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Annual Magzine : 2020

Ms. Bulty Chakrabarty Mr. Gaurav Kumar

Branch-ECE Branch-ME


It is indeed a happy moment for our college as we have successfully brought out the fourth
edition of the technical ”Ratnasagar” for the year  2019-20. The most important aspect we could
derive from this stupendous effort is that it brings out the various technical and analytical skills
of the budding engineers. We would like to thanks our principal sir for giving us the opportunity
to be the editor of technical section of “RATNASAGAR”.

We wish all the students a very best for releasing more such magazine in future.

Sahina Azmat
CSE : 2019-22

SpaceX Exploration Technologies as SpaceX ,is an American aeroscope manufacturer and space
transportation service company headquartered in Hawthorne, California...It was founded by Elon Musk with the goal of
“Reducing space transportation costs to enable the colonization of Mars”. SpaceX has discovered several vehicles “The
Starlink Satellite constellation”,“The Dragon Cargo Spacecraft”, and flown humans to the international space station to
the “Crew Dragon Demo-2.

Why SpaceX launch is historic?

The SpaceX mission will certainly be a historic one as it will mark the “First time in history that a Private Aerospace
organisation Carries humans into Earth's orbit” .The agency and the space fans have been waiting for this milestone for a
very long- time. SpaceX collaboration with NASA also denotes a major achievement in the public- Private Partnership that
has powered the country's spaceflight development .This also makes SpaceX launch a big deal.

SpaceX Reusable launch system development program:

The SpaceX reusable launch system development program is a privately funded program to develop a set of new
technologies for an “Orbital Launch” system that may perused many times in a manner similar to the reusability of
aircraft. SpaceX has been developing over several years to facilitate full and rapid reusability of space launch vehicles. The
project's long- term objectives include returning a launch vehicle “First stage” to the launch site in minutes and to return
a “second stage” to the launch pad following orbital realignment with the launch site and atmospheric re-entry in up to
24 hours . SpaceX long term goal is that both stages of their orbital launch will be designed to allow reuse a few hours
after return. The program was publically in 2011. SpaceX First achieved a successful landing and recovery of a first stage
in December 2015. The first re-flight of a landed first stage occurred in March 2017. With the second occurring in June
2017, that one only five months after the maiden flight of the booster. The third attempt occurred in October 2017 with
the “SES-11/Echostar-105” mission. Second flight of refurbished first stages then became routine, with boosters having
powered up to five missions as a March 2020.

Important achievements of SpaceX

1. “Falcon 1” becomes the first privately developed liquid fuel rocket to reach Earth orbit in 2008.

2. “Falcon 9” was the first flight to meet 100% mission objectives in 2010.

3. Dragon returns home: It is the only private company capable of returning a spacecraft (Dragon) from low Earth orbit,
which is first accomplished in 2010.

4. In 2013 the “Grasshopper program” of the SpaceX finished with a 744m flight, hover and landing.
5. The first private company to send a satellite into Geo synchronous transfer orbit.

6. In 2014 the first stage of Falcon landed in“Atlantic Ocean” successfully..

7. The SpaceX' s the Falcon 9 rocket launched the space station, and the first stage returned and landed on the “Of
Course I still love you”droneship in April 2.




Dept. Of Mechanical Engg. (G.P.KODERMA)

Six Stroke engine, the name itself indicates a cycle of six strokes out of which two are useful power strokes. According to its
mechanical design, the six-stroke engine with external and internal combustion and double flow is similar to the actual internal
reciprocating combustion engine.
However, it differentiates itself entirely, due to its thermodynamic cycle and a modified cylinder head with two
supplementary chambers: combustion and an air heating chamber, both independent from the cylinder. In this the
cylinder and the combustion chamber are separated which gives more freedom for design analysis. Several advantages
result from this, one very important being the increase in thermal efficiency .It consists of two cycles of operations
namely external combustion cycle and internal combustion cycle, each cycle having four events. In addition to the two
valves in the four stroke engine two more valves are incorporated which are operated by a piston arrangement. The Six
Stroke is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in volume of the power stroke is greater than the intake
stroke and the compression stroke. The main advantages of six stroke engine includes reduction in fuel consumption by
40%, two power strokes in the six stroke cycle, dramatic reduction in pollution, adaptability to multi fuel operation. Six
stroke engine's adoption by the automobile industry would have a tremendous impact on the environment and world


Event 1: Pure air intake in the cylinder (dynamic event)

1.Intake valve. 2. Heating chamber valve .3. Combustion chamber valve

4. Exhaust valve .5. Cylinder.6. Combustion chamber.7. Air heating chamber.8. Wall of combustion
chamber.9.Fuel injector.10. Heater plug.

The sketches shows the cylinder head equipped with both chambers and four valves of which two are
conventional (intake and exhaust). The two others are made of heavy-duty heat-resisting material. During the
combustion and the air heating processes, the valves could open under the pressure within the chambers. To
avoid this, a piston is installed on both valve shafts which compensate this pressure. Being a six-stroke cycle, the
camshaft speed in one third of the crankshaft speed .The combustion chambers walls are glowing when the
engine is running. Their small thickness allows heat exchange with the air-heating chamber, which is surrounding
the combustion chamber. The air-heating chamber is isolated from the cylinder head to reduce thermal loss .The
combustion and air-heating chambers have different compression ratio. The compression ratio is high for the
heating chamber, which operates on an external cycle and is supplied solely with pure air. On the other hand, the
compression ratio is low for the combustion chamber because of effectively increased volume, which operates on
internal combustion cycle .The combustion of all injected fuel is insured, first, by the supply of preheated pure air
in the combustion chamber, then, by the glowing walls of the chamber, which acts as multiple spark plugs. In
order to facilitate cold starts, the combustion chamber is fitted with a heater plug (glow plug). In contrast to a
diesel engine, which requires a heavy construction, this multi-fuel engine, which can also use diesel fuel, may be
built in a much lighter friction than that of a gas engine, especially in the case of all moving part . As well as
regulating the intake and exhaust strokes, the valves of the heating and the combustion chambers allow
significantly additional adjustments for improving efficiency and reducing noise.


The six stroke is thermodynamically more efficient because the change in volume of the power stroke is greater
than the intake stroke, the compression stroke and the Six stroke engine is fundamentally superior to the four
stroke because the head is no longer parasitic but is a net contributor to – and an integral part of – the power
generation within exhaust stroke.

Reduction in fuel consumption by at least 40%

An operating efficiency of approximately 50%, hence the large reduction in specific consumption. the Operating
efficiency of current petrol engine is of the order of 30%. The specific power of the six-stroke engine will not be
less than that of a four-stroke petrol engine, the increase in thermal efficiency compensating for the issue due to
the two additional strokes.

Two expansions (work) in six strokes:

Since the work cycles occur on two strokes (3600 out of 10800 ) or 8% more than in a four-stroke engine (1800
out of 720 ), the torque is much more even. This lead to very smooth operation at low speed without any
significant effects on consumption and the emission of pollutants, the combustion not being affected by the
engine speed. These advantages are very important in improving the performance of car in town traffic.

Dramatic reduction in pollution

Chemical, noise and thermal pollution are reduced, on the one hand, in proportion to the reduction in specific
consumption, and on the other, through the engine’s own characteristics which will help to considerably lower
HC, CO and NOx emissions. Furthermore, it’s ability to run with fuels of vegetable origin and weakly pollutant
gases under optimum conditions, gives it qualities which will allow it to match up to the strictest standards.

Multifuel par excellence, it can use the most varied fuels, of any origin (fossil or vegetable), from diesel to L.P.G.
or animal grease. The difference in inflammability or antiknock rating does not present any problem in
combustion. It’s light, standard petrol engine construction, and the low compression ration of the combustion
chamber; do not exclude the use of diesel fuel. Methanol-petrol mixture is also recommended.


ECE : 2018-21

The Rafale is a twin-jet fighter aircraft able to operate from both an aircraft carrier and a shore base. The fully
versatile Rafale is able to carry out all combat aviation missions: air superiority and air defence, close air support,
in-depth strikes reconnaissance, anti-ship strikes and nuclear deterrence. The Rafale entered service with the
French Navy in 2004 and with the French Air Force in 2006. With more than 30,000 flight hours in operations, it
has proven its worth in combat in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Iraq and Syria. The Rafale was ordered by Egypt, Qatar
and India.

The Dassault Rafale is a French twin-engine, canard delta wing, multirole fighter

aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation.

Top speed: 1,389 km/h

Range: 3,700 km

Weight: 9,979 kg

Manufacturer: Dassault Aviation

Program cost: €45.9 billion (as of FY2013) (US$62.7 billion)

Engine types: Snecma M88, Turbofan

The Dassault Rafale , literally meaning "gust of wind and "burst of fire" in a more military sense is a French twin-engine,
canard delta wing, multirole fighter aircraft designed and built by Dassault Aviation. Equipped with a wide range of
weapons, the Rafale is intended to perform air supremacy, interdiction, aerial reconnaissance, ground support, in-depth
strike, anti-ship strike and nuclear deterrence missions. The Rafale is referred to as an "omnirole" aircraft by Dassault.

In the late 1970s, the French Air Force and French Navy were seeking to replace and consolidate their current fleets of
aircraft In order to reduce development costs and boost prospective sales, France entered into an arrangement with UK,
Germany, Italy and Spain to produce an agile multi-purpose fighter, the Eurofighter Typhoon. Subsequent disagreements
over workshare and differing requirements led to France's pursuit of its own development programme. Dassault built a
technology demonstrator which first flew in July 1986 as part of an eight-year flight-test programme, paving the way for
the go-ahead of the project. The Rafale is distinct from other European fighters of its era in that it is almost entirely built
by one country, involving most of France's major defence contractors, such as Dassault, Thales and Safran.

