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J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

(2021) 21:711–718


Corrosion of Sulfur Removal Tanks Used in the Processing

of Landfill Gas
Ellen L. S. Solomon . Alfred M. Pettinger . Jason R. Babcock .
Steven A. Sanders . Jeffrey L. McDougall

Submitted: 20 August 2020 / in revised form: 6 December 2020 / Accepted: 15 January 2021 / Published online: 3 February 2021
Ó ASM International 2021

Abstract Stainless steel tanks used in processing landfill Introduction

gas experienced significant, accelerated corrosion leading
to their sudden removal from service and unplanned Landfill gas (LFG) is a renewable energy source and a
operational downtime. A root cause investigation limited to natural byproduct of decomposing organic material within
visual and microscopic examination and EDS analysis was landfills. According to the Environmental Protection
conducted on sections of the tank walls and confirmed Agency (EPA), municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are
under-deposit corrosion was the primary corrosion mech- the third-largest source of human-related methane emis-
anism. Non-regenerable H2S removal media was used to sions in the USA [1]. Technologies for utilizing LFG to
remove hydrogen sulfide from the landfill gas and had reduce the negative impacts of methane on the environment
direct contact with the tank walls, creating crevice-like have been developed that convert the LFG into a useful
regions where localized corrosion could take place. The form of energy [2].
corrosion mechanism was driven by sulfur, despite the Before LFG can be used in an energy conversion pro-
presence of chloride in the H2S removal media. Corrosion cess, it must be treated to remove certain impurities and
products containing high levels of sulfur confirmed that moisture from the gas. Sulfur compounds such as hydrogen
hydrogen sulfide combined with moisture in the landfill gas sulfide (H2S) are a type of impurity present in LFG [3]. At
formed an aggressive, corrosive environment that led to the certain levels H2S can be extremely harmful to processing
formation of pits. equipment and dangerous to human health and safety
[4–7]. Even at low concentrations, H2S can be corrosive in
Keywords Stainless steel  Corrosion  Hydrogen sulfide  the presence of moisture. Therefore, a treatment step for
Landfill gas controlling hydrogen sulfide levels is typically included
early on in the gas treatment process in order to manage
H2S levels [8].
In the present investigation, equipment involved in the
E. L. S. Solomon (&) processing of LFG used to fuel electricity-generating tur-
E.L.S. Solomon, Engineering Systems Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, USA
bines experienced significant corrosion after being in
service for approximately six years, forcing the facility into
A. M. Pettinger an extended and unplanned shutdown. The tanks, where the
A.M. Pettinger, Engineering Systems Inc., Irvine, CA, USA H2S is partially removed from the LFG by chemical
J. R. Babcock
reaction with the filtration media, contained extensive pit-
J.R. Babcock, Engineering Systems Inc., Irvine, CA, USA ting in areas of the tank wall that were in direct contact
with H2S filtration media. These tanks were made of 304
S. A. Sanders stainless steel, which was selected based on the local LFG
S.A. Sanders, Engineering Systems Inc., O’Fallon, MO, USA
composition and operational requirements, and it is an
J. L. McDougall acceptable material according to the ASME Boiler and
J.L. McDougall, Engineering Systems Inc., Norcross, GA, USA

