilege Description
available in production.
Revert Draft Model to Version Allows reverting of a draft model
to a previous version.
Set Up Configurator Modeling Allows setup of the Configurator
Environment Modeling Environment.
Set Up Configurator Run Time Allows setup of Configurator run
time objects and other global
Test Configurator Model Allows testing of models. Allows
saving and restoring
Test Configurator Workspace Allows testing of the objects in a
workspace. Allows saving and
restoring of configurations.
Supply Chain Application Maintain Buy and Sell Terms Create, update, and correct past-
Administrator Duty dated records of the buy and sell
Maintain Documentation and Create, update, and correct past-
Accounting Rules dated records of the documentation
and accounting rules.
Maintain Supply Chain Financial Create, update, and correct past-
Orchestration Flow dated records of the supply chain
financial orchestration flows.
Maintain Transfer Pricing Rules Create, update, and correct past-
dated records of the transfer pricing
Manage Buy and Sell Terms Create and update the buy and sell
Manage Documentation and Create and update the
Accounting Rules documentation and accounting
Manage Profit Center Business Create and update the profit center
Unit to Party Relationship business unit to party relationship
Manage Supply Chain Financial Create and update the supply chain
Orchestration Flow financial orchestration flows.
Manage Supply Chain Financial Create and update the supply chain
Orchestration Qualifiers financial orchestration qualifiers.
Manage Supply Chain Financial Update the supply chain financial
Orchestration System Options orchestration system options.
Manage Transfer Pricing Rules Create and update the transfer
pricing rules.
View Buy and Sell Terms View the buy and sell terms.
View Documentation and View the documentation and
Accounting Rules accounting rules.
View Profit Center Business View the profit center business unit
Unit to Party Relationship to party relationship setup.
View Supply Chain Financial View the supply chain financial
Orchestration Flow orchestration flows.
View Supply Chain Financial View the supply chain financial
Orchestration Qualifiers orchestration qualifiers.
View Supply Chain Financial View the supply chain financial
Orchestration System Options orchestration system options.
View Transfer Pricing Rules View the transfer pricing rules.
Transaction Entry with Check Funds Check whether sufficient funds are
Duty Role Privilege Description
Budgetary Control Duty available for a transactions
Reserve Funds Check whether sufficient funds are
available for a transactions, and if
so, reserve the funds
Review Budget Period Statuses Allows inquiry on the budget
period status.
Transfer Budget Balances to Allows the submission of a process
Budget Cubes Continuously to continuously transfer budget
balances to the budgetary control
balances reporting
multidimensional database.
View Funds Available Balances Allows access to view the
budgetary control validation
Abstract Role: Contingent Worker
Identifies the person as a contingent worker.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Contingent Worker

Duty Role Description

Absence Entry Through Calendar Creates an absence record through the calendar.
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service.
Absence Self Service Management Maintains absence records and view accrual balance information in
Duty self service.
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances.
Approval Notification Duty Grants access to view product specific notification content.
Approve Transactions Duty Allows ability to approve transactions
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server
Calendar Time Entry Worker Duty Reports time by an employee or contingent worker using a
Chinese Accounts View Duty Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their
PHF and social insurance account numbers.
Create Social Group Duty Creates social groups.
Employee Enrollment Duty Manages employee enrollments.
Expense Bank Account Manages employee's bank accounts.
Management Duty
Expense Entry Duty Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
FUSE Directory Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE directory page.
FUSE Performance and Career Grants access to the FUSE performance and career planning page.
Planning Access Duty
FUSE Personal Information Access Grants access to the FUSE personal information page.
FUSE Time Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Time page.
Gallery Access Duty Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.
Goal Management Worker Duty Goal Management Worker - inherited by Worker
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these
Duty objects.
Idea Participation Duty This duty allows for performing all actions on an Idea.
Indian Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within an Indian legal employer to submit
Duty their tax investment declaration.
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage About Me Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own about me statement.
Manage Areas of Expertise Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own areas of expertise.
Manage Areas of Interest Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own areas of interest.
My Portrait Work Area Navigation Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.
Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.
Duty Role Description
Procurement Requester Duty
Negotiation Viewing as View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.
Procurement Requester Duty
Oracle Social Network Access Allows to launch the Oracle Social Network application.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Performance Goal View Duty Duty role for view access to goals in Goal Management
Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.
Person Address Maintenance Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.
Person Citizenship Management Grants access to persons to manage their own citizenship.
Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver licenses.
Management Duty
Person Ethnicity Management Grants access to persons to manage their own ethnicity.
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.
Navigation Duty
Person Marital Status Maintenance Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and
Duty related data.
Person Name Maintenance Duty Maintains persons' name related attributes.
Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete role. Do not use.
Person National Identifier View Grants access to persons to view national identifier.
Person Passport Management Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own passports.
Person Religion Management Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own religion.
Person Visa Permit Management Grants access to persons to manage their own visas and permits.
Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type
Management Duty plans.
Portrait Access Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.
Portrait Availability Duty Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes
schedule, absence, and accrual information.
Portrait Benefits Duty Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.
Portrait Career Planning Duty Grants access to the career planning card in the portrait.
Portrait Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
Duty Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and
other communication methods in the portrait.
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.
Portrait Contact Duty Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which
includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods,
work location information, manager, directs and peers.
Portrait Current and Completed Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the
Tasks Duty portrait, which includes HCM worklist tasks and user provisioning
Portrait Development and Growth Grants access to the development and growth card in the portrait.
Portrait Experience and Grants access to the experience and qualifications card in the
Qualifications Duty portrait.
Portrait Maintenance Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait
Duty Role Description
Portrait Payslip Duty Grants access to a person's own payslip in the portrait.
Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the portrait.
Portrait Personal and Employment Grants access to a person's own personal and employment
Duty information in the portrait.
Portrait View Duty Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Project Time Entry Duty Controls Projects Validation and Time Entry
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a
as Procurement Requester Duty procurement requester.
Purchase Order Attachment Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.
Management as Procurement
Requester Duty
Purchase Order Changes as Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement
Procurement Requester Duty requester.
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.
Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items,
Duty correct receipts, and return receipts.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Requester Analysis Duty Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement
cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition
BU that requester belongs to
Requisition Attachment Manages attachments on requisitions.
Management Duty
Requisition Business Unit Data This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the
Security data warehouse
Requisition Self Service User Duty Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing
requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition
Requisition and Referenced Reviews attachments on requisitions.
Attachment Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Reviews inbound shipment details.
Review Receipt Summary Duty Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.
History Duty
Social Connection Worker Duty Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.
Social Group Participation Core Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global
Duty Human Resources
Social Group Participation Duty Participates in social groups.
Social Network Core Duty Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human
Social Network Duty Participates in social networks.
Supplier Bank Account Import Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee
Duty information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.
Talent Worker Duty Performs all talent management duties as an employee or
contingent worker.
Task Management Duty Manages transaction tasks.
Time Card Entry Worker Duty Reports time by time card, as a worker.
Duty Role Description
Time Work Area Navigation Duty Grants navigational access for a worker to report time in a calendar,
create and manage absence entries and time cards, and view accrual
Time and Labor Worker Duty Reports time as a worker.
Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.
Worker Duty
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control Duty transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US
Duty specific tasks.
View Batch Jobs Duty View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes work area.
View Employment Information Views employment information.
View Person Details Duty Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.
View Secured Custom Help Duty Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.
Worker Availability Viewing Duty Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.
Worker Document Management Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.
Worker Duty Performs worker related tasks.
Worker Gallery Access Duty Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves
and HR specialists.
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.
Worker Information Sharing Duty Shares own employment information with line managers or
external parties.
Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal
Worker Processes Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own data including
address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and
information sharing.
Worker Role Management Duty Manages worker roles.
Worker Selection Duty Selects workers.
Workforce Profile View Duty Allows viewing of workforce profile data.
Workforce Profile Worker Duty Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Contingent Worker

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate


Attachments User +
CRM Stage Write
Procurement Requester
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement
Requester Duty
Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as
Procurement Requester Duty
Purchase Order Attachment Management as
Procurement Requester Duty
Purchase Order Changes as Procurement
Requester Duty
Receiving Management Requester Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry
Requester Analysis Duty
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Requisition Business Unit Data Security
Requisition Attachment Management Duty

Requisition Self Service User Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information
Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information
Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Review Receiving Transaction History Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
Worker Duty +
Approval Notification Duty +
Approve Transactions Duty +
Employee Enrollment Duty
Expense Entry Duty
Expense Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Payee Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Supplier Bank Account Import Duty
Gallery Access Duty
Portrait Access Duty
Portrait Maintenance Duty
Portrait View Duty
Portrait Availability Duty
Portrait Compensation Duty
Portrait Contact Duty
Worker Gallery Search Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
HCM Information Comparison Duty

Public Person Selection Duty +
My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty
Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty
Personal Compensation Management Duty
Social Connection Worker Duty
Social Group Participation Duty
Create Social Group Duty
Social Group Participation Core Duty
Social Network Duty
Social Network Core Duty
Talent Worker Duty
Goal Management Worker Duty
Performance Management Worker Duty
View Employment Information Duty
Workforce Profile Worker Duty
Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty
View Batch Jobs Duty +
View Person Details Duty
View Secured Custom Help Duty +
Worker Availability Viewing Duty
Worker Gallery Access Duty
Portrait Communication Methods Duty
Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty
Person National Identifier View Duty
Portrait Benefits Duty
Portrait Personal and Employment
Task Management Duty
Worker Processes Duty
Chinese Accounts View Duty
Person Address Maintenance Duty
Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty
Person Name Maintenance Duty
Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete
US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty
Worker Document Management Duty
Worker Information Sharing Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +

Worker Role Management Duty +
Worker Selection Duty +
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Contingent Worker.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Absence Entry Through Creates an absence record through the Absence Entry Using
Calendar Duty calendar. Calendar
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service. Maintain Self Service
Duty Absence Record
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances. View Accrual Plan Balance
Approval Notification Duty Grants access to view product specific View Notification Details
notification content.
Approve Transactions Duty Allows ability to approve transactions Approve Transactions
Calendar Time Entry Worker Reports time by an employee or Report Time by Calendar
Duty contingent worker using a calendar.
Chinese Accounts View Duty Allows an employee within a Chinese View Chinese PHF/SI
legal employer to view their PHF and Account Numbers
social insurance account numbers.
Create Social Group Duty Creates social groups. Create Social Group
Employee Enrollment Duty Manages employee enrollments. Define Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Elect Benefits
Maintain Plan Beneficiary
Maintain Primary Care
Review Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Expense Bank Account Manages employee's bank accounts. Manage Bank Account for
Management Duty Expense Reimbursement
Expense Entry Duty Creates and updates expense items and Manage Expense Report
expense reports. Review Expense
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
FUSE Directory Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE directory page. Access FUSE Directory
FUSE Performance and Career Grants access to the FUSE performance Access FUSE Performance
Planning Access Duty and career planning page. and Career Planning Page
FUSE Personal Information Grants access to the FUSE personal Access FUSE Personal
Access Duty information page. Information Page
FUSE Time Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Time page. Access FUSE Time Page
Goal Management Worker Goal Management Worker - inherited by Manage Performance Goal
Duty Worker
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and Compare HCM Information
Duty any combinations of these objects.
Idea Participation Duty This duty allows for performing all Create Product Idea
actions on an Idea. Manage Product Idea
Review Product Ideas
Indian Employee Portrait Allows an employee within an Indian Submit Indian Tax
Gallery Duty legal employer to submit their tax Investment Declaration
investment declaration.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
My Portrait Work Area Grants navigation access to the my Manage My Portrait Work
Navigation Duty portrait work area. Area
Negotiation Viewing as View a supplier negotiation and its details View Supplier Negotiation
Procurement Requester Duty as a requester.
Oracle Social Network Access Allows to launch the Oracle Social Launch Oracle Social
Duty Network application. Network
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Manage External Payee
Management Duty other payment details. Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Performance Goal View Duty Duty role for view access to goals in Goal View Performance Goal
Performance Management Adds content to rate to performance Create Performance
Worker Duty document and evaluates self. Document by Worker
Print Performance
Provide Performance
Evaluation Feedback
Select Feedback Participants
Track Participant Feedback
View Performance
Information on Worker
Person Address Maintenance Grants access to persons to manage their Change Person Address
Duty own address data.
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person View Person Gallery Work
Navigation Duty gallery work area. Area
Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their Change Person Marital
Maintenance Duty own marital status and related data. Status
Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward Manage Variable
Management Duty savings and contribution type plans. Compensation Allocation by
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in View Compensation Card
the portrait.
Portrait Personal Payment Grants access to a person's payment View Personal Payment
Method Duty methods in the portrait. Method
Project Time Entry Duty Controls Projects Validation and Time Enter Project Unprocessed
Entry Expenditure Batch
Purchase Order Changes as Perform purchase order change Cancel Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester Duty management tasks as a procurement Procurement Requester
requester. Change Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as View Purchase Order
a procurement agent.
Receiving Management Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service
Requester Duty iProcurement to receive items, correct Receiving Receipt
receipts, and return receipts. Create Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
Manage Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Return
Monitor Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Work
Review Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
View Receiving Receipt
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with
Duty searching, and viewing requisitions, Changes to Deliver-to
creating noncatalog requests, creating Location
requisitions with one-time locations, and Create Requisition with
changing deliver-to locations on Noncatalog Requests
requisition lines. Create Requisition with One
Time Location
Manage Requisition
View Requisition
Review Inbound Shipment Reviews inbound shipment details. Review Inbound Shipment
Details Duty Details
Review Receipt Summary Reviews receipt summary and receipt line Review Receiving Receipt
Duty details. Summary
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated Review Receiving
History Duty with a receipt. Transaction History
Social Group Participation Groups participation tasks available in Manage Social Group
Core Duty Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources
Social Group Participation Participates in social groups. Add Someone to Social
Duty Group
Invite Someone to Social
Link Social Group
Unlink Social Group
View Related Social Groups
Social Network Core Duty Performs social network tasks in Oracle Manage Social Bookmarks
Fusion Global Human Resources
Social Network Duty Participates in social networks. Invite Social Connection
Manage Kudos
Manage Message Board
Manage Social Connections
Manage Social Self-
descriptive Information
View Activity Stream
Supplier Bank Account Import Allows access to import bank accounts Import Supplier Bank
Duty and external payee information for Accounts
suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier
Time Card Entry Worker Duty Reports time by time card, as a worker. Create Time Card
Manage Time Cards by
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Search Time Cards
Time Work Area Navigation Grants navigational access for a worker to Access Time Work Area
Duty report time in a calendar, create and
manage absence entries and time cards,
and view accrual balances.
Total Compensation Views generated total compensation View Total Compensation
Statements Worker Duty statements for themselves. Statement Already
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control Duty job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Period
accounts payable manager. Statuses
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal Update US W-4
Duty employer to access US specific tasks. View US End of Year Tax
View Batch Jobs Duty View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Manage Scheduled
Processes work area. Processes Work Area
View Batch Jobs
View Person Details Duty Creates or updates users during person View Person Details
Worker Document Grants access to persons to manage their Manage Person
Management Duty own document data. Documentation
Worker Duty Performs worker related tasks. Manage My Portrait Work
Use REST Service -
Employee Assignments
Use REST Service -
Employees List
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views Search Worker
the portrait page. View Nonworker Portrait
View Person Gallery Work
View Worker Portrait
Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with Share Worker Information
Duty line managers or external parties.
Worker Portrait Maintenance Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, Print Worker Portrait
Duty phones, and other personal information.
Worker Role Management Manages worker roles. Self Request Roles
Duty View Own Account Details
Workforce Profile View Duty Allows viewing of workforce profile data. View Talent Profile
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an Define Talent Profile
Duty employee or contingent worker. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile
Data Security Policies
Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Contingent Worker

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Contingent Worker can Role: Purchase Order
delete application attachment Attachment
for the categories including Management as
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Procurement Requester
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Duty
and to payables Privilege: Delete
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Contingent Worker can read Role: Purchase Order
application attachment for the Attachment Inquiry as
categories including document, Procurement Requester
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Duty
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Privilege: Read
and to payables Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Contingent Worker can read Role: Negotiation
application attachment for the Attachment Inquiry as
categories including Procurement Requester
miscellaneous, to approver, to Duty
buyer, to payables, to receiver, Privilege: Read
and to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
A Contingent Worker can Role: Purchase Order
update application attachment Attachment
for the categories including Management as
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Procurement Requester
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Duty
and to payables Privilege: Update
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Application Reference A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Marital
Territory choose application reference Status Maintenance
territory for countries in their Duty
country security profile Privilege: Choose
Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application
Reference Territory
Beneficiary A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Organization worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Beneficiary
Benefit Covered A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Dependent worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Covered Dependent
Benefit Participant A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Enrollment Action worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
Enrollment Result review benefit participant Enrollment Duty
enrollment result for Privilege: Review
themselves Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant Rate A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Rate
Benefit Relation A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
manage benefit relation for Enrollment Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Benefit Relation (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Cash Advance A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note manage expense report Duty
approval note for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Corporate Card A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Transaction Dispute manage expense for themselves Duty
Note Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Card Transaction
Dispute Note
Expense A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
manage expense for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
manage expense report for Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Contingent Worker can Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note manage expense report Duty
approval note for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Job A Contingent Worker can Role: HCM
choose hr job for jobs in their Information
job security profile Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Secured
secured custom help content for Custom Help Duty
all secured help content they Privilege: View
are authorized Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Idea A Contingent Worker can Role: Idea Participation
manage product idea where Duty
they are a member of the idea Privilege: Manage
team Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
A Contingent Worker can Role: Idea Participation
review product idea where they Duty
are a member of the idea team Privilege: Review
Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
Item A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item asset Privilege: Maintain
maintenance group for the Item Asset Maintenance
items they have access to in Group (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item attribute for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Attribute (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item basic for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Basic (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item costing group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item Costing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item general planning Privilege: Maintain
group for the items they have Item General Planning
access to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item inventory group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Inventory Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item invoicing group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Invoicing Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item lead times group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Lead Times Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item mrp and mps Privilege: Maintain
group for the items they have Item MRP and MPS
access to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item order Privilege: Maintain
management group for the Item Order
items they have access to in Management Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item pack for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Pack (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item people for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item People (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item physical group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Physical Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item primary group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Primary Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item process Privilege: Maintain
manufacturing group for the Item Process
items they have access to in Manufacturing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item purchasing group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Purchasing Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item receiving group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Receiving Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item revision for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Revision (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item service group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item Service Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item structure for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Structure (Data)
item and inventory Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item structure group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Structure Group
to in item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
maintain item web option group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Web Option
to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
maintain item work in process Privilege: Maintain
group for the items they have Item Work in Process
access to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Worker Duty
item attribute for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Attribute (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Worker Duty
item basic for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Basic (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Worker Duty
item pack for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Pack (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Worker Duty
item structure for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Structure (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
Payables Credit Memo A Contingent Worker can Role: Payables Invoice
report payables for the business Inquiry Duty
units for which they are Privilege: Report
authorized Payables (Data)
Resource: Payables
Credit Memo
Payables Standard A Contingent Worker can Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice report payables for the business Inquiry Duty
units for which they are Privilege: Report
authorized Payables (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payroll Personal A Contingent Worker can Role: US Employee
Deduction update US W-4 for themselves Portrait Gallery Duty
if they are employed by a US Privilege: Update US
legal employer W-4 (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Chinese
chinese accounts for Accounts View Duty
themselves if they are Privilege: View
employed by a chinese legal Chinese Accounts
employer (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Indian Employee
indian tax investment Portrait Gallery Duty
declaration for themselves if Privilege: View Indian
they are employed by an indian Tax Investment
legal employer Declaration
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
A Contingent Worker can view Role: US Employee
us end of year tax form for Portrait Gallery Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
themselves if they are Privilege: View US
employed by a us legal End of Year Tax Form
employer (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
Person A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Address
change person address for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Marital
change person marital status for Status Maintenance
themselves Duty
Privilege: Change
Person Marital Status
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage About
manage about me for Me Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
About Me (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Areas of
manage areas of expertise for Expertise Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Areas of Expertise
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Manage Areas of
manage areas of interest for Interest Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Areas of Interest (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person
manage person citizenship for Citizenship
themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Citizenship
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Driver
manage person driver license License Management
for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Driver License
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Ethnicity
manage person ethnicity for Management Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Passport
manage person passport for Management Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Religion
manage person religion for Management Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Visa
manage person visa or permit Permit Management
for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Visa or Permit
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage worker public portrait Maintenance Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Worker Public Portrait
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can print Role: Portrait
worker portrait for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Print Worker
Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Duty
report person for themselves Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can share Role: Worker
worker information for Information Sharing
themselves Duty
Privilege: Share
Worker Information
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
talent profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for themselves Qualifications Duty
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
worker availability portrait card Availability Duty
for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Career
worker career planning portrait Planning Duty
card for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Career
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Current
worker current and completed and Completed Tasks
tasks portrait card for persons Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: View
and assignment security profile Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Current
worker current and completed and Completed Tasks
tasks portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
worker development and Development and
growth portrait card for Growth Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Personal
worker personal and and Employment Duty
employment portrait card for Privilege: View
themselves Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry A Contingent Worker can Role: Absence Records
maintain self service absence Self Service Duty
record for persons and Privilege: Maintain
assignments in their person and Self Service Absence
assignment security profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
A Contingent Worker can Role: Absence Records
maintain self service absence Self Service Duty
record for themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage person private address Maintenance Duty
details for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Assignment A Contingent Worker can view Role: View
person assignment for persons Employment
and assignments in their person Information Duty
and assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
Method manage person communication Maintenance Duty
method for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
person communication method Communication
for private communication Methods Duty
methods granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Communication
assignment security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
Relationship manage person contact details Maintenance Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Contact Details
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage person private contact Maintenance Duty
details for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
Person Documentation A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker
manage person documentation Document Management
for document types in their Duty
document types security profile Privilege: Manage
for themselves Person Documentation
Resource: Person
Person Email A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage person email for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
person email for work e-mail Communication
addresses and private e-mail Methods Duty
addresses granted to the user Privilege: View Person
for persons in their person and Email (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Image A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage person image for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
person image for public images Communication
for persons in their person and Methods Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Image (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Life Event A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
manage person life event for Enrollment Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Life Event
Resource: Person Life
Person Name A Contingent Worker can Role: Person Name
change person name for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Change
Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National A Contingent Worker can view Role: Person National
Identifier person national identifier for Identifier View Duty
themselves Privilege: View Person
National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Phone A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Portrait
manage person phone for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
person phone for work phone Communication
numbers and private phone Methods Duty
numbers granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Phone (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Plan Accrual A Contingent Worker can view Role: Accrual Balance
accrual plan balance for View Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
persons and assignments in Privilege: View
their person and assignment Accrual Plan Balance
security profile (Data)
Resource: Person Plan
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Accrual Balance
accrual plan balance for View Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Plan Beneficiary A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Benefits
Designation worker benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Plan
Portrait Private Note A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Processes
manage portrait private note for Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Portrait Private Note
Resource: Portrait
Private Note
Position A Contingent Worker can Role: HCM
choose position for positions in Information
their position security profile Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Primary Care Provider A Contingent Worker can Role: Employee
define plan primary care Enrollment Duty
provider for themselves Privilege: Define Plan
Primary Care Provider
Resource: Primary
Care Provider
Public Person A Contingent Worker can Role: Public Person
choose public person for Selection Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can Role: HCM
compare hcm information for Information
themselves Comparison Duty
Privilege: Compare
HCM Information
Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Gallery
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
search person deferred for Search Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Search
their person and assignment Person Deferred (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can view Role: View Person
person deferred for persons and Details Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Person
assignment security profile Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait Contact
worker contact portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Requisition A Contingent Worker can Role: Requisition Self
manage requisition for Service User Duty
themselves for the business Privilege: Manage
units for which they are Requisition (Data)
authorized Resource: Business
A Contingent Worker can Role: Requisition Self
manage requisition for Service User Duty
themselves for the financial Privilege: Manage
business unit associated with Requisition (Data)
their primary assignment Resource: Business
Salary A Contingent Worker can view Role: Personal
salary details for themselves Compensation
Management Duty
Privilege: View Salary
Details (Data)
Resource: Salary
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Portrait
worker compensation portrait Compensation Duty
card for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Compensation
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Salary
Talent Profile A Contingent Worker can Role: Workforce
match talent profile person for Profile Worker Duty
themselves Privilege: Match Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile model for jobs in Profile Worker Duty
their job security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Worker Duty
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item A Contingent Worker can view Role: Workforce
talent profile item worker for Profile Worker Duty
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Item Worker
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Task A Contingent Worker can Role: Task
manage tasks for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Tasks (Data)
Resource: Task
Time Record Group A Contingent Worker can Role: Time Card Entry
Summary manage time cards for Worker Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Group Summary
Total Compensation A Contingent Worker can view Role: Total
Statement total compensation statement Compensation
already generated for Statements Worker
themselves Duty
Privilege: View Total
Statement Already
Generated (Data)
Resource: Total
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Internal Contact
Person trading community contact for Relationship
all trading community persons Information Inquiry
in the enterprise except contacts Duty
created by partners. Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Contingent Worker can view Role: Relationship
Relationship trading community relationship Information Inquiry
for all trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Internal Contact
trading community relationship Relationship
for all trading community Information Inquiry
relationships in the enterprise Duty
except partner contact Privilege: View
relationships, or relationships Trading Community
created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
User Role A Contingent Worker can self Role: Worker Role
request roles for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Self Request
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Contingent Worker can view Role: Worker Role
own account details for Management Duty
themselves Privilege: View Own
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Variable Compensation A Contingent Worker can Role: Personal
Allocation manage variable compensation Compensation
allocation by worker for Management Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Variable Compensation
Allocation by Worker
Resource: Variable
Worker A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker Selection
choose worker for people and Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Contingent Worker can Role: HCM
compare worker employment Information
information for themselves Comparison Duty
Privilege: Compare
Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Contingent Worker can Role: Worker
review worker availability for Availability Viewing
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
themselves Duty
Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract
role Contingent Worker

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Job Role: Cost Accountant
Performs cost and management accounting functions.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Cost Accountant

Duty Role Description

Accounting Calendar Creates accounting calendars.
Administration Duty
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration Duty currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
COGS and Gross Margin Analyzes COGS and Gross Margin transactional information
Transaction Analysis Duty
COGS to Revenue Matching Duty Implements the recognition or deferral of COGS in the same
percentage as revenue.
Cost Accounting Analysis Duty This duty role is used for analyzing cost accounting
Cost Accounting Duty Performs various cost accounting duties.
Cost Accounting Inquiry Duty Reviews cost accounting definitions and transactions.
Cost Management Administration Performs cost management application setups and administration.
Cost Management Interface Allows processing of Cost Management interfaces data.
Processing Duty
Cost Organization and Inventory Subscribes to costing service for retrieval of relationships between
Organization Association Duty cost organizations and inventory organizations.
Cost Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Cost transactional information
Costing Organization Data Security This role is used for Costing Organization data security in the data
Costing Period Status Inquiry Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval of costing period statuses.
Create Cost Distributions Duty Creates Cost Distributions.
Currency Administration Duty Creates currencies, rate types, daily and historical rates.
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Daily Rates Administration Duty Manages daily rates.
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs.
Estimate Item Cost Duty Estimates item costs.
Estimated Procurement Cost Subscribes to costing service for interfacing purchase order data to
Collection Duty receipt accounting.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Financial Application Lookups Administration of user extensible lookup codes for financials
Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Historical Rates Administration Manages historical rates.
Intercompany Flow Inquiry Web Provides access to Web service to search intercompany rules.
Service Duty
Inventory Transactions Interface Subscribes to costing service for interfacing inventory transactions.
Duty Role Description
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Journal Import Program Duty Imports subledger journal entries into Oracle Fusion General
Journal Posting Program Duty Posts subledger journal entries in Oracle Fusion General Ledger.
Manage Cost Organization Duty Manages cost organizations.
Manage Cost Period Duty Manages cost periods.
Orchestration Order Inquiry Web Provides access to Web services that extract order details from
Service Duty orchestration orders.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Payables Invoices Interface Duty Duty role to subscribe to costing service to interface invoice
transactions to CMR
Payables and Cost Management Submits cost transfer program.
Cost Transfer Duty
Project Cost Collection Duty Subscribes to costing service for collection of project costs from
cost management.
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval of item costs.
Receipt Accounting Duty Performs accounting for purchase order receipt accruals and
expense deliveries.
Receipt Accounting Transaction Analyzes Receipt Accounting transactional information
Analysis Duty
Receiving Transactions Interface Subscribes to costing service for interfacing receiving transactions
Duty to receipt accounting.
Request Item Cost Duty Manages requests of item costs.
Review Cost Distribution Duty Reviews cost distribution details.
Review Receipt Accounting Reviews receipt accounting distributions.
Distributions Duty
Subledger Accounting Duty Creates accounting for transactions, manual adjustments, third party
merge events and accrual reversal entries.
Subledger Accounting Maintains transaction object diagnostics, imports and updates
Maintenance Duty subledger balances, and manages subledger accounting class usage.
Subledger Accounting Reporting Runs all subledger accounting reports, and reviews journal entries.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Transfer Inventory Transaction to Transfers inventory transactions to costing for processing.
Cost Management Duty
Transfer Receiving Transaction to Transfers receiving transactions to costing for processing.
Cost Management Duty
Upload data for Standard Cost Allows to upload data file to import Standard Cost related data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Cost Accountant

Inherited Roles
Cost Accountant
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
COGS and Gross Margin Transaction Analysis Duty
COGS to Revenue Matching Duty
Cost Accounting Analysis Duty
Costing Organization Data Security
Inherited Roles
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Cost Accounting Duty
Cost Management Interface Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Estimate Item Cost Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Request Item Cost Duty
Cost Accounting Inquiry Duty
Provide Item Cost Duty
Cost Management Administration Duty
Accounting Calendar Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Cost Organization and Inventory Organization Association Duty
Cost Transaction Analysis Duty
Costing Period Status Inquiry Duty
Create Cost Distributions Duty
Currency Administration Duty
Application World Reference Administration Duty
Daily Rates Administration Duty
Financial Application Lookups Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Intercompany Flow Inquiry Web Service Duty
Inventory Transactions Interface Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Manage Cost Organization Duty
Manage Cost Period Duty
Orchestration Order Inquiry Web Service Duty
Payables and Cost Management Cost Transfer Duty
Project Cost Collection Duty
Receipt Accounting Duty
Estimated Procurement Cost Collection Duty
Payables Invoices Interface Duty
Receiving Transactions Interface Duty
Review Receipt Accounting Distributions Duty
Receipt Accounting Transaction Analysis Duty
Review Cost Distribution Duty
Subledger Accounting Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Journal Import Program Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Journal Posting Program Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Subledger Accounting Maintenance Duty
Subledger Accounting Reporting Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Transfer Inventory Transaction to Cost Management Duty
Transfer Receiving Transaction to Cost Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Upload data for Standard Cost Import
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Cost Accountant.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Accounting Calendar Creates accounting calendars. Define Accounting Calendar
Administration Duty Extract Ledger Setup
Run Calendar Validation
View Accounting Calendar
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration Duty territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
COGS to Revenue Matching Implements the recognition or deferral of Submit COGS to Revenue
Duty COGS in the same percentage as revenue. Matching Process
Cost Accounting Duty Performs various cost accounting duties. Analyze product gross
Approve Cost Estimates
Approve Item Cost Profiles
Approve Standard Costs
Create Cost Adjustment
Create Cost Distributions
Create Cost Estimate
Define Standard Costs
Estimate Costs
Import Cost Adjustments
Manage Cost Accounting
Manage Cost Estimate
Manage Cost Period
Manage Cost Planning
Manage Cost Processor
Manage Costing Activities
Manage Overhead Rule
Provide Item Cost
Publish Standard Costs
Reconcile On-Hand
Review Cost Accounting
Review Cost Distribution
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Review Standard Cost
Run Inventory Valuation
Run Layer Inventory
Valuation Report
Run Revenue and COGS
Matching Report
Run costing account
balances report
Submit Cost Accounting
View Item Cost
Cost Accounting Inquiry Duty Reviews cost accounting definitions and Provide Item Cost
transactions. Review Standard Cost
View Item Cost
Cost Management Performs cost management application Approve Item Cost Profiles
Administration Duty setups and administration. Define Estimate Mappings
Define Planning Cost
Define Planning Cost
Maintain Cost Organization
Manage Cost Analysis
Manage Cost Analysis
Manage Cost Book
Manage Cost Component
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Organization
Manage Cost Profile
Manage Cost Valuation
Manage Default Cost Profile
Manage Expense Pools
Manage Item Cost Profile
Manage Valuation Unit
Cost Management Interface Allows processing of Cost Management Define Standard Costs
Processing Duty interfaces data.
Cost Organization and Subscribes to costing service for retrieval Get Cost Organization and
Inventory Organization of relationships between cost Inventory Organization
Association Duty organizations and inventory Association Service
Costing Period Status Inquiry Subscribes to costing service for retrieval Review Cost Accounting
Duty of costing period statuses. Period Status
Create Cost Distributions Duty Creates Cost Distributions. Create Cost Distributions
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Daily Rates Administration Manages daily rates. Define Conversion Rate
Duty Type
Maintain Daily Conversion
Run Daily Rates Import and
Calculation Program
View Daily Conversion Rate
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs. Enter Transaction Cost
Estimate Item Cost Duty Estimates item costs. Estimate Costs
Manage Cost Planning
Publish Standard Costs
Estimated Procurement Cost Subscribes to costing service for Provide Purchasing Interface
Collection Duty interfacing purchase order data to receipt Service
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Financial Application Lookups Administration of user extensible lookup Manage Financial
Administration Duty codes for financials Application Lookups
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Historical Rates Manages historical rates. Maintain Historical
Administration Duty Conversion Rate
Review Historical
Conversion Rate
Intercompany Flow Inquiry Provides access to Web service to search Search Intercompany Rule
Web Service Duty intercompany rules. Web Service
Inventory Transactions Subscribes to costing service for Provide Inventory
Interface Duty interfacing inventory transactions. Transaction Interface
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Journal Import Program Duty Imports subledger journal entries into Run Import Journals By
Oracle Fusion General Ledger. Program Call
Journal Posting Program Duty Posts subledger journal entries in Oracle Post Journal
Fusion General Ledger.
Manage Cost Organization Manages cost organizations. Manage Cost Organization
Manage Cost Period Duty Manages cost periods. Manage Cost Period
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Orchestration Order Inquiry Provides access to Web services that Manage Orchestration
Web Service Duty extract order details from orchestration Generic Web Service
orders. Manage Order Details Web
Payables Invoices Interface Duty role to subscribe to costing service Provide Payables Interface
Duty to interface invoice transactions to CMR Service
Payables and Cost Submits cost transfer program. Transfer Costs to Cost
Management Cost Transfer Management
Project Cost Collection Duty Subscribes to costing service for Provide Projects Cost
collection of project costs from cost Collection Service
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval Provide Item Cost
of item costs.
Receipt Accounting Duty Performs accounting for purchase order Adjust Receipt Accrual
receipt accruals and expense deliveries. Balances
Clear Receipt Accrual
Create Receipt Accounting
Create Uninvoiced Receipt
Define Accrual Clearing
Manage Receipt Accounting
Match Receipt Accruals
Print Receipt Accrual
Clearing Report
Print Uninvoiced Receipts
Review Receipt Accounting
Review Receipt Accounting
Run Accrual Reconciliation
Submit Receipt Accounting
Receiving Transactions Subscribes to costing service for Provide Receiving
Interface Duty interfacing receiving transactions to Transaction Interface
receipt accounting. Service
Request Item Cost Duty Manages requests of item costs. Create Cost Estimate
Manage Cost Estimate
Review Cost Distribution Duty Reviews cost distribution details. Review Cost Distribution
Review Receipt Accounting Reviews receipt accounting distributions. Review Receipt Accounting
Distributions Duty Distributions
Subledger Accounting Duty Creates accounting for transactions, Create Subledger Journal
manual adjustments, third party merge Entry Batch
events and accrual reversal entries. Create Subledger Journal
Entry Online
Create Subledger Journal
Entry for Third Party Merge
Create Subledger
Multiperiod and Accrual
Reversal Entry
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Subledger Journal
Entry Manually
Override Subledger Journal
Post Subledger Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Transfer Online Journal
Entry to General Ledger
Subledger Accounting Maintains transaction object diagnostics, Purge Accounting Event
Maintenance Duty imports and updates subledger balances, Diagnostic Data
and manages subledger accounting class Submit Accounting Event
usage. Diagnostic Report
Update Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Accounting Runs all subledger accounting reports, Review Subledger Journal
Reporting Duty and reviews journal entries. Entry
Submit Account Analysis
Submit Journal Entries
Submit Subledger Period
Close Exceptions Report
Submit Third Party Balances
Transfer Inventory Transaction Transfers inventory transactions to Transfer Inventory
to Cost Management Duty costing for processing. Transaction from Inventory
to Costing
Transfer Receiving Transfers receiving transactions to Transfer Receiving
Transaction to Cost costing for processing. Transactions from Receiving
Management Duty to Costing

