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School of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Architecture

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public

Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural
Design 5: Space Planning 2

Submitted By:

Tolentino, Crisangela D.
Ubando, Lovely Joy G.
Urcia, Chey S.
Umali, Joshua Noel D.

Submitted to:
AR. Archival Elauria
September 21, 2020

1.LIBRARY DESIGN ......................................................................................................................

Different Spaces/Zones in the Mall…………………………………………………1-5

Process of tally-in and out of goods in the mall……………………………….…6-10

Floor layout Samples/Benchmarked Projects………………………………….11-21

IATF Safety Guidelines Applied in Mall Design……………………………………22

Building Codes (in bullet and/or table form) …………………………………….23-24

Green Building Design applicable to Shopping Center…………………………25-30

Construction Cost for Government Buildings and Building Materials that can be

used for such budget……………………………………………………………....31-34

percentage of AHU and electrical room to customer floor area ………...…….35-36

2. REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………………...…37-38
Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020


Merchandising Classifications

Several special types of shopping centers have developed because of

a specific merchandising approach.

• Fashion/Specialty Center
concentrates on specialty goods and services rather than on
convenience and shopping goods and services. The ultimate consumer
will drive considerable distances to acquire the goods and services that
are offered by the specialty center merchants. Often, these goods
consist of higher end merchandise.

• Outlet/Off -Price Center

The off-price center, now commonly known as an outlet, is a
variation of the discount concept and has enjoyed ready acceptance.
Factory outlet or discount malls have enjoyed recent popularity and are
usually found off major freeways outside small to medium size cities. The
tenants usually are national and international firms selling discounted,
"seconds" or irregular merchandise.

Historically, the first of these to develop was the discount department store,
which utilizes several merchandising techniques. Initially, many discount
houses were factory outlets for surplus or bankrupt stocks of merchandise.
Others include the closed - door discount house that is open only to clientele
who qualify based on employment, such as government employees; or status,
such as union membership

• Power Centers
Coming into popular use in merchandising as a particular type of
specialty shopping center, power centers share certain identifying
characteristics. They generally are large centers, from 300,000 square
feet to over 1 million square feet and the stores in the centers are mostly
large national chain outlets that would be considered anchors in a
conventional shopping center. The few small stores are mostly national
credit types. Each merchant in a power center is dominant in its

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

specialty. The term used to describe such merchants is category killers,

because it is feasible for only one of each merchandise classification to
be in each complex

Power centers advertise heavily as individual businesses, employing mass

marketing and mass merchandising for their entire stock of goods, as opposed
to featuring only certain items as loss leaders. Power centers are not mall
developments but are designed so that the customer may park near the
destination store. There is a parking area in front of the main entrance of each
anchor, which will have a high parking ratio - perhaps as high as six spaces per
1,000 square feet of GLA (Gross Leasable Area). Power centers are popular
with developers because the national credit status of most tenants significantly
enhances financing.

• Mixed - Use Developments (MXD)

MXD is the term used to describe a combination of uses of a single
property and grew out of planned unit developments. Generally, it is a
combination of retail, office, and residential areas. The purpose of an
MXD is to enable those who work in the development to live, eat, shop,
conduct financial transactions and sometimes enjoy health and fitness
facilities nearby, precluding the necessity for a car. Most MXD's rule out
domination of one type of use, unless the MXD primarily is designed as a
shopping center or around a large office building development, in
which case one or the other will be the major feature. As an example of
the adaptability of this concept, developers have begun to incorporate
hotels into their mixed-use projects with a great deal of success.

• Theme/Festival Centers
Is a tourist-oriented center and park? Examples include Epcot
Center at Disney World, which contains theme-oriented shopping based
upon countries of the world. An example of a theme park is The Bristol
Renaissance Faire, which has many theme shops based on recreating
the visit of Queen Elizabeth I to the port city of Bristol in the year 1574.
The centers have a unifying architectural theme, which is, to an extent,
reflected in their merchandising. They may be anchored by restaurants
and entertainment facilities. Many utilize rehabilitated historic buildings
located in historic districts, as seen in Galena, IL and St. Augustine, FL.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

• Lifestyle Centers
contain leisure amenities oriented towards upscale consumers.
They are also known as “boutique malls” containing exclusive shops and
are often located in affluent suburban areas. They are usually open-air
centers, with a downtown look that includes streets and parking. They
offer both major shopping and places to browse and get a cup of


Type #1: Department stores

Most shopping malls have at least one department store. These types of
stores are usually located at the ends of a mall. You can find pretty much
anything you could want in their different departments, whether you are
looking for clothes, shoes, cosmetics, home accessories, or toys.

