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Bahasa Inggris 2
Tugas ke 2
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Nama : Johar Arifin Semester : Genap
Dosen : Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Pd NPM : 031200019
Hari / Tgl. : Jumat / 25 MARET 2021 Prodi : D3 Sistem Informasi


1. Do you think you're capable of this job?

2. How do you handle pressure while working?
3. Do you have any working experience?
4. Do you think experience is important?
5. Do you mind if you have to subtitute your working partner if something urgent happened?
6. What do you think of this company?
7. How do you keep your spirit high while working?
8. How do you maintain your focus while working?
9. Do you think this company is the right choice for you?
10. Do you have any other offer from other company?

Deadline : 25-MARET-2021 – 20.00 WIB

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