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Unit 2 Grammar Worksheet 1


Should / Shouldn’t

1 Write each action in the appropriate column.

brush your teeth cheat on a test eat too much fight with your friends
study go to bed too late wash your hands wear sunblock

Should Shouldn’t
brush your teeth

2 Write two suggestions for each problem. Use should and shouldn’t.

0. I have a cut on my finger.

You should use a bandage. You shouldn’t move it too much.

I have a headache.

I have a sore throat.

I have a stomachache.

I have a fever.

3 Answer each question with Yes, you should. or No you shouldn’t., as appropriate.
0. My dog is sick. Should I take him to the vet? Yes, you should.
1. My grades aren’t good. Should I watch more TV?
2. I have a headache. Should I rest?
3. I have a cut. Should I use burn gel?
4. My sister is sad. Should I cheer her up?
5. I may have a fever. Should I use a thermometer?

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