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Electrical Insulating Oils

Part I: Characterization and

Pre-treatment of New Transformer Oils
Andrzej Sierota and Juris Rungis
CSIRO Division of Applied Physics, Lindfield, Australia

The most critical step in the manufacture of
insulating oils is crude oil selection.
he first mineral insulating oil proposed for use in

T transformers was patented in the USA in 1887,

and a subsequent British patent followed in 1891.
Transformer oil was first used in 1892; the first trans- users do not always agree in their approach (Lipscomb
[4], Erdman [5], Geiman 161, Johnson 171, Pearce 181).
former oil manufactured to a specification was used in
1899. The early transformer oils were paraffin-based
but, in about 1925, they were replaced with naphthenic Definition of Transformer Oil
oils because of the high pour point of paraffinic oils. It
was soon recognized that naphthenic oils are prone to
sludging, and this resulted in the development of oil In ASTM D 3487, IEC 442 and AS 1883, only the
reclamation techniques. However, reclaiming proce- general term ”insulating oil” has been used. The term
dures stripped oils of their naturally occurring oxida- ”transformer oil” is misleading, as some oils can be
tion inhibitors, so that they deteriorated at a much faster used in electrical apparatus other than transformers.
rate than new oils. Consequently,in the late 1950s, the However, transformer oil readily accommodates the
industrial application of anti-oxidants was com- needs of manufacturers of different types of apparatus.
menced. However, because inhibitors are depleted dur- Thus, the term ”transformer oil” has been accepted in
ing service, their use has been restricted mainly to practice to describe varieties of mineral insulating oil
distribution transformers. A predicted world shortage used elsewhere (Clark [ll, Myers et al. [31, Pearce [SI).
of good grade naphthenic crudes has resulted in re- ASTM D 2864, which defines terms relating to elec-
newed interest in paraffinic oils (Clark [l], Wilson [2], trical insulating liquids, recommends only two catego-
Myers et al. [31 Lipscomb [41). ries of mineral insulating oils, as either refined from
It has been generally acknowledged that the life of naphthenic or paraffinic crude. However, this classifi-
an oil in service depends primarily on its initial quality, cation is not technically correct and is of limited practi-
but service conditions need to be considered, also. The cal significance, as both categories may have virtually
methods for evaluating various properties of insulating the same basic properties (Lipscomb 141, Crine et al. [91).
oils that guarantee their quality and long life have been A more pragmatic approach is that of ASTM D 3487,
standardized. The general specifications and methods which deals with only one specification that is intended
of testing electrical insulating oils to be used in the ”to define a mineral insulating oil that is functionally
electrical industry are covered by ASTM D 117.The USA interchangeable and miscible with existing oils, is com-
standard covering new oil is ASTM D 3487, and there patible with existing apparatus and with appropriate
are various national and international standards, such field maintenance, and will satisfactorily maintain its
as the IEC 422, Japanese Industrial StandardsJISC 2320, functional characteristics in its application in electrical
and Australian Standard AS 1883. Nevertheless, the equipment.” The question of whether this can be
question of whether the existing standards are good achieved to a satisfactory level of confidenceunder the
enough to evaluate a new oil is still a point of conten- present standards and practices is still the core of many
tion. Oil manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, and investigations.
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8 January/February 1995-Vol.11,No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

The ASTM D 3487 definition covers new mineral to acid treatment, is that the extracted aromatics have
insulating oils regardless of their crude oil base and valuable uses.
origin prior to any processing,and it defines two types.
Type I is of normal oxidation resistance and Type 11 of De-Waxing
greater oxidation resistance. Some Type I oils may not
require the addition of an oxidation inhibitor as they In general, de-waxing is not required when the crude
may already contain naturally occurring inhibitors. oil is naphthenic. It must be employed, however, when
Type I1 oils are inhibited artificially. the crude is paraffinic or if naphthenic crude has a high
paraffin content. Only the wax structures are removed,
Effects of Oil Manufacturing Procedures thereby reducing the pour point of the oil.

The most critical step in the manufacture of insulat- If an oil is under-refined, it always has a higher
ing oils is crude oil selection. The degree of distillation aromatic content and the unstable aromatics retained
and refining of the crude and the kind of processes will result in poor oxidation stability. However,an over-
involved may greatly change the constituents of the refined oil with too low an aromacity may also have
final product (Hobson and Pohl [lo], Nelson [ l l l , Gruse poor oxidation and gassing properties, as the result of
and Stevens [121). too few natural aromatic inhibitors. Satisfactory insu-
The purpose of the refining process is, (a) to select lating oil should have a balance of these properties, and
the liquid fraction having the most desirable charac- this can be achieved by using a combination of proc-
teristics, and (b) to remove or minimize objectionable esses sequentially. A combination consisting of solvent
constituents that may affect the required oil properties. extraction as the first stage, followed by a hydrogena-
There is no single best method for the manufacture of tion, may be the best solution (Myerset al. 131, Lipscomb
good insulating oil. The choice is based on the source of 141, Geiman [61).
crude, manufacturing experienceand equipment avail- Modern insulating oils are not the same as those once
able. To produce transformer oils, particular attention obtained by the acid method. Some are designed to rely
must be paid to fluidity, electrical characteristics, oxida- on the addition of oxidation inhibitors, and without
tion stability, gas-absorbing properties, sulphur and these, they do not display good inherent stability. But
nitrogen content, contaminants, and an optimal aro- transformer oils need to have a satisfactory inherent
matic content (Wilson [21, Lipscomb [4], Geiman [61). stability as the inhibitors are consumed during service.
Modern mineral transformer oils are produced using Although the benefits of inhibitors have been demon-
the following refining methods: strated in various accelerated oxidation laboratory
tests, there is some evidence that they may not be as
Acid and Clay Treating effective in service (Wilson [21, Griffin [131, Dominelli
This produces the best quality oil. The finished insu-
lating oil is neutral in acidity, non-corrosive, and has Maintenance of New Oils
good electrical properties. However, the acid treating
process, although very powerful in eliminating un- Experience shows that transformer oil is a product
wanted compounds, is no longer used in some coun- that requires extreme care and careful maintenance to
tries, such the USA, where acid-treated oils require a ensure satisfactory service. However, there is only a
cancer hazard warning. Acid treating, however, is still brief mention in the standards of the maintenance re-
performed in other parts of the world. quirements for the shipping, storage and handling of
new oil. The lack of complete consensus on this subject
HydrotreatinglHydrogenation can be gauged from the fact that for specific problems,
the standards refer to oil and equipment manufactur-
These two processes differ in the severity of the ers’ recommendations (Lipscomb [4]).
treatment. Hydrogenation adversely affects oxidation Another important factor is the sampling of oil for
stability if too much aromatic content is removed. testing. Many factors have to be looked at in order to
avoid contamination and/or modification of the oil
Solvent Extraction samples, thus affecting the measured properties. Stand-
ards, such as ASTM D 923, ASTM D 3613, and AS 1883,
This improves electric properties and decreases the give specifications for the preparation of oil samples
gassing tendency. It must be used in combination with before testing. Once defined, the procedures of sam-
other processes such as hydrotreatment and clay treat- pling the oil for various measurements should be
ment. The advantage of solvent extraction, in contrast strictly followed. In principle, in order to ensure the