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Cost Accountant

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Accrual Clearing A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Receipt
accrual clearing for the Accounting Duty
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Accrual Clearing (Data)
Resource: Business
Accrual Reconciliation A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Receipt
accrual reconciliation load for Accounting Duty
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Accrual Reconciliation
Load (Data)
Resource: Business
COGS Event A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cogs event for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized COGS Event (Data)
Resource: COGS
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cogs event for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View COGS
are authorized Event (Data)
Resource: COGS
Cost Analysis Mapping A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost analysis mappings for the Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: Manage Cost
administer Analysis Mappings
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Analysis Mappings
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost analysis mappings for the Inquiry Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: View Cost
administer Analysis Mappings
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Component A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost components for the Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: Manage Cost
administer Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost components for the Inquiry Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: View Cost
administer Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Distribution A Cost Accountant can view Role: Review Cost
cost transaction for the cost Distribution Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View Cost
are authorized Transaction (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Cost
Cost Element A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost element for the reference Duty
data sets they administer Privilege: Manage Cost
Element (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Element (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost element for the reference Inquiry Duty
data sets they administer Privilege: View Cost
Element (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Estimate A Cost Accountant can approve Role: Cost Accounting
cost estimates for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Approve
are authorized Cost Estimates (Data)
Resource: Cost
A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
estimate costs for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Estimate Costs (Data)
Resource: Cost
Role: Estimate Item
Cost Duty
Privilege: Manage
Estimate Costs (Data)
Resource: Cost
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
estimate costs for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Estimate Costs (Data)
Resource: Cost
Cost Estimate Request A Cost Accountant can create Role: Cost Accounting
cost estimate requests for the Duty
cost organizations for which Privilege: Create Cost
they are authorized Estimate Requests
Resource: Cost
Estimate Request
Role: Request Item
Cost Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Create Cost
Estimate Requests
Resource: Cost
Estimate Request
A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost estimate requests for the Duty
cost organizations for which Privilege: Manage Cost
they are authorized Estimate Requests
Resource: Cost
Estimate Request
Role: Request Item
Cost Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Estimate Requests
Resource: Cost
Estimate Request
Cost Organization A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost organization for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Cost
are authorized Organization (Data)
Resource: Cost
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Organization (Data)
Resource: Cost
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost organization for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View Cost
are authorized Organization (Data)
Resource: Cost
Cost Period A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost period for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Cost
are authorized Period (Data)
Resource: Cost Period
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost period for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View Cost
are authorized Period (Data)
Resource: Cost Period
Cost Processor Error A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost processor error for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Cost
are authorized Processor Error (Data)
Resource: Cost
Processor Error
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost profile for the reference Duty
data sets they administer Privilege: Manage Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
cost profile for the reference Inquiry Duty
data sets they administer Privilege: View Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: View Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Transaction A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
cost transaction for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Cost
are authorized Transaction (Data)
Resource: Cost
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting Fact: Costing -
cost transaction for the cost Inquiry Duty Inventory
organizations for which they Privilege: View Cost Valuation
are authorized Transaction (Data) Dimension(s):
Resource: Cost Cost Org
Cost Valuation A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
Structure cost valuation structure for the Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: Manage Cost
administer Valuation Structure
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Cost
Valuation Structure
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
cost valuation structure for the Inquiry Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: View Cost
administer Valuation Structure
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Costed Onhand A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
costed on-hand for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Costed On-Hand (Data)
Resource: Costed
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
costed on-hand for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View Costed
are authorized On-Hand (Data)
Resource: Costed
Costing Processor A Cost Accountant can create Role: Cost Accounting
Parameter cost distribution for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Create Cost
are authorized Distribution (Data)
Resource: Costing
Processor Parameter
Customer Account A Cost Accountant can view Role: Customer
customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Item Cost A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
item cost for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Item
are authorized Cost (Data)
Resource: Item Cost
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting Fact: Costing -
item cost for the cost Inquiry Duty Item Cost
organizations for which they Privilege: View Item Dimension(s):
are authorized Cost (Data) Cost Org
Resource: Item Cost
Item Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
item cost profile for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Item
are authorized Cost Profile (Data)
Resource: Item Cost
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Item
Cost Profile (Data)
Resource: Item Cost
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
item cost profile for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View Item
are authorized Cost Profile (Data)
Resource: Item Cost
Ledger A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
ledger for subledger for the Accounting Duty
posting ledgers for transactions Privilege: Manage
that they are authorized. Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Ledger for Subledger
Resource: Ledger
Overhead Rule A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
overhead rule for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Overhead Rule (Data)
Resource: Overhead
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
overhead rule for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Overhead Rule (Data)
Resource: Overhead
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: View
Overhead Rule (Data)
Resource: Overhead
Planning Cost A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
Component planning cost components for Duty
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Planning Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Role: Cost
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage
Planning Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
planning cost components for Inquiry Duty
the reference data sets they Privilege: View
administer Planning Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Planning Cost A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
Organization planning cost organizations for Duty
the cost organizations for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Planning Cost
Organizations (Data)
Resource: Planning
Cost Organization
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage
Planning Cost
Organizations (Data)
Resource: Planning
Cost Organization
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
planning cost organizations for Inquiry Duty
the cost organizations for which Privilege: View
they are authorized Planning Cost
Organizations (Data)
Resource: Planning
Cost Organization
Receipt Accounting A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Receipt
receipt accounting for the Accounting Duty
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Receipt Accounting
Resource: Business
Receivables Invoice A Cost Accountant can manage Role: COGS to
receivables transactions for the Revenue Matching
business units for which they Duty
are authorized Privilege: Manage
Transactions (Data)
Resource: Business
Receiving Distribution A Cost Accountant can review Role: Receipt
receipt accounting for the Accounting Duty
business units for which they Privilege: Review
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are authorized Receipt Accounting
Resource: Business
Role: Review Receipt
Distributions Duty
Privilege: Review
Receipt Accounting
Resource: Business
Standard Cost A Cost Accountant can approve Role: Cost Accounting
standard costs for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Approve
are authorized Standard Costs (Data)
Resource: Standard
A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
standard costs for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Standard Costs (Data)
Resource: Standard
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
standard costs for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Standard Costs (Data)
Resource: Standard
Standard Cost Variance A Cost Accountant can review Role: Cost Accounting
standard cost variances for the Duty
cost organizations for which Privilege: Review
they are authorized Standard Cost
Variances (Data)
Resource: Standard
Cost Variance
Role: Cost Accounting
Inquiry Duty
Privilege: Review
Standard Cost
Variances (Data)
Resource: Standard
Cost Variance
Subledger Accounting A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
Balance subledger accounting balance Accounting
for the subsidiaries or Maintenance Duty
management segment values Privilege: Manage
whose account balance they Subledger Accounting
manage Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Accounting
Balance (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Accounting Balance
Subledger Application A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
subledger application for the Accounting Duty
owning oracle fusion Privilege: Manage
accounting generating Subledger Application
subledger application. (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Application
Resource: Subledger
Subledger Journal Entry A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
subledger source transaction for Accounting Duty
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Journal Entry
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Journal Entry
Subledger Source A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Subledger
Transaction subledger source transaction for Accounting Duty
the business units, cost Privilege: Manage
organizations, asset books or Subledger Source
legislative data groups, and the Transaction (Data)
subledger applications for Resource: Subledger
which they are authorized Source Transaction
Role: Subledger
Accounting Reporting
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Manage
Subledger Source
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Subledger
Source Transaction
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference contact preference for all Inquiry Duty
trading community contact Privilege: Manage
preferences not of type legal. Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can view Role: Party Information
Person trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal.
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Valuation Unit A Cost Accountant can manage Role: Cost Accounting
valuation unit for the cost Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Valuation Unit (Data)
Resource: Valuation
Role: Cost
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage
Valuation Unit (Data)
Resource: Valuation
A Cost Accountant can view Role: Cost Accounting
valuation unit for the cost Inquiry Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Valuation Unit (Data)
Resource: Valuation

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Cost Accountant

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Enter Journal Entry Post Journal Entry
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Rate Types
Post Journal Entry Approve Invoices
Approve Physical Adjustment
Assets Depreciation
Assets Workbench
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Capitalizing Assets
Create Invoices
Create Payments
Create Purchase Orders
Enter Customer Receipts
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Setup Assets
Setup GL Chart of Accounts Mappings
Setup GL Currencies
Setup GL Daily Rates
Setup GL Data Access Sets
Setup GL Historical Rates
Setup GL Journal Authorization Limits
Setup GL Ledger Sets
Setup GL Options
Setup GL Rate Types
Setup GL Statistical Units of Measure

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Post Journal Entry Post Journal
Setup GL Daily Rates Maintain Daily
Conversion Rate
Setup GL Historical Maintain Historical
Rates Conversion Rate
Setup GL Rate Types Define Conversion Rate

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Cost Accountant

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Cost Accounting Duty Item Inquiry Duty
Journal Posting Program Duty Daily Rates Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Historical Rates Administration Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Cost Accountant
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Cost Manage Item Item Costing Item Inquiry Manage Item Pick Release
Accounting Costs Duty Attachment Goods
Duty Manage Item Pick Release
Catalog Goods
Manage Item Pick Release
Global Search Goods
Manage Pick Release
Trading Goods
Partner Item
Journal Posting Post Journal Post Journal Daily Rates Maintain Daily Setup GL
Program Duty Entry Administration Conversion Daily Rates
Duty Rate
Define Setup GL
Conversion Rate Types
Rate Type
FSCM Load Load File to Assets
Interface Interface Workbench
Administration Load Interface Assets
Duty File for Import Workbench
Transfer File Assets
Historical Maintain Setup GL
Rates Historical Historical
Administration Conversion Rates
Duty Rate
Abstract Role: Employee
Identifies the person as an employee.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Employee

Duty Role Description

Absence Entry Through Calendar Creates an absence record through the calendar.
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service.
Absence Self Service Management Maintains absence records and view accrual balance information in
Duty self service.
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances.
Approval Notification Duty Grants access to view product specific notification content.
Approve Transactions Duty Allows ability to approve transactions
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
CRM Stage Write Allows uploading CRM content to stage area on content server
Calendar Time Entry Worker Duty Reports time by an employee or contingent worker using a
Chinese Accounts View Duty Allows an employee within a Chinese legal employer to view their
PHF and social insurance account numbers.
Create Social Group Duty Creates social groups.
Employee Absence Recording Manages absence records. This role is used by employees.
Employee Enrollment Duty Manages employee enrollments.
Expense Bank Account Manages employee's bank accounts.
Management Duty
Expense Entry Duty Creates and updates expense items and expense reports.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
FUSE Directory Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE directory page.
FUSE Performance and Career Grants access to the FUSE performance and career planning page.
Planning Access Duty
FUSE Personal Information Access Grants access to the FUSE personal information page.
FUSE Time Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Time page.
Gallery Access Duty Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.
Goal Management Worker Duty Goal Management Worker - inherited by Worker
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these
Duty objects.
Idea Participation Duty This duty allows for performing all actions on an Idea.
Indian Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within an Indian legal employer to submit
Duty their tax investment declaration.
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage About Me Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own about me statement.
Manage Areas of Expertise Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own areas of expertise.
Manage Areas of Interest Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own areas of interest.
My Portrait Work Area Navigation Grants navigation access to the my portrait work area.
Duty Role Description
Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Review supplier negotiation attachments as procurement requester.
Procurement Requester Duty
Negotiation Viewing as View a supplier negotiation and its details as a requester.
Procurement Requester Duty
Oracle Social Network Access Allows to launch the Oracle Social Network application.
Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Grants access to the Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service
Service Duty application
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.
Payee Bank Account Management Manages supplier bank accounts and other payment details.
Payroll Personal Payment Method Manages payment methods used to pay a person and defines how
Management Duty the payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.
Payroll Personal Payment Method Views payment methods used to pay a person and how the
View Duty payments are split if multiple payment methods are specified.
Payroll View Payslip View Duty Views payslips.
Performance Goal View Duty Duty role for view access to goals in Goal Management
Performance Management Worker Adds content to rate to performance document and evaluates self.
Person Address Maintenance Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own address data.
Person Citizenship Management Grants access to persons to manage their own citizenship.
Person Driver License Grants access to persons to manage their own driver licenses.
Management Duty
Person Ethnicity Management Grants access to persons to manage their own ethnicity.
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.
Navigation Duty
Person Marital Status Maintenance Grants access to a person to manage their own marital status and
Duty related data.
Person Name Maintenance Duty Maintains persons' name related attributes.
Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete role. Do not use.
Person National Identifier View Grants access to persons to view national identifier.
Person Passport Management Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own passports.
Person Religion Management Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own religion.
Person Visa Permit Management Grants access to persons to manage their own visas and permits.
Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward savings and contribution type
Management Duty plans.
Portrait Access Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.
Portrait Availability Duty Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes
schedule, absence, and accrual information.
Portrait Benefits Duty Views benefits data for a worker in the portrait.
Portrait Career Planning Duty Grants access to the career planning card in the portrait.
Portrait Communication Methods Grants access to the employee, contingent worker and Human
Duty Resource Specialist to view the person's photo, phones, emails and
other communication methods in the portrait.
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.
Portrait Contact Duty Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which
includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods,
work location information, manager, directs and peers.
Duty Role Description
Portrait Current and Completed Grants access to the current and completed tasks card in the
Tasks Duty portrait, which includes HCM worklist tasks and user provisioning
Portrait Development and Growth Grants access to the development and growth card in the portrait.
Portrait Experience and Grants access to the experience and qualifications card in the
Qualifications Duty portrait.
Portrait Maintenance Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait
Portrait Payslip Duty Grants access to a person's own payslip in the portrait.
Portrait Personal Payment Method Grants access to a person's payment methods in the portrait.
Portrait Personal and Employment Grants access to a person's own personal and employment
Duty information in the portrait.
Portrait View Duty Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Project Time Entry Duty Controls Projects Validation and Time Entry
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry Review purchase order and referenced document attachments as a
as Procurement Requester Duty procurement requester.
Purchase Order Attachment Manage purchase order attachments as a procurement requester.
Management as Procurement
Requester Duty
Purchase Order Changes as Perform purchase order change management tasks as a procurement
Procurement Requester Duty requester.
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.
Receiving Management Requester Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion iProcurement to receive items,
Duty correct receipts, and return receipts.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Requester Analysis Duty Duty role with limited access to view and analyze procurement
cycle times related to requisitions processing within the Requisition
BU that requester belongs to
Requisition Attachment Manages attachments on requisitions.
Management Duty
Requisition Business Unit Data This role is used for Requisition Business Unit data security in the
Security data warehouse
Requisition Self Service User Duty Manages requisitions including creating, searching, and viewing
requisitions, creating noncatalog requests, creating requisitions with
one-time locations, and changing deliver-to locations on requisition
Requisition and Referenced Reviews attachments on requisitions.
Attachment Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Reviews inbound shipment details.
Review Receipt Summary Duty Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.
History Duty
Social Connection Worker Duty Performs all Oracle Fusion Social Connection employee duties.
Social Group Participation Core Groups participation tasks available in Oracle Fusion Global
Duty Human Resources
Social Group Participation Duty Participates in social groups.
Duty Role Description
Social Network Core Duty Performs social network tasks in Oracle Fusion Global Human
Social Network Duty Participates in social networks.
Supplier Bank Account Import Allows access to import bank accounts and external payee
Duty information for suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier addresses.
Talent Worker Duty Performs all talent management duties as an employee or
contingent worker.
Task Management Duty Manages transaction tasks.
Time Card Entry Worker Duty Reports time by time card, as a worker.
Time Work Area Navigation Duty Grants navigational access for a worker to report time in a calendar,
create and manage absence entries and time cards, and view accrual
Time and Labor Worker Duty Reports time as a worker.
Total Compensation Statements Views generated total compensation statements for themselves.
Worker Duty
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control Duty transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal employer to access US
Duty specific tasks.
View Batch Jobs Duty View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Processes work area.
View Employment Information Views employment information.
View Person Details Duty Creates or updates users during person synchronizations.
View Secured Custom Help Duty Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.
Worker Availability Viewing Duty Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.
Worker Document Management Grants access to persons to manage their own document data.
Worker Duty Performs worker related tasks.
Worker Gallery Access Duty Restricts access to private data in the portrait to workers themselves
and HR specialists.
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.
Worker Information Sharing Duty Shares own employment information with line managers or
external parties.
Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, phones, and other personal
Worker Processes Duty Grants access to persons to manage their own data including
address, marital status, documents, onboarding processes, and
information sharing.
Worker Role Management Duty Manages worker roles.
Worker Selection Duty Selects workers.
Workforce Profile View Duty Allows viewing of workforce profile data.
Workforce Profile Worker Duty Performs workforce profile duties as an employee or contingent

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.
If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Employee

Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate



Attachments User +
CRM Stage Write
Employee Absence Recording Duty
Payroll Personal Payment Method Management Duty
Payee Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Supplier Bank Account Import Duty
Payroll Personal Payment Method View Duty
Payee Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Supplier Bank Account Import Duty
Payroll View Payslip View Duty
Chinese Accounts View Duty
Procurement Requester
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis
Negotiation Attachment Inquiry as Procurement
Requester Duty
Negotiation Viewing as Procurement Requester
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as
Procurement Requester Duty
Purchase Order Attachment Management as
Procurement Requester Duty
Purchase Order Changes as Procurement
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Requester Duty
Receiving Management Requester Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry
Requester Analysis Duty
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Requisition Business Unit Data Security
Requisition Attachment Management Duty
Requisition Self Service User Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information
Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Requisition and Referenced Attachment Inquiry
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information
Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Review Receiving Transaction History Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Worker Duty +
Approval Notification Duty +
Approve Transactions Duty +
Employee Enrollment Duty
Expense Entry Duty
Expense Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Payee Bank Account Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Supplier Bank Account Import Duty
Gallery Access Duty
Portrait Access Duty
Portrait Maintenance Duty
Portrait View Duty
Portrait Availability Duty
Portrait Compensation Duty
Portrait Contact Duty
Worker Gallery Search Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
HCM Information Comparison Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
My Portrait Work Area Navigation Duty
Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty
Personal Compensation Management Duty
Social Connection Worker Duty
Social Group Participation Duty
Create Social Group Duty
Social Group Participation Core Duty
Social Network Duty
Social Network Core Duty
Talent Worker Duty
Goal Management Worker Duty
Performance Management Worker Duty
View Employment Information Duty
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Workforce Profile Worker Duty
Total Compensation Statements Worker Duty
View Batch Jobs Duty +
View Person Details Duty
View Secured Custom Help Duty +
Worker Availability Viewing Duty
Worker Gallery Access Duty
Portrait Communication Methods Duty
Worker Portrait Maintenance Duty
Person National Identifier View Duty
Portrait Benefits Duty
Portrait Personal and Employment
Task Management Duty
Worker Processes Duty
Chinese Accounts View Duty
Person Address Maintenance Duty
Person Marital Status Maintenance Duty
Person Name Maintenance Duty
Person Name Maintenance Duty Obsolete
US Employee Portrait Gallery Duty
Worker Document Management Duty
Worker Information Sharing Duty
Public Person Selection Duty +
Worker Role Management Duty +
Worker Selection Duty +
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Employee.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Absence Entry Through Creates an absence record through the Absence Entry Using
Calendar Duty calendar. Calendar
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service. Maintain Self Service
Duty Absence Record
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances. View Accrual Plan Balance
Approval Notification Duty Grants access to view product specific View Notification Details
notification content.
Approve Transactions Duty Allows ability to approve transactions Approve Transactions
Calendar Time Entry Worker Reports time by an employee or Report Time by Calendar
Duty contingent worker using a calendar.
Chinese Accounts View Duty Allows an employee within a Chinese View Chinese PHF/SI
legal employer to view their PHF and Account Numbers
social insurance account numbers.
Create Social Group Duty Creates social groups. Create Social Group
Employee Absence Recording Manages absence records. This role is Manage Absence Records
Duty used by employees.
Employee Enrollment Duty Manages employee enrollments. Define Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Elect Benefits
Maintain Plan Beneficiary
Maintain Primary Care
Review Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Expense Bank Account Manages employee's bank accounts. Manage Bank Account for
Management Duty Expense Reimbursement
Expense Entry Duty Creates and updates expense items and Manage Expense Report
expense reports. Review Expense
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
FUSE Directory Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE directory page. Access FUSE Directory
FUSE Performance and Career Grants access to the FUSE performance Access FUSE Performance
Planning Access Duty and career planning page. and Career Planning Page
FUSE Personal Information Grants access to the FUSE personal Access FUSE Personal
Access Duty information page. Information Page
FUSE Time Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Time page. Access FUSE Time Page
Goal Management Worker Goal Management Worker - inherited by Manage Performance Goal
Duty Worker
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and Compare HCM Information
Duty any combinations of these objects.
Idea Participation Duty This duty allows for performing all Create Product Idea
actions on an Idea. Manage Product Idea
Review Product Ideas
Indian Employee Portrait Allows an employee within an Indian Submit Indian Tax
Gallery Duty legal employer to submit their tax Investment Declaration
investment declaration.
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
My Portrait Work Area Grants navigation access to the my Manage My Portrait Work
Navigation Duty portrait work area. Area
Negotiation Viewing as View a supplier negotiation and its details View Supplier Negotiation
Procurement Requester Duty as a requester.
Oracle Social Network Access Allows to launch the Oracle Social Launch Oracle Social
Duty Network application. Network
Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Grants access to the Oracle Taleo Access Oracle Taleo
Service Duty Recruiting Cloud Service application Recruiting Cloud Service
Payables Invoice Inquiry Duty Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices. View Payables Invoice
Payee Bank Account Manages supplier bank accounts and Manage External Payee
Management Duty other payment details. Payment Details
Manage Third Party Bank
View Third Party Bank
Payroll Personal Payment Manages payment methods used to pay a Manage Personal Payment
Method Management Duty person and defines how the payments are Method
split if multiple payment methods are
Payroll Personal Payment Views payment methods used to pay a Manage Personal Payment
Method View Duty person and how the payments are split if Method
multiple payment methods are specified.
Payroll View Payslip View Views payslips. View Payslip
Performance Goal View Duty Duty role for view access to goals in Goal View Performance Goal
Performance Management Adds content to rate to performance Create Performance
Worker Duty document and evaluates self. Document by Worker
Print Performance
Provide Performance
Evaluation Feedback
Select Feedback Participants
Track Participant Feedback
View Performance
Information on Worker
Person Address Maintenance Grants access to persons to manage their Change Person Address
Duty own address data.
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person View Person Gallery Work
Navigation Duty gallery work area. Area
Person Marital Status Grants access to a person to manage their Change Person Marital
Maintenance Duty own marital status and related data. Status
Personal Compensation Manages contributions made toward Manage Variable
Management Duty savings and contribution type plans. Compensation Allocation by
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in View Compensation Card
the portrait.
Portrait Personal Payment Grants access to a person's payment View Personal Payment
Method Duty methods in the portrait. Method
Project Time Entry Duty Controls Projects Validation and Time Enter Project Unprocessed
Entry Expenditure Batch
Purchase Order Changes as Perform purchase order change Cancel Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester Duty management tasks as a procurement Procurement Requester
requester. Change Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
View Purchase Order as
Procurement Requester
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as View Purchase Order
a procurement agent.
Receiving Management Allows a requester in Oracle Fusion Correct Self-Service
Requester Duty iProcurement to receive items, correct Receiving Receipt
receipts, and return receipts. Create Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
Manage Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Return
Monitor Self-Service
Receiving Receipt Work
Review Self-Service
Receiving Receipt
View Receiving Receipt
Requisition Self Service User Manages requisitions including creating, Create Requisition with
Duty searching, and viewing requisitions, Changes to Deliver-to
creating noncatalog requests, creating Location
requisitions with one-time locations, and Create Requisition with
changing deliver-to locations on Noncatalog Requests
requisition lines. Create Requisition with One
Time Location
Manage Requisition
View Requisition
Review Inbound Shipment Reviews inbound shipment details. Review Inbound Shipment
Details Duty Details
Review Receipt Summary Reviews receipt summary and receipt line Review Receiving Receipt
Duty details. Summary
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated Review Receiving
History Duty with a receipt. Transaction History
Social Group Participation Groups participation tasks available in Manage Social Group
Core Duty Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources
Social Group Participation Participates in social groups. Add Someone to Social
Duty Group
Invite Someone to Social
Link Social Group
Unlink Social Group
View Related Social Groups
Social Network Core Duty Performs social network tasks in Oracle Manage Social Bookmarks
Fusion Global Human Resources
Social Network Duty Participates in social networks. Invite Social Connection
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Kudos
Manage Message Board
Manage Social Connections
Manage Social Self-
descriptive Information
View Activity Stream
Supplier Bank Account Import Allows access to import bank accounts Import Supplier Bank
Duty and external payee information for Accounts
suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier
Time Card Entry Worker Duty Reports time by time card, as a worker. Create Time Card
Manage Time Cards by
Search Time Cards
Time Work Area Navigation Grants navigational access for a worker to Access Time Work Area
Duty report time in a calendar, create and
manage absence entries and time cards,
and view accrual balances.
Total Compensation Views generated total compensation View Total Compensation
Statements Worker Duty statements for themselves. Statement Already
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control Duty job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Period
accounts payable manager. Statuses
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available
US Employee Portrait Gallery Allows an employee within a US legal Update US W-4
Duty employer to access US specific tasks. View US End of Year Tax
View Batch Jobs Duty View ESS Batch Jobs in Scheduled Manage Scheduled
Processes work area. Processes Work Area
View Batch Jobs
View Person Details Duty Creates or updates users during person View Person Details
Worker Document Grants access to persons to manage their Manage Person
Management Duty own document data. Documentation
Worker Duty Performs worker related tasks. Manage My Portrait Work
Use REST Service -
Employee Assignments
Use REST Service -
Employees List
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views Search Worker
the portrait page. View Nonworker Portrait
View Person Gallery Work
View Worker Portrait
Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with Share Worker Information
Duty line managers or external parties.
Worker Portrait Maintenance Manages workers' addresses, e-mails, Print Worker Portrait
Duty phones, and other personal information.
Worker Role Management Manages worker roles. Self Request Roles
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Duty View Own Account Details
Workforce Profile View Duty Allows viewing of workforce profile data. View Talent Profile
Workforce Profile Worker Performs workforce profile duties as an Define Talent Profile
Duty employee or contingent worker. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Employee

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment An Employee can delete Role: Purchase Order
application attachment for the Attachment
categories including Management as
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Procurement Requester
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Duty
and to payables Privilege: Delete
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Employee can read Role: Purchase Order
application attachment for the Attachment Inquiry as
categories including document, Procurement Requester
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Duty
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Privilege: Read
and to payables Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Employee can read Role: Negotiation
application attachment for the Attachment Inquiry as
categories including Procurement Requester
miscellaneous, to approver, to Duty
buyer, to payables, to receiver, Privilege: Read
and to supplier Application Attachment
Resource: Application
An Employee can update Role: Purchase Order
application attachment for the Attachment
categories including Management as
miscellaneous, to supplier, to Procurement Requester
buyer, to receiver, to approver, Duty
and to payables Privilege: Update
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Reference An Employee can choose Role: Person Marital
Territory application reference territory Status Maintenance
for countries in their country Duty
security profile Privilege: Choose
Application Reference
Territory (Data)
Resource: Application
Reference Territory
Beneficiary An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Organization benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Beneficiary
Benefit Covered An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Dependent benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Covered Dependent
Benefit Participant An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Enrollment Action benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant An Employee can review Role: Employee
Enrollment Result benefit participant enrollment Enrollment Duty
result for themselves Privilege: Review
Benefit Participant
Enrollment Result
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Participant Enrollment
Benefit Participant Rate An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Participant Rate
Benefit Relation An Employee can manage Role: Employee
benefit relation for themselves Enrollment Duty
Privilege: Manage
Benefit Relation (Data)
Resource: Benefit
Cash Advance An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note expense report approval note Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Cash
Advance Approval
Corporate Card An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Transaction Dispute expense for themselves Duty
Note Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Card Transaction
Dispute Note
Expense An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
expense for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Expense (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
expense report for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Expense Report (Data)
Resource: Expense
Expense Report An Employee can manage Role: Expense Entry
Approval Note expense report approval note Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Job An Employee can choose hr job Role: HCM
for jobs in their job security Information
profile Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic An Employee can view secured Role: View Secured
custom help content for all Custom Help Duty
secured help content they are Privilege: View
authorized Secured Custom Help
Resource: Help Topic
Idea An Employee can manage Role: Idea Participation
product idea where they are a Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
member of the idea team Privilege: Manage
Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
An Employee can review Role: Idea Participation
product idea where they are a Duty
member of the idea team Privilege: Review
Product Idea (Data)
Resource: Idea
Item An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item asset maintenance group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Asset Maintenance
to in item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item attribute for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Attribute (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item basic for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Basic (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item costing group for the items Privilege: Maintain
they have access to in item and Item Costing Group
inventory organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item general planning group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item General Planning
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item inventory group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Inventory Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item invoicing group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Invoicing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item lead times group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Lead Times Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item mrp and mps group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item MRP and MPS
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item order management group Privilege: Maintain
for the items they have access Item Order
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
to in item and inventory Management Group
organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item pack for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Pack (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item people for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item People (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item physical group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Physical Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item primary group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Primary Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item process manufacturing Privilege: Maintain
group for the items they have Item Process
access to in item and inventory Manufacturing Group
organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item purchasing group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Purchasing Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item receiving group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Receiving Group
item and inventory (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item revision for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Revision (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item service group for the items Privilege: Maintain
they have access to in item and Item Service Group
inventory organizations (Data)
Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item structure for the items they Privilege: Maintain
have access to in item and Item Structure (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item structure group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Structure Group
item and inventory (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item web option group for the Privilege: Maintain
items they have access to in Item Web Option
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can maintain Role: Worker Duty
item work in process group for Privilege: Maintain
the items they have access to in Item Work in Process
item and inventory Group (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Worker Duty
attribute for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Attribute (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Worker Duty
basic for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Basic (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Worker Duty
pack for the items they have Privilege: View Item
access to in item and inventory Pack (Data)
organizations Resource: Item
An Employee can view item Role: Worker Duty
structure for the items they Privilege: View Item
have access to in item and Structure (Data)
inventory organizations Resource: Item
Payables Credit Memo An Employee can report Role: Payables Invoice
payables for the business units Inquiry Duty
for which they are authorized Privilege: Report
Payables (Data)
Resource: Payables
Credit Memo
Payables Standard An Employee can report Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice payables for the business units Inquiry Duty
for which they are authorized Privilege: Report
Payables (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Payroll Archive An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Payslip
Information payslip portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Payslip Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Archive Information
Payroll Personal An Employee can update US Role: US Employee
Deduction W-4 for themselves if they are Portrait Gallery Duty
employed by a US legal Privilege: Update US
employer W-4 (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view chinese Role: Chinese
accounts for themselves if they Accounts View Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
are employed by a chinese legal Privilege: View
employer Chinese Accounts
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view indian Role: Indian Employee
tax investment declaration for Portrait Gallery Duty
themselves if they are Privilege: View Indian
employed by an indian legal Tax Investment
employer Declaration
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
An Employee can view us end Role: US Employee
of year tax form for themselves Portrait Gallery Duty
if they are employed by a us Privilege: View US
legal employer End of Year Tax Form
Resource: Payroll
Personal Deduction
Payroll Relationship An Employee can manage Role: Payroll View
payroll person process results Payslip View Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Payroll Person Process
Results (Data)
Resource: Payroll
An Employee can manage Role: Payroll Personal
payroll relationship for Payment Method
themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Payroll Relationship
Resource: Payroll
An Employee can view payroll Role: Payroll Personal
relationship for themselves Payment Method View
Privilege: View Payroll
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Person An Employee can change Role: Person Address
person address for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Change
Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can change Role: Person Marital
person marital status for Status Maintenance
themselves Duty
Privilege: Change
Person Marital Status
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Manage About
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
about me for themselves Me Duty
Privilege: Manage
About Me (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage areas Role: Manage Areas of
of expertise for themselves Expertise Duty
Privilege: Manage
Areas of Expertise
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage areas Role: Manage Areas of
of interest for themselves Interest Duty
Privilege: Manage
Areas of Interest (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person
person citizenship for Citizenship
themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Citizenship
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person Driver
person driver license for License Management
themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Driver License
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person Ethnicity
person ethnicity for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Ethnicity (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person Passport
person passport for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person Religion
person religion for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Religion (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Person Visa
person visa or permit for Permit Management
themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Visa or Permit
Resource: Person
An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
worker public portrait for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Worker Public Portrait
Resource: Person
An Employee can print worker Role: Portrait
portrait for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Print Worker
Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can report person Role: Worker Duty
for themselves Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can share worker Role: Worker
information for themselves Information Sharing
Privilege: Share
Worker Information
Resource: Person
An Employee can view talent Role: Portrait
profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for themselves Qualifications Duty
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait
availability portrait card for Availability Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Career
career planning portrait card for Planning Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Career
Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Current
current and completed tasks and Completed Tasks
portrait card for persons and Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Current
current and completed tasks and Completed Tasks
portrait card for themselves Duty
Privilege: View
Worker Current and
Completed Tasks
Portrait Card (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait
development and growth Development and
portrait card for themselves Growth Duty
Privilege: View
Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Personal
personal and employment and Employment Duty
portrait card for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Personal and
Employment Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry An Employee can maintain self Role: Absence Records
service absence record for Self Service Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Maintain
their person and assignment Self Service Absence
security profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
An Employee can maintain self Role: Absence Records
service absence record for Self Service Duty
themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
person private address details Maintenance Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Private Address
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment An Employee can view person Role: View
assignment for persons and Employment
assignments in their person and Information Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
Method person communication method Maintenance Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Communication
Method (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Portrait
communication method for Communication
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
private communication Methods Duty
methods granted to the user for Privilege: View Person
persons in their person and Communication
assignment security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
Relationship person contact details for Maintenance Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Contact Details
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
person private contact details Maintenance Duty
for themselves Privilege: Manage
Person Private Contact
Details (Data)
Resource: Person
Contact Relationship
Person Documentation An Employee can manage Role: Worker
person documentation for Document Management
document types in their Duty
document types security profile Privilege: Manage
for themselves Person Documentation
Resource: Person
Person Email An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
person email for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Portrait
email for work e-mail addresses Communication
and private e-mail addresses Methods Duty
granted to the user for persons Privilege: View Person
in their person and assignment Email (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Image An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
person image for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Image (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Portrait
image for public images for Communication
persons in their person and Methods Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Image (Data)
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Life Event An Employee can manage Role: Employee
person life event for themselves Enrollment Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Life Event
Resource: Person Life
Person Name An Employee can change Role: Person Name
person name for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Change
Person Name (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National An Employee can view person Role: Person National
Identifier national identifier for Identifier View Duty
themselves Privilege: View Person
National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Phone An Employee can manage Role: Worker Portrait
person phone for themselves Maintenance Duty
Privilege: Manage
Person Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
An Employee can view person Role: Portrait
phone for work phone numbers Communication
and private phone numbers Methods Duty
granted to the user for persons Privilege: View Person
in their person and assignment Phone (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Plan Accrual An Employee can view accrual Role: Accrual Balance
plan balance for persons and View Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
An Employee can view accrual Role: Accrual Balance
plan balance for themselves View Duty
Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Personal Payment An Employee can manage Role: Payroll Personal
Method payroll relationship for Payment Method
legislative data groups in their Management Duty
legislative data group security Privilege: Manage
profile Payroll Relationship
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
An Employee can manage Role: Payroll Personal
personal payment method for Payment Method
themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Personal Payment
Method (Data)
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
An Employee can view payroll Role: Payroll Personal
relationship for legislative data Payment Method View
groups in their legislative data Duty
group security profile Privilege: View Payroll
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Personal
payment method portrait card Payment Method Duty
for themselves Privilege: View
Worker Payment
Method Portrait Card
Resource: Personal
Payment Method
Plan Beneficiary An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Benefits
Designation benefits portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Benefits
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Plan
Portrait Private Note An Employee can manage Role: Worker Processes
portrait private note for Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Portrait Private Note
Resource: Portrait
Private Note
Position An Employee can choose Role: HCM
position for positions in their Information
position security profile Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Primary Care Provider An Employee can define plan Role: Employee
primary care provider for Enrollment Duty
themselves Privilege: Define Plan
Primary Care Provider
Resource: Primary
Care Provider
Public Person An Employee can choose Role: Public Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
public person for persons and Selection Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can compare hcm Role: HCM
information for themselves Information
Comparison Duty
Privilege: Compare
HCM Information
Resource: Public
An Employee can search Role: Worker Gallery
person deferred for persons and Search Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Search
assignment security profile Person Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can view person Role: View Person
deferred for persons and Details Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Person
assignment security profile Deferred (Data)
Resource: Public
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait Contact
contact portrait card for Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Requisition An Employee can manage Role: Requisition Self
requisition for themselves for Service User Duty
the business units for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Requisition (Data)
Resource: Business
An Employee can manage Role: Requisition Self
requisition for themselves for Service User Duty
the financial business unit Privilege: Manage
associated with their primary Requisition (Data)
assignment Resource: Business
Salary An Employee can view salary Role: Personal
details for themselves Compensation
Management Duty
Privilege: View Salary
Details (Data)
Resource: Salary
An Employee can view worker Role: Portrait
compensation portrait card for Compensation Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Worker Compensation
Portrait Card (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Salary
Talent Profile An Employee can match talent Role: Workforce
profile person for themselves Profile Worker Duty
Privilege: Match Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile model for jobs in their Profile Worker Duty
job security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile person for themselves Profile Worker Duty
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item An Employee can view talent Role: Workforce
profile item worker for Profile Worker Duty
themselves Privilege: View Talent
Profile Item Worker
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Task An Employee can manage tasks Role: Task
for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Tasks (Data)
Resource: Task
Time Record Group An Employee can manage time Role: Time Card Entry
Summary cards for themselves Worker Duty
Privilege: Manage
Time Cards (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Group Summary
Total Compensation An Employee can view total Role: Total
Statement compensation statement already Compensation
generated for themselves Statements Worker
Privilege: View Total
Statement Already
Generated (Data)
Resource: Total
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Party Information
Organization community organization for all Inquiry Duty
organizations in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Internal Contact
Person community contact for all Relationship
trading community persons in Information Inquiry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
the enterprise except contacts Duty
created by partners. Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Employee can view trading Role: Party Information
community person for all Inquiry Duty
people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Employee can view trading Role: Party Information
community person for all Inquiry Duty
people in the enterprise other Privilege: View
than sales accounts and sales Trading Community
prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Employee can view trading Role: Party Information
community person for all Inquiry Duty
resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Employee can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Employee can view trading Role: Relationship
Relationship community relationship for all Information Inquiry
trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
An Employee can view trading Role: Internal Contact
community relationship for all Relationship
trading community Information Inquiry
relationships in the enterprise Duty
except partner contact Privilege: View
relationships, or relationships Trading Community
created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
User Role An Employee can self request Role: Worker Role
roles for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: Self Request
Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
An Employee can view own Role: Worker Role
account details for themselves Management Duty
Privilege: View Own
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Variable Compensation An Employee can manage Role: Personal
Allocation variable compensation Compensation
allocation by worker for Management Duty
themselves Privilege: Manage
Variable Compensation
Allocation by Worker
Resource: Variable
Worker An Employee can choose Role: Worker Selection
worker for people and Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
An Employee can compare Role: HCM
worker employment Information
information for themselves Comparison Duty
Privilege: Compare
Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
An Employee can review Role: Worker
worker availability for Availability Viewing
themselves Duty
Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Resource: Worker
An Employee can view absence Role: Employee
balance for themselves Absence Recording
Privilege: View
Absence Balance (Data)
Resource: Worker
Worker Absence An Employee can manage Role: Employee
absence records data obsolete Absence Recording
for themselves Duty
Privilege: Manage
Absence Records Data
Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the abstract
role Employee

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Abstract Role: Global Order Promising Administrator
Designates the person as an administrator of Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Global Order Promising