712 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718

Pressure Vessel Code [9]. Despite the widespread use of

304 stainless steel in the oil and gas industry, it is sus-
ceptible to corrosion in H2S environments.
Studies have shown that stainless steel alloys, including
304 stainless steel, are susceptible to localized corrosion
such as pitting and crevice corrosion in H2S environments
[10–14]. H2S is a highly corrosive substance that when
combined with water to form an aqueous solution, can
corrode corrosion-resistant materials such as 304 stainless
steel by breaking down the passive layer. The breakdown
of the passive layer is a complex mechanism that depends
on the local conditions of the material and environment
[15–17]. Once the protection of the passive layer is com-
promised, hydrogen sulfide is allowed to react with the
metal, resulting in a weak, sulfur-containing layer on the Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a sulfur treatment tank with filtration
media bed
surface of the metal [13, 14, 18].
The following sections describe the investigative and
(pyrite) via the reaction shown in Equation [1]. Iron oxide
analysis steps taken to determine the cause of corrosion of
is depicted with a general formula because iron can
the sulfur removal tanks. A chemical evaluation of the H2S
potentially function as the reactive species in this reaction,
removal media and a metallurgical examination of the
and the iron oxide can function under multiple possible
tanks provided valuable insight into the effect of the fil-
crystalline phases and stoichiometries.
tration media and LFG characteristics on the corrosion
performance of the tanks and informed future operations at Fex Oy þ H2 S ! FeS2 þ H2 O ðEq 1Þ
the facility. In addition to the results presented in this The treated sweet gas then leaves the tanks through an
investigation, fitness-for-service evaluations were per- outlet pipe at the bottom of the tank (Fig. 1). The water that
formed by a third party on the subject tanks which will also is generated during this process condenses and flows to the
be discussed. bottom of the tanks where it drains to a sump. As the
filtration media becomes spent, it turns into a sticky clay,
which clumps into large masses and can adhere to the walls
Background: Sulfur Removal Process of the tanks and is an indication that the media should be
replaced. Increased H2S levels in the outlet gas is another
To protect expensive processing equipment and keep air sign that a media changeout may be necessary.
emissions below the prevention of significant deterioration
(PSD) limits, the facility involved in this investigation
utilized a sulfur abatement system that reduced the influent Investigation
H2S concentration to below 100 ppmv. While there are
multiple sulfur treatment methods available [8], the sulfur Analysis of H2S Removal Media
removal technology utilized in the presented investigation
involved an iron-based solid scavenger system made up of Since chloride is known to cause corrosion in 304 stainless
mixed metal oxide granules coated with iron oxide. These steel, a sample of unused H2S removal media was obtained
granules were contained in four media tanks made of SA- for analysis to determine whether the media had the
240 304 stainless steel. potential to release chlorides. A sample of granules
The sulfur removal tanks were filled approximately weighing 8.1 g was soaked in 20 mL deinonized water for
18’10’’ high with the H2S filtration media, as shown in five days and the resultant water solution was filtered and
Fig. 1, and were designed such that the filtration media analyzed via NEMI method 4500CL E 1997 for chloride
would be in direct contact with the walls of the tanks. concentration [19]. The chloride concentration in the
During the treatment process, sour gas enters the top of the solution was measured to be 111 mg/L. A blank containing
media tanks and passes through the non-regenerable media only deionized water was also analyzed as a control, and
(Fig. 1). The average temperature of the water-saturated chloride was not detected. The difference in chloride
LFG was measured at approximately 95 °F±10 oF, which concentration between the control and the test solution
was within the range listed in the specifications (70 to 120 suggests that the media can release chlorides into aqueous
°F). As the gas flows through the media bed, the hydrogen solution.
sulfide reacts with the iron oxide to form iron sulfide

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718 713

Iron chloride was the likely source of chloride in the 3 and 4 were obtained approximately ten feet from the bed
filtration media. To make the filtration media, iron was support.
impregnated onto the mixed metal oxide by soaking the Each of the samples was visually inspected and docu-
inorganic support in iron chloride and calcining to convert mented. Microscopic examination of the samples was
the iron chloride to iron oxide. Incomplete conversion performed using light microscopy and scanning electron
likely resulted in residual chlorides remaining in the media microscopy (SEM) with energy-dispersive spectroscopy
that were detected after soaking in water. (EDS). Since there was no significant variation in the
results from the different samples, the data from one
Metallurgical Evaluation of Subject Tank Walls sample from each condition (washed and unwashed) are
A nondestructive metallurgical investigation was per- Both the washed and unwashed samples exhibited sig-
formed on sections of tank wall from one of four sulfur nificant corrosion on the surfaces that were in contact with
treatment tanks. Four samples were analyzed and are the filtration media. The corroded surfaces contain irregu-
labeled in Fig. 2. Samples 1 and 2 had been powerwashed larly-shaped pits of various size and regions of general
to remove the sulfur removal media adhered to the walls corrosion between the pits. Black and red-colored deposits
while Samples 3 and 4 had not been washed and contained consistent with the corrosion products of stainless steel and
deposits on the surface. Samples 1 and 2 were removed filtration media cover a majority of the corroded surfaces of
approximately four feet from the bed support, and Samples the unwashed samples, while remants of these deposits

