WEEK 11 3RD High School HOMEWORK Stopwatch 6 Unit 2 Grammar 2 (6.2.G2)

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Unit 2 Grammar Worksheet 2


Active and Passive Voice

1 Add one word to each sentence to make it passive.

0. Many inventions been created in recent years.
1. Virgin Galactic founded by Sir Richard Branson.
2. SpaceShipTwo (SS2) will the first spacecraft for space tourism.
3. The first remote control system was invented Nikola Tesla.
4. A quadcopter can even built at home!
5. In the future, drones be used by Amazon.

2 Change the sentences from active to passive.

0. Jeff is painting his house on Sunday.

The house is being painted by Jeff on Sunday.

1. People take lots of selfies on their cell phones.

2. Carpenters use hammers and nails every day.

3. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite in 1867.

3 Change the sentences from passive to active.

0. Drone DIY kits are sold on the Internet.

People sell drone DIY kits on the Internet.

1. The partnership with Virgin Galactic was announced by NASA.

2. Over 700 tickets have been sold by the company for future suborbital flights.

3. The first photo was taken by Joseph Niepce in 1826.

6 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 6.2.G2

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