Many of the aircraft's avionics and features, such as direct voice input, the RBE2 AA active electronically scanned array
(AESA) radar and the optronique secteur frontal infra-red search and track (IRST) sensor, were domestically developed
and produced for the Rafale programme. Originally scheduled to enter service in 1996, the Rafale suffered significant
delays due to post-Cold War budget cuts and changes in priorities. The aircraft is available in three main variants: Rafale C
single-seat land-based version, Rafale B twin-seat land-based version, and Rafale M single-seat carrier-based version.

Introduced in 2001, the Rafale is being produced for both the French Air Force and for carrier-based operations in the
French Navy. The Rafale has been marketed for export to severalcountries, and was selected for purchase by the Indian
Air Force,the Egyptian Air Force, and the Qatar Air Force. The Rafale has been used in combat over Afghanistan, Libya,
Mali, Iraq and Syria.


CSE : 2018-2021

Ethical hacking is the way to find out the weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system or computer network. It is a way to
describe the procedure of hacking in an ethical way for any network. The ethical hacker has the good purpose to do it.
Actually it has become the general perception in our mind for hacker that he will be bad, fanatic, criminal and unethical.
Basically some of the hacker has even done very badly with some organisations like they have stolen very important
information of their customers. In some of the government organisations they have damaged very confidential
information like social security numbers and other sensitive information. That is the reason hackers are not having very
good reputation. To avoid such conditions many organisation have hired many ethical hackers to keep a track on their
system and computer network. Ethical hackers are supposing to test and check vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the
present system. There is one another face of the coin which tells that without hackers the vulnerabilities and holes of
software would remain undiscovered . In this paper I have tried to explain the good and bad face of hacker and even of
ethical hackers also and what re the different impact on the different areas of our society. A study shows that almost 90%
attacks happen on the inside which shows that easy it is to invade into the system or network for insiders.


Ethical hacking is the term which is being used by professionals in order to make the system more secure and safe. A person will be
called as an ethical hacker when he will not destroy the security of the system rather he will take care of the security and safety of
the system from the view point of the hacker. The person who is doing all these efforts are to be known as ethical hacker or
white hat hacker. In the ethical hacking we have to make sure about the security of the system as far as information technology is
concerned. As the name says itself ethical hacking, it has two meanings or definitions – one which is the hobby or profession of a
particular person who is interested to make career in this field.


According to them previous employees know each and every thing from the root so they can easily destroy the present system. As
already pointed out, one of the main requirements for an ethical hacker is its trustworthiness. The customer needs to be
100% certain that information found by the ethical hacker won’t be abused. Another very important ability is patience. An ethical
hacker is most trustworthy employee for the organisation who is hired to check about the vulnerabilities and other issues in the
computer network system to maintain its security and safety. One another truth is lying in this case that gaining access to
somebody’s computer system or network without his consent is a crime whereas the penetration testing with the consent of
target is not a crime rather in this case target is interested to make proper arrangement and other security for his system.
Ethical hackers are mostly people with a good knowledge of operating systems and computer networks technology. An
ethical hacker’s knowledge is very much comparable to the one of a “real” hacker. It is known, that some black hats have been
converted to white hats and are now using their knowledge on how to hack a system in an ethical way. Hiring ex-hackers as ethical
hackers is very controversial. After all, an ethical hacker will see sensitive information and needs to be extremely trustworthy.
During his assignment an ethical hacker may get access to sensitive and confidential customer information where he will see and
discover customers’ weak points Therefore lot of companies don’t believe to hire previous hackers to do their ethical hacks.


There are mainly four different types of ethical hacking depending on the knowledge of the hacker. There are many hackers
whose intentions are not to harm. Basically the term ethical hacking itself says that hacking which is done for the purpose of not
to harm rather take preventive measures to maintain the security and safety and check the vulnerabilities in the current system.

This is the technique through which a hacker is hacking into any computer system illegally for any reason may be social or
political. In this activity a hacker can leave a very large message on the main page of any well-known website or any other so called
important message so that visitor will see that message and react accordingly. It may display any kind of speech or any social
message which can attract users and they may participate in the discussion or forum. This may lead to hacking the system
without the consent of the target.

Cyber warrior is a kind of hacker who is being hired by an organisation or by an individual to creep into the system or
computer network. Cyber warrior will act as a wicked hacker will try to find out the vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the present
system. This hacker is not having any prior knowledge of system or computer network in which he is gaining access. By doing this
activity he will come to know about the vulnerabilities in the present system or computer network and can tell the
organisation or individual to work upon on it so that the website or other data can be secured from hacking in future.


White box penetration testers are also called as white box hackers. They are the employees those are hired by the
organisation to break into their current system or computer network. They are the legal penetration testers. They are legally
breaking into the system or computer network for the organisation or for an individual to help them by telling the
vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the present system.


As the name says itself that certified ethical hacker or licensed penetration tester are those certified or licensed professional in
the field of hacking who are performing the duties of both i.e. black box hacker and white box hackers. They are responsible to
look into the system and networks to find out the vulnerabilities and weaknesses.

There are basically three types of hackers on the basis of their way of doing and what their intentions behind for hacking are:-

A. White Hat Hacker

It is another name for an Ethical Hacker. They hack into a system with prior permission to find out vulnerabilities so that they can be
fixed before a person with malicious intent finds them.

B. Black Hat Hacker

They are also known as crackers, who hack in order to gain unauthorized access to a system & harm its operations or steal sensitive
information. It’s always illegal because of its malicious intent which includes stealing corporate data, violating privacy, damaging the
system etc.

C. Grey Hat Hacker

They are a blend of both black hat and white hat hackers. They mostly hack for fun and exploit a security weakness in a computer
system or network without the owner’s permission or knowledge. Their intent is to bring the weakness to the attention of the
owners & earning some bug bounty.
D. Suicide Hacker
A suicide hacker is a person who works with the intent to bring down major corporations and infrastructure. These kinds of hackers
are not scared of the consequences of their actions as they mostly work with a vengeance in their mind. These people are also
known as hacktivists.


This is the first stage of attack in which hacker is supposed to collect all the information of that company whose data need
to be hacked. This term is also called as foot printing. The literal meaning of reconnaissance means preliminary survey to gain
the information. In this stage hacker has to ensure that all information must collect. We can call this stage as pre-attacking
phase in hacking. During this phase different types of tools like network mapping and network vulnerability scanning can be
used. In this context cheops is a very good tool for network mapping through which network graphs can be generated. The
network mapping tool is mainly used for internal ethical hacking. It is not mush used for external purpose.

The next stage in ethical hacking is scanning. With this technique a penetration tester can easily find out the open doors for any
network. In this stage a hacker always tries to make an outline of the target network. The outline includes the IP addresses of
the end or target network which are live, other services which are running on those systems and so on. In some of the
cases most vulnerabilities scanners do wonderful job of minimizing false positives, and many organisations use them to
recognize out-of-date systems or probable new experience that might be exploited by hackers .

This is the most important phase where attackers will get the access of the system or network and have the ability to spoil it
completely. Moreover this is also truth that attacker always need not to have access of the system to damage it. I must say that this
is the stage where actually a real hacking takes place. Those weak points and vulnerabilities which are exposed during the
reconnaissance and scanning phase they are further exploited to gain access in the target system. The method of connection
which will be used by an attacker or hacker to damage the system it can be local area network, local access to computer
and internet. There are few more examples of the same they are: stack based buffer overflows, session hijacking and denial
of service etc. Gaining access also known as owns the system in the hacker world which means now attacker or hacker will have
the full access to the target system. Factors that influence the chances of an attacker gaining access into a target system include
the architecture and configuration of the target system, the skill level of the perpetrator, and the primary level of access obtained.
One of the most harmful types of the denial-of-service attacks which can be further distributed into several denial-of-service
attacks, where a hacker uses a special type of software called “zombie” and he distributes it on number of machines on
internet in such an organised manner so that maximum number of machines can be damaged.

After gaining the access of the target system by a hacker it would be very easy for him to use the system itself and all its
resources and exploit them. This is also the case in this context that hacker can use this target system as launch pad so that
he can scan other systems and can damage them. This way an entire organisation can be exploited. There are so many attackers
or hackers who believe to be undetected and keep on removing all the proofs of their entry in the target system. They use the
backdoor or Trojan to get the repeated access in the target system. There is one another option is with them that they can
install the rootkit at the kernel level of the operating system and can have the super access in the system. With the help of
Trojan horse hackers are able to have user names their passwords and other confidential information like credit card number its
passwords etc. of the target.

This is the last and final stage where hacker want to remove or destroy all evidence of his/her presence and activities for
various reasons such as maintain access and evading punitive actions. This is one of the best methods to evade track back.
Erasing evidence is the requirement for a hacker to remain obscure. It is really very crucial for invaders to make the system look like
it as the same before they gained access and established backdoors for their use. Any files, which have been modified or
altered, need to be changed back to their original attributes or format. Information listed, such as file size and date, is just
attribute information contained within the file.

To conclude the paper i must say that the work “hacker” carries weight. Hacking may be defined as legal or illegal, ethical or
unethical. As we all know that technology is growing so fast and it will continue to do so. With the technological development there
are many faces of one technology. Human mind is very powerful tool and actually has no control. Hackers will always find some
way out to get into the system, irrespective of seeing good or bad intentions. It is my hope that in future hackers and ethical
hackers will have different ways out for doing the things.


Shubham Kumar Singh

ME : 2018-2021

It is the method of determining the relative position of points on or below the earth surface by direct or indirect
measurement of distance and direction. It also includes the fixation of predetermine points on the earth surface .

1. To determine the relative positions of the existing futures of the ground.

2. To layout our marked positions of proposed structures on the ground.

3. To prepare a map of a country of detailed out location of cities, towns, villages and major roads.

4. To determine areas, volumes and other related quantities.

5. To prepare the engineering detailed plans and sections of various sections such as roads, railways, bridges, dams and
other structure.