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine January/February 1995-Vol.1 1, No.1 9

integrity of the oil and equipment, the initial monitor- though manufacturers provide certificatesof oil quality,
ing of the oil quality should consist of sampling the new care has to be taken that these did not become invalid
oil as delivered and sampling the oil in the equipment during shipment and storage. The manufacturers ex-
before energization. Supply authorities, but also the pect that the current product requirements will con-
users, may specify their own sampling requirements tinue without much change and that they will not have
and sample treatment procedures (Crine 1151, Griffin to get involved in new developments. Within the US
and Baker 1161). market they will be guided by ASTM D 3487; elsewhere,
by other standards.
Oil Characterizationby Manufacturers and
Users Oil Users

With the use of oils from new sources and the reduc- Oil users usually want a more comprehensive char-
tion in the physical size of modern high-voltage appa- acterization of a new oil than do oil manufacturers. The
ratus, the electrical industry has become aware of the users are also more amenable to the specificationof new
necessity to better define its selection criteria for insu- tests. The equipment manufacturers and users often
lating oils (Myers et al. [31, Johnson 171, Griffin [17]). seem to have similar viewpoints and common interests.
Standards and specificationsare of fundamental impor- The equipment manufacturer is predominantly inter-
tance for all parties involved in the application of insu- ested in specifying characteristics that could affect his
lating oils but their need is not always sufficiently design and short-term operating performance, while
appreciated. The oil manufacturers, the equipment the equipment user is focused on service and mainte-
manufacturers, and the equipment users may have dif- nance problems and is most interested in the long-term
ferent interpretations of the standards. performance and ultimate equipment and oil life (Erd-
man 151, Johnson [71, Pearce [81). Users have realized
Oil Manufacturers that new parameters could be used for oil charac-
terization, although they do not yet appear in
The primary concern of the oil manufacturers is to standards.
meet the quality levels that are set by the standards and Oil performance is especially important for the elec-
specifications. The manufacturers produce their own tricity generating authorities. The trend has been for
specifications for the evaluation of oil quality, but they equipment manufacturers to minimize the amount of
have also to satisfy the requirements of the purchasing oil needed and also to reduce the basic insulation level
organizations. Oil manufacturers are interested in a safety margins, with a result that tremendous reliance
formulation that ensures high production rates and has to be placed on the oil to withstand the rigors of
sales. The production of insulating oils is only a small thermal and electrical stresses during service. The effec-
fraction of the overall refining output. Manufacturers tiveness of this protection can be monitored by ensuring
do not see the need for any new process or major change that the oil properties are within acceptable levels set
in the core manufacturing routes used to refine electri- by specification requirements and limits. However, oil
cal insulating oils (Lipscomb 141, Geiman [6]). The users should probably impose much stricter and more
manufacturers are mainly concerned about the source explicit rules than currently used in purchase specifica-
and type of crude to be used and that the use of increas- tions. A less conservative approach to the usefulness of
ing amounts of paraffinic crudes will become a feature more modern oil test results would be of benefit to
of future production. The manufacturers favor the equipment users.
specification of well established and well understood
characteristics, such as high dielectric strength, heat Standards and Specifications
transfer capability, low temperature pour point, and
good resistance to oxidation (Myerset al. [31, Pearce [SI). In spite of all the differences in their standpoints, the
Oil manufacturers use different refining processesto refiners, manufacturers and users have worked to-
produce the same apparent product. These products, gether to produce mutually acceptable standard speci-
even under the same brand name, may have different fications for oil characteristics and test requirements.
long-term properties because the oil composition may The most comprehensive specification to date is ASTM
significantly vary from one product or batch to another. D 3487 in the USA. This standard discusses most but not
The trend to slightly over-refine oils for better antioxi- all of the important parameters that can be used to
dant inhibitor susceptibility may result, however, in characterize an oil. Table I lists the oil properties men-
decreasing the aromatic content, which may have a tioned in American,Australian and Japanesestandards.
negative effect in weakening the long-term oxidation In the most comprehensive approach to oil testing,
stability (Petrovic and Vitorovic [181, Griffin [17]). Al- the range of tests and parameters considered can be

10 January/February 1995-Vol.11, No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

Table I
Oil Properties in Various Standards


Physical: I
Color a n d appearance D 1500 I S 0 2049 c 2101
D 1524
1 Density/Specific gravity D 1298 IEC 296 c 2101
D 88 c2101 ~

Viscosity D 97 I S 0 3675 c 2101

Pour point D 92 c 2101
Flash point D 611 I S 0 3104 -
Aniline point D 971 -
Interfacial tension D 2285 I S 0 3016 c 2101
1 Specific dispersion I S 0 2719
I S 0 6295

~ Chemical:
Neutralization number (acidity) D 974 IEC 296 c 2101
, D 2440 c 2101
I Oxidation stability D 2112 IEC 1125
D 1473 -
I Inhibitor content D 2668
D 1533 IEC 666 c 2101
Water content
D 1275 c 2101
1 Corrosive s u l p h u r IEC 733
IEC 814
~ Electrical:
l Breakdown strength (ac) D 877 IEC 156 c2101
D 1816
D 3300 -
Impulse strength D 924 - c 2101
Dissipation factor - IEC 247 c 2101
Volume resistivity - c 2101
Permittivity D 2300 IEC 247 -
Gassing tendency - I -

Total gas content -

IEC 567

very large. In the oil evaluation program used by the ever, they may also recommend additional tests. In
Doble Company, three phases of testing are covered: general, four categories of tests have been used:
(a) evaluation of basic oil properties in laboratory tests; (a) qualification tests; (b) acceptance tests; (c) design
(b) continuity tests and compatibility tests and (c) ex- tests and (d) additional tests (Johnson [71).
tended development plant tests, including accelerated Qualification testing demonstrates that the product
life tests and field tests (Baker [191). offered by the vendors is of suitable quality, while ac-
In the USA, oil users most often employ ASTM D ceptance testing ensures that the batches of known
3487 and perform all the tests quoted for the qualifica- products retain the expected characteristics. Only these
tion of a new supplier of transformer oil but only repeat two types of tests and one additional test (PCB content)
some of these tests a s a criterion for acceptance. How- are covered by ASTM D 3487. Design tests include

