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Our Lady of the Pillar College - San Manuel Inc.

District 3, San Manuel, Isabela



Test you understanding: Page 50

A. Directions: Answer the following with YES or NO. If your answer is No, explain your answer.

1. No, because we as persons has the only have intellect and will and animals have no morals.
2. No, because all of us who learned and unschooled are have sense and act to do good and can avoid evil.
3. Yes
4. No, To be moral is to be human, be an animalistic is not equal of being human. Therefore, an act of a human which
against the law is like animalistic which is not moral.
5. No, because morality is applicable and implies only for persons and to be moral is to be human, so it is not to that dog
or all of the animals, animals don’t have the intellect and will that persons has.
6. No, as stated in natural law, it is written in every man’s heart, therefore if you are believers or not you have a sense to
do good and avoid evil in our everyday life.
7. No, it is general statement.
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. No, not literally, but we have this sense and initiation as persons based to the principle “to do good and avoid evil”.
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. Yes

C.Journal Entry
1. “Do good; avoid evil” is the foundational moral principle. List at least 5 good things that you have to do as a teacher
and 5 evil things you have to avoid doing.
5 good things that teachers should do 5 evil things that teacher should avoid
- Implement fairness to all learners and when talks about - Avoid being bias.
grades. Be honest
- Making plan lessons appropriate, relevant, and clear - Don’t use power to give high grade, promote, and
objectives to attain and achieve goals. approach to your students even you have relationship (ex.
Relatives, child) Favoritism
- in every teaching claim that every individuals can - Don’t take advantage to your students if you felt
improve and believe that all of learners will achieve their something for them.
dreams or goals in life and be successful.
- Have wide understanding, consideration and long - Avoid to harass, curse, disrespect, say bad words, and
patience of the students abilities, capacity, intelligence and make them feel not belong inside and outside the
skills. classroom not only for learners and also for co-workers.

- Be a good role model, a leader, and facilitator as the act - Don’t let the students fail because of personal issues or
of imparting instructions to the learners. reasons between you and your learner.

2. The Golden Rule for Christians is: Do to others what you would like others do to you. “Give a concrete application of
the Golden Rule as you relate to a learner, to a fellow teacher, to a parent or any member of the community and to your
superiors, member of the community and to your superiors.
Our Lady of the Pillar College - San Manuel Inc.
District 3, San Manuel, Isabela

“ I will show and make them feel respect, honesty, compassion and fairness” as a learner, to my fellow teacher, to a
parent or any member of the community and to my superiors, so what I do to them will what I like others do to me also. I
believe that my actions might take, who might be affected by my actions, what might happen because of my actions and
what the best action might be and this leads to better and greater understanding. In a simple ways of showing respect,
honesty, compassion, and fairness will give a positive feedback to me and also this reflect my personality to others that
can I received also from them.

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