Fig. 2 Photographs of the

power washed (Samples 1 & 2)
and unwashed (Samples 3 & 4)
samples from a subject tank

714 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718

Fig. 3 Micrographs from Sample 1 showing the inside surface of the Fig. 4 Micrographs from Sample 4 showing the inside surface of the
tank wall after being power washed. Bottom image is a high unwashed tank wall. Bottom image is a high magnification view of
magnification view of the region indicated in red (Color the region indicated in red (Color figure online).
figure online).
detected elements are associated with either the base metal
remain present on the washed samples, as shown in Figs. 2, composition, the corrosion product and/or the filtration
3, 4. media composition. For instance, Fe, Cr, Ni, Si and C are
SEM images obtained from an area where corrosion elements of the 304 stainless steel composition. High levels
product appears to have flaked off the surface of Sample 4 of sulfur were also detected from the deposits inside the
(unwashed) show evidence of intergranular corrosion in pits and in the surrounding corroded areas of the sample
addition to pitting (see Fig. 5). The low magnification surfaces.
image in Fig. 5 was collected using secondary electron
imaging and shows a dark region that corresponds to the
corrosion deposit layer and a light region where the deposit Discussion
layer flaked off, exposing the underlying metal. The bottom
two images of Fig. 5 were obtained from the same area The sulfur removal tanks experienced corrosion due to the
(indicated in red) at higher magnification and show evi- locally high concentration of an aqueous H2S environment
dence of grain boundary corrosion and uneven surfaces that condensed along the walls of the tanks. The wet gas
consistent with shallow pitting. traveled through the bed of filtration media where the H2S
Chemical analysis using EDS indicates that the corro- was partially removed from the LFG. The filtration media
sion of the tank walls was influenced by sulfur. The EDS contributed to the localized corrosion of the tank walls by
spectra from the washed and unwashed samples (see creating crevice-like regions against the wall where the
Figs. 6 and 7) show the presence of the following elements: H2S concentration was locally higher than regions outside
C, Fe, Cr, O, Ni, Zn, Si, S, Ca, P, Al and Si. Several of the of the crevice. High concentrations of corrosive species on

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718 715

Fig. 5 SEM micrographs obtained from the inside surface of Sample 4; (a) low magnification image regions with corrosion product (dark region) and
underlying metal (light region), (b) backscattered electron and (c) secondary electron images from the area indicated in red in (a) (Color figure online).

the surface of the tanks led to the initiation of corrosion by that the corrosion of the tanks was primarily driven by
breaking down the passive oxide layer of the 304 stainless sulfur which was introduced from the LFG.
steel. Not only did the filtration media provide sites for With the filtration media in contact with the tank walls,
localized attack but it also produced reaction products, the original design of the sulfur removal tanks was inher-
such as water, that contributed to the corrosion of the ently susceptible to corrosion in the aqueous H2S
stainless steel tank walls. environment. Deposits such as dust or debris that contact
Regions of high sulfur concentration on the surfaces of the metal surface are sufficient to cause localized
the washed and unwashed samples indicate that sulfur was corrosion.
the main corrosive species on the tanks. Analysis of the Fitness-for-Service evaluations to determine the degree
filtration media revealed the presence of chlorides. The of tank wall corrosion were performed by a third party in
susceptibility of austenitic stainless steels to corrosion in accordance with the rules of the API 579 standard [22]. The
aqueous chloride environments is well-known [20, 21]; results of these evaluations showed that the degree of tank
however, EDS did not detect the presence of chlorine. wall corrosion was most severe at the bottom half of the
Although it is possible that levels of chlorine below the media bed, with the most severe corrosion reported near
detectable limits by EDS were present, it is unlikely that the bed support structures. This corrosion pattern can be
this low of a concentration would have a significant con- explained by the level of aqueous solution from the top to
tribution on the corrosion behavior of the tanks. Despite the the bottom of the media bed. The moisture on the walls of
presence of chlorides in the filtration media, EDS indicates the tanks flowed downwards due to gravity and collected

716 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718

Fig. 6 SEM image and

corresponding EDS spectra
obtained from Sample 1 (power
washed). The analysis regions
are labeled.

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718 717

Fig. 7 SEM image and

corresponding EDS spectra
obtained from Sample 4
(unwashed). The analysis
regions are labeled.

718 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:711–718

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