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Authored by: Joceline Alvenea Soemady
Class : 8.2/12

You will be given 5 titles to be developed into 5 separated
paragraphs. Each paragraph should consist of
Sentence 1&2: opening idea (the background of your paragraph). Do not mention
your main idea in these opening paragraphs

Sentence 3&4: core (all of your main ideas should be poured here)

Sentence 5&6: closing (summarizing all of your former sentences, don’t forget to
give persuasive or argumentative style)

Don’t forget to apply the modal verbs of prediction (will, will probably, is likely to,
might, might not, isn’t likely to, probably won’t, won’t)

*you are allowed to write more than 5 sentences

* worksheet font is 12, times new romans, 1,5 space, default color of this
*after you finish, submit into your Google classroom

1. Aliens will live with humans on earth

We, humans, live among each other and need each other in the community. We
depend on each other by doing our responsibilities. But what if there’s other
creature that live among the humans?3We always think that aliens are not real. “It’s
only a story” a lot of people will probably think like that. What if it turns out aliens
2. There will be no more wars

People is likely to want something from someone or somewhere, they could get
envious. They will try to obtain it at any cost or at the risk of something. War is on of
a way of getting what they want. But what if they stop doing wars? What if they start
to be grateful for what they have? People will probably respect other people's
possessions and be grateful for what they have and try to cooperate with them instead
of waging war. I personally think it’s true that will be no more wars since they could
cooperate and establish good relations between countries. Do you think the same as

3. People will live to an average age of 120

Do you ever think how people in the bible have a long live? Like, Methuselah, he could
live up to 969 years. People will start to think, what if we could make something that
makes us live longer? Maybe we won’t4be alive for 969 years, let’s take an example,
like 120 years. The key of having a long life might be easier to found. Maybe we
4. There will be underwater cities

Do you ever want to feel a new sensation? Something or somewhere that makes you
feel very different. Living underwater might not be as impossible as you think.
Underwater cities could be real if we could get oxygen to the lower surface of the sea.
Of course there is the positive and the negative impact by being underwater. I
personally think living underwater might be a great idea to expand residential land
but is it worth the safety?

5. People will choose to live alone than in community

A lot of people works everyday in a community. They met a lot of different person
each day and communicate with them. But what if they’ll probably want to be live
alone than living in community? We might think living alone means we live like a
lonely person. If we choose to live alone, that means we have more time for ourselfs

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