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Digital Healthcare Marketing
(Ms. Meeta Sanghavi)
• What is Healthcare Marketing?
• Why is Healthcare Marketing important?
• Current Healthcare Marketing Scenario
• Benefits of Healthcare Marketing
• Digital V/S Traditional Marketing
• Digital marketing Advantages v/s Challenges
• Impact of Digital Marketing
• Component of Digital Marketing
• Digital Marketing Parameters
• Top Five Benefits of Digital Marketing
What is Healthcare Marketing?

• Healthcare marketing is the process of developing marketing and

communication strategies to reach new patients and improve patient
care by developing an open line of communication between providers
or healthcare organizations and their patients.
• Healthcare marketing seeks to deliver valuable content and resources
to patients across the care continuum using websites, social media,
paid advertising, SEO, email marketing, video, and many more
Why is Healthcare Marketing important?
• To develop and execute marketing strategies geared toward engaging and
educating patients on their healthcare journey through SEO, digital advertising,
website, content marketing, and more.
• The most effective marketing in healthcare is patient-centric, meaning it focuses
on who the patient is, what information they care about, and building a know,
like, and trust relationship.
• The healthcare industry is always changing, and patient education and
information are quickly becoming the forefront of focus.
• The healthcare world is competitive, and as local competition grows and large
hospital systems come into the mix, the more difficult it can be to stand out and
promote your medical services.
• Healthcare marketing allows you to increase your visibility from your competitors
on local search engines and social media platforms.
• Effective healthcare marketing strategy can provide the ability to reach potential
patients and position you as a thought leader in your specialty.
Current Healthcare Marketing Scenario:

• The healthcare industry experiences a drastic shift from analog to digital

• Searching for health information is the 3rd most popular online activity.
• Marketing is one of the major driving force to take the organization to the
next level by promoting in digital platform.
• It is very important, how do we market & choose a correct medium to market
the services.
• Through digital media marketing, communication becomes faster, more
versatile, practical and streamlines the services offered.
• We can potentially reach a huge set of population directly and easily
Benefits of Healthcare Marketing

Will Increase the Patient Base of the Practice

Attracting and retaining patients and improve patient engagement.
Increase Local Physician Referrals to the Practice
Increasing the local reach of your brand should and will result in an increase in new
patient referrals to the practice from other local primary care and specialty
Make Your Physicians Thought Leaders in Healthcare
Getting your physicians involved in the marketing initiatives through storytelling
and video is a powerful way to allow them to develop thought leadership in their
field of expertise.
This will make them a trusted advisor in the eyes of patients and increase the
likelihood of a patient choose them over a local competitor
Benefits of Healthcare Marketing
 Promote Important Medical Services
Healthcare marketing systems like social media marketing, website, healthcare
content marketing, and digital advertising are fantastic tools to let physicians
feature and promote their medical services and capabilities
 Enhance The Patient Experience at the Practice
Now with the use of healthcare marketing strategies, patients receive not only the
top quality medical care but can have an overall fantastic experience, with the
availability of continuing education resources, patient portals, reviews, and much
Patients are also able to quickly and efficiently communicate with the medical
practice and send and receive valuable information to their care.
Benefits of Healthcare Marketing
 Scale the Reach of The Healthcare Organization
Healthcare marketing has created new avenues to reach patients, share
patient journeys, educate the public and patient base, and so much more.
• Physicians can now reach the masses with patient education and feature
themselves and their brand as an industry thought leaders. As more
patients turn to online resources for healthcare, the more ability you have
to capture new leads than ever before.
• In addition to attracting new patients, healthcare marketing implements
tracking and analytics. Tracking and analytics reports can give you a full
360-degree view on where your marketing efforts are most profitable and
what you need to do moving forward to scale.
Digital V/S Traditional Marketing
Digital V/S Traditional Marketing
• Cost - The cost involved in promoting through banners, magazines, paper ads, TV ads is huge. The
organization has to spend continuously when they are updating the information. Whereas in
digital the cost of investment is merely low.
• Coverage - The subjection of the products and services marketed through traditional marketing
methods are often transient. On the other hand, the online coverage stays for a very longer
period which is easily accessible when one customer searches.
• Audience - The audience for traditional marketing is less compared to digital marketing audience.
Nowadays the increasing number of digital device users has increased the level of audience for
digital marketing. Reach of internet all over the country & rise in literacy rate will further expands
the audience.
• Immediacy - The turn-around time involved in creating a concept, finishing and delivering a
product to the customer takes more time in traditional marketing which could be achieved more
quickly through digital marketing strategy.
• Tracking - It is quite difficult to track the outcome of traditional marketing strategy which involves
a time-consuming market survey. On the other way, we can track & monitor & measure the
response rate.
Budgeting Comparison
Digital marketing Advantages v/s Challenges

• Reliable
• Cost effective result
• Build reputation & brand loyalty
• Increase market effectiveness
• Multiply patient referrals
• Increase revenue & profit
• Increase the patient flow
• Increase patient satisfaction
• Provides targeted result
• Platform for modern medicine
• Improves patient retention
• Increase patient referrals
• Enhances patient’s experience
• Allows personalized marketing messages
• Reduces Cost per patient acquisition
Continued .. Challenges