Duty Role Description

Application Program Management Application Enterprise Scheduler Service Management Duty - DO
Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile values.
Administration Duty
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address information.
Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Global Order Promising Configures all setup related activities for order promising
Administration Duty management.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance of material planners.
Order Promising Rule Management Configures order promising rules.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection and order promising server
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.
Management Duty
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of distribution, and assignment sets.
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Global Order Promising

Inherited Roles
Global Order Promising Administrator
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Inherited Roles
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Global Order Promising Administrator.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile Manage My Application
Administration Duty values. Profile Values
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address Search Customer Account
Inquiry Duty information. Site
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance Manage Material Planner
Duty of material planners.
Order Promising Rule Configures order promising rules. Manage Available-to-
Management Duty Promise Rule
Manage Planning Allocation
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection Manage Order Promising
and order promising server processes. Data Collection
Manage Planning Instance
Monitor Planning Data
Collection Process
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data Load
Perform Order Promising
Server Data Refresh
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and Manage Order Promising
Management Duty verifies collected data. Data Collection
Review Planning Approved
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Supplier List
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning
Interlocation Shipping
Review Planning Inventory
Review Planning Item
Review Planning Order
Orchestration Reference
Review Planning Supply
Review Planning Trading
Review Planning Trading
Partner Site
Review Planning Unit of
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of Manage Planning Sourcing
distribution, and assignment sets. Manage Planning Sourcing

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Global Order Promising Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Customer Account A Global Order Promising Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Information
customer account for all Inquiry Duty
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can view Account Addresses
customer account site for the Inquiry Duty
reference data sets for which Privilege: View
they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can view Account Addresses
Use customer account site use for Inquiry Duty
the reference data sets for Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Org Address Email Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Organization Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Organization Address Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Organization Email Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Organization Phone Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Person Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal.
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Global Order Promising Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Job Role: Inventory Manager
Manages activities in the warehouse such as managing inventory transactions, planning
inventory replenishment and managing cycle and physical inventory counts.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Inventory Manager

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
Consigned Inventory Management Manages consigned inventory related activities including
ownership transfer, consigned inventory aging, and consumption
advice creation.
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
HCM Location Selection Duty Filters the location list of values for Financials, Talent
Management, Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory
based on the user's location security profile.
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities including definition of classes,
assignment groups, and classification sets.
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for inventory management.
Inventory Balances Management Manages and reviews inventory balances.
Inventory Count Management Duty Manages cycle count and physical count-related activities including
the creation, approval, and rejection of cycle and physical counts.
Inventory Cycle Count Data This role is used for Inventory Cycle Count data security in the data
Security warehouse
Inventory Management Analysis This role is used to analyze inventory management
Inventory On Hand Quantity Data This role is used for Inventory On Hand Quantity data security in
Security the data warehouse
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and related parameters.
Management Duty
Inventory Receiving Receipt Data This role is used for Inventory Receiving Receipt data security in
Security the data warehouse
Inventory Replenishment Manages inventory replenishment activities including calculating
Management Duty safety stock, defining reorder points, and establishing demand
Inventory Reservation Manages reservation Web service. Management tasks include
Management Web Service Duty creating, editing, and deleting of reservations."
Inventory Transaction Analysis Analyzes Inventory transactional information
Inventory Transaction Data This role is used for Inventory Transaction data security in the data
Security warehouse
Inventory Transaction Manages inventory transactions. Tasks include managing
Management Duty reservations and picks, editing pending transactions, and submitting
Duty Role Description
transaction-related processes.
Inventory Transaction Sources and Configures inventory transaction sources and types.
Types Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Management,
Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations.
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance of material planners.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Submission Duty
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval of item costs.
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to identify material storage
Management Duty locations for items within an inventory organization.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform
Control Duty transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts
payable manager.
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Unit of Measure Management Duty Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard,
interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.
Upload data for Cycle Count Allows to upload data file to import cycle counts.
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory reservations.
Reservation Import
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory transactions.
Transaction Import
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as subinventory transfers and
Maintenance Duty miscellaneous receipts, process movement requests, and record
cycle and physical inventory counts.
Warehouse Transaction Operation Performs inventory transactions within the warehouse.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Inventory Manager

Inherited Roles
Inventory Manager
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Inherited Roles
Consigned Inventory Management
Payables Invoice Import Submission Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Inventory Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Organization Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory Transaction Sources and Types Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Location Management Duty
HCM Location Selection Duty
Location Mass Creation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Subinventory and Locator Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Unit of Measure Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Balances Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Inventory Count Management Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Inventory Management Analysis Duty
Inventory Cycle Count Data Security
Inventory On Hand Quantity Data Security
Inventory Receiving Receipt Data Security
Inventory Transaction Data Security
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Inventory Replenishment Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Provide Item Cost Duty
Inventory Transaction Analysis Duty
Inventory Transaction Management Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Inventory Reservation Management Web Service Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control Duty
Inherited Roles
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Upload data for Cycle Count Import
Upload data for Inventory Reservation Import
Upload data for Inventory Transaction Import
Warehouse Transaction Operation Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Maintenance Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Inventory Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Consigned Inventory Manages consigned inventory related Create Inventory
Management activities including ownership transfer, Consumption Advice
consigned inventory aging, and Create Transfer to
consumption advice creation. Consigned Transaction
Create Transfer to Owned
Manage Consigned
Inventory Aging
Manage Consigned
Inventory Watchlist by Web
Print Inventory
Consumption Advice Report
Review Completed
Inventory Transaction
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs. Enter Transaction Cost
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules. Manage Schedule Exception
Duty For Facility
Manage Schedule For
Manage Shift For Facility
Manage Workday Pattern
For Facility
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities Create ABC Classification
including definition of classes, Set
assignment groups, and classification Manage ABC Assignment
sets. Group
Manage ABC Classification
Perform ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Classification
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for Manage Interorganization
inventory management. Parameter
Manage Inventory Account
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Inventory
Consumption Rule
Manage Inventory Status
Manage Inventory
Transaction Reason
Manage Item Lot Expiration
Manage Item Lot Grade
Manage Item Lot and Serial
Attributes Mapping
Manage Item Transaction
Manage Picking Grouping
Manage Picking Rule
Manage Picking Rule
Inventory Balances Manages and reviews inventory balances. Edit On-Hand Lot Grade
Management Duty Manage On-Hand Material
Monitor Inventory Work
Print Material Status Where
Used Report
Request On-Hand Item Issue
Request On-Hand
Subinventory Transfer
Inventory Count Management Manages cycle count and physical count- Approve Cycle Count
Duty related activities including the creation, Sequences
approval, and rejection of cycle and Approve Physical
physical counts. Adjustment
Create Cycle Count
Create Cycle Count Manual
Export Cycle Count
Sequences to Interface
Generate Cycle Count
Generate Cycle Count
Generate Physical Inventory
Generate Physical Inventory
Import Cycle Count
Import Cycle Count
Sequences Web Service
Manage Count Sequence To
Manage Cycle Count
Manage Physical Inventory
Monitor Counts Work Area
Perform Full Cycle Count
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Post Physical Inventory
Print Cycle Count Listing
Print Physical Inventory
Purge Cycle Count
Purge Cycle Count Interface
Purge Physical Inventory
Record Cycle Count
Record Physical Inventory
Record Preapproved Cycle
Count Sequences
Review Cycle Count
Interface Records
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and Manage Inventory
Management Duty related parameters. Organization
Inventory Replenishment Manages inventory replenishment Monitor Inventory Work
Management Duty activities including calculating safety Area
stock, defining reorder points, and Print Min-Max Planning
establishing demand forecasts. Report
Print Movement Request
Pick Slip Report
Inventory Reservation Manages reservation Web service. Manage Inventory
Management Web Service Management tasks include creating, Reservation Web Service
Duty editing, and deleting of reservations."
Inventory Transaction Manages inventory transactions. Tasks Create Inventory
Management Duty include managing reservations and picks, Transaction Process
editing pending transactions, and Manage Inventory
submitting transaction-related processes. Reservation Interface
Manage Inventory
Reservation Interface
Manage Inventory
Reservation and Picks
Manage Pending Inventory
Manage Pending Inventory
Transaction Web Service
Monitor Inventory Work
Print Movement Request
Pick Slip Report
Provide Inventory
Completed Transaction
Details Web Service
Submit Inventory
Transaction Process
Inventory Transaction Sources Configures inventory transaction sources Manage Inventory
and Types Management Duty and types. Transaction Sources and
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Manage Location
Management, Procurement, Shipping
Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations. Mass Create Locations
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance Manage Material Planner
Duty of material planners.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Import Payables Invoice
Submission Duty import program. View Payables Invoice
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval Provide Item Cost
of item costs.
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to Manage Subinventory and
Management Duty identify material storage locations for Locator
items within an inventory organization.
Transaction Entry with Manages the budgetary control tasks by Check Funds
Budgetary Control Duty job roles who perform transactions that Reserve Funds
are subject to budgetary control, such as Review Budget Period
accounts payable manager. Statuses
Transfer Budget Balances to
Budget Cubes Continuously
View Funds Available
Unit of Measure Management Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and Manage Unit of Measure
Duty definition of standard, interclass, and Review Unit of Measure
intraclass UOM conversions. Conversion
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as Confirm Pick Slip Web
Maintenance Duty subinventory transfers and miscellaneous Service
receipts, process movement requests, and Create Interorganization
record cycle and physical inventory Transfer
counts. Create Miscellaneous
Create Subinventory
Generate Item Serial
Manage Consigned
Inventory Aging
Manage Inventory
Movement Request
Manage Item Lot and Item
Serial Number
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Web Service
Monitor Counts Work Area
Monitor Inventory Work
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Record Cycle Count
Record Physical Inventory
Review Completed
Inventory Transaction
Review Pending Inventory
Search Inventory
Reservation and Picks

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Inventory Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
ABC Assignment An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
Group manage abc assignment group Analysis Duty
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage
in which they can operate ABC Assignment
Group (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Class An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
manage abc class for the Analysis Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate ABC Class (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Classification Set An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
Header manage abc classification set Analysis Duty
header for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can ABC Classification Set
operate Header (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Cycle Count An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory Count
manage cycle count for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Cycle Count (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Cycle Count (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Expected Supply An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
manage expected supply for the Balances Management Balances
inventory organizations in Duty Dimension(s):
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Expected Supply (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Interorganization An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Parameter manage interorganization Administration Duty
parameter for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Interorganization
operate Parameter (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Account An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Alias manage inventory account alias Administration Duty
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage
in which they can operate Inventory Account
Alias (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Locator An Inventory Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage inventory locator for Locator Management
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Locator
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Request manage inventory movement Replenishment
request for the inventory Management Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Inventory
Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Rule Selection Criterion manage inventory movement Administration Duty
rule selection criterion for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Inventory Movement
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
which they can operate Rule Selection
Criterion (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Organization An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Parameter manage item and inventory Organization
organization parameter for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Item
which they can operate and Inventory
Organization Parameter
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Reservation An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
manage inventory reservation Transaction
for the inventory organizations Management Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Reservation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Reservation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Transaction An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
manage inventory transaction Transaction Cycle Count
for the inventory organizations Management Duty Dimension(s):
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Inventory Transaction Fact: Inventory -
(Data) Transactions
Resource: Inventory Dimension(s):
Organization Parameter Inventory Org
Role: Warehouse Fact: Inventory -
Transaction Operation Cycle Count
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Inventory Transaction Fact: Inventory -
(Data) Transactions
Resource: Inventory Dimension(s):
Organization Parameter Inventory Org
Item Locator An Inventory Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage item locator for the Locator Management
inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Locator (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Lot An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
manage item lot and item serial Transaction
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for the inventory organizations Management Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Serial An Inventory Manager can Role: Warehouse
manage item lot and item serial Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Subinventory An Inventory Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage item subinventory for Locator Management
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Location An Inventory Manager can Role: HCM Location
choose location for locations in Selection Duty
their location security profile Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
An Inventory Manager can Role: Location
manage location for all Management Duty
reference data sets in the Privilege: Manage
enterprise Location (Data)
Resource: Location
An Inventory Manager can Role: Location
manage location for locations Management Duty
in their location security profile Privilege: Manage
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Onhand Quantity An Inventory Manager can Role: Consigned Fact: Inventory -
manage on-hand quantity for Inventory Management Balances
the inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage On- Dimension(s):
which they can operate Hand Quantity (Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
Balances Management Balances
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage On- Inventory Org
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Hand Quantity (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse Fact: Inventory -
Transaction Operation Balances
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage On- Inventory Org
Hand Quantity (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Payables Standard An Inventory Manager can Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice manage payables invoice for all Import Submission
business units in the enterprise Duty
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Pending Inventory An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory
Transaction manage pending inventory Transaction
transaction for the inventory Management Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Pending Inventory
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Pending Inventory
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Physical Inventory An Inventory Manager can Role: Inventory Count
manage physical inventory for Management Duty
the inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Physical Inventory
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Physical Inventory
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Public Person An Inventory Manager can Role: Public Person
choose public person for Selection Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Subinventory An Inventory Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage subinventory for the Locator Management
inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization view trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Person view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Inventory Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Unit of Measure An Inventory Manager can Role: Unit of Measure
manage unit of measure for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Unit
which they can operate of Measure (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Inventory Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Approve Cycle Count Sequences Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Approve Physical Adjustment Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Cycle Count Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Interorganization Transfer Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Items Approve
Cycle Counting Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Enter Journal Entry Approve Physical Adjustment
Physical Inventory
Inventory Transactions Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Maintain Item Master File Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Physical Inventory Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Post Journal Entry Approve Physical Adjustment
Physical Inventory

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Load Interface File for
Privilege Approve Cycle Count Approve Cycle Count
Sequences Sequences
Approve Physical Approve Physical
Adjustment Adjustment
Create Cycle Count Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Create
Transfer Interorganization
Create Subinventory Create Subinventory
Transfer Transfer
Cycle Counting Manage Cycle Count
Inventory Transactions Create Miscellaneous
Physical Inventory Manage Physical
Abstract Role: Line Manager
Identifies the person as a line manager.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Line Manager

Duty Role Description

Absence Entry Through Calendar Creates an absence record through the calendar.
Absence Management Reporting Reports on the absence management data.
Data Duty
Absence Management Transaction Analyzes Workforce absences transactional information
Analysis Duty
Absence Recording Duty Manages absence records.
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service.
Absence Self Service Management Maintains absence records and view accrual balance information in
Duty self service.
Absence and Leave Accrual This duty role is used for analyzing employee historical and future
Analysis Duty planned absence trends and employee leave accrual balances
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances.
Assignment Grade Selection Duty Filters the grade list of values based on the user's grade security
Assignment Status Type Service Allows the Assignment Status Type Service to be called
Australian Common Payroll and Allows user to perform tasks that are common for Human
HR Reporting Duty Resources and Payroll
Benefits Salary Viewer Duty Views salary data while managing worker benefits.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty Grants access to a data security privilege that enables users to select
a business unit, enabled for assignments and work terms, from a
secured list determined by the organization security profile.
Canadian HR Reporting Duty Allows user to produce Canadian HR reports.
Compensation Analysis Duty This duty role is used for analyzing employee salary, salary range
penetration and the correlation of pay and performance
Contingent Worker Addition Duty Adds contingent workers.
Corporate Card Transaction Reviews outstanding corporate card transactions of employees in
Review Duty the reporting hierarchy.
Department Selection Duty Filters the department list of values based on the user's organization
security profile.
Direct Reports Addition Duty Adds direct reports.
Direct Reports Management Duty Manages direct reports.
Direct Reports Reassignment Duty Reassigns direct reports.
Documents of Record Reporting Allows reporting of documents of record data.
Data Duty
Documents of Record Transaction Analyzes Documents of Records transactional information
Analysis Duty
Dutch HR Reporting Duty Dutch HR Reporting Duty
Employee Data Security This role is used for Employee dimension data security in the data
Employee Expense Business Unit This role is used for Employee Expense Business Unit data security
Data Security in the data warehouse
Duty Role Description
Employee Hire Duty Hires employees.
Employment Public Objects Manages the public objects related to employment.
Management Duty
Employment Services Management Manages the services related to employment.
Expense Analysis Duty Analyzes employee expenses and trends for the employees in their
reporting hierarchy.
Expense Approval Duty Approves expense reports of Oracle Fusion Expenses users.
FUSE Hiring Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Hiring page.
FUSE My Team Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE My Team page.
FUSE Team Compensation Access Grants access to the FUSE Team Compensation page.
FUSE Team Talent Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Team Talent page
Financial Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Financial
Preference Analysis module.
French HR Reporting Duty French HR Reporting Duty
Gallery Access Duty Grants access to the portrait and gallery search duties.
Goal Management Line Manager Goal Management Line Manager - inherited by Line Manager
Goal Management Organization Goal Management Organization Owner for functional access to
Owner Duty Organization Goals
HCM Document Management Manages documents.
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and any combinations of these
Duty objects.
HCM Location Selection Duty Filters the location list of values for Financials, Talent
Management, Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory
based on the user's location security profile.
HR Salary Management Duty Manages worker salary and views salary analytics.
Human Resources Analysis This role is used get the supported currencies in Human Resources
Currency Preference Analysis module.
Individual Compensation Manages off-cycle compensation awards for individual workers.
Management Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Job Selection Duty Filters the job list of values based on the user's job security profile.
Kuwaiti HR Reporting Duty Kuwaiti HR Reporting Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty Grants access to a data security privilege Choose Legal Employer
Duty that allows the ability to select a Legal Employer from a
secured list as defined in the organization security profile.
Legislative Data Group Selection Filters the legislative data group list of values based on the user's
Duty legislative data group security profile.
Line Manager Compensation Manages compensation budgets by distributing and publishing
Budget Management Duty budgets to lower manager.
Line Manager Compensation Manages compensation for workers in their organization by
Management Duty distributing budgets, awarding compensation to groups of workers
on a periodic basis, or adjusting salary or awards for individual
workers on an off-cycle basis, and viewing a worker's
compensation in the portrait.
Line Manager Expense Analysis This role is used to analyze line manager expenses
Line Manager Workforce Manages workforce compensation by allocating compensation,
Compensation Management Duty rating performance, and promoting workers on a periodic basis.
Manager Gallery Access Duty Grants access to the worker and manager gallery cards. This role is
associated with the HR specialist and line manager roles.
Duty Role Description
Manager Gallery Cards Access Restricts specific portrait cards to line managers or HR specialists
Duty only.
Manager Transaction Dashboard Grants access to the line manager transaction dashboard that
Analysis Duty contains analytics.
Manager Transaction Dashboard Grants navigation access to the manager transaction dashboard.
Navigation Duty
Mexican HR Reporting Duty Allows user to produce Mexican HR reports.
Mobile Applications Access Allows access to Oracle Fusion Applications from mobile devices.
New Person Work Area Navigation Grants navigation access for line managers to the new person work
As Line Manager Duty area.
Nonworker Addition Duty Adds nonworkers.
Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Grants access to the Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Service
Service Duty application
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Payroll Flow Submission Duty Submits new payroll flows.
Payroll Selection Duty Secures data access to the list of payrolls defined in the user's
payroll security profile.
Pending Worker Addition Duty Adds pending workers.
Pending Worker Hire Duty Hires pending workers.
Performance Management Views performance documents from compensation work area.
Compensation Duty
Performance Management Line Views performance documents from line manager dashboard.
Manager Duty
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person gallery work area.
Navigation Duty
Person Hiring Duty Hires employees and adds contingent workers and nonworkers.
This role is also responsible for entering pending workers and
hiring them. This role does not have any privileges associated
directly but inherits the privileges from other duty roles. This role is
associated with the HR specialist or line manager typically.
Portrait Access Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance and portrait view duties.
Portrait Availability Duty Grants access to the availability card in the portrait, which includes
schedule, absence, and accrual information.
Portrait Career Planning Duty Grants access to the career planning card in the portrait.
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in the portrait.
Portrait Contact Duty Grants access to view the contact card in the portrait, which
includes phone number, e-mail, other communication methods,
work location information, manager, directs and peers.
Portrait Development and Growth Grants access to the development and growth card in the portrait.
Portrait Employment Information Grants access to view the employment card in the Portrait, which
Duty includes assignment and contract information. This role is
associated with the line manager and HR specialist.
Portrait Experience and Grants access to the experience and qualifications card in the
Qualifications Duty portrait.
Portrait Maintenance Duty Grants access to the portrait maintenance duties for the portrait
Portrait View Duty Grants access to the portrait view duties for the portrait cards.
Position Lookup Service Duty Calls the position lookup service.
Position Selection Duty Filters the position list of values based on the user's position
security profile.
Procurement Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and
Preference Spend Analysis module.
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
Duty Role Description
by other teams.
Question Management Duty Creates and maintains questions and responses.
Questionnaire Line Manager Duty Performs all questionnaire duties as a line manager.
Questionnaire Management Duty Creates and maintains questionnaires.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Schedules and Exceptions Manages the association of schedules to an assignment. This role is
Assignment Management Duty associated with the line manager or HR specialist.
Succession Plan View Duty Views succession plans.
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security This role is used for Supervisor Hierarchy data security in the data
Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty Searches supervisor hierarchy through services.
Talent Line Manager Duty Performs all talent management duties as a line manager.
Talent Review Participant Duty Manages the data utilized during the talent review meeting.
Time Work Area Navigation Duty Grants navigational access for a worker to report time in a calendar,
create and manage absence entries and time cards, and view accrual
Time and Labor Reporting Data Secures time and labor reporting data.
Time and Labor Transaction Analyzes Time and Labor transactional information.
Analysis Duty
US New Hire Reporting Duty Allows user to produce the New Hire State report.
User Account and Roles View Views the user account and roles for a selected person.
User Name Creation and Linking Creates a new user name or links an existing user name for a
Duty person.
User Role Account Management Views the User Account Details card in the Person Gallery.
User Role Management Duty Manages user roles.
Vacancy Management Duty Allows management of vacancies.
Vacancy Transaction Analysis Analyses Vacancy Transactional Information.
View Employment Information Views employment information.
Worker Availability Viewing Duty Views workers' availability based on their work schedules.
Worker Checklist Management Manages checklist definitions.
Worker Document Delivery Manages worker document delivery default preferences.
Preferences Management Duty
Worker Document Delivery Views worker document delivery default preferences.
Preferences View Duty
Worker Employment Management Hires, promotes, transfers, and terminates workers. Changes
Duty locations, working hours, and workers' managers. This role does
not have any privileges associated directly but inherits privileges
from other duty roles. This role is associated with the HR specialist
or line manager typically.
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views the portrait page.
Worker Information Sharing Duty Shares own employment information with line managers or
external parties.
Worker Location Change Duty Changes persons' locations.
Worker Manager Change Duty Changes persons' managers.
Worker Person Management Duty Manages workers' documents, schedules, checklists, and
information shared information by line managers.
Worker Prediction Reporting Duty This duty role is used to view worker predictions
Worker Promotion Duty Promotes persons.
Duty Role Description
Worker Selection Duty Selects workers.
Worker Service Creation Duty Creates workers through the worker service.
Worker Termination Reporting Reports on workers' termination data.
Worker Transfer Duty Transfers persons.
Worker Work Relationship Adds work relationships to persons.
Addition Duty
Worker Work Relationship Terminates work relationships.
Termination Duty
Worker Working Hours Change Changes the working hours of persons.
Workforce Deployment Analysis This duty role is used for analyzing headcount staffing, employee
Duty turnover, workforce diversity, internal mobility and employee
Workforce Media Policy Duty role to manage compliance with media policies
Compliance Management Duty
Workforce Model Plan Line Manages workforce model plans, including creating and editing the
Manager Duty plans.
Workforce Profile Line Manager Performs workforce profile duties as a line manager.
Workforce Reporting Data Duty Secures workforce reporting data.
Workforce Reputation Duty role to manage organization and employee workforce
Management Duty reputation
Workforce Structures Reporting Secures workforce structures reporting data.
Data Duty
Workforce Transaction Analysis Analyzes Workforce transactional information

Role Hierarchy and required role membership

Fusion applications ship the role memberships assuming you have deployed all offerings,
options and features. Role memberships marked with a "+" in the "All" column are
required for all options and features in this offering. If you are not deploying a particular
offering, option or feature, remove those role memberships that are marked with a "*" for
that offering, option or feature in Authorization Policy Manager.

If you are deploying other offerings, refer to the Security Reference Manual for those
offerings before removing any role memberships.

Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Line Manager
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Absence Management Transaction Analysis Duty
Absence Management Reporting Data Duty
Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty
Absence Recording Duty
Absence and Leave Accrual Analysis Duty
Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Business Intelligence Applications Worker +
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Compensation Analysis Duty
Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Corporate Card Transaction Review Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty +
Employment Public Objects Management Duty +
Supervisor Hierarchy Search Duty
Employment Services Management Duty +
Assignment Status Type Service Duty
Position Lookup Service Duty
Worker Service Creation Duty
Expense Analysis Duty
Expense Approval Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty +
HCM Information Comparison Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Line Manager Compensation Management Duty
HR Salary Management Duty
Individual Compensation Management Duty
Line Manager Compensation Budget Management
Line Manager Workforce Compensation
Management Duty
Performance Management Compensation
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Portrait Compensation Duty
Line Manager Expense Analysis Duty
Employee Expense Business Unit Data Security
Financial Analysis Currency Preference
Procurement Analysis Currency Preference
Manager Gallery Access Duty
Gallery Access Duty
Portrait Access Duty
Portrait Maintenance Duty
Portrait View Duty
Portrait Availability Duty
Portrait Compensation Duty
Portrait Contact Duty
Worker Gallery Search Duty
Internal Contact Relationship
Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty +
Manager Gallery Cards Access Duty
Portrait Employment Information Duty
Manager Transaction Dashboard Analysis Duty
Manager Transaction Dashboard Navigation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty +
Payroll Flow Submission Duty
Legislative Data Group Selection Duty
Payroll Selection Duty
Person Gallery Work Area Navigation Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Talent Line Manager Duty
Goal Management Line Manager Duty
Goal Management Organization Owner Duty
Performance Management Line Manager Duty
Questionnaire Line Manager Duty
Question Management Duty
Questionnaire Management Duty
Talent Review Participant Duty
HR Salary Management Duty
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Party Information Inquiry Duty +
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
View Employment Information Duty
Workforce Profile Line Manager Duty
User Role Account Management Duty +
User Role Management Duty +
Worker Employment Management Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Person Hiring Duty
Contingent Worker Addition Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty
Employee Hire Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty
Nonworker Addition Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty
Pending Worker Addition Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty
Pending Worker Hire Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Legal Employer Selection Duty
US New Hire Reporting Duty
Worker Location Change Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Worker Manager Change Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Worker Promotion Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Worker Termination Reporting Duty
Worker Transfer Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Worker Work Relationship Addition Duty
Inherited roles by Offering, Option and Feature Mate

Worker Work Relationship Termination Duty
Worker Working Hours Change Duty
Business Unit Selection Duty
Worker Person Management Duty
HCM Document Management Duty
Schedules and Exceptions Assignment
Management Duty
Worker Availability Viewing Duty
Worker Checklist Management Duty
Worker Information Sharing Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Worker Prediction Reporting Duty
Workforce Deployment Analysis Duty
Employee Data Security
Human Resources Analysis Currency Preference
Supervisor Hierarchy Data Security
Workforce Transaction Analysis Duty
Workforce Reporting Data Duty
Workforce Structures Reporting Data Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Line Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Absence Entry Through Creates an absence record through the Absence Entry Using
Calendar Duty calendar. Calendar
Absence Recording Duty Manages absence records. Manage Absence Records
View Absence Balance
Absence Records Self Service Maintains absence records in self service. Maintain Self Service
Duty Absence Record
Accrual Balance View Duty Views accrual balances. View Accrual Plan Balance
Assignment Status Type Allows the Assignment Status Type Use Assignment Status Type
Service Duty Service to be called Service
Australian Common Payroll Allows user to perform tasks that are Run Australian TFN
and HR Reporting Duty common for Human Resources and Declaration E-file and
Payroll Listing Report
Contingent Worker Addition Adds contingent workers. Add Contingent Worker
Duty Create User
Renew Placement
Corporate Card Transaction Reviews outstanding corporate card Manage Outstanding
Review Duty transactions of employees in the reporting Corporate Card Transaction
Direct Reports Addition Duty Adds direct reports. Add Direct Report
Direct Reports Management Manages direct reports. Manage Direct Report
Direct Reports Reassignment Reassigns direct reports. Reassign Direct Report
Dutch HR Reporting Duty Dutch HR Reporting Duty Run Dutch First Day
Notification Report
Employee Hire Duty Hires employees. Create User
Hire Employee
Rehire Employee
Expense Approval Duty Approves expense reports of Oracle Approve Expense Report
Fusion Expenses users. Approve Travel
Authorization or Cash
FUSE Hiring Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE Hiring page. Access FUSE Hiring Page
FUSE My Team Access Duty Grants access to the FUSE My Team Access FUSE My Team
page. Page
FUSE Team Compensation Grants access to the FUSE Team Analyze Team
Access Duty Compensation page. Compensation
Manage Team
FUSE Team Talent Access Grants access to the FUSE Team Talent Access FUSE Team Talent
Duty page Page
French HR Reporting Duty French HR Reporting Duty Run French Access to
Training Report
Run French Disability
Employment Report
Run French Manpower
Movement Report
Run French Personnel
Run French Social Report
Run French Unique
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Statement of Employment
Run French Work
Goal Management Line Goal Management Line Manager - Assign Workers Goals Mass
Manager Duty inherited by Line Manager Process
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Performance Goal
of Others
Goal Management Goal Management Organization Owner Assign Performance Goal to
Organization Owner Duty for functional access to Organization Groups of Workers
Goals Assign Workers Goals Mass
Manage Performance Goal
Manage Performance Goal
for Organization
HCM Document Management Manages documents. Manage Person
Duty Documentation
Search Person
HCM Information Comparison Compares workers, jobs, positions, and Compare HCM Information
Duty any combinations of these objects.
HR Salary Management Duty Manages worker salary and views salary Enter Salary Details
analytics. View Compensation History
View Salary Analytics
Individual Compensation Manages off-cycle compensation awards Enter Variable
Management Duty for individual workers. Compensation Allocation
View Compensation History
Kuwaiti HR Reporting Duty Kuwaiti HR Reporting Duty Run Kuwaiti Disabled
Workers Report
Line Manager Compensation Manages compensation budgets by Export Compensation
Budget Management Duty distributing and publishing budgets to Budget Data by Line
lower manager. Manager
Manage Compensation
Budget by Line Manager
Manage Group
Compensation and Budgets
Model Compensation
Distribution Model for
Budgets by Line Manager
Line Manager Workforce Manages workforce compensation by Allocate Compensation
Compensation Management allocating compensation, rating Person Rate by Line
Duty performance, and promoting workers on a Manager
periodic basis. Approve and Submit
Compensation Allocation by
Line Manager
Assign Compensation
Performance Rating by Line
Award Compensation
Promotion by Line Manager
Create Compensation
Distribution Model for
Allocation by Line Manager
Export Compensation
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Allocation Details to
Spreadsheet by Line
Generate Compensation
Allocation Statements by
Line Manager
Manage Group
Compensation and Budgets
Run Group Compensation
Line Manager Reports by
Line Manager
Manager Gallery Cards Access Restricts specific portrait cards to line Print Worker Portrait
Duty managers or HR specialists only.
Manager Transaction Grants access to the line manager View Manager Transaction
Dashboard Analysis Duty transaction dashboard that contains Dashboard
Mobile Applications Access Allows access to Oracle Fusion Access Tap Application
Applications from mobile devices.
New Person Work Area Grants navigation access for line New Person Work Area As
Navigation As Line Manager managers to the new person work area. Line Manager
Nonworker Addition Duty Adds nonworkers. Create Person Nonworker
Create User
Oracle Taleo Recruiting Cloud Grants access to the Oracle Taleo Access Oracle Taleo
Service Duty Recruiting Cloud Service application Recruiting Cloud Service
Payroll Flow Submission Duty Submits new payroll flows. Submit Payroll Flow
Pending Worker Hire Duty Hires pending workers. Add Worker Pending Hire
Hire Pending Worker
Performance Management Views performance documents from Print Performance
Compensation Duty compensation work area. Document
View Worker Performance
Management Document
Performance Management Views performance documents from line Approve Worker
Line Manager Duty manager dashboard. Performance Document
Cancel Worker Performance
Document by Manager
Change Participant Due
Date by Manager
Complete Worker
Performance Document by
Create Performance
Document by Manager
Delete Worker Performance
Document by Manager
Print Performance
Reopen Performance
Document by Manager
Reset Worker Performance
Evaluation Status by
Restore Performance
Document by Manager
Select Feedback Participants
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Track Participant Feedback
Transfer Performance
Document by Manager
View Performance
Information on Manager
View Performance
Information on Worker
Dashboard for Manager
View Performance and
Person Gallery Work Area Grants navigation access to the person View Person Gallery Work
Navigation Duty gallery work area. Area
Portrait Compensation Duty Views compensation data for a worker in View Compensation Card
the portrait.
Position Lookup Service Duty Calls the position lookup service. Use Position lookup Service
Question Management Duty Creates and maintains questions and Manage Questions
Questionnaire Management Creates and maintains questionnaires. Manage Questionnaires
Schedules and Exceptions Manages the association of schedules to Manage Work Schedule
Assignment Management Duty an assignment. This role is associated Assignment
with the line manager or HR specialist.
Succession Plan View Duty Views succession plans. View Succession Plan
View Succession Plan
Supervisor Hierarchy Search Searches supervisor hierarchy through Search Supervisor Hierarchy
Duty services.
Talent Review Participant Manages the data utilized during the Manage Talent Review
Duty talent review meeting. Content
Time Work Area Navigation Grants navigational access for a worker to Access Time Work Area
Duty report time in a calendar, create and
manage absence entries and time cards,
and view accrual balances.
US New Hire Reporting Duty Allows user to produce the New Hire Run US New Hire State
State report. Report
User Account and Roles View Views the user account and roles for a View User Account and
Duty selected person. Roles
User Name Creation and Creates a new user name or links an Create User Name
Linking Duty existing user name for a person. Link User Account
Send User Name Request to
User Role Account Views the User Account Details card in Map and Synchronize User
Management Duty the Person Gallery. Account Details
View Person Account
User Role Management Duty Manages user roles. Assign Roles to User
Copy Personal Data to
Manage User Account and
Vacancy Management Duty Allows management of vacancies. Access Oracle Taleo
Recruiting Cloud Service
Manage Vacancy
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
View Vacancy Details
Worker Checklist Manages checklist definitions. Manage Person Allocated
Management Duty Checklist
Run Checklist Events
Worker Gallery Search Duty Searches worker deferred data and views Search Worker
the portrait page. View Nonworker Portrait
View Person Gallery Work
View Worker Portrait
Worker Information Sharing Shares own employment information with Share Worker Information
Duty line managers or external parties.
Worker Location Change Duty Changes persons' locations. Change Worker Location
Worker Manager Change Duty Changes persons' managers. Change Worker Manager
Worker Person Management Manages workers' documents, schedules, New Person Work Area
Duty checklists, and information shared
information by line managers.
Worker Prediction Reporting This duty role is used to view worker View Worker Prediction
Duty predictions
Worker Promotion Duty Promotes persons. Promote Worker
Worker Termination Reporting Reports on workers' termination data. View Conclude Placement
Duty Reports
View Termination Reports
Worker Transfer Duty Transfers persons. Transfer Worker
Worker Work Relationship Adds work relationships to persons. Create Work Relationship
Addition Duty
Worker Work Relationship Terminates work relationships. Terminate Work
Termination Duty Relationship
Worker Working Hours Changes the working hours of persons. Change Worker Working
Change Duty Hour
Workforce Media Policy Duty role to manage compliance with Review Organization or
Compliance Management media policies Employee Compliance
Workforce Model Plan Line Manages workforce model plans, Manage Workforce Model
Manager Duty including creating and editing the plans. Plan as Line Manager
Workforce Profile Line Performs workforce profile duties as a Define Talent Profile
Manager Duty line manager. Define Talent Profile Item
Manage Model Talent
Manage Person Talent
Manage Talent Profile
Interest List
Match Talent Profile
Update Talent Profile Item
View Talent Profile
Workforce Reputation Duty role to manage organization and Review Organization or
Management Duty employee workforce reputation Employee Reputation
Search and Review Skills