6. To prepare a topographical map showing details of hills, valleys and rivers.

Primary division of survey

It is divided into two main classes

1. Plane surveying

2.Geodetic surveying

Plane surveying

The surveying in which the curvature of the earth is not taken into account. This type of survey is carried of in small area.

Geodetic surveying
The method of surveying in which the curvature of the earth is taken in account is called geodetic surveying .this survey is
adopted when the area to be surveyed is very large (more then 250 km sq.)

Duties and the responsibilities of surveyors

 1.)Prepare and maintain sketches, maps, reports, and legal descriptions of surveys in order to describe, certify, and
assume liability for work performed.
2.)Direct or conduct surveys in order to establish legal boundaries for properties, based on legal deeds and titles.

3.)Record the results of surveys, including the shape, contour, location, elevation, and dimensions of land or land

4.)Calculate heights, depths, relative positions, property lines, and other characteristics of terrain.

5.)Prepare or supervise preparation of all data, charts, plots, maps, records, and documents related to surveys.
6.)Write descriptions of property boundary surveys for use in deeds, leases, or other legal documents.
7.)Plan and conduct ground surveys designed to establish baselines, elevations, and other geodetic measurements.
8.) Determine longitudes and latitudes of important features and boundaries in survey areas, using theodolites, transits,
levels, and satellite-based global positioning systems (GPS).
9.) Train assistants and helpers, and direct their work in such activities as performing surveys or drafting maps.
10) Locate and mark sites selected for geophysical prospecting activities, such as efforts to locate petroleum or other
mineral products.

ME :2018-2021

Goelogy is the branch of science which deals with composition, Structure and Features of earth surface (Above and

• Geology is the Practical importance of mankind. It is the very useful part of the search of coal,Petroleum, and minerals
used in a our daily life.It’s directly concerned with Ore minerals, industrial minerals and Mining industry. The importance
of geology Have been recognised in the field In civil engineering works like Tunnelings,Dams , Reservoirs etc.

Earth and our home is the third planet from the sun . It’s only planet Know to have the atmospheric Containing Free
oxygen and Ocean of water on it’s Surface , and course life . Earth is the Fifth largest planet in the solar system . And Age
of Earth is 4.5Billion years .


The Earth body comprised of several layers Shell , Resting and one above the others. These layers Distributing by Physical
and chemical Propery.

• Particularly the thickness, Density, Depth , Temperature,Mettalic content, Rocks and Fossils content.

• 1)CRUST (0to 50 Km)


• Upper Mental (60 to 650Km)

• Lower Mental (650 to 2900 Km)


• Outer Core (2900 to 5150Km)

• Inner Core (5150 to 6371Km)


• DISCONTINUITY:- Change in Rotational Moment between Earth layers.

• 1) Conrod Discontinuity (Between Sima and sial layers).

• 2)Mohorovicic Discontinuity (Between Upper Mental and Crust Layers).

• Repetti Discontinuity (Between Upper Mental and Lower Mental Layers).

• Gutenberg Discontinuity (Between Outer Core and Lower Mental Layers).

• Lehmann Discontinuity ( Between Outer and Inner Core Layers ).

Lithosphere :- Outer solid portion of Earth or Continental Crust.

Asthenosphere :- Between Continental Crust and Upper Mental.


ECE : 2018-2021

Li-Fi-light fidelity is similar to Wi-Fi technology and it is one of the future wireless communication technologies. The main
feature of this technology includes fully networked, bidirectional and high-speed wireless. Nowadays, the most trending
domain in wireless communication is Wi-Fi and internet users are also being increased every year. For obtaining better
speed, efficiency, bandwidth, Li-Fi technology has evolved. The data transmission in this technology can be done using
light because the light intensity changes quicker than the human eye for capturing. The range of data transmission in L-Fi
is faster 100 times than Wi-Fi.

An Overview of Li-Fi Technology and its Benefits

The Li-Fi (light fidelity) technology was proposed by the German Scientist namely Harald Haas. The main function of this
technology is to transmit the data via light. This technology is idyllic for high-speed wireless communication in a
restricted region, and it offers many benefits over Wi-Fi technology such as high bandwidth, ease of use, efficiency, and
safety. These systems can communicate from street lights to auto-piloted cars using their headlights. As the light speed is
superior hence the data communication speed is also faster in the existing system.


JAIDIP KUMAR( ME : 2018-2021)










10. YEAR 1985-86:- NCL, SECL FORMED.

11. YEAR 1992-93:-MCL FORMED.






10. How Technology Affects My Life


Try imagining your life without technology. Without alarm clocks , refrigerators, computers, telephones and so on. It
would be very different from what we are accustomed to today. The truth is, all of us rely on technology a great deal to
get through the day. Whether it's at work, at home, or at school, I know my family depends greatly on technology.
Without technology our lives would all be much different .My sisters and I use technology at school a lot. We are always
on the computers doing research and typing papers. As a student, I am in web page design class where I use computers
every day . My sister Kelly is in her school's web club where she also uses the computers. At school, computers are not
the only type of technology we use. At games we use the scoreboard. In math class, we use calculators and during some
classes, we listen to books on tape or audio tests. I think that without technology, school would be much more difficult.
At home we use technology a great deal. In order to wake up in the morning, we all depend on alarm clocks to wake us
up. We have refrigerators to keep all of our food cold. We also use the computer a lot. We are always looking up things
for school, talking to friends, or playing games. We use cell phones to keep in touch with everyone too. We use CD
players to listen to our favourite music. And of course we use the television to watch all of our favourite shows, and
what's TV without a remote? We use that too. Technology is everywhere you look inside of my house and it helps us get
through the day much easier. Technology affects my life in so many ways. It also affects the lives of other people such as
the ones in my family Technology helps us so much and sometimes we take it for granted. I know that doing this essay
has shown me not to take the technological advances we have today for granted because someone had to come up with
those ideas.



Lal Krishna*
* Lecturer Electrical Engineering, Government Polytechnic Koderma

Education is the most important thing for any country to develop and prosper. Education moulds the character and
intelligence of individuals. It also provides the talent and motivation to every person. During Movement Control Order
(MCO), where most schools and universities have to shut down their operations due to Covid-19, online learning has
been seen as a platform where educators can share their knowledge with the students. This paper explains about what is
corona virus, Guidelines of online learning in India, the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, how to
overcome the disadvantages of online learning and why online learning is the good choice to conduct class for tertiary
education during Movement Control Order in India.

Index Terms: Online Education, Movement Control Order (MCO), Online Learning, Covid-19
1. Introduction:
Education is the most important thing for any country to develop and prosper. Education moulds the character and
intelligence of individuals. It also provides the talent and motivation to every person. Traditionally, most of the lecturers
use physical presence of classrooms and textbooks. However, with the development of technology, electronic learning or
e-Learning can be used by the lecturers to teach the students anytime and anywhere. Nowadays, most of the countries in
the world have been affected by a virus named Coronavirus (Covid-19). According to [1], Covid-19 is the disease caused
by the new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019. The symptoms of Covid-19 including cough, fever and
shortness of breath. The virus can be spread from person to person. Because of that, India has taken prevention by using
Movement Control Order (MCO) to prevent the virus from spreading more. It gives huge impacts especially for education
system in India. Most of the universities have to utilise e-Learning to prevent physical contact between students and the
lecturer. This article looks the advantages and disadvantages of online learning and why online learning is the best choice
to conduct lecture for all universities in India during MCO.

The objective of this study is to:
1) Identify the advantages and disadvantages of online learning classroom to be conducted during Movement Control
Order (MCO).


According to Corona virus is a virus that started in China in December 2019. The symptoms of this virus including cough,
fever and shortness of breath. The virus can be spread from person to person. The conditions of Covid-19 patient will
become worst if the patients are older people or people with chronic disease such as diabetes or those who had respiratory

How to Prevent Coronavirus from Spreading?

The best way to prevent or slowing down the spreading of this virus is to know well about this virus and how it spreads.
People should protects themselves and others by keeping a safe distance and washing their hands using alcohol based
rub frequently and not easily touching their face.

Guidelines issued:
In the view of safety of teachers and students from the corona virus epidemic and in the light of such guidelines issued by
University Grant Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry
of Human Resource Development (Govt. of India) and State Government, the department has suggested technical
institutions under its purview to conduct online classes during the lockdown period, so that teaching-learning process of
students studying in technical institutions remain unaffected.

Following is the list of some of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) initiatives along with their links:
1. SWAYAM online courses: (
2. UG/PG MOOCs: (
3. AICTE ELIS Portal:  (
4. e-PG Pathshala: (
5. e-Content courseware in UG subjects: (
7. CEC-UGC YouTube channel (
8. National Digital Library: (
9. Shodhganga: (
10. e-Shodh Sindhu: (
11. Vidwan: (


According to [2] and [3], online learning approach has several advantages than face-to-face approach in accessing
education services anywhere, any time and any extent of time. These features significantly save the valuable time of the
student. Below are eight advantages when the lecturers use online learning to deliver their instructions during
Movement Control Order in India:-

a) Flexibility of time
When the lecturers conduct online learning classes, it will give flexibility to the students to learn. Students can fit their
schedule more easily. This is because the lecturers will schedule online class and students can interact with the lecturers
and fellow classmates using online video. Live discussions can be conducted at that time with the presence of all course
mates and the lecturer.

b) Time Saving
The main benefit from the online mobile education system for student's point of view is significant saving of time by the
automation of education services including access to study materials, video lectures, online assignment submission,
online interaction/discussion with both lecturers and peer students, online exam and evaluation etc. Since the response
of the medium is very fast, the students can get their result soon after the examination. CBCS model imparted online also
has this benefit.
c) Flexibility of environment
By using online learning, students and the lecturer can choose their own learning environment that suits them well.
When the lecturer conduct online class, it means students do not have to attend actual class, where this is very
encouraged during this pandemic. Students also do not have to worry about missing an important class.

