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NAME: _____________________________________________ GRADE& SECTION: ___________

SCORE: ______________

TEST I. A. IDENTIFICATION: Identify what kind of sense evokes: VISUAL, AUDITORY, OLFACTORY,
GUSTATORY, or TACTILE. Write your answer on the answer sheet.

1. Aaron punched out the letters on his old typewriter because his computer had a virus.
2. The bacon sizzled on the grill.
3. I have a stuffy nose and was miserable most of the weekend.
4. Her breathy, flute-sounding words soothed the test takers.
5. I flipped open the Tupperware lid to find chocolate crinkle cookies.
6. As he looks, he sees a strange expression come over the face of the hostess. She is staring straight ahead,
her muscles contracting slightly.
7. He tried to lick his parched lips, but his whole mouth felt dry.
8. The waves crashing against the rocks somewhere nearby.
9. The trash consisted of moldy apples, soggy chips, burned toast, and mustard.
10. As I tumbled down the hill, the loose rocks raced alongside me, pricking my hands and face like a
hundred tiny knives.

TEST II. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Directions: Read the sentences carefully and understand it well. Write on your
paper the correct letter and word/s of you answer.

11.  Denotation is a word's ____________.

a. Literal, dictionary definition c. Emotional meaning
b. synonym d. antonym
12. Connotation is a word's ___________.
a. synonym c. emotional meaning
b. antonym d. Literal, dictionary definition.
13. The word thin, as in "you are very thin" has a _______ connotation.
a. positive b. negative
14. The word scrawny, as in "Jason appeared scrawny," has a _________ connotation.
a. positive b. negative
15. Referring to someone's house as a "shack" would have a __________ connotation.
a. positive b. negative
16. McDonald's is an inexpensive meal. If you change the word inexpensive to cheap, the word now has a ____
a. positive b. negative
17.  Kevin's interest in model cars has turned into a hobby. If you change the word hobby to obsession, the
word now has a _____ connotation.
a. positive b. negative
18. Choose the word with the positive connotation.
a. mob b. gathering
19. Glittering has a _____ connotation.
a. negative c. positive
b. neutral d. cheeseballs
20. Gold has a ____ connotation.
a. positive c. negative
b. neutral d. frisbees
21. The 'Legend of Sleepy Hollow' is an example of which of the following writing styles?
a. Persuasive c. Imaginative
b. Expository d. Descriptive
22. What is this text passage trying to persuade you to do?


Do you owe more money than you are making? Do you have lots of different debts? It’s quick and easy
to apply and you could get the money within just 2 days! Yes that’s right 2 days, so why waste time. So if you
want to clear your debts, make home improvements, go on a holiday or just buy something you’ve always
wanted call us now on 0900 7895 2369.
a. To go on holiday.
b. To make some home improvements.
c. To take out a loan with the advertising loan company.
d. To buy something you’ve always wanted.
23. What type of text is the following passage?
The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle
of the desert, there existed a tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he
had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a
lighted candle.
a. descriptive c. academic
b. journalistic d. technical
24. A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?
a. expressive c. persuasive
b. technical d. creative
25. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?
Treatment aims
1. Control bleeding
2. Minimise shock for casualty
3. Prevent infection – for casualty and between yourself and the casualty
4. Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary

a. To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled.

b. To describe the scene of an accident.
c. To persuade the reader to attend a First Aid course.
d. To instruct the reader on what to do if they come across an accident.

26. What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

Bert Baxter was lying in a filthy-looking bed smoking a cigarette, there was a horrible smell in the
room, I think it came from Bert Baxter himself. The bed sheets looked as though they were covered in blood,
but Bert said that was caused by the beetroot sandwiches he always eats last thing at night.

a. To inform the reader not to smoke in bed.

b. To persuade the reader to always clean their sheets.
c. To describe Bert Baxter and his room.
d. To instruct the reader how to eat beetroot sandwiches.

27. Which of the following is not a piece of writing/text?

a. an email c. a portrait
b. a newspaper article d. an advertisement
28. Is the cornerstone of wellness and writing connections. It literally comes from our core.
a. expository c. persuasive
b. expressive d. academic
29. Is the style of writing used to report news stories in newspapers, television broadcasts, on radio and on
the Internet.
a. creative c. imaginative
b. descriptive d. journalistic
30. You have a big exam for world history on Friday. You realize you haven't done any of the reading
assignments. You spend all night reading several chapters from the textbook. What kind of writing is in your
a. academic c. descriptive
b. persuasive d. expository

TEST III. MATCHING TYPE: Directions: Match the following terms with their examples by writing the letter
and words of the correct answer in the blank.

______31. Hyperbole a. The big, bad bear scared all the baby bunnies by the bushes.
______ 32. Imagery b. His fist felt like an iron cannon ball as it plunged through the
______33. Cliché c. Read between the lines
______34. Metaphor d. “You were in that store FOREVER!”
______ 35. Onomatopoeia e. Time is a thief
______ 36. Personification f. The American flag represents freedom and patriotism to
______ 37. Simile g. The limbs of the dead tree cackled and choked eerily in the
______ 38. Symbolism h. I awoke to the warm and welcoming aroma of granddad’s coffee
brewing in the weathered copper kettle.
______ 39. Alliteration i. How do turtles talk to each other? By using shell phones!
______40. Pun j. The bells went RINGGGGG CLANGGGGG CLAGGG.

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