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Line Manager
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Applied Cash Advance A Line Manager can view Role: Expense Analysis
employee expense for the Duty
employees for whom they are Privilege: View
responsible Employee Expense
Resource: Applied
Cash Advance
Assignment Grade A Line Manager can choose Role: Assignment
assignment grade for grades in Grade Selection Duty
their grade security profile Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Contingent
Worker Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Assignment
Role: Worker
Promotion Duty
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Choose
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
assignment grade for grades in Structures Reporting
their grade security profile Data Duty
Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Assignment Grade A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
Ladder assignment grade ladder for Structures Reporting
grades in their grade security Data Duty
profile Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Assignment Grade Rate A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
assignment grade rate for Structures Reporting
grades in their grade security Data Duty
profile Privilege: Report
Assignment Grade Rate
Resource: Assignment
Grade Rate
Assignments A Line Manager can report Role: US New Hire
person for organizations in their Reporting Duty
organization security profile Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Assignments
Business Unit A Line Manager can choose Role: Business Unit
business unit organization for Selection Duty
business units in their Privilege: Choose
organization security profile Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Role: Vacancy
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Business Unit
Organization (Data)
Resource: Business
Cash Advance A Line Manager can view Role: Expense Analysis
employee expense for the Duty
employees for whom they are Privilege: View
responsible Employee Expense
Resource: Cash
Compensation A Line Manager can allocate Role: Line Manager
Allocation compensation person rate by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation
in their person and assignment Management Duty
security profile Privilege: Allocate
Compensation Person
Rate by Line Manager
A Line Manager can approve Role: Line Manager
and submit compensation Workforce
allocation by line manager for Compensation
subordinates in their person and Management Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Approve and
Submit Compensation
Allocation by Line
Manager (Data)
Compensation Budget A Line Manager can manage Role: Line Manager
compensation budget by line Compensation Budget
manager for subordinates in Management Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Manage
security profile Compensation Budget
by Line Manager (Data)
Compensation Budget
Compensation History A Line Manager can view Role: HR Salary
compensation history for Management Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Compensation History
Compensation History
Role: Individual
Management Duty
Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Compensation History
Compensation History
Compensation Note A Line Manager can manage Role: Line Manager
compensation note for public Workforce
compensation notes for Compensation
subordinates in their person and Management Duty
assignment security profile and Privilege: Manage
for private compensation notes Compensation Note
that they own (Data)
Compensation Note
Compensation A Line Manager can assign Role: Line Manager
Performance Rating compensation performance Workforce
rating by line manager for Compensation
subordinates in their person and Management Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Assign
Performance Rating by
Line Manager (Data)
Performance Rating
Compensation A Line Manager can award Role: Line Manager
Promotion compensation promotion by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation
in their person and assignment Management Duty
security profile Privilege: Award
Promotion by Line
Manager (Data)
Compensation Stock A Line Manager can view Role: Line Manager
Grant compensation stock grant by Workforce
line manager for subordinates Compensation
in their person and assignment Management Duty
security profile Privilege: View
Compensation Stock
Grant by Line Manager
Compensation Stock
Corporate Card A Line Manager can manage Role: Corporate Card Fact: Employee
Transaction outstanding corporate card Transaction Review Expenses
transaction for the employees Duty Corporate Card
for whom they are responsible Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
Outstanding Corporate Security Manager
Card Transaction (Data)
Resource: Corporate
Card Transaction
Department A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
department for departments in Worker Addition Duty
their organization security Privilege: Choose
profile Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Department
Selection Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Worker
Promotion Duty
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Choose
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
department for departments in Structures Reporting
their organization security Data Duty
profile Privilege: Report
Department (Data)
Resource: Department
Expense A Line Manager can view Role: Expense Analysis Fact: Employee
employee expense for the Duty Expenses
employees for whom they are Privilege: View Overview
responsible Employee Expense Dimension(s):
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
(Data) Security Manager
Resource: Expense Fact: Employee
Security Manager
Expense Report A Line Manager can view Role: Expense Analysis
employee expense for the Duty
employees for whom they are Privilege: View
responsible Employee Expense
Resource: Expense
Expense Report A Line Manager can manage Role: Expense
Approval Note expense report approval note Approval Duty
for the employees for whom Privilege: Manage
they are responsible Expense Report
Approval Note (Data)
Resource: Expense
Report Approval Note
HR Checklist A Line Manager can manage hr Role: Worker Checklist
checklist for persons and Management Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Manage HR
assignment security profile Checklist (Data)
Resource: HR
HR Document Type A Line Manager can report Role: Documents of
document type for document Record Reporting Data
types in their document type Duty
security profile Privilege: Report
Document Type (Data)
Resource: HR
Document Type
HR Job A Line Manager can choose hr Role: Contingent
job for jobs in their job security Worker Addition Duty
profile Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: HCM
Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Job Selection
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Worker
Promotion Duty
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Choose HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
A Line Manager can report hr Role: Workforce
job for jobs in their job security Structures Reporting
profile Data Duty
Privilege: Report HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Legal Employer A Line Manager can choose Role: Legal Employer
legal employer for legal Selection Duty
employers in their organization Privilege: Choose
security profile Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Legal Employer (Data)
Resource: Legal
Legislative Data Group A Line Manager can choose Role: Legislative Data
legislative data group for Group Selection Duty
legislative data groups in their Privilege: Choose
legislative data group security Legislative Data Group
profile (Data)
Resource: Legislative
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Data Group
Location A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
location for locations in their Worker Addition Duty
location security profile Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: HCM Location
Selection Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Worker Location
Change Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Worker
Promotion Duty
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
location for locations in their Structures Reporting
location security profile Data Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Privilege: Report
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Payroll Checklist A Line Manager can view Role: Payroll Flow
payroll flow for legislative data Submission Duty
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll
flow security profile Checklist
Payroll Checklist A Line Manager can view Role: Payroll Flow
Annotation payroll flow for legislative data Submission Duty
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile Flow (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Checklist Annotation
Payroll Definition A Line Manager can choose Role: Payroll Selection
payroll for payrolls in their Duty
payroll security profile Privilege: Choose
Payroll (Data)
Resource: Payroll
Payroll Flow Definition A Line Manager can view Role: Payroll Flow
payroll flow for legislative data Submission Duty
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll Flow
flow security profile Definition
Payroll Flow Definition A Line Manager can view Role: Payroll Flow
Parameter payroll flow for legislative data Submission Duty
groups in their legislative data Privilege: View Payroll
group security profile and Flow (Data)
payroll flows in their payroll Resource: Payroll Flow
flow security profile Definition Parameter
Performance Document A Line Manager can create Role: Performance
performance document for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Create
Performance Document
Resource: Performance
A Line Manager can manage Role: Performance
performance document for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Performance Document
Resource: Performance
Performance Goal A Line Manager can manage Role: Goal
development goal for Management Line
subordinates in their person Manager Duty
security profile Privilege: Manage
Development Goal
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Performance
A Line Manager can manage Role: Goal
performance goal for Management Line
subordinates in their person and Manager Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Performance Goal
Resource: Performance
Person A Line Manager can compare Role: HCM
person for subordinates in their Information
person and assignment security Comparison Duty
profile Privilege: Compare
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can hire Role: Pending Worker
pending worker for Hire Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Hire Pending
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can print Role: Portrait
worker portrait for subordinates Maintenance Duty
in their person and assignment Privilege: Print Worker
security profile Portrait (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can rehire Role: Employee Hire
employee for subordinates in Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Rehire
security profile Employee (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can renew Role: Contingent
placement for subordinates in Worker Addition Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Renew
security profile Placement (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: US New Hire
person for organizations in their Reporting Duty
organization security profile Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Documents of
person for persons and Record Reporting Data
assignments in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Workforce
Reporting Data Duty
Privilege: Report
Person (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can search Role: Manager Gallery
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
person live for subordinates in Access Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Search
security profile Person Live (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can share Role: Worker
worker information for Information Sharing
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Share
Worker Information
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait
talent profile experience and Experience and
qualifications for subordinates Qualifications Duty
in their person and assignment Privilege: View Talent
security profile Profile Experience and
Qualifications (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait
worker availability portrait card Availability Duty
for subordinates in their person Privilege: View
and assignment security profile Worker Availability
Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait Career
worker career planning portrait Planning Duty
card for subordinates in their Privilege: View
person and assignment security Worker Career
profile Planning Portrait Card
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait
worker development and Development and
growth portrait card for Growth Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Development
and Growth Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait
worker employment Employment
information portrait card for Information Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Employment
Information Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Absence Entry A Line Manager can maintain Role: Absence Records
self service absence record for Self Service Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Maintain
their person and assignment Self Service Absence
security profile Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Line Manager can maintain Role: Absence Records
self service absence record for Self Service Duty
themselves Privilege: Maintain
Self Service Absence
Record (Data)
Resource: Person
Absence Entry
Person Address A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person address for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Address (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Line Manager can promote Role: Worker
worker for subordinates in their Promotion Duty
person and assignment security Privilege: Promote
profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person assignment for persons Reporting Data Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Report
and assignment security profile Person Assignment
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can search Role: Worker
worker for subordinates in their Promotion Duty
person and assignment security Privilege: Search
profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Search
Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can transfer Role: Worker Transfer
worker for subordinates in their Duty
person and assignment security Privilege: Transfer
profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Person
A Line Manager can view Role: View
person assignment for persons Employment
and assignments in their person Information Duty
and assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Checklist A Line Manager can manage Role: Worker Checklist
person allocated checklist for Management Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignment security profile Person Allocated
Checklist (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
Method person communication method Reporting Data Duty
for persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Person Communication
security profile Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Contact A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person contact for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Contact (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Document of A Line Manager can report Role: Documents of
Record worker documents of record for Record Reporting Data
people and assignments in their Duty
person assignment security Privilege: Report
profile and for documents in Worker Documents of
their document types security Record (Data)
profile Resource: Person
Document of Record
Person Documentation A Line Manager can manage Role: HCM Document
person documentation for Management Duty
document types in their Privilege: Manage
document types security profile Person Documentation
belonging to subordinates in (Data)
their person and assignment Resource: Person
security profile Documentation
A Line Manager can search Role: HCM Document
person documentation for Management Duty
document types in their Privilege: Search
document types security profile Person Documentation
belonging to subordinates in (Data)
their person and assignment Resource: Person
security profile Documentation
Person Driver License A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
driver license for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person
Driver License
Person Email A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person email for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Email (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
Identifier person national identifier for Reporting Data Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
persons and assignments in Privilege: Report
their person and assignment Person National
security profile Identifier (Data)
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Passport A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person passport for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Passport (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Phone A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person phone for work phone Reporting Data Duty
numbers and private phone Privilege: Report
numbers granted to the user for Person Phone (Data)
persons in their person and Resource: Person
assignment security profile Phone
Person Plan Accrual A Line Manager can view Role: Accrual Balance
accrual plan balance for View Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: View
their person and assignment Accrual Plan Balance
security profile (Data)
Resource: Person Plan
A Line Manager can view Role: Accrual Balance
accrual plan balance for View Duty
themselves Privilege: View
Accrual Plan Balance
Resource: Person Plan
Person Type A Line Manager can choose Role: Vacancy
person type for any person type Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
person type for person types in Worker Addition Duty
their person type security Privilege: Choose
profile Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
Person Type (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Person Visa A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
person visa for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Person Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Position A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
position for positions in their Worker Addition Duty
position security profile Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: HCM
Comparison Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Pending Worker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Position
Selection Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Vacancy
Management Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Promotion Duty
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Role: Worker Transfer
Privilege: Choose
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
position for positions in their Structures Reporting
position security profile Data Duty
Privilege: Report
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Public Person A Line Manager can choose Role: Public Person
public person for persons and Selection Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can compare Role: HCM
hcm information for Information
subordinates in their person and Comparison Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Compare
HCM Information
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can report Role: Workforce
public person for persons and Reporting Data Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Report
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait Contact
worker contact portrait card for Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Worker Contact Portrait
Card (Data)
Resource: Public
Salary A Line Manager can enter Role: HR Salary
salary details for subordinates Management Duty
in their person and assignment Privilege: Enter Salary
security profile Details (Data)
Resource: Salary
A Line Manager can view Role: Benefits Salary
salary details for people and Viewer Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: View Salary
assignment security profile Details (Data)
Resource: Salary
A Line Manager can view Role: Portrait
worker compensation portrait Compensation Duty
card for subordinates in their Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
person and assignment security Worker Compensation
profile Portrait Card (Data)
Resource: Salary
Schedule Assignment A Line Manager can manage Role: Schedules and
work schedule assignment for Exceptions Assignment
subordinates in their person and Management Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Manage
Work Schedule
Assignment (Data)
Resource: Schedule
Succession Plan A Line Manager can view Role: Succession Plan
Candidate succession plan candidate for View Duty
all public succession plans Privilege: View
Succession Plan
Candidate (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Candidate
A Line Manager can view Role: Succession Plan
succession plan candidate for View Duty
private succession plans for Privilege: View
which they are an administrator Succession Plan
or a viewer or a candidate Candidate (Data)
manager Resource: Succession
Plan Candidate
Succession Plan Detail A Line Manager can view Role: Succession Plan
succession plan for all public View Duty
succession plans Privilege: View
Succession Plan (Data)
Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
A Line Manager can view Role: Succession Plan
succession plan for private View Duty
succession plans for which they Privilege: View
are an administrator or a viewer Succession Plan (Data)
or a candidate manager Resource: Succession
Plan Detail
Talent Profile A Line Manager can match Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Match Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile model for jobs in Profile Line Manager
their job security profile Duty
Privilege: View Talent
Profile Model (Data)
Resource: Talent
A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile person for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignment security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Person (Data)
Resource: Talent
Talent Profile Item A Line Manager can view Role: Workforce
talent profile item manager for Profile Line Manager
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View Talent
Profile Item Manager
Resource: Talent
Profile Item
Talent Review Note A Line Manager can manage Role: Talent Review
talent review content for people Participant Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Manage
and assignment security profile Talent Review Content
Resource: Talent
Review Note
Time Record A Line Manager can report Role: Time and Labor
time and labor for subordinates Reporting Data Duty
in their person and assignment Privilege: Report Time
security profile and Labor (Data)
Resource: Time Record
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Line Manager can view Role: Internal Contact
Person trading community contact for Relationship
all trading community persons Information Inquiry
in the enterprise except contacts Duty
created by partners. Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Line Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Line Manager can view Role: Relationship
Relationship trading community relationship Information Inquiry
for all trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Line Manager can view Role: Internal Contact
trading community relationship Relationship
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
for all trading community Information Inquiry
relationships in the enterprise Duty
except partner contact Privilege: View
relationships, or relationships Trading Community
created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
User A Line Manager can create user Role: User Name
name for subordinates in their Creation and Linking
person security profile. Duty
Privilege: Create User
Name (Data)
Resource: User
A Line Manager can link user Role: User Name
account for subordinates in Creation and Linking
their person security profile. Duty
Privilege: Link User
Account (Data)
Resource: User
User Role A Line Manager can assign Role: User Role
user roles for subordinates in Management Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Assign User
security profile Roles (Data)
Resource: User Role
A Line Manager can view Role: User Role
person account details for Account Management
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View Person
Account Details (Data)
Resource: User Role
Vacancy Requisition A Line Manager can manage Role: Vacancy
vacancy for subordinates in Management Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Manage
security profile Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy
A Line Manager can view Role: Vacancy
vacancy for subordinates in Management Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: View
security profile Vacancy (Data)
Resource: Vacancy
Variable Compensation A Line Manager can enter Role: Individual
Allocation variable compensation Compensation
allocation for subordinates in Management Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Enter
security profile Variable Compensation
Allocation (Data)
Resource: Variable
Work Relationship A Line Manager can terminate Role: Worker Work
work relationship for Relationship
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
subordinates in their person and Termination Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Terminate
Work Relationship
Resource: Work
A Line Manager can view Role: Worker
conclude placement reports for Termination Reporting
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View
Conclude Placement
Reports (Data)
Resource: Work
Worker A Line Manager can change Role: Worker Location
worker location for Change Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Location (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can change Role: Worker Manager
worker manager for Change Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Manager (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can change Role: Worker Working
worker working hour for Hours Change Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: Change
assignment security profile Worker Working Hour
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can choose Role: Worker Selection
worker for people and Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can compare Role: HCM
worker employment Information
information for subordinates in Comparison Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Compare
security profile Worker Employment
Information (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
worker for persons and Management Reporting
assignments in their person and Data Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Report
Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can review Role: Worker
worker availability for Availability Viewing
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Review
Worker Availability
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can search Role: Worker Location
worker for persons and Change Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Search
assignment security profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can search Role: Worker Manager
worker for subordinates in their Change Duty
person and assignment security Privilege: Search
profile Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
Role: Worker Working
Hours Change Duty
Privilege: Search
Worker (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Absence
absence balance for Recording Duty
subordinates in their person and Privilege: View
assignment security profile Absence Balance (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Manager
manager transaction dashboard Transaction Dashboard
for subordinates in their person Analysis Duty
and assignment security profile Privilege: View
Manager Transaction
Dashboard (Data)
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Manager
manager transaction dashboard Transaction Dashboard
for themselves Analysis Duty
Privilege: View
Manager Transaction
Dashboard (Data)
Resource: Worker
Worker Absence A Line Manager can manage Role: Absence
absence records data obsolete Recording Duty
for subordinates in their person Privilege: Manage
and assignment security profile Absence Records Data
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can report Role: Absence
worker absence for persons and Management Reporting
assignments in their person and Data Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Report
Worker Absence (Data)
Resource: Worker
Worker Prediction A Line Manager can view Role: Worker
worker prediction for persons Prediction Reporting
and assignments in their person Duty
and assignment security profile Privilege: View
Worker Prediction
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Worker
A Line Manager can view Role: Worker
worker prediction for Prediction Reporting
subordinates in their person and Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: View
Worker Prediction
Resource: Worker
Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can create Role: Workforce Model
workforce model plan for top Plan Line Manager
managers in their public person Duty
security profile Privilege: Create
Workforce Model Plan
Resource: Workforce
Model Plan
A Line Manager can manage Role: Workforce Model
workforce model plan for plans Plan Line Manager
that they own or for which they Duty
are the top manager and have Privilege: Manage
been granted access Workforce Model Plan
Resource: Workforce
Model Plan
Workforce Model Plan A Line Manager can manage Role: Workforce Model
Note workforce model plan note for Plan Line Manager
public workforce model plan Duty
notes and for their own private Privilege: Manage
workforce model plan notes Workforce Model Plan
Note (Data)
Resource: Workforce
Model Plan Note
World Territory A Line Manager can choose Role: Contingent
world territory for countries in Worker Addition Duty
their country security profile Privilege: Choose
World Territory (Data)
Resource: World
Role: Employee Hire
Privilege: Choose
World Territory (Data)
Resource: World
Role: Nonworker
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
World Territory (Data)
Resource: World
Role: Pending Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Addition Duty
Privilege: Choose
World Territory (Data)
Resource: World
Role: Pending Worker
Hire Duty
Privilege: Choose
World Territory (Data)
Resource: World
Job Role: Order Administrator
Configures all setup-related activities for order orchestration or order promising.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Order Administrator

Duty Role Description

Application Program Management Application Enterprise Scheduler Service Management Duty - DO
Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile values.
Administration Duty
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address information.
Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Global Order Promising Configures all setup related activities for order promising
Administration Duty management.
Import Trading Community Person Imports people and organizations.
and Organization Duty
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance of material planners.
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the
Administration Duty orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other
Orchestration Process Transaction Analyzes Orchestration Process transactional information
Analysis Duty
Order Administrative Analysis This BI duty role is for Order Adminstrators who are responsible
Duty for setting up and configuring the policies for order decomposition
and distributed fulfillment processing. This duty role allows Order
Adminstrators to get visibility into Orders, Bookings, Holds,
Orchestration Process, Shipping, Backlogs, Invoices, Items and
Order Holds Transaction Analysis Analyzes Order Holds transactional information
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.
Administration Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Configures order promising rules.
Order Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Order transactional information
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection and order promising server
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.
Management Duty
Duty Role Description
Source System Entity Grants privileges to set up source system entities
Administration Duty
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of distribution, and assignment sets.
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import installation and
Administration Duty configuration information.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Management Duty
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management Duty
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems
System Administration Duty
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Order Administrator

Inherited Roles
Order Administrator
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Orchestration Infrastructure Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Inherited Roles
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Source System Entity Administration Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis Duty
Order Administrative Analysis Duty
Order Holds Transaction Analysis Duty
Order Orchestration Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Source System Entity Administration Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Order Transaction Analysis Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Order Administrator.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile Manage My Application
Administration Duty values. Profile Values
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address Search Customer Account
Inquiry Duty information. Site
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Import Trading Community Imports people and organizations. Import Trading Community
Person and Organization Duty Person
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance Manage Material Planner
Duty of material planners.
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and Administer Orchestration
Administration Duty functions for the orchestration Infrastructure Jeopardy
infrastructure elements that can be used Threshold Definition
by other applications. Administer Orchestration
Infrastructure Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Generate Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Connector
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Data Value Map
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Routing Rule
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Transformation
Style Sheet
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Hold Code
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Jeopardy
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Order
Attributes That Identify
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Source
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Definition Values
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Task Types
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or Administer Jeopardy
Administration Duty order promising setup tasks. Threshold Definition
Administer Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Generate Bucket Sets for
Business Rules
Generate Change Constraint
Definition Package
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Change Constraint
Manage Change Constraint
Definition Objects
Manage Jeopardy Priorities
Manage Orchestration
Business Event Trigger
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Process Assignment Rule
Manage Orchestration
Process Definition
Manage Orchestration
Source Systems
Manage Orchestration Task
Manage Order Attributes
That Identify Change
Manage Order Orchestration
Data Collection Processes
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface Routing
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface
Transformation Style Sheet
Manage Order Orchestration
Hold Code Definition
Manage Post
Transformation Defaulting
Manage Pre Transformation
Defaulting Rules
Manage Product
Transformation Rules
Manage Status Conditions
Manage Status Definition
Publish Extensible Flexfield
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent Objects
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent User Requests
Review Orchestration
Collected Data
Order Promising Rule Configures order promising rules. Manage Available-to-
Management Duty Promise Rule
Manage Planning Allocation
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection Manage Order Promising
and order promising server processes. Data Collection
Manage Planning Instance
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Monitor Planning Data
Collection Process
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data Load
Perform Order Promising
Server Data Refresh
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and Manage Order Promising
Management Duty verifies collected data. Data Collection
Review Planning Approved
Supplier List
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning
Interlocation Shipping
Review Planning Inventory
Review Planning Item
Review Planning Order
Orchestration Reference
Review Planning Supply
Review Planning Trading
Review Planning Trading
Partner Site
Review Planning Unit of
Source System Entity Grants privileges to set up source system Manage Trading
Administration Duty entities Community Original System
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of Manage Planning Sourcing
distribution, and assignment sets. Manage Planning Sourcing
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import Manage Trading
Administration Duty installation and configuration Community Import Lookups
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management Duty batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management Duty batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems Manage Source System
System Administration Duty Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Order Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Activity view classification code file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all classification code file Duty
import activities of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view classification code file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all classification code file Duty
import mappings of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Object view classification code file Community Import
import object type for all Batch Management
classification code file import Duty
objects of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Activity view consumer file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import activities Duty
of object type 'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Mapping view consumer file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import mappings Duty
of object type 'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Object view consumer file import Community Import
object type for all consumer file Batch Management
import objects of object type Duty
'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Activity view contact file import activity Community Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
object type for all contact file Batch Management
import activities of object type Duty
'contact' Privilege: View
Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Object view contact file import object Community Import
type for all contact file import Batch Management
objects of object type 'contact' Duty
Privilege: View
Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Customer Account An Order Administrator can Role: Customer
view customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Customer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Activity view customer file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
customer file import activities Duty
of object type 'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Mapping view customer file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
customer file import mappings Duty
of object type 'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Object view customer file import Community Import
object type for all customer file Batch Management
import objects of object type Duty
'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Group Customer File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Activity view group customer file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all group customer file import Duty
activities of object type 'group Privilege: View Group
customer' Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view group customer file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all group customer file import Duty
mappings of object type 'group Privilege: View Group
customer' Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Object view group customer file Community Import
import object type for all group Batch Management
customer file import objects of Duty
object type 'group customer' Privilege: View Group
Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Hierarchy File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Activity view hierarchy file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import activities Duty
of object type 'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Mapping view hierarchy file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import mappings Duty
of object type 'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Object view hierarchy file import Community Import
object type for all hierarchy file Batch Management
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
import objects of object type Duty
'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Activity view hierarchy node file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Duty
activities of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view hierarchy node file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Duty
mappings of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Import Object view hierarchy node file import Community Import
object type for all hierarchy Batch Management
node file import objects of Duty
object type 'hierarchy node' Privilege: View
Hierarchy Node File
Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Legal Entity File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Activity view legal entity file import Community Import
activity object type for all legal Batch Management
entity file import activities of Duty
object type 'legal entity' Privilege: View Legal
Entity File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Mapping view legal entity file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
legal entity file import Duty
mappings of object type 'legal Privilege: View Legal
entity' Entity File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Object view legal entity file import Community Import
object type for all legal entity Batch Management
file import objects of object Duty
type 'legal entity' Privilege: View Legal
Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Orchestration Hold An Order Administrator can Role: Order
Code manage orchestration hold code Orchestration
definition for the reference data Administration Duty
sets they administer Privilege: Manage
Orchestration Hold
Code Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Orchestration Process An Order Administrator can Role: Order
Definition manage orchestration process Orchestration
definition for the reference data Administration Duty
sets they administer Privilege: Manage
Orchestration Process
Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Source System An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Activity file import activity object type Batch Management
for all source system reference Duty
file import activities of object Privilege: View Source
type 'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Mapping file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all source system reference Duty
file import mapping of object Privilege: View Source
type 'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System An Order Administrator can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Object file import object type for all Batch Management
source system reference file Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
import objects of object type Privilege: View Source
'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Object Type
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Customer
Customer Account Site view customer account site for Account Addresses
the reference data sets for Inquiry Duty
which they are authorized Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Customer
Customer Account Site view customer account site use Account Addresses
Use for the reference data sets for Inquiry Duty
which they are authorized Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Organization view trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Trading Community
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Person view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Order Administrator can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Job Role: Order Manager
Manages coordination of fulfillment, which includes expediting orders to ensure they are
fulfilled properly and on time. Also manages exceptions and issues with order fulfillment.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Order Manager

Duty Role Description

Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address information.
Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Contacts Views customer account contact information.
Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Orchestration Order Holds Allows access to tasks mainly related to management of holds on
Management Duty orchestration orders.
Orchestration Order Management Allows access to all tasks related to scheduling, holds management,
Duty monitoring, workbench interaction, and overall processing of
orchestration orders.
Orchestration Order Monitoring Allows access to tasks mainly related to monitoring fulfillment
Duty processing and taking action on orchestration orders.
Orchestration Order Processing Provides access to Web services that are responsible for processing
Web Service Duty of orchestration orders.
Orchestration Order Scheduling Allows access to tasks mainly related to scheduling actions on
Duty orchestration orders.
Orchestration Order WorkBench Provides access to Web services that interact with the order
Web Service Duty orchestration workbench.
Orchestration Process Transaction Analyzes Orchestration Process transactional information
Analysis Duty
Order Fulfillment Orchestration This role is used for Order Fulfillment OrchestrationBusiness Unit
Business Unit Data Security data security in the data warehouse
Order Holds Transaction Analysis Analyzes Order Holds transactional information
Order Management Analysis Duty This role is used to analyze order management
Order Orchestration Composite Provides access to Web services responsible for orchestration order
Management Web Service Duty services management.
Order Orchestration Provides access to Web services for orchestration order
Decomposition Web Service Duty decomposition.
Order Promising Management Manages order promising activities, including the scheduling and
Duty rescheduling of order fulfillment lines, and reviews data related to
promising fulfillment lines.
Order Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Order transactional information
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Shipment Sets Order Promising Manages shipment sets while performing order promising
Duty Role Description
Management Duty activities.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Order Manager

Inherited Roles
Order Manager
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Orchestration Order Holds Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Orchestration Order Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Management Duty
Shipment Sets Order Promising Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Orchestration Order Monitoring Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Orchestration Order Processing Web Service Duty
Orchestration Order Scheduling Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Contacts Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Management Duty
Inherited Roles
Shipment Sets Order Promising Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Orchestration Order WorkBench Web Service Duty
Orchestration Order Processing Web Service Duty
Orchestration Process Transaction Analysis Duty
Order Holds Transaction Analysis Duty
Order Management Analysis Duty
Order Fulfillment Orchestration Business Unit Data Security
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Order Orchestration Composite Management Web Service Duty
Orchestration Order Processing Web Service Duty
Order Orchestration Decomposition Web Service Duty
Orchestration Order Processing Web Service Duty
Order Transaction Analysis Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Order Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address Search Customer Account
Inquiry Duty information. Site
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Customer Account Contacts Views customer account contact Export Customer Account
Inquiry Duty information. Contact
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Contact Responsibility
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Orchestration Order Holds Allows access to tasks mainly related to Apply Orchestration Order
Management Duty management of holds on orchestration Fulfillment Line Hold
orders. Apply Orchestration Order
Apply Orchestration Order
Line Hold
Manage Orchestration Order
Holds Release Program
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Attributes
Monitor Sales Order
Override Fulfillment Line
Item Substitution Allowed
Override Fulfillment Line
Split Allowed Indicator
Release Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
Release Orchestration Order
Release Orchestration Order
Line Hold
Split Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Substitute Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line Item
Update Orchestration
Process Detail Task Dates
View Fulfillment Line
Freight Charges and Cost
View Fulfillment Line
Shipping and Tracking
View Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
View Orchestration Order
View Orchestration Order
Line Hold
View Orchestration Process
View Orchestration Process
Orchestration Order Allows access to all tasks related to Apply Orchestration Order
Management Duty scheduling, holds management, Fulfillment Line Hold
monitoring, workbench interaction, and Apply Orchestration Order
overall processing of orchestration orders. Hold
Apply Orchestration Order
Line Hold
Assign Orchestration Order
Line to Orchestration
Manage Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Exceptions
Manage Orchestration Order
Holds Release Program
Manage Orchestration
Process Exceptions
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
Mark Order Orchestration
Messages as Inactive
Mass Reserve Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Lines
Mass Schedule
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Mass Unreserve
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Mass Unschedule
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Attributes
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Schedule
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Monitor Sales Order
Obtain Orchestration Order
Activity Fulfillment Statuses
Override Fulfillment Line
Item Substitution Allowed
Override Fulfillment Line
Split Allowed Indicator
Plan Orchestration Processes
Release Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
Release Orchestration Order
Release Orchestration Order
Line Hold
Release Paused
Orchestration Order Tasks
Remove Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line from
Shipment Set
Reserve Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Schedule Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Split Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Substitute Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line Item
Unreserve Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Unschedule Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Update Orchestration
Process Detail Task Dates
View Fulfillment Line
Freight Charges and Cost
View Fulfillment Line
Shipping and Tracking
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
View Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
View Orchestration Order
View Orchestration Order
Line Hold
View Orchestration Process
View Orchestration Process
View Order Orchestration
Request Messages
Orchestration Order Allows access to tasks mainly related to Manage Orchestration Order
Monitoring Duty monitoring fulfillment processing and Fulfillment Line Exceptions
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
taking action on orchestration orders. Manage Orchestration
Process Exceptions
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
Mark Order Orchestration
Messages as Inactive
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Attributes
Monitor Sales Order
Override Fulfillment Line
Item Substitution Allowed
Override Fulfillment Line
Split Allowed Indicator
Split Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Substitute Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line Item
Update Orchestration
Process Detail Task Dates
View Fulfillment Line
Freight Charges and Cost
View Fulfillment Line
Shipping and Tracking
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
View Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
View Orchestration Order
View Orchestration Order
Line Hold
View Orchestration Process
View Orchestration Process
View Order Orchestration
Request Messages
Orchestration Order Provides access to Web services that are Manage Orchestration
Processing Web Service Duty responsible for processing of Generic Web Service
orchestration orders. Manage Orchestration Order
Orchestration Order Allows access to tasks mainly related to Mass Reserve Orchestration
Scheduling Duty scheduling actions on orchestration Order Fulfillment Lines
orders. Mass Schedule
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Mass Unreserve
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Mass Unschedule
Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Lines
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Attributes
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Schedule
Monitor Sales Order
Override Fulfillment Line
Item Substitution Allowed
Override Fulfillment Line
Split Allowed Indicator
Remove Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line from
Shipment Set
Reserve Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Schedule Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Split Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line
Substitute Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line Item
Unreserve Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Unschedule Orchestration
Order Fulfillment Line
Update Orchestration
Process Detail Task Dates
View Fulfillment Line
Freight Charges and Cost
View Fulfillment Line
Shipping and Tracking
View Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Hold
View Orchestration Order
View Orchestration Order
Line Hold
View Orchestration Process
View Orchestration Process
Orchestration Order Provides access to Web services that Manage Orchestration Order
WorkBench Web Service Duty interact with the order orchestration Workbench Web Service
Order Orchestration Provides access to Web services Manage Order Orchestration
Composite Management Web responsible for orchestration order Composite Generator
Service Duty services management. Service
Order Orchestration Provides access to Web services for Manage Order Orchestration
Decomposition Web Service orchestration order decomposition. Decomposition Web Service
Order Promising Management Manages order promising activities, Schedule Fulfillment Line
Duty including the scheduling and rescheduling View Available-to-Promise
of order fulfillment lines, and reviews Rule
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
data related to promising fulfillment lines. View Planning Allocation
View Planning Sourcing
View Planning Supply
View Planning Supply
Availability Details
View Planning Supply
Availability Options
View Supply Allocation
View Supply Availability
Shipment Sets Order Manages shipment sets while performing Manage Planning Supply
Promising Management Duty order promising activities. Shipment Sets

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Order Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Customer Account An Order Manager can view Role: Customer
customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Orchestration Order An Order Manager can manage Role: Orchestration Fact: Sales -
orchestration order for the Order Holds Backlog History
business units for which they Management Duty Dimension(s):
are authorized Privilege: Manage Order Fulfillment
Orchestration Order Orchestration
(Data) Business Unit
Resource: Business Fact: Sales -
Unit Backlog Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Booking Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Cycle Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Holds
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Schedule Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Role: Orchestration Fact: Sales -
Order Management Backlog History
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage Order Fulfillment
Orchestration Order Orchestration
(Data) Business Unit
Resource: Business Fact: Sales -
Unit Backlog Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Booking Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Cycle Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Holds
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Schedule Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Role: Orchestration Fact: Sales -
Order Monitoring Duty Backlog History
Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
Orchestration Order Order Fulfillment
(Data) Orchestration
Resource: Business Business Unit
Unit Fact: Sales -
Backlog Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Booking Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Cycle Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Holds
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Schedule Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Role: Orchestration Fact: Sales -
Order Scheduling Duty Backlog History
Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
Orchestration Order Order Fulfillment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
(Data) Orchestration
Resource: Business Business Unit
Unit Fact: Sales -
Backlog Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Booking Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Cycle Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Holds
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Order Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Fact: Sales -
Schedule Lines
Order Fulfillment
Business Unit
Orchestration Process An Order Manager can manage Role: Orchestration Fact: DOO -
Instance orchestration order for the Order Holds Process Instances
business units for which they Management Duty Dimension(s):
are authorized Privilege: Manage Order Fulfillment
Orchestration Order Orchestration
(Data) Business Unit
Resource: Business
Role: Orchestration Fact: DOO -
Order Management Process Instances
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage Order Fulfillment
Orchestration Order Orchestration
(Data) Business Unit
Resource: Business
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Role: Orchestration Fact: DOO -
Order Monitoring Duty Process Instances
Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
Orchestration Order Order Fulfillment
(Data) Orchestration
Resource: Business Business Unit
Role: Orchestration Fact: DOO -
Order Scheduling Duty Process Instances
Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
Orchestration Order Order Fulfillment
(Data) Orchestration
Resource: Business Business Unit
Trading Community An Order Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site for the Account Addresses
reference data sets for which Inquiry Duty
they are authorized Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Order Manager can view Role: Customer
Customer Account Site customer account site use for Account Addresses
Use the reference data sets for Inquiry Duty
which they are authorized Privilege: View
Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community An Order Manager can view Role: Party Information
Person trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Order Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
An Order Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community An Order Manager can view Role: Relationship
Relationship trading community relationship Information Inquiry
for all trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Abstract Role: Order Orchestration Error Recovery
Manages the recovery of data and errors that occur during order orchestration.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the abstract role Order Orchestration Error
Recovery Manager

Duty Role Description

Orchestration Order Error Allows access to tasks mainly responsible for recovery of data and
Recovery Duty errors that may occur during order orchestration.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the abstract role Order Orchestration Error
Recovery Manager

Inherited Roles
Order Orchestration Error Recovery Manager
Orchestration Order Error Recovery Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the abstract role Order Orchestration Error Recovery

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Orchestration Order Error Allows access to tasks mainly responsible Assign Orchestration Order
Recovery Duty for recovery of data and errors that may Line to Orchestration
occur during order orchestration. Process
Cancel Orchestration Order
Cancel Orchestration
Process Tasks
Cancel Orchestration Task
Manage Orchestration Order
Error Recovery
Manage Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Exceptions
Manage Orchestration
Process Error Recovery
Manage Orchestration
Process Exceptions
Manage Orchestration Task
Error Recovery
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
Mark Order Orchestration
Messages as Inactive
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Attributes
Modify Orchestration Order
Fulfillment Line Schedule
Monitor Sales Order
Release Paused Tasks
Update Orchestration
Process Detail Task Dates
View Fulfillment Line
Freight Charges and Cost
View Fulfillment Line
Shipping and Tracking
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
View Orchestration Process
View Order Orchestration
Request Messages

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the abstract
role Order Orchestration Error Recovery Manager
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Orchestration Order An Order Orchestration Error Role: Orchestration
Recovery Manager can manage Order Error Recovery
orchestration order for the Duty
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Orchestration Order
Resource: Business
Orchestration Process An Order Orchestration Error Role: Orchestration
Instance Recovery Manager can manage Order Error Recovery
orchestration order for the Duty
business units for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Orchestration Order
Resource: Business
Job Role: Product Data Steward
Executes change requests upon approval and maintains the quality of the product master.
Responsible for data loads. Develops consistent data in accordance with the business
rules of the corporation. Responsibilities also include data scrubbing, monitoring data
entry exception, data de-duplication, ensuring overall data quality.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Product Data Steward

Duty Role Description

Application Descriptive Flexfield Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.
Administration Duty
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Views the audit history of assignment grade data.
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Views the audit history of assignment grade ladder data.
Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Views the audit history of assignment grade pay rate data.
Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Views the audit history of assignment grade pay rate value data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Work Measure Audit Views the audit history of assignment work measure data.
Reporting Duty
Audit Management Duty Manages audit configurations for business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
Audit Reporting Duty Allows viewing the audit history of business objects in Oracle
Fusion Applications and other Oracle products.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
CRM Database Resource Manages Customer Relationship Management application database
Administration Duty resources.
Data Pool Management Duty Manages data pool related activities including subscribing to items
from data pool and receiving items from data pool.
Employment Contract Audit Views the audit history of employment contract data.
Reporting Duty
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
HCM Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management business objects.
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of HR Job data.
Import Trading Community Person Imports people and organizations.
and Organization Duty
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to manage items including
definition and management of item statuses, lifecycle phases,
templates, attribute controls, and item structure type.
Item Batch Management Duty Creates and manages item batches to import items and related data.
Item Catalog Administration Duty Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including
functional area catalog associations.
Item Catalog Management Duty Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including
Duty Role Description
item assignments.
Item Change Order Administration Administers setup tasks required to manage item change orders
Duty including managing change order reasons, priorities, statuses and
change order types.
Item Change Order Management Creates and manages item change orders including change order
Duty promotion, demotion, and propagation.
Item Class Administration Duty Creates and manages item classes and item class hierarchy
including lifecycle phases, templates, attributes, and item security
policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Duty Imports items into the application from other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item attributes, item
structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog
Item Pack Creation Duty Creates and manages packs for items.
Item People Management Duty Reviews and manages item access to enterprise users.
Item Purge Management Duty Creates and manages delete groups to purge data from the
application including items, item structures, item supplier
associations, item change orders, and new item requests.
Item Rule Set Management Duty Allows creation and management of item rule sets and analysis of
rule set impact on items.
Item Supplier Management Duty Creates and manages item supplier associations.
Location Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of location data.
Manage Product for Pedigree and Duty role to manage Product.
Serialization Duty
New Item Request Management Creates and manages new item requests including new item request
Duty promotion, demotion, and completion.
Organization Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of organization data.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Person Address Audit Reporting Views the audit history of address data.
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Views the audit history of person allocated checklist data.
Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Views the audit history of person allocated task data.
Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Views the audit history of person assignment data.
Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Views the audit history of person assignment grade step data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of person data.
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person citizenship data.
Person Communication Method Views the audit history of person communication method data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person contact data.
Person Disability Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person disability data.
Person Document of Record Audit Views the audit history of person document of record data.
Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Views the audit history of person driver license data.
Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person e-mail data.
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person ethnicity data.
Duty Role Description
Person Name Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person name data.
Person National Identifier Audit Views the audit history of person national identifier data.
Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person passport data.
Person Phone Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person phone data.
Person Religion Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person religion data.
Person Type Usage Audit Views the audit history of person type usage data.
Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of person visa data.
Position Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of position data.
Product Catalog Transaction Analyzes Product Catalog transactional information
Analysis Duty
Product Hub Administration Duty Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub.
Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and
inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog
Product Management Dashboard Monitors product management dashboard containing items, change
Duty orders, new item requests, and item batches analytics data.
Product Model Administration Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Duty Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product.
Product Monitoring Duty Monitors item work area containing information related to items,
new item requests, change orders, catalogs, and item batches.
Product Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Product transactional information
Product Transactions Analysis
Product and Catalog Administers setup tasks required to implement Oracle Fusion
Administration Duty Product and Catalog Management. Duty role includes all setup duty
roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from
Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Public Person Audit Reporting Views the audit history of public person data.
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import installation and
Administration Duty configuration information.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Management Duty
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management Duty
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems
System Administration Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items,
customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Item Import Allows to upload data file to import items.
Work Relationship Audit Views the audit history of work relationship data.
Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Views the audit history of worker document delivery preferences
Preferences Audit Reporting Duty data.
Worker Supervisor Audit Views the audit history of worker supervisor data.
Reporting Duty
Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Product Data Steward