Type #2: Grocery stores

Many shopping malls feature a grocery store or a small food market, so

shoppers can pick up some groceries after a busy shopping day. Why leave
the mall to go to another grocery store when you can find one at the end of
the mall.

Type #3: Restaurants

Hungry shoppers who do not want to go to the grocery store can find
delicious meals and snacks at the mall’s food court. Whether you are in the
mood for a slice of pizza, a burger, some Asian food, some pasta, a plate of
fish & chips, or an ice cream cone, you will find it at the mall.

Type #4: Clothing stores

Shopping malls usually feature many different types of clothing stores.

Whether you like following the latest fashion trends, or you simply want to buy
new clothes for your young children, your local mall should be your destination.
Buying clothes that you can touch and try on makes more sense than ordering
clothes online.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

Type #5: Accessory stores

To complete your new look, search for the mall’s accessory stores.
Jeweler stores, shoe stores, and retailers that sell different fashion accessories
are always popular, especially those that appeal to teenagers.

Type #6: Pharmacies

Pharmacies are places where you can buy prescription drugs as well as
a variety of health and fitness products. In addition to pharmacies, some
shopping malls feature medical clinics so you can speak with a professional if
you have concerns about your health.

Type #7: Technology stores

Shopping malls have technology stores that sell electronics. These types
of stores are ideal if you need a new smartphone, a new tablet, a new laptop,
a new television, or a new stereo system

Type #8: Pet stores

For shoppers who want to spoil their beloved pets, most malls have pet
stores where it is possible to buy pet food, treats, and many accessories. The
pet store is also the place where you can find your new friend, whether you
love dogs, cats, hamsters, or turtles.

Type #9: Toy stores

Toy stores are filled with toys that can please kids of all ages. These types
of stores are magical for children. And for parents, they are an occasion to go
back to their childhood and to remember what it felt like to look at toys on the
shelves of a store.

Type #10: Specialty stores

Depending on which shopping mall you are visiting, you could come
across different specialty stores. Those stores are where you can find books,
calendars, sports equipment, ink for your printer, binoculars, gourmet foods,
loose-leaf teas, fancy pocket watches, and many items that can be difficult
to find in other stores.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

Type #11: Thrift stores

Thrift stores are where you can donate clothes and other items you do
not need anymore, or shop for clothes and items donated by other people.
They are places where you can find unique treasures for low prices, while
giving back to your community.

Type #12: Services

While shopping at the mall, you can also visit different service providers.
Being able to go to the bank, to get a haircut, to get your shoes repaired, to
find someone to complete your tax return, to search for a new job, or to study
for your driver’s license all under one roof can really simplify your life.

Type #13: Kiosks

Finally, you can find different kiosks when you go to the shopping mall.
Kiosks can be extensions to the food court of the mall, or they can simply sell
electronics or specialty items. Local businesses can rent kiosks to sell their
products, since they are less expensive than stores, and can greatly help
improve their visibility.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020


Why are stock takes important?

Any product-based business will need to ensure that their levels are 100%
accurate from time to time as a part of their inventory control. In some
countries, it is even a legal requirement. But even if you are not required to do
so by law, here are three key reasons why you should regularly check your

1. See how well you are tracking inventory

Relying entirely on your system for accurate stock levels is usually a bad
idea. By comparing the figures from a stock take to what you thought you had
on hand, you can identify discrepancies and fix them before they become
problematic. If you are not tracking your goods as well as you thought, then it
may be a sign that you have poor inventory control. It is worth fixing issues
sooner rather than later before they lead to bigger problems such as:

Stockouts (when you run out of products to sell)

Overstocking (when you have too many products on hand)

Dead stock (when your products become obsolete before they can be sold

2. Discover stock issues

Cloud software enables you to easily track your product levels and
location, but it cannot do everything. Your system might not highlight a transit
problem, for example, whereas a manual check will.

Use a stock take to identify problems that your inventory management system
might have missed: such as damaged products, missing orders, poor control,
or theft. Sometimes these are one-offs that do not cause too much trouble,
but they can also be symptomatic of a deeper flaw.

