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J Fail. Anal. and Preven.

(2021) 21:723–732


Corrosion Under Insulation Examination to Prevent Failures

in Equipment at a Petrochemical Plant
Andres Marquez . J. Singh . C. Maharaj

Submitted: 21 November 2020 / in revised form: 26 January 2021 / Accepted: 16 February 2021 / Published online: 10 March 2021
 ASM International 2021

Abstract An examination of the corrosion under insula- Abbreviations

tion phenomenon in insulated equipment at a API American Petroleum Institute
petrochemical plant with the purpose of preventing corro- CS Carbon steel (low-carbon/mild-carbon steel)
sion-attributed failures was carried out. The study was CoF Consequence of failure
performed after a risk-based inspection analysis identified CUI Corrosion under insulation
the equipment with higher risks of developing corrosion DF Damage factor
under insulation. Visual inspections of several accessories FC Financial cost
located at several positions of the current process unit’s LoF Likelihood of failure
pipelines, heat exchangers, filters and pressure vessels were PoF Probability of failure
performed after the insulation was removed. Among the RBI Risk-based inspection
main findings, most accessories (nozzles, insulation sup- RP Recommended practice
port rings) located at the top of the equipment showed SS Stainless steel
moderate corrosion. Additionally, there were differences in
the results depending on the insulation material (mineral
wool, foam glass or calcium silicate) covering the equip-
ment/accessories. This work showed how adequate and
timely monitoring and management of corrosion can suc-
It has been abundantly established over the years that
cessfully prevent costly and frequent failures associated
(thermal) insulation in plant equipment is extremely nec-
with corrosion under insulation.
essary to have installed for several reasons, the more
relevant being minimizing heat losses, keeping the integ-
Keywords Corrosion under insulation 
rity of the material, assuring the continuous operation of
Corrosion failure prevention  Risk-based inspection 
the process to reduce unwanted and/or sudden shutdowns
Heat exchangers/vessels/pipelines  Insulation material
and plant personnel protection. However, an undesirable
and insidious phenomenon, corrosion under insulation
(CUI), which is external and mostly localized in nature,
A. Marquez (&)
may develop on the covered surface (the region between
San Antonio, USA
e-mail: the external surface of the equipment and the internal part
of the insulation) of the insulated equipment (made of
J. Singh metallic alloys). This takes place generally in the presence
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and
of moisture that reaches the insulation–external surface
interface of the insulated equipment.
C. Maharaj CUI could go undetected if it is not monitored properly,
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Department, as has been the case in many instances. Furthermore, in
University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and
numerous cases it has led to failures of catastrophic

