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ROLL NO. 2017-ME-121

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | university of engineering and technology, Lahore

Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

Problem Statement:.......................................................................................................................2
1 Introduction:...............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Effects of Module temperature on PV module:....................................................................3
1.2 Effect of Wind Speed on Efficiency of PV module:..............................................................4
1.3 Copper Indium Gallium Selenide:.........................................................................................5
2 Methodology:...............................................................................................................................5
2.1 Manufacturer List:..................................................................................................................5
2.2 Selection of Manufacturer:.....................................................................................................6
3 Mathematical Modelling:...........................................................................................................8
4 Calculations:................................................................................................................................9
5 Results:.......................................................................................................................................12
5.1 Without Wind Effect:............................................................................................................12
5.1.1 Effect of Daily module Temperature only on Efficiency of PV module:.......................12
5.1.2 Effect of Temperature and Wind Speed on Efficiency of PV module:..........................13
5.1.3 Effect of Month on Parameters of PV module:................................................................15 Without Wind Effects:.....................................................................................................15 With Wind Effects:..........................................................................................................16
6 Discussion:.................................................................................................................................17
7 Social and Economic Benefits:.................................................................................................19
8 Environmental Effect and Sustainability:..............................................................................20
9 Life Quality Index:....................................................................................................................20

Energy Resources and Utilization 7th Semester 1

Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

Problem Statement:
Effect of Temperature and Wind Speed on Efficiency of PV Module.

Lower conversion efficiency of local house built solar photovoltaic PV module gave rise to test
new materials in order to improve the conversion efficiency. Higher module temperature and
wind speed are the two most renowned causes of this low efficiency system. So, proper analysis
of these two parameters for any particular location is always been the keen interest of scientists
and engineers, which otherwise can increase the financial risk of system installation. However,
testing of new materials also attracted the manufacturer and certain materials are introduced
which exceeds the local PV module in efficiency and cell life time. Copper Indium Gallium
Selenide (CIGS) is one of them, the future contestant of PV family which beaten the local PV
silicon module in efficiency and has great potential to take solar market in near future on large
scale. This study aims to conduct the case study of KARACHI based CIGS PV module power
plant of 300 kW capacity and 300 W power per plate. Effects of temperature and wind speed is
evaluated on the efficiency of PV module and it is inferred that wind effects have increased the
efficiency to 19.95% as compared to temperature effect only where the efficiency was 19.81%.
Data quality checked is applied to one-year measured data for Karachi and it is observed that
little variations were there but not too much so we have used the daily given data for sample
calculations. Annual energy produced will be evaluated and compared with the capacity factor of
same capacity. Then, based on having low-capacity factor, effect of temperature and wind speed
will be evaluated and leading parameters will be highlighted among them. Then, levelized cost of
electricity LCOE and Tariff would be examined. Then, social and economic impact of CIGS PV
module will be manipulated for KARACHI alongside with its impact on the environment and
sustainability. At the end, life quality index LQI will be evaluated for KARACHI city.

1 Introduction:
Sun is the basis of all the other form of energy on earth. In an hour, sun gives the enough energy
on the earth that could power our planet for entire a year. Yet, we are stuck in the non-renewable
energies. Also, non-renewable resources are depleted at much speed since the last four to five
decades and thus the world is shifting to solar and other renewable energy conversion system and
research area is highly practicing the new tests and new materials are being introduced that can
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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

convert sunlight to electricity more efficiently than the previous ones. According to report,
fossils fuels still have enough potential to produce 80% of the world’s energy by 2040 but they
will be greater source of GHG and lower Life quality index. Proper harnessing of renewable
sources can cut this percentage of GHG down and improve the LQI enough to survive. So, solar
systems are tested everyday so that future of coming generation is secured and they live better
quality of life. One common application of solar power plant is photovoltaic system which is the
most commonly and ever-growing market. It directly converts sunlight into electricity and ready

to use.

Figure 1 Schematic of PV module

Now, we have to understand the complete science of PV working so that effective environment,
cost benefits and social and economic benefits can be harnessed in a better way. So, our first
priority will always be cost effective, maximum energy generation and more capacity factor. So,
we should have a look at factors affecting the performance of PV module, so that controlling
these can give us maximum energy, low cost in producing a unit of electricity and more capacity
factor. Two of the main factors are

 Ambient and Module Temperature

 Wind Speed

Now, we will discuss them each in detail.