Inherited Roles
Product Data Steward
Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
CRM Database Resource Administration Duty
Data Pool Management Duty
Item Batch Management Duty
Item Rule Set Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Item Batch Management Duty
Item Rule Set Management Duty
Item Catalog Management Duty
Item Change Order Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Item Pack Creation Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Item People Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Purge Management Duty
Item Supplier Management Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Manage Product for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
New Item Request Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Product Catalog Transaction Analysis Duty
Product Hub Administration Duty
Audit Management Duty
Audit Reporting Duty
HCM Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Work Measure Audit Reporting Duty
Inherited Roles
Assignment Work Measure Audit Reporting Duty
Employment Contract Audit Reporting Duty
Employment Contract Audit Reporting Duty
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty
Location Audit Reporting Duty
Location Audit Reporting Duty
Organization Audit Reporting Duty
Organization Audit Reporting Duty
Person Address Audit Reporting Duty
Person Address Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Duty
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Duty
Person Communication Method Audit Reporting Duty
Person Communication Method Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Duty
Person Disability Audit Reporting Duty
Person Disability Audit Reporting Duty
Person Document of Record Audit Reporting Duty
Person Document of Record Audit Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Duty
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Duty
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Duty
Person Name Audit Reporting Duty
Person Name Audit Reporting Duty
Person National Identifier Audit Reporting Duty
Person National Identifier Audit Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Duty
Person Phone Audit Reporting Duty
Person Phone Audit Reporting Duty
Person Religion Audit Reporting Duty
Person Religion Audit Reporting Duty
Person Type Usage Audit Reporting Duty
Person Type Usage Audit Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty
Position Audit Reporting Duty
Position Audit Reporting Duty
Public Person Audit Reporting Duty
Public Person Audit Reporting Duty
Work Relationship Audit Reporting Duty
Inherited Roles
Work Relationship Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Preferences Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Preferences Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Supervisor Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Supervisor Audit Reporting Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Product and Catalog Administration Duty
Item Change Order Administration Duty
Product Model Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Administration Duty
Item Catalog Administration Duty
Item Class Administration Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Product Management Dashboard Duty
Product Monitoring Duty
Product Transaction Analysis Duty
Product Transactions Analysis Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Upload data for Item Import
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Product Data Steward.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Application Descriptive Manages descriptive and extensible Manage Application
Flexfield Administration Duty flexfields. Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Audit Management Duty Manages audit configurations for Manage Audit Policies
business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
Audit Reporting Duty Allows viewing the audit history of View Audit History
business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
CRM Database Resource Manages Customer Relationship Manage Application Data
Administration Duty Management application database Security Policy
resources. Manage Application
Database Resource
Data Pool Management Duty Manages data pool related activities Manage Data Pool Message
including subscribing to items from data Manage Data Pool
pool and receiving items from data pool. Subscription
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Import Trading Community Imports people and organizations. Import Trading Community
Person and Organization Duty Person
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Attribute
manage items including definition and Control
management of item statuses, lifecycle Manage Item Child Value
phases, templates, attribute controls, and Set
item structure type. Manage Item Lifecycle
Manage Item Status
Manage Item Structure Type
Item Batch Management Duty Creates and manages item batches to Check Item Data Quality
import items and related data. Manage Item Batch
Manage Item Import Map
Manage Item Source System
Monitor Item Batch
Publish Catalog
Publish Item
Publish Item Class
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Item Catalog Administration Creates and manages item catalogs and Manage Item Catalog
Duty their categories including functional area Manage Item Default
catalog associations. Functional Area
Item Catalog Management Creates and manages item catalogs and Browse Item
Duty their categories including item Manage Item Catalog
assignments. Monitor Item Catalog
Monitor Item Work Area
Item Change Order Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Change Order
Administration Duty manage item change orders including Status
managing change order reasons, Manage Item Change Order
priorities, statuses and change order Type
Item Change Order Creates and manages item change orders Generate Item Change Order
Management Duty including change order promotion, Report
demotion, and propagation. Manage Item Change Order
Monitor Item Change Order
View Item Change Order
Item Class Administration Creates and manages item classes and Manage Item Class
Duty item class hierarchy including lifecycle
phases, templates, attributes, and item
security policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Imports items into the application from Import Item
Duty other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item Browse Item
attributes, item structures, packs, Create Item Structure
associations, relationships, and catalog Manage Item
assignments. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Lifecycle
Phase Change
Manage Item Organization
Manage Item Relationship
Manage Item Status Change
Manage Product Audit Trail
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
Monitor Item Summary
Monitor Item Work Area
View Development
View Item
View Item Organization
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
View Item Relationship
Item Pack Creation Duty Creates and manages packs for items. Create Item Pack
Item People Management Reviews and manages item access to Manage Item People
Duty enterprise users.
Item Purge Management Duty Creates and manages delete groups to Manage Item Delete Group
purge data from the application including Monitor Item Work Area
items, item structures, item supplier
associations, item change orders, and new
item requests.
Item Rule Set Management Allows creation and management of item Import Item
Duty rule sets and analysis of rule set impact Manage Item Batch
on items. Manage Item Rule Set
Monitor Item Work Area
Item Supplier Management Creates and manages item supplier Manage Item Supplier
Duty associations. Association
View Item Supplier
Manage Product for Pedigree Duty role to manage Product. Create Product for Pedigree
and Serialization Duty and Serialization
Delete Product for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Product for Pedigree
and Serialization
New Item Request Creates and manages new item requests Manage New Item Request
Management Duty including new item request promotion, Monitor New Item Request
demotion, and completion. Summary
View New Item Request
Product Hub Administration Administers tasks required to setup Manage Item Catalog
Duty Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role Category Mapping
includes all setup duty roles available for Manage Item Source System
this product and inherits setup duty roles
from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog
Product Management Monitors product management dashboard Monitor Item Dashboard
Dashboard Duty containing items, change orders, new item
requests, and item batches analytics data.
Product Monitoring Duty Monitors item work area containing Monitor Item Catalog
information related to items, new item Summary
requests, change orders, catalogs, and Monitor Item Summary
item batches. Monitor Item Work Area
Product and Catalog Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Rule Set
Administration Duty implement Oracle Fusion Product and
Catalog Management. Duty role includes
all setup duty roles available for this
product and inherits setup duty roles from
Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import Manage Trading
Administration Duty installation and configuration Community Import Lookups
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management Duty batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management Duty batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems Manage Source System
System Administration Duty Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Queries and views trading partner items Monitor Item Work Area
Duty including competitor items, customer View Trading Partner Item
items, and manufacturer part numbers.

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Product Data Steward
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Objects A Product Data Steward can Role: CRM Database
manage application objects for Resource
all customer relationship Administration Duty
management application Privilege: Manage
objects Application Objects
Resource: Application
A Product Data Steward can Role: Item Class
manage application objects for Administration Duty
the item classes they have Privilege: Manage
access to Application Objects
Resource: Application
A Product Data Steward can Role: Item People
manage application objects for Management Duty
the items they have access to in Privilege: Manage
item and inventory Application Objects
organizations (Data)
Resource: Application
Assignment Grade A Product Data Steward can Role: Assignment
audit assignment grade for all Grade Audit Reporting
grades in the enterprise Duty
Privilege: Audit
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Assignment Grade A Product Data Steward can Role: Assignment
Ladder audit assignment grade ladder Grade Ladder Audit
for all assignment grade ladders Reporting Duty
in the enterprise Privilege: Audit
Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Assignment Grade Pay A Product Data Steward can Role: Assignment
Rate audit assignment grade pay rate Grade Pay Rate Audit
for all grade pay rates in the Reporting Duty
enterprise Privilege: Audit
Assignment Grade Pay
Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Pay Rate
Assignment Grade Pay A Product Data Steward can Role: Assignment
Rate Value audit assignment grade pay rate Grade Pay Rate Value
value for all grade pay rate Audit Reporting Duty
values in the enterprise Privilege: Audit
Assignment Grade Pay
Rate Value (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Pay Rate Value
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Assignment Work A Product Data Steward can Role: Assignment
Measure audit assignment work measure Work Measure Audit
for persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit
security profile Assignment Work
Measure (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Work Measure
Classification Code File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Activity view classification code file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all classification code file Duty
import activities of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view classification code file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all classification code file Duty
import mappings of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Object view classification code file Community Import
import object type for all Batch Management
classification code file import Duty
objects of object type Privilege: View
'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Activity view consumer file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import activities Duty
of object type 'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Mapping view consumer file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
consumer file import mappings Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
of object type 'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Object view consumer file import Community Import
object type for all consumer file Batch Management
import objects of object type Duty
'consumer' Privilege: View
Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Activity view contact file import activity Community Import
object type for all contact file Batch Management
import activities of object type Duty
'contact' Privilege: View
Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Object view contact file import object Community Import
type for all contact file import Batch Management
objects of object type 'contact' Duty
Privilege: View
Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Customer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Activity view customer file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
customer file import activities Duty
of object type 'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Mapping view customer file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
customer file import mappings Duty
of object type 'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Object view customer file import Community Import
object type for all customer file Batch Management
import objects of object type Duty
'customer' Privilege: View
Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Employment Contract A Product Data Steward can Role: Employment
audit employment contract for Contract Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit
security profile Employment Contract
Resource: Employment
Group Customer File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Activity view group customer file Community Import
import activity object type for Batch Management
all group customer file import Duty
activities of object type 'group Privilege: View Group
customer' Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view group customer file Community Import
import mapping object type for Batch Management
all group customer file import Duty
mappings of object type 'group Privilege: View Group
customer' Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Object view group customer file Community Import
import object type for all group Batch Management
customer file import objects of Duty
object type 'group customer' Privilege: View Group
Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
HR Job A Product Data Steward can Role: HR Job Audit
audit hr job for all jobs in the Reporting Duty
enterprise Privilege: Audit HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Hierarchy File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Activity view hierarchy file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import activities Duty
of object type 'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Mapping view hierarchy file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy file import mappings Duty
of object type 'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Object view hierarchy file import Community Import
object type for all hierarchy file Batch Management
import objects of object type Duty
'hierarchy' Privilege: View
Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Activity view hierarchy node file import Community Import
activity object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Duty
activities of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Mapping view hierarchy node file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
hierarchy node file import Duty
mappings of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Import Object view hierarchy node file import Community Import
object type for all hierarchy Batch Management
node file import objects of Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
object type 'hierarchy node' Privilege: View
Hierarchy Node File
Import Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Item A Product Data Steward can Role: Item Fact: PIM - Item
create item class item for the Management Duty Dimension(s):
item classes they have access to Privilege: Create Item Item Class
Class Item (Data)
Resource: Item
Legal Entity File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Activity view legal entity file import Community Import
activity object type for all legal Batch Management
entity file import activities of Duty
object type 'legal entity' Privilege: View Legal
Entity File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Mapping view legal entity file import Community Import
mapping object type for all Batch Management
legal entity file import Duty
mappings of object type 'legal Privilege: View Legal
entity' Entity File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Object view legal entity file import Community Import
object type for all legal entity Batch Management
file import objects of object Duty
type 'legal entity' Privilege: View Legal
Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Location A Product Data Steward can Role: Location Audit
audit location for all locations Reporting Duty
in the enterprise Privilege: Audit
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Organization A Product Data Steward can Role: Organization
audit organization for Audit Reporting Duty
organizations in their Privilege: Audit
organization security profile Organization (Data)
Resource: Organization
Person A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Audit
audit person for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
assignment security profile (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Address A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Address
audit person address for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Address (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Allocated A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Allocated
Checklist audit person allocated checklist Checklist Audit
for persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Allocated Checklist
Resource: Person
Allocated Checklist
Person Allocated Task A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Allocated
audit person allocated task for Task Audit Reporting
persons and assignments in Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Allocated Task (Data)
Resource: Person
Allocated Task
Person Assignment A Product Data Steward can Role: Person
audit person assignment for Assignment Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Product Data Steward can Role: Person
Grade Step audit person assignment grade Assignment Grade Step
step for persons and Audit Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Assignment Grade Step
Resource: Person
Assignment Grade Step
Person Citizenship A Product Data Steward can Role: Person
audit person citizenship for Citizenship Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Product Data Steward can Role: Person
Method audit person communication Communication
method for persons and Method Audit
assignments in their person and Reporting Duty
assignment security profile Privilege: Audit Person
Method (Data)
Resource: Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Contact A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Contact
audit person contact for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Contact (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Disability A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Disability
audit person disability for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Disability (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Document of A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Document
Record audit person document of of Record Audit
record for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Document of Record
Resource: Person
Document of Record
Person Driver License A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Driver
audit person driver license for License Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person
Driver License
Person Email A Product Data Steward can Role: Person E-mail
audit person e-mail for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile E-mail (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Ethnicity A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Ethnicity
audit person ethnicity for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Ethnicity (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Name A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Name
audit person name for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Name (Data)
Resource: Person
Person National A Product Data Steward can Role: Person National
Identifier audit person national identifier Identifier Audit
for persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile National Identifier
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Person Passport A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Passport
audit person passport for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Passport (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Phone A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Phone
audit person phone for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Phone (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Religion A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Religion
audit person religion for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Religion (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Type Usage A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Type
audit person type usage for Usage Audit Reporting
persons and assignments in Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Type Usage (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Person Visa A Product Data Steward can Role: Person Visa
audit person visa for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Visa (Data)
Resource: Person Visa
Position A Product Data Steward can Role: Position Audit
audit position for positions in Reporting Duty
their position security profile Privilege: Audit
Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Public Person A Product Data Steward can Role: Public Person
audit public person for persons Audit Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Public
and assignment security profile Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Source System A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Activity file import activity object type Batch Management
for all source system reference Duty
file import activities of object Privilege: View Source
type 'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Mapping file import mapping object type Batch Management
for all source system reference Duty
file import mapping of object Privilege: View Source
type 'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System A Product Data Steward can Role: Trading
Reference File Import view source system reference Community Import
Object file import object type for all Batch Management
source system reference file Duty
import objects of object type Privilege: View Source
'source system reference' System Reference File
Import Object Type
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Organization view trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Person view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Product Data Steward can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Work Relationship A Product Data Steward can Role: Work
audit work relationship for Relationship Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Work
security profile Relationship (Data)
Resource: Work
Worker Document A Product Data Steward can Role: Worker
Delivery Preferences audit worker document delivery Document Delivery
preferences for document types Preferences Audit
in their document type security Reporting Duty
profile belonging to persons Privilege: Audit
and assignments in their person Worker Document
and assignment security profile Delivery Preferences
Resource: Worker
Document Delivery
Worker Supervisor A Product Data Steward can Role: Worker
audit worker supervisor for Supervisor Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit
security profile Worker Supervisor
Resource: Worker
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Product Data Steward

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Cycle Counting
Inventory Transactions
Item Costing Create Items
Manage Item Change Orders Approve Item Change Order
Manage New Item Request Approve New Item Request

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Create Items Manage Item
Manage Item Change Manage Item Change
Orders Order
Manage New Item Manage New Item
Request Request
Job Role: Product Manager
Ensures that a product gets created, tested, and shipped on schedule and meets
specifications. A member of either the marketing organization or the development

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Product Manager

Duty Role Description

Application Descriptive Flexfield Manages descriptive and extensible flexfields.
Administration Duty
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
Concept Development Duty A person with this duty can perform concept development related
duties such as managing of components within the concept. This
duty does not allow for creating or deleting of a concept which is
controlled by the Concept Management Duty
Concept Management Duty This duty allows for managing of a product concept. A person with
this duty can perform all activities on a concept.
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Item Catalog Management Duty Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including
item assignments.
Item Change Order Approval Duty Reviews and approves item change orders.
Item Change Order Management Creates and manages item change orders including change order
Duty promotion, demotion, and propagation.
Item Import Management Duty Imports items into the application from other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item attributes, item
structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog
Item Pack Creation Duty Creates and manages packs for items.
Item People Management Duty Reviews and manages item access to enterprise users.
Item Purge Management Duty Creates and manages delete groups to purge data from the
application including items, item structures, item supplier
associations, item change orders, and new item requests.
Item Supplier Management Duty Creates and manages item supplier associations.
New Item Request Approval Duty Reviews and approves new item requests.
New Item Request Management Creates and manages new item requests including new item request
Duty promotion, demotion, and completion.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Product Catalog Transaction Analyzes Product Catalog transactional information
Analysis Duty
Product Management Analysis
Product Management Dashboard Monitors product management dashboard containing items, change
Duty orders, new item requests, and item batches analytics data.
Product Monitoring Duty Monitors item work area containing information related to items,
new item requests, change orders, catalogs, and item batches.
Product Proposal Management This duty allows for managing of a product proposal. A person with
Duty this duty can perform all activities on a product proposal.
Product Transaction Analysis Duty Analyzes Product transactional information
Duty Role Description
Requirement Management Duty This duty allows for performing all actions on a Requirement.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items,
customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Trading Partner Item Management Manages trading partner items including competitor items,
Duty customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Product Manager

Inherited Roles
Product Manager
Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Catalog Management Duty
Item Change Order Approval Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Change Order Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Item Pack Creation Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Item People Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Item Purge Management Duty
Item Supplier Management Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
New Item Request Approval Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
New Item Request Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Product Catalog Transaction Analysis Duty
Product Management Analysis Duty
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Product Management Dashboard Duty
Product Monitoring Duty
Product Proposal Management Duty
Concept Management Duty
Inherited Roles
Concept Development Duty
Product Transaction Analysis Duty
Requirement Management Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Product Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Application Descriptive Manages descriptive and extensible Manage Application
Flexfield Administration Duty flexfields. Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
Concept Development Duty A person with this duty can perform Manage Product Component
concept development related duties such Review Product Concept
as managing of components within the Review Product
concept. This duty does not allow for Requirement
creating or deleting of a concept which is
controlled by the Concept Management
Concept Management Duty This duty allows for managing of a Create Product Concept
product concept. A person with this duty Manage Product Concept
can perform all activities on a concept.
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Catalog Management Creates and manages item catalogs and Browse Item
Duty their categories including item Manage Item Catalog
assignments. Monitor Item Catalog
Monitor Item Work Area
Item Change Order Approval Reviews and approves item change Approve Item Change Order
Duty orders. View Item Change Order
Item Change Order Creates and manages item change orders Generate Item Change Order
Management Duty including change order promotion, Report
demotion, and propagation. Manage Item Change Order
Monitor Item Change Order
View Item Change Order
Item Import Management Imports items into the application from Import Item
Duty other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item Browse Item
attributes, item structures, packs, Create Item Structure
associations, relationships, and catalog Manage Item
assignments. Manage Item Attachment
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Lifecycle
Phase Change
Manage Item Organization
Manage Item Relationship
Manage Item Status Change
Manage Product Audit Trail
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
Monitor Item Summary
Monitor Item Work Area
View Development
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Pack Creation Duty Creates and manages packs for items. Create Item Pack
Item People Management Reviews and manages item access to Manage Item People
Duty enterprise users.
Item Purge Management Duty Creates and manages delete groups to Manage Item Delete Group
purge data from the application including Monitor Item Work Area
items, item structures, item supplier
associations, item change orders, and new
item requests.
Item Supplier Management Creates and manages item supplier Manage Item Supplier
Duty associations. Association
View Item Supplier
New Item Request Approval Reviews and approves new item requests. Approve New Item Request
Duty View New Item Request
New Item Request Creates and manages new item requests Manage New Item Request
Management Duty including new item request promotion, Monitor New Item Request
demotion, and completion. Summary
View New Item Request
Product Management Monitors product management dashboard Monitor Item Dashboard
Dashboard Duty containing items, change orders, new item
requests, and item batches analytics data.
Product Monitoring Duty Monitors item work area containing Monitor Item Catalog
information related to items, new item Summary
requests, change orders, catalogs, and Monitor Item Summary
item batches. Monitor Item Work Area
Product Proposal Management This duty allows for managing of a Accept Product Idea
Duty product proposal. A person with this duty Manage Product Proposal
can perform all activities on a product Review Product Proposal
Requirement Management This duty allows for performing all Create Product Requirement
Duty actions on a Requirement. Manage Product
Review Product
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Queries and views trading partner items Monitor Item Work Area
Duty including competitor items, customer View Trading Partner Item
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Trading Partner Item Manages trading partner items including Manage Item Manufacturer
Management Duty competitor items, customer items, and Manage Trading Partner
manufacturer part numbers. Item
Monitor Item Work Area
View Trading Partner Item

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Product Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Objects A Product Manager can Role: Item People
manage application objects for Management Duty
the items they have access to in Privilege: Manage
item and inventory Application Objects
organizations (Data)
Resource: Application
Feature Roadmap A Product Manager can Role: Requirement
manage product requirement Management Duty
where they are a member of the Privilege: Manage
feature roadmap team Product Requirement
Resource: Feature
A Product Manager can review Role: Concept
product requirement where they Development Duty
are a member of the feature Privilege: Review
roadmap team Product Requirement
Resource: Feature
Role: Requirement
Management Duty
Privilege: Review
Product Requirement
Resource: Feature
Item A Product Manager can create Role: Item Fact: PIM - Item
item class item for the item Management Duty Dimension(s):
classes they have access to Privilege: Create Item Item Class
Class Item (Data)
Resource: Item
Product Concept A Product Manager can Role: Concept
manage product concept where Management Duty
they are a member of the Privilege: Manage
concept team Product Concept (Data)
Resource: Product
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Product Manager can review Role: Concept
product concept where they are Development Duty
a member of the concept team Privilege: Review
Product Concept (Data)
Resource: Product
Role: Concept
Management Duty
Privilege: Review
Product Concept (Data)
Resource: Product
Product Proposal A Product Manager can Role: Product Proposal
manage product proposal where Management Duty
they are a member of the Privilege: Manage
proposal team Product Proposal (Data)
Resource: Product
Requirement A Product Manager can Role: Requirement
manage product requirement Management Duty
where they are a member of the Privilege: Manage
requirement team Product Requirement
Resource: Requirement
A Product Manager can review Role: Concept
product requirement where they Development Duty
are a member of the Privilege: Review
requirement team Product Requirement
Resource: Requirement
Role: Requirement
Management Duty
Privilege: Review
Product Requirement
Resource: Requirement
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Product Manager can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Product Manager can view Role: Party Information
Person trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Product Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Product Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Product Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Product Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Cycle Counting
Inventory Transactions
Item Costing Create Items
Manage Item Change Orders Approve Item Change Order
Manage New Item Request Approve New Item Request

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Privilege Approve Item Change Approve Item Change
Order Order
Approve New Item Approve New Item
Request Request
Create Items Manage Item
Manage Item Change Manage Item Change
Orders Order
Manage New Item Manage New Item
Request Request

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Product Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Item Change Order Management Duty Item Change Order Approval Duty
New Item Request Management Duty New Item Request Approval Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Product Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Item Change Manage Item Manage Item Item Change Approve Item Approve Item
Order Change Order Change Orders Order Change Order Change Order
Management Approval Duty
New Item Manage New Manage New New Item Approve New Approve New
Request Item Request Item Request Request Item Request Item Request
Management Approval Duty
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Job Role: Receiving Agent
Performs receiving activities such as receiving expected shipment lines, inspecting
received lines, correcting received lines, and managing returns.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Receiving Agent

Duty Role Description

Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage Product Return Exception Duty role to manage Product Return exception.
for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Pay on Receipt Management Duty Manages payment based on receipt of material.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Submission Duty
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry Review purchase order attachments as a receiver.
as Receiver Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.
Receipt Advice Management Web Manages Receipt Advice Web service.
Service Duty
Receiving Execution Duty Receives expected shipment lines, inspects received lines, corrects
received lines, and processes returns.
Receiving Transaction Maintains receiving transactions such as inspecting received lines,
Maintenance Duty creating and matching unordered receipts.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Returns Management Duty Processes the return of material to suppliers and customers.
Review Inbound Shipment Details Reviews inbound shipment details.
Review Receipt Summary Duty Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.
History Duty
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Allows to upload data file to import receiving receipts.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Receiving Agent

Inherited Roles
Receiving Agent
Inherited Roles
File Import and Export Management Duty
Manage Product Return Exception for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Receiver Duty
Receiving Execution Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Pay on Receipt Management Duty
Payables Invoice Import Submission Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Receipt Advice Management Web Service Duty
Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Returns Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Review Receiving Transaction History Duty
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Import
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Receiving Agent.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Manage Product Return Duty role to manage Product Return Reprocess Product Return
Exception for Pedigree and exception. Transaction for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty Serialization
Pay on Receipt Management Manages payment based on receipt of Pay on Receipt
Duty material.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Import Payables Invoice
Submission Duty import program. View Payables Invoice
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as View Purchase Order
a procurement agent.
Receipt Advice Management Manages Receipt Advice Web service. Manage Receiving Receipt
Web Service Duty Advice Web Service
Receiving Transaction Maintains receiving transactions such as Correct Receiving Receipt
Maintenance Duty inspecting received lines, creating and Create Unordered Receiving
matching unordered receipts. Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Manage Inbound Shipment
Manage Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving
Monitor Receiving Receipt
Work Area
Print Receiving Receipt
Traveler Report
Provide Inbound Shipment
Details Web Service
Provide Receipt Details
Web Service
Provide Receiving
Transaction Details Web
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Receive Receiving Shipment
Review Receiving
Send Receiving Receipt
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Web
Returns Management Duty Processes the return of material to Manage Receiving Receipt
suppliers and customers. Returns
Review Inbound Shipment Reviews inbound shipment details. Review Inbound Shipment
Details Duty Details
Review Receipt Summary Reviews receipt summary and receipt line Review Receiving Receipt
Duty details. Summary
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated Review Receiving
History Duty with a receipt. Transaction History

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Receiving Agent

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Receiving Agent can read Role: Purchase Order
application attachment for the Attachment Inquiry as
category to receiver Receiver Duty
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Customer Account A Receiving Agent can view Role: Customer
customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Payables Standard A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice payables invoice for all Import Submission
business units in the enterprise Duty
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Public Person A Receiving Agent can choose Role: Public Person
public person for persons and Selection Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Public
Receiving Transaction A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Receiving
receiving transaction for the Execution Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Receiving Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Returns
Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Receiving Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can view Role: Internal Contact
Person trading community contact for Relationship
all trading community persons Information Inquiry
in the enterprise except contacts Duty
created by partners. Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Receiving Agent can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Receiving Agent can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Receiving Agent can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Receiving Agent can view Role: Relationship
Relationship trading community relationship Information Inquiry
for all trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Receiving Agent can view Role: Internal Contact
trading community relationship Relationship
for all trading community Information Inquiry
relationships in the enterprise Duty
except partner contact Privilege: View
relationships, or relationships Trading Community
created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Segregation of Duties Policies Respected
Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Receiving Agent

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Approve Cycle Count Sequences Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Approve Physical Adjustment Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Approve Purchase Orders Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Cycle Count Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Interorganization Transfer Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Purchase Orders Correct
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Cycle Counting Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Inventory Transactions Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Physical Inventory Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Returns Goods and Services Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Invoices
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Enter Customer Receipts
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Correct Receiving Correct Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Create Unordered Create Unordered
Receiving Receipt Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Inspect Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Unordered Match Unordered
Receiving Receipt Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Receive Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment Line
Returns Goods and Manage Receiving
GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege
Services Receipt Returns
Submit Receiving Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Transaction Manager

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Receiving Agent

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Returns Management Duty Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Receiving Agent

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Returns Manage Returns Goods Receiving Correct Correct
Management Receiving and Services Transaction Receiving Receiving
Duty Receipt Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Returns Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Job Role: Shipping Agent
Records and processes outbound shipments including packing and labeling. Ensures that
orders are correctly filled and captures freight, handling, and value service charges.
Records weight, volume, and attributes associated with the shipment.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Shipping Agent

Duty Role Description

FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.
Transaction for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Print Pick Slip Report Scheduler Prints pick slip reports. This duty role is used for application
Duty identity.
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web service. Shipment lines are
Service Duty used for intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records
shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.
Shipment Request Processing Web Creates and manages shipment lines using shipment request Web
Service Duty service.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Shipping Agent

Inherited Roles
Shipping Agent
Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Print Pick Slip Report Scheduler Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Service Duty
Shipment Request Processing Web Service Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Shipping Agent.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment Add Product Shipment
Transaction for Pedigree and transaction. Transaction for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty Serialization
Create Pedigree for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Product Shipment
Transaction for Pedigree and
Print Pedigree for Pedigree
and Serialization
Print Pick Slip Report Prints pick slip reports. This duty role is Print Pick Slip Report
Scheduler Duty used for application identity.
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web Search Shipment Line Web
Service Duty service. Shipment lines are used for Service
intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and Manage Shipment
shipment lines. Records shipping costs Manage Shipment Note
and generates shipping related reports. Manage Shipment Web
Monitor Shipment Work
Pack Shipment
Print Shipping Reports
Receive Manifest Response
Receive Shipment Request
Send Manifest Request
Send Shipment Advice
Shipment Request Processing Creates and manages shipment lines using Process Shipment Request
Web Service Duty shipment request Web service. Web Service

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Shipping Agent

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Packing Unit Note A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Shipment
packing unit note where they Processing Duty
can view, update, and delete Privilege: Manage
internal notes for packing units Packing Unit Note
Resource: Packing
Unit Note
Public Person A Shipping Agent can choose Role: Public Person
public person for persons and Selection Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Choose
assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Shipment A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Shipment
shipment for the inventory Processing Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Shipment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Shipment Line Note A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Shipment
shipment line note where they Processing Duty
can view, update, and delete Privilege: Manage
internal notes for shipment Shipment Line Note
lines (Data)
Resource: Shipment
Line Note
Shipment Note A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Shipment
shipment note where they can Processing Duty
view, update, and delete Privilege: Manage
internal notes for shipments Shipment Note (Data)
Resource: Shipment
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
Implementation Implementation
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Address trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Email trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Organization Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can view Role: Party Information
Person trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Shipping Agent can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Shipping Agent can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Implementation Implementation
Community Person
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Agent can manage Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact trading community legal Inquiry Duty
Preference contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Shipping Agent

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Customer Release Sales Order
Delete Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter AR Invoice Release Sales Order
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Enter Customer Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Release Sales Order
Item Costing Release Sales Order
Ship Confirm Goods
Maintain Automatic Receipts Release Sales Order
Post Journal Entry Release Sales Order
Remittances Release Sales Order
Reversing Receipts Release Sales Order

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Release Sales Order Manage Shipment
Ship Confirm Goods Manage Shipment
Job Role: Shipping Manager
Monitors and analyzes outstanding and completed work for the warehouse. Manages the
outbound shipment process including reviewing and resolving shipping exceptions.
Implements shipping standards and process improvements.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Shipping Manager

Duty Role Description

Applications Common Reference Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Oracle Fusion
Data Review Duty Applications application reference data.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
CRM Export Management Duty Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and
schedule export process
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier
contacts, and shipping methods.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities,
available to both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Geography Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up geographies
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Inventory Shipment Data Security This role is used for Inventory Shipment data security in the data
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment exception.
Exception for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment transaction.
Transaction for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty
Order Pick Transaction Analysis Analyzes Order Pick transactional information
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Contact Information Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home
Management Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Personal Identifier Management Manages social security number, tax registration identification
Duty numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Pick Waves Management Duty Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves.
Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.
Print Pick Slip Report Scheduler Prints pick slip reports. This duty role is used for application
Duty identity.
Duty Role Description
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web service. Shipment lines are
Service Duty used for intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Management Duty Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary
shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse.
Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records
shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.
Shipment Request Processing Web Creates and manages shipment lines using shipment request Web
Service Duty service.
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain
Oracle Fusion Shipping.
Shipping Management Analysis
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities
Management Duty related to the shipping transit times.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Trading Community Confidential Manages personally identifiable information.
PII Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Upload data for Shipment Request Allows to upload data file to import shipment requests.
View Serial Destination for Duty role to view Serial Destination.
Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Shipping Manager

Inherited Roles
Shipping Manager
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Manage Product Shipment Exception for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Order Pick Transaction Analysis Duty
Pick Waves Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Print Pick Slip Report Scheduler Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Management Duty
Shipment Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Inherited Roles
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Service Duty
Shipment Request Processing Web Service Duty
Shipping Administration Duty
Carrier Management Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty
Personal Contact Information Management Duty
Personal Identifier Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Geography Administration Duty
CRM Export Management Duty
File Import Scheduling Duty
Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Shipping Transit Times Management Duty
Zone Administration Duty
Shipping Agent
Manage Product Shipment Transaction for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Print Pick Slip Report Scheduler Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Service Duty
Shipment Request Processing Web Service Duty
Shipping Management Analysis Duty
Inventory Shipment Data Security
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Upload data for Shipment Request Import
View Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Shipping Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

CRM Export Management Duty role to allow administrators to Run CRM Export Process
Duty register CRM objects and schedule export Set Up CRM Objects for
process Export
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including Create Carrier
defining carriers, carrier contacts, and Manage Carrier Contacts
shipping methods. Manage Carrier Ship
Search Carrier
Update Carrier
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web- Run File Import Scheduler
based file import activities, available to Set Up File Import Activity
both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Geography Administration Grants privileges to set up geographies Export Import Territory
Duty Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment Clear Product Shipment
Exception for Pedigree and exception. Exception for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty Serialization
Reprocess Product Shipment
Transaction for Pedigree and
Manage Product Shipment Duty role to manage Product Shipment Add Product Shipment
Transaction for Pedigree and transaction. Transaction for Pedigree and
Serialization Duty Serialization
Create Pedigree for Pedigree
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
and Serialization
Edit Product Shipment
Transaction for Pedigree and
Print Pedigree for Pedigree
and Serialization
Pick Waves Management Duty Manages pick waves including creating Create Pick Wave
and scheduling pick waves. Monitors Manage Pick Wave Web
outbound, replenishment, and requisition Service
pick waves. Monitor Pick Wave Work
Schedule Pick Wave
Print Pick Slip Report Prints pick slip reports. This duty role is Print Pick Slip Report
Scheduler Duty used for application identity.
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web Search Shipment Line Web
Service Duty service. Shipment lines are used for Service
intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Management Duty Monitors shipments work area including Close Shipment
reviewing summary shipment information Confirm Shipment
and outstanding work within the Create Shipment Process
warehouse. Reviews and resolves Manage Shipment Interface
shipping exceptions. Manage Shipment Message
Monitor Shipment Analytics
Review Shipping Exception
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and Manage Shipment
shipment lines. Records shipping costs Manage Shipment Note
and generates shipping related reports. Manage Shipment Web
Monitor Shipment Work
Pack Shipment
Print Shipping Reports
Receive Manifest Response
Receive Shipment Request
Send Manifest Request
Send Shipment Advice
Shipment Request Processing Creates and manages shipment lines using Process Shipment Request
Web Service Duty shipment request Web service. Web Service
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to Manage Packing Unit Item
implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Assignment
Shipping. Manage Pick Sequence Rule
Manage Pick Wave Release
Manage Ship Confirm Rule
Manage Shipping Cost Type
Manage Shipping Exception
Manage Shipping
Organization Parameter
Manage Trading
Community Zone for
Manage Transit Time
Manage Transportation
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and Manage Transit Time
Management Duty supervising all activities related to the
shipping transit times.
View Serial Destination for Duty role to view Serial Destination. View Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization Pedigree and Serialization
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones Manage Trading
Community Zones