724 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

consequences, generated significant process losses, shut- consequence is a measure of the damage that could occur
downs, and disruptions, among other repercussions. Some because of the failure (in terms of injury, fatalities, and
works, out of thousands, demonstrate the massive, costly, property damage)’’ [5]. The outcomes of such a technique
and disastrous consequences of not detecting CUI on time can then be used to determine the insulated equipment
[1–3]. ‘‘Because of a ruptured 1-inch bypass pipe, a gas fire which will be the focus of further inspections to assess the
took place in the high-pressure synthesis loop in an level of damage, if any, due to CUI. Many studies that deal
ammonia plant. The rupture was caused by extensive wall with detecting corrosion under insulation by using different
thinning of the pipe due to corrosion under insulation’’ [1]. techniques, scenarios, and equipment have been performed
In another instance, due to CUI that went undetected for as listed in [8–16]. Among these, some that are related to
several years on an 800 CS hydrocarbon pipeline in a RBIs of this real, important, costly, and dangerous CUI
refinery, ‘‘an explosion and fire occurred at a refinery site phenomena have been carried out [3, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17–19].
leading to the evacuation of the site and to millions of This work presents a study of CUI examinations that are
pounds worth of damage to the facility’’ [2]. Another performed on insulated plant equipment to prevent corro-
related incident showed that at a petrochemical plant sion-attributed failures at a petrochemical plant. The CUI
located at the Gulf (of Mexico) coast, a CUI-attributed leak examinations were carried out after an RBI analysis, based
from a 4-inch hydrocarbon pipeline caused ‘‘a massive fire on the API’s RP (recommended practice) 581 and was
that destroyed half the unit and cost the company US$ 50 undertaken to identify the areas of the insulated equipment
million’’ [3]. evaluated that have the higher associated risks. Several
In addition, total corrosion-related costs, specifically due accessories at the locations in existing key process unit’s
to remediation/damage control, have been well known to piping, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, and filters were
amount to very high values in many processes and coun- inspected by using visual inspection after the respective
tries all over the world, ranging from at least 1.5–2.0% to insulation section was removed. The main findings at the
as much as 5–6% of the GDP or GNP representing on an locations inspected, including values/categories of proba-
annual basis billions of US$ [4–7]. Moreover, according to bility of failure (PoF), consequence of failure (CoF) and the
some studies, CUI (as opposed to process corrosion) is the resulting risk levels, as well as the more relevant results of
leading cause of corrosion-related leaks in insulated the accessories inspected and actual figures of some of the
equipment at oil & gas, petrochemical, refining, petro- equipment examined for CUI, are presented.
chemical, and chemical facilities [8, 9]. Some works
suggest that around 40–60% of pipeline maintenance/repair
costs are related to CUI [8–11]. Methodology
CUI is extremely dangerous since it is still difficult to
detect, mostly because it is not visible since it develops Insulated piping, heat exchangers and vessels are well
under the insulation of the equipment, as well as possible known to be integral and key parts of the equipment in any
inaccessibility of the insulated equipment or part/accessory manufacturing company which deals with this type of
above that equipment. Consequently, despite all the evi- process (e.g., a petrochemical industry). Thus, in this work
dence and information about the consequences of failure the insulated equipment that was chosen to be evaluated—
related to CUI, it still goes undetected in many manufac- piping, heat exchangers, pressure vessels and filters—are
turing plants, causing huge costs derived from shutdowns associated with three of the key/strategic process units
and failures [1–3, 8–15]. Perhaps CUI is still a significant located upstream of the process. Any interruption in any of
unresolved issue in many organizations because of, in part, those units due to sudden failures will cause costly
lack of preventive measures and poor decision-making downtimes in the entire plant process (addressed previously
when it comes to corrosion control, prevention, and man- in a corrosion failure study in equipment at a nearby
agement. Early detection and control of CUI needs to be petrochemical plant in the same country [20]). It is
enforced at any company, and proper monitoring with imperative to keep these processes in uninterrupted and
regular periodic inspection must be implemented to ensure continuous operation for as long as possible. This study
best corrosion management practices. was carried out at one of the multiple manufacturing
To prevent failures associated with corrosion under petrochemical plants located in the Caribbean island of
insulation, a method incorporating risk-based inspection Trinidad and Tobago. Due to the proprietary nature of this
(RBI) analysis can be performed. An RBI consists of ‘‘a work, only general mentions without any specifics of the
methodology for using risk as a basis for ranking or pri- process, streams, equipment, and units are presented.
oritizing equipment for inspection purposes. Risk is defined It is worth mentioning that an important aspect of this
as a combination of probability and consequence. Proba- study is related to the geographic location of the petro-
bility is the likelihood of a failure occurring, and chemical plant (the Caribbean island of Trinidad and