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine JanuaryFebruary 1995-Vol.1 1, No.1 11

thermal conductivity measurement (ASTMD 2717) and Non-Hydrocarbons
specific heat evaluation (ASTM D 2766). Additional
tests can be a variety of standardized tests, such as These are also present in oil and the most important
dissolved gas analysis (ASTMD 3612), measurement of are sulphur, nitrogen, and oxygen combined with carb-
resistivity (ASTM D 1169), foaming tendency (ASTM on and hydrogen. The sulphur compounds are pre-
D892) and PCB analysis (ASTM D 4059). Additionally, dominantly thiophenes and sulphides, and the range of
non-standardized tests such as electrostatic charging sulphur in new oils is approximately 0.05%to 0.5%.The
tendency (ECT) and electric strength of oil in motion range of nitrogen compounds content (quinolines and
can also be performed (Johnson 171, Pearce [81, Griffin pyroles) is 0.005%to 0.05%.Unrefined oils may contain
[171). up to 0.5% of oxygen containing compounds (acids and
The transformer oil purchase specification (TOPS) esters) but refining techniques reduce this to a very low
designed by Doble uses different testing categories: level, which nevertheless may affect various oil proper-
(a) functional; (b) purity; (c) compositional and (d) sta- ties (Wilson [2], Jezl et al. [221).
bility tests. It has been followed by many oil users
(Myers et al. 131, Doble [201). Impurities
Functional tests cover a limited number of oil prop-
erties and include the measurement of specific gravity, There are different impurities and contaminants pre-
viscosity, flash point and pour point as well as dielectric sent in insulating oils either in solution (various gases,
breakdown and power factor (Myers et al. [3],Griffin moisture, ionic impurities, metals) or in non-soluble
[171). form (solid contaminants in suspension) and they all
Different terminology has been employed in Austra- affect many oil properties.
lian Standard AS 1883: (a) basic tests; (b) special tests; Dissolved gases (hydrogen, oxygen, methane, carb-
(c) identification tests and (d) restricted tests are used. on dioxide, and others) are present in new oil as
These tests are based on IEC and IS0 recommendations. residues of manufacturing processes and/or be-
Users should always request certain additional infor- cause of improper handling of an oil before its use.
mation from oil manufacturers to help to identify the The maximum solubility of gases by volume in
oil, although this data is not necessarily a part of any transformer oil at atmospheric pressure and 25°C
specification. For instance, in the USA, the following is 10% for air, 9% for nitrogen, 16%for oxygen, 6%
must be supplied by the oil manufacturers to the users: for hydrogen, 9% for carbon monoxide, 30% for
(a) the generic refining process employed; (b) the type methane, and even higher for other higher hydro-
of crude; (c) whether an inhibitor was used (if used, the carbon gases (Wilson 121, Zaky and Megahed [231,
type of oxidation inhibitor has to be specified);(d)poly- Duval [241).
chlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination concentra- Water contamination in oil can be present in the
tion a n d (e) any additional test requirements dissolved state or in the form of droplets or clouds
(Johnson 171). as the result of oil manufacture and improper main-
tenance. Typical values for new transformer oils are
about 15pprn to 30 ppm. It has been recognized that
Oil Constitution moisture is ”enemy number one” for transformer
insulation. Dry oils have a water content below 10
pprn and levels as low as one pprn have been meas-
Mixtures of Hydrocarbons ured (Wilson 121, Dickson [25], Oommen [261).
Ionic and polar contaminants may be present in oils
as a result of refining treatments. They mainly affect
Refined oils are very complex mixtures and may the electricalproperties as they are the major charge
consist of as many as 2900 paraffinic, naphthenic and carriers. Traces of sulphate, sulphonates and alkalis
aromatic hydrocarbon molecule types, 25% of these can be present, and traces of solvents and phenols,
being aromatics. Thus, their properties may vary sig- sulphur dioxide, furfural, and organo-chloro com-
nificantly from one batch to another, even from the pounds may also appear. The typical range of these
same brand. Although the final products have been compounds is from 0.1 ppm to 1.0 ppm (Wilson 121,
analyzed by the oil manufacturers and users, up to 90% Crine [151, Lamarre [271).
of the compounds still remain unidentified, as the high Particulate contaminants get into new oil in the
cost of chemical analyses make their full implementa- manufacturing process and in its transportation in
tion practically impossible. Hydrocarbon analysis can containers. They are predominantly metal oxides
serve as a ”fingerprint” of the oil’s characteristics and metal elements, mainly iron and copper but
(Petrovic and Vitorovic 1181, Duval and Lamarre [211). also lead, zinc, nickel, vanadium and sodium. Non-

12 January/February 1995-Vol.11, No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

metallic fibers (cellulose) and carbon particles are for aromatic and least for paraffinic hydrocarbons (Wil-
also present. Oils may contain between 0.0001% son [21).
and 0.001% of particulate matter larger than 5 pm
in size; this represents approximately 105 to 106
Pour point is a measure of the ability of the oil to flow
particles per 100 ml of oil. Smaller particles, 1 pm at low temperature. It is an important parameter that
and below, have only lately become of interest always has to be considered when low ambient tem-
because of the previous lack of appropriate meas- peratures of workmg equipment are expected. Big dif-
uring methods (Wilson [21, Miners, [281 Oommen ferences in pour point may exist among different oils, a
and Petrie [291). maximum temperature of -40°C being specified in the
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used in standards. Pour points and cloud points of modern
power transformers but have now been banned. insulating oils should be carefully watched as
PCBs are treated as unwanted contaminants and naphthenic oils are replaced by paraffinic oils (Myerset
are not allowed at detectable levels in transformer al. 131, Duval et al. [381).Many utility companies use the
oils (ASTM D 3487, Rickley [301, Rouse [311, Manger pour point test for the qualification of vendors but not
1321). for routine acceptance purposes (Johnson [71).

Additives Flash point is an indication of the flammabilityof oil.

Considering the elevated temperatures of modern
These are various chemicals that act as inhibitors, transformers, a change in the minimum acceptableflash
passivators, or pour point depressants. Their concentra- point temperature was made in ASTM D 3487 and
tion in the oil may vary significantly depending on the various specifications (TOPS).A level of 145"C, instead
additive, ranging from parts per million to several per- of 140"C, was adopted. The flash point value is nor-
cent (Belanger et al. 1331, Duval et al. [341, Zaky and mally used as a qualification test and not for acceptance
Megahed 1231). purposes (Johnson 171, Griffin 1171).