3. Ensure your business is meeting targets

When it comes to monitoring, you do not want to leave anything to

chance. Calculating key metrics such as inventory turnover, for instance,
requires 100% accurate figures. Once you know exactly how your inventory

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

control is performing, you can start refining your procedures and plans to
increase efficiency and grow margins. For example, you might:

• Reduce the amount of safety stock you keep on hand in case of an

emergency or surge in demand
• Change up your pricing to ensure all your products are selling quickly
• Stocktaking and your inventory system.

The importance of stock takes to your business will vary depending on your
inventory system. Businesses employing a periodic system, for example, are
entirely reliant on stock takes to get visibility over current levels. For these
companies, recording stock can mean closing for a day or requiring staff to
come in after hours.

How to stock take

There are a few steps that every business should follow when recording
stock. Generally, these can be broken down into three stages: before, during
and after the count.

Before the count

First, decide on a date and time for your count. You do not want any
unnecessary distractions that could lead to miscalculated figures, so consider
either closing operations down for the day or conducting the take after hours.
You will also need to set aside time afterwards to resolve discrepancies and fix
issues. It is time to assign everyone a role and confirm your process. All staff
should be aware of how the day will progress and have clear steps to follow.
Just before the count takes place, there are two tasks to complete:

• Cut off all your purchases and sales. Otherwise, the incoming and
outgoing stock will play havoc with your figures
• Organize the area where the count will take place. Having a clean
space helps ensure that there are no unnecessary disruptions

During the count

What happens on the day will depend on your chosen process. However,
there are a few guidelines that every business should follow for their take to
progress smoothly:

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

• Include everything Individually recording every item might seem like a

tiresome task but cutting corners can have dire consequences. So, take
the time to check everything properly, including all your safety stock,
cycle stock, and unfinished goods. Do not just rely on what the labels
• Count warehouse to sheet

Make sure your staff are following this process in this order, not the other
way round:

1. Recording the stock that is on the shelf

2. Noting that figure next to what your system says should be there

Looking at the system and then checking the shelf might seem easier, but
its mis far more likely to lead to mistakes.

• Take breaks

Anyone that is been through a few Stoc takes will say the same thing: they
can be draining. You need everyone involved to be as focused as possible
throughout, though, so ensuring that you got regular breaks planned will really
help keep things running smoothly.

After the count

Just because you have your figures ready, does not mean that your
stock take is over. There are still a few more steps remaining: and failing to
follow them will mean that you do not get the full benefit from all the work you
have just done.

First, value everything correctly. Now you know exactly what you have,
you can assess how much it is all worth. Then, check your figures. The more
times you check, the surer you can be that everything is present and correct.
Once you are 100% confident, it is time to upload everything into your
inventory system. Now, it is time to reorder items that are near to running out
and analyze the results of your take. Pay particular attention to discrepancies
— major or minor — between the figures from your count and your system.

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Dealing with stock discrepancies

Any stock discrepancy is bad news for your business — even if you
discover that you had more stock on hand than you thought. They are often
symptomatic of a larger problem in your inventory control which might be
catastrophic if left to fester. Plus, they mean you are running your company on
incorrect information.

When you encounter a discrepancy, the first thing to do is to uncover its

cause. It might be a simple human error (putting something in the wrong place
or incorrectly entering data into the system). Alternatively, it might be a serious
problem such as theft or supplier issues.

Once you know what caused the discrepancy, you can take steps to ensure
that it does not happen again. This may require changes to your processes,
new software, or extra security. Then, simply upload the new correct figure into
your system to resolve the problem.

Planning ahead

Now, it is time to make sure that you get maximum benefit from your count,
by analyzing its results and how it went. There are two areas to pay particular
attention to:

1. How you can improve your inventory management. It is not just

discrepancies that need addressing from your take. It is also an excellent
time to look at how you can manage your inventory better. So, set aside
time to brainstorm how you can improve your work area, procedures,
and systems
2. How you can make the next stock take run better. The next take is
probably the last thing you will want to think about. But while the last one
is still fresh in mind, make sure to write down any issues, improvements,
or sticking points so that every future count runs that little bit smoother.