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732 725

Tobago) where the atmospheric corrosivity category has 28–32]. Nevertheless, the risk to be estimated is always the
been determined to be severe [21–26]. The company product of PoF vs. CoF in a risk matrix.
location combines industrial, tropical, urban, high humid- The procedure involved in the AP RP 581 for the RBI
ity, and ambient temperature oscillating (on average) studies [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] is rather tedious. For
around 28–36 C year-long and marine (coastal) areas, in simplicity and illustration purposes in this study, only the
addition to extreme UV ray’s exposure. Specifically, the basic required data needed to determine the necessary
high relative humidity exposure (which is exacerbated parameters and values for the estimation of the DF and the
during the rainy season) and UV rays encountered at the PoF (Fig. 1a) for one piece of equipment (a CS pipeline
plant location (which tends to deteriorate the insulation transporting a process stream located at a process unit) are
material, facilitating moisture to contact the surface of the presented in Table 1. The same data (basic and required)
material) undoubtedly increase the likelihood of corrosion were gathered, and the same procedure was followed to
under insulation to be developed and accelerated. The need determine the DF then the PoF category (Fig. 1a) for all
for proper and frequent monitoring of corrosion at those insulated equipment evaluated in this study.
facilities becomes more critical. A total of 117 pieces of equipment were evaluated (5
The methodology, sequence, parameters, and measure- heat exchangers, 7 pressure vessels, 8 filters, and 97
ments needed, and the procedure to follow step-by-step for pipelines’ sections which transport different process
employing the risk-based inspection (RBI) technique of the streams). The pipelines were made of either carbon steel
API RP 581 have been sufficiently explained in detail and (CS) or stainless steel (SS).
well documented in the respective API-recommended The RBI analysis results for all 117 pieces of equipment
practice API RP 581 [27]: ‘‘Risk-Based Inspection at three process units along with the CUI inspection find-
Methodology—Documenting and Demonstrating the Thin- ings for 43 nozzles, four vessel saddle supports, two
ning Probability of Failure Calculations’’ and elsewhere insulation support brackets, and two insulation support
[3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28, 29]. The API’s recommended rings, for a total of 51 accessories are presented.
practice 581 has been developed throughout several years
for performing RBI analysis on fixed equipment in the
facilities of the oil & gas plants and downstream industries Results and Discussion
(refining, petrochemical, chemicals) and has been widely
used since it is a cost-effective and reliable tool that RBI Analysis
ensures reliability of assets and continuity of operations
[3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28, 29]. From Table 2, the results from the RBI analysis for the 117
The results of that RBI analysis based on the API RP total pieces of insulated equipment revealed that most
581 the damage factor (DF) being the key value to obtain equipment (86 pieces or about 80%) presented medium
were used to determine the value range of the PoF or high levels of risk priority, while eight pieces (around 7%)
likelihood of failure LoF, from which the category of such exhibited high risk ranking. That represented a combined
PoF [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] was established, as seen in 94 pieces of equipment (87%) needing to be prioritized for
Fig. 1a. In addition, from financial data reported by the regular CUI inspection and monitoring. In addition, all the
company personnel the (cost-oriented) CoF category, based equipment, except a heat exchanger discussed next,
on the approximate financial costs (FC) to incur if a failure attained PoF categories on the high-end side, with values of
in the equipment under analysis took place 4 and 5. This was expected, due to the severe atmospheric
[3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] was deduced (Fig. 1a). Such conditions on the site.
CoF has different categories, depending on criteria of each The specific equipment risk level results are given as
company. [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] follows (Table 2): four of the five heat exchangers and the
Finally, a 5 9 5 risk matrix (Fig. 1b) combining the seven pressure vessels were at the medium high-ranking
product of the PoF (or LoF) and the CoF categories was priority of risk, obtained from a PoF value of 5 for all and
used to assign the risk ranking [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] CoF categories of B or C (Fig. 1a, b), located in different
associated with each insulated equipment evaluated. From areas of the three process units, while the eight filters
that, an inspection in the form of visual examination after presented a high-ranking risk level having a PoF value of 5
the insulation was removed was performed to assess the and a CoF category of D. In contrast, only one of five heat
current degree of CUI (if any) in those pieces of equipment exchangers showed a low risk level with a lower-end value
identified with higher risks. Like the CoF, each company of PoF and a CoF category of C.
establishes different levels of risks (i.e., different matrices) It is worth emphasizing that because of the proprietary
according to the business criteria [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, reasons of this work other process operating conditions
values and specific results are not presented. Similarly,

726 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

Fig. 1 a Ranges of DF, PoF and CoF used in the RBI analysis of each (petrochemical) company. b 5 9 5 risk matrix of PoF versus CoF
equipment. The DF is calculated following the procedure outlined in used to assert the risk levels/priorities for each equipment evaluated
the API RP 581. The CoF categories are established by the