d) Flexibility of students
Because mobile devices are inherently portable, students may be engaged in activities, such as working or travelling,
while doing their study through their internet-enabled mobile devices. The skills and experience they learned can be used
for online assessment to get relevant degrees.

e) Lower costs
Students and the lecturer can stay where they are without going to the classroom during MCO. It will save costs to the
students and the lecturer when the lecturer conducts online class.

f) Self-discipline and responsibility

Studying online requires more self-discipline and responsibility from the students and the lecturer. It is because students
will spend time on their own without someone physically to keep them focused on the deadlines. Students need to
responsible for their own learning when the lecturer uses online learning as student’s attendance for online class might
be detected by their presence during online video session.

g) Ubiquity
Through mobile devices, education applications are able to reach students anywhere at any time. On the other hand,
students can get any course they are interested in, whenever they want regardless of where they are, through Internet-
enabled mobile devices. In this sense, mobile education makes a service or an application available wherever and
whenever such a need arises. Communication can take place independent of the students and universities location. The
advantages presented from the omnipresence of information and continual access to university courses will be
exceptionally important to time-critical applications. Ubiquity is most supporting feature of competency based learning

h) Personalization
Huge number of education courses, services, and applications are currently available on Internet and the relevance of
information received by users is of great importance. Since owners of mobile devices often require different sets of
applications and services, mobile education applications can be personalized to represent information or provide services
in ways appropriate to the specific students use. Additionally, personalized courses/content is paramount in operating
mobile devices because of the limitation of the user interface. Relevant university courses must always be only a single
"click" away, students can access required courses systematically where they have created competency to take
assessment exercise.


Besides the advantages of online learning, there are also disadvantages of online learning. According to [5], there are six
disadvantages of online learning:-

a) No self-discipline
When using online learning or electronic learning (e-Learning), lecturer might face student’s commitment to use online
learning as students do not need to appear physically in the classroom.

b) No face-to-face interaction
While online learning can be interactive these days, especially during Movement Control Order in India, it is still not the
same as sitting in a real classroom. It means, there is no substitute for interacting with, and learning from, a fellow

c) Lack of input from lecturers

Online learning or e-Learning is structured. When a program is developed, it is based on the course developers or the
lecturers think is the right curriculum at that time. However, learning materials can quickly become outdated and it could
contain errors from the beginning.

d) Good online learning is difficult to do

Developing an effective online learning course takes time, money, and a great amount of expertise. A good online
learning contains multimedia, custom web development, technical support, and strong User Interaction design.

e) No facilities to support online learning

No student facilities such as laboratories or libraries, although some online learning incorporate practical activities to be
done at home, virtual laboratory experiments, reading lists of freely-available papers or temporary subscriptions to

f) Hard to resolve difficulties

It can be hard to find answers to questions or resolve difficulties, especially when discussion forum participation is low.

g) Hard to resolve Personality Development

Personality development is not possible due to no direct interaction with classmates.

h)Failure of Unmotivated students

Only self-motivated students get benefit, but unmotivated students fails to complete the course.


During Covid-19 pandemic, most universities and schools have to implement online learning. It could be interesting to
those who love to use the technology to teach and to learn. However, not all people love to use the technology. Some
people prefer to use traditional way which is face-to-face to teach and to learn. Most of the lecturers in the universities
will use online learning to encourage discussions among the students by using course forum in e-Learning website. Based
on [4], by posting comments and thoughts to the forums, it can help the students to overcome the feelings of isolation,
particularly in courses that use community mentors or teaching assistants to respond to student posts. Online learning
could be useful for weak students as they can rewind and watch back the video uploaded by the lecturer in e-Learning
website. Students can also ask the lecturer or instructor by using forum, Skype or whatsapp if they have any question
regarding the content of a video uploaded by the lecturer.



During Covid-19, most of schools and universities around the world have to close their operation, impacting millions of
students. Now, the focus has turned to online learning as more than just a substitute to ensure that education continues.
Online learning is not new in India. In 1900s, online learning has been known as online distance learning movements.
Based on[5], there are top three challenges when using online learning such as (i) educators skill and experience in using
online system and online applications; (ii) the readiness of the infrastructure, for example, Internet connectivity, bandwidth
and devices; and (iii) the lecturer’s and student’s mindset. Online learning is more than just videos, quizzes and PDF files
that being uploaded by the lecturer. For Indian students and educators, this is an opportunity to “enculture” a new love for
learning. This is all about lifelong learning. The art of online learning design is growing around the world. In Bloom’s
taxonomy, it can be seen that students learn best when they involve in the learning process. In short, if we let our students
to take ownership of their own learning, they will be better learners – and the current Covid-19 situation necessitates
makes us thinking long and hard about this. Educators need a mindset shift from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”.
If we truly get serious and dedicate paramount importance that online learning deserves, we should be able to future-proof
our education system – during the good times and the bad times.

In conclusion, it can be seen that online education is a method that can benefits both lecturers and students especially
during Movement Control Order (MCO), where most of the schools and universities have to close down their operation
due to Covid-19. Online learning can be a solution for the educator to share their knowledge by using e-Learning or other
platform as education needs to be conducted even during MCO. One of the online learning benefits is students become
active when they learn using online learning as they are the one who take responsibility of their learning. This will lead to a
new era in Malaysia education system where it can replace traditional way of learning to suit with the current situation of

1. World Health Organization, 2020. Retrieved from

2020, from

3. Aithal P.S. & Shubhrajyotsna Aithal, (2015) An Innovative Education Model to realize Ideal Education System,
International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM),Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp. 2464 – 2469.

4. B. Smith, “An approach to graphs of linear forms (Unpublished work style),” unpublished.

5. Rahman, D. (2020, March 24). A reckoning for online learning in times of crisis. The Star. Retrieved from
12.Nanogenerator : Evergreen energy for future
Dr S. P. Yadav
Lecturer (selection grade ) Govt polytechnic, Koderma

Presently, Electricity generation from conventional energy sources, such as coal and fossil fuels are in practise at large
scale, which contribute heavily to greenhouse gas emission and global warming. Electricity generation from renewable
sources such as biomass, solar, wind, geothermal and ocean tidal energy is increasingly recognized to play an important
role in power sector. Research, development, production and demonstration have been carried out enthusiastically to
find a feasible solution to the perennial problem of power shortage. India has obtained application of a variety of
renewable energy technologies for use in different sectors too. There are ample opportunities with favourable geology
and geography with huge customer base and widening gap between demand and supply. Beside these Power generation
system, nano material has been emerging as third dimension of energy sources. Experimentally,it has been proved that
nanowires of quartz or zinc oxide or others is capable for producing electricity. These fabricated nanowires act as
nanogenerator of electricity. By integration of many nanogenerator, significant amount of electricity can be generated
with application of mechanical stress. Such electricity is resulted due to piezoelectric effect in nanowires.

Principles of nanogenerator
The word ‘Piezoelectric ‘is derived from the Greek piezein, which means to squeeze or press, and piezo, which is Greek
for “push”. Pierre and Jacques Curie (1880) have carried out experiment of piezoelectric effect on quartz crystal. In this
experiment quartz crystal was subjected to mechanical stress to get electric current. Those crystal effect that have no
centre of symmetry is found appropriate for piezoelectric effect. Dr.Zhong Lin Wang of the Georgia Institute of
Technology has developed Nanogenerator in the year 2006. The device was fabricated with piezoelectric zinc oxide
nanowire arrays.A wire of nanometre dimension is called nanowires. Nanowires can be triggered by tiny physical motions
and the excitation frequency can be one Hertz to 100 Hz. A 1.2 Volt generator can be made by integrating thousands of
nanowires .It can glow an LED and a small LCD. Similarly, batteries can be developed by using such nanowires in order to
produce higher current, A piezoelectric nanogenerator is capable of converting external kinetic energy into electrical
energy via action by a nano-structured piezoelectric material. it is generally used to indicate kinetic energy harvesting
devices utilizing nano-scaled piezoelectric material .The working principle of nano structured piezoelectric material is
explained by a vertically grown nanowire subjected to the laterally moving tip (figure 1). When a piezoelectric structure is
subjected to the external force by the moving tip, the deformation occurs throughout the structure. The piezoelectric
effect will create the electrical field inside the nanostructure; the stretched part with the positive strain will exhibit the
positive electrical potential, whereas the compressed part with the negative strain will show the negative electrical
potential. This is due to the relative displacement of cations with respect to anions in its crystalline structure. As a result,
the tip of the nanowire will have an electrical potential distribution on its surface, while the bottom of the nanowire is
neutralized since it is grounded.

Figure 1 :Piezoelectric effect and piezoelectric nanowire electric current.

Some elements or minerals quartz, zinc oxide and many others have tendency to generate an electric charge under
mechanical stress. Presently many ceramics and metal oxides has been found suitable to produce
piezoelectric effect.

Following ceramics and metal oxides materials typically exhibit piezoelectricity

Table 1 – Piezoelectric crystals and ceramics

Category Name Chemical Remarks
Crystalline Langasite (La3Ga5SiO14)  a quartz-analogous crystal
materials Gallium (GaPO4)  a quartz-analogous crystal
Lithium niobate (LiNbO3)
Lithium tantalate (LiTaO3)


Berlinite  (AlPO4)  arare phosphate mineral that is

structurally identical to quartz
Topaz  Piezoelectricity in Topaz can probably
be attributed to ordering of the (F,OH)
in its lattice, which is otherwise
centrosymmetric: orthorhombic
bipyramidal (mmm). Topaz has
anomalous optical properties which are
attributed to such ordering.
group minerals

Lead titanate  (PbTiO3) Although it occurs in nature as mineral

macedonite,[26][27] it is synthesized for
research and applications.
Lead (Pb[ZrxTi1−x]O3  with 0 ≤ x ≤ 1) – more commonly known
zirconatetitanate as PZT, the most common piezoelectric
ceramic in use today.
niobate (KNbO3)[29]

tungstate (Na2WO



niobate (KNbO3)[29]

tungstate (Na2WO


Zinc oxide Zno Wurtzite structure. While single crystals of

ZnO are piezoelectric and pyroelectric,

The mechanical stress enforces the positive and negative charge in the material to move out results in an external
electrical field. When reversed, an outer electrical field either stretches or compresses the piezoelectric material (figure

The minerals having wurtzite structure has shown piezoelectric characters. Wurtite structure has been found in
ZnO, CdS and GaN. The wurtzite crystal structure, named after the mineral wurtzite, is a crystal structure for
various binary compounds. It is an example of a hexagonal crystal system (Figure _2).