Basic Oil Properties Aniline point estimates the total aromatic content in
the oil. The aniline point test is used as a qualification
Color and appearance can be used during both accep- test, but not by all utility companies (Johnson [71). It is
tance and qualification tests to eliminate substandard related to the impulse strength, gassing characteristics
oils. For new oils the maximum acceptable color value and oxidation stability of an oil. ASTM D 3487 specifi-
(color number) is 0.5, and a bright and clear appearance cation quotes a range of values, from 63°C to 84°C;
is required. However, slightly colored new oil does not however, in the latest version of the TOPS of Doble, the
always indicate poor quality (Johnson [71, Pearce [SI). aniline point was set at 80°C maximum (Griffin [17]).

Density is not very significant in determining the Interfacial tension is a parameter used for the qualifi-
quality of an oil but may be useful for type identification cation of vendors. A high value of interfacial tension for
and evaluation of an oil's suitability for use. Specific new oil, not less than 0.040 N/m, indicates the absence
gravity is important when there is a concern about of undesirable polar contaminants, which makes the
water in oil freezing and rising to float on top of the oil. test a useful screening method for new oils exposed in
A lower limit for specific gravity would eliminate this transport to soaps, acids, varnishes, and solvents. The
potential problem (Johnson [71). In cold climates, den- opinion has been expressed that the limit of accept-
sity may be pertinent in determining oil suitability ability could probably be raised to 0.045 N/m (Johnson
(Mulhall and Thompson [35], Mulhall [36]).Normally, 171, Pearce [SI).
new paraffinic oils have higher densities, while the
mixed base or paraffinic oils have lower densities. Neutralization number (acidity) is a measure of the
Slightly different limit values are set by different stand- trace amount of acidic or alkaline contaminants in the
ards and specifications (Myers et al. 131). oil. The test is normally accepted for both vendor quali-
t fication and delivery acceptance purposes. In order to
Viscosity is important for the dissipation of heat. A achieve long life expectancy of oils in transformers,
comparison of naphthenic and paraffinic crude oil be- neutralization numbers lower than 0.01 mg KOH/g are
havior at low temperatures showed that the higher required for new oils by many users (Johnson 171).
viscosity of the paraffinic oils indicated wax formation However, the acceptablelimit quoted by ASTM D 3487
(Langhame et al. [37]). The increase in viscosity de- is higher at 0.03 mg KOH/g. Alower value of 0.025 mg
pends on the oil constitution, being most pronounced KOH/g is given by TOPS (Myers et al. [31,Doble [201).

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine January/February 1995-Vol.1 1, No. 1 13

Water content increases electric conductivity and dis- Gassing tendency is evaluated in new oils to satisfy
sipation factor and worsens electric strength. However, specification requirements, but it is not usually used as
it may impede charge generation in the oil (Wilson 121, a prime indicator of oil characteristics. Some standards,
Crofts 1391). The National Institute of Standards and such as AS 1883, recommend the measurement of the
Technology (NIST)in the USA has prepared a water-in- total gas content of new oil. Adissolved gas analysis can
oil standard reference material (SRM) to enable the identify low energy discharges as well as high thermal
detection of bias in automated test apparatus (NIST). stresses and disruptive discharge conditions (Wilson
Oils with a moisture content below 10 ppm are consid- 121).ASTM D 3487 sets upper limits of +15pL/min and
ered to be dry and otherwise require drying before use. +30 pL/min (for Procedures A and B, respectively).
The existing standards and specificationsset the accept- Some utilities prefer oils with slightly negative values,
able moisture levels in transformer oils at room tem- (gas absorbing tendencies) but positive values are ac-
perature at 25-35 ppm, and ASTM D 3487 gives a value ceptable when price and availability are taken into ac-
of 35 ppm. In general, the moisture level in oils is a count. General agreement does not exist on the most
dynamic state strongly influenced by temperature and desirable range of gassing values (Johnson 171).Gas-ab-
any gas cushion or immersed paper. At ambient tem- sorbing oils may become strongly gas evolving during
peratures the moisture transients between oil and air service. This suggests that the influence of the initial
are in the range of minutes (Griffin 1411). aromatic content and thus the initial gassing tendency
value in the new oil is important for future gas forma-
tion (Duval and Lamarre [211).
Oxidation stability is one of the most important prop-
erties of insulating oils. In many cases a good oil oxida-
AC electric strength, or the dielectric breakdown volt-
tion stability may be achieved by a suitable content of
age at power frequency, is the most often controlled
the naturally occurring aromatics. However, a nitrogen
parameter describing the oil's function as an insulant.
and sulphur compound-free oil is required (Clark [l],
Electric strength is strongly dependent on the amount
Wilson [21). The evaluation of oxidation stability re-
of contamination in the oil and on the oil constituents.
quires acceleratedageing tests. ASTM D 2440 is used for
It is sensitive to the amount of specific hydrocarbons
the qualification of oils and has two indicative limits
and increases considerably for oils with high aromatic
which, for the 72 hour test, are 0.1% of sludge by mass
content (Angerer [421). As it is influenced by sampling
and 0.3 mg KOH/g (for Type I oils) or 0.5 mg KOH/g
conditions, the preparation of the oil sample, especially
(for Type I1 oils).ASTM D 2112 (RotatingBomb Method)
the need for rehomogenization, may greatly influence
is used for both qualification and acceptance testing of
the breakdown characteristics of oils. The breakdown
inhibited oils and has a minimum limit of 195 minutes.
voltage value may give a totally misleading indication
The Doble Power Factor Valued Oxidation Test (PFVO)
of the real oil condition if it is performed days after
measures the power factor of an oil sample under accel-
sampling, when particle settling has occurred (Crine
erated ageing conditions. It measures oil quality up to
[15]). Dry and clean oils exhibit high breakdown volt-
the point of sludge formation and measures the sludge-
ages, which can be reduced dramatically when solid
free life (SFL) of the oil sample. The limit set by the
particles and dissolved water are present. Most of the
Doble procedure is 40+8 hours (Myers et al. 131, Griffin
breakdown voltage specifications require a minimum
[171). However, oxidation stability is not one of the
of 30 kV with a 2.5 mm gap (ASTM D877), when meas-
functional tests quoted by TOPS, although it is quoted
ured with disc electrodes. However, a high breakdown
as the primary functional property by some other oil
voltage does not indicate that an oil is free of all con-
users (Crine [151).
taminants (Miners [281, Bell [431).