other details of the process such as specific equipment of B (Fig. 1b). It is important to mention that due to the
location, as well as the pictures depicted in Figs. 2a–c and nature of the contents of these 22 streams any failure will
3a–c were taken close-up to avoid showing more details at cause significant damage as well. Therefore about 77% of
those areas of the plant and other specifics. the pipelines evaluated had a medium high-risk level while
Regarding the 97 pipeline sections evaluated, the results around 23% had a medium risk level.
showed that most (75) presented a medium high ranking
risk level with a PoF value of 4 or 5 and a CoF category of Visual CUI Inspections
C. Those 75 pipelines separately carry different process
streams. Any event on them (e.g., a failure due to lack of Table 3 shows the results for all insulated equipment’s
periodic inspection for CUI) will have catastrophic con- accessories inspected visually after removing the respec-
sequences. The rest of the piping (22 sections) separately tive insulation. 43 nozzles, two support brackets, two
transporting other process streams exhibited a medium support rings, and four saddle supports (a total of 51
ranking risk level with a PoF value of 4 and a CoF category accessories) at the respective locations showed different

Table 1 Basic and required data for the estimation of the DFa,b [3, 5, 10, 13, 17–19, 28–32] of a (CS) process stream pipeline in a process unit of the petrochemical plant
Basic data ? Value or comment Required data ? Value or comment

Start date 1999 Insulation type Mineral wool

Thickness, mm (inch) 3.91 mm (0.154 inch) Driver(s) Insulation/jacketing
J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

(CUI promoters) Weather/temperature

Corrosion allowance, mm (inch) 1.60 mm (0.630 inch) Corrosion rate (mm/yr:mpy) 0.076 mm/yr (3 mpy)
Design temperature, C (F) 60.0 (140.0) Coating installation date 1999
Design pressure, MPa(g) (psig) 0.78 (113.13) Coating quality High
Operating Temperature, C (F) 26.3 (79.3) Equipment design/fabrication penalty (Yes/No) Yes
Operating pressure, MPa(g) (psig) 0.35 (50.32) Complexity (design) Average
Design code ASME B31.3 Insulation condition? (Above Average, Average or Below Average) Average
Equipment type Pipe Pipe support penalty? (yes/no) No
Component type PIPE-1 Interface penalty (yes/no) No
Component geometry data Cylindrical Shell Inspection effectiveness category B—usually effective
Diameter: 52.5 mm ID/60.3 mm OD
Material specification A53 GRADE B Number of inspections 1
Yield strength, MPa(g) (psig) 241.32 (35,000) Thickness reading mm (inch) 5.40 mm (0.213 inch)
Tensile strength, MPa(g) (psig) 413.69 (60,000) Thickness reading date 2014
Weld Joint Efficiency 100%
Heat Tracing No
The damage factor (DF) is calculated using the basic and required data following step-by-step the API RP 581. In this case, a value of 11,889 was obtained
The probability of failure (PoF) is determined by using the calculated DF (11,889 in this case) and establishing the corresponding category from Fig. 1a. A PoF category of 5 is then attained

728 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

Table 2 RBI results for all 117 pieces of insulated equipment evaluateda
PoF category (value) CoF category Risk level
Equipment/description Quantity (total) 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D E Low Medium Medium High High

Heat exchanger 5 1 4 1 4 1 4
Pressure vessel 7 7 7 7
Filter 8 8 8 8
Pipeline (CS or SS) 97 94b,c 3d 22b 75c,d 22b 75c,d
Values and categories for PoF & CoF, and Risk levels were obtained from Fig. 1a, b
Pipelines made of CS (5 carrying a process stream, while 3 transport a different stream), and 14 made of SS (12 carrying another process stream,
while 2 transport a different stream)
10 CS pipelines carrying another stream, and 62 also made of CS transporting a different stream
1 pipeline made of CS carrying a process stream (refer to Table 1), and 2 made of SS transporting a different stream

