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Bahasa Inggris 2
Pertemuan ke 10
Nama : Johar Arifin Semester : Genap
Dosen : Arief Rahman Hakim, M.Pd NPM : 031200019
Hari / Tgl. : Kamis / 29 May 2021 Prodi : D3 Sistem Informasi

1 Please write 5 sentences by using "will"?
* We will visit our grandmother’s house.
* She will go to buy some rice.
* I think I will go to the bookstore.
* If you cheat on your friend’s work, I will tell your teacher.
* I will go to bed after I finish my homework.
2 Please write 5 sentences by using "begoingto"?
* I feel so dizzy. I think I’m going to faint.
* We are going to have our family trip in january.
* My sister and I are going to the amusement park later.
* My dad said he was going to buy a new car.
* My parents are going to send me to UK to continue my study.
3 Please write 5 sentences by using "willbe"?
* When I grow up, I will be an programmer.
* The weather will be hot in August.
* Johar will be here soon.
* That will be a lot of fun.
* I will be waiting for her.
4 Please write 5 sentences by using "begoingtobe"?
* He is going to be in Indonesia next February.
* The radio said it is going to be cloudy and rainy tomorrow.
He made a major mistake and refused to take responsibility for it. I think he's
going to be fired.
* My sister is going to be a wife next two months.
* Mrs. Jhon has resigned from this school. Who is going to be the new teacher?

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