Inhibitor content is a parameter used for oil vendor Impulse strength is rarely considered in the various oil
qualification, but the infrared (IR) absorption method test programs, but a limit of 145 kV is set by ASTM D
adopted by ASTM D 2668 is semi-quantitative and of 3487 for measurements with a one-inch gap and a nega-
limited reliability. The ASTM D 3487 property require- tive needle. This property is sensitive to both polarity
ments quote 0.08% of ditertiary-butyl-para-cresol and electrode geometry, but it also reflects the oil com-
(DBPC) or 2.6-ditertiary-butyl phenol (DBP) inhibitors position and can be lowered when the aromatic hydro-
by mass for Type I oils and 0.3% inhibitor by mass for carbon content is increased (Mathes 1441).Other factors
Type I1 oils. Alternatives to the most common (IR) that adversely affect the impulse strength are the sul-
method are gas chromatography (GC), high perform- phur and nitrogen compound contents (Wilson [21).
ance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or differential cy-
clovoltametry (DCV) (Johnson 171, Crine 1151, Belanger Dissipation (power)factor andlor resistivity are impor-
et al. [331). tant parameters describing the oil's function as a dielec-

14 January/February 1995-Vol.11,No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

tric. The dissipation factor of an oil at power frequency counters. For their identification, various microscopic
(DDF) or power factor (PF) provide the same informa- methods can be employed, including modified fer-
tion as the oil resistivity and are affected by the same rographic methods (Olivier et al. 1481). The nature of
factors and test conditions. Useful information can be particles can be determined by an appropriate choice of
obtained by measuring DDF, PF, or resistivity at both an light filters and by electron microprobing and an image
ambient and a higher temperature, such as 90°C (Bart- analysis system. The advent of ion chromatography
nikas [451, Duval and Crine [461). A satisfactory result makes possible the evaluation of the ionic and polar
at an elevated temperature coupled with an unsatisfac- contaminant content in oils (Crine [15]).
tory value at the lower temperature usually indicates Moisture content is most often measured using the
the presence of polar contaminants (e.g., water) precipi- Karl Fischer titration method, which is effective for
table in the cold, but generally at a tolerable level. moisture contents down to 5 ppm. Various new meth-
Unsatisfactory results at both temperatures indicate a ods, including capacitive moisture sensors based on
greater extent of contamination that can be difficult to microdielectrometryprinciples, have been used (Zaret-
restore even by reconditioning the oil (AS 1883). The sky et a1.[52], Oommen 1531,von Guggenberg et a1.[541)
dissipation factor limit values given by different speci- to extend the range of measurement down to much
fications vary. The ASTM D 3487 values are 0.05% and lower values of 1 pprn and less.
0.3% when measured at 25°C and lOO"C, respectively.
However, 0.5%is set at 100°Cby TOPS (Griffin [17]).An
example of methodology using the power factor as an Chemical composition analysis is receiving increased
oxidation indicator is given by the PFVO Doble Test attention from the oil users. Even slight changes in the
(Oliver [471). proportions of any of the oil compounds may affect oil
properties. In addition, problems have risen with the
shortage of the traditionally used naphthenic crudes.
More Recently Recognized Characteristics Infrared (IR) spectroscopy has proved useful over
the years for the analysis of insulating oils (Kunzli [551,
Contaminant content may affect many oil properties; Yasufuku [561).It can be used to determine the percent-
however, no requirements, either on solid particle size age of the aromatic content and the hydrocarbon com-
or particle content, have been imposed by international position proportions, as well as the presence of
standards. An IEC SClOA working group is currently inhibitors. However, IR methods do not give any data
developing a methodology for the evaluation of con- on other important physical properties, such as the
taminants in oils. As yet, no specific testing method has boiling range and distribution, or on the blending of
been proposed by ASTM, although their standards oils. Moreover, this method is not able to distinguish
from the aerospace industry can be used (Crine [15]). between closely similar insulating oils or identify their
Particles can be counted in flowing oil using such meth- sources (Hazelwood et al. [571).
ods as electron microprobing, ferrography, neutron ac- Valuable information on the nature of hydrocarbons
tivation analysis and atomic absorption spectroscopy. and also various additives in an oil can be obtained from
Using these methods, very low particle contents, down modern instrumental techniques.High resolution mass
to ppm levels, can be evaluated (Olivier et a1.[481,Samat spectrometry provides a detailed analysis of hydrocar-
and Lacaze [49], Vincent and Crine [50]). The major bons and detects low levels of oxygen and nitrogen
problem in reliable particle sizing and counting is inho- compounds. Trace amounts of ionic compounds (i.e.,
mogeneity in the oil sample. This problem has led to dibenzofuran) can also be detected by this method
attempts at re-homogenization of the oil sample by (Hazelwood et al. 1571, Gallegos et al. [581). However,
ultrasonic agitation (Vincent et a1.[511). Various novel for the overall chemical analysis of oil, the chroma-
methods for the evaluation of the trace metal contami- tographic methods are the best (Kirkland [591, Hirsch et
nant content in oils have been attempted. The sensitiv- al. [60]). Simple and rapid high-performance liquid
ity of these methods, such as neutron activation analysis chromatography (HPLC) may provide "fingerprints"
(NAA),can be of the order of 1 ppm, and copper, lead, of oils by giving data on the molecular size distribution,
and iron contaminations of less than 5 pprn have been the fraction of various hydrocarbons, the types of aro-
detected by this method. Atomic absorption spectro- matic hydrocarbons, the mean degree of their alkyla-
photometry (AAS) can be used as an alternative for the tion, and the content of additives (Duval and Lamarre
detection of copper (Crine [151.) [21]). Gel permeation chromatography (GPO may be
Another problem emerges from the sizing and helpful in determining various additives (Duval et al.
counting of non-metallic particles that are mainly fi- [34]). Gas chromatography (GC) methods have been
bers. In transformers, most particles are long cellulose identified as particularly useful for the comparison of
fibers and very small carbon particles (below 2 pm in oils on the basis of the distribution of their aromatics
size) that cannot be measured correctly by particle and were recommended for the control of the refining

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine January/February 1995-Vol.1 1, No.1 15