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

1.1 Effects of Module temperature on PV module:

Now, we will look at the effects of module temperature on the efficiency and working of PV
module. Module temperature is the working temperature of pv panel at any time of the day.
Higher the temperature affects the performance in bad way. Higher temperature means more
convective heat transfer losses from the plate to the surrounding and hence lower heat to
electricity conversion efficiency.[1]

T m−T a
Q loss=

Higher the temperature difference, higher will be the heat losses. Like other semiconductors
devices, solar panels are also sensitive to temperature.[2] Due to little rise in temperature,

bandgap between the molecules gets weaker and electrons find enough energy to start traveling.

[3] This travelling result more heat and higher temperature encourages this transformation. So,
little rise in temperature result in more electrons to travel freely and dissipate their energy in the
waste heat and electricity conversion rate goes down.[4]

Also, higher cell temperature degrades its life time and cell got higher and more thermal stresses
are produced in the PV cell at higher temperature.[5] The material we are using CIGS for our
solar system has coefficient of power is -.0045/K which means for every 1 unit rise in module
temperature, its power goes down by .0045. From the radiation falling onto a PV panel only up
to 20% of the incident solar energy is converted to electricity. Remaining part is converted to
heat.[6, 7]

1.2 Effect of Wind Speed on Efficiency of PV module:

Wind speed ha relation with the efficiency and inverse with module temperature. Wind cools
down the PV panel and constant wind speed up to certain limit is beneficial as it tries to cools
down the plate temperature enough for proper working and peak efficiency value. After that
value, if the wind speed is increased further, then it will decrease the output further and hence
efficiency stat decreasing.[8] If we look at the equation 3, it is obvious wind speed V has inverse
relation with the module temperature and by looking at the 1 st equation, it is clearer that module
temperature has inverse relation with the efficiency. This implies, wind speed reduces the
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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

module temperature that reduces the convection heat transfer losses and increases the efficiency
of module.[9]

It seems out that wind is the cure of the 1 st problem associated with the module temperature. So,
efficiency of solar panels can be increased by

 Installing the panels few foots above the roof above so that wind can pass through that
easily and reduce the plate temperature and causes increase in power output and

 By making the panels with light-colored materials to reduce heat absorption.

 Choke the panels if temperature goes too high to not allowing damages to the lifetime of

1.3 Copper Indium Gallium Selenide:

As from the name indicated, CIGS is composed of copper, indium, gallium and selenide are
placed layer-by-layer on the thin sheet of glass or plastic backing and is used to produce
electricity directly from the sun-light. Its main property is its high absorption coefficient around
1.5 eV. Hence, tin film is required as compared to other semi-conductors.

2 Methodology:

2.1 Manufacturer List:

The power, capacity and location assigned to me is presented in the table 1 below.

Table 1 Assigned Parameters

Location Power Capacity

W kW
Karachi 300 300

Four to five manufacturers are selected against the parameters provided and the properties of
their CIGS panels are recorded in the table 2 below. Due to new research potential of CIGS, we
were unable to collect enough data on CIGS.

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

Table 2 List of CIGS Manufacturer of 300W power rating

Manufacturer List Nominal operating Efficiency Temperature

Temperature Range % coefficient of power
TNOCT (%/oC)
Runtech China Co., 51.7 17 -.45
Solar Motion Electronics 48 20 -.45
Co., Ltd[11]
Hong Kong
Sinoltech Hong 44 16.7 -.45
Yangzhou Bright Solar N/A 3 -.45
Solutions Co., Ltd.[13]
46.5 16.1 -.45
Shandong Sinoltech
International Co., Ltd.