How to cycle count

Cycle counting involves a different process to traditional stocktaking:

1. Set up your stock for cycle counting

2. Conduct each take on its allocated day

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3. Start the process again

To set up your stock for cycle counting, first you split your inventory into
several sections. You will use each one as an indicator of your total inventory
health, so it is a good idea to carefully consider how your inventory is allocated
across each section. Once this process is complete, you will want to ensure
that each section is kept in a specific area and designate the day on which it
is checked.

Next, you cycle through each count. Because you are only including a small part of your
inventory, there should not be any need to close your operation. However, getting an
accurate final figure is still hugely important. So, ensure that everyone involved has a set
process to follow, and discrepancies are dealt with properly.

After you have conducted all your mini stock takes, you start the process again to ensure
your inventory is kept 100% accurate.

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Central World Mall (Bangkok, Thailand)

• Central World (Thai: เซ็นทรลั เวิลด ์, styled as central world) is a shopping

plaza and complex in Bangkok, Thailand.

• It is the eleventh largest shopping complex in the world. The complex,

which includes a hotel and office tower, is owned by Central Pattana.
In 2006, after three years of design and renovation, Central World was
expanded to 550,000 m2 (5,900,000 sq ft) of shopping mall and 830,000
m2 (8,900,000 sq ft) of complex, topping nearby rival Siam Paragon in
terms of size.


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Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020


Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020


• The Dubai Mall

Is a shopping mall in Dubai. It is the second largest mall by total
land area, and the 26th-largest shopping mall in the world by gross
leasable area, tying with West Edmonton Mall and Fashion Island
(Thailand)—both of which are older than it. It has a total retail floor area
of 502,000 square meters (5,400,000 sq ft).

Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, it is part of the 20-billion-

dollar Downtown complex (called Downtown Dubai), and includes over
1,200 shops. In 2011, it was the most visited building on the planet,
attracting over 54 million visitors each year. Access to the mall is
provided via Doha Street, rebuilt as a double-decker road in April 2009.


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Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020


Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

IATF Safety Guidelines Applied in Mall Design

Limited operations in malls and shopping centers shall be allowed,

except for leisure establishments and services which shall continue to be
closed. Provided, that establishments and services allowed to operate
in malls and shopping centers may only operate at a capacity
consistent with Section 2(4) of these Omnibus Guidelines. Provided,
further, those below twenty-one (21) years old, and those sixty (60) years
old and above and those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other
health risks, and pregnant women, including any person who resides
with the aforementioned, may not enter malls and shopping centers
except when indispensable under the circumstances for obtaining
essential goods and services or for work in establishments located
therein until otherwise modified through subsequent issuances of the
IATF. Provided, finally, that operations of malls and shopping centers are
subject to the guidelines of the DTI.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

National Building Code of the Philippines PD 1096

(Building codes applicable Strip Shopping Mall)

• Division E1/E2.
• C-2 (Commercial two or Medium Commercial)
• No. of allowable storey is 6 and meters above the highest grade is 18
• The size of an average automobile (car) 2.50 meters by 5.00 meters for
perpendicular or diagonal parking and at 2.15 meters by 6.00 meters for
parallel parking.
• A standard truck or bus parking/loading slot must be computed at a
minimum of 3.60 meters by 12.00 meters.
• An articulated truck slot must be computed at a minimum of 3.60 meters
by 18.00 meters which should be sufficient to accommodate a 12.00
• For Commercial 2 (C-2) 3.60 up to 9.00 at a (15-Storey or 45.00m BHL)
• For the RROW width of 30 meters and above the setback is 8(Front)
5(Side) 5(Rear)
• For the RROW width of 29 to 30 meters the setback is 6(Front) 3(Side)
• For the RROW width of 20 to 24 meters the setback is 5(Front) 3(Side)
• For the RROW width of 10 to 19 meters the setback is 5(Front) 2(Side) 2
• For the RROW width below 10 meters the setback is 5(Front) 2(Side)
• Without firewall
Maximum Allowable PSO (75) Maximum Allowable ISA (20), Minimum
USA (5) and Total Open Space within Lot (ISA + USA = 25)

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

• With firewall
Maximum Allowable PSO (85) Maximum Allowable ISA (10), Minimum
USA (5) and the Total Open Space within Lot (ISA + USA = 15)
• 2.8 on Store Retail (Basement/Ground Floor
• 5.6 on Store Retail (Upper Floors)
• 45meters without sprinklers system.
• 60meters with sprinklers system.
• 1.1 meters is the minimum corridor width.
1.1Meters for occupant load more than 50.
• 0.20Meters is the maximum riser height.
• 0.25Meters is the minimum thread depth.
• 1.1Meters is the minimum ramp width.