process (Hazelwood et al. [571). GC has been stand- (Johnson [71). In the oil velocity range of 5 cm/s to 200
ardized for the analysis of gases dissolved in oils (ASTM cm/s, the mean breakdown strength may increase, but
D 3612) and the control of PCBs (ASTM D 4059). it decreases at higher velocities (Ikeda et a1.[711).Theo-
dossiou et a1.[721 demonstrated that the breakdown
Electrostatic Charging Tendency (ECT) describes the locations at the electrode are evenly distributed and
property of an oil to become charged when in relative there is no preferential area in the gap where break-
motion against a solid surface. The degree of frictional downs occur, as would be provided by a stagnant liquid
electrification determines whether or not this property region. The findings were confirmed and explained in
can lead to electrical discharges and dielectric break- terms of hydraulic instabilities in flowing liquid (Nel-
down in a transformer. Neither the measured quantity son and Lee [731).The effect of oil composition and oil
nor the method of evaluation of ECT are standardized. impurities on the breakdown of oil in motion has not
However, the Ministatic Charge Tester (MCT)has been yet been investigated. There is growing concern that the
widely adopted as a de facto industrial standard (Oom- electric strength of oil in motion is important in under-
men and Petrie [611). Other methods have been also standing the dielectric integrity of flowing oils (Ikeda et
used, as summarized by Sierota and Rungis [621. The al. [711, Nelson et al. [741).
spinning disc apparatus (SDA)was proposed as a meas-
uring device by CIGRE [63].Becausethe oil is the most Pre-treatment of New Oil by Users
readily replaceable element in transformers, efforts
have been made to correlate electrostatic charging with In spite of the many precautions undertaken to en-
the long-term properties of insulating oils (Crofts [39]). sure good oil quality as delivered from the manufac-
ECT values for new oils measured at room temperature turer to the user for filling or retrofilling equipment,
with the MCT range from one to hundreds of pC/m3 some of the oil properties could be significantly
(Oommen [641, Griffin 1651).Streaming current values, changed by an increase in moisture and contaminant
measured at room temperature with the SDA, can be in content. In order to ensure a suitable oil quality, various
the range of one to hundreds of picoamperes, depend- pre-treatment procedures have to be used, either to
ing on the rotational speed and the nature of the oil re-establish a previously achieved value or to intention-
(Kedzia [661, Sierota et al. [671). It is still an open ques- ally improve the oil's characteristics.
tion if ECT can be used as a property characterizingnew
insulating oils. Oil purification

Resistance to partial discharges is a term that has been This is a process that eliminates, by physical means
adopted worldwide for solid dielectrics (Kreuger [68]) only, solid contaminants from the oil and decreases the
but has not yet quite been accepted to describe quanti- water content to an acceptable level. The techniques
tatively the behavior of insulating oils. For insulating used to remove water and solids from oil include differ-
liquids, the term "stability to electrical stress" has been ent types of filtration, centrifuging and vacuum dehy-
used to relate the gassing properties of oils under dis- dration. During filtration, particles larger than a
charge conditions (Wilson [2]). In general, the signifi- nominal 10 pm should be removed. However, when
cance of partial discharge parameters, such as inception filtering is associated with precise particle counting,
voltage, the magnitude of discharges and the dynamics filtering down to 5 pm may be required (Samat and
of discharge characteristics in insulating oils, still re- Lacaze [491). Filters deal efficiently with solid impuri-
main a matter of debate. There are no standard experi- ties but can remove only small quantities of water and
mental procedures, and a lack of agreement exists on do not degas the oil. When a relatively large quantity of
whether electric, optical, or acoustic characteristics of water is present, most of it can be removed by centri-
partial discharge or only the effect of their activity fuging. Acentrifuge can handle a much greater concen-
(gassing) should be considered. Data on the relation tration of contaminants than can a conventional filter
between partial discharge parameters and most oil but cannot remove some of the solid contaminants as
characteristics are scarce, but the influence of moisture completely as a filter. Dissolved and suspended water
has been investigated (Babula et al. [69], Borsi et al. [70]). can be effectivelyreducedto very low values by treating
under vacuum (100 Pa and up to 80°C, Myers et al. [31).
Electric strength of oil in motion is a new parameter
already being used in additional oil tests, although no Oil mixing
standard method is available for its evaluation. The
electric strength of oil flowing in electrically stressed Insulating oils are balanced hydrocarbon mixtures,
regions is a function of flow rate, electric field, tempera- and they can apparently be mixed successfully.The aim
ture, moisture content and particulate contaminants is always to deliver a product with optimum or im-

16 JanuaryFebruary 1995-Vol.1 1, No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

proved properties. Mixtures of different naphthenic- (Stoker and Thompson 1771, Shroff and Wilson [781,
based oils, as well as mixtures of these oils with straight- Frey and Gedemer [791).
chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and blends of commercial
mineral oils with organic and non-organic esters, alkyl- Pour point depressants and flow improvers are
benzene and perchloroethylene and with cottonseed normally added to paraffinic crude oils. In many
oil, castor oil and ethanol, have been used in different cases where linear paraffins are below a critical
proportions (Yasufuku [561, Kang [751, Narayana Rao et level, it is possible to reduce the pour point and
al. [761). improve the flow to the same value as could be
The values of some oil properties in mixtures often, obtained after an expensive de-waxing,by optimiz-
ing the additive. Temperatures down to -60°C can
but not always, lie between those of the individual
components, assuming no chemical interactions occur. be achieved with 0.45% as a typical value for the
A large increase of viscosity, an increase in flash point, additive. Although used worldwide, pour-point
depressants are not allowed in the American trans-
and a lowering of the pour point have been found in
former industry (Geiman [6]).No standardized re-
mixtures of naphthenic oils with alkylbenzene.Gassing
properties as well as resistivity, dissipation factor and quirements are imposed on the amount and use of
charging tendency have also been improved for these these additives.
mixtures (Narayana Rao et al. [76]). The dissipation 0 Hydrogen acceptors, such as anthraquinone, ben-
factor of various mixtures of naphthene-based oils with zophenone and diphenyl affect mainly the gassing
aliphatic hydrocarbons of different viscosities was in- properties but also other properties and the dielec-
creased (Kang [751).It has been found that the blending tric strength in particular (Angerer [421, Zaky and
of transformer oils with perchloroethylene produced Megahed [231, Clarke and Reynolds [SO]). Also,
higher ECT levels than those of pure oil or perchlo- compounds such as naphthalene and dodecyl ben-
roethylene (Oommen 1641).Changes in pour point may zene may modify gassing in oils (Wilson [21).They
occur in the topping-up of an oil with a different type. can be effective in the bulk of the oil or in form
Blended oils have a lower flash point than a "straight protective layers on the electrode surfaces
cut" oil of the same viscosity (Wilson [2]). (Angerer [421). Small amounts of these additives
can optimize gas absorbing and/or gas evolving
Use of Additives properties and can increase dielectric strength.
However, as oils can be refined to retain a level of
aromatics that will impart gas absorbing qualities,
In most cases, the same rules apply to oil blending
with additives as to oil mixing, the difference being that among other properties, the use of these inhibitors
is not essential.
the highly active additives are only a small volume
fraction of the blend. In general, no blending proce- Charge suppressants, such as benzotriazole
dures are quoted in the literature. However, they are (BTA) and alkylbenzene (AB), have been used.
known to particular users. However, there is controversy between Japan
0 Oxidation inhibitors, passivators and metal deacti- and the USA over the effectiveness of BTA (Ieda
vators are added in different proportions to im- et a1.[81], Griffin and Christie [82]). A concentra-
prove the oxidation resistance of the oil. Except for tion of BTA up to 10 ppm was claimed in Japanese
oxidation inhibitors, no limits on their content in research to be beneficial in reducing ECT and did
oils is given by the specifications.Apart from DBPC not significantly reduce dielectric strength. This
and DBP, various amines and some aromatics are was disputed in American research by Crofts
also used. Metal deactivators used are hindered [39]. BTA, when present at the surface of paper,
polyphenols, alkyl phenyl amine, and triazole de- can alter to some degree the physico-chemical
rivatives. The depletion of anti-oxidant additives properties of insulation. Moreover, a concentra-
corresponds to a drop in the interfacial tension tion of BTA between 0-50 ppm did not signifi-
value (an indicator of polar contaminants), a rapid cantly affect the charge generation in oils.
increase in the acidity number, and sludge forma- Various static electrification, flashover and con-
tion. There is concern that oxidation inhibitors, ductivity modifiers have been employed in the
when in excess, may negatively affect various oil USA. It was found that Mobil DCA48 additive
characteristics (dielectric properties, emulsifica- with Refrigerant 113used as a coolant can be used
tion, gassing,and others). However, adding a metal to eliminate electrification problems (Gasworth).
deactivator to an oil may not only improve its ther- Blending AB with naphthenic oil may result in a
mal resistance but also reduce ECT. Often the use large increase in its viscosity and improvements in
of both oxidation inhibitors and a metal deactivator its resistivity, dissipation factor and impulse
can be more beneficial than an inhibitor alone strength (Yasufuku [56],Griffin and Christie 1821).