• Privacy concern
• Limits on patient information
• Intense competition
• Proliferation of digital channels
• Exploding data volumes
• Social stigma
Impact of Digital Marketing
 Customer’s behavior.
 Digital marketing reduces the overall cost spent on marketing.
 The webpage content plays a vital role in mesmerizing & attracting the customer.
 More colorful the website, it touches the heart of the viewer & gives a personal touch.
 We can have a direct interaction with the customer where the connection becomes facile.
 Power of the profile generates a positive impression. The customer judges an organization with the
projected content where he finds a range of option.
 The customer shall make a right decision by choosing what he wants exactly from vast options.
 Digital marketing is a tool that is cost-effective and produces better results.
 If you choose to utilize it correctly, it improve consumer base and help you address the problems in your
service to make it better for the patients.
 The healthcare industry should worry about digital marketing because it is an effective and an
inexpensive way of marketing as compared to traditional methods
Component of Digital Marketing

• Social media marketing

• Search engine marketing
• Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing
• Not only are more and more people becoming active online, they are
also becoming active on social media. Social media is akin to “word of
mouth” marketing; in the healthcare sector, in particular, “word of
mouth” plays a very important role.
• Social media is very powerful and having a good online reputation is
absolutely essential. Facebook makes it very easy to add reviews
directly on to your site, as shown below
Search Engine Marketing
• As already mentioned, the number of people that are looking to the
internet for an answer to their problems and will keep on increasing.
• Businesses that employ search engine marketing – including Pay-Per-
Click – which is appearing in designated ad spaces within search
• This strategy is a great way to show at the top of listings and the best
part, you only pay when a patient clicks on your ad.
Content Marketing

• If you want to show up high in local search rankings for your focus
specialties and procedures, you need excellent, well-structured
content on your website for it.
Digital Marketing Parameters :
Healthcare consumers demand choice, customization, and convenience

• Build a Website for Patient Experience

• Local SEO Starts with Your Google My Business
• Your Reputation Matters, Invest in Patient Reviews
• A Patient Email Address is Still Extremely Valuable
Build a Website for Patient Experience

• A healthcare practice’s website is one of the single most important

digital healthcare marketing assets they have.
• Whether it is midnight and you are asleep or 3 pm in clinics
your medical website is always hard at work for you showcasing
relevant content.
• Great medical website design puts the focus on user experience and
providing clear and immediate value from the second a patient enters
your website.
• Explaining who you are and what you do.
Local SEO Starts with Your Google My Business

• A large part of any healthcare marketing strategy is super local by nature.

• Why? Because patients are generally only willing to travel so far for patient care.
• Therefore, it is critical to winning in your local search environment for whatever
specialty or conditions you treat.
• About 80% of patients do an online search before booking an appointment with a
• And when it comes to winning medical SEO searches, Google My Business is king.
• What is a Google My Business listing, you may ask?
• Google My Business is a free tool provided for physicians and businesses to
manage their online presence for Google.
• You run into it nearly every time you search, and it looks like the screenshot
Investment in Patient Reviews for reputation

• Reviews have quickly become one of the most critical components of

healthcare marketing strategies.
• This is for several different reasons.
• 92.4% of consumers read online reviews. That is a staggering number.
And reputation matters most in healthcare decisions or any other
• The easiest way to achieve success is to automate as much of the
process as possible by leveraging reputation management for medical
practices software.
Valuable patient’s Email Address

• Email is still not only a viable but powerful marketing in healthcare

tool that you should be leveraging.
• Whether it’s new patient funnels, remarketing to existing patients, or
disseminating critical information during times like COVID, email is a
vital line of communication between you and your patients.
• Investing resources into developing a healthy email marketing
program will yield a steady stream of new and returning patients
through your doors (physical or virtual).
Telemedicine and Online Appointment Book

• Telemedicine and online appointment booking was nice to have as a

healthcare marketing component before COVID.
• The problem is there is still a lot of confusion about getting started and
getting patients using telemedicine.
• You need to get emails out communicating to your existing patients about
your process for telehealth (this goes back to why email is so important).
• Then get landing pages on your website and announcements on social
media regarding your telehealth solution.
• When it comes to online booking, you need to have this option available
and accessible on your website. It is expected from patients now.
• On top of that, it is essential to track your paid advertising campaigns for
new appointment bookings effectively.
Top Five Benefits of Digital Marketing
• Improves the Audience Reach and Increases Service Awareness
• Counters Any Possibility of Misinformation
• Ensures Easier Access for Patients
• Building Patient-Doctor Trust
• Customize Your Marketing Strategy
If you don’t have a digital healthcare marketing strategy for your practice, it
may be time to reconsider.

Answer questions like:

• Who is my ideal patient? Create a patient profile on each of these
• Where do they go online to spend time?
• How much website traffic do I currently have for retargeting?
• What assets do I have for advertising? Videos? Graphics?
• These questions are essential to find out which platforms will be ideal for you to start
advertising on.
Thank You

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