Project Name Index No Progress Report No Reporting Period Section 1: Activities and Progress

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Project Name OES (Online Examination System )

Index No
Progress Report No 1
Reporting period 03-07-16 to 04-01-16
Section 1: Activities and Progress
1.1 Implementation/ development progress

Inception phase of the system was successfully completed within the specified time period i.e. from 16-03-07 to
16-03-13. Project idea and the required scope was finalized within the initial stage of the project. The project was
successfully approved by the department.
Project OES follows the RUP methods and best practices. After completing the inception phase, the project
moved towards the elaboration phase, in which the requirements were analysed using use cases. Mainly the
system incorporates with 3 main actors, Student, Lecturer and admin. At this stage user requirements were paid
higher attention than system requirements, in order to fine tune the scope and to avoid scope creep. The common
functionalities such as login, user account management, which were not that much concerned at the initial stage,
were paid a much attention during this phase. All the functional requirements were finalized and the non-
functional requirements were estimated roughly. Since this project is not a client application, requirement
imprecision scenarios didn’t occur. In order to make sure the requirements are complete and consistent, all the
requirements were traced back to the origin. The complete documentation of requirements were not completed at
this stage. (Will be done in the next phase).
Work breakdown structure (WBS) was developed, that covers the whole life time of the project development.
Much time was allocated to development stage since many of implementation will be carried out during that
period. Dependencies and milestones are addressed in this WBS.
OES database ER is initially started and the main entities and relationships were designed. Even though the
database was defined using SQL to a certain extent, it is still not finalized. .
Hibernate framework is used together with the NetBeans IDE to generate some of the data access classes. But
these implementations require further improvements.

1.2 Testing progress

Requirement Testing
Requirements of OES (online examination system) was tested using use case diagrams and use case tables. In the
process, it was found that some requirements need to be more specified. So additional use case descriptions were
created to fine tune requirements.

Functional Testing
The major entity classes were designed and are tested to verify the functionality using JUNIt. Still all the
functions are not implemented.

Unit Testing
The data access classes that were developed using Hibernate were tested using Junit framework. The tests passed
1.3 Deviations from proposed architecture and design (if any)

Being a web based application, OES is devolved as a client server system. Still the system architecture is not
completely designed at the point when this document was created.

Data Access Layer design

Data access layer was designed to a certain extent. The ER diagram and the data access classes were developed.
Some modifications were done to the ER diagram.

Use Case diagrams

Use cases were developed in the normal text description. Some use cases were modified in order to maintain the
consistency and completeness of the requirements.
Section 2: Risks, Issues and Challenges
Changes of time period
Even though the due date of requirements specification is on 1st of April, it was delayed till the 03rd of April since
it’s required to fine tune the use case diagrams a bit more, before going in to the requirement specification.

Changes of program environment
OES was initially proposed to program using Java. But due to the lack of availability of JSP hosting spaces there
is a risk of finding a proper space to host the application. Hence there was a duality whether to use PHP or JSP as
the backend programming language. But it was decided to continue with Java.

As mentioned in the project proposal, initially it was decided to make it possible to integrate this system with the
Moodle system. Basically that facility will be provided in the means of software as a service basis. But due to the
associated complexity of the software development in OES, implementing those SAAS interfaces is a challenge.

Section 3: Next Steps

System Requirement Specification
After completing the requirement analysis, the system requirement specification is created that gives the detailed
description of OES requirements (both user and system requirements).

System Architecture Document

After completing the use case analysis, activity diagrams, class structure and other major artefacts, the System
architecture will be designed.

Software implementation
ER diagram and the database will be finalized and the coding is to be started immediately. The programming will
be done in such a way, that both the backend and the front end will be implemented simultaneously. Initially the
GUI will be developed to a certain extent, and then the functionalities will be added.

Unit testing will be done together with implementation activities. JUNIT is used as the testing framework. Hence
the testing process is fully automated.

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