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine January/February 1995-Vol.1 1, No. 1 17

Summary neutralization number. Oxidation stability should
be evaluated to estimate service life.
Oil manufacturers use different refining processes The relatively new problems of electrostatic charg-
to produce the same nominal products, but even ing, partial discharges and gassing require more
under the same brand name, the properties of the attention. It is important that in the measurement
oils may significantly vary from one product or of the dielectric properties, and electric strength in
batch to another. Manufacturers favor the specifi- particular, the oil is re-homogenized in order to
cation of well established and well understood avoid false test results. The problems associated
characteristics,such as the basic physical properties with micro-particlesare also emerging as new areas
and oxidation stability. Although manufacturers of inquiry. There is confusion on the significance of
provide certificates of oil quality, care has to be ECT measurements in new oils and many differing
taken that these have not become invalid during opinions as to whether gas absorbing or gas evolv-
shipment and storage. ing characteristics are the most desirable.
The manufacturing process significantly affects the Infrared (IR)spectroscopyhas been widely used for
properties of insulating oils. There is growing con- providing a ”fingerprint” of various oils, and liquid
cern that modern hydro-refined oils, which often chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography
rely on the use of inhibitors, may have a long-term (GC) can be used to identify the presence of polar
stability inferior to that of acid-refined oils. A satis- contaminants and additives as well as to establish
factory base oil should always be maintained while the hydrocarbon content. It would be useful to
balancing the manufacturing process for good oxi- correlate oil composition with various oil parame-
dation stability, gassing tendency, and impulse ters, such as the gassing tendency, impulse
strength of the oil. strength, ECT, and electrical discharges.
Oil users prefer to develop their own specifications, In spite of existing specifications, the situation is far
based on standards such as ASTM D 3487, to im- from the ideal. Oil users should impose much
prove oil characterization. The most important stricter and more explicit rules than are currently
physico-chemical characteristics for the users are used in purchase specifications. Many transformer
users are reluctant to implement new measurement
those that measure oil purity and thermal stability.
techniques for better diagnosis of new transformer
It is of fundamental importance that appropriate oil
purity be preserved for all applications in electrical
equipment. Oil purity can be maintained if good oil
handling and testing procedures are provided.
Trace contaminants and very small particle con-
This article, and two to follow, were written at the
tents have recently received more attention because
encouragement of the DEIS Liquid Dielectrics Commit-
of improved measurement techniques.
As delivered, new oils require pre-treatment by the Dr. Andrzej B. Sierota was graduated
users, but most often this is only drying and filter- from the Warsaw University of Technol-
ing, although mixing and additive treatments are ogy in 1964 where he also received in
also used. Care has to be taken, as problems with 1977his Ph.D. He worked with industry
the miscibility of the compounds can be experi- and standardizing organizations in Po-
enced. land. He also lectured and researched at
A major problem with oxidation and other addi- various universities in the UK, Italy and
tives is that they are consumed with time; therefore, Germany. For two years (1990-1991) he
the amount remaining has to be monitored peri- held an appointment as a Visiting Professor at the EIRC
odically, even in new oils. At present, infrared (IR)
of the University of Connecticut. From March 1992
spectroscopy seems to be the most accepted
until1 June 1994 he worked at the Division of Applied
Physics of the CSIRO in Sydney, Australia. At present,
All the properties listed in the various specifica-
he is with the Institute of Power and High Voltage
tions are important, but some have special merit for
the characterizationof an insulating oil. The impor- Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology In
tant ones are those that are likely to vary signifi- Warsaw, Poland.
cantly with oil purity and composition as well as Dr. Sierota’s special research interests are modifica-
with external parameters, such as temperature and tion of dielectric materials properties, degradation of
electric field. Most important are high electric dielectrics in hv electric fields, diagnostic of insulation,
strength and low viscosity, which are followed by electrical discharges, electrostatic charging, electrical
a low dissipation (power)factor, water content, and measurements, and testing of hv equipment. He is a

