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I. Make Tag questions for the following sentences:

1. Harry takes sugar in tea, __________?
2. The lift isn't working today, __________?
3. It never works very well, __________?
4. Everybody realized the danger, __________?
5. There was a lot of noise here, __________?
6. Nobody complained about the noise, __________?
7. Mary hardly ever cooks, __________?
8. We had to wait for a long time to get our visa, _________?
9. They don't allow pet dogs in this shop, __________?
10. Nothing went wrong with him, __________?
11. He never takes advice, __________?
12. There used to be trees here, __________?
13. I am too impatient, __________?
14. Dick wouldn't tell anyone about this story, __________?
15. Let's go out tonight, __________?
16. Sue doesn't know John, __________?
17. There is an exam tomorrow, __________?
18. We've seen that movie before, __________?
19. He'd never met her before, __________?
20. You don't really love her, __________?
21. This will work well, __________?
22. I couldn't help it, __________?
23. You'll tell me if she calls, __________?
24. We'd never have known, __________?
25. The weather's bad today, __________?
26. She won't be late tomorrow, __________?
27. Nobody knows the answer, __________?
28. The moon goes round the earth, __________?
29. Elephants live in Europe, __________?
30. He's still sleeping at the moment, __________?
31. Mary goes to school, __________?
32. We won't be late tonight, __________?
33. Someone called me last night, __________?
34. They will wash the car, __________?
35. We must lock the doors, __________?
36. I'm correct, __________?
37. Linda bought a car yesterday, __________?
38. John wouldn't want to invite my Dad, __________?
39. Jack hasn't got a piece of paper, __________?
40. George used to work here, __________?
41. He's never liked her, __________?
42. Everyone warned you before, __________?
43. Jack went to the supermarket, __________?
44. Jane and Tom have never been to Las Vegas, __________?
45. Jim doesn't live in Missouri, __________?
46. Mrs. Brown has a new car, __________?
47. Simon is from Singapore, __________?
48. Paul didn't recognize me last week, __________?
49. Cars pollute the environment, __________?
50. Mr. Richard has been to Scotland recently, __________?
51. Andrew won't tell her this secret, __________?
52. Hugh had a red car, __________?
53. George Washington was the first President of the United States, __________?
54. We lost the game, __________?
55. Jack and Jill didn't go up the hill, __________?
56. She can't swim, __________?
57. Jack and Jill brought us some water, __________?
58. Jane likes vegetables, __________?
59. Mary can't swim very well, __________?
60. You're new here, __________?
61. We've spoken about that, __________?
62. I don't need to say any more, __________?
63. You wouldn't work for Michael again, __________?
64. Carol saw Louise last night, __________?
65. He will be coming tonight, __________?
66. Hillary loves to bake, __________?
67. The weather is very nice today, __________?
68. Bill hasn't quitted smoking yet, __________?
69. George was a very bad student, __________?
70. Everybody is here now, __________?

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