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16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013


1. Να απαντήσετε σε όλα τα ερωτήματα στο τετράδιό σας ακολουθώντας
την αρίθμηση των θεμάτων ως εξής:
Α1. 1 ...
2 ...

Α2. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και το γράμμα που
αντιστοιχεί στη σωστή απάντηση, π.χ.
5 ...

Β1. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και τη ζητούμενη

10 ...
11 ...

Β2. Να γράψετε μόνο τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος και τις ΔΥΟ (2)
ζητούμενες λέξεις.
15 ...
16 ...

Β3. Να αντιστοιχίσετε τον αριθμό του ερωτήματος με το σωστό γράμμα

και να γράψετε μόνο την αντιστοιχία, π.χ.
20 – Α
21 ...

Γ. Να αναπτύξετε το ζητούμενο θέμα στο τετράδιό σας χωρίς να

αντιγράψετε την οδηγία-εκφώνηση.
2. Να χρησιμοποιήσετε μόνο μπλε ή μαύρο στυλό διαρκείας και μόνο
ανεξίτηλης μελάνης.

Καλή Επιτυχία
Διάρκεια εξέτασης: Τρεις (3) ώρες
Έναρξη χρόνου εξέτασης: Αμέσως μετά τη διανομή των θεμάτων
Δυνατότητα αποχώρησης: 17.00

Α. Read the
e text below nd to tasks A1 and A2.
w and respon

ppy Left-H
Handers’ Day!
D Whatt souuthpaws, as they’re kno own, engage e the
Science Says
s About Handednes
H ss righ
ht sides of the
eir brains mo
ore actively.

An interesting trrial published d earlier this year

eveen showed th hat right-han nded people who
nched their right
r fists beefore memorrizing
a group of word ds, thereby a activating thee left
es of their brains, perfo ormed bette er on
recaall tests thaan right-hand ders who balled
theiir left hands into a fist (in
n righties, the
e left
e is home to o the regionss responsible for
enccoding inforrmation, and d the rightt for
While the body isi remarkably symmetriccal in recaall).
man ny ways, in i some keyk areas, it’s
Scie entists have also found that lefties may
deciidedly one-ssided. About 10% of people
be more prone to fear than righties and d that
are left-handed d, a propo ortion that, for
left--handers have more sym mmetry betw ween
wha atever reasoon, has remmained relatiively
the right and left sides of their brains
stabble throughout human history (scien ntists
commpared with right-handers. And thatt can
have e even determined th hat some cavec
havve implications for e everything from
painnters etched their masterrpieces with their
lang guage to motor skills.
left hands).
So which com mes first? D Does being left-
People who sttudy the brrain, and early e
hannded contribu ute to a different organization
deve elopment, have
h a num mber of theo ories
of the brain thatt makes it less asymmettrical,
abou ut what drive
es handedne ess, but are at a
or does the brain’s layoutt veer some eone
loss to explain why human ns are the only
ward left- or riight-handedn ness?
speccies with han O theory holds
ndedness. One
that hand dominance is esstablished in the “It’s
s fundamentaally related, but it’s more
e like
wommb by the hand that babie es prefer hold to it happens together,”
t says Profe essor
theirr mouths, while
w another says hig gher Ges schwind fromm the University of Illinois.
testoosterone in utero can n increase the “Lefft-handednesss is a marrker for how w the
chan nces of becooming a lefty.. brain is organized in a more e symmetric than
lesss symmetric way.”
But regardless of what se ets the patttern,
hand dedness can n play a role in how we thhink, Apppreciating how that lacck of symm metry
beha ave and inte eract with others. The brain, tran
nslates into benefits
b or rissks is still a work
mmetrical, witth many thinking
afterr all, is asym in progress.
and intellectual skills cente ered in the left Which means that,
t in the mmeantime, le efties
hemmisphere, wh hile emotionnal and mo ood- shoould celebratte their diffe
erences — or,o in
relatted function ns are conccentrated in the the case of their brainss, the lack k of
rightt. Some studies, for example, find that diffe
erence betweeen their righ
ht and left sid
handed pe eople tend to be more m
vulnnerable to negative emotions such s e Magazine, Health
Time H mily, August 2013
and Fam 2
as depression
d a
and anger, possibly becaause Abri dged



A1. Answer questions 1-3 based on information from the article (up to 20 words each).
(3 x 4 points = 12 points)

1. What is this text about?

2. What has remained relatively stable throughout human history?
3. Where have scientists identified handedness in nature?

