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Mathematics DPP NO.

# 14 (Advance) JEE(Main-Advanced) 2021

Time : 35 Minutes Maximum Marks-32

MCQ :((4, −2)+ partial marks) ; NUMERICAL: (4, 0)

* marked questions may have one or more than one correct option.

1*. A Six-faced die is biased such that when it is thrown, the chance of showing an even number is twice that of

an odd number. If it is thrown thrice, then the probability that the sum of three numbers thrown is even, is a/b

(given a & b are coprime) then

(A) a + b = 40 (B) a & b are both prime

(C) b – a = 13 (D) a + b = 41

ì-2; -3 £ x £ 0
2*. Let f ( x ) = í and g ( x ) = éë f (| x |) ùû + [| f ( x ) |] , where [.] denotes greatest integer function,
î x - 2; 0 < x £ 3
Then which of the following statement(s) is/are true?

(A) g(1.7) = – 1

(B) g(x) is non-differentiable at any point

(C) g(x) is continuous at all non-integral points

(D) g(x) is differentiable at some points

3. Let (α, β) be the centre of smaller circle which touches the lines 7x – y – 5 = 0 and

x + y + 13 = 0 and which passes through the point (1, 2), the find the value of |α + β|.

ì ax 2018 - bx 2017 + 5a ; x <1

ïï 2
4. Let f ( x )= í x + 31x - 29 ; 1£ x £ 2 is a continuous function ∀ x ∈ R and , , are non −
ï 3
ïîax + ( b + c ) x + 3b - 3a + c ; x > 2

negative integers, then find the value of + + .

(1 + cosx ) + e
4 x4

5. If f ( x=
) lim , where x4 ∈ [0, 2π], then the total number of points of discontinuity of ( ).
1 + (1 + cosx )
n ®¥ n

Corporate Office : Reliable Institute, A-10 Road No.1, IPIA, Kota-324005 (Rajasthan) INDIA
visit us at: 1
( +91-7427056522, 7568756522, 7425906522
# Matrix Match Type

Answer Q. 6,7 and 8 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

æ sinx ö
(I) f ( x ) = sgn ç (i) even (P) f ( x )max = 1
ç sinx ÷÷
è ø

(Where sgn(.) is signum function)

1æ ì 7ü ì 17 ü ö
(II) f (x) = ç {x} + í x + ý + í x + ý ÷ (ii) odd (Q) ƒ(x) £ 1
2è î 3þ î 3 þø

Where {.} is fractional part function

2é ìπ üù
(III) f (x) = -1
ê max í - cos cosx , sinx ý ú (iii) periodic (R) f ( x )min = 0
πë î2 þû

(IV) f (x) = (iv) bounded (S) f ( x ) min = 1
x -1 + x + x +1

6. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?

(A) (I) (ii, iv) (Q, S) (B) (I) (ii, iii, iv) (P, S)

(C) (II) (iii, iv) (P, R) (D) (IV) (i, iv) (P, R)

7. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?

(A) (II) (ii, iii) (P, R) (B) (II) (iii, iv) (Q)

(C) (III) (iii, iv) (Q, S) (D) (III) (i, iv) (P, R)

8. Which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?

(A) (III) (I, iii, iv) (P) (B) (III) (ii, iv) (P, Q)

(C) (IV) (i, iv) (P, R) (D) (IV) (i, iii, iv) (Q)

1. CD 2. ACD 3. 3 4. 7

5. 4 6. B 7. B 8. A

Corporate Office : Reliable Institute, A-10 Road No.1, IPIA, Kota-324005 (Rajasthan) INDIA
visit us at: 2
( +91-7427056522, 7568756522, 7425906522

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