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Shipping Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Application Attachment A Shipping Manager can delete Role: Applications
Category application attachment for all Common Reference
miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Delete
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Shipping Manager can read Role: Applications
application attachment for all Common Reference
miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Shipping Manager can Role: Applications
update application attachment Common Reference
for all miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Update
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
Country Structure File A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Import Activity country structure file import Administration Duty
activity object type for all Privilege: View
country structure file import Country Structure File
activities of object type country Import Activity Object
structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Import Mapping country structure file import Administration Duty
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
country structure file import Country Structure File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
country structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Country Structure File A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Import Object country structure file import Administration Duty
object type for all country Privilege: View
structure file import objects of Country Structure File
object type country structure Import Object Type
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
File Export Object A Shipping Manager can Role: CRM Export
manage export unit test for all Management Duty
export unit test objects Privilege: Manage
Export Unit Test (Data)
Resource: File Export
Geography File Import A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Activity geography file import activity Administration Duty
object type for all geography Privilege: View
file import activities of object Geography File Import
type geography Activity Object Type
Resource: Geography
File Import Activity
Geography File Import A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Mapping geography file import mapping Administration Duty
object type for all geography Privilege: View
file import mappings of object Geography File Import
type geography Mapping Object Type
Resource: Geography
File Import Mapping
Geography File Import A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Object geography file import object Administration Duty
type for all geography file Privilege: View
import objects of object type Geography File Import
geography Object Type (Data)
Resource: Geography
File Import Object
Packing Unit Item A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipping
Assignment manage packing unit item Administration Duty
assignment for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Packing Unit Item
operate Assignment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Packing Unit Note A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipment
manage packing unit note Processing Duty
where they can view, update, Privilege: Manage
and delete internal notes for Packing Unit Note
packing units (Data)
Resource: Packing
Unit Note
Pick Wave A Shipping Manager can Role: Pick Waves Fact: Sales - Pick
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage pick wave for the Management Duty Lines
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Pick Dimension(s):
which they can operate Wave (Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Shipping Fact: Sales - Pick
Administration Duty Lines
Privilege: Manage Pick Dimension(s):
Wave (Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Public Person A Shipping Manager can Role: Public Person
choose public person for Selection Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
Shipment A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Shipment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Shipment
Processing Duty
Privilege: Manage
Shipment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Shipment Line Note A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment line note Processing Duty
where they can view, update, Privilege: Manage
and delete internal notes for Shipment Line Note
shipment lines (Data)
Resource: Shipment
Line Note
Shipment Note A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment note where Processing Duty
they can view, update, and Privilege: Manage
delete internal notes for Shipment Note (Data)
shipments Resource: Shipment
Shipping Organization A Shipping Manager can Role: Shipping
Parameter manage shipping organization Administration Duty
parameter for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Shipping Organization
operate Parameter (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Territory Geography A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
Export Object territory geography export Administration Duty
object for all territory Privilege: View
geography export objects Territory Geography
Export Object (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Territory
Geography Export
Territory Geography A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
File Import territory geography file import Administration Duty
for all territory geography file Privilege: View
imports of object type Territory Geography
territory_geographies File Import (Data)
Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
File Import Mapping territory geography file import Administration Duty
mapping for all territory Privilege: View
geography file import Territory Geography
mappings of object type File Import Mapping
territory_geographies (Data)
Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Shipping Manager can view Role: Geography
File Import Metadata territory geography file import Administration Duty
metadata for all territory Privilege: View
geography file import metadata Territory Geography
of object type File Import Metadata
territory_geographies Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can view Role: Party Information
Organization trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can view Role: Internal Contact
Person trading community contact for Relationship
all trading community persons Information Inquiry
in the enterprise except contacts Duty
created by partners. Privilege: View
Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Shipping Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Shipping Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
A Shipping Manager can view Role: Party Information
trading community person for Inquiry Duty
all resources in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Shipping Manager can view Role: Internal Contact
Relationship trading community relationship Relationship
for all trading community Information Inquiry
relationships in the enterprise Duty
except partner contact Privilege: View
relationships, or relationships Trading Community
created by partners Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Shipping Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Customer Release Sales Order
Delete Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter AR Invoice Release Sales Order
Enter Customer Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Release Sales Order
Item Costing Release Sales Order
Ship Confirm Goods
Maintain Automatic Receipts Release Sales Order
Post Journal Entry Release Sales Order
Remittances Release Sales Order
Reversing Receipts Release Sales Order

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Release Sales Order Manage Shipment
Ship Confirm Goods Manage Shipment
Job Role: Supply Chain Application Administrator
Individual responsible for supply chain application administration. Collaborates with
supply chain application users to maintain consistent application setup, rules, and access.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Supply Chain Application

Duty Role Description

Accounting Calendar Creates accounting calendars.
Administration Duty
Administration Link View Duty Provides access to the Administration Link on the UI Shell.
Application Data Security Manages data security policies and database resources.
Administration Duty
Application Deployment Manages application instance configurations and enterprise
Administration Duty applications.
Application Help Text Adds and maintains custom help for all applications.
Administration Duty
Application Implementation Manages implementation projects. Also responsible for assigning
Management Duty task owners, but does not perform setup tasks.
Application Menu Customization Customizes application menus.
Application Program Management Application Enterprise Scheduler Service Management Duty - DO
Application Reference Data Manage application reference data set and assignments.
Sharing Administration Duty
Application Registration Duty Maintains application metadata such as provisioning
configurations, enterprise applications, domains, and application
components such as pillars, environment types, module types, and
middleware components.
Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile values.
Administration Duty
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, territory, time zone,
Administration Duty currency, and language, including natural and ISO language.
Applications Common Reference Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Oracle Fusion
Data Review Duty Applications application reference data.
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Views the audit history of assignment grade data.
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Views the audit history of assignment grade ladder data.
Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Views the audit history of assignment grade pay rate data.
Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Views the audit history of assignment grade pay rate value data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Work Measure Audit Views the audit history of assignment work measure data.
Reporting Duty
Audit Management Duty Manages audit configurations for business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
Audit Reporting Duty Allows viewing the audit history of business objects in Oracle
Fusion Applications and other Oracle products.
BI Applications Administrator Duty Role to administer and manage Business Intelligence
Duty Applications. This Duty Role provides access to the BI
Duty Role Description
Applications Configuration Manager and to the BI Data Warehouse
Administration Console.
CRM Export Management Duty Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and
schedule export process
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier
contacts, and shipping methods.
Configurator Reviewing Duty Contains read-only privileges for the Configurator Modeling
Cost Management Administration Performs cost management application setups and administration.
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address information.
Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Download data from Order Allows to download file exported from order orchestration and
Orchestration and Planning Data planning.
Collection Export
Employment Contract Audit Views the audit history of employment contract data.
Reporting Duty
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules.
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities,
available to both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setup Objects Provider Maintains setup metadata such as offerings, options, features, setup
Duty tasks and task lists.
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Functional Setups UI Allows customization of functional setups UI
Customization Duty
Geography Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up geographies
Global Order Promising Configures all setup related activities for order promising
Administration Duty management.
HCM Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of Oracle Fusion Human Capital
Management business objects.
HCM Location Selection Duty Filters the location list of values for Financials, Talent
Management, Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory
based on the user's location security profile.
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of HR Job data.
Import Trading Community Person Imports people and organizations.
and Organization Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities including definition of classes,
assignment groups, and classification sets.
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for inventory management.
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and related parameters.
Management Duty
Inventory Transaction Sources and Configures inventory transaction sources and types.
Types Management Duty
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to manage items including
definition and management of item statuses, lifecycle phases,
Duty Role Description
templates, attribute controls, and item structure type.
Item Catalog Administration Duty Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including
functional area catalog associations.
Item Change Order Administration Administers setup tasks required to manage item change orders
Duty including managing change order reasons, priorities, statuses and
change order types.
Item Class Administration Duty Creates and manages item classes and item class hierarchy
including lifecycle phases, templates, attributes, and item security
policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Duty Imports items into the application from other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item attributes, item
structures, packs, associations, relationships, and catalog
Item Organization Management Manages parameters for item organizations.
Location Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of location data.
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Management,
Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations.
Logical Entity Modeling Duty Manages business objects and related services.
Manage Pedigree and Serialization Duty role to manage Pedigree and Serialization Setup Information.
System Setup Duty
Manage Serial Destination for Duty role to manage Serial Destination.
Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance of material planners.
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and functions for the
Administration Duty orchestration infrastructure elements that can be used by other
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or order promising setup tasks.
Administration Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Configures order promising rules.
Organization Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of organization data.
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Person Address Audit Reporting Views the audit history of address data.
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Views the audit history of person allocated checklist data.
Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Views the audit history of person allocated task data.
Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Views the audit history of person assignment data.
Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Views the audit history of person assignment grade step data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of person data.
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person citizenship data.
Person Communication Method Views the audit history of person communication method data.
Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person contact data.
Person Disability Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person disability data.
Duty Role Description
Person Document of Record Audit Views the audit history of person document of record data.
Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Views the audit history of person driver license data.
Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person e-mail data.
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person ethnicity data.
Person Name Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person name data.
Person National Identifier Audit Views the audit history of person national identifier data.
Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person passport data.
Person Phone Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person phone data.
Person Religion Audit Reporting Views the audit history of person religion data.
Person Type Usage Audit Views the audit history of person type usage data.
Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of person visa data.
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Contact Information Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home
Management Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Personal Identifier Management Manages social security number, tax registration identification
Duty numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection and order promising server
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and verifies collected data.
Management Duty
Position Audit Reporting Duty Views the audit history of position data.
Product Configurator Manager Contains all privileges related to Configurator modeling (structure,
Duty rules and user interfaces) and administration of Configurator and
the Configurator Modeling.
Product Hub Administration Duty Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Hub.
Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product and
inherits setup duty roles from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog
Product Innovation Administration This duty defines all the privileges related to setting up or
Duty configuring of Product Innovation modules.
Product Model Administration Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Duty Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product.
Product and Catalog Administers setup tasks required to implement Oracle Fusion
Administration Duty Product and Catalog Management. Duty role includes all setup duty
roles available for this product and inherits setup duty roles from
Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Public Person Audit Reporting Views the audit history of public person data.
Quick Setup Implementation Duty Allows users to use quick setups to implement applications.
Receiving Administration Duty Configures receiving parameters to specify default receiving
options for an inventory organization.
Duty Role Description
Reports and Analytics Region Selects reports to appear in the Reports and Analytics region of
Administration Duty Oracle Fusion Applications work areas.
SCM Application Attachment Manages Supply Chain Management application attachments.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Attachment Manages Supply Chain Management application attachment
Category Administration Duty categories.
SCM Application Descriptive Manages Supply Chain Management application descriptive
Flexfield Administration Duty flexfields.
SCM Application Document Manages Supply Chain Management application document
Sequence Administration Duty sequences.
SCM Application Document Manages Supply Chain Management application document
Sequence Category Administration sequence categories.
SCM Application Flexfield Value Manages Supply Chain Management application flexfield value
Set Administration Duty sets.
SCM Application Key Flexfield Manages Supply Chain Management application key flexfields.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Lookup Manages Supply Chain Management application common,
Administration Duty standard, and set-enabled lookups.
SCM Application Message Manages Supply Chain Management application messages.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Category Manages Supply Chain Management application profile categories.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Option Manages Supply Chain Management application profile options.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Value Manages Supply Chain Management application profile values.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Taxonomy Manages Supply Chain Management application taxonomy.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Manages Supply Chain Management application trees.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Label Manages Supply Chain Management application tree labels.
Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Structure Manages Supply Chain Management application tree structure.
Administration Duty
Setup Data Export Duty Manages the setup data export process.
Setup Data Import Duty Manages the setup data import process.
Setup Export and Import Manages configuration packages and the setup data export and
Monitoring Duty import process.
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain
Oracle Fusion Shipping.
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities
Management Duty related to the shipping transit times.
Source System Entity Grants privileges to set up source system entities
Administration Duty
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of distribution, and assignment sets.
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to identify material storage
Management Duty locations for items within an inventory organization.
Supply Chain Application Individual responsible for supply chain application administration.
Administrator Duty Collaborates with supply chain application users to maintain
consistent application setup, rules, and access.
Supply Chain Management UI Enables customization of SCM pages
Customization Duty
Synchronize Product Lot for Duty role to synchronize lot from the transactional system.
Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Duty Role Description
Synchronize Product for Pedigree Duty role to synchronize product from the transactional system.
and Serialization Duty
Trading Community Confidential Manages personally identifiable information.
PII Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import installation and
Administration Duty configuration information.
Trading Community Import Batch Manages trading community data import batches.
Management Duty
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import batch processes.
Process Management Duty
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems
System Administration Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views trading partner items including competitor items,
customer items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Unit of Measure Management Duty Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard,
interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.
Upload data for Order Allows to upload data file to import collected data for order
Orchestration and Planning Data orchestration and planning.
Collection Import
View Secured Custom Help Duty Views custom help containing the security lookup value Secured.
Watchlist Administration Duty Maintains the Watchlist categories and items displayed in Oracle
Fusion Applications. Disables items for performance reasons if
Work Relationship Audit Views the audit history of work relationship data.
Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Views the audit history of worker document delivery preferences
Preferences Audit Reporting Duty data.
Worker Supervisor Audit Views the audit history of worker supervisor data.
Reporting Duty
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Supply Chain Application

Inherited Roles
Supply Chain Application Administrator
Administration Link View Duty
Application Data Security Administration Duty
Application Help Text Administration Duty
View Secured Custom Help Duty
Application Implementation Administrator
Administration Link View Duty
Application Deployment Administration Duty
Application Implementation Management Duty
Application Registration Duty
BI Applications Administrator Duty
Functional Setup Objects Provider Duty
Logical Entity Modeling Duty
Functional Setups UI Customization Duty
Quick Setup Implementation Duty
Inherited Roles
Setup Data Export Duty
Setup Export and Import Monitoring Duty
Setup Data Import Duty
Setup Export and Import Monitoring Duty
Application Menu Customization Duty
Application Reference Data Sharing Administration Duty
Application World Reference Administration Duty
Cost Management Administration Duty
Accounting Calendar Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Download data from Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Export
Functional Setups Duty
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Inventory Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Organization Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory Transaction Sources and Types Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Location Management Duty
HCM Location Selection Duty
Location Mass Creation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Subinventory and Locator Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inherited Roles
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Unit of Measure Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Organization Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Item Organization Management Duty
Manage Pedigree and Serialization System Setup Duty
Manage Serial Destination for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Orchestration Infrastructure Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Source System Entity Administration Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Order Orchestration Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Global Order Promising Administration Duty
Application Program Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Inherited Roles
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Order Promising Rule Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Planning Administration Duty
Application User Profile Value Administration Duty
Planning Collected Data Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Sourcing Management Duty
Customer Account Addresses Inquiry Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Source System Entity Administration Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Product Configurator Manager
Configurator Reviewing Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Product Configurator Manager
Product Hub Administration Duty
Audit Management Duty
Audit Reporting Duty
HCM Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Ladder Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Grade Pay Rate Value Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Work Measure Audit Reporting Duty
Assignment Work Measure Audit Reporting Duty
Employment Contract Audit Reporting Duty
Employment Contract Audit Reporting Duty
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty
HR Job Audit Reporting Duty
Location Audit Reporting Duty
Location Audit Reporting Duty
Organization Audit Reporting Duty
Inherited Roles
Organization Audit Reporting Duty
Person Address Audit Reporting Duty
Person Address Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Checklist Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Reporting Duty
Person Allocated Task Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Audit Reporting Duty
Person Assignment Grade Step Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty
Person Audit Reporting Duty
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Duty
Person Citizenship Audit Reporting Duty
Person Communication Method Audit Reporting Duty
Person Communication Method Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Duty
Person Contact Audit Reporting Duty
Person Disability Audit Reporting Duty
Person Disability Audit Reporting Duty
Person Document of Record Audit Reporting Duty
Person Document of Record Audit Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Reporting Duty
Person Driver License Audit Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Duty
Person E-mail Audit Reporting Duty
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Duty
Person Ethnicity Audit Reporting Duty
Person Name Audit Reporting Duty
Person Name Audit Reporting Duty
Person National Identifier Audit Reporting Duty
Person National Identifier Audit Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Duty
Person Passport Audit Reporting Duty
Person Phone Audit Reporting Duty
Person Phone Audit Reporting Duty
Person Religion Audit Reporting Duty
Person Religion Audit Reporting Duty
Person Type Usage Audit Reporting Duty
Person Type Usage Audit Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty
Person Visa Audit Reporting Duty
Position Audit Reporting Duty
Position Audit Reporting Duty
Public Person Audit Reporting Duty
Public Person Audit Reporting Duty
Work Relationship Audit Reporting Duty
Work Relationship Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Preferences Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Document Delivery Preferences Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Supervisor Audit Reporting Duty
Worker Supervisor Audit Reporting Duty
Import Trading Community Person and Organization Duty
Trading Community Import Administration Duty
Trading Community Import Batch Management Duty
Inherited Roles
Trading Community Import Process Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Product and Catalog Administration Duty
Item Change Order Administration Duty
Product Model Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Administration Duty
Item Catalog Administration Duty
Item Class Administration Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Trading Community Source System Administration Duty
Product Innovation Administration Duty
Product Model Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Administration Duty
Item Catalog Administration Duty
Item Class Administration Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Product and Catalog Administration Duty
Item Change Order Administration Duty
Product Model Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Administration Duty
Item Catalog Administration Duty
Item Class Administration Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Receiving Administration Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Reports and Analytics Region Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
SCM Application Attachment Administration Duty
SCM Application Attachment Category Administration Duty
SCM Application Descriptive Flexfield Administration Duty
SCM Application Document Sequence Administration Duty
SCM Application Document Sequence Category Administration Duty
SCM Application Flexfield Value Set Administration Duty
SCM Application Key Flexfield Administration Duty
SCM Application Lookup Administration Duty
SCM Application Message Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Category Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Option Administration Duty
SCM Application Profile Value Administration Duty
SCM Application Taxonomy Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Label Administration Duty
SCM Application Tree Structure Administration Duty
Inherited Roles
Shipping Administration Duty
Carrier Management Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty
Personal Contact Information Management Duty
Personal Identifier Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Geography Administration Duty
CRM Export Management Duty
File Import Scheduling Duty
Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Shipping Transit Times Management Duty
Zone Administration Duty
Supply Chain Application Administrator Duty
Supply Chain Management UI Customization Duty
Synchronize Product Lot for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Synchronize Product for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Unit of Measure Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Upload data for Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Import
Watchlist Administration Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Supply Chain Application Administrator.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Accounting Calendar Creates accounting calendars. Define Accounting Calendar
Administration Duty Extract Ledger Setup
Run Calendar Validation
View Accounting Calendar
Administration Link View Provides access to the Administration View Administration Link
Duty Link on the UI Shell.
Application Data Security Manages data security policies and Manage Application Data
Administration Duty database resources. Security Policy
Manage Application
Database Resource
Application Deployment Manages application instance Activate Optional Enterprise
Administration Duty configurations and enterprise Application
applications. Manage Application
Manage Application Portlet
Manage Database
Manage Deployed Domain
Manage Enterprise
Review Topology Hierarchy
Setup and Maintain
Application Help Text Adds and maintains custom help for all Customize Help Topics
Administration Duty applications.
Application Implementation Manages implementation projects. Also Configure Oracle Fusion
Management Duty responsible for assigning task owners, but Applications Offering
does not perform setup tasks. Gather Implementation
Manage Implementation
Review Applications
Review Implementation
Project Overview
Setup and Maintain
Application Menu Customizes application menus. Manage Application Menu
Customization Duty Customization
Application Reference Data Manage application reference data set and Manage Application
Sharing Administration Duty assignments. Reference Data Set
Manage Application
Reference Data Set
Application Registration Duty Maintains application metadata such as Manage Composites
provisioning configurations, enterprise Manage Domain
applications, domains, and application Manage Enterprise
components such as pillars, environment Application
types, module types, and middleware Manage Environment Type
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
components. Manage Logical Module
Manage Middleware
Manage Module Type
Manage Pillar
Manage Provision
Manage Third Party
Setup and Maintain
View Topology Objects
Application User Profile Value Manages my application user profile Manage My Application
Administration Duty values. Profile Values
Application World Reference Manages application reference industry, Manage Application
Administration Duty territory, time zone, currency, and Reference Currency
language, including natural and ISO Manage Application
language. Reference ISO Language
Manage Application
Reference Industry
Manage Application
Reference Language
Manage Application
Reference Natural Language
Manage Application
Reference Territory
Manage Application
Reference Timezone
Audit Management Duty Manages audit configurations for Manage Audit Policies
business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
Audit Reporting Duty Allows viewing the audit history of View Audit History
business objects in Oracle Fusion
Applications and other Oracle products.
CRM Export Management Duty role to allow administrators to Run CRM Export Process
Duty register CRM objects and schedule export Set Up CRM Objects for
process Export
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including Create Carrier
defining carriers, carrier contacts, and Manage Carrier Contacts
shipping methods. Manage Carrier Ship
Search Carrier
Update Carrier
Configurator Reviewing Duty Contains read-only privileges for the View Configurator
Configurator Modeling Environment. Extension Archives
View Configurator Model
View Configurator Models
View Configurator Rules
View Configurator
Supplemental Attributes
View Configurator UI
Template Maps
View Configurator User
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
View Configurator
View Snapshots
Cost Management Performs cost management application Approve Item Cost Profiles
Administration Duty setups and administration. Define Estimate Mappings
Define Planning Cost
Define Planning Cost
Maintain Cost Organization
Manage Cost Analysis
Manage Cost Analysis
Manage Cost Book
Manage Cost Component
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Element
Manage Cost Organization
Manage Cost Profile
Manage Cost Valuation
Manage Default Cost Profile
Manage Expense Pools
Manage Item Cost Profile
Manage Valuation Unit
Customer Account Addresses Views customer account address Search Customer Account
Inquiry Duty information. Site
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Site Use
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules. Manage Schedule Exception
Duty For Facility
Manage Schedule For
Manage Shift For Facility
Manage Workday Pattern
For Facility
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web- Run File Import Scheduler
based file import activities, available to Set Up File Import Activity
both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setup Objects Maintains setup metadata such as Manage Application Store
Provider Duty offerings, options, features, setup tasks Manage Business Process
and task lists. Manage Feature
Manage Oracle Fusion
Application Offerings and
Functional Areas
Manage Quick Setup
Manage Solution Bundles
Manage Task List
Setup and Maintain
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Functional Setups UI Allows customization of functional setups Customize Setup UI
Customization Duty UI
Geography Administration Grants privileges to set up geographies Export Import Territory
Duty Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Import Trading Community Imports people and organizations. Import Trading Community
Person and Organization Duty Person
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities Create ABC Classification
including definition of classes, Set
assignment groups, and classification Manage ABC Assignment
sets. Group
Manage ABC Classification
Perform ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Classification
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for Manage Interorganization
inventory management. Parameter
Manage Inventory Account
Manage Inventory
Consumption Rule
Manage Inventory Status
Manage Inventory
Transaction Reason
Manage Item Lot Expiration
Manage Item Lot Grade
Manage Item Lot and Serial
Attributes Mapping
Manage Item Transaction
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Picking Grouping
Manage Picking Rule
Manage Picking Rule
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and Manage Inventory
Management Duty related parameters. Organization
Inventory Transaction Sources Configures inventory transaction sources Manage Inventory
and Types Management Duty and types. Transaction Sources and
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Attribute
manage items including definition and Control
management of item statuses, lifecycle Manage Item Child Value
phases, templates, attribute controls, and Set
item structure type. Manage Item Lifecycle
Manage Item Status
Manage Item Structure Type
Item Catalog Administration Creates and manages item catalogs and Manage Item Catalog
Duty their categories including functional area Manage Item Default
catalog associations. Functional Area
Item Change Order Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Change Order
Administration Duty manage item change orders including Status
managing change order reasons, Manage Item Change Order
priorities, statuses and change order Type
Item Class Administration Creates and manages item classes and Manage Item Class
Duty item class hierarchy including lifecycle
phases, templates, attributes, and item
security policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Imports items into the application from Import Item
Duty other external sources.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Management Duty Creates and manages items including item Browse Item
attributes, item structures, packs, Create Item Structure
associations, relationships, and catalog Manage Item
assignments. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Lifecycle
Phase Change
Manage Item Organization
Manage Item Relationship
Manage Item Status Change
Manage Product Audit Trail
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
Monitor Item Summary
Monitor Item Work Area
View Development
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Item Organization Manages parameters for item Manage Item Organization
Management Duty organizations.
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Manage Location
Management, Procurement, Shipping
Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations. Mass Create Locations
Logical Entity Modeling Duty Manages business objects and related Manage Logical Entity
services. Setup and Maintain
Manage Pedigree and Duty role to manage Pedigree and Create Location for Pedigree
Serialization System Setup Serialization Setup Information. and Serialization
Duty Create Serial Type Group
for Pedigree and
Delete Location for Pedigree
and Serialization
Delete Serial Type Group
for Pedigree and
Delete Serial Type for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Location for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Lookup for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Pedigree and
Serialization System
Edit Serial Type Group for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Serial Type for
Pedigree and Serialization
Manage Serial Destination for Duty role to manage Serial Destination. Create Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization Pedigree and Serialization
Duty Delete Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
Edit Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
View Serial Destination for
Pedigree and Serialization
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance Manage Material Planner
Duty of material planners.
Orchestration Infrastructure Allows access to administrative pages and Administer Orchestration
Administration Duty functions for the orchestration Infrastructure Jeopardy
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
infrastructure elements that can be used Threshold Definition
by other applications. Administer Orchestration
Infrastructure Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Generate Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Change
Constraint Definition
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Connector
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Data Value Map
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Routing Rule
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure External
Interface Transformation
Style Sheet
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Hold Code
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Jeopardy
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Order
Attributes That Identify
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Process
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Source
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Status
Definition Values
Manage Orchestration
Infrastructure Task Types
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Mark Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages as
View Orchestration
Infrastructure Messages
Order Orchestration Allows access to order orchestration or Administer Jeopardy
Administration Duty order promising setup tasks. Threshold Definition
Administer Web Service
Sourcing Rule
Deploy Orchestration
Generate Bucket Sets for
Business Rules
Generate Change Constraint
Definition Package
Manage Change Constraint
Manage Change Constraint
Definition Objects
Manage Jeopardy Priorities
Manage Orchestration
Business Event Trigger
Manage Orchestration
Generic Web Service
Manage Orchestration
Process Assignment Rule
Manage Orchestration
Process Definition
Manage Orchestration
Source Systems
Manage Orchestration Task
Manage Order Attributes
That Identify Change
Manage Order Orchestration
Data Collection Processes
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface Routing
Manage Order Orchestration
External Interface
Transformation Style Sheet
Manage Order Orchestration
Hold Code Definition
Manage Post
Transformation Defaulting
Manage Pre Transformation
Defaulting Rules
Manage Product
Transformation Rules
Manage Status Conditions
Manage Status Definition
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Publish Extensible Flexfield
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent Objects
Purge Orchestration Order
Recent User Requests
Review Orchestration
Collected Data
Order Promising Rule Configures order promising rules. Manage Available-to-
Management Duty Promise Rule
Manage Planning Allocation
Planning Administration Duty Configures and manages data collection Manage Order Promising
and order promising server processes. Data Collection
Manage Planning Instance
Monitor Planning Data
Collection Process
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data
Perform Order Orchestration
and Planning Data Load
Perform Order Promising
Server Data Refresh
Planning Collected Data Manages data collection processes and Manage Order Promising
Management Duty verifies collected data. Data Collection
Review Planning Approved
Supplier List
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Calendar
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning Demand
Review Planning
Interlocation Shipping
Review Planning Inventory
Review Planning Item
Review Planning Order
Orchestration Reference
Review Planning Supply
Review Planning Trading
Review Planning Trading
Partner Site
Review Planning Unit of
Product Configurator Manager Contains all privileges related to Create Item Based
Duty Configurator modeling (structure, rules Configurator Model
and user interfaces) and administration of Create Supplemental
Configurator and the Configurator Configurator Model
Modeling. Delete Configurator Model
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Edit Configurator Model
Edit Configurator UI
Template Information
Edit Configurator UI
Template Map Information
Force Unlock Configurator
Manage Configurator
Extension Archives
Manage Configurator Model
Manage Configurator Rules
Manage Configurator
Supplemental Attributes
Manage Configurator UI
Template Maps
Manage Configurator UI
Manage Configurator User
Manage Configurator
Manage Snapshots
Release Configurator
Revert Draft Model to
Set Up Configurator
Modeling Environment
Set Up Configurator Run
Test Configurator Model
Test Configurator
Product Hub Administration Administers tasks required to setup Manage Item Catalog
Duty Oracle Fusion Product Hub. Duty role Category Mapping
includes all setup duty roles available for Manage Item Source System
this product and inherits setup duty roles
from Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog
Product Innovation This duty defines all the privileges related Customize Innovation
Administration Duty to setting up or configuring of Product Management UI
Innovation modules. Setup Product Innovation
Product and Catalog Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Rule Set
Administration Duty implement Oracle Fusion Product and
Catalog Management. Duty role includes
all setup duty roles available for this
product and inherits setup duty roles from
Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Quick Setup Implementation Allows users to use quick setups to Perform Quick Setup
Duty implement applications. Submit Import Setup Data
Receiving Administration Configures receiving parameters to Manage Receiving
Duty specify default receiving options for an Parameter
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
inventory organization.
Reports and Analytics Region Selects reports to appear in the Reports Maintain Reports and
Administration Duty and Analytics region of Oracle Fusion Analytics Region
Applications work areas.
SCM Application Attachment Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Administration Duty application attachments. Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
SCM Application Attachment Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Category Administration Duty application attachment categories. Attachment Category
Manage Application
Attachment Entity
SCM Application Descriptive Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Flexfield Administration Duty application descriptive flexfields. Descriptive Flexfield
Manage Application
Extensible Flexfield
Manage Application
Flexfield Value Set
SCM Application Document Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Sequence Administration Duty application document sequences. Document Sequence
Manage Application
Document Sequence
SCM Application Document Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Sequence Category application document sequence Document Sequence
Administration Duty categories. Category
SCM Application Flexfield Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Value Set Administration Duty application flexfield value sets. Flexfield Value Set
SCM Application Key Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Flexfield Administration Duty application key flexfields. Flexfield Value Set
Manage Application Key
SCM Application Lookup Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Administration Duty application common, standard, and set- Common Lookup
enabled lookups. Manage Application Set-
Enabled Lookup
Manage Application
Standard Lookup
SCM Application Message Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Administration Duty application messages. Message
SCM Application Profile Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application Profile
Category Administration Duty application profile categories. Category
SCM Application Profile Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application Profile
Option Administration Duty application profile options. Option
SCM Application Profile Manages Supply Chain Management Manage All Application
Value Administration Duty application profile values. Profile Values
SCM Application Taxonomy Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application
Administration Duty application taxonomy. Taxonomy
SCM Application Tree Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application Tree
Administration Duty application trees.
SCM Application Tree Label Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application Tree
Administration Duty application tree labels. Label
SCM Application Tree Manages Supply Chain Management Manage Application Tree
Structure Administration Duty application tree structure. Structure
Setup Data Export Duty Manages the setup data export process. Submit Export Setup Data
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Setup Data Import Duty Manages the setup data import process. Submit Import Setup Data
Setup Export and Import Manages configuration packages and the Manage Comparison
Monitoring Duty setup data export and import process. Processes
Manage Configuration
Manage Setup Data Export
and Import Processes
Setup and Maintain
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to Manage Packing Unit Item
implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Assignment
Shipping. Manage Pick Sequence Rule
Manage Pick Wave Release
Manage Ship Confirm Rule
Manage Shipping Cost Type
Manage Shipping Exception
Manage Shipping
Organization Parameter
Manage Trading
Community Zone for
Manage Transit Time
Manage Transportation
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and Manage Transit Time
Management Duty supervising all activities related to the
shipping transit times.
Source System Entity Grants privileges to set up source system Manage Trading
Administration Duty entities Community Original System
Sourcing Management Duty Configures sourcing rules, bills of Manage Planning Sourcing
distribution, and assignment sets. Manage Planning Sourcing
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to Manage Subinventory and
Management Duty identify material storage locations for Locator
items within an inventory organization.
Supply Chain Application Individual responsible for supply chain Maintain Buy and Sell
Administrator Duty application administration. Collaborates Terms
with supply chain application users to Maintain Documentation
maintain consistent application setup, and Accounting Rules
rules, and access. Maintain Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Maintain Transfer Pricing
Manage Buy and Sell Terms
Manage Documentation and
Accounting Rules
Manage Profit Center
Business Unit to Party
Manage Supply Chain
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
Manage Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
Manage Transfer Pricing
View Buy and Sell Terms
View Documentation and
Accounting Rules
View Profit Center Business
Unit to Party Relationship
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
View Supply Chain
Financial Orchestration
System Options
View Transfer Pricing Rules
Supply Chain Management UI Enables customization of SCM pages Customize SCM UI
Customization Duty
Synchronize Product Lot for Duty role to synchronize lot from the Perform Product Lot
Pedigree and Serialization transactional system. Synchronization for
Duty Pedigree and Serialization
Synchronize Product for Duty role to synchronize product from the Perform Product
Pedigree and Serialization transactional system. Synchronization for
Duty Pedigree and Serialization
Trading Community Import Defines trading community data import Manage Trading
Administration Duty installation and configuration Community Import Lookups
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Batch Management Duty batches. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Trading Community Import Manages trading community data import Enter Trading Community
Process Management Duty batch processes. Import Batch Information
Enter Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Modify Trading Community
Import Batch Process
Purge Trading Community
Import Batch
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Error Report
Run Trading Community
Import Batch Process
View Trading Community
Import Batch Details and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Errors and
View Trading Community
Import Batch Information
Trading Community Source Grants privileges to set up source systems Manage Source System
System Administration Duty Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Trading
Community Original System
Manage Trading
Community Source System
Trading Partner Item Inquiry Queries and views trading partner items Monitor Item Work Area
Duty including competitor items, customer View Trading Partner Item
items, and manufacturer part numbers.
Unit of Measure Management Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and Manage Unit of Measure
Duty definition of standard, interclass, and Review Unit of Measure
intraclass UOM conversions. Conversion
Watchlist Administration Duty Maintains the Watchlist categories and Set Watchlist Options
items displayed in Oracle Fusion
Applications. Disables items for
performance reasons if needed.
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones Manage Trading
Community Zones