2.2 Selection of Manufacturer:

Now, based on the data of table 2, we will select one manufacturer which has all the data and
maximum rated efficiency and do the sample calculations for Karachi data and assumed what
could be the power production and capacity factor and efficiency if the CIGS PV panel of that
manufacturer would be installed in Karachi. Now, we will arrange the manufacturer based on the

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

optimum value of their parameters. Like, the maximum efficiency given by CIGS PV panel is by
Solar Motion Electronics Co., Ltd which s about 20%, so we will choose that manufacturer.
Other manufacturers are also listed down based on their optimum value of parameters in table 3

Table 3 Best Efficiency wise Manufacturers Arranged

Manufacturer List Nominal operating Efficiency Temperature

Temperature Range % coefficient of power
TNOCT (%/oC)

Solar Motion 48 20 -.45

Electronics Co., Ltd
Hong Kong

Runtech China Co., Ltd 51.7 17 -.45


Sinoltech Hong Kong 44 16.7 -.45

Shandong Sinoltech 46.5 16.1 -.45

International Co., Ltd.
Yangzhou Bright Solar N/A 3 -.45
Solutions Co., Ltd.

3 Mathematical Modelling:
We will need mathematical modeling to solve part 4,5 and 6. As part 4 include the section of
calculation of actual efficiency of CIGS PV module for Karachi using one-year measured data.
So, we will do mathematical modelling to find the formula best suited to find the actual
efficiency. Actual efficiency Ƞ of panel depend on rated efficiency Ƞr, temperature coefficient of
power B, ambient temperature Ta and reference temperature Tr.[15]

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

Ƞ=Ƞ r [ 1−β ( T m −T r ) ] … … … … … … … … … .1

Now, to find actual efficiency, we need to find daily module temperature. Daily module
temperature is the function of ambient air temperature Ta, T NOCT is nominal operating cell
temperatures and global horizontal irradiance GHI which will be varying day-by-day and
second-by-second. It was impossible to find GHI value at each second. So, we found it for one
hour each day and then applied data quality check to filter the data which was fluctuating from
the rest of the data and then hourly data was concerted into daily data. Now, we have 365 value
of GHI and other variables which will be used for further calculations.[16].

T m=T a + [ ( T NOCT −20 ) ] … … … … … … … ..2

In 2, wind effects are not considered and there is specific reason of that. We will do these
calculations based on ambient temperature only and check how it affect the characteristics
operating parameters of PV module and then we will do all these calculations again by taking in
account both ambient temperature and wind speed.

Now, the modelling equation of ambient temperature taking in both the factors account is found
from paper and is written below. [17]

9.5 GHI
T m=T a + [ ( T NOCT −20 ) ] … … … … … … … .3
5.7 +3.8 V 800

Where V is the wind speed and also transformed into daily basis from hourly basis. This will
complete our part 4.

Part 5 demands annual calculation of annual energy generated and capacity factors.
Mathematical model of annual energy generation s also found from one of the papers and is
presented here.

AEG=∑ ¿ ¿

For capacity factor, we will find first energy generated by the PV module E dc at operating
conditions which will be different then energy that can be generated by PV module E stc at
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standard test conditions STC. The ratio of these two quantities gives us the performance ratio
which reflects how closely the PV module behave when in working to, when was tested in STC

Edc Ƞ
PR= = … … … … … … … ….5
E stc Ƞ r

Now, the last thing to calculate is capacity factor which is the energy produced by the PV
module to the maximum amount of energy that could be produced if the module would work at
100% efficiency at its full rated power 24 hours. The mathematical model to find capacity factor
is again found from some of the paper and is written below in equation 6.

E dc AEG × A
CF= = …………………6
Pt P× 365

Where P is the capacity of the module and t is the time duration usually taken 1 year and A is the
area of PV module. We will take the 1st highlighted manufacturer of table 3 in our sample

LCOE is the plant’s cost to produce the unit cost of electricity over the lifetime of its period.

Total project cost

LCOE= … … … … … .7
Total energy produced

4 Calculations:
Annual energy generation calculations are in excel file attached below and other calculations can
also be found there.


Figure 2 Excel sheet

We are required to calculate LCOE for solar power plant of 300 kW capacity in Karachi and
using the manufacturer panel of highest efficiency. Firstly, we will find the daily average power
output by the panels.

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

Annual Power produced∈2016

Daily power output=
Number of days∈2016

Daily power output=

power output =39.8161W

If we divide our capacity by power output, we will get number of solar panels required to
produce 300 kW.

