Tugas Bahasa Inggris Pertemuan 15

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One time there was a child named Andrei Maulana in a hospital. Born on November 11, 2000.

around calling me Andre because I resemble the entertainment artist Andre Taulani not because
apparently but because of his cuteness. I live in northern meruya precisely in the toji haji alley where it
is full of harmony and friendliness.

I live together with my parents and I have two older brothers and sisters. My father is a hard fighter, he
works to pay for his children to become successful people and mother is not just a housewife but a
person who can be in many ways and can make their children happy and laughing. My first brother was
married and now lives together in his wife's family home. My second brother graduated but had not
found the profession he wanted so now he works at Lotte Mart. And the last is the funniest and
annoying little sister because she's the only daughter in the family. And he made our little family

Now I have been studying at the Jakarta Buddhist University. I majored in management because I
wanted to continue my brother's growing business. Not because of that, but because I want to open a
business as well as field workers for people around. Actually I have aspirations as a police officer, my
family supports and also my grandfather wants one of his grandchildren to become a member of the
police. However, I discouraged becoming a police officer because his job was too risky and also far from
family. Maybe if indeed my fortune became a member of the police I would accept it because it was a
very noble job and also made both my parents and my grandfather proud.

Finally, here my daily activities are tuition and help with my tuition by becoming an online motorcycle
taxi driver. Yes, I did this to lighten my parents' burdens a little, because there is still one of my younger
siblings who is not yet in school. On holidays I usually play football with friends around the house and
also play online games. But because this pandemic is changing everything. I ojeg but not as much as
before the corona virus came in Indonesia. I was only at home doing my college assignments, but with
this event it had its own impact, which was to be able to gather together for a long time. Hopefully this
epidemic ends quickly and everything will return to how it used to be, let us listen to what the
government has given to reduce the impact of this virus by keeping a distance, washing hands and also
still living clean. So let's get together to fight this virus so that our beloved country can smile as usual.

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