From the idea that the material with perovskite structure is known to have more effective piezoelectric characteristic
compared to that with wurtzite structure, Barium titanate (BaTiO3) nanowire has been also studied by Professor Min-
Feng Yu of University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

 Perovskite (pronunciation: /pəˈrɒvskaɪt/) is  calcium titanium oxide mineral composed of calcium titanate (CaTiO3). Its

name is also applied to the class of compounds which have the same type of crystal structure as CaTiO3 (XIIA2+VIB4+X2−3),
known as the perovskite structure. Many different cations can be embedded in this structure, allowing the development
of diverse engineered materials ( table 1)

Figure 2 :Perovskite structure and wurtzite structure

The mineral perovskite was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia by Gustav Rose in 1839 and is named after
Russian mineralogist Lev Perovski (1792–1856). Perovskite's notable crystal structure was first described by Victor
Goldschmidt in 1926 in his work on tolerance factors. The crystal structure was later published in 1945 from X-ray
diffraction data on barium titanate by Helen Dick Megaw.

Table 2 :Major material used for nanowire fabrication

Raw Nanomaterial occurrence in Koderma

The KodermaDistrict is known as capital of mica minerals. Mica occurs in association of quartz and feldspar , The rock
composed of coarse crystals of mica , feldspar and quartz is known as pegmatite, Quartz has been identified as suitable
nanogenerator. Felspar is aceramics material, has potential to be a raw nanomaterial. Mica occurrence in koderma is
distributed in the entire district in form of isolated outcrops ie pegmatite. Quartz and mica occurs in the centre of
pegmatite in general (figure 3)

Granitic pegmatites present a broad diversity of mineral species of great economic interest, and are an important source
of rare metals, such as Li, Rb, Cs and Ta. In addition, they have been considered a potential source of other rare metals,
such as Ga, Be, Sn, U, Nb, Hf, among others . Pegmatites are, in addition, a source for high-quality industrial minerals
(mainly feldspars, kaolinite, quartz, micas, and spodumene for ceramics) or gemstones such as topaz, tourmaline,
aquamarine, spodumene, among others .

Pegmatites are form during the late stage of a magmatic crystallization. They are contain exceptionally large crystals .
they sometimes contain minerals that are rarely found in other types of rocks. Pegmatite is a storehouse of many
minerals that includes rare minerals, gemstone, uranium, piezoelectrical materials etc.
Figure 3 : Diagram of pegmatite with distribution of minerals

Rare ions become concentrated in the melt and in the excluded water. These ions can form the rare minerals that are
often found in pegmatites. Examples are small ions such as lithium and beryllium that form spodumene and beryl; or
large ions such as tantalum and niobium that form minerals such as tantalite and niobite. Rare elements concentrated in
large crystals make pegmatite a potential source of valuable ore.

Micro/nano-systems will be widely used in generation of energy technologies in near future as the research progresses
in terms of identification of new nanomaterial and easy fabrication of nano wires ; The traditional batteries,diesel
operated generated ,thermal powerplant etc may not meet or may not be the choice as power sources, Availability of
suitable material is the prime aspect of nanogenerator. Koderma mica belt comprises of many such material capable to
work as nanogenerator. Making of nanowire and their fabrication is not easy without intensive research input.

15. 5G
Kriti Rachna Singh

CS : 2017-2020

5G simply refers to the next and newest mobile wireless standard based on the IEEE 802.11ac standard of broadband technology.
Rather than faster Internet connection speeds, 5G aims at a higher capacity than current 4G LTE, allowing a higher number of mobile
broadband users per area unit, and allowing consumption of data quantities in gigabyte per second. users per area unit, and
allowing consumption of data quantities in gigabyte per second. This would make it feasible for a large portion of the population to
consume high-quality streaming media many hours per day on their mobile devices, also when out of reach of wi fi streaming media
many hours per day on their mobile devices, also when out of reach of wifi hotspots.5G research and development also aim at the
improved support of machine to machine communication, also known as the Internet of things, aiming at a lower cost, lower battery
consumption, and lower latency and to increase the security and connectivity for a large community.

The following are the key takeaways of the 5G network: The following are the key takeaways of the 5G network:

*High & increased peak bit rate (Up to 10Gbps connections to endpoints in the field)

* Larger data volume per unit area (i.e. high system spectral efficiency)

* High capacity to allow more devices connectivity concurrently and instantaneously (100 percent coverage) .

* More bandwidth
*Lower battery consumption

* Better connectivity irrespective of the geographic region where you are in

* A larger number of supporting devices (10 to 100x number of connected devices)

* Lower cost of infrastructural development

* Higher reliability of the communications (One millisecond end-to-end round trip delay ).

The most distinguishing feature of 5G Network is that the network will be based on User experience, System
Performance, enhanced performance, business models, and Management & Operations.5G will utilize the advance
access technologies such as Beam Division Multiple Access (BDMA) and Non and quasi-orthogonal or Filter Bank
Multicarrier (FBMC) Multiple Access. The new advanced technology called Fog Computing is going to support the 5G
development, this will help in achieving the low latency, high mobility, high scalability, and real-time execution.

How to experience 5G?

Even though carriers have implemented 5G infrastructure which nearly took almost a decade of time, the users are
required to upgrade their handsets to enjoy the 5G network. Smartphones powered by the Snapdragon X55 or
Snapdragon X60 Modem-RF System are 5G compatible. Samsung Galaxy S20 launched on March 6, 2020, became the
first-ever all-5G smartphone. Followed by which Nokia 8.3 was launched in the next month which claims to support all 5G
bands from 600 MHz to 3.8 GHz. Motorola Edge Plus and Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro are few other devices supporting 5G.

How does 5G work?

In 5G, the network service area is divided into small geographical areas called cells. All the 5G wireless devices in a cell
communicate by radio waves with a local antenna and low power automated transceiver (transmitter and receiver) in the
cell. The local antennas are connected with the telephone network and the Internet by a high-bandwidth optical fiber or
wireless backhaul connection. The new 5G wireless devices include 4G LTE support as well to establish a connection with
the cell and to connect to the internet at locations where 5G access is not available. 5G can support up to a million
devices per square kilo meter, while 4G supports only up to 100,000 devices per square kilo meter.

5G operates on 3 different spectrum bands.

1.Low-band spectrum – Expect peak speeds up to 100Mbps

2.mid-band spectrum – Expect peak speeds up to 1Gbps

3.high-band spectrum – Expect peak speeds up to 10Gbps

Where is 5G being used?

5G is meant to bring revolutions in many fields. Some of the areas where 5G is being used are:

1.Internet of Thongs – IoT

2.Health care

3.Public safety and infrastructure

4.Autonomous vehicles



7.Supply-chain management


5G Wireless Technology is more intelligent technology, which will interconnect the entire world without limits. It is
designed to provide unbelievable and extraordinary data capabilities, unhindered call volumes, and vast data broadcast.
Our world would have universal and uninterrupted access to information, communication, and entertainment that will
open a new dimension to our lives and will change our lifestyle meaningfully. Moreover, governments and regulators can
use this technology as an opportunity for good governance and can create healthier environments, which will definitely
encourage continuing investment in 5G, the next-generation technology.
16. Role of Hardware Description Language

ER. Akhilesh kumar

Lecturer (G.P.Koderma)

An HDL provides the framework for the complete logical design of the ASIC (application-specific integrated circuit).

All the activities coming under the horizon of an HDL are shown enclosed in bold dotted lines. Verilog and VHDL are

the two most commonly used HDLs today. Both have constructs with which the design can be fully described at all

the levels. There are additional constructs available to facilitate setting up of the test bench, spelling out test

vectors for them and “observing” the outputs from the designed unit.IEEE has brought out Standards for the HDLs,

and the software tools conform to them. Verilog as an HDL was introduced by Cadence Design Systems; they placed

it into the public domain in 1990. It was established as a formal IEEE Standard in 1995. The revised version has been

brought out in 2001. However, most of the simulation tools available today conform only to the 1995 version of the

standard. VHDL used by a substantial number of the VLSI designers today is the used in this project for modelling the

design .We have used Xilinx ISE 9.2i for simulation and synthesis purposes. We implemented the prescribed design

in VHDL, a famous Industry and IEEE standard HDL.

1. Interoperability.

2. Technology independence.

3. Design reuse.

4. Several levels of abstraction.

5. Readability.

6. Standard language.

7. Widely supported.
What is VHDL?
VHDL = VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHSIC = Very High-Speed IC)

Specify Capture Verify Formalize Implement

Fig. Data Flow of VHDL

VHDL language are called as

1. Design specification language.

2. Design entry language.

3. Design simulation language.

4. Design documentation language.

5. An alternative toschematics.


1. VHDL was developed in the early 1980s for managing design problems that involved large circuits and

multiple teams of engineers.

2. Funded by U.S Department of Defense.

3. The first publicly available version was released in1985.

4. In 1986 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) was presented with a proposal to

standardize the VHDL.

5. In 1987 standardization => IEEE1076-1987.

6. An improved version of the language was released in1994=>IEEE standard 1076-1993.

Fig VHDL Environment

Design Units:
Segments of VHDL code that can be compiled separately and stored in a library.

Fig. Designs Units

VHDL supports many possible styles of design description, which differ primarily in how closely they relate to

The HW.

