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Bahasa Inggris 2
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Nama : Johar Arifin Semester : Genap
Dosen : Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Pd NPM : 031200019
Hari / Tgl. : Jumat / 1 APRIL 2021 Prodi : D3 Sistem Informasi


1. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "will"

2. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "will be"
3. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "be going to"
4. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "be going to be"

Deadline : 2-APRIL-2021 – 15.00 WIB

1. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "will"
• I will arrive from Indramayu next week
• How long will Arief Rahman be here?
• I will clean the office
• Before she goes, she will finish her work
• I will do it

2. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "will be"

o Her parents will be in Indramayu next year.
o I am sure he will be a husband soon.
o You will be exhausted if you don’t take a rest.
o She’ll be worried if I don’t text her.
o I’ll be at home this evening.
3. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "be going to"
▪ I’m gonna watch my favourite movie.
▪ We are going to visit her tomorrow.
▪ What class is she going to join this Friday?
▪ Mr. Arief is going to rent this house next month.
▪ She’s going to join a photography class this Friday.

4. 5 kalimat yg menggunakan "be going to be"

• Johar and Alif are gonna be participants of that competition.
• I am gonna be an employee at the end of this year.
• Aldo is going to be my roommate.
• He is going to be in Palembang next July.
• We’re gonna be quiet in that room.

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