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Unit 1: What do you miss most? Immigrants tothe United States from four continents talk Joon: ‘about their lives. Patricia Joon: Joon Park: Welcome to Melting Po, the show where we talc about life in North Ameria, My name is Patricia: Joon Park. Iwas born in South Korea, but my family and | moved to the United States when was 16, There are many immigrants from all ‘ver the world here. Over 45 million people Joon: living in the United States and Canada were Patricia: ‘born ina foreign country. That's lot of people! ‘And today we're going to meet afew of them. * . " Rolando: Nami: My name is Nami Moussa Joon: Thank you for being our guest here on Melting Pot. Joon: Nami: Thankyou. Iwas born in Damascus, Syria, Joon: How old were you when you moved to Rolando: the US? Nami: When Icame tothe United States, lwas T2years old Joon: Joon: And what was that lke, coming here, as a Rolando: 12year-ld boy? Joon: Nami: Itwas very different. Igrew upinasmalltown Rolando: in southern Damascus, Joon: What did you use to dofor fun in Syria? Nari: used to play alot of soccer. Joon: What do you miss most about your home ‘country? Joon: Nami: My mother, definitely. That's the number ‘one thing, definitely. We spent lot oftime Rolando: together. Joon: Well, thanks for being our guest here on Joon: Melting Pot. * . . Rolando: Patricia: My name is Patricia de Oliveira.1am orginally from Braz. Joon: Joon: How ald were you when you moved? Mioko, Patricia: Wher | moved to the United States, was 6 Joon: years old Mioko: Joon: What was it lke for your family to move toa Joon: new country? Minoko: Patricia: When we fist moved to the United States it ‘was dificult, quite a culture shock. My parents did't speak any English when they frst moved Joon: here, and so| used to translate for ther in the Interchange 2 Video transcripts ® Cambridge University Press 2012. Photocopiable beginning. But as they took classes and learned English, that stopped. ‘What languages do you speak? I speak both Portuguese and English now. ‘What do your parents miss the most about their home country? ‘The proximity of our family members. In Bazi, tum, because there was a lt of family around, there's always pienes, parties, going to the beach Have you been back to visit? Ihave not been back o vist yet. would lke to Visi Brazil very soon. My name is Rolando Carrera. Iwas born in Chihuahua, Mexico's the, uh, northern area of the country ‘When you were akid, what did you use to do forfun? Most of the time, Lhave to say that used to listen to musicin English. used tolisten to records over and over and over. ‘What did you use to do for work in Mexico? | used to work for a record company. ‘What wast ke, moving to the United States? In the beginning, it was difficult not tobe able to communicate and talk to people and rmake yourself understood, and so felt, um, frustrated alot of times. But once my English improved, was able to communicate better. |What do you miss most about your home country? Besides my family the food. The food is amazing in Mexico It's very colorful ‘Wel, thank you for being our guest here on Melting Pot. Youre very welcome. Welcome to our show. Thankyou Whats yourname? Mihoko Hakata. | am from Tokyo, Japan How long have you been in the United States? Um, ts been about eight years. went to school in New York City. used to study art. And now goto schoo! in Boston. ‘What do you miss most about your home country? Unit © 117 ‘Mioko: | miss this place called Shonan. There's a beach and many restaurants also. Joon: Well, thank you fr being our guest on ‘Meling Pot ‘Mioko: Thank you, Joon: So many people, so many stories. Maybe youTe ‘wondering about me. What | emember most 118 = Unit Joon: about Korea i the food my grandmother used tomeake: yuk gae ang. I's shredded beet in spicy broth. Yummy. Mmm. This is pretty good, but not quite as {good as my grandmothers Hersis stillthe best, And that's our show. This is Joon Park reporting for Melting Pot. Interchange 2 Video transcripts Cambridge Unversity Press 2012 Photocopiable

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