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Situational Analysis

Situational analysis is the starting point for developing strategy. Before we can develop
strategies for the future, however, we need to understand the present. Situational analysis is
the process we use to gain understanding and insight into our present situation, it is a
structured, complete review of the marketing activities of an organization.
It will provide benefits related to:
 Understanding the marketing strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
 Engaging other functional areas in the understanding of marketing activities.
 A comprehensive understanding of your marketing operations.
 Obtaining an understanding as to the allocation of marketing resources
 Insight into potential training and development requirements.
 The direction for the development of the marketing or business plan.

Situational Analysis consist of: I) Internal environment II) External environment

1] Internal environment
the internal is the firm itself including history of company and marketing mix

 History of company
Edita is a leading company in Egypt & the Middle East. The company holds a
leading market share in each of its five segments, a success driven by the
company’s reputation for quality and affordability. With four state-of-the-art
production facilities encompassing 27 production lines, as well as a nationwide
distribution network, Edita is well able to meet the constant demand for its
products. It’s customer base includes more than 67,000 wholesale and retail
customers, with exports to more than 16 markets in the region.

 Marketing Mix
1. Product
Our product is in its introduction stage we will
use the same packaging and design of TODO

2. Place
Our production line will be the same as our
previous product mainly to reseller markets

3. Price
we chose a price to maximize short term profit
and survive so we finally chose 5 LE for piece

4. Promotion
1. There will be an Ad on television
2. There will be promotions in the beginning on buying more than 1 piece
Example: to buy two pieces with 8 instead of 10
or discounts on buying a whole box to encourage people buying or product specially
that it is a new product
3.We are going to use digital marketing as Social media

2] External environment
The External environment is the outside world. It represents those areas that affect the firm

 Micro environment
A looking view of customers ,suppliers and competitors

 Macro environment
As Economic , Political , Sociocultural factors

Micro environment

 Customers –- Reseller Markets; buy goods & services to resell at a profit.

 Competitors –- Monginis foods , Ocean foods , Doro
 Suppliers –- suppliers for Raw material used in our product like wheat ,sugar, etc

Macro environment
 Economic factors : the inflation rate increased in the past year dramatically which
affects the prices of raw materials , also their availability
according to inflation customer spending pattern may change and their need of our
product may decrease

 Political and legal factors : the political situation isn’t stable according to the current
events also Egypt relation with Arab countries isn’t stable which might cause a
problem in exports
taxes have increased in the past year

 Sociocultural factors :
Cultural aspects :
o parents are used to give their children’s needs more priority as a part of care and
o Children in Egypt consider candy cause of happiness


o Egyptians life is very dynamic and full of noise specially youth they aren’t
committed to meal times so they are used to taking some candies during the
o They are sociable and used to exchange candies as a way of showing
o Candy is considered a breakfast meal for children during school days and
dessert after launch

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