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What are the factors to consider when designing a green building?
1. Site Planning
2. Water management
3. Energy
4. Indoor environmental quality
5. Materials

Site planning involves arranging structures on the land and shaping spaces
between them. It is an art linked to architecture, and city planning. The site
plan locates objects and activities in space and time. It may be concerned
with a small cluster of houses, a single building and the surrounding space, or
a small community built in a single operation.

Environmental Factors

Environmental study for architectural design

involves collection of data, reconnaissance
survey, creative ability and the landscape
involves the design of outside space. This should
be thought about carefully to make an
architectural design complete. The climate at the
location at the site is very important as it affects
the building that is to be constructed. Services such as water supply, drainage,
sanitation, electricity, fire protection, air-conditioning system, etc. also must be
considered to make an architectural design complete.

Conservation of water is the basic principles of green building. The efforts
should be made to ensure that the material and system that are used help in
reduction of water consumption in buildings and landscaping the areas. The

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

principle of sustainable water management is achievable by using alternate

sources of water that can be supplied to meet the water demand where the
quality of water need not be potable.

Rainwater Harvesting

It is the active collection and distribution of

rainwater which rather than going to the sewage is
put into use in daily life. Typically, rainwater is
collected from the rooftops, deposited in a reservoir
with filtration. Once the water is purified, it is can be
used for cultivation, gardening, and other domestic

Pressure Reduction
Pressure reducing valves are being very commonly
installed in high rise commercial buildings to help to
maintain a consistent water pressure at the water
fixtures across the entire building from top to bottom.

Low-Flow Plumbing
Low flow plumbing fixtures like faucets, shower heads,
and toilets have become an increasingly common
feature in green buildings today, and for good reason.
Large quantities of water are saved using plumbing fixtures
which are designed to operate with less water.

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Green energy comes from natural sources such as sunlight, wind, rain,
tides, plants, algae, and geothermal heat. These energy resources are
renewable, meaning they are naturally replenished. In contrast, fossil fuels are
a finite resource that take millions of years to develop and will continue to
diminish with use.

Hydro ceramic wall

A combination of a hydrogel with support materials such as
ceramic material, which responds to moisture and heat. “It
works as an evaporative cooling device that reduces the
temperature 5 or 6 degrees and increases the humidity Passive
intelligence makes its performance is proportional to the heat in
the outside environment. Colder when it is hot outside.

Solar panels

Solar energy is obtained from the sun’s radiation

and it can be converted to electricity or heat. It is
freely available and thanks to advances in
technology, we can now harness even more of the
solar energy that is continuously available to us.

Heliotropic Louvers

Smart louvers that can adapt to the sunlight

depending on the time of the day just like sun
flowers on the filed turning to face the sun at peak
day the louvers can shut to achieve maximum
shade, thus, lowering the building heat gain.

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Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) is most simply described as the

conditions inside the building. It includes air quality, but also access to daylight
and views, pleasant acoustic conditions, and occupant control over lighting
and thermal comfort. It may also include the functional aspects of space such
as whether the layout provides easy access to tools and people when needed
and whether there is sufficient space for occupants. Building managers and
operators can increase the satisfaction of building occupants by considering
all the aspects of IEQ rather than narrowly focusing on temperature or air
quality alone.

Thermal comfort

The operative temperature that people

experience. Importantly, this includes energy
transfer that a person experiences via
convection (air temperature), conduction
(temperature or surfaces they physically are in
contact with), and radiation (radiative energy
transfer from surrounding surfaces).

Indoor air quality

As the name suggests this is the standard of

the air we breathe inside buildings. This is a
complex issue and governs the concentration of
pollutants in the air (such as radon, carbon
dioxide, ozone, etc.), as well as the bacterial load,
and presence of pathogens or allergens.

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Visual comfort

all aspects pertaining to what and how

occupants see, such as the color and strength
of lighting, the color and design of walls, as well
as views out of the building.

Aural comfort

all aspects pertaining to what occupants have

to hear, including ambient noise from outside the
building, and noise levels inside from machines,
people, the ventilation system, or any other source.