A2. Choose the correct answer (A, B, or C) for items 4–9 based on information from the
article. (6 x 3 points = 18 points)
4. Anger and joy are centered
A. in the left B. in the right hemisphere C. in both hemispheres

5. About 90% of the population

A. are right-handed B. are left-handed C. use both hands

6. Left-handers differ from right-handers in that

A. they are less B. they are happier C. they make more active
vulnerable to fear people use of the right sides of
their brains
7. Scientists who study the brain
A. have been B. have formulated C. do not relate
concerned with numerous theories handedness to early
handedness for the about handedness development
last five years

8. According to scientists,
A. right-handers’ brain B. left-handers’ brain C. all human brains are
sides are more sides are more symmetrical
symmetrical than symmetrical than right-
left-handers’ handers’

9. The lack of symmetry of the human brain

A. is definitely risky B. involves many benefits C. is still being studied in
relation to benefits or


B1. Use the following words (A-H), in the correct form, to complete sentences 10-14, as in the
example. There are two words you do not need. (5 x 2 points = 10 points)
A. hostile B. invite C. request D. different

E. excite F. depend G. move H. rely

Example: Hundreds of invitations were sent out for the royal wedding.

10. Sign languages are languages of _________ of the hands and the eyes.


11. I can’t say I like or dislike John. I suppose I’m rather ________ towards him.

12. I am so ________ about the possibility of going to the States!

13. ________ on the weather, the party will be indoors or in the garden.

14. Students are ________ to hand in their essays by Friday.

B2. Fill in the TWO gaps in the statements 15-19 of Column B, so that they have a similar
meaning to the statements of Column A. (5 x 2 points = 10 points)

Example: He’s so busy these days that he hardly He’s rather forgetful of his duties these
remembers the things he has to do. days because he’s very busy.

Not only ______ ______ sign a big
Mary signed a big contract and was also given a
15. contract, but she was also given a
signature bonus of 1,000€!.
signature bonus of 1,000€!

16. According to him it was a fine job. In _____ ______, it was a fine job.

He missed the train _____ _____ waking

17. He woke up late and so he missed the train.
up late.
We all accept your apologies. Just don’t do it Your apologies will be accepted on ______
again. _______ you don’t do it again.
My mother is getting very old. She finds it very My mother is getting _______ _______ to
difficult to travel. travel.

B3. The sentences in the text below have been jumbled up. Put items A-E in the correct
order by writing the number of the item (20-24) and the letter corresponding to each
sentence in the order in which they should appear (for example, 20. A).
(5 x 2 points = 10 points)

A. In the early years, they were sung in the palaces of ancient Greece and in later years they
were written down.
B. It was such a great story, it is still told today.
C. The stories about ancient Greek heroes were told as poems.
D. His poem, The Iliad, tells the story of the siege of Troy, a story of the heroes who fought to
get beautiful Helen back to her husband, King Menelaus.
E. The oldest written poem was by the Greek poet Homer.

20. ......... 21. .......... 22. ......... 23. ......... 24. .........



Produce a written text of 180-200 words.

TASK:   You have just read a novel which you found truly amazing.
Write an e-mail to a close friend of yours in which you

¾ give him/her the title of the novel and outline the plot
¾ describe your favourite character and say what you liked most about her/him
¾ say why you liked the novel in general, and
¾ strongly recommend the novel to your friend.

Sign your e-mail as Jay.



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