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Supply Chain Application Administrator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
ABC Assignment A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory ABC
Group Administrator can manage abc Analysis Duty
assignment group for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in ABC Assignment
which they can operate Group (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Class A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory ABC
Administrator can manage abc Analysis Duty
class for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can ABC Class (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Classification Set A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory ABC
Header Administrator can manage abc Analysis Duty
classification set header for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in ABC Classification Set
which they can operate Header (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Application Attachment A Supply Chain Application Role: Applications
Category Administrator can delete Common Reference
application attachment for all Data Review Duty
miscelleneous category Privilege: Delete
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can manage Attachment Category
application attachment category Administration Duty
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Attachment
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Supply Chain Application Role: Applications
Administrator can read Common Reference
application attachment for all Data Review Duty
miscelleneous category Privilege: Read
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Supply Chain Application Role: Applications
Administrator can update Common Reference
application attachment for all Data Review Duty
miscelleneous category Privilege: Update
attachments data Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
Application Attachment A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Entity Administrator can manage Attachment
application attachment entity Administration Duty
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Attachment
Entity (Data)
Resource: Application
Attachment Entity
Application Descriptive A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Flexfield Administrator can manage Descriptive Flexfield
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
application descriptive flexfield Administration Duty
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Descriptive
Flexfield (Data)
Resource: Application
Descriptive Flexfield
Application Document A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Sequence Administrator can manage Document Sequence
application document sequence Administration Duty
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Document
Sequence (Data)
Resource: Application
Document Sequence
Application Document A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Sequence Category Administrator can manage Document Sequence
application document sequence Category
category for all scm Administration Duty
applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Document
Sequence Category
Resource: Application
Document Sequence
Application Flexfield A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Value Set Administrator can manage Flexfield Value Set
application flexfield value set Administration Duty
for all scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Flexfield
Value Set (Data)
Resource: Application
Flexfield Value Set
Application Key A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Flexfield Administrator can manage Key Flexfield
application key flexfield for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Key
Flexfield (Data)
Resource: Application
Key Flexfield
Application Lookup A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Type Administrator can delete Lookup Administration
application lookup types for all Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Lookup
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Lookup Administration
application lookup types for all Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Update
Application Lookup
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Types (Data)
Resource: Application
Lookup Type
Application Message A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can delete Message
application message for all scm Administration Duty
applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Message
Resource: Application
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Message
application message for all scm Administration Duty
applications data Privilege: Update
Application Message
Resource: Application
Application Objects A Supply Chain Application Role: Item Class
Administrator can manage Administration Duty
application objects for the item Privilege: Manage
classes they have access to Application Objects
Resource: Application
Application Profile A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Category Administrator can delete Profile Category
application profile category for Administration Duty
all scm applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Profile
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Category
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Profile Category
application profile category for Administration Duty
all scm applications data Privilege: Update
Application Profile
Category (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Category
Application Profile A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Option Administrator can delete Profile Option
application profile option for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Profile
Option (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Option
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Profile Option
application profile option for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Update
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Profile
Option (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Option
Application Profile A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Value Administrator can delete Profile Value
application profile value for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Profile Value
application profile value for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Update
Application Profile
Value (Data)
Resource: Application
Profile Value
Application Taxonomy A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can delete Taxonomy
application taxonomy for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Delete
Application Taxonomy
Resource: Application
A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can update Taxonomy
application taxonomy for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Update
Application Taxonomy
Resource: Application
Application Tree A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can manage Tree Administration
application tree for all scm Duty
applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Tree (Data)
Resource: Application
Application Tree Label A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Administrator can manage Tree Label
application tree label for all Administration Duty
scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Tree Label
Resource: Application
Tree Label
Application Tree A Supply Chain Application Role: SCM Application
Structure Administrator can manage Tree Structure
application tree structure for all Administration Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
scm applications data Privilege: Manage
Application Tree
Structure (Data)
Resource: Application
Tree Structure
Assignment Grade A Supply Chain Application Role: Assignment
Administrator can audit Grade Audit Reporting
assignment grade for all grades Duty
in the enterprise Privilege: Audit
Assignment Grade
Resource: Assignment
Assignment Grade A Supply Chain Application Role: Assignment
Ladder Administrator can audit Grade Ladder Audit
assignment grade ladder for all Reporting Duty
assignment grade ladders in the Privilege: Audit
enterprise Assignment Grade
Ladder (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Ladder
Assignment Grade Pay A Supply Chain Application Role: Assignment
Rate Administrator can audit Grade Pay Rate Audit
assignment grade pay rate for Reporting Duty
all grade pay rates in the Privilege: Audit
enterprise Assignment Grade Pay
Rate (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Pay Rate
Assignment Grade Pay A Supply Chain Application Role: Assignment
Rate Value Administrator can audit Grade Pay Rate Value
assignment grade pay rate value Audit Reporting Duty
for all grade pay rate values in Privilege: Audit
the enterprise Assignment Grade Pay
Rate Value (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Grade Pay Rate Value
Assignment Work A Supply Chain Application Role: Assignment
Measure Administrator can audit Work Measure Audit
assignment work measure for Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit
their person and assignment Assignment Work
security profile Measure (Data)
Resource: Assignment
Work Measure
Classification Code File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Duty
classification code file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Classification Code File
'classification code' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Classification Code File
Import Activity
Classification Code File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Duty
classification code file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Classification Code File
'classification code' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Classification Code File
Import Mapping
Classification Code File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view Community Import
classification code file import Batch Management
object type for all classification Duty
code file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'classification code' Classification Code File
Import Object Type
Classification Code File
Import Object
Consumer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all consumer file Duty
import activities of object type Privilege: View
'consumer' Consumer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Activity
Consumer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all consumer file Duty
import mappings of object type Privilege: View
'consumer' Consumer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Consumer
File Import Mapping
Consumer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
consumer file import object Batch Management
type for all consumer file Duty
import objects of object type Privilege: View
'consumer' Consumer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Consumer
File Import Object
Contact File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view contact Community Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
file import activity object type Batch Management
for all contact file import Duty
activities of object type Privilege: View
'contact' Contact File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Contact File
Import Activity
Contact File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view contact Community Import
file import object type for all Batch Management
contact file import objects of Duty
object type 'contact' Privilege: View
Contact File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Contact File
Import Object
Cost Analysis Mapping A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage cost Management
analysis mappings for the Administration Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: Manage Cost
administer Analysis Mappings
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Component A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage cost Management
components for the reference Administration Duty
data sets they administer Privilege: Manage Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Element A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage cost Management
element for the reference data Administration Duty
sets they administer Privilege: Manage Cost
Element (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Organization A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage cost Management
organization for the cost Administration Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Cost
are authorized Organization (Data)
Resource: Cost
Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage cost Management
profile for the reference data Administration Duty
sets they administer Privilege: Manage Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can view cost Management
profile for the reference data Administration Duty
sets they administer Privilege: View Cost
Profile (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Cost Valuation A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Structure Administrator can manage cost Management
valuation structure for the Administration Duty
reference data sets they Privilege: Manage Cost
administer Valuation Structure
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Country Structure File A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Import Activity Administrator can view country Administration Duty
structure file import activity Privilege: View
object type for all country Country Structure File
structure file import activities Import Activity Object
of object type country structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Import Mapping Administrator can view country Administration Duty
structure file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all country Country Structure File
structure file import mappings Import Mapping Object
of object type country structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Import Object Administrator can view country Administration Duty
structure file import object type Privilege: View
for all country structure file Country Structure File
import objects of object type Import Object Type
country structure (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Customer Account A Supply Chain Application Role: Customer
Administrator can view Account Information
customer account for all Inquiry Duty
customer accounts in the Privilege: View
enterprise Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Customer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all customer file Duty
import activities of object type Privilege: View
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Activity
Customer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all customer file Duty
import mappings of object type Privilege: View
'customer' Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Customer
File Import Mapping
Customer File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all customer file import Duty
objects of object type Privilege: View
'customer' Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Customer
File Import Object
Employment Contract A Supply Chain Application Role: Employment
Administrator can audit Contract Audit
employment contract for Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit
their person and assignment Employment Contract
security profile (Data)
Resource: Employment
File Export Object A Supply Chain Application Role: CRM Export
Administrator can manage Management Duty
export unit test for all export Privilege: Manage
unit test objects Export Unit Test (Data)
Resource: File Export
Geography File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Activity Administrator can view Administration Duty
geography file import activity Privilege: View
object type for all geography Geography File Import
file import activities of object Activity Object Type
type geography (Data)
Resource: Geography
File Import Activity
Geography File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Mapping Administrator can view Administration Duty
geography file import mapping Privilege: View
object type for all geography Geography File Import
file import mappings of object Mapping Object Type
type geography (Data)
Resource: Geography
File Import Mapping
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Geography File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Object Administrator can view Administration Duty
geography file import object Privilege: View
type for all geography file Geography File Import
import objects of object type Object Type (Data)
geography Resource: Geography
File Import Object
Group Customer File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import activity Batch Management
object type for all group Duty
customer file import activities Privilege: View Group
of object type 'group customer' Customer File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all group Duty
customer file import mappings Privilege: View Group
of object type 'group customer' Customer File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
Group Customer File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view group Community Import
customer file import object type Batch Management
for all group customer file Duty
import objects of object type Privilege: View Group
'group customer' Customer File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Group
Customer File Import
HR Job A Supply Chain Application Role: HR Job Audit
Administrator can audit hr job Reporting Duty
for all jobs in the enterprise Privilege: Audit HR
Job (Data)
Resource: HR Job
Help Topic A Supply Chain Application Role: View Secured
Administrator can view secured Custom Help Duty
custom help content for all Privilege: View
secured help content they are Secured Custom Help
authorized Content
Resource: Help Topic
Hierarchy File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy file import activity Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy file Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
import activities of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Activity
Hierarchy File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy file Duty
import mappings of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Mapping
Hierarchy File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy file import object Batch Management
type for all hierarchy file Duty
import objects of object type Privilege: View
'hierarchy' Hierarchy File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
File Import Object
Hierarchy Node File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Activity Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Duty
hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
activities of object type Hierarchy Node File
'hierarchy node' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Mapping Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Duty
hierarchy node file import Privilege: View
mappings of object type Hierarchy Node File
'hierarchy node' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Hierarchy Node File A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Import Object Administrator can view Community Import
hierarchy node file import Batch Management
object type for all hierarchy Duty
node file import objects of Privilege: View
object type 'hierarchy node' Hierarchy Node File
Import Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Hierarchy
Node File Import
Interorganization A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory
Parameter Administrator can manage Administration Duty
interorganization parameter for Privilege: Manage
the inventory organizations in Interorganization
which they can operate Parameter (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Account A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory
Alias Administrator can manage Administration Duty
inventory account alias for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Inventory Account
which they can operate Alias (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Locator A Supply Chain Application Role: Subinventory and
Administrator can manage Locator Management
inventory locator for the Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Inventory Locator
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory
Rule Selection Criterion Administrator can manage Administration Duty
inventory movement rule Privilege: Manage
selection criterion for the Inventory Movement
inventory organizations in Rule Selection
which they can operate Criterion (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Organization A Supply Chain Application Role: Inventory
Parameter Administrator can manage item Organization
and inventory organization Management Duty
parameter for the inventory Privilege: Manage Item
organizations in which they can and Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
A Supply Chain Application Role: Item
Administrator can manage item Organization
and inventory organization Management Duty
parameter for the item Privilege: Manage Item
organizations in which they can and Inventory
operate Organization Parameter
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item A Supply Chain Application Role: Item
Administrator can create item Management Duty
class item for the item classes Privilege: Create Item
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
they have access to Class Item (Data)
Resource: Item
Item Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage item Management
cost profile for the cost Administration Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage Item
are authorized Cost Profile (Data)
Resource: Item Cost
Item Locator A Supply Chain Application Role: Subinventory and
Administrator can manage item Locator Management
locator for the inventory Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage Item
operate Locator (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Role: Subinventory and
Administrator can manage item Locator Management
subinventory for the inventory Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage Item
operate Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Legal Entity File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Activity Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import activity object Batch Management
type for all legal entity file Duty
import activities of object type Privilege: View Legal
'legal entity' Entity File Import
Activity Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Activity
Legal Entity File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Mapping Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import mapping Batch Management
object type for all legal entity Duty
file import mappings of object Privilege: View Legal
type 'legal entity' Entity File Import
Mapping Object Type
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Mapping
Legal Entity File Import A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Object Administrator can view legal Community Import
entity file import object type Batch Management
for all legal entity file import Duty
objects of object type 'legal Privilege: View Legal
entity' Entity File Import
Object Type (Data)
Resource: Legal Entity
File Import Object
Location A Supply Chain Application Role: Location Audit
Administrator can audit Reporting Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
location for all locations in the Privilege: Audit
enterprise Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Supply Chain Application Role: HCM Location
Administrator can choose Selection Duty
location for locations in their Privilege: Choose
location security profile Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Supply Chain Application Role: Location
Administrator can manage Management Duty
location for all reference data Privilege: Manage
sets in the enterprise Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Supply Chain Application Role: Location
Administrator can manage Management Duty
location for locations in their Privilege: Manage
location security profile Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Orchestration Hold A Supply Chain Application Role: Order
Code Administrator can manage Orchestration
orchestration hold code Administration Duty
definition for the reference data Privilege: Manage
sets they administer Orchestration Hold
Code Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Orchestration Process A Supply Chain Application Role: Order
Definition Administrator can manage Orchestration
orchestration process definition Administration Duty
for the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Orchestration Process
Definition (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Organization A Supply Chain Application Role: Organization
Administrator can audit Audit Reporting Duty
organization for organizations Privilege: Audit
in their organization security Organization (Data)
profile Resource: Organization
Overhead Rule A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can view Management
overhead rule for the cost Administration Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: View
are authorized Overhead Rule (Data)
Resource: Overhead
Packing Unit Item A Supply Chain Application Role: Shipping
Assignment Administrator can manage Administration Duty
packing unit item assignment Privilege: Manage
for the inventory organizations Packing Unit Item
in which they can operate Assignment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Person A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Audit
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Administrator can audit person Reporting Duty
for persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment (Data)
security profile Resource: Person
Person Address A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Address
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
address for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Address (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Allocated A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Allocated
Checklist Administrator can audit person Checklist Audit
allocated checklist for persons Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Allocated Checklist
Resource: Person
Allocated Checklist
Person Allocated Task A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Allocated
Administrator can audit person Task Audit Reporting
allocated task for persons and Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Allocated Task (Data)
Resource: Person
Allocated Task
Person Assignment A Supply Chain Application Role: Person
Administrator can audit person Assignment Audit
assignment for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Assignment (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Assignment A Supply Chain Application Role: Person
Grade Step Administrator can audit person Assignment Grade Step
assignment grade step for Audit Reporting Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Audit Person
their person and assignment Assignment Grade Step
security profile (Data)
Resource: Person
Assignment Grade Step
Person Citizenship A Supply Chain Application Role: Person
Administrator can audit person Citizenship Audit
citizenship for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Citizenship (Data)
Resource: Person
Person Communication A Supply Chain Application Role: Person
Method Administrator can audit person Communication
communication method for Method Audit
persons and assignments in Reporting Duty
their person and assignment Privilege: Audit Person
security profile Communication
Method (Data)
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person
Person Contact A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Contact
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
contact for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Contact (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Disability A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Disability
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
disability for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Disability (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Document of A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Document
Record Administrator can audit person of Record Audit
document of record for persons Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile Document of Record
Resource: Person
Document of Record
Person Driver License A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Driver
Administrator can audit person License Audit
driver license for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Driver License (Data)
Resource: Person
Driver License
Person Email A Supply Chain Application Role: Person E-mail
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
e-mail for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and E-mail (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Ethnicity A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Ethnicity
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
ethnicity for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Ethnicity (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Name A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Name
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
name for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Name (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person National A Supply Chain Application Role: Person National
Identifier Administrator can audit person Identifier Audit
national identifier for persons Reporting Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Audit Person
and assignment security profile National Identifier
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Person
National Identifier
Person Passport A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Passport
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
passport for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Passport (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Phone A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Phone
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
phone for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Phone (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Religion A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Religion
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
religion for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Religion (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person
Person Type Usage A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Type
Administrator can audit person Usage Audit Reporting
type usage for persons and Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Person
assignment security profile Type Usage (Data)
Resource: Person Type
Person Visa A Supply Chain Application Role: Person Visa
Administrator can audit person Audit Reporting Duty
visa for persons and Privilege: Audit Person
assignments in their person and Visa (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Person Visa
Pick Wave A Supply Chain Application Role: Shipping
Administrator can manage pick Administration Duty
wave for the inventory Privilege: Manage Pick
organizations in which they can Wave (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Planning Cost A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Component Administrator can manage Management
planning cost components for Administration Duty
the reference data sets they Privilege: Manage
administer Planning Cost
Components (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Planning Cost A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Organization Administrator can manage Management
planning cost organizations for Administration Duty
the cost organizations for which Privilege: Manage
they are authorized Planning Cost
Organizations (Data)
Resource: Planning
Cost Organization
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Position A Supply Chain Application Role: Position Audit
Administrator can audit Reporting Duty
position for positions in their Privilege: Audit
position security profile Position (Data)
Resource: Position
Public Person A Supply Chain Application Role: Public Person
Administrator can audit public Audit Reporting Duty
person for persons and Privilege: Audit Public
assignments in their person and Person (Data)
assignment security profile Resource: Public
Receiving Option A Supply Chain Application Role: Receiving
Administrator can manage Administration Duty
receiving option for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Receiving Option
which they can operate (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Shipping Organization A Supply Chain Application Role: Shipping
Parameter Administrator can manage Administration Duty
shipping organization Privilege: Manage
parameter for the inventory Shipping Organization
organizations in which they can Parameter (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Source System A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Activity system reference file import Batch Management
activity object type for all Duty
source system reference file Privilege: View Source
import activities of object type System Reference File
'source system reference' Import Activity Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Activity
Source System A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Mapping system reference file import Batch Management
mapping object type for all Duty
source system reference file Privilege: View Source
import mapping of object type System Reference File
'source system reference' Import Mapping Object
Type (Data)
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Mapping
Source System A Supply Chain Application Role: Trading
Reference File Import Administrator can view source Community Import
Object system reference file import Batch Management
object type for all source Duty
system reference file import Privilege: View Source
objects of object type 'source System Reference File
system reference' Import Object Type
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Source
System Reference File
Import Object
Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Role: Subinventory and
Administrator can manage Locator Management
subinventory for the inventory Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Territory Geography A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
Export Object Administrator can view Administration Duty
territory geography export Privilege: View
object for all territory Territory Geography
geography export objects Export Object (Data)
Resource: Territory
Geography Export
Territory Geography A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
File Import Administrator can view Administration Duty
territory geography file import Privilege: View
for all territory geography file Territory Geography
imports of object type File Import (Data)
territory_geographies Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
File Import Mapping Administrator can view Administration Duty
territory geography file import Privilege: View
mapping for all territory Territory Geography
geography file import File Import Mapping
mappings of object type (Data)
territory_geographies Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Supply Chain Application Role: Geography
File Import Metadata Administrator can view Administration Duty
territory geography file import Privilege: View
metadata for all territory Territory Geography
geography file import metadata File Import Metadata
of object type Resource: Territory
territory_geographies Geography File Import
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can view Account Addresses
customer account site for the Inquiry Duty
reference data sets for which Privilege: View
they are authorized Customer Account Site
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Customer
Customer Account Site Administrator can view Account Addresses
Use customer account site use for Inquiry Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
the reference data sets for Privilege: View
which they are authorized Customer Account Site
Use (Data)
Resource: Reference
Data Set
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Org Address Email Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Organization Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Organization Address Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Organization Email Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Organization Phone Administrator can manage
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Contact Preference trading community legal Inquiry Duty
contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Internal Contact
Person Administrator can view trading Relationship
community contact for all Information Inquiry
trading community persons in Duty
the enterprise except contacts Privilege: View
created by partners. Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
people in the enterprise other Trading Community
than sales accounts and sales Person (Data)
prospects. Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Administrator can view trading Inquiry Duty
community person for all Privilege: View
resources in the enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal.
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact Administrator can manage Inquiry Duty
Preference trading community legal Privilege: Manage
contact preference for all Trading Community
trading community contact Legal Contact
preferences not of type legal. Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Supply Chain Application Role: Internal Contact
Relationship Administrator can view trading Relationship
community relationship for all Information Inquiry
trading community Duty
relationships in the enterprise Privilege: View
except partner contact Trading Community
relationships, or relationships Relationship (Data)
created by partners Resource: Trading
Unit of Measure A Supply Chain Application Role: Unit of Measure
Administrator can manage unit Management Duty
of measure for the inventory Privilege: Manage Unit
organizations in which they can of Measure (Data)
operate Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Valuation Unit A Supply Chain Application Role: Cost
Administrator can manage Management
valuation unit for the cost Administration Duty
organizations for which they Privilege: Manage
are authorized Valuation Unit (Data)
Resource: Valuation
Work Relationship A Supply Chain Application Role: Work
Administrator can audit work Relationship Audit
relationship for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit Work
assignment security profile Relationship (Data)
Resource: Work
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Worker Document A Supply Chain Application Role: Worker
Delivery Preferences Administrator can audit worker Document Delivery
document delivery preferences Preferences Audit
for document types in their Reporting Duty
document type security profile Privilege: Audit
belonging to persons and Worker Document
assignments in their person and Delivery Preferences
assignment security profile (Data)
Resource: Worker
Document Delivery
Worker Supervisor A Supply Chain Application Role: Worker
Administrator can audit worker Supervisor Audit
supervisor for persons and Reporting Duty
assignments in their person and Privilege: Audit
assignment security profile Worker Supervisor
Resource: Worker

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Supply Chain Application Administrator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Items Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Cycle Counting
Inventory Transactions
Item Costing Create Items

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Create Items Manage Item
Job Role: Supply Chain Integration Specialist
Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to
the integration of supply chain management information systems.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Supply Chain Integration

Duty Role Description

Cost Management Interface Allows processing of Cost Management interfaces data.
Processing Duty
Download data from Order Allows to download file exported from order orchestration and
Orchestration and Planning Data planning.
Collection Export
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to manage items including
definition and management of item statuses, lifecycle phases,
templates, attribute controls, and item structure type.
Item Catalog Administration Duty Creates and manages item catalogs and their categories including
functional area catalog associations.
Item Class Administration Duty Creates and manages item classes and item class hierarchy
including lifecycle phases, templates, attributes, and item security
policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Duty Imports items into the application from other external sources.
Logistics Interface Processing Duty Allows processing of logistics interface data.
Product Model Administration Administers tasks required to setup Oracle Fusion Product Model.
Duty Duty role includes all setup duty roles available for this product.
Upload data for Cycle Count Allows to upload data file to import cycle counts.
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory reservations.
Reservation Import
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory transactions.
Transaction Import
Upload data for Item Import Allows to upload data file to import items.
Upload data for Order Allows to upload data file to import collected data for order
Orchestration and Planning Data orchestration and planning.
Collection Import
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Allows to upload data file to import receiving receipts.
Upload data for Shipment Request Allows to upload data file to import shipment requests.
Upload data for Standard Cost Allows to upload data file to import Standard Cost related data.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Supply Chain Integration

Inherited Roles
Supply Chain Integration Specialist
Cost Management Interface Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Download data from Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Export
File Import and Export Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Logistics Interface Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Product Model Administration Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Administration Duty
Item Catalog Administration Duty
Item Class Administration Duty
Item Import Management Duty
Upload data for Cycle Count Import
Upload data for Inventory Reservation Import
Upload data for Inventory Transaction Import
Upload data for Item Import
Upload data for Order Orchestration and Planning Data Collection Import
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Import
Upload data for Shipment Request Import
Upload data for Standard Cost Import
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Supply Chain Integration Specialist.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Cost Management Interface Allows processing of Cost Management Define Standard Costs
Processing Duty interfaces data.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Item Administration Duty Administers setup tasks required to Manage Item Attribute
manage items including definition and Control
management of item statuses, lifecycle Manage Item Child Value
phases, templates, attribute controls, and Set
item structure type. Manage Item Lifecycle
Manage Item Status
Manage Item Structure Type
Item Catalog Administration Creates and manages item catalogs and Manage Item Catalog
Duty their categories including functional area Manage Item Default
catalog associations. Functional Area
Item Class Administration Creates and manages item classes and Manage Item Class
Duty item class hierarchy including lifecycle
phases, templates, attributes, and item
security policies for each item class.
Item Import Management Imports items into the application from Import Item
Duty other external sources.
Logistics Interface Processing Allows processing of logistics interface Create Inventory
Duty data. Transaction Process
Import Cycle Count
Manage Inventory
Reservation Interface
Receive Shipment Request
Submit Inventory
Transaction Process
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Supply Chain Integration Specialist
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Application Objects A Supply Chain Integration Role: Item Class
Specialist can manage Administration Duty
application objects for the item Privilege: Manage
classes they have access to Application Objects
Resource: Application

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Supply Chain Integration Specialist

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Submit Receiving Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Transaction Manager
Job Role: Warehouse Manager
Manages and analyzes all warehouse activities including analyzing materials
management and logistics performance, managing inventory transactions, managing
cycle and physical counts, configuring warehouse setup, and reviewing inventory

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Warehouse Manager

Duty Role Description

Applications Common Reference Reviews Oracle Middleware Extensions for Oracle Fusion
Data Review Duty Applications application reference data.
Business Intelligence Applications Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Generic Duty
Analysis Duty
CRM Export Management Duty Duty role to allow administrators to register CRM objects and
schedule export process
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including defining carriers, carrier
contacts, and shipping methods.
Consigned Inventory Management Manages consigned inventory related activities including
ownership transfer, consigned inventory aging, and consumption
advice creation.
Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs.
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import
Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules.
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web-based file import activities,
available to both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on universal content manager.
Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task
Geography Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up geographies
HCM Location Selection Duty Filters the location list of values for Financials, Talent
Management, Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory
based on the user's location security profile.
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities including definition of classes,
assignment groups, and classification sets.
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for inventory management.
Inventory Balances Management Manages and reviews inventory balances.
Inventory Count Management Duty Manages cycle count and physical count-related activities including
the creation, approval, and rejection of cycle and physical counts.
Inventory Cycle Count Data This role is used for Inventory Cycle Count data security in the data
Security warehouse
Inventory On Hand Quantity Data This role is used for Inventory On Hand Quantity data security in
Security the data warehouse
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and related parameters.
Duty Role Description
Management Duty
Inventory Replenishment Manages inventory replenishment activities including calculating
Management Duty safety stock, defining reorder points, and establishing demand
Inventory Reservation Manages reservation Web service. Management tasks include
Management Web Service Duty creating, editing, and deleting of reservations."
Inventory Transaction Analysis Analyzes Inventory transactional information
Inventory Transaction Data This role is used for Inventory Transaction data security in the data
Security warehouse
Inventory Transaction Manages inventory transactions. Tasks include managing
Management Duty reservations and picks, editing pending transactions, and submitting
transaction-related processes.
Inventory Transaction Sources and Configures inventory transaction sources and types.
Types Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Management,
Procurement, Shipping Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations.
Manage Packaging Hierarchy for Duty role to manage Packaging Hierarchy.
Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Manage Serial for Pedigree and Duty role to manage Serial.
Serialization Duty
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance of material planners.
Materials Management Analysis Analyzes warehouse key performance indicators and summary
Duty information related to outbound shipments, inbound shipments,
pick slips, and cycle counts.
Order Pick Transaction Analysis Analyzes Order Pick transactional information
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Pay on Receipt Management Duty Manages payment based on receipt of material.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice import program.
Submission Duty
Personal Contact Information Views personal contact information such as home phone, home
Inquiry Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Contact Information Manages personal contact information such as home phone, home
Management Duty address, and personal e-mail.
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty Views social security number, tax registration identification
numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Personal Identifier Management Manages social security number, tax registration identification
Duty numbers, and other personal identifiers.
Pick Slip Operation Duty Provides access to pick slips work area to view, confirm, and print
picks slips.
Pick Waves Management Duty Manages pick waves including creating and scheduling pick waves.
Monitors outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick waves.
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval of item costs.
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Public Person View Duty Grants access to view deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry Review purchase order attachments as a receiver.
Duty Role Description
as Receiver Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.
Put Away Management Duty Performs put away of received lines into inventory or receiving.
Receipt Advice Management Web Manages Receipt Advice Web service.
Service Duty
Receiving Administration Duty Configures receiving parameters to specify default receiving
options for an inventory organization.
Receiving Execution Duty Receives expected shipment lines, inspects received lines, corrects
received lines, and processes returns.
Receiving Management Duty Manages outstanding work in the warehouse and resolves
Receiving Transaction Analysis Analyzes Receiving transactional information
Receiving Transaction Maintains receiving transactions such as inspecting received lines,
Maintenance Duty creating and matching unordered receipts.
Relationship Information Inquiry Grants privileges to view trading community relationships data.
Request Receipt Confirmation Submits confirm receipt process.
Returns Management Duty Processes the return of material to suppliers and customers.
Review Inbound Shipment Details Reviews inbound shipment details.
Review Receipt Summary Duty Reviews receipt summary and receipt line details.
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated with a receipt.
History Duty
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web service. Shipment lines are
Service Duty used for intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Management Duty Monitors shipments work area including reviewing summary
shipment information and outstanding work within the warehouse.
Reviews and resolves shipping exceptions.
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and shipment lines. Records
shipping costs and generates shipping related reports.
Shipment Request Processing Web Creates and manages shipment lines using shipment request Web
Service Duty service.
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to implement and maintain
Oracle Fusion Shipping.
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities
Management Duty related to the shipping transit times.
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to identify material storage
Management Duty locations for items within an inventory organization.
Supply Chain Analysis Currency This role is used to get the supported currencies in Supply Chain
Preference and Order Management Analysis module.
Trading Community Confidential Manages personally identifiable information.
PII Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Views personally identifiable information.
Personally Identifiable Information
Inquiry Duty
Transactional Analysis Duty This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering
purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users
Unit of Measure Management Duty Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard,
interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.
Upload data for Cycle Count Allows to upload data file to import cycle counts.
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory reservations.
Reservation Import
Duty Role Description
Upload data for Inventory Allows to upload data file to import inventory transactions.
Transaction Import
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Allows to upload data file to import receiving receipts.
Upload data for Shipment Request Allows to upload data file to import shipment requests.
Warehouse Management Analysis
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as subinventory transfers and
Maintenance Duty miscellaneous receipts, process movement requests, and record
cycle and physical inventory counts.
Warehouse Transaction Operation Performs inventory transactions within the warehouse.
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Warehouse Manager

Inherited Roles
Warehouse Manager
Business Intelligence Applications Worker
Business Intelligence Applications Analysis Duty
Consigned Inventory Management
Payables Invoice Import Submission Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
File Import and Export Management Duty
Inventory Administration Duty
Facility Schedule Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Organization Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Inventory Transaction Sources and Types Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Location Management Duty
HCM Location Selection Duty
Location Mass Creation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Subinventory and Locator Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Unit of Measure Management Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inventory Balances Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Inventory Count Management Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Inherited Roles
Public Person Selection Duty
Inventory Replenishment Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Provide Item Cost Duty
Inventory Transaction Analysis Duty
Inventory Transaction Management Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Inventory Reservation Management Web Service Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Manage Serial for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Material Planner Management Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Materials Management Analysis Duty
Order Pick Transaction Analysis Duty
Pick Slip Operation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Pick Waves Management Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Public Person View Duty
Purchase Order Attachment Inquiry as Receiver Duty
Put Away Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Receiving Administration Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Receiving Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Receiving Execution Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Pay on Receipt Management Duty
Payables Invoice Import Submission Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Purchase Order Viewing Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Receipt Advice Management Web Service Duty
Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Inherited Roles
Receiving Transaction Analysis Duty
Request Receipt Confirmation Duty
Returns Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Review Inbound Shipment Details Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Review Receipt Summary Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Review Receiving Transaction History Duty
Shipment Management Duty
Shipment Processing Duty
FSCM Load Interface Administration Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Service Duty
Shipment Request Processing Web Service Duty
Shipping Administration Duty
Carrier Management Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Trading Community Confidential PII Management Duty
Personal Contact Information Management Duty
Personal Identifier Management Duty
Trading Community Confidential Personally Identifiable Information Inquiry
Personal Contact Information Inquiry Duty
Personal Identifier Inquiry Duty
Functional Setups Duty
Geography Administration Duty
CRM Export Management Duty
File Import Scheduling Duty
Applications Common Reference Data Review Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Shipping Transit Times Management Duty
Zone Administration Duty
Transactional Business Intelligence Worker
Transactional Analysis Duty
Upload data for Cycle Count Import
Upload data for Inventory Reservation Import
Upload data for Inventory Transaction Import
Upload data for Receiving Receipt Import
Upload data for Shipment Request Import
Warehouse Management Analysis Duty
Inventory Cycle Count Data Security
Inventory On Hand Quantity Data Security
Inventory Transaction Data Security
Supply Chain Analysis Currency Preference
Warehouse Operator
Inherited Roles
Manage Packaging Hierarchy for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Pick Slip Operation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Put Away Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Operation Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Maintenance Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Warehouse Transaction Operation Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Maintenance Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Warehouse Manager.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

CRM Export Management Duty role to allow administrators to Run CRM Export Process
Duty register CRM objects and schedule export Set Up CRM Objects for
process Export
Carrier Management Duty Manages setup of carriers including Create Carrier
defining carriers, carrier contacts, and Manage Carrier Contacts
shipping methods. Manage Carrier Ship
Search Carrier
Update Carrier
Consigned Inventory Manages consigned inventory related Create Inventory
Management activities including ownership transfer, Consumption Advice
consigned inventory aging, and Create Transfer to
consumption advice creation. Consigned Transaction
Create Transfer to Owned
Manage Consigned
Inventory Aging
Manage Consigned
Inventory Watchlist by Web
Print Inventory
Consumption Advice Report
Review Completed
Inventory Transaction
Review Inventory
Consumption Advice
Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs. Enter Transaction Cost
FSCM Load Interface Manages load interface file for import Load File to Interface
Administration Duty Load Interface File for
Transfer File
Facility Schedule Management Duty role for managing facility schedules. Manage Schedule Exception
Duty For Facility
Manage Schedule For
Manage Shift For Facility
Manage Workday Pattern
For Facility
File Import Scheduling Duty Duty role to create and schedule web- Run File Import Scheduler
based file import activities, available to Set Up File Import Activity
both novice and advanced user roles.
File Import and Export Manages import and export of files on Manage File Import and
Management Duty universal content manager. Export
Functional Setups Duty Uses the functional user overview, and Execute Setup Tasks
assigned tasks, and task lists. Review Applications
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Review Setups Functional
User Overview
Setup and Maintain
Geography Administration Grants privileges to set up geographies Export Import Territory
Duty Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Manage Trading
Community Geography
Inventory ABC Analysis Duty Manages ABC analysis activities Create ABC Classification
including definition of classes, Set
assignment groups, and classification Manage ABC Assignment
sets. Group
Manage ABC Classification
Perform ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Assignment
Purge ABC Classification
Inventory Administration Duty Configures all setup-related activities for Manage Interorganization
inventory management. Parameter
Manage Inventory Account
Manage Inventory
Consumption Rule
Manage Inventory Status
Manage Inventory
Transaction Reason
Manage Item Lot Expiration
Manage Item Lot Grade
Manage Item Lot and Serial
Attributes Mapping
Manage Item Transaction
Manage Picking Grouping
Manage Picking Rule
Manage Picking Rule
Inventory Balances Manages and reviews inventory balances. Edit On-Hand Lot Grade
Management Duty Manage On-Hand Material
Monitor Inventory Work
Print Material Status Where
Used Report
Request On-Hand Item Issue
Request On-Hand
Subinventory Transfer
Inventory Count Management Manages cycle count and physical count- Approve Cycle Count
Duty related activities including the creation, Sequences
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
approval, and rejection of cycle and Approve Physical
physical counts. Adjustment
Create Cycle Count
Create Cycle Count Manual
Export Cycle Count
Sequences to Interface
Generate Cycle Count
Generate Cycle Count
Generate Physical Inventory
Generate Physical Inventory
Import Cycle Count
Import Cycle Count
Sequences Web Service
Manage Count Sequence To
Manage Cycle Count
Manage Physical Inventory
Monitor Counts Work Area
Perform Full Cycle Count
Post Physical Inventory
Print Cycle Count Listing
Print Physical Inventory
Purge Cycle Count
Purge Cycle Count Interface
Purge Physical Inventory
Record Cycle Count
Record Physical Inventory
Record Preapproved Cycle
Count Sequences
Review Cycle Count
Interface Records
Inventory Organization Configures inventory organizations and Manage Inventory
Management Duty related parameters. Organization
Inventory Replenishment Manages inventory replenishment Monitor Inventory Work
Management Duty activities including calculating safety Area
stock, defining reorder points, and Print Min-Max Planning
establishing demand forecasts. Report
Print Movement Request
Pick Slip Report
Inventory Reservation Manages reservation Web service. Manage Inventory
Management Web Service Management tasks include creating, Reservation Web Service
Duty editing, and deleting of reservations."
Inventory Transaction Manages inventory transactions. Tasks Create Inventory
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Management Duty include managing reservations and picks, Transaction Process
editing pending transactions, and Manage Inventory
submitting transaction-related processes. Reservation Interface
Manage Inventory
Reservation Interface
Manage Inventory
Reservation and Picks
Manage Pending Inventory
Manage Pending Inventory
Transaction Web Service
Monitor Inventory Work
Print Movement Request
Pick Slip Report
Provide Inventory
Completed Transaction
Details Web Service
Submit Inventory
Transaction Process
Inventory Transaction Sources Configures inventory transaction sources Manage Inventory
and Types Management Duty and types. Transaction Sources and
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Location Management Duty Manages locations for Financials, Talent Manage Location
Management, Procurement, Shipping
Execution, and Inventory in the user's
location security profile.
Location Mass Creation Duty Mass creates locations. Mass Create Locations
Manage Packaging Hierarchy Duty role to manage Packaging Create Package for Pedigree
for Pedigree and Serialization Hierarchy. and Serialization
Duty Delete Package for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Package for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Packaging Hierarchy
for Pedigree and
Manage Serial for Pedigree Duty role to manage Serial. Create Package for Pedigree
and Serialization Duty and Serialization
Edit Package for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Serial for Pedigree and
Perform Serial Commission
for Pedigree and
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Perform Serial
Decommission for Pedigree
and Serialization
Perform Serial
Recommission for Pedigree
and Serialization
Material Planner Management Manages the definition and maintenance Manage Material Planner
Duty of material planners.
Materials Management Analyzes warehouse key performance Monitor Warehouse
Analysis Duty indicators and summary information Operations Dashboard
related to outbound shipments, inbound
shipments, pick slips, and cycle counts.
Pay on Receipt Management Manages payment based on receipt of Pay on Receipt
Duty material.
Payables Invoice Import Submits Oracle Fusion Payables invoice Import Payables Invoice
Submission Duty import program. View Payables Invoice
Pick Slip Operation Duty Provides access to pick slips work area to Confirm Pick Slip
view, confirm, and print picks slips. Monitor Pick Slip Work
Print Pick Slip Report
Pick Waves Management Duty Manages pick waves including creating Create Pick Wave
and scheduling pick waves. Monitors Manage Pick Wave Web
outbound, replenishment, and requisition Service
pick waves. Monitor Pick Wave Work
Schedule Pick Wave
Provide Item Cost Duty Subscribes to costing service for retrieval Provide Item Cost
of item costs.
Purchase Order Viewing Duty Search for and review purchase orders as View Purchase Order
a procurement agent.
Put Away Management Duty Performs put away of received lines into Monitor Receiving Receipt
inventory or receiving. Work Area
Print Receiving Receipt
Traveler Report
Put Away Receiving Receipt
Receipt Advice Management Manages Receipt Advice Web service. Manage Receiving Receipt
Web Service Duty Advice Web Service
Receiving Administration Configures receiving parameters to Manage Receiving
Duty specify default receiving options for an Parameter
inventory organization.
Receiving Management Duty Manages outstanding work in the Manage Receiving Receipt
warehouse and resolves exceptions. Exceptions
Manage Receiving Receipt
Outstanding Work Summary
Review Receiving Open
Receiving Transaction Maintains receiving transactions such as Correct Receiving Receipt
Maintenance Duty inspecting received lines, creating and Create Unordered Receiving
matching unordered receipts. Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Manage Inbound Shipment
Manage Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Monitor Receiving Receipt
Work Area
Print Receiving Receipt
Traveler Report
Provide Inbound Shipment
Details Web Service
Provide Receipt Details
Web Service
Provide Receiving
Transaction Details Web
Receive Receiving Shipment
Review Receiving
Send Receiving Receipt
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager
Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Web
Request Receipt Confirmation Submits confirm receipt process. Confirm Receiving Receipt
Duty Process
Returns Management Duty Processes the return of material to Manage Receiving Receipt
suppliers and customers. Returns
Review Inbound Shipment Reviews inbound shipment details. Review Inbound Shipment
Details Duty Details
Review Receipt Summary Reviews receipt summary and receipt line Review Receiving Receipt
Duty details. Summary
Review Receiving Transaction Reviews transaction history associated Review Receiving
History Duty with a receipt. Transaction History
Shipment Line Inquiry Web Queries shipment lines using a Web Search Shipment Line Web
Service Duty service. Shipment lines are used for Service
intercompany transaction processing.
Shipment Management Duty Monitors shipments work area including Close Shipment
reviewing summary shipment information Confirm Shipment
and outstanding work within the Create Shipment Process
warehouse. Reviews and resolves Manage Shipment Interface
shipping exceptions. Manage Shipment Message
Monitor Shipment Analytics
Review Shipping Exception
Shipment Processing Duty Processes and confirms shipments and Manage Shipment
shipment lines. Records shipping costs Manage Shipment Note
and generates shipping related reports. Manage Shipment Web
Monitor Shipment Work
Pack Shipment
Print Shipping Reports
Receive Manifest Response
Receive Shipment Request
Send Manifest Request
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Send Shipment Advice
Shipment Request Processing Creates and manages shipment lines using Process Shipment Request
Web Service Duty shipment request Web service. Web Service
Shipping Administration Duty Manages all setup tasks necessary to Manage Packing Unit Item
implement and maintain Oracle Fusion Assignment
Shipping. Manage Pick Sequence Rule
Manage Pick Wave Release
Manage Ship Confirm Rule
Manage Shipping Cost Type
Manage Shipping Exception
Manage Shipping
Organization Parameter
Manage Trading
Community Zone for
Manage Transit Time
Manage Transportation
Shipping Transit Times Duty role for planning, coordinating, and Manage Transit Time
Management Duty supervising all activities related to the
shipping transit times.
Subinventory and Locator Configures subinventories and locators to Manage Subinventory and
Management Duty identify material storage locations for Locator
items within an inventory organization.
Unit of Measure Management Configures UOMs, UOM classes, and Manage Unit of Measure
Duty definition of standard, interclass, and Review Unit of Measure
intraclass UOM conversions. Conversion
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as Confirm Pick Slip Web
Maintenance Duty subinventory transfers and miscellaneous Service
receipts, process movement requests, and Create Interorganization
record cycle and physical inventory Transfer
counts. Create Miscellaneous
Create Subinventory
Generate Item Serial
Manage Consigned
Inventory Aging
Manage Inventory
Movement Request
Manage Item Lot and Item
Serial Number
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Web Service
Monitor Counts Work Area
Monitor Inventory Work
Record Cycle Count
Record Physical Inventory
Review Completed
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Inventory Transaction
Review Pending Inventory
Search Inventory
Reservation and Picks
Zone Administration Duty Grants privileges to set up zones Manage Trading
Community Zones

