Johar Arifin - 031200019 - Pert 9

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Bahasa Inggris 2
Tugas Mandiri
Pertemuan ke 9
Nama : Johar Arifin Semester : Genap
Dosen : Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Pd NPM : 031200019
Hari / Tgl. : Kamis / 27 May 2021 Prodi : D3 Sistem Informasi


No Question Answer
1 ___ some students in the class + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
2 I see many flowers in the garden and __ one flower that + There is
I like the most
- There isn’t
? Is there
3 __ many vegetables in the market and you can buy it + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
4 __ a bowl of soto for you + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
5 I give him many food and ___ a food that I like + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
6 __ many people in their house + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
7 __ a cup of coffe on the table for you + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
8 I will buy many books in this shop because __ many + There are
interesting books here
- There aren’t
? Are there
9 __ your favorite food in this restaurant + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
10 __ your enemy in this party + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
11 __ men in this party + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
12 I see __ some book people in that event + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
13 Look at that! __ a man standing alone + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there
14 ___ my friends in the living room + There are
- There aren’t
? Are there
15 I belive ___ a good human in this word + There is
- There isn’t
? Is there

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