18 January/February 1995-Vol.1 1, No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

member of IEE and IEEE and participates in work of 15. J.l? Crine, ”Newly Developed Analytical Techniques for
CIGRE WG 12/15. Characterization of Insulating Oils,” ASTM Publication STP 998
“Electrical Insulating Oils,” (H.G. Erdman, editor), Philadelphia,
Andrzej B. Sierota’saddress is Institute of Power and PA, 1988, pp.59-80.
High Voltage, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-662 16. PJ. Griffin and A.E. Baker, ”Some Precision Factors in Dissolved
Warszawa, UL, Koszykowa 75. Fax: 48-22-41 8652. Gas Analysis,” Minutes of the Annual International Conference of
Juris Rungis graduated from the Australian Na- Doble Clients, Doble Engineering Co., Watertown, MA, 1984.
tional University with BSc. and Sc. degrees in Physics 17. PJ. Griffin, ”Doble Transformer Oil Specification,” Minutes of
the Annual International Conference of Doble Clients, Doble
in 1963 and 1965and obtained a Ph.D. front the Univer- Engineering Co., Watertown, MA, 1988.
sity of Western Australia in 1969. Since then he has 18. K. Petrovic and D. Vitorovic, ”Examination of Insulating Oils for
worked with the CSIRO Division of Applied Physics Transformers by Instrumental Methods,” IEEE Trans., Vol. EI-18,
and at present is the leader of the Electricity Supply No.6,1983, pp.591-598.
Technology Project. His research interests include high 19. A.E. Baker, “Transformer Oils and the Accelerated Oil
voltage measurement and testing techniques and high Evaluation Program,” Minutes of the Annual Conference of Doble
Clients, Doble Engineering Co., Watertown, MA, 1976.
voltage insulation diagnostics. 20. “Doble Transformer Oil Purchase Specification,” TOPS-884,
Dr. Rungis is a member of CIGRE Study Committee Doble Engineering Co., Watertown, MA, 1984.
33 (Insulation Co-ordination) and participates in the 21. M. Duval and C. Lamarre, “The Characterization of Electrical
work of SC12 (Transformers) and SC15 (Insulating Ma- Insulating Oils by High Performance Liquid Chromatography,”
terials) and also in the activities of IEC TC42 (High IEEE Trans., Vol. EI-12, N0.5, 1977, pp.340-348.
22. J.L. Jezl, A.P. Stuart, E.S. Ross, ”The Effect of Composition on the
Voltage Testing Techniques). He is a senior member of
Oxidation Stability of Electrical Oils,” Proc. AEEI, Vo1.92, No.4,
IEEE and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics. 1958, pp.715-721.
23. A.A. Zaky and I.Y. Megahed, “Effect of Organic Additives, Gas
References Phase, Stress and Temperature on the Gassing Characteristics of
Insulating Liquids,” I E E E Trans., Vol. EI-7, No.3,1972, pp.145-152.
1. EM. Clark, Insulating Materials for Design and Engineering Practice, 24. M. Duval, “Fault Gases Formed in Oil-Filled Breathing EHV
J. Wiley and Son, New York, Chapter 8,1962. Power Transformers. The Interpretation of Gas Analysis Data,”
2. A.C.M. Wilson, Insulating Liqiiids: Their Uses, Manufacture and IEEE PES Summer Meeting, New York, 1974.
Properties, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., Stevenage (UK) - New York (USA), 25. M.R. Dickson, ”Water in Transformer Oil - A Critical Resume of
1980. Causes and Effects of Water in Oil-Filled Transformers,” Journal of
3. S.D. Myers, J.J. Kelly, R.H. Parish, ”A Guide to Transformer the Institute of Petroleum, Vo1.37,1951, pp.373-387.
Maintenance,” Transformer Maintenance Institute, S.D. Myers Inc., 26. T.V. Oommen, ”On-line Moisture Sensing in Transformers,”
Akron, Ohio, 1981. Proc. of the 20th Electrical and Electronic Insulation Conference,Boston,
4. T.G. Lipscomb, ”Mineral Insulating Oil Manufacture and MA, 1991, pp.236-241.
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Oils,” (H.G. Erdman, editor), Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp. 5-24. Oils,” Report 202 T 404, Prepared for CEA, IREQ, Varennes,
5. H.G. Erdman, ”Overview,” ASTM Publication STP 998 ”Electrical Quebec, 1986.
Insulating Oils,” (H.G. Erdman, Editor), Philadelphia, PA, 1988, 28. K. Miners, “Particles and Moisture Effect on Dielectric Strength
pp.1-2. of Transformer Oils Using VDE Electrodes,” IEEE Trans., Vol.
6. R.A. Geiman, ”Manufacture of Insulating Oils-Status and PAS-101, NO.3,1982,~~.455-462.
Outlook,” Proc. EPRI Workshop “Static Electrification in Power 29. T.V. Oommen and E.M. Petrie, ”Particle Contamination Levels
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7. D.L. Johnson, ”Insulating Oil Qualification and Acceptance Tests 30. A.L. Rickley, ”PCBs-Use, Handling and Disposal,” Minutes of
from a User’s Perspective,” ASTM Publication STP 998 ”Electrical the Annual International Conference of Doble Clients, Doble
Insulating Oils,” (H G Erdman, editor), Philadelphia, PA, 1988, Engineering Co., Watertown, Ma, 1978.
pp.37-46. 31. T.O. Rouse, ”Removal of PCBs from Transformer Oil (EPRI RP
8. H.A. Pearce, “Significance of Transformer Oil Properties,” ASTM 2028)-An Update,” Minutes of the Annual International
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editor), Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp. 47-55. MA, 1982.
9. J.P. Crine, M. Duval, H. St-Onge, “Determination of the Nature 32. H.C. Manger, “PCBs: The Beginning, the Muddle, the End,”
and Paraffin Content in Mineral Transformer Oils,” IEEE Trans., Vol. ASTM Publication STP 998 “Electrical Insulating Oils,” (H.G.
EI-20, NO.2,1985, pp. 419-422. Erdman, editor), Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp.25-34.
10. G.D. Hobson and W. Pohl (editors), Modern Petroleum 33. G. Belanger, C. Lamarre, J.P. Crine, ”Antioxidant Analysis in
Technology, Applied Science Publishers Ltd., on behalf of the Transformer Oils,” Minutes of the Annual International Conference
Institute of Petroleum, U.K., Chapter 24, pp. 817-826. of Doble Clients, Doble Engineering Co., Watertown, MA, 1981.
11. W.L. Nelson, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New 34. M. Duval, S.Lamothe, D. Cauchon, C. Lamarre, Y. Giguere,
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12. W.A. Gruse and D.R. Stevens, Chemical Technology of Petroleum, Insulating Oils by Gel Permeation Chromatography,” Journal of
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. Chromatography, Vo1.244,1982, pp.169-173.
13. P.J. Griffin, “Characteristics of Electrical Insulating Mineral 35. V.R. Mulhall and H.E. Thompson, “The Significance of the
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14. N. Dominelli, ”Transformer Oil Ageing Tests,” Report 000 T 452, 36. V.R. Mulhall, “The Significance of the Density of Transformer
Canadian Elec. Assoc., Montreal, Que., 1986. Oils,” IEEE Trans., Vol EI-15, No.6, 1980, pp.498-499.

IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine January/February 1995-Vol.11,No. 1 19

37. Y. Langhame, J. Castonguy, J.P. Crine, ”Physical Behaviour of 60. D.E. Hirsch, R.L. Hopkins, H.J. Coleman, EO. Cotton, C.J.
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39. D.W. Crofts, ”Static Electrification in Power Transformers,” 62. A. Sierota and J. Rungis, “Electrostatic Charging Tendency,”
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40. Standard Reference Materials: RM 8606, ”Moisture in 63. CIGRE Joint Working Group 12/15-13, ”Static Electrification in
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20 January/February 1995-Vol.11,No.1 IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine

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