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Warehouse Manager

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
ABC Assignment A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
Group manage abc assignment group Analysis Duty
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage
in which they can operate ABC Assignment
Group (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Class A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
manage abc class for the Analysis Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate ABC Class (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
ABC Classification Set A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory ABC
Header manage abc classification set Analysis Duty
header for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can ABC Classification Set
operate Header (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Application Attachment A Warehouse Manager can Role: Purchase Order
read application attachment for Attachment Inquiry as
the category to receiver Receiver Duty
Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Application Attachment A Warehouse Manager can Role: Applications
Category delete application attachment Common Reference
for all miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Delete
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Applications
read application attachment for Common Reference
all miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Read
Application Attachment
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Applications
update application attachment Common Reference
for all miscelleneous category Data Review Duty
attachments data Privilege: Update
Application Attachment
Resource: Application
Attachment Category
Country Structure File A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Import Activity view country structure file Administration Duty
import activity object type for Privilege: View
all country structure file import Country Structure File
activities of object type country Import Activity Object
structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Import Mapping view country structure file Administration Duty
import mapping object type for Privilege: View
all country structure file import Country Structure File
mappings of object type Import Mapping Object
country structure Type (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Country Structure File A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Import Object view country structure file Administration Duty
import object type for all Privilege: View
country structure file import Country Structure File
objects of object type country Import Object Type
structure (Data)
Resource: Country
Structure File Import
Customer Account A Warehouse Manager can Role: Customer
view customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Cycle Count A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory Count Fact: Inventory -
manage cycle count for the Management Duty Cycle Count
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Dimension(s):
which they can operate Cycle Count (Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse Fact: Inventory -
Transaction Operation Cycle Count
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Cycle Count (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Expected Supply A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
manage expected supply for the Balances Management Balances
inventory organizations in Duty Dimension(s):
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Expected Supply (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
File Export Object A Warehouse Manager can Role: CRM Export
manage export unit test for all Management Duty
export unit test objects Privilege: Manage
Export Unit Test (Data)
Resource: File Export
Geography File Import A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Activity view geography file import Administration Duty
activity object type for all Privilege: View
geography file import activities Geography File Import
of object type geography Activity Object Type
Resource: Geography
File Import Activity
Geography File Import A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Mapping view geography file import Administration Duty
mapping object type for all Privilege: View
geography file import Geography File Import
mappings of object type Mapping Object Type
geography (Data)
Resource: Geography
File Import Mapping
Geography File Import A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Object view geography file import Administration Duty
object type for all geography Privilege: View
file import objects of object Geography File Import
type geography Object Type (Data)
Resource: Geography
File Import Object
Interorganization A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Parameter manage interorganization Administration Duty
parameter for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Interorganization
operate Parameter (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Account A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Alias manage inventory account alias Administration Duty
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage
in which they can operate Inventory Account
Alias (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Locator A Warehouse Manager can Role: Subinventory and
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
manage inventory locator for Locator Management
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Locator
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Request manage inventory movement Replenishment
request for the inventory Management Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Inventory
Management Duty
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Rule Selection Criterion manage inventory movement Administration Duty
rule selection criterion for the Privilege: Manage
inventory organizations in Inventory Movement
which they can operate Rule Selection
Criterion (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Organization A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Parameter manage item and inventory Organization
organization parameter for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Item
which they can operate and Inventory
Organization Parameter
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Reservation A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
manage inventory reservation Transaction
for the inventory organizations Management Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Reservation
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Inventory Reservation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
manage inventory transaction Transaction Transactions
for the inventory organizations Management Duty Dimension(s):
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Inventory Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse Fact: Inventory -
Transaction Operation Transactions
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage Inventory Org
Inventory Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Locator A Warehouse Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage item locator for the Locator Management
inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Locator (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Lot A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
manage item lot and item serial Transaction
for the inventory organizations Management Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Serial A Warehouse Manager can Role: Warehouse
manage item lot and item serial Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage item subinventory for Locator Management
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Location A Warehouse Manager can Role: HCM Location
choose location for locations in Selection Duty
their location security profile Privilege: Choose
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Location
manage location for all Management Duty
reference data sets in the Privilege: Manage
enterprise Location (Data)
Resource: Location
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Location
manage location for locations Management Duty
in their location security profile Privilege: Manage
Location (Data)
Resource: Location
Onhand Quantity A Warehouse Manager can Role: Consigned Fact: Inventory -
manage on-hand quantity for Inventory Management Balances
the inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage On- Dimension(s):
which they can operate Hand Quantity (Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Inventory Fact: Inventory -
Balances Management Balances
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage On- Inventory Org
Hand Quantity (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse Fact: Inventory -
Transaction Operation Balances
Duty Dimension(s):
Privilege: Manage On- Inventory Org
Hand Quantity (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Packing Unit Item A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipping
Assignment manage packing unit item Administration Duty
assignment for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Packing Unit Item
operate Assignment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Packing Unit Note A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipment
manage packing unit note Processing Duty
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
where they can view, update, Privilege: Manage
and delete internal notes for Packing Unit Note
packing units (Data)
Resource: Packing
Unit Note
Payables Standard A Warehouse Manager can Role: Payables Invoice
Invoice manage payables invoice for all Import Submission
business units in the enterprise Duty
Privilege: Manage
Payables Invoice (Data)
Resource: Payables
Standard Invoice
Pending Inventory A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory
Transaction manage pending inventory Transaction
transaction for the inventory Management Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Pending Inventory
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Pending Inventory
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Physical Inventory A Warehouse Manager can Role: Inventory Count
manage physical inventory for Management Duty
the inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Physical Inventory
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Warehouse
Transaction Operation
Privilege: Manage
Physical Inventory
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Pick Slip A Warehouse Manager can Role: Pick Slip
manage pick slip for the Operation Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Pick
which they can operate Slip (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Pick Wave A Warehouse Manager can Role: Pick Waves
manage pick wave for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Pick
which they can operate Wave (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Organization Parameter
Role: Shipping
Administration Duty
Privilege: Manage Pick
Wave (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Public Person A Warehouse Manager can Role: Public Person
choose public person for Selection Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Public Person
report public person for persons View Duty
and assignments in their person Privilege: Report
and assignment security profile Public Person (Data)
Resource: Public
Receiving Option A Warehouse Manager can Role: Receiving
manage receiving option for the Administration Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Receiving Option
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Receiving Transaction A Warehouse Manager can Role: Put Away Fact: Inventory -
manage receiving transaction Management Duty Customer and
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage Supplier Returns
in which they can operate Receiving Transaction Dimension(s):
(Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Receiving Fact: Inventory -
Execution Duty Customer and
Privilege: Manage Supplier Returns
Receiving Transaction Dimension(s):
(Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Receiving Fact: Inventory -
Management Duty Customer and
Privilege: Manage Supplier Returns
Receiving Transaction Dimension(s):
(Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Returns Fact: Inventory -
Management Duty Customer and
Privilege: Manage Supplier Returns
Receiving Transaction Dimension(s):
(Data) Inventory Org
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Shipment A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage
which they can operate Shipment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Role: Shipment
Processing Duty
Privilege: Manage
Shipment (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Shipment Line Note A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment line note Processing Duty
where they can view, update, Privilege: Manage
and delete internal notes for Shipment Line Note
shipment lines (Data)
Resource: Shipment
Line Note
Shipment Note A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipment
manage shipment note where Processing Duty
they can view, update, and Privilege: Manage
delete internal notes for Shipment Note (Data)
shipments Resource: Shipment
Shipping Organization A Warehouse Manager can Role: Shipping
Parameter manage shipping organization Administration Duty
parameter for the inventory Privilege: Manage
organizations in which they can Shipping Organization
operate Parameter (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can Role: Subinventory and
manage subinventory for the Locator Management
inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Subinventory (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Territory Geography A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
Export Object view territory geography export Administration Duty
object for all territory Privilege: View
geography export objects Territory Geography
Export Object (Data)
Resource: Territory
Geography Export
Territory Geography A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
File Import view territory geography file Administration Duty
import for all territory Privilege: View
geography file imports of Territory Geography
object type File Import (Data)
territory_geographies Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Territory Geography A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
File Import Mapping view territory geography file Administration Duty
import mapping for all territory Privilege: View
geography file import Territory Geography
mappings of object type File Import Mapping
territory_geographies (Data)
Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Territory Geography A Warehouse Manager can Role: Geography
File Import Metadata view territory geography file Administration Duty
import metadata for all territory Privilege: View
geography file import metadata Territory Geography
of object type File Import Metadata
territory_geographies Resource: Territory
Geography File Import
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization view trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Internal Contact
Person view trading community Relationship
contact for all trading Information Inquiry
community persons in the Duty
enterprise except contacts Privilege: View
created by partners. Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Manager can Role: Relationship
Relationship view trading community Information Inquiry
relationship for all trading Duty
community relationships in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Relationship (Data)
Resource: Trading
A Warehouse Manager can Role: Internal Contact
view trading community Relationship
relationship for all trading Information Inquiry
community relationships in the Duty
enterprise except partner Privilege: View
contact relationships, or Trading Community
relationships created by Relationship (Data)
partners Resource: Trading
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Unit of Measure A Warehouse Manager can Role: Unit of Measure
manage unit of measure for the Management Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Unit
which they can operate of Measure (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Warehouse Manager

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Approve Cycle Count Sequences Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Approve Physical Adjustment Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Approve Purchase Orders Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Customer Release Sales Order
Create Cycle Count Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Interorganization Transfer Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Items Approve
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Create Purchase Orders Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Returns Goods and Services
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Cycle Counting Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Delete Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter AR Invoice Release Sales Order
Enter Customer Receipts Release Sales Order
Enter Journal Entry Approve Physical Adjustment
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Inventory Transactions Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Item Costing Release Sales Order
Ship Confirm Goods
Maintain Automatic Receipts Release Sales Order
Maintain Item Master File Approve Cycle Count Sequences
Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer
Physical Inventory Correct Receiving Receipt
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Post Journal Entry Approve Physical Adjustment
Physical Inventory
Release Sales Order
Remittances Release Sales Order
Returns Goods and Services Correct Receiving Receipt
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Create Invoices
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Enter Customer Receipts
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Reversing Receipts Release Sales Order

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Duty Assets Workbench Fixed Asset Addition Duty Load File to Interface
Load Interface File for
Privilege Approve Cycle Count Approve Cycle Count
Sequences Sequences
Approve Physical Approve Physical
Adjustment Adjustment
Correct Receiving Correct Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Create Cycle Count Create Cycle Count
Create Interorganization Create
Transfer Interorganization
Create Subinventory Create Subinventory
Transfer Transfer
Create Unordered Create Unordered
Receiving Receipt Receiving Receipt
Cycle Counting Manage Cycle Count
Inspect Receiving Inspect Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inventory Transactions Create Miscellaneous
Match Unordered Match Unordered
Receiving Receipt Receiving Receipt
Physical Inventory Manage Physical
Receive Receiving Receive Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment Line
Release Sales Order Manage Shipment
Returns Goods and Manage Receiving
Services Receipt Returns
Ship Confirm Goods Manage Shipment
Submit Receiving Submit Receiving
Transaction Manager Transaction Manager

Segregation of Duties Conflicts

Fusion applications may include duties in the role hierarchy of a job or abstract role that
are incompatible according to the segregation of duties policies.

Duty role conflicts for the job role Warehouse Manager

Duty Role Conflicting Duty Role

Inventory Count Management Duty Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty
Returns Management Duty Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty
Warehouse Transaction Maintenance Duty Receiving Transaction Maintenance Duty

Duty role conflict details for the job role Warehouse Manager

Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting

Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Inventory Approve Cycle Approve Cycle Receiving Correct Correct
Count Count Count Transaction Receiving Receiving
Management Sequences Sequences Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Approve Approve Receiving Correct Correct
Physical Physical Transaction Receiving Receiving
Adjustment Adjustment Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Create Cycle Create Cycle Receiving Correct Correct
Count Count Transaction Receiving Receiving
Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Manage Cycle Cycle Receiving Correct Correct
Count Counting Transaction Receiving Receiving
Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Manage Physical Receiving Correct Correct
Physical Inventory Transaction Receiving Receiving
Inventory Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Returns Manage Returns Goods Receiving Correct Correct
Management Receiving and Services Transaction Receiving Receiving
Duty Receipt Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Returns Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Warehouse Create Create Receiving Correct Correct
Transaction Interorganizati Interorganizati Transaction Receiving Receiving
Maintenance on Transfer on Transfer Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Duty Role Privilege GRC Conflicting Conflicting Conflicting
Entitlement Duty Role Privilege GRC
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Create Inventory Receiving Correct Correct
Miscellaneous Transactions Transaction Receiving Receiving
Transaction Maintenance Receipt Receipt
Duty Create Create
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Inspect Inspect
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Match Match
Unordered Unordered
Receiving Receiving
Receipt Receipt
Receive Receive
Receiving Receiving
Shipment Line Shipment
Submit Submit
Receiving Receiving
Transaction Transaction
Manager Manager
Job Role: Warehouse Operator
Performs warehouse activities such as creating inventory transactions, processing
movement requests, recording cycle and physical inventory counts, performing material
put away, and confirming pick slips.

Duties assigned directly and indirectly to the job role Warehouse Operator

Duty Role Description

Customer Account Information Views customer account basic information.
Inquiry Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs.
Internal Contact Relationship Views trading community contact relationship data not created by
Information Inquiry Duty partners.
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise.
Manage Packaging Hierarchy for Duty role to manage Packaging Hierarchy.
Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty Views trading community parties.
Pick Slip Operation Duty Provides access to pick slips work area to view, confirm, and print
picks slips.
Public Person Selection Duty Grants access to select deferred persons. This is a single privilege
duty because it is an isolated privilege that needs to be consumed
by other teams.
Put Away Management Duty Performs put away of received lines into inventory or receiving.
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as subinventory transfers and
Maintenance Duty miscellaneous receipts, process movement requests, and record
cycle and physical inventory counts.
Warehouse Transaction Operation Performs inventory transactions within the warehouse.

Role Hierarchy
Roles inherited directly and indirectly by the job role Warehouse Operator

Inherited Roles
Warehouse Operator
Manage Packaging Hierarchy for Pedigree and Serialization Duty
Pick Slip Operation Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Put Away Management Duty
Customer Account Information Inquiry Duty
Internal Contact Relationship Information Inquiry Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Operation Duty
Enter Transaction Cost Duty
Item Inquiry Duty
Party Information Inquiry Duty
Warehouse Transaction Maintenance Duty
Public Person Selection Duty
Privileges granted to duties of the job role Warehouse Operator.

Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege

Customer Account Views customer account basic Export Customer Account
Information Inquiry Duty information. Search Trading Community
View Customer Account
View Customer Account
Enter Transaction Cost Duty Creates transaction costs. Enter Transaction Cost
Item Inquiry Duty Queries and views items in the enterprise. Manage Item Attachment
Manage Item Catalog
Manage Item Global Search
Manage Trading Partner
Item Reference
View Item
View Item Organization
View Item Relationship
Manage Packaging Hierarchy Duty role to manage Packaging Create Package for Pedigree
for Pedigree and Serialization Hierarchy. and Serialization
Duty Delete Package for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Package for Pedigree
and Serialization
Edit Packaging Hierarchy
for Pedigree and
Pick Slip Operation Duty Provides access to pick slips work area to Confirm Pick Slip
view, confirm, and print picks slips. Monitor Pick Slip Work
Print Pick Slip Report
Put Away Management Duty Performs put away of received lines into Monitor Receiving Receipt
inventory or receiving. Work Area
Print Receiving Receipt
Traveler Report
Put Away Receiving Receipt
Warehouse Transaction Perform inventory transactions such as Confirm Pick Slip Web
Maintenance Duty subinventory transfers and miscellaneous Service
receipts, process movement requests, and Create Interorganization
record cycle and physical inventory Transfer
counts. Create Miscellaneous
Create Subinventory
Generate Item Serial
Manage Consigned
Inventory Aging
Manage Inventory
Movement Request
Manage Item Lot and Item
Serial Number
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Duty Role Duty Role Description Privilege
Manage On-Hand Quantity
Web Service
Monitor Counts Work Area
Monitor Inventory Work
Record Cycle Count
Record Physical Inventory
Review Completed
Inventory Transaction
Review Pending Inventory
Search Inventory
Reservation and Picks

Data Security Policies

Data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the job role
Warehouse Operator

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics

Implementation Implementation
Customer Account A Warehouse Operator can Role: Customer
view customer account for all Account Information
customer accounts in the Inquiry Duty
enterprise Privilege: View
Customer Account
Resource: Customer
Cycle Count A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage cycle count for the Transaction Operation
inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Cycle Count (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Movement A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
Request manage inventory movement Transaction Operation
request for the inventory Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Inventory Movement
Request (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Inventory Reservation A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage inventory reservation Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Reservation
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage inventory transaction Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Inventory Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Lot A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage item lot and item serial Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Item Serial A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage item lot and item serial Transaction Operation
for the inventory organizations Duty
in which they can operate Privilege: Manage Item
Lot and Item Serial
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Onhand Quantity A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage on-hand quantity for Transaction Operation
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage On-
Hand Quantity (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Pending Inventory A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
Transaction manage pending inventory Transaction Operation
transaction for the inventory Duty
organizations in which they can Privilege: Manage
operate Pending Inventory
Transaction (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Physical Inventory A Warehouse Operator can Role: Warehouse
manage physical inventory for Transaction Operation
the inventory organizations in Duty
which they can operate Privilege: Manage
Physical Inventory
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Pick Slip A Warehouse Operator can Role: Pick Slip
manage pick slip for the Operation Duty
inventory organizations in Privilege: Manage Pick
which they can operate Slip (Data)
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Public Person A Warehouse Operator can Role: Public Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
choose public person for Selection Duty
persons and assignments in Privilege: Choose
their person and assignment Public Person (Data)
security profile Resource: Public
Receiving Transaction A Warehouse Operator can Role: Put Away
manage receiving transaction Management Duty
for the inventory organizations Privilege: Manage
in which they can operate Receiving Transaction
Resource: Inventory
Organization Parameter
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Org Address Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Email Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Org Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Org
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Organization view trading community Inquiry Duty
organization for all Privilege: View
organizations in the enterprise Trading Community
Organization (Data)
Resource: Trading
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Organization Address manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Address
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Organization Email manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal.
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Email
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Organization Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Organization Phone
Contact Preference
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Internal Contact
Person view trading community Relationship
contact for all trading Information Inquiry
community persons in the Duty
enterprise except contacts Privilege: View
created by partners. Trading Community
Contact (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all people in the enterprise Privilege: View
other than sales accounts and Trading Community
sales prospects. Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
view trading community person Inquiry Duty
for all resources in the Privilege: View
enterprise Trading Community
Person (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Person Address Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Analytics
Implementation Implementation
Address Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Person Address Phone manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Contact Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Address Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Person Email Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Email Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Party Information
Person Phone Contact manage trading community Inquiry Duty
Preference legal contact preference for all Privilege: Manage
trading community contact Trading Community
preferences not of type legal. Legal Contact
Preference (Data)
Resource: Trading
Community Person
Phone Contact
Trading Community A Warehouse Operator can Role: Internal Contact
Relationship view trading community Relationship
relationship for all trading Information Inquiry
community relationships in the Duty
enterprise except partner Privilege: View
contact relationships, or Trading Community
relationships created by Relationship (Data)
partners Resource: Trading

Segregation of Duties Policies Respected

Segregation of duties policy is a toxic combination of GRC entitlements.

Segregation of duties policies respected during the development of duties for the job role
Warehouse Operator

GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement

Create Interorganization Transfer Correct Receiving Receipt
GRC Entitlement Conflicting GRC Entitlement
Create Unordered Receiving Receipt
Inspect Receiving Receipt
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Create Items Create
Inventory Transactions Correct
Match Unordered Receiving Receipt
Receive Receiving Shipment Line
Submit Receiving Transaction Manager
Maintain Item Master File Create Interorganization Transfer
Create Subinventory Transfer

GRC entitlements used above are mapped to Fusion applications roles or privileges as

GRC Entitlement GRC Entitlement Duty Role Privilege

Privilege Create Interorganization Create
Transfer Interorganization
Create Subinventory Create Subinventory
Transfer Transfer
Inventory Transactions Create Miscellaneous

Data Role Templates

You use data role templates to create new roles that are authorized to specific data.
For example, creating an Accounts Payable Manager authorized to the Suppliers,
Invoices and Payments within a specific business unit. These types of roles are called
data roles.

The data role template specifies which base roles to combine with which dimension
values for a set of data security policies. The template generates the data roles using a
naming convention specified by the template's naming rule. Data role templates are
invoked automatically on the creation of a new dimension value.

Data role templates for the offering Materials Management and Logistics.

Template Display Name Cost Management Template for Business Unit Security
Template Name ScmCstBusinessUnit
Template Description Cost Management Template for Business Unit Security
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || BUSINESS_UNIT_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || ' ' || BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing business unit
Template Base Roles
Cost Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Accrual Clearing A Cost Accountant can manage accrual clearing for the business
units for which they are authorized
Accrual Reconciliation A Cost Accountant can manage accrual reconciliation load for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receipt Accounting A Cost Accountant can manage receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receivables Invoice A Cost Accountant can manage receivables transactions for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Consolidation Manager can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Controller can review receipt accounting for the business units
for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Cost Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Financial Analyst can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accountant can review receipt accounting for the
business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A General Accounting Manager can review receipt accounting
for the business units for which they are authorized
Receiving Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can review
receipt accounting for the business units for which they are
Receiving Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can review receipt accounting for
the business units for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Cost Management Template for Cost Organization

Template Name ScmCstCostOrg
Template Description Cost Management Template for Cost Organization
Dimension Column Names COST_ORG_ID, COST_ORG_NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Template Display Name Cost Management Template for Cost Organization
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Cost Organization
Template Base Roles
Cost Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
COGS Event A Cost Accountant can manage cogs event for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
COGS Event A Cost Accountant can view cogs event for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Chief Financial Officer can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Consolidation Manager can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Controller can view cost transaction for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Cost Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Federal Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Financial Analyst can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A General Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A General Accounting Manager can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Distribution A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view cost
transaction for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Distribution An Intercompany Accountant can view cost transaction for the
cost organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Cost Accountant can manage cost organization for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Cost Accountant can view cost organization for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost organization for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
organization for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Organization An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
organization for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Period A Cost Accountant can manage cost period for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Period A Cost Accountant can view cost period for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Processor Error A Cost Accountant can manage cost processor error for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Transaction A Cost Accountant can manage cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Transaction A Cost Accountant can view cost transaction for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Costed Onhand A Cost Accountant can manage costed on-hand for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Costed Onhand A Cost Accountant can view costed on-hand for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Costing Processor Parameter A Cost Accountant can create cost distribution for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost A Cost Accountant can manage item cost for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost A Cost Accountant can view item cost for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage item cost profile for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can view item cost profile for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item cost profile for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item cost
profile for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item cost
profile for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Cost Accountant can manage overhead rule for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Cost Accountant can view overhead rule for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can view overhead rule for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view overhead
rule for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can view overhead
rule for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Cost Accountant can manage valuation unit for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Cost Accountant can view valuation unit for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage valuation unit for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage valuation
unit for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit An Application Implementation Consultant can manage valuation
unit for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Cost Management Template for SetID

Template Name ScmCstSetId
Template Description Cost Management Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Cost Accountant
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Element A Cost Accountant can manage cost element for the reference
data sets they administer
Cost Element A Cost Accountant can view cost element for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Element A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost element for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Element A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
element for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Element An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
element for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage cost profile for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can view cost profile for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost profile for the reference data sets
they administer
Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can view cost profile for the reference data sets
they administer
Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
profile for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view cost profile
for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
profile for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can view cost profile
for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Cost Accountant can manage cost valuation structure for the
reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Cost Accountant can view cost valuation structure for the
reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost valuation structure for the
reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
valuation structure for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
valuation structure for the reference data sets they administer

Template Display Name Distributed Order Orchestration Template for SetID

Template Name ScmDooSetId
Template Description Distributed Order Orchestration Template for SetID
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Order Administrator
Order Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Orchestration Hold Code A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage orchestration hold code definition for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
the reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Hold Code A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
orchestration hold code definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Hold Code An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
orchestration hold code definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Hold Code An Order Administrator can manage orchestration hold code
definition for the reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Process Definition A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage orchestration process definition for the
reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Process Definition A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
orchestration process definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Process Definition An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
orchestration process definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Process Definition An Order Administrator can manage orchestration process
definition for the reference data sets they administer
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Inventory Management Template for Inventory Organization

Template Name ScmInvInvOrg
Template Description Inventory Management Template for Inventory Organization
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Inventory Organization
Template Base Roles
Inventory Manager
Warehouse Manager
Warehouse Operator
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
ABC Assignment Group A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc assignment group for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Assignment Group A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc
assignment group for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
ABC Assignment Group A Warehouse Manager can manage abc assignment group for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Assignment Group An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc
assignment group for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
ABC Assignment Group An Inventory Manager can manage abc assignment group for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc class
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Warehouse Manager can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc class
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class An Inventory Manager can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc classification set header for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc
classification set header for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Warehouse Manager can manage abc classification set header
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc
classification set header for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header An Inventory Manager can manage abc classification set header
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Cycle Count A Warehouse Manager can manage cycle count for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Cycle Count A Warehouse Operator can manage cycle count for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Cycle Count An Inventory Manager can manage cycle count for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Expected Supply A Warehouse Manager can manage expected supply for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Expected Supply An Inventory Manager can manage expected supply for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage interorganization parameter for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
interorganization parameter for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage interorganization parameter
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
interorganization parameter for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter An Inventory Manager can manage interorganization parameter
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage inventory account alias for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
account alias for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Account Alias A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory account alias for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
inventory account alias for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Inventory Account Alias An Inventory Manager can manage inventory account alias for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage inventory locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory locator for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
inventory locator for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Locator An Inventory Manager can manage inventory locator for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Request A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory movement request
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Request A Warehouse Operator can manage inventory movement request
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Request An Inventory Manager can manage inventory movement request
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Criterion Administrator can manage inventory movement rule selection
criterion for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
Criterion movement rule selection criterion for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory movement rule
Criterion selection criterion for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
Criterion inventory movement rule selection criterion for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection An Inventory Manager can manage inventory movement rule
Criterion selection criterion for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item and inventory organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Organization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item and
inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage item and inventory
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item and
inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter An Inventory Manager can manage item and inventory
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Inventory Reservation A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory reservation for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Reservation A Warehouse Operator can manage inventory reservation for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Reservation An Inventory Manager can manage inventory reservation for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Operator can manage inventory transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Transaction An Inventory Manager can manage inventory transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Administrator can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator A Warehouse Manager can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator An Inventory Manager can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Lot A Warehouse Manager can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Lot A Warehouse Operator can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Lot An Inventory Manager can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Serial A Warehouse Manager can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Serial A Warehouse Operator can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Serial An Inventory Manager can manage item lot and item serial for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item subinventory for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Item Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can manage item subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Item Subinventory An Inventory Manager can manage item subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Onhand Quantity A Warehouse Manager can manage on-hand quantity for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Onhand Quantity A Warehouse Operator can manage on-hand quantity for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Onhand Quantity An Inventory Manager can manage on-hand quantity for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage packing unit item assignment for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Warehouse Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Application Implementation Consultant can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
manage packing unit item assignment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pending Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Manager can manage pending inventory
transaction for the inventory organizations in which they can
Pending Inventory Transaction A Warehouse Operator can manage pending inventory
transaction for the inventory organizations in which they can
Pending Inventory Transaction An Inventory Manager can manage pending inventory transaction
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Physical Inventory A Warehouse Manager can manage physical inventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Physical Inventory A Warehouse Operator can manage physical inventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Physical Inventory An Inventory Manager can manage physical inventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Slip A Warehouse Manager can manage pick slip for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Slip A Warehouse Operator can manage pick slip for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage pick
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Warehouse Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Application Implementation Consultant can manage pick
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Receiving Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receiving option for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage receiving
option for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option A Warehouse Manager can manage receiving option for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage receiving
option for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option An Internal Auditor can manage receiving option for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction A Receiving Agent can manage receiving transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction A Receiving and Inspection Manager can manage receiving
transaction for the inventory organizations in which they can
Receiving Transaction A Warehouse Manager can manage receiving transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction A Warehouse Operator can manage receiving transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
manage receiving transaction for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate
Shipment A Shipping Agent can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipment A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipment A Warehouse Manager can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage shipping organization parameter for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Shipping Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Shipping Organization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Shipping Organization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage shipping organization parameter for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage subinventory for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can manage subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Subinventory An Inventory Manager can manage subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage unit of measure for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage unit of
measure for the inventory organizations in which they can
Unit of Measure A Warehouse Manager can manage unit of measure for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure An Application Implementation Consultant can manage unit of
measure for the inventory organizations in which they can
Unit of Measure An Inventory Manager can manage unit of measure for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate

Template Display Name Receiving Template for Inventory Organization

Template Name ScmRcvInvOrg
Template Display Name Receiving Template for Inventory Organization
Template Description Receiving Template for Inventory Organization
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Inventory Organization
Template Base Roles
Receiving Agent
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Receiving Transaction A Receiving Agent can manage receiving transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction A Receiving and Inspection Manager can manage receiving
transaction for the inventory organizations in which they can
Receiving Transaction A Warehouse Manager can manage receiving transaction for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Transaction An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage receiving transaction for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate

Template Display Name Shipping Template for Inventory Organization

Template Name ScmWshInvOrg
Template Description Shipping Template for Inventory Organization
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Inventory Organization
Template Base Roles
Shipping Agent
Shipping Manager
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage packing unit item assignment for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Warehouse Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Application Implementation Consultant can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage packing unit item assignment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage pick
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Warehouse Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Application Implementation Consultant can manage pick
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Shipment A Shipping Agent can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipment A Shipping Manager can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipment A Warehouse Manager can manage shipment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage shipping organization parameter for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Shipping Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Shipping Organization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Shipping Organization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage shipping organization parameter for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate

Template Display Name Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Cost Organization
Template Name ScmRcsCostOrg
Template Description Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Cost Organization
Dimension Column Names COST_ORG_ID, COST_ORG_NAME,
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || COST_ORG_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Cost Organization
Template Base Roles
Supply Chain Application Administrator
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Organization A Cost Accountant can manage cost organization for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost organization for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Cost Organization A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
organization for the cost organizations for which they are
Cost Organization An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
organization for the cost organizations for which they are
Item Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage item cost profile for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item cost profile for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item cost
profile for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Item Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item cost
profile for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Cost Accountant can view overhead rule for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can view overhead rule for the cost organizations
for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view overhead
rule for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Overhead Rule An Application Implementation Consultant can view overhead
rule for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Cost Accountant can manage valuation unit for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage valuation unit for the cost
organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage valuation
unit for the cost organizations for which they are authorized
Valuation Unit An Application Implementation Consultant can manage valuation
unit for the cost organizations for which they are authorized

Template Display Name Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Inventory Organization
Template Name ScmRcsInvOrg
Template Description Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Inventory Organization
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || ORGANIZATION_CODE
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Inventory Organization
Template Base Roles
Supply Chain Application Administrator
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
ABC Assignment Group A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc assignment group for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Assignment Group A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc
assignment group for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
ABC Assignment Group A Warehouse Manager can manage abc assignment group for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Assignment Group An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc
assignment group for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
ABC Assignment Group An Inventory Manager can manage abc assignment group for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc class
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class A Warehouse Manager can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc class
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Class An Inventory Manager can manage abc class for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage abc classification set header for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage abc
classification set header for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header A Warehouse Manager can manage abc classification set header
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header An Application Implementation Consultant can manage abc
classification set header for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
ABC Classification Set Header An Inventory Manager can manage abc classification set header
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage interorganization parameter for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
interorganization parameter for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage interorganization parameter
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
interorganization parameter for the inventory organizations in
which they can operate
Interorganization Parameter An Inventory Manager can manage interorganization parameter
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage inventory account alias for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
account alias for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Account Alias A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory account alias for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Account Alias An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
inventory account alias for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Inventory Account Alias An Inventory Manager can manage inventory account alias for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage inventory locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory locator for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Locator An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
inventory locator for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Locator An Inventory Manager can manage inventory locator for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Criterion Administrator can manage inventory movement rule selection
criterion for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage inventory
Criterion movement rule selection criterion for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection A Warehouse Manager can manage inventory movement rule
Criterion selection criterion for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
Criterion inventory movement rule selection criterion for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Inventory Movement Rule Selection An Inventory Manager can manage inventory movement rule
Criterion selection criterion for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item and inventory organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Inventory Organization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item and
inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage item and inventory
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item and
inventory organization parameter for the inventory organizations
in which they can operate
Inventory Organization Parameter An Inventory Manager can manage item and inventory
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Item Locator A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator A Warehouse Manager can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item
locator for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Locator An Inventory Manager can manage item locator for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage item subinventory for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage item
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Item Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can manage item subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Item Subinventory An Application Implementation Consultant can manage item
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Item Subinventory An Inventory Manager can manage item subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage packing unit item assignment for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Shipping Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment A Warehouse Manager can manage packing unit item assignment
for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Application Implementation Consultant can manage packing
unit item assignment for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Packing Unit Item Assignment An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage packing unit item assignment for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Shipping Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage pick
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave A Warehouse Manager can manage pick wave for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Application Implementation Consultant can manage pick
wave for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Pick Wave An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage pick wave for the inventory organizations in which they
can operate
Receiving Option A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage receiving option for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage receiving
option for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option A Warehouse Manager can manage receiving option for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option An Application Implementation Consultant can manage receiving
option for the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Receiving Option An Internal Auditor can manage receiving option for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage shipping organization parameter for
the inventory organizations in which they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Shipping Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Shipping Organization Parameter A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter A Warehouse Manager can manage shipping organization
parameter for the inventory organizations in which they can
Shipping Organization Parameter An Application Implementation Consultant can manage shipping
organization parameter for the inventory organizations in which
they can operate
Shipping Organization Parameter An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
manage shipping organization parameter for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage subinventory for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Subinventory A Warehouse Manager can manage subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Subinventory An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
subinventory for the inventory organizations in which they can
Subinventory An Inventory Manager can manage subinventory for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage unit of measure for the inventory
organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage unit of
measure for the inventory organizations in which they can
Unit of Measure A Warehouse Manager can manage unit of measure for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate
Unit of Measure An Application Implementation Consultant can manage unit of
measure for the inventory organizations in which they can
Unit of Measure An Inventory Manager can manage unit of measure for the
inventory organizations in which they can operate

Template Display Name Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Template Name ScmRcsSetId
Template Description Supply Chain Management Common Components Template for
Dimension Column Names SET_ID, SET_CODE, SET_NAME
Role Name Naming Rule ROLE_CODE || '_' || SET_CODE
Role Display Name Naming Rule ROLE_NAME || '_' || SET_NAME
Role Description Naming Rule Role [ROLE_NAME] implementing Reference Data Set
Template Base Roles
Supply Chain Application Administrator
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Cost Element A Cost Accountant can manage cost element for the reference
data sets they administer
Cost Element A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Administrator can manage cost element for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Element A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
element for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Element An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
element for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can manage cost profile for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Profile A Cost Accountant can view cost profile for the reference data
sets they administer
Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost profile for the reference data sets
they administer
Cost Profile A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can view cost profile for the reference data sets
they administer
Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
profile for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view cost profile
for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
profile for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Profile An Application Implementation Consultant can view cost profile
for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Cost Accountant can manage cost valuation structure for the
reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage cost valuation structure for the
reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage cost
valuation structure for the reference data sets they administer
Cost Valuation Structure An Application Implementation Consultant can manage cost
valuation structure for the reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Hold Code A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage orchestration hold code definition for
the reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Hold Code A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
orchestration hold code definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Hold Code An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
orchestration hold code definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Hold Code An Order Administrator can manage orchestration hold code
definition for the reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Process Definition A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Administrator can manage orchestration process definition for the
reference data sets they administer
Orchestration Process Definition A Supply Chain Application Administrator can manage
orchestration process definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Process Definition An Application Implementation Consultant can manage
orchestration process definition for the reference data sets they
Orchestration Process Definition An Order Administrator can manage orchestration process
definition for the reference data sets they administer
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Load Application Identity can view customer account site for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Administrator can view customer account site for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site for the
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site for the reference data
Account Site sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site for the reference
Account Site data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site customer account site for the reference data sets for which they
are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for CRM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for Projects can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site for SCM can view customer account site for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site for
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site account site for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site view customer account site for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site can view customer account site for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site for
Account Site the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site CRM can view customer account site for the reference data sets
for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site for the
Account Site reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Billing Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Budget Preparer can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Intelligence Applications Extract Transform and
Account Site Use Load Application Identity can view customer account site use for
the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Business Practices Director can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Cash Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Account Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Operations Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Partner Portal Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Director can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Channel Sales Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Trading Community Customer A Chief Financial Officer can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Agent can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Collections Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Consolidation Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Contract Finance Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Controller can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Corporate Marketing Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Data Steward can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Customer Relationship Management Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Data Steward Manager can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Federal Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Financial Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Financial Supply Chain Manufacturing Application
Account Site Use Administrator can view customer account site use for the
reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A General Accounting Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Global Order Promising Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Grants Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Grants Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing Operations Manager can view customer account site
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Marketing VP can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Master Data Management Application Administrator can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Principal Investigator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Billing Specialist can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Management Duty can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Project Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Analyst can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Revenue Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Lead Qualifier can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales Representative can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Sales VP can view customer account site use for the reference
Account Site Use data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Manager can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supplier Contract Team Member can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Application Administrator can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer A Supply Chain Controller can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Accountant can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Administrator can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Tax Specialist can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Treasury Accountant can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for CRM can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
Template Policy Business Object Template Policy Description
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for Financials can view
Account Site Use customer account site use for the reference data sets for which
they are authorized
Trading Community Customer A Web Services Application Identity for SCM can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Manager can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Accounts Receivable Specialist can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Application Implementation Consultant can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for CRM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for Projects can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Application Identity
Account Site Use for SCM can view customer account site use for the reference
data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Applications Development Framework Business Intelligence
Account Site Use Application Identity for CRM can view customer account site use
for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Administrator can view customer account
Account Site Use site use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Manager can view customer account site
Account Site Use use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Contract Team Member can view customer
Account Site Use account site use for the reference data sets for which they are
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Job Application Identity for CRM can
Account Site Use view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Enterprise Scheduler Reporting Application Identity for CRM
Account Site Use can view customer account site use for the reference data sets for
which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Intercompany Accountant can view customer account site use
Account Site Use for the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Internal Auditor can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Application Identity for
Account Site Use CRM can view customer account site use for the reference data
sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Administrator can view customer account site use for
Account Site Use the reference data sets for which they are authorized
Trading Community Customer An Order Manager can view customer account site use for the
Account Site Use reference data sets for which they are authorized

Unassigned Duties
Materials Management and Logistics offering duties defined but not assigned to any
job or abstract role in the reference implementation.

Duty Role Role Description

Product Management Interface Processing Allows processing of product management interface data.

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