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C ourse TLG Live - UPP Level 6 B July.


W8 D39.6 - Grammar & Vocabulary

Building a Personal Brand
I. Grammar: Preparatory It
Read the sentences and rewrite them so that they begin with a preparatory "It." Type your answer on the line under
each question.

1. That this is an effective ad is known.

2. During the last meeting, how to identify a target market and prepare a customer profile was discussed.

3. The person who was assigned as a product manager was Jacob.

4. To increase the customer satisfaction rate is a challenging issue at this point.

5. That they launched a new product line was the biggest news for the customers.

6. To change the overall branding process was Ann's idea.

7. That he came up with a new logo design put at risk the old-fashioned one.

8. To analyze the target market is essential.

9. How they changed their product concept is still unique.

The Language Gallery Canada 2021 1 of 2

II. Vocabulary: Branding
Read the text and fill in the missing information. Click on a word to highlight it. Then click on a blank to set it as the

the brand identity, the brand image, the market leader, a premium brand, an economy brand,
the target market, brand awareness, the consumer, consideration set, brand consideration,
brand loyalty, the brand representatives, ambassadors, the creatives, social demographic, pitched ,
a must-have item, psychological pricing, post-purchase dissonance, post-purchase consonance

1. This latest piece of promotion from the OPI brand is undeniably compelling. they are
trying to put across to the buying public is definitely that they are cool, contemporary and high-quality.
Does that identity equate to ? I think the answer would be a definite, 'yes.' Every person
that I've shown this to has been super impressed with the creativity, images, music, and the slow reveal
of the product. Is OPI ? I'm afraid that my knowledge of nail products is not good enough
to know, but the marketing budget would suggest that this is with pricing to match, rather
than . It's also an amazing ad because it appeals to a far larger customer base than just
. Nail varnish typically would be aimed at females, but this campaign is ticking all the right
boxes for for all those boyfriends and husbands out there. OK, they are not going to be
, but now the males who have seen this ad would certainly have OPI in their
(possibly the only product in their ). For existing female customers it works extremely well
serving to cement . For me, a very interesting aspect of the ad are the models, or shall we
say or ? If you consider the top models used for fashion mega brands like
Gucci, D&G, etc, these girls are a lot lower down the scale. Likewise, whilst they are great dancers, they
are not the absolute best - if you compare them to a Russian primera ballerina or a leading flamenco
dancer, etc. This is clever casting from in the advertising group to appeal to the right
of customers, positioning this brand as 'obtainable' (as opposed to unobtainable) for
female teenagers and twenty-somethings... whilst at the same time remaining aspirational. This is
clearly as a product for the cool girl in the street in 2013. The only downfall I can see is in
answering the question, 'Does the product live up to expectations?' It could well be that after seeing this
ad, the 'want factor' could be very high and it could turn into . However, assuming that this
range might be priced at 14.99 EUR (a nice piece of ), then there might be some
(as opposed to ) coming into play. After all, the über-cool advert may lead
a customer to believe that this product is going to change their lives and make them super cool or sexy,
but at the end of the day it is only nail varnish!

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