It is possible to describe a circuit in a number of ways.

 Structural.

 Data flow.

 Behavioral.

Structural VHDL description:

 Circuit is described in terms of it components.

 From a low-level description (e.g., transistor-level description)to a high level description.

 For large circuits, a low-level description quickly becomes impractical.

Dataflow VHDL Description:

 Circuit is described in terms of how data moves through the system.

 In the dataflow style you described how information flows between registers in the system.

 The combinational is described at a relatively high level, the placement and operation register is
specified quite precisely.
Fig Data Flow of VHDL Description
1. The behavior of the system over the time is defined by registers.

2. There are no build-in registers in VHDL-language.

-Either lowers level description.

-Or behavioral description of sequential elements is needed.

3. The lower level descriptions must be created or obtained.

4. If there is no 3rd party models for registers => you must write the
behavioral description of registers.

5. The behavioral description can be provided in the form of subprograms

( functions or procedures).

Behavioral VHDL Description

1. Circuit is described in terms of its operation overtime.

2. Representation might include, e.g., state diagrams, timing diagrams and

Algorithmic descriptions.

3. The concept of time may be expressed precisely using delays (e.g.,

A<=B after 10ns).

4. If no actual delay is used, order of sequential operations is defined.

5. In the lower level of abstraction (e.g., RTL) synthesis tools ignore

detailed timing specifications.

6. The actual timing results depend on implementation technology and

efficiency of synthesis tools.


Process (sensitivity list)

Process declarative part


Process statements

wait statement

End process
17.Recent developments of solar energy in India

Bikram Majhi & Lal Krishna


Dept. of Electrical Engg. : (G.P. Koderma)

Power is the most paramount ingredient of infrastructure for growth in economics and
welfare of a nation. Development for sustaining the growth of the Indian economy in the
existing infrastructure is crucial. The power sector of India is one of the largest expanded
power sectors in the world. Due to the continuous increment in electricity demand day-by-
day, Indian power sector is interfacing some challenges to maintain the balance between
the power generation and demand with suffering from supply constraints and shortages in
power. For maintaining the ratio of generation and demand of power, moving from
conventional sources to non-conventional sources is not only an option, it is a necessity. The
importance of using solar as energy source in India’s perspectives in not only to increase
power generation, but also to expand energy reliability with considering the environmental,
social, independent and financial beneficial properties. This paper analyzes the recent
scenario, strategies, availability, advantages and applications,solar power institution and
association in India.

1. Introduction
Sun is an inexhaustible source of energy capable of fulfilling all the energy needs of
humankind. The energy from the sun can be converted into electricity or used
directly.Electricity can be generated from solar energy either directly using photovoltaic (PV)
cells or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP) technologyor a combination.
Progress has been made to raise the efficiency of the PV solar cells that can now reach up to
approximately 34.1% in multi‐junction PV cells.Electricity generation from concentrated
solar technologies has a promising future as well, especially the CSP, because of its high
capacity, efficiency, and energy storage capability. Solar energy also has direct application in
agriculture primarily for water treatment and irrigation. Solar energy is being used to power
the vehicles and for domestic purposes such as space heating and cooking. The most
exciting possibility for solar energy is satellite power station that will be transmitting
electrical energy from the solar panels in space to Earth via microwave beams. Solar energy
has a bright future because of the technological advancement in this field and its
environment‐friendly nature. The biggest challenge however facing the solar energy future
is its unavailability all‐round the year, coupled with its high capital cost and scarcity of the
materials for PV cells. These challenges can be met by developing an efficient energy
storage system and developing cheap, efficient, and abundant PV solar cells.

Solar power is the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity, either directly

using photovoltaic (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power, or a combination.
Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors and solar tracking systems to focus
a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Photovoltaic cells convert light into an electric
current using the photovoltaic effect[1].A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell (PV), is a device that
converts light into electric current using the photovoltaic effect. Concentrated solar
power (CSP), also called "concentrated solar thermal", uses lenses or mirrors and tracking
systems to concentrate sunlight, then use the resulting heat to generate electricity from
conventional steam-driven turbines. A hybrid system combines (C) PV and CSP with one
another or with other forms of generation such as diesel, wind and biogas. The combined
form of generation may enable the system to modulate power output as a function of
demand or at least reduce the fluctuating nature of solar power and the consumption of
non-renewable fuel. Hybrid systems are most often found on islands.

The change in global climate is one of the significant environ-mental concerns of our time.
The only way to overcome or toreduce this disaster is to cut down the level of greenhouse
gases.Many different measures have been adopted worldwide to limit thegreenhouse gas
emission and thus to reduce the harm to theenvironment. Many developing countries have
put various initiatives to stabilize the carbon dioxide emissions to a sustainable level. The
electric power sector is one of the extensive origins of green-house gas emission. To reduce
the greenhouse gas emissions, different policies have introduced in power sector
throughout the world. The use of renewable energy as an electrical power sources, is one of
the most effective policies taken by the power sectors of allregions in the world. Solar is
profitable and operationally most viable renewable energy resources and one of the largest
power sources in terms of renewable energy sector.

Solar energy is generally produced by using the techniques ofsolar photovoltaic (SPV) or
concentrated solar power (CSP). Ref. [1] reviews the parameters concerned with the solar
power generation. The authors also discussed about all the factors, parametersand key
players associated with the solar power generation by SPVor CSP in India. ‘International
Energy Agency’ forecastedthat, within the year 2050, CSP and SPV would commit about 11%
and16% of the total electricity consumption respectively in the world[2]. Some agency also
predicts that the solar energy would be thelargest sources of electricity and most
installations of solar wouldbe done in India and China within 2020. India is the
extensiveupcoming electrical power consumer due to the swift growth ineconomics and the
large community. In ref. [3], the author have highlighted the current state and features of
several energy sour-ces used for electrical power generation in India. The burning of coal
and fossil fuels for electric energy production; resulting in thecreation of a large amount of
carbon dioxide which producesglobal warming. The use of renewable energy sources is only
thesolution to make the environment clean and pollution free. In ref.[4], authors analyze
the prospective or future of the energy generation from the solar thermal in Indian
perspectives. A techniquehad been also discussed for allocation of wasteland for solar
powergeneration by considering some factors, including availability ofwasteland, direct
normal irradiance, and sustainability of waste-land for generation of wind power etc. To
maintain the speed ofeconomic growth with the reduction of greenhouse gas emission,
India must decrease its dependency on the conventional energy sources and move towards
the renewable energy sources likesolar, wind, tidal, etc. Ref. [5]highlights the structural
model forimpediment in installation and uses of solar power in Indian scenario. Authors
have been given some suggestion to removal of the barriers regarding solar power
installation in India. “JNNSM”is one of the key policies of the Indian government to promote
solarpower in India. According to the “Jawaharlal Nehru National SolarMission (JNNSM)”,
1800 MW of grid-associated solar tower plantinstallation could be completed within the
year 2022. Solar power in India is a fast developing industry. The country's solar installed
capacity reached 35.12 GW as of 30 June 2020[2]. India has the lowest capital cost per MW
globally of installing solar power plants[3] &[4]. The Indian government had an initial target
of 20 GW capacities for 2022, which was achieved four years ahead of schedule[5].This
article discusses the solar energy system as a whole and provides a comprehensive review
on the direct and the indirect ways to produce electricity from solar energy and the direct
uses of solar energy. The state‐of‐the‐art procedures being employed for PV
characterization and performance rating have been summarized. Moreover, the technical,
economic, environmental, and storage‐related challenges are discussed with possible
solutions. Furthermore, a comprehensive list of future potential research directions in the
field of direct and indirect electricity generation from solar energy is proposed.


Solar energy saves tons of natural gas which will help in reducing the imports of natural gas
fromother countries thereby decreasing the dependence on other countries and becoming
domesticallyefficient. It is eco -friendly as it doesn’t emit Carbon dioxide which will not
enhance globalwarming. CO 2 is also responsible for climate change problem that is
disturbing our environmentevery day. It can be used in Remote Locations and will help in
rural electrification. Due to easyinstallation process (i.e. does not required any wires, cords
etc.) it is not a time consumingprocess. Power capacity can be easily increased by using solar
PV cell since sunlight is available inabundance in equatorial regions of the world.


Solar energy can be used in solar street lightening, for generating electricity, for evaporation
andheating water .It can be also used in Heating and cooling of buildings, solar
waterpumping and for cooking food. It will help in rural electrification at afaster pace
without any interruption.

4. Solar power institution and association in India

Government of India had been allied with some private or semi government organizations
and associations for promoting solar power in India. The details of the Institutions and
Associations related to solar power are discussed as follows.


Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is the nodal ministry of Government of India for all
matters associating to new and renewable energy. The wider aim of the ministry is to
expand and locate new and renewable energy for augmenting the energy requirements of
India. ThedetailsaboutthecreationofMNREare as follows:

1. CommissionforAdditionalSourcesofEnergy(CASE)founded in 1981.

2. CASErenamedasDepartmentofNon-ConventionalEnergy Sources (DNES)in1982.

3. DNESrenamedasMinistryofNon-ConventionalEnergySources (MNES) in1992.

4. MNESrenamedasMinistryofNewandRenewableEnergy (MNRE) in2006.

The main role of MNRE is to increase there liability,efficiency of renewable power

generation and minimize the risk involved in power sector.

4.2. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd.

Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited has been established on 11 th March ,
1987. This company was constructed as a public limited Govt. Company under the ‘1956
Companies Act’. IREDA has beendeclaredas ‘Public FinancialInstitution’ under ‘4A’ sectionof
‘1956CompaniesAct’ andindexedas ‘Non-BankingFinancialCompany’ with
‘ReserveBankofIndia’. The main roles of IREDA:

1. Todevelop, promoteandexpand financial supportforrenew- able

2. Tosustainthecompany'spositionasadominantorganizationto contribute
effectiveandessential financing inenergyconservationprojectsrelatedtorenewableenergy.