Grass Crete

Grass Crete offers the ability to provide

year-round access for a variety of applications
requiring structural paving surfaces without
compromising the aesthetics of the exterior
landscaping. It is a very sustainable product that
can employ a large recycled material content
both in the form of aggregate and binder such as
fly ash or slag.

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The versatile quality of bamboo makes it a

good material for flooring, roofing, concrete
reinforcement, scaffolding, piping and for walls it
is very flexible and hence when it grows it can be
defined to grow into specific shapes. Its shock
absorption capacity makes it a great building
material for earthquake resistant structure.

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According to Sancez, M. (2020) Total costs of ongoing infrastructure projects

of the government of the Philippines as of April 2019, by project:




Medium/high rise offices, average 56,776 - 79,561

standard High-rise offices, prestige
quality Out-of-town shopping Centre,
average standard Retail malls, high

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

Building materials that can be used for such budget

Promoting a sustainable, budget-friendly material that will not

compromise the quality should start from the professionals or to the design and
planning we provide to the future users. Acciona (2019) stated that we are
wrong to consider vehicles as the only polluting factors, as buildings consume
20 – 50% of the physical resources, according to their environment. The building
trade is a great consumer of natural resources such as wood, minerals, water,
and energy. In addition, buildings, once built, continue to be a direct cause of
pollution because of the emissions produced in them or their impact on the

Use of indigenous Filipino materials and methods in building green homes by

Buensalido Architects (2015): The Sawali Design Cue.

• Bamboo/ Laminated Bamboo

The material is very versatile, used as strips, split, or whole timber
varieties. Technology has allowed bamboo to be cured, where it is
soaked in special solutions that eliminate the starches that make it
susceptible to fire and termite infestation. It also preserves the material,
allowing it to last for as long as 30 years.
• Rice Hull Ash Cement (RHAC)
• Coconut Lumber
• Santol Wood
the material is comparatively less dense than other wood variants,
it is one that is easy to work with and polish. This, of course, is if the lumber
was cured correctly. Probably the best feature of high-quality wood
from santol trees is that it is highly resistant to wood borers, or bukbok.
This makes it ideal for use as protective covering or skeletal framework.
• Corrugated iron- one of the cheapest and lightest construction
materials to transport.
• Recycled wood- historical feel of preloved materials.
• Shipping containers- extremely solid structures.
• Iron beams- can form your base structure.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020



According to Gaikwad, S (2018) Electrical rooms are important for

building operation, providing a hub to supply electrical power for equipment.
These rooms also contain key protection systems, and in larger installations
they often include transformers. The main advantage of a well-designed
electrical room is providing a central location where technical staff members
can manage and service building power systems.

Working space is another important consideration: it can be measured from

left-to-right, right-to-left, or with respect to the centerline of equipment.
Minimum requirements set for the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
in the National Electric Code (NEC) is that a person must be able to complete
service duties with enclosure doors open and for two people to pass one
another. NEC Table 110.26(A)(1) provides the minimum clearances required
for working space in an electrical room, and the following apply in the case of
0-600V installations:

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

• 3 feet between insulated materials

• 3-½ feet between grounded equipment
• 4 feet between exposed live parts

A fundamental requirement is providing enough space for all doors to open

at least 90°. This influences the width, depth, and height of working spaces.
Although different pieces of equipment can have overlapping working spaces
in some cases, it must always be kept clear. Placing other equipment within
working spaces or using them as storage are not allowed by the code.
Electrical rooms must also have properly sized entrances/exits, which must
always be kept clear from obstructions. If service capacity is greater than 1200
Amperes, the following requirements apply:

• Two exits must be provided.

• Doors located less than 25 feet from working space must open in the exit
direction and must be openable with simple pressure (panic hardware).

