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Dark Way V1

1 1.1 2 1.2 3 1.3

Dialogue + City sounds Dialogue + City sounds Dialogue + City sounds

She looks out of the window and talks on the phone Nothing happens She keeps talking on the phone

4 1.4 5 1.5 6 1.6

Dialogue + Sound of door closing and footsteps + City Dialogue + Sound of Door Closing + City sounds Dialogue + City sounds
She hangs up the phone and he opens the door and They exchange a couple of lines
The door opens and he comes out of the door sits in the car

Dark Way V1 1
7 1.7 8 1.8 9 2.1

Dialogue + Sound of car turning on Music + Sound of car driving away + City sounds Music

He ties his belt and she starts the car The car drives away The car is driving on a street

10 2.2 11 2.3 12 2.4

Music + Sound of car passing by Music + Sound of car pssing by Music turns down and we hear the first lines of
dialogue + Sound of car driving
The car is driving on a street The car is driving on a street
The car is driving on a street

Dark Way V1 2
13 2.5 14 2.6 15 2.7

Dialogue + Sound of car driving Dialogue + Sound of car driving Dialogue + Sound of car driving

She talks to him and he doesn't answer She talks to him and he doesn't answer She talks to him and he turns around and nods. He
sees the woods and has the idea

16 2.8 17 2.9 18 2.10

Sound of car driving Dialogue + Sound of car driving Sound of car driving

Close up of his hand putting some drugs in her cup She checks on him and he pretends like nothing Car driving on street

Dark Way V1 3
19 3.1 20 3.2 21 3.3

Sound of car driving + Sound of forest Sound of car driving + Sound of forest Sound of car driving + Sound of forest + Dialogue

Car driving on street Car driving on street She starts feeling unwell

22 3.4 23 3.5 24 3.6

Sound of car driving + Dialogue Sound of forest + Car coming up Sound of forest

He tells her to stop the car They pull over The car is standing still in front of the woods

Dark Way V1 4
25 3.7 26 3.8 27 3.9

Dialogue + Bag pickup noise + door sound Forest + S Forest + Door handle sound + Dialogue

She is tripping, he picks up his bag, opens the door He opens the door and runs away She struggles but opens the door

28 3.10 29 3.11 30 4.1

Forest + Door + Dialogue + Heavy Breathing Forest + Door + Dialogue + Heavy Breathing Forest + Music + Dialogue + Steps in the woods +
Heavy breathing
She gets out of the car struggling She follows him
Long shot - She walks in the direction he went in, she
can't walk properly

Dark Way V1 5
31 4.2 32 4.3 33 4.4

Forest + Music + Heavy breathing Forest + Music Music fades out in the dark

We see the first ghost blurred in the background. She We see her on the floor passed out. Black
feels him and while turning around she passes out.

34 5.1 35 5.2 36 5.3

Forest Forest Forest + Breathing + Sounds of her standing up

We see a shot of the sky through the woods panning She opens her eyes She picks herself up
down on her face laying on the ground

Dark Way V1 6
37 5.4 38 5.5 39 6.1

Forest + Breathing Forest + Breathing + Steps Forest + Breathing + Steps + Other Step noise

She gets up and is shocked She starts walking and she walks out of the screen. She walks and looks around to understand where to
We stare at the forest for a second go

40 6.2 41 6.3 42

Forest + Breathing + Steps

She hears a noise, checks around and hears it again.

Dark Way V1 7

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