Number of panels required=

Number of panels required=7534.5=7535

According to manufacturer, cost of single panel was 53.724$, so cost of 7535 panels will be

Total cost of panels=7535 ×53.724 $

Total cost of panels=64.76 millions pkr

Total Energy generation ca be found from

300,000 ×3600 ×24 × 366 ×25 years

Total EG= kWh
3600 ×1000

Total EG=6.57× 107 kWh

From NEPRA, website, tariff for Karachi based OURSUN solar power plant of 50 MW is
converted to tariff for 300 kW for our capacity and tariff comes out to be .114 pkr/kWh.[19]

OM cost=.114 ×6.57 × 107 pkr

OM cost=7.4898 million pkr

Total project cost=cost of panel+OM cost =72.249 million pkr

72.249 ×10 6 pkr

6.57 ×10 7 kWh
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In doing these calculations, it is assumed that total project cost is composed of only two major
factors, panel purchase cost and operation and management cost and other cost are neglected for
the sake of simplicity. Also, tariff of 50 MW plant is adjusted according tour capacity which
result I so much lower value of tariff. In our case, LCOE is greater than tariff. Electricity price
less than LCOE would result a lower yield return on capital and higher than LCOE result in
greater return on capital. In our case, it is lower, so we will expect to breakeven occur after the
predicted time and till that time, we will be in loss. If we look at the possible causes of this,
lower capacity plant always suffers this kind of problem and so is in our case too. As a result, for
profit, generally, power plants greater than 25 MW are constructed for 25 years lifetime of plant
so that tariff goes higher than LCOE and greater return on investment occur.

5 Results:

5.1 Without Wind Effect:

5.1.1 Effect of Daily module Temperature only on Efficiency of PV module:

Daily Module Efficiency %

20 25 30 35 40 45
Daily Module Temprature C
Figure 3 Graph between daily module temperature and efficiency without wind effects

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

PR Efficiency %


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
GHI W/m2
20 25 30 35 40 45
Daily Module Temperature C

Figure 4 Graph between daily GHI and efficiency without wind effects

Figure 5 Graph between daily module temperature and PR without wind effects


Efficiency %




20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Daily Module Temperature C

5.1.2 Effect of Temperature and Wind Speed on Efficiency of PV module:

Figure 6 Graph between daily module temperature and efficiency with wind effects

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Efficiency %




0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
GHI W/m2

Figure 7 Graph between daily GHI and efficiency with wind effects



20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
Module Temperature C

Figure 8 Graph between daily module temperature and PR with wind effects

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Muhammad Hamza CEP Assignment 2017-ME-121

5.1.3 Effect of Month on Parameters of PV module: Without Wind Effects:

Efficiency %

Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Jan-16
Figure 9 Graph between month and efficiency without wind effects


Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Jan-16

Figure 10 Graph between months and PR without wind effects

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APG W/m2




Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Jan-16

Figure 11 Graph between Months and PR without wind effects With Wind Effects:

Efficiency %

Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Jan-16

Figure 12 Graph between Months and efficiency with wind effects

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Dec-14 Feb-15 Apr-15 May-15 Jul-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Dec-15 Jan-16

Figure 13 Graph between months and PR with wind effects



APG W/m2




Sep-14 Dec-14 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16

Figure 14 Graph between Months and PR with wind effects

6 Discussion:
So far, we have evaluated different parameters of solar CIGS PV module for Karachi city and
got some results. Its time to discuss the results. The 1st graph is plotted between daily module
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temperature and daily PV module efficiency without considering the effect of wind speed. It is
found that efficiency has inverse relation with the module temperature. Increasing the
temperature increases the output power but also input power. Increase in the input power is
constant but that input does not completely get converted into output power and as a result input
increase more than output and overall efficiency decreases. This is validated by the data and
shown in graph below.