3. ToexpandIREDA'smarketsharesinrenewablesectorbythe routeofinnovative financing.

4. Toprovideefficient servicestocustomersthroughregular improvementofresources,


IREDA's mission is to promote and financing self-supporting investment for sustainable

development in energy generation from the renewable energy sources in India .

4.3. SolarEnergyCorporationofIndia(SECI)
Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) was constructed on 20th September in the year 2011
as a non-profit organization under Section 25 of Companies Act 1956. This organization is
built for promoting solar energy at a large scale in India . SECI is operated under the
regulatory control of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Government of India gives the
responsibility to SECI for implementation of “Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
(JNNSM)” for stimulates the solar power in India .There are numbers of objectives are set
for the operation of SESI in solar sector of India including-

(a) Development of large scale solar power plant and ultra-mega solar park ,

(b) Operation and management of both off-grid and grid-associated solar plant with roof

(c) Taking initiatives for organizing solar energy access pro- grams in rural and remote area

(d) To promote projects of solar power integration with other conventional or renewable

SECI’s RecentActivities:
1. ExecutionforPhase‐II ofJNNSM – Initially 750MWPhotovoltaic Power Plants as a part of
3000MW generation capacity to be accomplished through a central scheme with an
evaluated project cost of Rs.30,000 Crores.

2. Solar Thermal Pivot Power Plant installations for air/water heating and the industrial

3. Execution of grid associated solar roof‐top scheme.

4. Evolution and dissipation of low cost solar lanterns.

5. Developmentingridassociatedsolarpowerplantsandsolar micro/mini grids.

6. Research and development Projects, including solar resource assessment. Their vision is
to make “Green India” through trapping solar radiation and to execute energy security for

7. SECI want to become a pioneer in enlargement of large scale solar installations, solar park
and solar plant sand to commercialize and promote the use of solar energy to there mote
area of India.

4.4. NationalInstituteofSolarEnergy(NISE)
National Institute of Solar Energy is a self-governing organization of Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy .Government of India has transformed 25 years old SEC (Solar Energy
Centre) of MNRE to an in dependent organization in September 2013 , to support the
ministry in execution of National Solar Mission and promote the Solar power in rural areas
of India .The organizations embraced with the standardization ,demonstration, training,
testing and interactive research in solar technologies .NISE is situated at Gurgaon-Faridabad
Road , 8km distance from Central Gurgaon and 25km from India Gate, with its 200-
acrecampus. RecentactivitiesofNISE:

-Research and development related to solar energy.

-Cooperation with industry technology and institutions testing, evaluation and


-Assessment of environmental , technical and economic execution.

-Developmental testing and national referral test facility.

-Collaboration withstandardsorganizationsandRegional Test Centers (RTCs).

-National Institute of Solar Energy has played an important role to promote the solar energy
technology through out the India.

Solar power is the fast-growing sector in India as demand for energy is expected to grow
with the increase in population and economic growth. Solar energy is increasingly becoming
popular as it serves economic benefits and environmental benefit. By owing photovoltaic
technology, Solar Energy can even provide Electricity 24x7 in the villages, even on cloudy
days and at night. It also helps in reducing CO2 emission and tons of natural gas used for
producing electricity. Being ecofriendly technology it is more beneficial compared to
convention for of energy like fossils fuels and petroleum deposits. Solar energy is consistent,
cheaper and alternative source of electricity production.

1.  "Energy Sources: Solar".  Department of Energy.  Archived from the original on 14 April
2011. Retrieved 19 April 2011.

2. "Physical Progress (Achievements)". Ministry of New & Renewable Energy. Retrieved 18

July 2019.

3."India becomes lowest-cost producer of solar power". Retrieved 1 June 2019.

4."Race Heats Up For Title Of Cheapest Solar Energy In The World". Retrieved 28
October 2019.

5. "India hits 20 GW solar capacity milestone". Retrieved 4 February 2018.


18. Home Quarantine Using Face Recognition

Satendra pratap singh

E.C.E : 2017-2020


The title might seem a bit confusing but I’ll explain. Face Recognition for Home Quarantine
is a smart system that restricts other people from entering your home/Office without
permission. It works by recognizing a face and allows selected members (and as per
programme) The device also provides hand automatic sanitization of that person Before
After powering the Raspberry Pi and other components, run the code that we have
written and wait a few seconds for the camera window to open. When ready, the
camera window will show the live video of the person standing in front of the camera.
If it detects the person as a family member, then it will automatically ask you to sanitize
your hand. To do so, the person has to place their hands near the ultrasonic sensor for
them to be detected. Then the sanitizer will be sprayed onto your hands and will count
to 30 seconds so that the hands get sanitized well. After that, the servo motor will move
to unlock position, thus allowing you to enter the house.


We already have the Raspberry Pi board ready with the latest Raspbian OS so that we can

install the required modules and libraries.  Open the Linux terminal and the install the

following libraries .

 Next, we install the gpiozero, espeak and ultrasonic libraries.

 After that, we can now start our coding .

Coding for Home Quarantine Using Face

create a new project folder and copy into it the images of family members who are
allowed to enter the house. Now rename those images with the original name of the
family members. Next, create a new Python file. Here I have created a Python file named
“”. Open this file in PYTHON IDE and then create the code as described.

First, import the required libraries in the code and then define the servo motor GPIO pin
with its min and max angle. After that, define the ultrasonic sensor pin number. Here we
are using pin nos.Next, we will set the image file name within the list of family members
allowed to enter the house in the quarantine period. This code will then analyse the face
of the person on the camera. If detected as a person from the list of allowed family
members, then the system will request to sanitize themselves before entering the house.
It will then check the ultrasonic sensor reading using an if condition. So, if the distance
between the hands and the sanitizing tap/nozzle is below the threshold, then the sensor
will get to know that someone has placed their hands near the tap/nozzle. After this, the
tap/nozzle valve will open to allow sanitization.

Note:-It counts for 30 seconds so that person is sanitized thoroughly. By moving the servo
to an open position, that person can be allowed entry into the house, hospital,or office.


1.Raspberry Pi 4

The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized

computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and
mouse. It is a capable little device that enables people of all ages to explore computing,
and to learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python. It’s capable of doing
everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do, from browsing the internet and
playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and playing

What’s more, the Raspberry Pi  has the ability to interact with the outside world, and has
been used in a wide array of digital maker projects, from music machines and parent
detectors to weather stations and tweeting birdhouses with infra-red cameras. We want
to see the Raspberry Pi being used by kids all over the world to learn to program and
understand how computers work.

An ultrasonic sensor is an electronic device that measures the distance of a target object by
emitting ultrasonic sound waves, and converts the reflected sound into an electrical signal.
Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speed of audible sound (i.e. the sound that humans
can hear.

Raspberry Pi Camera

Raspberry Pi Camera is the new official camera board released by the Raspberry Pi


A servo motor is a rotary actuator or a motor that allows for a precise control in terms of
the angular position, acceleration, and velocity. Basically it has certain capabilities that a
regular motor does not have. Consequently it makes use of a regular motor and pairs it with
a sensor for position feedback . The servo motor is most commonly used for high technology
devices in the industrial applications like automation technology. It is a self contained
electrical device, that rotates parts of machine with high efficiency and great precision.
Moreover the output shaft of this motor can be moved to a particular angle. Servo motors
are mainly used in home electronics, toys, cars, airplanes and many more devices .Thus this
blog discusses the definition, types, mechanism, principle, working, controlling, and lastly
the applications of a servo machine.

A phone also known as phone jack, headphone jack or jack plug, used for analog audio
signals.The 3.5mm versions are commonly called e.g. “miniphone”.This audio jack is used
to connect the mobile with the robot.

19. Fixing the Right Mix

Water Diesel Emulsion As an Alternative Fuel

Manoranjan Kumar


Dept. Of Mechanical engg. (G.P.Koderma)

Faster depletion of petroleum fuels, day to day increase of automotives across world and
stringent emission norms created an interest to the researchers to arrive at an alternative
fuel for conventional diesel engine. The inventor of diesel engine Dr. Rudolph Diesel
demonstrated his invention with peanut oil in an exhibition at Paris during 1900s itself. With
this initiative earlier researches went on with various vegetable oils as alternative fuel in the
diesel engine. The few vegetable oils tested were Jatropha, Pongamia, Mahua, Neem,
Nerium, Eucalyptus, cotton seed, etc. India being a developing country, edible oils such as
sunflower oil, coconut oil, etc., have been avoided for this research. Vegetable oil caused
problems such as clogging of nozzle and higher smoke emission than diesel, on prolonged
usage. The reasons were found to be higher viscosity and lower calorific value. Hence to
reduce the viscosity of vegetable oil, a chemical process known as Transesterification has
been used to extract the derivative of vegetable oil, known as biodiesel.
Intensive researches went on with biodiesel as the test fuel in the conventional diesel
engines. Jatropha biodiesel was widely being tested in various engines for more than two
decades. It is proven that a maximum of 20% (by volume) of biodiesel can be blended with
diesel which will not affect the performance of diesel engine. Few advantages of using
biodiesel fuels are, they are biodegradable, non toxic and renewable. The overall results
showed that there was lesser efficiency and appreciable reduction in hydrocarbon, carbon
monoxide and carbon dioxide emission. However oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission were
found be more than diesel.
Hence researches were proceeded to find a methodology to reduce the NOx emission.
Various additives were blended and engine parameters such as injection timing, injection
pressure and compression ratio were altered to find best combination which would enhance
the efficiency and reduce the emission.