CUI conditions among other characteristics. These were refer to pipelines) presented more CUI development
chosen to be inspected after the RBI analysis of the denoted as moderate corrosion. Two instances, Figs. 2a
respective insulated equipment and revealed at least a and 3c, show a 600 nozzle and one of the insulation support
medium high-risk level. rings. Specifically, a total of 13 accessories (11 nozzles and
From only the visual inspection findings, 28 of the the two insulation support rings) at 12 o’clock or top
accessories inspected after insulation removal(or about position and with calcium silicate or foam glass as the
55%) out of the 51 in total exhibited some moderate cor- insulation material, or about 24% of the 51 visually
rosion development in the form of surface rusting or inspected for CUI exhibited moderate corrosion. One
scaling (made of metal hydroxides and oxides) due to accessory only, a 1000 nozzle at 12 o’clock with insulation
insulation breakdown at the locations. On the other hand, material of mineral wool, exhibited a good condition after
23 accessories (around 45%) exhibited relatively good inspection upon removal of the insulation covering. These
condition (no appreciable corrosion was observed on the results imply that out of the 14 accessories inspected that
surface and no rupture of the insulation covering). were positioned at 12 o’clock or top on the respective
Regarding the nozzles, 19 (about 45%) of the 43 nozzles equipment, around 93%, the vast majority, exhibited
belonging to nine pieces of equipment showed good con- appreciable CUI development (moderate corrosion).
dition, while 24 (around 55%) nozzles exhibited moderate
corrosion. 6 o‘Clock Position
All these findings were expected due to the severe
atmospheric condition, especially the high relative On the other hand, accessories positioned at 6 o’clock or
humidity (constant moisture and it is exacerbated during bottom of the equipment, a total of seven (about 70%)
the rainy season/months) and high UV ray incidence. The exhibited good condition (Fig. 3a shows a vessel saddle
UV rays affect thermally and consequently mechanically, support). Specifically, one nozzle at 6 o’clock and the four-
the insulation material of those equipment on the outside vessel saddle supports inspected that were at the bottom of
(directly exposed to the environment) at the location of the the respective equipment insulated with calcium silicate or
plant, causing weakness and subsequent damage on the foam glass showed good conditions. Only two nozzles (a
insulation, allowing the penetration of water. It is worth 400 , which is shown in Fig. 2b, and a 2400 ) at the bottom of
pointing out that for most instances with moderate CUI, the their equipment and covered with foam glass, presented
insulation was damaged prior to insulation removal which moderate corrosion. This could perhaps be due to gravity
allowed moisture to infiltrate the spot and get in contact effects, in which condensate flowed down around the sur-
with the surface of the equipment. face of the equipment and accumulated at the accessory’s
The accessories’ results for CUI examinations (Table 3) vicinity in combination with the high humidity present
show that there was a combination of trends involving year-long in the surroundings.
positions (12 o‘clock, 6 o‘clock, or side position) and
insulation material. Side Position

12 o‘Clock Position Regarding the side position, out of the 30 accessories

positioned sidewise, 17 (about 57%) exhibited good con-
Accessories positioned at 12 o‘clock or at the top of the dition upon inspection after insulation removal, while 13
equipment under consideration (o’clock positions generally (around 43%) presented CUI moderate corrosion. Figures 2

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732 729

Fig. 3 a Vessel saddle support at the bottom position of a

Fig. 2 a Moderately corroded 600 nozzle at the 12 o’clock position of
horizontally oriented pressure vessel showing good condition after
a pipeline. b Moderately corroded 400 nozzle at the bottom of an
the insulation was removed. b Moderately corroded insulation support
equipment. c 400 nozzle positioned side-wise of a horizontally-oriented
bracket at the side of one equipment. Because of their shape/geometry
pressure vessel, showing good condition after the insulation was
(protuberance, ideal spot for water to accumulate and to induce
damage to the covering-insulation), support brackets in equipment
generally tend to favor moisture settlement, regardless of their
c and 3b show a 400 nozzle (good condition) and an insu- position. c Moderately corroded insulation support ring at the top
lation support bracket (moderate corrosion), respectively. head of one equipment. Also because of their shape/geometry (edge-
like), support rings in equipment generally tend to favor moisture
Specifically, 11 nozzles and the two support brackets
settlement as well, regardless of their position. Another study [1]
covered with any of the three insulation materials, foam shows similar CUI development observations after visual inspection
glass, calcium silicate or mineral wool (Table 3) showed on two support rings upon insulation removal
signs of CUI. The rest, 17 nozzles, also covered with any of
the insulation materials exhibited good condition after insulation jacketing and installation), the position of the
visual inspection (Table 3). different accessories shows a pattern in which the top
Even though there are other factors that need to be taken positions are more prone to develop CUI, regardless,
into consideration (e.g., gravity effects at specific locations, apparently, of the insulation material. Perhaps the top

730 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

Table 3 CUI visual inspection results for all accessories in the insulated equipment
Accessory/description Quantity Position on equipment Diameter (inches) CUI condition observed Insulation material