Figure 2 shows the variation of daily module efficiency with variation in the GHI which is
changing time-by-time, day-by-day and it can be inferred that both have inverse relation with
each other. Increasing GHI causes increases in daily module temperature which causes increase
in input and output power but effect of input is more than output and as a result, efficiency goes
down, still we are getting more output power as compared with low GHI value. Figure 3 shows
the relation between daily module temperature and performance ratio. It has the same physical
interpretation as like efficiency and has inverse relation with the module temperature. That’s
why, they have negative slope.
Now, parameters are evaluated accounting both factors e.g., module daily temperature and wind
speed and their effect is seen on daily module efficiency, performance ratio, capacity factor,
annual energy produced, LCOE and tariff. It is now seen that increasing the module temperature
increases the heat losses to surrounding and overall efficiency of plate gets decreased.
Introducing the wind effects cure that problem by keeping down the plate temperature to little
bit, thereby decreasing the heat losses of plate and maintain the normal working temperature of
the plate, so efficiency is expected to increases by taking both factors in account as compared to
temperature effects only. This thing will be validated by the graphs below. Figure 6 shows the
trend of module temperature and performance ratio taking in account of wind speed and module
temperature simultaneously. Now, increasing the plate temperature tries to increases the heat
losses from the PV plate but wind try to cancel that effect by lowering down the plate
temperature and thereby heat losses. So, performance ratio with wind effects should be higher
than that of without wind effects. It can be validated from the graphs and also excel file.
Figure 7 shows the monthly trend of module efficiency. It can be seen that efficiency is higher in
the winter season as compared to other seasons. The reason for this is lower plate temperature in
winter and hence lower convection heat losses and better cell maintain temperature. So, PV
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module run most of the time at its maximum efficiency. Also, in winter, lower GHI value is
observed, which result in higher module efficiency as can be seen from figure 2. Then this lower
GHI value decreases energy and power gain as we have discussed earlier and can be seen from
figure 9. Maximum energy gain is observed in the mid of summer months with maximum
module temperature and running at lower efficiency. Figure 8 shows the trend of performance
ratio with months. It gets increased in winter seasons just like efficiency and decreased in
summer and lowest occur in mid of summer.
Table 4 Peak Results

Power Capacity Without Wind Speed With Wind Speed

W kW Max. Max. CF AEG Max. Max. CF AEG

Ƞ PR kWh Ƞ PR kWh
% % % %
300 300 19.81 99 37.5 349.745137 19.97 99.8 38.97 363.40282

7 Social and Economic Benefits:

As far as social and economic benefits are concerned, renewable energies are always been the
potential source of energy generation as they require no fuel cost. But the difficulty attached with
them is high initial capital investment cost and of tracking system cost specially for solar system.
Also, they are not so reliable because as long as, their source is available, we get electricity and
once, source gets disappear, electricity generation got stopped. So, they can’t be used for base
power load generation needs. So, they can be used in conjunction with other non-renewable
power plant in such a way that most of the base load demand is satisfied by coal or natural gas
power plant and renewable power plant can be used to produce extra peak power that can be
stored and used later on. Also, they are best option during the maintenance period of other non-
renewable power plants. The problem with renewable power plant is that they have very low-
capacity factors as compared to coal or thermal power plant and are built in large size for the
same capacity of thermal or coal power plant and still are not reliable. Economic benefits include

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no fuel cost for them and once capital initial investment is done, only maintenance cost is
required which is not very big and thus are cost-effective over the life time of power plant.[20]

8 Environmental Effect and Sustainability:

By now, we have seen the social and economic effects, solar power plant has caused emission
controlled up to large extent and despite of large emission during their construction just like
other power plants, the emission and specific emission level of carbon has reduced to 80% if all
the thermal and coal power plants get replaced by solar power plant. Potential site for solar
power plant can reduce GHG emission by 5,452.5 tons of CO2 which is equivalent to 501.5 ha of
forest absorbing carbon. According to WHO, GHG level is expected to reduce by 55% till 2030
if the rate of solar power plant increases the same amount as it is. Cost benefit include free of
cost of solar fuel i.e., sun energy and also lower maintenance cost and easy repairable parts.
Also, they are built at non-populated grounds where price of land is less and hence less land cost
is expected.[21]

9 Life Quality Index:

The Life Quality Index (LQI) is a calibrated compound social indicator of human welfare that
reflects the expected length of life in good health and enhancement of the quality of life. LQI is
directly linked with the emission of GHG and should be controlled according to number issued
by world health organization. Utility of carbon and its derivatives reduces the LQI and it was
least for Lahore and Karachi during the last 3-4 years after Mumbai being at 3 rd. Then,
government of Pakistan take strict action and various sanctions were being imposed on use of
plastics, thermal and coal power plants and solar and hydro power plants were focused and
targeted to produce electricity to bring the LQI level to bearable range.

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