Emergence of Emulsion
In early 2000s, a small diversion took place in the research of alternative fuels. Two new
fuels were introduced by the investigators. Emulsified fuels and hydrogen are the new test
fuels that are in research in this decade. Hydrogen is a green fuel, which can be easily
obtained by electrolysis process, and can be injected along with the air through inlet. But
the hydrogen combustion causes very high flame speed and it is highly explosive. Hence
intensive research has to be done considering safety as the main criterion.
However research with hydrogen induction is on going across worldwide. Emulsified fuels
form the new attempt by the researchers. Water is naturally available and it has no
energy content. In recent researches a small quantity of water is blended with diesel and
biodiesel. The research with emulsified fuels showed appreciable results in terms of
performance as well as emission.

Can water be blended with diesel?

Water and diesel are immiscible. Surfactants were used as an additional element to make
them miscible. Surfactants are surface active agents, which are used to form an emulsion.
Few surfactants are span 20, tween 20, span 80, tween 80, etc.

How to prepare an emulsified fuel?

Let us see the procedure of preparing a emulsified fuel with the ratio of 94:5:1 which
represents 94% of diesel, 5% of water and 1% of surfactant. 940 ml of diesel with 50 ml of
water and 10 ml of surfactant should be taken in a flask. A mechanical stirrer which rotates
at a speed of not less than 2000 rpm, is used to mix it thoroughly for 10 minutes. After
thorough mixing, a visual study should be carried out at least for 8 hours to check the
stability and separation.

Micro explosion reaction

When the emulsified fuel is injected into the combustion chamber, it is exposed to high
combustion temperature.

Since water has a lower boiling point than diesel fuel (or biodiesel fuel) water explodes and
expands approximately 1700 times in volume, causing more surface area of contact for the
fuel. The more contact surface area of the fuel with oxygen improves the combustion
efficiency. The better combustion reduces the particulate matter (PM), smoke density,
oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission, and reduction in other emission gases. Figure 1 illustrates
the phenomena of micro-explosion process. First stage shows the dispersion of water
droplets in the fuel. Second stage shows the explosion of water droplets due to the high
combustion temperature as the boiling point of water is lower than that of the fuel. The
third stage shows the finely atomized fuel droplets. The phenomenon of micro-explosion is
independent of viscosity of emulsion.

Emulsified fuels - A global scenario

During 1990s itself, adding water with diesel had been tried and more than 100 patents had
been issued for this technology. 10 – 20% mass/mass water had been added with diesel and
used as fuel. There are four companies in Europe that commercially sell the water emulsion
as fuel. The companies are CAM Technologies, Clean Fuel Technology, and Lubrizol. Among
these companies CAM Technologies and Lubrizol are active and contributing members of
European Emulsified Fuel Manufacturer’s Association (EEFMA).

Following are the names of the companies involved in the production of emulsified fuels,
their product names and water content in the fuel. Lubrizol’s Purinox chemistry allows up to
20% water to be added to diesel fuel to improve combustion and reduce emissions. Lubrizol
has developed and patented a blending unit for blending the fuel.
Company Product Name Water content

CAM Technologies Gecam 10-11%

Clean Fuels
Aqua diesel 13%

PuriNOx, Qwhite,
Lubrizol 10-20%

Total Aqua Zole 14-17%

In European cities emulsion fuel technology is used in buses as the immediate solution for
reducing the environmental pollution. Around 450 buses in the UK (London and
Nottingham) use emulsified fuels. In France nearly about 1000 buses plying in Paris,
Montpellier, and Toulon use emulsion fuel technology.
In Italy 8500 transport vehicles use this technology to reduce the global pollution. These
vehicles are used in popular cities of Italy, namely, Milan, Padua, Florence, Bari, Rome,
Catania, and Turin. In Kowepco, Pyong Taek, six month trial started in January 2012 with
emulsification of 200 tons/ hr of fuel for a power generation boiler. They have used Heavy
Fuel Oil (HFO) using 5% of water and 0.025 additive of APT5510K, which is the trade name
for the fuel from Alternative Petroleum Technology (APT), Europe.
India’s largest oil company, The Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) awarded APT, Europe a
contract for one of its refineries through an international tender process with 5% savings
target. The emulsion is used in the refinery‘s thermal power production (about 50 MW) and
distilled crude heating units (about 5 MW).
Advantages of using emulsified fuels
• Simultaneous reduction of NOx and smoke is possible with emulsified fuels.
• Emulsified fuels do not affect the concentration of unregulated pollutants such as
aldehydes, ketones, and poly aromatic hydrocarbons.
• Normal water can be used instead of distilled water for preparing emulsified fuels.
• Engine does not require any major modification and is independent of age and
• The flash point of emulsified fuel increases and hence storage safety measure is better
than diesel.
Hence it can be concluded that emulsified fuels could be a better alternative and futuristic
fuel for diesel engines.
20. Introducing the mindbogglings flying taxis of the

Harsh raj

C.E : 2019-2021

We already have drones and increasingly autonomous cars, so it’s perhaps no surprise that
several companies are already working on flying taxis – also known as passenger drones and
electrical vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. The first piloted eVTOL services are
expected as early as this year, but we could see pilot-less autonomous eVTOLs soon after
that. That’s right; autonomous flying taxis could be a reality in your lifetime.

The number of hours we used to spend sitting in traffic before the coronavirus hit is almost too
depressing to think about, particularly if you live in a densely populated, congested city like Los
Angeles, New York or London. Some are suggesting eVTOL services could be the answer to our traffic
prayers – transporting passengers on congested city routes through the air. Meanwhile, other
companies are developing eVTOLs aimed at popular intercity journeys, such as traveling from my
home town of Milton Keynes to London. Let’s take a look at some of the companies working towards
the first commercial flying taxis.

German aviation company Volocopter has already conducted several tests of its electric, two-seater
air taxi, built to carry a pilot and one passenger. The first manned urban test flight of Volocopter’s
flagship 2X eVTOL aircraft – which has a range of 22 miles and a top speed of 68 mph – took place in
Singapore in 2019. At the same time, Volocopter also unveiled its VoloPort solution, the world’s first
flying taxi station. Clearly, Volocopter is targeting the market for short hops above busy, congested
city streets rather than intercity travel, and is gunning to make flying taxis a viable, everyday
solution. The company expects to begin commercial flights in 2022, transporting passengers from
one VoloPort to another. Longer-term, the goal is to not need any special taxi station infrastructure,
meaning you could potentially hail a Volocopter taxi from any old parking lot.


If flying taxis really do take off (if you’ll excuse the pun), ride-sharing services like Uber could suffer.
It makes sense, then, that Uber has been working on its own urban flying taxi service, with plans to
launch a piloted service by 2023. Autonomous, pilot-less aircraft are expected to follow by around
2030. In 2019, Uber announced it was joining forces with Joby Aviation, a California-based aerospace
company that specializes in electric aviation. Uber’s plan in partnering with Joby is to “launch a fast,
reliable, clean, and affordable urban air taxi service in select markets.” Those select markets are
expected to include Los Angeles, Melbourne, and Dallas.

Making flying taxes in reality

There are several issues these companies will have to overcome become they can launch passenger
air taxi services. From a practical point of view, these services will (at least at first) have to run
between fixed take-off and landing pads, rather than picking up and setting passengers down at their
chosen destinations. This will require a lot of new infrastructure. Volocopter, with its VoloPort
solution, is certainly ahead of the curve in this sense, although the company is working towards a
long-term vision of making its own VoloPorts obsolete and running door-to-door services instead.
Whether this vision of door-to-door travel is realistic is another matter. Most experts believe eVTOLs
are simply too noisy to be allowed to land outside people’s homes, schools and offices. Air taxis will
have to get a lot quieter before they can seriously challenge road taxis.




Dept. of Electronic and communication Engg. (G.P. KODERMA)

Nowadays conveying messages at large using notice boards are widely used ones ranging
from schools to organizations. We know the significance of notice boards in public areas like
bus stands, railway stations, airports, and banks, etc. But day to day changing these boards
is a very difficult task and a waste of time. At present, all electronic boards are designed
with a wired system. The major drawback of designing these boards is; not flexible and
cannot be located anywhere due to messy wire. To overcome this problem, a wireless board
is designed to display the latest information.


This is a GSM controlled notice board project. The sms message sent by user is displayed on a
LCD notice board. Here we use a gsm modem to capture sms messages sent by user. The user
needs to send sms messages to the the sim number of sim card inserted in the GSM modem. The
sms is received by gsm modem and decoded in order to forward message data to the
microcontroller. Once message is received it is then sent to the microcontroller which processes
this data. On processing the data the microcontroller now grabs out the sms message body text
and then it is displayed on the LCD screen interfaced to the microcontroller.


Notice Board is the most important thing in any institution, organizations and public places like
bus stands, airports, railway stations & parks. But changing different notice day by day is a
difficult process and consumes more time. To overcome this problem, here is a project which
deals with an innovative wireless notice board.

The main concept of this project is to design a wireless notice board that displays various
notices sent from the mobile phone. When a mobile user sends information from his mobile, it is
received by a SIM slot, which is integrated into a GSM modem at the receiver end.
Operation of Smart Electronic Notice Board
The operation of Smart electronic Notice Board mainly includes the following steps

 Using embedded C or assembly language or write the code to the smart notice board

 Dump the program into the 8051 microcontrollers using flash magic.

 Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram

 Use the circuit of power supply to give 5V DC to the 8051 microcontroller

 Insert the SIM slot in the GSM module

 Give the power supply by switching ON the circuit

 Send the message to the GSM module using a mobile phone.

 Now you can observe the same message on the LCD display.

 The limitations of the wireless electronic notice board mainly include LCD display must
have the network to get the message wirelessly

 As there is no password and any unauthorized person can also send the message to
display on the LCD

Advantages of smart Electronic Notice Board

 The electronic notice board is wireless and no need for wires for displaying the
information on the LCD display.

 It is very easy to operate and consumes less power

 The circuit of the smart electronic notice board is portable.

Applications of Electronic Notice Board

 The applications of wireless notice board mainly include public places like bus stands,
railway stations, airports, shopping malls, and parks to display the information

 This project is also used in organizations, schools, and colleges.

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