Level Bridle Nozzle @ 12 o’clock 03 Top 100 , 200 Moderate corrosiona Calcium silicate
Level Bridle Nozzle @ 12 o’clock 01 Top 2 00
Moderate corrosiona Foam glass
Level Bridle Nozzle @ side of Vessel 09 Side 100 , 200 Moderate corrosiona Foam glass
00 00
Level Bridle Nozzle @ side of Vessel 02 Side 1 ,2 Good Calcium silicate
Level Bridle Nozzle @ side of Vessel 12 Side 100 , 200 Good Mineral wool
Nozzle @ 12 o’clock 03 Top 400 , 600 , 1200 Moderate corrosiona Calcium silicate
Nozzle @ 12 o’clock 04 Top 400 , 2400 , 3000 Moderate corrosiona Foam glass
Nozzle @ 12 o’clock 01 Top 1000 Good Mineral wool
Nozzle@ side Vessel 02 Side 400 , 1000 Good Mineral wool
00 a
Manway Nozzle @ side of Vessel 01 Side 20 Moderate corrosion Calcium silicate
Manway Nozzle @ side of Vessel 01 Side 2000 Moderate corrosiona Mineral wool
Manway Nozzle @ side of Vessel 01 Side 2000 Good Foam glass
Nozzle @ 6 o’clock 01 Bottom 1000 Good Calcium silicate
Nozzle 02 Bottom 400 , 2400 Moderate corrosiona Foam glass
Vessel Saddle Support 02 Bottom … Good Calcium silicate
Vessel Saddle Support 02 Bottom … Good Foam glass
Insulation Support Bracket 02 Side … Moderate Corrosiona Foam Glass
Insulation Support Ring 02 Top Head … Moderate Corrosiona Foam Glass
Moderate corrosion development in the form of surface rusting or scaling (made of metal hydroxides and oxides, respectively) due to insulation

and refining plants. For the calcium-silicate insulated

accessories, seven presented CUI development, while five
exhibited good condition. That is about an equal distribu-
tion CUI vs. good condition for this insulation material.
Regarding the ones having foam glass as the insulation
material, most 20 (or about 85%) showed moderate CUI
corrosion, while only three accessories (or around 15%) of
those covered with foam glass exhibited good condition.
For the accessories insulated with mineral wool, the vast
majority (15 or about 95%) presented good condition with
Fig. 4 Insulation material performance in all the 51 accessories
inspected for CUI. ‘‘Good’’ denotes in good condition after insulation
only one showing moderate corrosion.
removal, while ‘‘corroded’’ indicates moderate corrosion According to some publications [33–35], there are dif-
ferent results when the three insulation materials evaluated
position presents that higher tendency for CUI develop- in this study (at the petrochemical company) and other
ment due to the higher exposure to sunlight (for that insulation materials as well were exposed to different
equipment placed without any roofing/ceiling) which may scenarios, tests, and experiments. Some claim foam glass
degrade the insulation, allowing penetration of moisture to (also referred to as cellular glass) material performs supe-
be in contact with the surface of the material, creating riorly compared to other insulation materials in some
electrochemical cells for corrosion to be triggered. instances, while in others the calcium silicate shows better
results. Others show combinations of best results between
Insulation Material mineral wool and or calcium silicate [33–35].
In this study, no conclusive trends could be drawn, since
There were differences in the CUI findings for the acces- there were mixed patterns regarding position, insulation
sories inspected depending only on the type of insulation material, and accessory. For example, the only mineral
material as is depicted in Fig. 4. The three insulation wool-covered accessory that showed moderate corrosion
materials of the insulated equipment involved in this study, was a 2000 manway nozzle at the side of a pressure vessel,
calcium silicate, foam glass and mineral wool are com- while among the three accessories covered with foam glass
monly used in many petrochemical, chemical, oil & gas that exhibited good condition was a similar 2000 manway