MEP Engineering (2004) stated that, the size of electrical gear is based
primarily on the ampacity of the bus within. For example, if a building has an
electrical design criterion of 20 watts/square foot for power, lighting, and
HVAC, a 120,000 square foot office building would roughly require 2,400kW of
power. If the service were designed as 120/208-volt, three phases, the
distribution switchgear would need to be 7,000 amperes! This would require
very large switchgear in physical size. If the service were designed as 277/480-
volt, three phases, the gear would only need to be 3,000 amperes! A significant
reduction in physical size as well as the cost from the 120/208-volt size. The next
question would be “Why not build all electrical services at the higher voltage?”
One advantage of 120/208 volt electrical services; no need for step-down
transformers. Buildings which have a requirement for more 120- and 208-volt
loads are more economically built providing this voltage from the utility. This
works well for single story multi-tenant retail buildings. However, larger buildings
typically have larger mechanical, motor and lighting loads. The power
consumption of these loads is typically 60 to 70% of the total electrical load for
the entire building. By designing a 277/480-volt electrical service for this larger
building, you can make 60-70% of the buildings electrical distribution system
smaller in size, saving on the square footage required for the building electrical

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

Air Handing Unit (AHU)

Sample of Air Handing Unit (Brand: Daikin)

This equipment is used to regulate the distribution of air within the

building. By taking fresh air outside the building, converting it into a clean, cool,
or hot air and starts to circulate around the specified areas of the building. In
installing an air handling unit in a commercial area: the space, building or
room you want to provide a cooling device is computed by square footage.
And for commercial buildings, assume 8-foot ceiling height for high ceilings
that will require and consume a higher percentage. After that, Divide the
space's square footage by 500. Then, Multiply the number from Step 2 and by
12,000. This is the number of Btu your system will need to remove to cool the
space. Add 380 Btu for each person who works in the space all day. If the
number varies, take an average. For each window in the space, add 1,000
Btu. For each kitchen, add 1,200 Btu. If you have a 5,000-square-foot space,
divide that number by 500 to get 10. 10 times 12,000 is 120,000 Btu. If four
people work there, add 1,520 (380 Btu x 4). If the space has three windows,
add 3,000 (1,000 Btu x 3). This space will need a commercial A/C size with
124,520 Btu of cooling.

Remember, however, that air conditioners are rated in tons. To determine

the size of system you will need, divide the amount of Btu you need by 12,000.
For example:

• 100,025 to 125,000 Btu is 8 to 10 tons

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

• 125,025 to 150,000 Btu is 10 to 12 tons.

• 150,025 to 175,000 Btu is 12 to 13 ton.

Presidential Decree No. 1096:

Section 805. Ceiling Heights.

Habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation have ceiling heights

not less than 2.40 meters measured from the floor to the ceiling; Provided that
for buildings of more than one-storey, the minimum ceiling height of the first
storey shall be 2.70 meters and that for the second storey 2.40 meters and
succeeding storeys shall have an unobstructed typical head-room clearance
of not less than 2.10 meters above the finished floor. Above stated rooms with
a natural ventilation shall have ceiling height not less than 2.70 meters.

Section 811. Artificial Ventilation.

Rooms or spaces housing industrial or heating equipment shall be

provided with artificial means of ventilation to prevent excessive
accumulation of hot and/or polluted; (b) Whenever artificial ventilation is
required, the equipment shall be designed and constructed to meet the
following minimum requirements in changes:

1. For rooms entirely above grade and used for office, clerical, or
administrative purposes, or as stores, sales rooms, restaurants, markets,
factories, workshops, or machinery rooms, not less than three changes of air
per hour shall be provided.

2. For rooms entirely above grade and used as bakeries, hotel or restaurant
kitchens, laundries other than accessory to dwellings, and boiler rooms not less
than ten changes of air per hour shall be provided.

5. For other rooms or spaces not specifically covered under this Section of the
Code, applicable provisions of the Philippine Mechanical Engineering Code,
shall be followed.

Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020

Benzu JK (2009)

K N Sheth (2017)

Wienerberger (2008)

S.A. Rogers (2019)


Wikipedia (2020)

Cubick (2017)

Alternativeenergy (2020)


National Building Code of the Philippines Retrieved form






Strip Shopping Mall: Redevelopment of New Public Market into a New Retail and Social Hub Architectural 9/21/2020







Arcadis Philippines Inc. (2019) Construction Cost Handbook PHILIPPINES 2019.


KENNEDY, A (2016). 12 cheap building materials for a low-cost home


Buensalido Architects (2015). Use of indigenous filipino materials and methods.


how to size a commercial air conditioner.

Gaikwad, S (2018). Electrical room design: nec article 110.

MEP Engineering (2004). MEP Insight: Electrical Room Sizing for New Buildings.


Presidential Decree No. 1096, s. 1977 | GOVPH. (1977, February 19)



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