J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732 731

nozzle positioned sidewise. There are as well other factors [3, 10, 17, 19]. CUI and any other external type of corro-
to be taken into consideration when it comes to insulation, sion phenomena will undoubtedly always be favored at
including installation procedure, type of material to secure plants in these locations which emphasizes the regular
the insulation (jacketing), equipment accessibility, size/ inspections that must be implemented as preventive cor-
dimensions and positioning, as well as process internal rosion control and monitoring strategies.
temperature of exposure (which may cause an effect, for In this work, more insulated piping sections (97 in total)
example thermal degradation, on the insulation material). were chosen to be evaluated and then inspected in the three
All these insulation-related factors differ for each equip- process units investigated not only because these equip-
ment evaluated and each accessory inspected. ment are more prone to corrosion and failures, but they are
more spread out as there are more pipelines than any other
Temperature Effects assets in any process. These interconnect between units and
equipment inside any unit, as well as contain more bends
The internal temperature of operation in the process to and shape/pattern changes that can go underground and
which the insulated equipment is exposed as well as the aboveground in the same line. All these factors make them
material of construction (CS or SS) of the equipment, may more vulnerable. Furthermore, it has been reported that
have an effect in the possibility of CUI being developed, most pipe leaks (more than 80%) occur in pipelines with
according to several works (studies, industry codes, rec- nominal diameters of 400 or smaller [5, 8, 19]; the reason is
ommended practices, among others [3, 10, 17, 19]). These perhaps that the thicknesses tend to be lower than larger
studies assert that several ranges of temperatures, from a pipelines, and therefore loss of material from corrosion and
wide range of about – 4 C (or even  23.5 C) to 204 C, ensuing failure takes place more rapidly. Thus, special
would favor CUI conditions for CS in some instances, and attention and CUI monitoring needs to be focused on
in other instances for SS insulated materials including, e.g., pipelines.
chloride stress corrosion. [3, 10, 17, 19] It is clear from the results of the RBI analysis (Table 2),
In this study, the internal temperature range at which and corroborated by the visual inspections (Table 3), that
most evaluated equipment and inspected accessories were most of the insulated equipment possessed at least a med-
exposed to (from the process’ conditions) varied from ium high risk of failure due to CUI, and most of the
around 35 C (a moderate temperature value which favors accessories inspected developed some degree of moderate
corrosion’s kinetics) to about 193 C (even higher in some localized corrosion. These results were expected as it was
instances). These value ranges are sufficiently high to pointed out the severe atmospheric corrosivity under which
induce certain effects on the insulation material, for the plant equipment is exposed all-year at the location,
example thermal and subsequent mechanical degradation, especially the high humidity and strong sunlight (weakens
which in turn can create weakening and in consequence rapidly the insulation material in equipment located out-
breakdowns at spots of the insulation surface, allowing side) enhance the possibilities of developing CUI.
moisture to penetrate and then to be in contact with the It has been convincingly shown in this study that timely
equipment surface, promoting CUI. inspection from regular examination of insulated equip-
Regardless of those assessments regarding temperature ment as a CUI prevention/monitoring measure reduces the
range effects [3, 10, 17, 19], it is imperative to emphasize possibility of CUI failures, some of which have caused
that when it comes to corrosion at least two important facts extreme consequences [1–3], and assures a reliable and
must be considered, high or even moderate temperatures continuous process operation, especially in these types of
favor reaction kinetics and CUI heavily depends on the installations where the atmospheric conditions promote
atmospheric conditions at the location under study. This CUI development.
was established previously to be severe at the petrochem-
ical plant in this study and in other work in the same
country [21]. In addition, this is especially critical due to Conclusions
the high relative humidity and UV ray incidence practically
all-year at the plant location (except for the rainy season). After performing a risk-based inspection (RBI) analysis to
The high humidity is aggravated even further because this identify the insulated equipment that presented higher risks
petrochemical plant, as it is the case for virtually all of developing corrosion under insulation (CUI), more than
petrochemical companies and a refinery located nearby in 50 accessories were visually inspected for CUI upon
the country, is located right on the coast. As a matter of insulation removal. A total of 117 pieces of equipment
fact, plant personnel reported that CUI was present in three were evaluated, including pipelines (97 sections), five heat
(03) top-positioned CS nozzles exposed to temperatures out exchangers, seven pressure vessels, and eight filters. More
of the range pointed out in the aforementioned studies than 80% presented at least a medium high-risk level, and

732 J Fail. Anal. and Preven. (2021) 21:723–732

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